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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fysioterapeuters upplevelser och erfarenheter av att motivera beteendeförändring i form av träning hos patienter med reumatisk sjukdom : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Physiotherapists experiences with motivating behaviour change in the form of exercise in patients with rheumatic diseases : A qualitative interview study

Lazarevic, Marko, Malmbom, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Reumatiska sjukdomar är en vanlig orsak till inaktivitet hos de drabbade, även om fysisk aktivitet och träning enligt flertalet studier påvisats ha positiva effekter för sjukdomsbilden. Fysioterapeuter arbetar mycket med att motivera dessa patienter till beteendeförändring men deras roll i arbetet med motivation är mindre utforskat.  Syfte: Att undersöka fysioterapeuters upplevelser och erfarenheter av att motivera beteendeförändring i form av träning hos patienter med reumatiska sjukdomar.  Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ett strategiskt urval av fysioterapeuter och sjukgymnaster verksamma inom öppenvården med fokus på reumatologmottagningar. Datamaterialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i 5 kategorier och 8 underkategorier. Kategorierna var; Tillvägagångssätt för att främja beteendeförändring, Motivationens roll i beteendeförändring, Vidmakthållande av träning, Organisatoriska faktorer och Individuella faktorer   Slutsats: Fysioterapeuterna använder ett individanpassat arbetssätt där man främjar självständighet för att kunna motivera patienter med reumatiska sjukdomar till att träna. De hinder fysioterapeuter upplever som försvårande i sitt arbete med patientgruppen är framförallt smärta och fatigue vid reumatism. Gruppverksamhet är ett viktigt verktyg för att underlätta träning för både fysioterapeuterna och patienterna. / Background: Rheumatic diseases are a common cause behind/to inactivity in afflicted individuals, despite physical activity and exercise having proven positive effects to disease profile, according to several studies. Physiotherapists work a great deal with motivating these patients to behavioural change but their role in motivational work is less explored. Aim: To explore physiotherapists experiences of motivating behavioural change by way of training in patients with rheumatic diseases.  Method: A qualitative descriptive interview study with an strategic selection of physiotherapists working in outpatient departments with focus on rheumatology outpatient clinics. The collected data was analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Result: Analysis of the interviews resulted in 5 categories and 8 subcategories. The categories were; Approaches to promote behaviour change, The role of motivation in behaviour change, Maintenance of exercise, Organizational factors and Individual factors. Conclusion: Physiotherapists should adhere to an individualized approach to work in which they promote independence, in order to motivate patients with rheumatic diseases to exercise. The barriers physiotherapists experience as a hindrance to their work with the patient group is foremost pain and fatigue associated with rheumatism. This serves as a hindrance to physiotherapists with getting patients to start and adhere to an exercise behaviour.

Designing Behavioral Nudges for Increased Participation in Recycling as a Social Movement

Bankash, Raghdah January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project is exploring and investigates the applications of different methods of reward and nudging strategies and their potential effect on motivating and directing people’s behavior to be more engaged in recycling as a social movement within the society of Saudi Arabia. By creating sustainable behaviors, we contribute to the solutions and help minimize the potential damage of plastic pollution. The designs created throughout this thesis as prototypes of different concepts test the effectiveness of the different strategies on the behaviors of the population in Saudi Arabia. The main findings demonstrated that for people to steer their behavior toward recycling, they need to be financially rewarded. Testing other nudging strategies showed that these strategies might not be as powerful as the traditional system of reward and punishment. Therefore, this project needs to be further investigated and iterated in cooperation with other stakeholders and designers from different fields.

Examining A Brief Behavior Progress Monitoring Tool's Sensitivity to Change

Smith, Rhonda Lea January 2016 (has links)
Current research suggests schools face many barriers in effectively monitoring student's response to behavioral interventions in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the FastBridge - Direct Behavior Rating (FastBridge-DBR), a brief, novel progress monitoring measure, designed to assess student behavioral change in response to a classroom behavioral intervention. Twenty-four elementary teacher-student dyads implemented a daily progress report intervention to promote positive student behavior during pre-specified classroom activities. FastBridge-DBR data were then collected for three target behaviors (i.e., Academic Engagement, Disruptive Behavior, Withdrawal) and compared to Systematic Direct Observation (SDO) data. Five change metrics (i.e., absolute change, percent of change from baseline, improvement rate difference, Tau-U, effect size; Gresham, 2005) were used to examine sensitivity to change. The Usage Rating Profile - Assessment (URP-A) was used to evaluate teacher acceptability of FastBridge-DBR. FastBridge-DBR scores were highly correlated with SDO data, demonstrating evidence of concurrent validity. FastBridge-DBR change metrics were significantly correlated with SDO change metrics. Additionally, while teachers provided high acceptability ratings for FastBridge-DBR, there was a lack of association between teachers' ratings of acceptability and student behavioral change. Implications for practice, study limitations, and areas of future research are discussed.

Hälsokontroller och beteendeförändring hos byggarbetare : en intervjustudie / Health surveillance and behavior change among construction workers : an interview study

Boutzas, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Förekomsten av ohälsa är mer vanligt i byggarbetabranschen än i andra branscher, p.g.a. arbetsolyckor och övriga förhållanden i arbetet. En av de viktiga resurserna till att förebygga skada och upprätthålla hälsa i arbetslivet, är företagshälsovård. Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att beskriva byggarbetares upplevelser om deras arbetshälsa/arbetsmiljö och om vad företagshälsovårdens hälsokontroller har haft för betydelse för deras beteendeförändring.   Fem byggarbetare som genomgått en hälsokontroll via företagshälsovård och åstadkommit en potentiell beteendeförändring som förbättrat hälsan, intervjuades. Den tematiska analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i fyra huvudteman: ”möjliggörande faktorer till en god arbetshälsa i byggarbetarens yrke”, ”begränsade faktorer till god arbetshälsa i byggarbetarens yrke”, ”konkreta resultat av företagshälsovårdens hälsokontroller” och ”fördelarna med företagshälsovårdens hälsofrämjande arbete”. Studiens resultat visar att byggarbetare upplevde sin arbetshälsa/arbetsmiljö som både positivt och negativt. Det positiva med arbetet var den sociala kontakten med kollegor och arbetsgivare och det negativt var arbetsmiljön som bidragit till sämre hälsa p.g.a. av muskuloskeletala skador och stress. Hälsokontroller bidrog till beteendeförändring som kan förebygga sjukdomar bland byggarbetarna.   Hälsokontrollen upplevdes som meningsfull då ett gott bemötande möjliggjorde en beteendeförändring samtidigt som en ökad insikt av att förbättra sin egen hälsa skett, efter negativa provsvar. Vidare forskning behövs om hur byggarbetares arbetshälsa kan förbättras genom företagshälsovårdens insatser. / The incidence of illness among construction workers is higher than average in other industries, because of accidents and other conditions at work. One of the most important resources to prevent injury and maintain health in the workplace, is the occupational health care. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe the construction workers experiences of their occupational health and work environment and about whether occupational health check-ups have had any significance for their behavior change. Five male construction workers who had underwent a health check and after that performed a behavior change, was recruited via an occupational care center. Data was collected by face to face and telefon interviews, that were subsequently transcribed and analysed by thematic analyse. The tematic analyse resulted in four main themes: "enabling factors for good health of the construction workers professional”, ”restricted factors to the good health of the construction worker's occupation", "benefits of occupational health promotion" and "concrete results of occupational health check-ups".   The construction workers experienced their occupational health and work environment as both positive and negative. The positive about work was the social contact with colleagues and employers, the negative was that the work environment contributed to poor health due musculoskeletal of injury and stress. Health check-ups contributed to behavior change and pontential prevention of diseases among construction workers.   The health check-ups was considered as being meaningful and enabled a change in behavior after understanding that they must change their lifestyle to avoid disease. Further research is needed on how to improve construction workers occupational health through occupational health services.

Facteurs et processus psychosociaux du changement pour l'adoption de comportements pro-environnementaux : le cas du covoiturage

Richard, Isabelle 29 June 2011 (has links)
La thèse vise à analyser la pratique du covoiturage, d’étudier les facteurs psychosociaux qui l’expliquent, ainsi que le changement de comportement relatif à cette pratique au moyen du paradigme de la communication engageante. Deux enquêtes ont été réalisées sur une population étudiante visant à analyser les attitudes envers le covoiturage et à en relever les principaux freins. A partir de ces résultats, deux expériences ont été réalisées pour tester l’impact de la communication engageante sur le changement de comportement dans le sens du covoiturage chez une population de salariés. Ce paradigme stipule que la réalisation d’un ou plusieurs actes préparatoires précédant un message persuasif engage davantage les individus dans le comportement souhaité qu’une communication persuasive classique. Les actes préparatoires testés dans les deux expériences sont de nature différente : réaliser des calculs des économies en lien avec l’écologie et/ou les finances occasionnées par la pratique du covoiturage et compléter un questionnaire portant sur les motivations pro-environnementales. Les résultats ont montré que la communication engageante a un effet significatif sur les comportements. Les individus placés dans cette situation ont significativement plus adhéré à la pratique du covoiturage que ceux qui se trouvaient dans une situation de communication persuasive classique. Enfin une enquête a été réalisée auprès d’inscrits sur un site internet de covoiturage. Il s’agissait de mesurer le covoiturage effectif et d’analyser la pratique au regard du processus décisionnel et de comparer les inscrits covoiturants et les inscrits ne pratiquant pas le covoiturage en matière de croyances et de contrôle perçu. On note que les raisons évoquées pour continuer à covoiturer traduisent une internalisation du comportement. / The aim of the thesis is to analyze several psychosocial factors that could explain the practice of carpooling. Moreover, behavioral change concerning carpooling is studied, with help from the committing communication paradigm. Two surveys on samples of students attempt to measure attitudes and restraints towards carpooling. These results led to design two experiments in order to test the impact of committing communication on behavior toward carpooling, on a sample of employees. According to this paradigm, the production of one or more preparatory acts previous to a persuasive message leads to more involvement than the single reception of a persuasive message. The preparatory acts tested in each experiment were different. In the first one, the participants had to estimate the amount of money or energy they would save by carpooling, and in the second one, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their pro-environmental motivations. The results indicate that the committing communication paradigm has a significant effect of carpooling intentions. A final survey was focused on members of a carpooling website. It had the objectives of measuring effective carpooling behavior and decisional processes, and comparing members who actually practiced carpooling to those who did not, in terms of beliefs and perceived control. It was noticed that the reasons given for carpooling before and after having adopted the practice showed an internalization of carpooling behavior.

The Art of Binding Communications : From Face to Face to Computer Mediated Communication in the Domain of Humanitarian Actions / L'art de la communication engageante : de la communication en face à face à la communication médiatisée par ordinateur. : Application au domaine humanitaire

Ravatua-Smith, William Samuel 20 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le champ de la communication engageante. Un certain nombre de travaux antérieurs se sont intéressés à la pratique de la communication engageante dans un contexte de face à face. La contribution de ce travail porte sur l’étude de la communication engageante dans un contexte de communication médiatisée par ordinateur. Véritable travail interdisciplinaire, il se situe au creuset de la psychologie sociale, des sciences de l’information et de la communication et de l’informatique. La question de recherche consiste à s’interroger sur la transposition des conditions et techniques de l’engagement dans des environnements numériques. Pour répondre à cette question, un travail de terrain a été réalisé sur le thème de l’humanitaire sur le web. Les stratégies de communications en ligne des organisations humanitaires ont été étudiées de façon approfondie. Par la suite un travail de terrain a été articulé autour de plusieurs expérimentations conduites en face à face puis en ligne dans un contexte humanitaire. Le choix a été fait de privilégier la production expérimentale dans des conditions naturelles. Si l’efficacité de la communication engageante est incontestable dans le cadre de la communication en face à face, les résultats sont moins probants dans le cadre des expérimentations conduites dans les environnements numériques. S’amorce alors une analyse critique permettant de mieux comprendre les raisons de ces résultats. / This research is in the field of binding communications. A number of previous studies have focused on the practice of binding communications in the face-to-face setting. This research provides a contribution to the field with novel experiments of binding communication in the context of computer mediated communications. It is a true interdisciplinary research with foundations in social psychology, information communication sciences and information communication technology. The research question is to examine the implementation of binding communication techniques in the computer mediated setting. To answer this question, fieldwork was carried out on the theme of humanitarianism on the Web. The online communication strategies of popular humanitarian organizations have been extensively studied. Subsequently, fieldwork was structured around several experiments conducted in the face-to-face and online settings in a humanitarian context. The choice was made to focus our experimental studies in real world conditions as opposed to developing laboratory setting tests. If the effectiveness of binding communication strategies is undeniable in the face-to-face setting, the results are less convincing in our experiments conducted in the computer mediated environment. This research paves the way for future critical analyses needed in order to better understand the results obtained from our experimentations.

Poppins : The Service and Interaction Design of Babysitting Service

Tofilovski, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is covering a project that focuses on developing both babysitting services and dog walking services and facilitating them through a mobile application. Only the user interface for the service of babysitting was created because the dog walking service was considered to be less of a complex service, and not add to more to the insights in this project. The project was started due to observations that the babysitting service is highly used in America, but it does not operate in a structured fashion. Many parents are new to babysitting which creates uncertainty when ordering and scheduling babysitter. Babysitter, on the other hand, are usually younger and inexperienced. The user interface is created with a service design approach. Developing the service though by creating stakeholder maps, customer journeys, and, service blueprints. Creating the user interface with the service blueprint as a reference. By taking this approach business insight where created and the babysitting service could be created as a hollow organization. An organization that combines more than one service to create greater value for the end user. / Den här examens rapporten innehåller arbetet att fram ta en barnvakts service och en service för att hjälpa hundägare att rasta hunden när de är frånvarande. Ett grönsint har designat för att tillgodo se användaren med servicen. Hund servicens användargränssnitt har dock inte designats på grund av att servicen ansågs mindre komplex och inte bedrog till insikterna i projektet. Projektet startade på grund av en observation baserad på barnvakts tjänster använd i Amerika. Observationen visade att många föreldar använder sig utav barnvakter men kommunikationen mellan föräldrar och barnvakter varierade mycket. Variationen skapar svårigheter i servicen. Mång föräldrar som aldrig använt sig av barnvakts tjänster har svårt att bedöma vad som kan begäras och hur mycket de ska betala. Barnvakter som oftast är unga människor är de som lider av situation. Unga och oerfarna som är drar sig för att säga till när allt inte stämmer överens. Användargränssnittet är skapat med en servicedesign approach. Arbeta fram en service genom att ska stakeholder maps, customer journeys och service blueprints. Användargränssnittet skapades genom att använda service blueprinten som en referens till vilka funktioner som ska finnas med. Genom att ta använda sig av servicedesign för att ta fram gränssnittet har insikter skapat ur en organisatorisk synpunkt. Insikter som lede till skapandet av en ”hollow” organisation. En organisation som combinera fler typer av service för att skapa mervärde till slutanvändaren.

The Art of Binding Communications : From Face to Face to Computer Mediated Communication in the Domain of Humanitarian Actions

Ravatua-Smith, William samuel 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This research is in the field of binding communications. A number of previous studies have focused on the practice of binding communications in the face-to-face setting. This research provides a contribution to the field with novel experiments of binding communication in the context of computer mediated communications. It is a true interdisciplinary research with foundations in social psychology, information communication sciences and information communication technology. The research question is to examine the implementation of binding communication techniques in the computer mediated setting. To answer this question, fieldwork was carried out on the theme of humanitarianism on the Web. The online communication strategies of popular humanitarian organizations have been extensively studied. Subsequently, fieldwork was structured around several experiments conducted in the face-to-face and online settings in a humanitarian context. The choice was made to focus our experimental studies in real world conditions as opposed to developing laboratory setting tests. If the effectiveness of binding communication strategies is undeniable in the face-to-face setting, the results are less convincing in our experiments conducted in the computer mediated environment. This research paves the way for future critical analyses needed in order to better understand the results obtained from our experimentations.

Kan en målad trappa förändra beteenden? : En interventionsstudie om människors beteende när miljön de interagerar med förändras.

Bergström, Johan, Linnér, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Infrastruktur och hur vi väljer att bygga våra städer styr befolkningens aktivitetsmönster. Infrastrukturen och tekniken har utvecklats i samhället och gett alternativa tillvägagångssätt att ta sig upp och ner mellan olika våningsplan. Fler människor väljer rulltrapporna och hissen före trapporna och går miste om de positiva effekterna som är kopplade till vardaglig trappgång. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det gick att påverka människors beteende att ta trappan istället för rulltrappan, genom att förändra miljön med en trappmålning. Metod: Studien var en prospektiv, kvasiexperimentell, deskriptiv interventionsstudie med ett konsekutivt urval. De personer som passerade trapporna/rulltrapporna under en förutbestämd tidsperiod studerades. Mätningarna gjordes med hjälp av ett system för trafikmätningar(OTUS3D) och pågick under tre veckor. Först mättes en baseline under vecka ett, målning av trappan under vecka två samt mätning för interventionen vecka tre. Resultatsammanfattning: Denna studie visade ingen förbättring gällande beteendeförändring hos fotgängare. Den statistiska signifikanta minskningen av fotgängare i trappan kan ha sin förklaring i de stora antalet deltagare i studien. Slutsats: Det finns många olösta frågor om vad som påverkar människors beteende i deras dagliga liv. Antalet faktorer är större än den här studien har testat. Andra interventioner i form av annat motiv eller arkitekturell utformning kan ge andra resultat. / Background: Infrastructure and how we choose to build our cities control the population's patterns of activity. Infrastructure and technology have evolved into society and provided alternative approaches to get up and down between different floors. More people choose the escalators and the elevator before the stairs and miss out on the positive effects that are connected to everyday stairwells. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether it could affect people's behavior to take the stairs instead of the escalator, by changing the environment with a stairway painting. Method: The study was a prospective, quasi-experimental, descriptive intervention study with a consecutive selection. The people who passed the stairs / escalators for a predetermined period of time were studied. The measurements were made using a traffic measurement system (OTUS3D) and lasted for three weeks. First, a baseline was measured during week one, painting the staircase during week two, and measurement for the intervention week three. Summary of results: This study showed no improvement in behavioral change in pedestrians. The statistically significant decrease of pedestrians in the stairs can be explained by the large number of participants in the study. Conclusion: There are many unresolved questions about what affects people's behavior in their daily lives. The number of factors is greater than this study has tested. Other interventions in the form of another motive or architectural design may produce other results.

Development of an Energy-Information Feedback System for a Smartphone Application

Elliott, Joseph January 2012 (has links)
Energy conservation and efficiency are often widely touted as non-controversial, cost-positive methods of reducing energy consumption and its associated environmental effects.  However, past programs to encourage residential energy efficiency and conservation have failed to make an impact.  A growing amount of research identifies energy feedback as a method to provide consumers with the information and motivation necessary to make appropriate energy-saving decisions.  JouleBug is a social, playful, mobile smartphone application designed to help users in the U.S. reduce energy consumption and live sustainably through behavioral changes.   This project initiated the design of an energy feedback system for JouleBug that provides estimates of a user’s energy savings for completing 38 residential energy saving actions.  Mathematical models were developed to estimate JouleBug users’ energy savings for each of the energy saving actions, based on 13 input parameters. A method was developed to aggregate each of the savings actions across various energy end-uses into a summary of the user’s energy savings over a given time period.  Additionally, the energy models were utilized to analyze an average user’s potential energy, cost, and greenhouse gas savings over a year. Research into the design components of effective feedback systems was applied in the context of JouleBug to compliment the engineering work.  The components of frequency, measurement unit, data granularity, recommended actions, and comparisons were examined.  Design suggestions based on these components that utilized the energy models to provide effective energy feedback to JouleBug’s users were proposed.  Finally, this report describes opportunities for future research using simple energy modeling methods to provide effective consumer energy feedback in a mobile smartphone application.

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