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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance investigation into selected object persistence stores

Van Zyl, Pieter 21 July 2010 (has links)
The current popular, distributed, n-tiered, object-oriented application architecture pro- vokes many design debates. Designs of such applications are often divided into logical layer (or tiers) - usually user interface, business logic and domain object (or data) layer, each with their own design issues. In particular, the latter contains data that needs to be stored and retrieved from permanent storage. Decisions need to be made as to the most appropriate way of doing this - the choices are usually whether to use an object database, to communicate directly with a relational database, or to use object-relational mapping (ORM) tools to allow objects to be translated to and from their relational form. Most often, depending on the perceived profile of the application, software architects make these decisions using rules of thumb derived from particular experience or the design patterns literature. Although helpful, these rules are often highly context-dependent and are of- ten misapplied. Research into the nature and magnitude of 'design forces' in this area has resulted in a series of benchmarks, intended to allow architects to understand more clearly the implications of design decisions concerning persistence. This study provides some results to help guide the architect's decisions. The study investigated and focused on the <i.performance of object persistence and com- pared ORM tools to object databases. ORM tools provide an extra layer between the business logic layer and the data layer. This study began with the hypothesis that this extra layer and mapping that happens at that point, slows down the performance of object persistence. The aim was to investigate the influence of this extra layer against the use of object databases that remove the need for this extra mapping layer. The study also investigated the impact of certain optimisation techniques on performance. A benchmark was used to compare ORM tools to object databases. The benchmark provided criteria that were used to compare them with each other. The particular benchmark chosen for this study was OO7, widely used to comprehensively test object persistence performance. Part of the study was to investigate the OO7 benchmark in greater detail to get a clearer understanding of the OO7 benchmark code and inside workings thereof. Included in this study was a comparison of the performance of an open source object database, db4o, against a proprietary object database, Versant. These representatives of object databases were compared against one another as well as against Hibernate, a popular open source representative of the ORM stable. It is important to note that these applications were initially used in their default modes (out of the box). Later some optimisation techniques were incorporated into the study, based on feedback obtained from the application developers. There is a common perception that an extra layer as introduced by Hibernate nega- tively impacts on performance. This study showed that such a layer has minimal impact on the performance. With the use of caching and other optimisation techniques, Hibernate compared well against object databases. Versant, a proprietary object database, was faster than Hibernate and the db4o open source object database. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Riktvärdet på tomtmark : En jämförelse mellan lantbruk och småhus som visar orsaker till värdeskillnaden / The guide value of plots of land : A comparison between farms and houses showing causes of the difference in value

Nilsson Sparf, Anna, Karlsson, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige taxeras alla fastigheter vart tredje år (förutom industri och elproduktion som görs vart sjätte år) med antingen en allmän eller förenklad fastighetstaxering. En arbetsgrupp bestående av personer från Skatteverket, Lantmäteriet och ett värderingsföretag arbetar tillsammans med förberedelsearbetet inför en taxering. Där massvärderas alla fastigheter och olika tabeller, riktvärden och värdefaktorer upprättas. Det framkom i en jämförelse av taxeringsvärden för lantbruk 2017 och småhus 2018 att det fanns värdeskillnader i riktvärdet på tomtmark för lantbruk jämfört med tomtmark för småhus på landsbygd. Riktvärdet för lantbruken var högre inom många värdeområden i Sverige, vilket det ibland ska vara på grund av olika bakomliggande orsaker. När sådana orsaker saknas vill Lantmäteriet ha en förklaring till varför dessa skillnader i riktvärdet uppstått. Syftet är att undersöka bakomliggande orsaker till, att riktvärdena på tomtmark kan skiljas åt så mycket som de gör på många platser i Sverige. Målet är att klargöra om det geografiska läget på värdeområdena har någon påverkan. Vidare är en förhoppning att resultatet ska kunna bidra till en mer likvärdig värdering i framtiden, och därmed minska de geografiska skillnaderna. Studien har avgränsats till att jämföra länen som hade flest värdeområden med värdeskillnader. Det var Västra Götalands-, Stockholms- och Skånes län. Ytterligare avgränsning har gjorts genom att bara ta med värdeområden som har en skillnad på minst 20%. Metoderna som använts är en kombination av arkivstudie, intervjuer och kartläggning. Många möjliga orsaker till skillnader i riktvärdet grundar sig på, hur taxeringssystemet är uppbyggt, hur värderingen genomförs av de olika fastighetstyperna samt hur det geografiska läget påverkar värdeskillnaderna. Det är orsaker såsom hur så kallade “hästgårdar” taxeras, litet ortsprismaterial för lantbruken, tillförlitligheten på taxeringsuppgifterna, brist på lokalkännedom, de olika metoderna som används, hjälptabellernas inverkan och värderingsteknikernas olika utbildning och specialisering. Även läget i Sverige, nära tätort eller strandnära lägen samt lantbrukens ofta högt belägna lägen, spelar roll i värderingarna,och kan vara en orsak till värdeskillnader för riktvärdet på tomtmarken. / In Sweden, all properties are assessed every three years (except industrial and electricity production properties that has every six years) with either a general or simplified property assessment. A team consisting of persons from Skatteverket, Lantmäteriet and a valuation company works together with the preparation work for a tax assessment where all properties are mass valued and different tables, benchmarks and value factors are established. A comparison of farm rateable values in 2017 and single-family houses in 2018 showed that there were differences in the benchmark of plots of land of farms compared to land for detached houses in rural areas. The benchmark for farms was higher in many value areas in Sweden, which they should sometimes be due to different underlying reasons, but when such reasons are missing, Lantmäteriet wants an explanation for why these differences in the benchmark have arisen. The aim is to investigate the underlying reasons why the guide values on plots of land can separated as much as they do in many places in Sweden. The aim is to clarify whether the geographical location of the value areas has any impact and connection with each other. Furthermore, it is hoped that the result will contribute to a more equal valuation in the future and reduce geographical differences. The study has been limited to comparing the counties with the most value areas with value differences, which was the counties of Västra Götaland, Stockholm and Skåne. Further delimitation has been made by only include value ranges that have a difference of 20% or more. The methods used are a combination of archival study, interviews and mapping. Many possible reasons for differences in the benchmark are based on how the assessment system is structured, how the valuation is carried out by the different property types and how the geographical situation affects the differences in value. These are reasons such as the assessment of so-called 'horse farms', the small local price material for farms, the reliability of the assessment data, a lack of local knowledge, the different methods used, the impact of aid tables and the different training and specialisation of valuation techniques. The location in Sweden, close to urban- or beachfront locations and the often high locations of farms also play a role in the valuations and can be a cause of differences in the value of the benchmark on the plot of land.

Porovnání vlastností a výkonnosti jader uC/OS-II a uC/OS-III / Comparison of Properties and Performance of uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III Kernels

Lorenc, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on benchmarking of Real-Time Operating Systems uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III . It describes the basic features of these systems and metrics used for benchmarking of Real-Time Operating Systems. Selected test methods are implemented and based on them are then compared the performance of Real-Time Operating Systems uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III .

Importance des données inactives dans les modèles : application aux méthodes de criblage virtuel en santé humaine et environnementale / Importance of inactive data in models : application to virtual screening in human and environmental health

Réau, Manon 29 October 2019 (has links)
Le criblage virtuel est utilisé dans la recherche de médicaments et la construction de modèle de prédiction de toxicité. L’application d’un protocole de criblage est précédée par une étape d’évaluation sur une banque de données de référence. La composition des banques d’évaluation est un point critique ; celles-ci opposent généralement des molécules actives à des molécules supposées inactives, faute de publication des données d’inactivité. Les molécules inactives sont néanmoins porteuses d’information. Nous avons donc créé la banque NR-DBIND composée uniquement de molécules actives et inactives expérimentalement validées et dédiées aux récepteurs nucléaires. L’exploitation de la NR-DBIND nous a permis d’étudier l’importance des molécules inactives dans l’évaluation de modèles de docking et dans la construction de modèles de pharmacophores. L’application de protocoles de criblage a permis d’élucider des modes de liaison potentiels de petites molécules sur FXR, NRP-1 et TNF⍺. / Virtual screening is widely used in early stages of drug discovery and to build toxicity prediction models. Commonly used protocols include an evaluation of the performances of different tools on benchmarking databases before applying them for prospective studies. The content of benchmarking tools is a critical point; most benchmarking databases oppose active data to putative inactive due to the scarcity of published inactive data in the literature. Nonetheless, experimentally validated inactive data also bring information. Therefore, we constructed the NR-DBIND, a database dedicated to nuclear receptors that contains solely experimentally validated active and inactive data. The importance of the integration of inactive data in docking and pharmacophore models construction was evaluated using the NR-DBIND data. Virtual screening protocols were used to resolve the potential binding mode of small molecules on FXR, NRP-1 et TNF⍺.

Détermination de la concentration de manganèse dans l’eau potable associée à des déficits cognitifs chez l’enfant

Kullar, Savroop S. 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Efficient Broadcast for Multicast-Capable Interconnection Networks

Siebert, Christian 30 September 2006 (has links)
The broadcast function MPI_Bcast() from the MPI-1.1 standard is one of the most heavily used collective operations for the message passing programming paradigm. This diploma thesis makes use of a feature called "Multicast", which is supported by several network technologies (like Ethernet or InfiniBand), to create an efficient MPI_Bcast() implementation, especially for large communicators and small-sized messages. A preceding analysis of existing real-world applications leads to an algorithm which does not only perform well for synthetical benchmarks but also even better for a wide class of parallel applications. The finally derived broadcast has been implemented for the open source MPI library "Open MPI" using IP multicast. The achieved results prove that the new broadcast is usually always better than existing point-to-point implementations, as soon as the number of MPI processes exceeds the 8 node boundary. The performance gain reaches a factor of 4.9 on 342 nodes, because the new algorithm scales practically independently of the number of involved processes. / Die Broadcastfunktion MPI_Bcast() aus dem MPI-1.1 Standard ist eine der meistgenutzten kollektiven Kommunikationsoperationen des nachrichtenbasierten Programmierparadigmas. Diese Diplomarbeit nutzt die Multicastfähigkeit, die von mehreren Netzwerktechnologien (wie Ethernet oder InfiniBand) bereitgestellt wird, um eine effiziente MPI_Bcast() Implementation zu erschaffen, insbesondere für große Kommunikatoren und kleinere Nachrichtengrößen. Eine vorhergehende Analyse von existierenden parallelen Anwendungen führte dazu, dass der neue Algorithmus nicht nur bei synthetischen Benchmarks gut abschneidet, sondern sein Potential bei echten Anwendungen noch besser entfalten kann. Der letztendlich daraus entstandene Broadcast wurde für die Open-Source MPI Bibliothek "Open MPI" entwickelt und basiert auf IP Multicast. Die erreichten Ergebnisse belegen, dass der neue Broadcast üblicherweise immer besser als jegliche Punkt-zu-Punkt Implementierungen ist, sobald die Anzahl von MPI Prozessen die Grenze von 8 Knoten überschreitet. Der Geschwindigkeitszuwachs erreicht einen Faktor von 4,9 bei 342 Knoten, da der neue Algorithmus praktisch unabhängig von der Knotenzahl skaliert.

Studentensymposium Informatik Chemnitz 2012: Tagungsband zum 1. Studentensymposium Chemnitz vom 4. Juli 2012

05 December 2012 (has links)
In diesem Jahr fand das erste Studentensymposium Informatik Chemnitz (TUCSIS StudSym 2012) statt. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen in diesem Tagungsband studentische Beiträge präsentieren zu können. Das Studentensymposium der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Chemnitz richtet sich an alle Studierende und Doktoranden der Informatik sowie angrenzender Disziplinen mit Schwerpunkt Informatik aus dem Raum Chemnitz. Das Symposium hat das Ziel, den Studierenden eine Plattform zu geben, ihre Projekte, Studienarbeiten und Forschungsvorhaben vorzustellen. Im Mittelpunkt des Symposiums stehen studentische Projekte aus Seminaren, Praktika, Abschlussarbeiten oder extracurricularen Aktivitäten. Das Symposium bietet die Möglichkeit, vor einem akademischen Publikum Ideen, Pläne und Ergebnisse zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren. Darüber hinaus sind Doktoranden eingeladen ihre Promotionsprojekte mit einem Poster zu präsentieren um dadurch Feedback von anderen jungen Wissenschaftlern und Professoren für ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit zu erhalten.

Performance Characteristics of the Interplanetary Overlay Network in 10 Gbps Networks

Huff, John D. 01 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Revenue Management Applicability on Coworking Space : Operator Perspective / Tillämpning av intäktsoptimeringssystem på coworking verksamheter

Magne, Sofie, Stenswed, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the potential use and implementation of a revenuemanagement model for coworking operators. With a critical realism philosophyand abductive approach, a quantitative study using primary data from a coworkingoperator has been conducted. Based on a comprehensive literature review, wehave found that much research is done on revenue management in the airline andhotel industries. However, we found no research on revenue management modelsthat intend to optimize revenue for coworking operations. Hence, this thesis aimsto fill this gap in existing academic research. Features from revenue managementmodels used in the hotel and airline industries are identified and analyzed with theobjective of implementing these in the coworking industry to efficiently maximizerevenue. The paper proposes the use of multinomial logit (MNL) model in theprocess of market segmentation; this method allows one to determine whichfactors influence the different segments. Moreover, the MNL model is used todefine the demand function from which a probability (probable?) distributionof total demand can be separated into demands representing each product class.Furthermore, the demand is used to calculate protection limits according to theExpected Marginal Seat Revenue (EMSR) model, with the objective of allocatingcapacity to the highest-yielding customers.Results indicate that the MNL regression is an effective tool to analyze themarket segmentation and demand allocation for coworking operators. Afterour successful analysis, we are prepared to argue with confidence that revenuemanagement models are applicable to coworking operations. / I denna uppsats undersöker vi den potentiella användningen och genomförandetav intäktsoptimeringsmodeller för coworking operatörer. En kvantitativ studiemed primär data från en coworking operatör har genomförts med en kritiskrealismfilosofi och ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Det finns mycket forskningkring intäktsoptimering, framför allt inom flyg- och hotellbranschen, men ingensom behandlar intäktsoptimeringsmodeller med avseendepå coworking operatörer. Denna masteruppsats syftar till att bidra med kunskapför att fylla gapet kring revenue management för coworkingkontor, som saknas ibefintlig, svensk akademisk forskning idag.Vitala funktioner som utgör intäktoptimeringsmodeller ämnade för hotellochflygindustrin har identifierats och analyserats med målet att utforskamöjlig implementering för coworkingoperatörer. I uppsatsen genomförsen marknadssegmentering med hjälp av en multinomial regressionsanalys.Vidare görs en multinomial regressionsanalys med samtliga produktklasser somberoende variabler, för att få ut sannolikhetsfördelningen för vilka produkter somefterfrågas av den totala efterfrågan. Resultatet kan användas för att optimeratotala intäkterna genom att beräkna hur många platser som bör reserveras åthögt avkastande kunder, och hur många som kan hyras ut i tidigt skede. Förändamålet har vi tillämpat den så kallade Expected Marginal Seat Revenuemetoden, EMSR.Resultatet indikerar att multinomial logistisk regression är ett effektivt sätt attanalysera marknadssegment och styra efterfrågan till önskad produktklass. Samtatt användandet av rekommenderad revenue management modell är applicerbarpå coworking verksamheter. Alternativt: Resultatet indikerar att: i. multinomiallogistisk regression är ett effektivt sätt att analysera marknadssegment och styraefterfrågan till önskad produktklass. ii. användandet av rekommenderad revenuemanagement modell är applicerbar på coworking verksamheter.

Predicting Performance on Criterion-Referenced Reading Tests with Benchmark Assessments

Dyson, Kaitlyn Nicole 17 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The current research study investigates the predictive value of two frequently-used benchmark reading assessments: Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). With an increasing emphasis on high-stakes testing to measure reading proficiency, benchmark assessments may assist in predicting end-of-year performance on high-stakes testing. Utah's high-stakes measurement of end-of-year reading achievement is the English Language Arts Criterion-Referenced Test (ELA-CRT). A Utah urban school district provided data for students who completed the DRA, DIBELS, and ELA-CRT in the 2005-2006 school year. The primary purpose of the study was to determine the accuracy to which the Fall administrations of the DRA and the DIBELS predicted performance on the ELA-CRT. Supplementary analysis also included cross-sectional data for the DIBELS. Results indicated that both Fall administrations of the DRA and the DIBELS were statistically significant in predicting performance on the ELA-CRT. Students who were high risk on the benchmark assessments were less likely to score proficiently on the ELA-CRT. Also, demographic factors did not appear to affect individual performance on the ELA-CRT. Important implications include the utility of data collected from benchmark assessments to address immediate interventions for students at risk of failing end-of-year, high-stakes testing.

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