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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koldioxidlagring i Sverige : En studie om CCS, Bio-CCS, DACCS och biokol ur ett 2045-perspektiv / Carbon Storage in Sweden : A study on CCS, BECCS, DACCS and biochar from a 2045 perspective

Bojö, Erik, Edberg, Vincent January 2021 (has links)
Sverige har som ambition att uppnå nettonollutsläpp av fossilt CO2 till år 2045. För att lyckas med detta ska landet minska sina utsläpp med 85%, samtidigt som så kallade kompletterande åtgärder kommer vidtas för att kompensera för resterande 15%. Denna studie utreder Sveriges arbete med negativa utsläpp som kompletterande åtgärd med fokus på teknikerna bio-energy for carbon capture and storage (Bio-CCS på svenska), Direct air capture for carbon capture and storage (DACCS) och biokol. Även carbon capture and storage (CCS), som kan bidra till att göra anläggningar CO2-neutrala, har studerats. Under arbetets gång har en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer med forskare, politiker, bransch- och företagsrepresentanter samt myndigheter genomförts.  För CCS och Bio-CCS, som innefattar avskiljning av CO2 från punktutsläpp, finns fyra olika avskiljningsstrategier som kallas post-, pre-, och oxyfuel combustion samt chemical looping. I fallet med DACCS tillämpas antingen absorption eller adsorption för att avskilja koldioxiden från atmosfären. Biokol produceras genom förbränning av biomassa i en pyrolysanläggning och kan sedan användas som jordförbättringsmedel och kolsänka. Det finns idag en inhemsk biokolsproduktion på kommersiell skala vilket gör att biokol skiljer sig från de övriga tre teknikerna som inte kommit lika långt i sin utveckling. Däremot finns det ett flertal pilotprojekt inom CCS och Bio-CCS i Sverige.  Sveriges väletablerade bioekonomi gör att det finns goda förutsättningar för biokol och Bio- CCS att bidra till negativa utsläpp ur ett 2045-perspektiv. DACCS anses däremot inte aktuellt som kompletterande åtgärd till år 2045. Efter intervjuer framgår att det råder en god samstämmighet mellan olika aktörer kring vilka faktorer som behöver behandlas för att implementera teknikerna. Gemensamt för alla tekniker är att det krävs ekonomiska incitament för att möjliggöra storskalig implementering. För CCS-teknikerna krävs även regulatoriska förändringar för att underlätta transporten av CO2. / Sweden's ambition is to achieve net zero emissions of fossil CO2 by the year 2045. To reach this target, Sweden aims to reduce its emissions by 85%, while so-called supplementary measures will be taken to compensate for the remaining 15%. This study investigates Sweden's work with negative emissions as a complementary measure with a focus on the technologies bio-energy for carbon capture and storage (Bio-CCS in Swedish), Direct air capture for carbon capture and storage (DACCS) and biochar. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), which can help make industrial plants CO2-neutral, has also been studied. During the project, a literature study and interviews with researchers, politicians, industry and company representatives as well as authorities were carried out, which formed the basis of the report.  For CCS and Bio-CCS, which include separation of CO2 from point source emissions, there are four different separation strategies called post-, pre-, and oxyfuel combustion as well as chemical looping. Among these, post combustion is highlighted as the most developed. In the case of DACCS, either absorption or adsorption is applied to separate CO2 from the atmosphere. CCS, Bio-CCS and DACCS all have in common that the captured CO2 must be stored in deep geological formations once it has been separated. Biochar is produced by heating biomass in a pyrolysis plant and can be used as a soil improver and carbon sink. Today Sweden has a domestic biochar production on a commercial scale, which means that biochar differs from the other three technologies that have yet to reach that stage of development. However, there are several pilot projects within Bio-CCS and CCS in Sweden.  Sweden's well-established bioeconomy means that the conditions are good for biochar and Bio-CCS to contribute to negative emissions in relation to the 2045 target. DACCS, on the other hand, is not considered relevant as a supplementary measure to the year 2045 due to its technical immaturity and high cost. From interviews with researchers, authorities, companies, industry organizations and politicians, it is clear that there is a consensus between the different actors on which factors need to be addressed in order to enable large-scale implementation of the technologies. Common to all technologies is that financial incentives are required to enable large-scale implementation. The CCS technologies also require regulatory changes to facilitate the transport of CO2.

A plant ecological study and management plan for Mogale's Gate Biodiversity Centre, Gauteng

Tuckett, Alistair Sean 12 1900 (has links)
The Mogale’s Gate Biodiversity Centre is a 3 060 ha reserve located within the Gauteng province. The area comprises grassland with woodland patches in valleys and lower-lying areas. To develop a scientifically based management plan a detailed vegetation study was undertaken to identify and describe the different ecosystems present. From a TWINSPAN classification twelve plant communities, which can be grouped into nine major communities, were identified. A classification and description of the plant communities, as well as, a management plan are presented. The area comprises 80% grassland and 20% woodland with 109 different plant families. The centre has a grazing capacity of 5.7 ha/LSU with a moderate to good veld condition. From the results of this study it is clear that the area makes a significant contribution towards carbon storage with a total of 0.520 tC/ha/yr stored in all the plant communities. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Kolets återkomst : Koldioxidavskiljning och lagring i vetenskap och politik / The return of Coal : Carbon dioxide capture and storage in science and politics

Hansson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
I denna avhandling studeras en ny teknik för att hantera växthuseffekten. Den nya tekniken heter koldioxidavskiljning och lagring (CCS) och granskades av FN:s klimatpanel 2005 och tillskrevs då möjligheterna att stå för 15-55% av alla CO2-reducering fram till 2100 och detta till en 30% lägre kostnad än vad som annars vore möjligt. EU är en framträdande pådrivare av CCS och för fram att växthuseffekten inte kan hanteras utan att CCS implementeras skyndsamt. CCS beskrivs i dessa sammanhang som en hållbar teknik. CCS är emellertid förbunden med långtidslagring, en betydande teknisk komplexitet och tillämpas främst på kolkraftverk. Storskaliga satsningar på CCS kan medföra att kolanvändningen ökar. Syftet med avhandlingen är att analysera de vetenskapliga och politiska ansträngningarna att visa att CCS är en eftersträvansvärd teknik för att hantera växthuseffekten. Utifrån perspektivet ekologisk modernisering och genom granskning av studier av vetenskapliga rapporter, artiklar i massmedia, politiska dokument och intervjuer genomförs studien. Scenerier och prognoser har en central funktion för att kunna påvisa att CCS är en eftersträvansvärd teknik. I flera av dessa scenarier framställs en närmast linjär teknikutveckling och flera betydelsefulla problem och hinder bortses från. CCS framstår som en teknik med stor teknisk och ekonomisk potential och i massmedia beskrivs CCS ofta som oumbärlig. En mer nyanserad bild framträder vid intervjuer med CCS-experter då fler osäkerheter och hinder lyfts fram. Förståelsen för varför denna teknik för stöd av många starka aktörer blir även tydligare. Den dominerande beskrivningen av CCS egenskaper och inverkan på energisystemen ligger i linje med det som är utmärkande för den ekologiska modernisering och således även för det dominerande sättet att bedriva energi- och klimatpolitik idag. / In this dissertation an emerging technology to manage climate change is studied. The technology is carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) and was reviewed by the IPCC in 2005. IPCC claims that CCS could contribute 15–55% to the cumulative mitigation effort worldwide until 2100 and reduce the costs of stabilizing CO2 concentrations by 30%. The EU promotes CCS and believes that climate change cannot be managed unless CCS is promptly implemented. In this context CCS is labelled as a sustainable technology. However CCS deals with long-term waste disposal, a significant technological complexity and is meant to be installed mainly in coal-fired power plants. Large scale implementation of CCS might lead to a rise in coal usage and concerns are raised this will impede the development of renewable energy. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the scientific and political efforts to show that CCS is a rational and viable solution to the climate change problems. The study is conducted from the perspective of ecological modernization and is undertaken through a review of scientific reports, mass media articles, political documents and interviews. Scenarios and prognoses have a central position in making a future of large-scale CCS implementation plausible: through the scenarios, a linear development trend is visualized in which technological and scientific problems are assumed to be solved as CCS is implemented. CCS is described as a technology with substantial potential and is in the mass media often pictured as indispensable. A more nuanced picture appears when analyzing interviews with CCS-experts. The understanding of why this technology is supported by several influential actors is deepened. The dominating description of CCS and impact on the energy systems is compatible to the characteristics of ecological modernization and thus also to the predominating way of practising energy and climate politics today.

Amendements calco-magnésiens de bassins versants forestiers acidifiés : effets sur la dynamique de la matière organique et l'activité biologique du sol / Liming of acidified forested catchments : effects on the dynamics of soil organic matter and biological activity

Rizvi, Syed 11 July 2012 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'évaluer si l'amendement calco-magnésien de deux bassins versants acidifiés du massif vosgien (un sur grès et un sur granite) engendre des changements de la morphologie des humus, de l'abondance et de la diversité de la mésofaune, de la biomasse fongique, du stockage de carbone dans les horizons organiques 5 et 7 ans après l'amendement. Par ailleurs, nous avons effectué une étude dans des conditions contrôlées de laboratoire en utilisant des microcosmes contenant les horizons organiques du sol provenant de bassins versants acidifiés sur grès et sur granite afin d'évaluer les effets à court terme de l'amendement. Les résultats indiquent que les effets de l'amendement sont beaucoup plus marqués sur le substrat le plus acide. À court terme, sur substrat gréseux, nous observons une diminution de l'abondance de la mésofaune puis une augmentation de celle-ci 5 ans après l'amendement avant de ne montrer plus aucun effet 7 ans après l'épandage. L'effet inverse ou aucun effet n'est par contre observé sur substrat granitique. Le contenu en Ca et Mg de l'horizon OL a augmenté avec l'amendement, mais cet effet n'est également significatif que sur grès. La biomasse fongique du sol n'a pas été affectée par le chaulage, mais est significativement plus élevée sur granite que sur grès. Le chaulage a augmenté l'épaisseur de l'horizon OH sur grès alors qu'il a diminué l'épaisseur de l'horizon OL sur granite, probablement en relation avec les modifications de l'activité biologique (mésofaune ou microorganismes). Enfin, sur substrat gréseux, le stock de carbone de l'humus a augmenté du fait d'un épaississement notable de l'horizon OH avec le chaulage. / The main objective of this work is to assess the consequences of calco-magnesium liming on two acidified forested catchments in Vosges Mountain (sandstone and granite) on humus morphology, abundance and diversity of mesofauna, fungal biomass and carbon storage in organic horizons 5 and 7 years after liming. Moreover, we performed a study to verify under laboratories conditions by using microcosms filled with soil from acidified catchments lying on sandstone and granite in order to study the short-term effect of calco-magnesium liming. During the two field campaigns, we determined calcium and magnesium contents of OL horizon, pH, humus morphology, mesofauna abundance and diversity, fungal biomass, soil carbon storage of organic layers OL, OF and OH.Results indicated that calco-magnesium liming affects studied parameters in different ways according to elapsed time after liming and the geological substrate (sandstone and granite), the more acidic catchment (sandstone) showing the most remarkable reaction. Results of immediate effects of liming showed a decrease of mesofauna abundance and then gradually increasing tendencies in field campaigns after 5 years while no effect after 7 years after liming. The opposite or no effects were observed on granite substrate. Ca and Mg contents in OL horizon increased by liming but this effect were only significant on sandstone substrate. Soil fungal biomass was not affected by liming but was significantly higher on granite substrate than sandstone. Liming increased the OH horizon thickness on sandstone while decreased the OL horizon on granite, under the influence of biological activity (mesofauna vs microorganisms).

Restauration écologique de prairies humides à vocation agricole suite au comblement d'une ballastière en basse vallée de Seine : incidence du type de sol recréé sur les fonctions pédologiques associées et sur la dynamique de colonisation végétale / Ecological restoration of wet agriculture-oriented meadows after the filling of a ballast-pit in the Lower Valley of the Seine River : incidence of the recreated soil type on the pedological associated functions and on the dynamic of plant colonisation

Boigné, Audrey 04 April 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte de destruction des zones humides à l’échelle mondiale, conséquence des activités d’origine anthropique, la restauration écologique de ces milieux et de leurs fonctions est devenue un enjeu écologique et sociétal. L’objectif de ce projet est de recréer des prairies humides à vocation agricole aux caractéristiques pédologiques et floristiques aussi proches que possible de celles des prairies totalement détruites par l’exploitation de matériaux alluvionnaires. L’étude présentée ici se focalise sur l’incidence des matériaux pédologiques utilisés pour la recréation de quatre sols sur les fonctions du sol et les cortèges floristiques associés. L’hypothèse principale est que la recréation d’un sol morphologiquement proche de celui détruit devrait permettre d’orienter la restauration écologique.L’hypothèse sous-jacente est qu’en utilisant différents matériaux pédologiques locaux, on hérite de leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologiques ce qui permettait de conserver les fonctions pédologiques qui leur sont associées et favorisait le retour d’un cortège floristique compatible avec un usage agricole. La première partie est consacrée à l’étude de deux fonctions remplies par les sols de zones humides à savoir le stockage du carbone organique et la dénitrification. Deux années et demi après la fin des travaux de comblement de ballastières, ces deux fonctions sont conservées au sein des quatre types de sols recréés. Les principaux résultats montrent un niveau d’efficience des matériaux pédologiques testés, fonction de leur sol origine et de leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’étude des mécanismes de structuration des communautés végétales. Le suivi de la colonisation spontanée de la végétation a permis d’appréhender la forte contribution de la banque de graines issue des matériaux pédologiques locaux. Malgré la mise en évidence d’un début de trajectoires dynamiques au sein des quatre sols recréés, la similarité entre les communautés obtenues et les communautés cibles des prairies de référence n’excède pas 50 %. Les productions de biomasses aériennes associées à ces communautés sont comparables en quantité à celles des prairies de référence mais pas en qualité. La mise en place d’une gestion par semis associée à une fauche montre dès la première année une production de biomasses de qualité se rapprochant de celles des prairies locales.La dernière partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée à l’effet de trois niveaux d’engorgement des sols sur le processus de dénitrification et sur les traits de réponse d’une espèce prairiale, Holcus lanatus. Placer les quatre matériaux pédologiques dans des conditions identiques d’engorgement permet de souligner l’importance de l’héritage des communautés bactériennes dénitrifiantes sur le processus de dénitrification. Parallèlement, ces conditions expérimentales permettent de mettre en évidence les traits de réponses morphologiques et fonctionnels de l’espèce considérée. À l’issue de ces suivis, le meilleur compromis de restauration alliant sol, végétation et coûts économiques doit prendre en considération l’origine et l’histoire (i.e. gestion) des matériaux utilisés lors de la recréation écologique. / In a worldwide context of wetland destruction, a consequence of anthropic activities, ecological restoration of such habitats and their functions has become a societal and ecological issue. The objective of this project is to recreate agriculture-oriented wet grasslands with pedological and floristical properties as similar as possible to typical grasslands destroyed by alluvial materials extraction. The study presented here focuses on the impact of pedological materials, used in the re-creation of four soils, on soil functions and associated floristic processions. The main hypothesis is that re-creation of a soil morphologically similar to the previously destroyed one should drive ecological restoration. The underlying hypothesis is that different local pedological materials inherit their previous physicochemical and biological properties. This should conserve associated pedological functions and favor the return of a floristic procession compatible with agricultural exploitation. The first part is dedicated to the study of carbon storage and denitrification, two wetlands soils functions. These two functions are retained within the four re-created soils two and a half year after gravel-pit filling. Main results highlight functional efficiency levels of tested pedological material inherited from their respective initial topsoil physico-chemical properties. The second part is devoted to the study of mechanisms structuring plant communities. The high contribution of local pedological materials seed bank during the colonization process and its impact on aforementioned mechanisms was highlighted from our monitoring. Despite demonstration of the start of a dynamic trajectory in the four created soils similarity between obtained and target communities never exceeds 50%. Aerial biomass production associated to these communities is comparable to the production in reference wet grasslands in terms of quantity, but not quality. Implementation of management (sowing and mowing) shows biomass production of comparable quality to reference grassland from the first year onwards. The last part focuses on the effect of three soil waterlogging levels on the denitrification process and the response traits of Holcus lanatus, a meadow species. Pedological materials placement in identical waterlogging conditions highlights the importance of denitrifying bacteria communities inheritance on the denitrification process. These experimental conditions also enabled us to highlight the considered species morphological and functional response traits. To conclude and following our monitoring the best compromise for concurrent restoration of soil and vegetation while considering cost-effectiveness needs to account for topsoils origin and history (i.e. management).

Optimisation de l'insertion des Produits Résiduaires Organiques dans les systèmes de cultures d'un territoire francilien : évolution des stocks de carbone organique et substitution des engrais minéraux / Optimising Exogenous Organic Matter use in cropping systems of a francilian region : evolution of soil organic carbon stocks and substitution of mineral fertiliser

Noirot-Cosson, Paul-Emile 16 February 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation des Produits Résiduaires Organiques (PRO) par l’agriculture peut permettre de substituer une partie des engrais minéraux et augmenter les niveaux de matière organique des sols. Elle peut également générer des pollutions azotées via la lixiviation de nitrate ou des émissions gazeuses. Mieux connaitre le devenir du carbone (C) et de l’azote (N) après applications de PRO sur les sols agricoles contribue à améliorer les bénéfices de cette pratique et à en limiter les impacts environnementaux. Cette thèse a pour objectif: (i) de prédire les dynamiques du C et du N en cas d’applications de PRO sur les sols agricoles, (ii) d’étudier les effets de scenarios d’apports de PRO sur les stocks de carbone dans les sols, la substitution des engrais azotés et les pollutions azotées dans le contexte du territoire de la Plaine de Versailles, en prenant en compte la diversité des sols, de leurs teneurs en C et des successions culturales, (iii) d’améliorer ces bénéfices à l’échelon du territoire via une distribution optimale des PRO. Le modèle CERES-EGC a été utilisé pour simuler les effets de 13 ans d’apports de PRO sur les dynamiques de C et de N dans le système sol-plante-atmosphère de l’expérimentation QualiAgro, située au cœur du territoire d’étude. Le sous-modèle NCSOIL a été paramétré à partir de cinétiques de minéralisation de C et N mesurées en conditions contrôlées de laboratoire. Le transfert de ces paramètres dans CERES-EGC a permis de simuler correctement les évolution des stocks de carbone dans les sols, les rendements et les prélèvements de N par les cultures ainsi que l’évolution des stocks de N minéral dans les sols. Les dynamiques de minéralisation de C et N des 18 PRO disponibles sur le territoire ont été déterminées. NCSOIL a été paramétré à partir des caractéristiques analytiques et des résultats de fractions biochimiques des PRO. Les types de sol du territoire n’ont pas impacté significativement le paramétrage. Les PRO ont été classés selon 4 types : (1) composts stables, (2) composts moins matures restant plus réactifs et les fumiers stables, (3) des fumiers très réactifs correspondant à des fumiers de chevaux, (4) des PRO très réactifs tels que des boues et des fientes pouvant plutôt être utilisés comme fertilisants. De nombreux scenarios d’apport de PRO, contraints par les flux de phosphore et de N apportés, ont été simulés sur 20 ans dans tous les contextes de sols, successions culturales et teneurs en C organique des sols du territoire. Le type de sol a impacté le plus le stockage de C et les lixiviations de nitrate tandis que les successions culturales étaient prépondérantes sur la substitution des engrais. Des composts ont permis de stocker 1.1 t C ha- 1 an-1 allant jusqu’63% du C apporté. Des substitutions de 74 kg N ha-1 an-1 ont été atteintes avec une boue mais aussi un compost en prenant en compte la substitution des engrais liée aux augmentations de matière organique dans les sols. La substitution des engrais a pu atteindre plus de 90% du N apporté par les PRO, ceci étant lié aux arrières-effets sur le stockage de matière organique dans les sols et dépendant des hypothèses de calcul de la substitution des engrais azotés. Un modèle d’optimisation a été développé pour sélectionner les scenarios d’apports de PRO pour chaque ilot du territoire (sol x succession de culture x teneur en C organique initiale x surface) tenant compte de la disponibilité des PRO et avec pour objectif de maximiser le stockage de C ou les substitutions en engrais azotés ou de minimiser la lixiviation de nitrate au niveau du territoire. En apportant préférentiellement les PRO les plus stables sur les sols à fort potentiel de stockage de C (fortes teneurs en argile et calcaire), jusqu’à 0.47 t C ha-1 an- 1 pourrait être stocké. En appliquant préférentiellement les PRO fertilisants sur les successions à maïs, et les PRO amendants sur les successions à colza jusqu’à 53 kg N ha-1 an-1 de N de synthèse pourrait être économisés. / The use of Exogenous Organic Matter (EOM) in agriculture could be an efficient way to substitute mineral fertilisation and increase soil organic matter (SOM) enhancing soil fertility and storing carbon (C). It could also cause nitrogen (N) pollutions such as nitrate leaching and gas emissions. Better understanding of C and N fate after EOM applications on cropped soils would allow improving these benefits while limiting environmental impacts. This thesis aims at: (i) predicting EOM impacts when applied on cropped soils, (ii) studying the effects of various scenarios of EOM applications in terms of C storage, synthetic N saving and N pollutions in the context of the Plain of Versailles region (221 km²) and taking into account soil diversity, crop successions and soil organic C contents, (ii) studying the potential for improving these benefits at the regional scale with an optimal distribution of EOM. The CERES-EGC crop model was used to simulate the effects of repeated applications of EOM over 13 years on both soil C and N dynamics in the soil-crop-water-air system of the long-term field experiment QualiAgro located within the region. The sub-model NCSOIL was parameterised from C and N mineralisation kinetics of EOM measured in laboratory conditions. When transposing the parameters into the CERES-EGC model, C storage at the field scale was well simulated, together with crop N uptake and yields, as well as soil mineral N contents. The kinetics of C and N mineralisation of the 18 EOM available in the region were used along with EOM biochemical fractionations for parameterising the NCSOIL model. The soil type did not significantly change EOM parameters. Four groups of EOM were distinguished based on their C and N dynamics: (i) stable composts, (2) more reactive and less mature composts and stable manures, (3) manures with reactive OM corresponding to horse manures and (4) very reactive EOM as sludges, litters that should be used as fertilisers. Numerous scenarios of EOM applications, constrained on the phosphorus and N quantities they bring (and limiting the input in trace elements), were simulated for 20 years in all regional contexts of soil, crop successions and soil organic C contents. The soil type was the main factor controlling C storage and N leaching while it was crop successions for N saving. Some composts allowed C storage up to 1.1 t C ha-1 yr -1 reaching 63% of C applied. N saving of 74 kg N ha-1 yr -1 were possible with a dried sewage sludge and a compost. N substitution could reach more than 90% of N applied with EOM, these high percentages being related with the indirect effect of EOM on soil OM and the hypothesis made for N substitution An optimisation model was developed to select EOM application scenario for each crop plot (soil x crop succession x initial soil OC content x area) accounting for EOM availability in the region with the objectives of maximising C storage or synthetic N saving or minimising N leaching at the regional scale. Applying preferentially the most stable EOM on soils with the highest potential for C storage i.e. with the highest calcareous and clay contents, up to 0.47 t C ha-1 yr-1 could be stored. Applying preferentially fertilising EOM on crop succession with maize and amending EOM on succession with rapeseed, up to 53 kg N ha-1 yr -1 could be saved.

Mat?ria org?nica do solo e f?sforo org?nico em cronossequ?ncia de cana-de-a??car cultivada no Cerrado / Soil organic matter and organic phosphorus in a chronosequence of sugar cane crop in the Cerrado

ROSSI, Celeste Queiroz 26 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-11-14T17:13:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Celeste Queiroz Rossi.pdf: 1977299 bytes, checksum: ce171e08be0a2a7e0cf26ac08f9fbd2f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-14T17:13:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Celeste Queiroz Rossi.pdf: 1977299 bytes, checksum: ce171e08be0a2a7e0cf26ac08f9fbd2f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / CAPES / The accelerated growth of agriculture produces a demand for opening and exploration of new areas. Through government incentives, the migration of sugar cane production reached the Cerrado biome, and this occupation provides a gradual vegetation coverage change. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sugar cane burning prior to harvesting in the soil organic matter and organic phosphorus in the Goias State Cerrado region. This study was conducted in a chronosequence of 1, 5, 10 and 20 years with straw burning, and application of vinasse in the 20 years area, compared to native vegetation (Cerrado) and pasture areas. The study areas were located in Decal industrial plant in Rio Verde municipality, Goi?s State (Brazil). The soil was classified as an Oxisol with sandy loam texture. Soil samples were taken in pits up to 0.6 m depth. Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), soil organic matter (SOM) physical and chemical fractionation, and isotopes 13C and 15N were analyzed. Phosphorus chemical fractionation, extracted with NaHCO3, H2SO4 and NaOH, spectroscopic carbon (13C NMR, UV-vis and FTIR) and phosporus (31P NMR) characterization were evaluated. The area with lowest usage time of straw burning had highest Ca and Mg and lowest P and K values. The smallest TOC stocks were observed at the 0-10 cm layer in the sugar cane systems with 1 and 5 years. In general, the highest values of 13C and 15N were observed in the pasture and the lowest values in the Cerrado, with intermediate values in the sugar cane systems. Land use change from Cerrado original vegetation to sugar cane systems resulted in 13C changes, promoting an accumulation of C4 derived carbon plants. Spectroscopic analysis of carbon (13C RMN, UV-vis and infrared) from humic acids carbon showed the same functional groups independent of cane burning harvesting time. At the 0-5 cm depth layer, the aliphatic and carboxylic compounds had the largest contribution compared to the aromatic compounds. The 31P NMR spectroscopy results showed that in the studied areas, the humic acids constitute a readily available source of organic P important for plant uptake, especially in the area that received vinasse. In the areas with 1 and 5 years of harvesting burning sugar cane, the decrease in the accumulation of recalcitrant organic P in the humic acids indicates the usage of the labile-P in the humic substances. / O crescimento acelerado da agricultura gera a necessidade da abertura e explora??o de novas fronteiras agr?colas. Com incentivos governamentais, essa migra??o do setor sucroalcooleiro atingiu o Cerrado, e esta ocupa??o proporciona uma gradativa mudan?a na cobertura vegetal. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da queima pr?via para a colheita da cana-de-a??car na mat?ria org?nica e f?sforo org?nico do solo no Cerrado goiano. Foi utilizada uma cronossequ?ncia de 1, 5,10 anos com queima e 20 com queima da palhada e aplica??o de vinha?a, ?rea sob vegeta??o nativa (Cerrado) e pastagem. As ?reas de estudo localizam-se na Usina Decal, em Rio Verde, estado de Goi?s. O solo foi classificado como Latossolo Vermelho Distr?fico de textura franco arenosa. As amostras foram retiradas mediante a abertura de trincheiras at? 60 cm de profundidade. Foram analisados o carbono org?nico total (COT), nitrog?nio total (NT), fracionamento qu?mico e granulom?trico da MOS, 13C e 15N is?topos. A quantifica??o das fra??es de f?sforo foi obtida empregando-se extra??es com NaHCO3, H2SO4 e NaOH, al?m da caracteriza??o espectrosc?pica de carbono (RMN 13C, UV-vis?vel e infravermelho) e f?sforo (RMN 31P). O menor tempo de uso da queima da palhada acarretou em maiores teores de Ca e Mg e menores teores de P e K. Os menores estoques de COT foram verificados na camada de 0-10 cm nos sistemas de cana de 1 e 5 anos. De maneira geral, os maiores valores de 13C e 15N foram verificados na ?rea de pastagem e os menores na ?rea de Cerrado, com valores intermedi?rios para as ?reas de cana. A substitui??o da vegeta??o original de Cerrado para implanta??o de ?reas cultivadas com cana-de-a??car acarretou em mudan?as do 13C, promovendo um ac?mulo de carbono de plantas com ciclo fotossint?tico C4. As an?lises espectrosc?picas de carbono (RMN 13C, UV-v?sivel e infravermelho) dos ?cidos h?micos mostraram os mesmos grupos funcionais independente do tempo de colheita queimada da cana. Na camada de 0-5 cm, a maior contribui??o foi dos compostos alif?ticos e carbox?licos em rela??o aos compostos arom?ticos. Os resultados da espectroscopia de RMN 31P mostram que nas ?reas estudadas os ?cidos h?micos constituem uma reserva importante de P org?nico prontamente dispon?vel e fonte importante para nutri??o das plantas, principalmente na ?rea que recebeu vinha?a. J?, nas ?reas de 1 e 5 anos de cana queimada, a diminui??o do ac?mulo de P org?nico recalcitrante nos ?cidos h?micos indica utiliza??o do P-l?bil das subst?ncias h?micas.

Effets des changements climatiques sur la dynamique de décomposition microbienne du carbone organique du sol en prairie subalpine calcaire / Effect of climate changes on microbial organic carbon decomposition dynamic in subalpine calcareous grassland

Puissant, Jérémy 21 September 2015 (has links)
Les sols de montagne constituent un réservoir majeur de carbone stocké sous forme de matière organique (carbone organique du sol, COS), potentiellement hautement vulnérable aux changements des conditions climatiques. Afin de comprendre les répercussions des changements des conditions climatiques sur la dynamique du COS des sols de montagne, cette thèse s'appuie sur une expérimentation de transplantation altitudinale de monolithes de sol de prairie subalpine calcaire, mise en place dans le Jura Suisse en 2009. Cette expérimentation permet de simuler deux scénarios réalistes de changements climatiques attendus au cours du 21éme siècle, visant à réchauffer et assécher le climat (+2°C et +4°C ; -20% et -40% de précipitations).La démarche conceptuelle de cette thèse a été d'étudier les effets des changements des conditions climatiques (variations saisonnières et manipulation climatique) au bout de quatre années d'expérimentation sur (i) la dynamique des communautés microbiennes et de leur activité enzymatique de décomposition du COS, (ii) la dynamique de différents pools de COS qui constituent la ressource énergétique des micro-organismes décomposeurs, (iii) les interactions s'établissant entre les communautés microbiennes et leurs ressources énergétiques et (iv) les stocks de COS du sol.Nos résultats montrent une très forte dynamique saisonnière du processus de décomposition microbienne se traduisant par de fortes activités enzymatiques de décomposition, une biomasse microbienne plus importante et une structure des communautés microbienne différente lors de la saison hivernale par rapport à la saison estivale. Ces résultats sont en lien avec la dynamique observée des pools les plus labiles du COS (C organique extractible à l'eau et C organique particulaire libre), et des modèles d'équations structurelles montrent que les conditions climatiques (variations saisonnières et manipulation climatique) modifient les interactions s'établissant entre les communautés microbiennes et leurs ressources pour contrôler la décomposition enzymatique du COS.Enfin, ce travail de thèse montre une forte diminution des concentrations en COS sous l'effet de la manipulation climatique, qui ne peut être expliquée par une décomposition microbienne accrue du COS. Au contraire, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de la concentration en COS pourrait être due à l'accélération des processus pédologiques naturels sous les scénarios de changement climatique au sein de ces sols calcaires de prairies subalpines, avec une décarbonatation accrue favorisant la lixiviation du carbone organique dissous et le lessivage du pool de COS associé aux argiles. Ces résultats inédits offrent de nouvelles perspectives de recherche sur les effets des changements climatiques sur l'évolution des stocks de COS. / Mountain soils stocks huge quantities of carbon as soil organic matter (SOM) which may be highly vulnerable to climate change and thus alter the atmospheric greenhouse gases concentration at a decadal timescale. To understand the effect of climate conditions on the dynamics of mountain soil organic carbon (SOC), a climate change experiment was set up in October 2009 in Swiss Jura subalpine grassland soils. The climate change experiment (soil transplantation) simulated two realistic climate change scenarios, with increased air temperatures ranging between 2 °C and 4 °C and decreased precipitation ranging between 20% and 40%. These changes reflect current predictions of climate change for the 21th century in temperate mountain regions.We studied the effect of climate conditions (climate manipulation and seasonal changes) after four years of climate experiment on (i) the dynamic of microbial decomposition, microbial abundance and community structure, (ii) the dynamic soil organic matter pools with contrasted turnover rate and representing the energetic resource of microbial communities, (iii) the interactions between microbial communities and soil organic matter pools and (iv) the soil organic carbon stocks.This work shows a strong seasonal dynamics of microbial decomposition with higher enzymatic activities, higher microbial abundance and shift of microbial community structure in winter than in summer. These results were linked to the seasonal organic matter labile pools dynamics. Moreover structural equation modeling shows that climate manipulation differently influences the drivers of SOC enzymatic decomposition in summer and winter.Finally, this work shows a strong decrease of soil organic carbon concentration under the climate change manipulation which cannot be explained by an increase of microbial activities. In contrast, our results suggest that the observed climate-induced decrease in bulk soil organic C content was due a SOC decrease in the most biogeochemically stable SOM fraction associated with a decrease in clay content and a decrease of soil calcareous concentration. Thus, our results hint more so towards an effect of SOM leaching (Gavazov, 2013) to explain the climate effect on SOC content than an effect of microbial and/or plant activities.

Distribuição espacial do carbono no solo e avaliação dos fluxos dos gases de efeito estufa (CO2, CH4 e N2O) em áreas de vegetação de Cerrado, Pinus spp e Eucalyptus spp na Estação Experimental de Mogi Mirim (IF/SMA-SP) / Spacial distribution of carbon in soil and evaluation grennhouse gás emissions (CO2, CH4 and N2O) in areas of cerrado vegetation Pinus spp e Eucalyptus spp at the experimental station of Mogi Mirim (IF/SMA - SP)

Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira 20 August 2010 (has links)
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a variabilidade espacial e temporal do carbono no solo produzindo um mapa, sobre esse tema para toda a área da Estação Experimental de Mogi Mirim (EE Mogi Mirim), juntamente com a análise dos fluxos dos gases de efeito estufa (CO2, N2O e CH4) e a relação desses dois fenômenos com as variáveis do solo nos diferentes usos da terra. Para se alcançar objetivo proposto com relação aos estoques de carbono e avaliação das variáveis do solo foi feita a coleta e o prepara das amostras nas profundidades de 00 até 30 cm, foi feito o georreferenciamento e determinação dos teores de carbono, densidade do solo, calculo dos estoques de carbono e determinação da cor do solo. Por sua vez para o estudo e entendimento dos fluxos dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE), comparou-se um talhão considerado sem perturbação (Talhão 41) e a partir desse talhão avaliou-se comparativamente em uma seqüência com ambientes com histórico de uso da terra representativo da área com manejos. Os fluxos dos gases CO2, N2O e CH4 foram medidos utilizando-se câmaras estáticas. Nos resultados obtidos foi aplicada a estatística descritiva clássica e geoestatistica para avaliar a freqüência e distribuição dos dados. Resultados relativos as variáveis do solo mostram que praticamente a grande maioria tende a diminuir com a profundidade (Ca, soma das bases, CTC, acidez potencial e carbono). Por sua vez o pH é sempre muito alto nas 3 camadas e a saturação por bases e o magnésio são muito baixos e permanecem inalterados em todas as profundidades. A variabilidade espacial dos estoques de carbono possui características isotrópicas. Especificamente na profundidade 00 - 10 cm, o modelo teórico que melhor se ajustou foi o exponencial, na profundidade 10 - 20 cm foi o esférico e na profundidade 20 - 30 cm foi o exponencial. Os estoque de C na profundidade 00 10 cm, tiveram como média 22.8 ton C/ ha-1, sendo o maior valor de 42.9 ton C/há-1 e o menor valor de 10.3 ton C/há-1. Na profundidade 10 - 20cm, a média do estoque de carbono foi de 14.9 ton C/há-1, sendo o maior valor de 31.5 ton C/há-1 e o menor valor de 6.99 ton C/há-1. Na profundidade 20 -30 cm, a média do estoque de carbono foi de 11.45 ton C/há-1, sendo o maior valor de 25.28 ton C/há-1 e o menor valor de 6.3 ton C/há-1. Os resultados das análises dos fluxos do gás carbônico, como um todo mostra que a respiração do solo variou entre 75.3 e 164.4mgC m-2 h-1. Relativo aos fluxos de N2O os valores médios para as emissões variaram entre 8,85 e 51,94 \'mü\'gN m-2 h-1, enquanto que a absorção variou, entre -1,32 e - 4,59 \'mü\'gN m-2 h-1. Os resultados dos fluxos do gás metano médio ficaram entre 4,63 e 31,51 mgC m-2 h-1, enquanto que os valores de oxidação média ficaram entre -5,41 e -22,79 mgC m-2 h-1 / The aim here is to evaluate the spacial and transient variability of carbon in soil, producing a map about this subject for all the area of the Experimental Station of Mogi Mirim (Estação Experimental de Mogi Mirim EE Mogi Mirim), with the emissions analyzes of greenhouse gases effect (CO2, N2O e CH4), and the relation between these phenomenon with the soil variables in different uses of the land. In order to reach the proposed objective related to the carbon storages, and the variable evaluation of the soil, a sample collect and preparation were made at a depth from 00 to 30cm. It was also made the georeferencial and the carbon levels determination, density of soil, the estimate of carbon storages, and the determination of soil color. The study and understanding of the greenhouse gas emissions (GGF), a área considered without disturbing, and from it a comparative evaluation in a sequence of environments with historical land use representative of the management area. The CO2, N2O and CH4 gas emissions were measured by using static chambers. In the results obtained, it was applied the classic statistic description and geostatistics to evaluate the frequency and the distribution of data. Results related to the soil variables show that the major trend to decrease, according to the depth (Ca, sum of bases, CTC, potential acidity, and carbon). On the contrary, the pH is always very high in 3 layers, and the saturation for bases and the magnesium are very low, maintaining unchangeable in all depths. The variability of the carbon storages have isotropic characteristics. Specifically in depth 00 - 10cm, the theorical model that better adjusted was the exponential; in depth 10 - 20cm, it was the spherical, and in depth 20 - 30cm it was the exponential. The carbon storage in depth 00-10cm had as na average 22.8ton C / ha-1, being the highest value of 42.9 ton C/ha-1, and the lowest value of 10.3 ton C/ha-1. In depth 10 - 20 cm, the average of carbon storage was 14.9 ton C/ha-1, being the highest value of 31.5 ton C/ha-1, and the lower value of 6.99 ton C/ha-1. In depths of 20 - 30cm, the average of carbon storage was of 11.45 ton C/há-1, being the highest value of 25.28 ton C/ha-1, and the lowest of 6.3 ton C/ha-1 The analyze results of carbon gás emissions as a whole, shows that the soil breath varied between 75.3 e 164.4 . mgC m-2 h-1 . Regard to N2O emissions, the average values to emissions varied between 8.85 and 51.94 \'mü\'gN m-2 h-1, while the absorption varied, between -1.32 e - 4.59 \'mü\'gN m-2 h-1. The results of average methane gas were between 4.63 e 31.51 mgC m-2 h-1, while the average oxidation values were between -5.41 e -22.79 mgC m-2 h-1

A plant ecological study and management plan for Mogale's Gate Biodiversity Centre, Gauteng

Tuckett, Alistair Sean 12 1900 (has links)
The Mogale’s Gate Biodiversity Centre is a 3 060 ha reserve located within the Gauteng province. The area comprises grassland with woodland patches in valleys and lower-lying areas. To develop a scientifically based management plan a detailed vegetation study was undertaken to identify and describe the different ecosystems present. From a TWINSPAN classification twelve plant communities, which can be grouped into nine major communities, were identified. A classification and description of the plant communities, as well as, a management plan are presented. The area comprises 80% grassland and 20% woodland with 109 different plant families. The centre has a grazing capacity of 5.7 ha/LSU with a moderate to good veld condition. From the results of this study it is clear that the area makes a significant contribution towards carbon storage with a total of 0.520 tC/ha/yr stored in all the plant communities. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

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