Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CEMENT"" "subject:"[enn] CEMENT""
1211 |
Bond strength of cementitious borehole plugs in welded tuff.Akgun, Haluk, 1959- January 1990 (has links)
This study includes a systematic investigation of the bond strength of cementitious borehole plugs in welded tuff. Analytical and numerical analysis of borehole plug-rock stress transfer mechanics is performed. The interface strength and deformation are studied as a function of Young's modulus ratio of plug and rock, plug length and rock cylinder outside-to-inside radius ratio. The tensile stresses in and near an axially loaded plug are analyzed. The frictional interface strength of an axially loaded borehole plug, the effect of axial stress and lateral external stress, and thermal effects are also analyzed. Implications for plug design are discussed. Push-out tests are used to determine the bond strength by applying an axial load to the cement plugs. A total of 130 push-out tests are performed as a function of borehole size, plug length, temperature, and degree of saturation of the tuff cylinder. The use of four different borehole radii enables evaluation of size effects. A well-defined exponential strength decrease with increasing plug diameter results.
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Reactive transport modeling of CO2 through cementitious materials under CO2 geological storage conditionsShen, Jiyun 12 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A reactive transport model is proposed to simulate the reactivity of cement based material in contact with CO2-saturated brine and supercritical CO2 (scCO2) under CO2 geological storage conditions. This code is developed to solve simultaneously transport and chemistry by a global coupled approach, considering the effect of temperature and pressure. The variability of scCO2 properties with pressure and temperature, such as solubility in water, density and viscosity are taken into account. It is assumed that all chemical processes are in thermodynamical equilibrium. Dissolution and precipitation reactions for portlandite (CH) and calcite (CC) are described by mass action laws and threshold of ion activity products in order to account for complete dissolved minerals. A chemical kinetics for the dissolution and precipitation of CH and CC is introduced to facilitate numerical convergence. One properly chosen variable is able to capture the precipitation and dissolution of the relevant phase. A generalization of the mass action law is developed and applied to calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) to take into account the continuous variation (decrease) of the Ca/Si ratio during the dissolution reaction of C-S-H. The changes in porosity and microstructure induced by the precipitation and dissolution reactions are also taken into account. Couplings between transport equations and chemical reactions are treated thanks to five mass balance equations written for each atom (Ca, Si, C, K, Cl) as well as one equation for charge balance and one for the total mass. Ion transport is described by using the Nernst-Plank equation as well as advection, while gas and liquid mass flows are governed by advection. Effect of the microstructure and saturation change during carbonation to transport properties is also considered. The model is implemented within a finite-volume code, Bil. Principles of this method and modeling approach are discussed and illustrated with the help of a simple example. This model, with all the efforts above, is able to simulate the carbonation processes for cement based materials, at both saturated and unsaturated conditions, in a wide CO2 concentration, temperature and pressure range. Several sets of experiments, including sandstone-like conditions, limestone-like conditions, supercritical CO2 boundary and unsaturated conditions reported in the literature are simulated. Good predictions are provided by the code when compared with experimental observations. Some experimental observed phenomena are also explained by the model in terms of calcite precipitation front, CH dissolution front, porosity profile, etc
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Cemento atmainos ir cheminių įmaišų įtaka tešlos reologinėms savybėms / Influence of cement strains and additives on the rheological properties of cement pasteMacijauskas, Mindaugas 09 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo tikslas – ištirti cheminių įmaišų poveikį reologinėms portlandcemenčio tešlos savybėms, panaudojant skirtingų tipų cementus. Darbe išnagrinėta lietuvių, užsienio mokslinė literatūra, aprašytos naudotos žaliavos, parinktos skirtingos cementinės tešlos sudėtys, kurios skiriasi cemento ir plastifikuojančios įmaišos tipu. Tyrimams naudotos šios medžiagos: AB „Akmenės cementas“ gamyklos portlandcementis CEM I 42,5 (N ir R ankstyvojo stiprumo), klinties portlandcementis CEM II/A-LL 42,5 N, plastiklis Centrament N3, naujausios kartos superplastiklis MC-PowerFlow 3140 ir vanduo. Ištirtas plastiklio ir superplastiklio poveikis portlandcemenčio tešlos vandens ir cemento (V/C) santykio pokyčiams ir sklidumui naudojant Sutardo viskozimetrą. Buvo tiriamos vienodo vandens ir cemento santykio portlandcemenčio tešlos su cheminėmis įmaišomis ir be jų. Tyrimai atlikti naudojant rotacinį viskozimetrą Rheotest NH 4.1 su bendraašiais cilindrais. Nustatytas cheminių įmaišų portlandcemenčio tešloje veiksmingumas, esant skirtingo tipo cementui. Pastebėta, kad portlandcemenčio tešlos dinaminis klampis gali būti reguliuojamas cheminėmis įmaišomis viso indukcinio hidratacijos periodo metu. Sukurta metodika portlandcemenčio tešlos reologinėms savybėms nustatyti bei parinktas reologinis modelis, kuris geriausiai apibūdina gautus tyrimų duomenis. Atlikus portlandcemenčio tešlos su cheminėmis įmaišomis ir be jų tyrimų rezultatų regresinę analizę, gautos klampio, tekėjimo lygtys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the influence of chemical admixtures on the rheological properties of Portland cement paste, which differ depending on the type of cement used. In addition to the literature analysis, different cement paste compositions (differing in type of cement and plasticizers) were tested. Testing materials: Portland cement CEM I 42.5 (N and R early strength), limestone Portland cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5 N, plasticizer Centrament N3, the latest generation superplasticizer MC-PowerFlow 3140 and water. Research focused on effects of plasticizer and superplasticizer on water and cement (W/C) ratio and Portland cement paste slump-flow characteristics. Portland cement pastes with the same water-cement ratio with and without chemical admixtures were tested. Tests were carried out using a Suttard viscometer and rotation viscometer Rheotest NH 4.1 with coaxial cylinders. It was observed that viscosity of Portland cement paste can be controlled by chemical admixtures during the hydration induction period. The work provides analysis of the effectiveness of the chemical admixtures on the rheological properties of the Portland cement pastes, comparing it with a control composition of the Portland cement paste. Diagrams demonstrate changes in viscosity of the Portland cement pastes depending on the type and amount of the chemical admixtures. Obtained results were compared with the same consistence paste without admixtures. We created a new methodology of... [to full text]
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Comportement thermo-chimio-hydro-mécanique d'un ciment pétrolier au très jeune âge en conditions de prise HP/HT : approche expérimentale et analyse par changement d'échelle / Thermo-chemo-hydro-mechanical behavior of an oilwell cement at very early age under high pressure and elevated temperature : experimental approach and multiscale analysisBourissai, Monsef 30 June 2010 (has links)
Le travail de thèse a porté essentiellement sur l'effet des conditions de prise en pression et en température dans une gamme (20-60°C/Patm-200 bar) d'un ciment pétrolier (Portland « classe G ») au très jeune âge (jusqu'à un jour) en condition saturée sur (i) la cinétique d'hydratation, (ii) les propriétés hydriques (perméabilité et porosité) et (iii) le développement des propriétés élastiques dynamiques obtenues par propagation d'ultrasons et quasi-statiques. Les propriétés quasi-statiques instantanées et différées ont été obtenues à partir d'essais mécaniques réalisés en compression simple à différents temps/degré d'hydratation.La partie I a permis de montrer que la pression appliquée pendant la prise a un effet négligeable sur la cinétique d'hydratation contrairement à l'effet accélérateur de la température de prise. Un modèle de cinétique d'hydratation tenant compte de l'effet accélérateur de la température a été mis en place afin de déterminer l'évolution des fractions volumiques des différentes phases en présence dans la pâte de ciment au cours de son hydratation. L'évolution de la phase (porosité capillaire + eau) obtenue par le modèle d'évolution des fractions volumiques est en bonne concordance avec l'évolution de la porosité connectée mesuré par porosimétrie dans la deuxième partie de travail de thèse. En partie II, concernant la caractérisation de la perméabilité, les valeurs obtenues ainsi que l'évolution des propriétés élastiques quasi-statiques obtenue expérimentalement ont permis de déterminer le temps de drainage pour chacune des conditions d'hydratation étudiées. Cette information permet de déterminer la nature drainée ou non drainée des essais mécaniques quasi statiques réalisés. En partie III, les essais mécaniques ont permis d'identifier un comportement granulaire faiblement cohésif au niveau du sommet du pic exothermique, puis un comportement solide cohésif avec progression des propriétés mécaniques au cours de l'hydratation à partir de la décroissance du flux thermique. Enfin, deux modèles par homogénéisation multi-échelles ont été proposés, la différence portant sur la schématisation de la pâte de ciment au très jeune âge. Les résultats ont été confrontés avec succès aux propriétés élastiques dynamiques et quasi-statiques drainées et non drainées obtenues expérimentalement / The thesis primarily concerned the effect of the set conditions in pressure and in temperature in a range (20-60°C/Patm-200 bar) of an oilwell cement (Portland cement class G) at very early age(up to one day) in saturated condition on (I) the hydration kinetics, (II) the hydrous properties (permeability and porosity) and (III) the development of the dynamic elastic properties obtained by ultrasonic propagation and quasi-static properties. The "instantaneous" and differed quasi-static properties were obtained by mechanical tests carried out in uniaxial compression with various times/degree of hydration
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Etude des mécanismes d'altération du verre par des eaux cimentaires / Study of glass alteration mechanisms in cement watersDepierre, Sara 22 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre du concept français de stockage géologique profond des déchets radioactifs, ilest envisagé de stocker les colis vitrifiés de déchets de Moyenne Activité à Vie Longue au sein de surconteneurs en béton. La chimie de l'eau interstitielle étant susceptible de modifier la durabilité chimique des matrices vitreuses, cette étude a été menée afin d'appréhender la phénoménologie d'altération du verre au contact d'eaux cimentaires. Des solutions représentatives des deux premiers stades de dégradation d'un ciment Portland et d'un ciment bas pH ont été étudiées. Les conditions dans lesquelles le rapport S/V (surface de verre sur volume de solution) et la chimie de la solution pilotent les mécanismes d'altération du verre sont clairement établies.Si le flux d'éléments relâchés par le verre est suffisant pour atteindre et maintenir un état de sursaturation qui permette la nucléation de phases secondaires (C-S-H et zéolithes), alors la précipitation de ces phases pilote la dissolution du verre. Les rôles antagonistes du calcium ont été mis en évidence en fonction du régime d'altération du verre. A faible rapport S/V, l'incorporationdu calcium au sein de la pellicule d'altération augmente ses propriétés passivantes. A l'inverse, àfort rapport S/V, le calcium précipite sous forme de phases cimentaires consommatrices d'élémentsréticulants de la pellicule d'altération, ce qui engendre le maintien d'une vitesse d'altération élevée.Le rôle bénéfique d'un ciment bas pH vis-à-vis de l'altération du verre est expliqué à partir de cesrésultats. Ce travail constitue une première étape visant à la compréhension fine des mécanismesd'altération du verre en milieu cimentaire. / In the French deep geological repository concept, intermediate-level vitrified wastepackages could be disposed of concrete medium. Chemical composition and pH of the interstitialleaching water are expected to influence the chemical durability of glass. Investigations have thusbeen carried out to study glass dissolution mechanisms and kinetics in contact with cement waters.Three cement pore waters were studied: the first two correspond to two stages of the Portlandcement aging and the third corresponds to equilibrium with a low pH concrete. The S/V ratio(glass-surface-area-to-solution-volume ratio) and the chemistry of cement waters are the two mainparameters that control glass alteration mechanisms.If the leaching flow from the glass allows a degree of supersaturation to be reached and maintainedwhich leads to nucleation of secondary phases, then precipitation of these phases drives glassdissolution. At a very low S/V ratio, the calcium uptake into the alteration layer increases itspassivating properties. Conversely, at a high S/V ratio, the calcium precipitates as cementitiousphases consuming elements which form the alteration layer. The glass dissolution is maintained ata high rate.This study contributes to highlighting the beneficial role of low pH cement in glass alteration, andis a first step towards understanding the mechanisms between the glass and the cement medium.
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Reactive transport modeling of CO2 through cementitious materials under CO2 geological storage conditions / Modélisation de la pénétration du CO2 dans les matériaux cimentaires dans le contexte du stockage du CO2Shen, Jiyun 12 March 2013 (has links)
Un modèle de transport réactif est proposé pour simuler la réactivité des matériaux à base de ciment en contact avec une saumure saturée en CO2 et/ou le CO2 supercritique (CO2sc) dans les conditions de stockage géologique du CO2. Un code a été développé pour résoudre simultanément le transport et la chimie par une approche globale couplée, compte tenu de l'effet de la température et de la pression. La variabilité des propriétés du CO2sc avec la pression et la température, telles que la solubilité dans l'eau, la densité et la viscosité sont pris en compte. On suppose que tous les processus chimiques sont en équilibre thermodynamique. Les réactions de dissolution et de précipitation de la portlandite (CH) et de calcite (CC) sont décrites par des lois d'action de masse et des seuils de produit d'activité ioniques. Une cinétique de dissolution de CH est introduite pour faciliter la convergence numérique. La définition d'une variable principale permet de capturer la précipitation et la dissolution des phases solides à base de calcium. Une généralisation de la loi d'action de masse est développée et appliquée aux silicates de calcium hydratés (CSH) pour tenir compte de la variation continue (diminution) du rapport Ca/Si au cours de la dissolution des CSH. Les variations de porosité et de la microstructure induites par les réactions de précipitation et de dissolution sont également prises en compte. Le couplage entre le transport et la chimie est modélisé par cinq équations de bilan de masse écrites pour chaque atome (Ca, Si, C, K, Cl), ainsi que par une équation de conservation de la masse totale et celle de la charge électrique. Les lois de Darcy et de Nernst-Planck sont utilisées pour décrire le transport de masse et d'ions. Les propriétés de transport dépendent du degré de saturation et de la porosité. Le modèle est implémenté dans le code de volumes finis, Bil. Les principes de cette méthode et l'approche de modélisation sont discutés et illustrés sur un exemple simple. Ce modèle est en mesure de simuler les processus de carbonatation des matériaux à base de ciment, dans des conditions à la fois saturés et insaturés, dans une large plage de concentration de CO2, de température et de pression. Plusieurs expériences, rapportées dans la littérature, sont simulées en utilisant divers types de conditions aux limites: (i) solutions saturées ou non en CO2 et carbonate de calcium, (ii) gas supercritique de CO2. Les prédictions sont comparées avec les observations expérimentales. Certains phénomènes observés expérimentalement peuvent être également expliqués par le modèle / A reactive transport model is proposed to simulate the reactivity of cement based material in contact with CO2-saturated brine and supercritical CO2 (scCO2) under CO2 geological storage conditions. This code is developed to solve simultaneously transport and chemistry by a global coupled approach, considering the effect of temperature and pressure. The variability of scCO2 properties with pressure and temperature, such as solubility in water, density and viscosity are taken into account. It is assumed that all chemical processes are in thermodynamical equilibrium. Dissolution and precipitation reactions for portlandite (CH) and calcite (CC) are described by mass action laws and threshold of ion activity products in order to account for complete dissolved minerals. A chemical kinetics for the dissolution and precipitation of CH and CC is introduced to facilitate numerical convergence. One properly chosen variable is able to capture the precipitation and dissolution of the relevant phase. A generalization of the mass action law is developed and applied to calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) to take into account the continuous variation (decrease) of the Ca/Si ratio during the dissolution reaction of C-S-H. The changes in porosity and microstructure induced by the precipitation and dissolution reactions are also taken into account. Couplings between transport equations and chemical reactions are treated thanks to five mass balance equations written for each atom (Ca, Si, C, K, Cl) as well as one equation for charge balance and one for the total mass. Ion transport is described by using the Nernst-Plank equation as well as advection, while gas and liquid mass flows are governed by advection. Effect of the microstructure and saturation change during carbonation to transport properties is also considered. The model is implemented within a finite-volume code, Bil. Principles of this method and modeling approach are discussed and illustrated with the help of a simple example. This model, with all the efforts above, is able to simulate the carbonation processes for cement based materials, at both saturated and unsaturated conditions, in a wide CO2 concentration, temperature and pressure range. Several sets of experiments, including sandstone-like conditions, limestone-like conditions, supercritical CO2 boundary and unsaturated conditions reported in the literature are simulated. Good predictions are provided by the code when compared with experimental observations. Some experimental observed phenomena are also explained by the model in terms of calcite precipitation front, CH dissolution front, porosity profile, etc
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Resposta tecidual após implante subcutâneo de diferentes cimentos à base de ionômeo de vidro / Tissue response after subcutaneous implantation of different glass ionomer based cementsBorges, Luã Lopes 19 July 2018 (has links)
O Cimento de Ionômero de Vidro (CIV) é um material restaurador utilizado na Odontologia Minimamente Invasiva pois, além de apresentar propriedade adesiva à estrutura dental, apresenta propriedades tais como liberação e absorção de íons flúor, compatibilidade biológica com os tecidos bucais e coeficiente de expansão térmica similar ao da dentina. No entanto, o CIV apresenta baixa resistência mecânica, alta suscetibilidade à perda e ao ganho de água nas primeiras 24 horas (sinérese e embebição), período prolongado de presa e polimento ruim. Apesar desse material ter sido introduzido na Odontologia há mais de 40 anos, sua fórmula original vem sofrendo alterações, com o objetivo principal de aprimorar as propriedades mecânicas e alcançar melhores resultados clínicos. Dentre os CIV convencionais, destaca-se o EQUIA® Forte Fil (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), material elaborado com o objetivo de aprimorar as características físicas e estéticas do seu antecessor EQUIA® Fil. No entanto, até o momento não existem trabalhos biológicos avaliando o desempenho do EQUIA™ Forte e Ketac™ Universal Aplicap™. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta do tecido conjuntivo subcutâneo de camundongos isogênicos após implante de diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro (EQUIA® Forte Fil, EQUIA® Fil e Ketac™ Universal Aplicap™). Foram utilizados 87 camundongos isogênicos da linhagem BALB/c divididos em 12 grupos, sendo 9 experimentais (Ketac, E. Fil e E. Forte nos períodos de 7, 21 e 63 dias) e 3 controles (tubos de polietileno vazios, nos mesmos períodos). Decorridos os períodos experimentais, a porção do tecido conjuntivo subcutâneo circundante ao material implantado foi removida e submetida ao processamento histotécnico e à coloração com hematoxilina e eosina. Foi realizada a descrição da reação tecidual em contato com cada material, análise semi-quantitativa do fibrosamento e do infiltrado inflamatório e análise quantitativa da espessura do tecido reacional granulomatoso em contato com o material testado ou tubo de polietileno. Os dados foram analizados estatisticamente (α=0,05), utilizando o teste de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido pelo Pós-teste de Dunn. Inicialmente, o fibrosamento não foi diferente entre os materiais testados (p>0,05), porém passou a ser diferente aos 21 dias, com o controle apresentando o estágio mais avançado de fibrosamento, e chegando ao final do experimento com o Grupo EQUIA® Forte Fil com estágio mais avançado de fibrosamento, em comparação ao grupo EQUIA® Fil (p<0,05). O infiltrado inflamatório, por sua vez, não apresentou diferença entre os materiais testados ao longo dos períodos experimentais (p>0,05). A área do tecido reacional granulomatoso foi maior para o Grupo E. Forte, diferindo do controle em todos os períodos avaliados (p<0,05). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que todos os cimentos à base de ionômero de vidro testados apresentaram compatibilidade tecidual, de acordo com os diferentes parâmetros avaliados / The Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) is a restorative material used in Minimally Invasive Dentistry. Besides it presenting adhesive properties to the dental structure, GIC has properties such as release and absorption of fluoride ion, biological compatibility with buccal tissues and expansion coefficient similar to that of dentin. However, GIC presents low mechanical resistance, high susceptibility to loss and water gain in the first 24 hours (syneresis and imbibition), prolonged setting time and poor polishing. Although this material was introduced in Dentistry more than 40 years ago, its original formula has undergone changes, with the main objective of improving the mechanical properties and achieving better clinical results. Among the conventional GIC, we highlight EQUIA® Forte Fil, a material developed with the aim of improving the physical and aesthetic characteristics of its predecessor EQUIA® Fil. However, there are no biologic researches evaluating the performance of EQUIA® Forte and Ketac™ Universal Aplicap™. The aim of this study was to evaluate the subcutaneous connective tissue response of isogenic mice after implanting different glass ionomer cements (EQUIA® Forte Fil, EQUIA® Fil and Ketac™ Universal Aplicap™). Eighty-seven isogenic mice of the BALB/c were divided into 12 groups, 9 were experimental (Ketac, E. Fil and E. Forte at 7, 21 and 63 days) and 3 controls (empty polyethylene tubes at the same experimental time). After the experimental periods, the portion of the subcutaneous connective tissue surrounding the implanted material was removed and subjected to histotechnical processing and staining with hematoxylin and eosin. A description of the tissue reaction in contact with each material, semi-quantitative analysis of f collagen fiber formation and inflammatory infiltrate and quantitative analysis of the tissue thickness of the granulomatous reaction tissue in contact with the tested material or polyethylene tube were performed. Data were analyzed statistically (α=0.05) using the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Dunn Post test. Initially, the collagen fiber formation was not different between the tested materials (p>0.05), but it became different at 21 days, with the control presenting the most advanced stage of collagen fiber formation, and reaching the end of the experiment with the EQUIA® Forte Fil group with a more advanced stage of collagen fiber formation, compared to the EQUIA® Fil group (p<0.05). Inflammatory infiltrate, on the other hand, showed no difference between the materials tested during the experimental periods (p>0.05). The tissue thickness was larger for the EQUIA® Forte Fil group, differing from the control group in all evaluated periods (p<0.05). According to the results obtained, it was concluded that all the glass ionomer - based cements tested showed tissue compatibility, according to the different parameters evaluated
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Understanding the Origins of Bioadhesion in Marine OrganismsAndres M Tibabuzo Perdomo (6948671) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Curiosity is a powerful tool, and combined with the ability to observe the natural world, grants humankind an unique opportunity, the opportunity to wonder why. Why do things exist?, why do they do the things they do?, why is this even possible?</p>
<p>Research in our lab is focused on the basic understanding and potential application of biological materials, in particular, biological adhesives produced by marine organisms such as oysters. Oysters produce a cement-like material that is able to withstand the dynamic conditions found in coastal environments. The focus of this dissertation is to lay the basis of the characterization of new biological materials by observing and analyzing its physical properties, to measure the performance of the material in natural conditions and finally to identify the basic components that give the material the properties that we observe. The end goal of this project is to understand the properties of this material so we are able to develop a synthetic system that is able to imitate, as close as possible, what we find in nature. These results, and more importantly, the new questions that emerge from this research, provide a first look at the adhesive system of oysters leading the way to new discoveries in the future.</p>
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Painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual curados por carbonatação acelerada / OSB-cement-residual-wood particleboards cured by accelerated carbonationCabral, Matheus Roberto 27 March 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver, produzir e caracterizar painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual com as espécies de eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) e pinus (Pinus spp.) com densidade 1250 kg/m³, bem como avaliar o efeito da cura com carbonatação acelerada nas propriedades dos painéis. O projeto foi desenvolvido em quatro etapas. Na Etapa 1 (Tratamentos nos strands de eucalipto e pinus) foi realizada a produção e a avaliação do efeito dos tratamentos de água fria, água quente e solução 2,5% de hidróxido de sódio, nas propriedades dos strands, bem como o estudo do efeito dos strands de eucalipto e pinus (sem e com tratamentos) na hidratação do cimento Portland aos 28 dias de idade. Após a avaliação dos strands, foi constatado que os que não receberam tratamento apresentaram melhor desempenho em comparação aos strands tratados. A etapa 2 (Determinação do teor ótimo de strands de madeira para painéis OSB cimento-madeira residual) visou produzir painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual contendo os teores de 25%, 30% e 35% de strands em massa, seguindo a metodologia convencional de produção de painéis cimento-madeira (OSB-cimento-madeira) e avaliá-los por meio das propriedades, físicas, mecânicas e microestruturais. Os painéis OSB-cimento-madeira com os teores de 25%, 30% e 35% de strands apresentaram propriedades físicas próximas ao valor recomendado pela norma ISO 8335 como também para propriedades mecânicas de módulo de ruptura (MOR) e módulo de elasticidade (MOE). Na etapa 3 (Painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual otimizados) foram ajustados os parâmetros de produção (teor de strands, teor de água, processo de mistura e pressão) e avaliadas as propriedades térmicas, físicas e mecânicas dos painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual com 35% e 45% de strands (em massa). Foi observado que após o ajuste da água não evaporável (Wn), os valores de densidade aparente foram próximos ao valor proposto nos parâmetros produtivos. O teor de strands de 45% resultou em um aumento de aproximadamente 31% no MOR paralelo e de 93% no MOE perpendicular ao strand em comparação com painéis fabricados com teores de 35%. A pressão empregada foi efetiva uma vez que proporcionou uma compressão adequada para ambos os painéis (eucalipto e pinus), não sendo evidenciado o \"efeito mola\". Na Etapa 4 (Cura com carbonatação acelerada em painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual) em que foram avaliados os painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual com 45% de strands submetidos a cura com carbonatação acelerada, durante 12 h foi observada uma redução do inchamento em espessura e da absorção de água. Os valores médios do MOR na direção paralela do strand e do MOE foram próximos aos requisitos mínimos estabelecidos pela EN300: 2006 - classe OSB/1. Para os painéis avaliados após o ensaio de envelhecimento acelerado de 100 ciclos de imersão e secagem, foi observado que o desempenho mecânico dos painéis carbonatados foi significativamente superior aos não carbonatados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que os painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual produzidos com strands de eucalipto e pinus no teor de massa de 45% e curados com carbonatação acelerada apresentaram potencial como um novo material, visto que as propriedades físicas e mecânicas atendem ao estabelecido pela norma EN300:2006 para painel cimento-madeira convencional. / This project aims the development, production and characterization of OSB-cement-residual-wood particleboards using the wood species of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) with a density of 1250 kg/m³, as well as to evaluate the accelerated carbonation effects on the particleboard\'s properties. This project was conducted into four steps. In the step 1 (Tratamentos nos strands de eucalipto e pinus) it was realized the strands production and characterization. In this step, the study of the strands (eucalyptus and pine) on the Portland cement hydration at 28 days age was also investigated. The results shown that the strands without treatment perform better than those treated. In the step 2 (Determinação do teor ótimo de strands de madeira para painéis OSB cimento-madeira residual) a physical, mechanical and microstructural properties evaluation was conducted on the OSB-cement-residual-wood particleboards with strand contents of 25%, 30% and 35% (by weight) produced with the conventional cement-wood production method. The OSB-cement-residual-wood with all strand contents shown physical and mechanical (MOR and MOE) properties close to those recommend by ISO 8335. In the step 3 (Painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual otimizados) production parameters were adjusted (strand contents, water content, mixture procedure and pressure) and the particleboards with 35% and 45% of strands thermal, physical and mechanical properties were assessed. The results of this step shown that after once adjusted the non-evaporable water (Wn) in the production, the apparent density values were close to those proposed in the production methods. The particleboards with a strand content of 45% shown an increase of approximately 31% in the parallel MOR and 93% in the MOE perpendicular to the strand compared to those particleboards made with 35%s strand content. It was also found that the pressure used to produce the particleboards (eucalyptus and pine) was effective once it was not evidenced the spring effect. In the step 4 (Cura com carbonatação acelerada em painéis OSB-cimento-madeira residual) the OSB-cement-residual wood with 45% of strands were subjected to accelerated carbonation cure for 12 h and the materials were evaluated. It was found a reduction in thickness welling and water absorption for the carbonated particleboard. The mean values of MOR in the parallel direction of the strand and the MOE were close to the minimum requirements established by the EN300: 2006 - OSB/1 class. For the particleboards evaluated after the accelerated aging test of 100 wetting and drying cycles, it was found that the mechanical performance of the carbonated particleboards was significantly higher than those non-carbonated. Therefore, it can be concluded that the OSB-cement-residual-wood particleboards produced with eucalyptus with 45% of strand and cured by accelerated carbonation presented potential as a new material, since the physical and mechanical properties meet the EN300: 2006 standard requirements for conventional cement-wood panel.
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Influência do uso de filler calcário como material cimentício suplementar nas propriedades de fratura de pastas de cimento. / Influence of the use of limestone filler as a supplementary cementitious material on the fracture properties of cement pastes.Cecel, Rafael Testoni 21 May 2019 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou propriedades de fratura e seus parâmetros de superfície em composições de pasta de cimento de mesma porosidade capilar, variando o teor de filler calcário como substituinte ao cimento comercial. Ainda, para avaliação do efeito em composições de argamassa, foi avaliada a capacidade de redução de água que essa adição pode proporcionar e seu efeito na resistência mecânica. A avaliação dos parâmetros de fratura ocorreu por ensaio de flexão por carregamento em três pontos, com controle por taxa de deslocamento e as análises de superfície por ensaio de interferometria, em seções de fratura e entalhe. O aumento do teor de filler calcário proporcionou redução da demanda de água nas argamassas, para mesmo comportamento. A redução da demanda foi ainda maior para as composições dispersas com aditivo, em relação à referência com aditivo. As resistências à compressão das argamassas apresentaram boa correlação em relação ao ajuste com todas as composições, enquanto foi observado que argamassas de médio teor de filler podem apresentar mesma resistência à flexão que as argamassas de referência, mesmo que estas apresentem menor porosidade capilar. As pastas ensaiadas à flexão por carregamento três pontos não apresentaram comportamento quase-frágil, impedindo o cálculo da energia de fraturamento. Isto ocorreu devido ao método de ensaio adotado, com configuração inadequada, e que pode ser ajustada através da redução da taxa de deslocamento do ensaio, da geometria dos corpos de prova ou da geometria dos entalhes produzidos. Todas as composições apresentaram insensibilidade à profundidade de entalhe sob as condições de ensaio adotadas, possivelmente devido às falhas de configuração do método. As médias de resistência à flexão e do fator de intensidade de tensão crítico foram maiores para a composição de alto teor de filler, seguidos da referência e da composição de médio teor de filler, respectivamente. Em todas as análises e tipos de superfície estudadas, as composições de alto teor de filler apresentaram maior índice de rugosidade e amplitude entre picos e vales, enquanto não foi identificada diferença entre a referência e a composição de médio teor de filler. Estes dois parâmetros e a raiz quadrática da rugosidade indicaram que a rugosidade das superfícies fraturadas é maior que em superfícies cortadas com disco diamantado. / This study assesses fracture properties and their surface parameters in cement paste compositions of the same capillary porosity, varying the filler content of limestone as a substitute for commercial cement. Also, to evaluate the effect in mortar compositions, the water reduction capacity that this addition can provide and its effect on the mechanical resistance was evaluated. The evaluation of the fracture parameters was performed by three-point loading flexion test with displacement rate control and surface analysis by interferometry test in fracture and notch sections. The increase of limestone filler provided a reduction of the water demand in the mortars, in relation to the reference, for spreading of 265mm in table of consistency. The water demand reduction was even greater for compositions dispersed with admixture, relative to the reference with admixture. The compressive strength of the mortars presented a good correlation in the fit with all the compositions, while it was observed that mortars of medium filler content may have the same flexural strength as the reference mortars, even if they have lower capillary porosity. The pastes tested by three-point loading did not exhibit quasi-fragile behavior, preventing the calculation of fracturing energy. This was due to the inadequately configured test method adopted, which can be adjusted by reducing the test displacement rate, the geometry of the specimens or the geometry of the notches produced. All compositions presented insensitivity to the notch depth under the test conditions adopted, possibly due to method configuration failures. The averages of flexural strength and critical stress intensity factor were higher for the high filler composition, followed by the reference and medium filler composition, respectively. In all analyzes and surface types studied, high filler compositions presented higher roughness and amplitude index between peaks and valleys, while no difference between the reference and medium filler composition was identified. These two parameters and the quadratic root roughness indicated that the roughness of the fractured surfaces is greater than on surfaces cut with diamond disc.
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