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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and performance of a nano-Newton torsion balance

Kößling, M., Tajmar, M. 06 June 2024 (has links)
Here, we present a novel torsion balance with a torsional spring that can reach a resolution in the nano-Newton range while allowing for a total experimental weight of 2 kg. The balance uses an off-the-shelf electromagnetic actuator, which was calibrated. The oscillation of the balance is damped using an adaptable eddy-current brake to fine-tune the damping factor. Experiments and electronics are controlled and powered through four coaxial liquid contacts. The balance is shown to be highly linear between 0.01 and 300 μN. After an automated post-processing, the noise of a measurement was 1.0 nN, and an applied force of 10 nN had a calculated error of 11.9%.

Synthesis and photovoltaic applications of novel copolymers based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) / Synthèse et application en cellules solaires organiques de nouveaux copolymères à base de poly(3-hexylthiophène)

Erothu, Harikrishna 25 February 2011 (has links)
Dans cette étude, des copolymères à blocs rigide-flexible comprenant des segments donneur [poly(3-hexylthiophène) régiorégulier, (rr-P3HT)] et accepteurs d’électrons (C60) ont été synthétisés. L’auto-assemblage en masse de ces copolymères à blocs avait pour objectif d’atteindre des morphologies dont la taille des domaines coïncide avec la distance idéale de transport de l’exciton (~10 nm) en vue d’utiliser ces systèmes comme matériaux de couche active dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques de type P3HT-PCBM.La maîtrise et l'optimisation des conditions de synthèse de rr-P3HT de fonctionnalité terminale bien définie nous ont permis d'accéder à différentes architectures de copolymères linéaires di- et triblocs, constitués de P3HT comme bloc rigide et de polystyrène ou poly(4-vinylpyridine) comme bloc ‘flexible’. La fonctionnalisation du bloc flexible avec des dérivés du fullerène (C60 ou PCBM) a ensuite été réalisée et ces copolymères utilisés comme additifs pour stabiliser la morphologie de la couche active des cellules solaires organiques de type P3HT/PCBM. Les caractéristiques photovoltaïques des matériaux ainsi préparés ont été déterminées et corrélées aux analyses morphologiques de la couche active. / The performance of organic photovoltaic cells mainly depends on the active layer nano-morphology. Rod-coil block copolymers (BCPs) are well known in their ability to self-assemble into well-ordered nanoscopic morphologies. BCPs containing electron-donor and acceptor segments are of particular interest for use in photovoltaic cells because electronic light-excited states exist over distances similar to the typical size of block copolymer domains (~10 nm). Therefore, we designed novel donor-acceptor BCPs to exploit this coincidence in dimensions. This thesis is focused on BCPs based on regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (rr-P3HT) due to its high hole mobility and good processibility from various solvents. Simplified and versatile syntheses of donor-acceptor rod-coil di- and tri- BCPs consisting of the donor block P3HT (rod) and polystyrene or poly(4-vinylpyridine) (coil) blocks to carry the acceptor C60 in different ways were developed. These materials were used as surfactants to stabilize the nano-morphology of reference P3HT: [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) based devices. Photovoltaic characterizations were then tied to copolymer structural data with the help of AFM and a range of complementary characterization techniques.

Contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault de milieux ferromagnétiques : de l’expérience au modèle d’interaction / Eddy current non destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials : experimentation and modeling

Zorni, Chiara 28 February 2012 (has links)
La problématique étudiée est le contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault de matériaux ferromagnétiques à l’aide d’un capteur à magnétorésistance géante (GMR). Durant ces travaux deux aspects complémentaires ont été abordés : l’un concerne la mesure expérimentale pour essayer de quantifier et de s’affranchir du bruit de structure et du champ magnétique rémanent, l’autre le développement d’un modèle numérique d’interaction. En ce qui concerne la partie expérimentale plusieurs études avec un capteur GMR qui présente un intérêt particulier en raison de sa bonne sensibilité à basses fréquences, de sa dynamique et de la relative simplicité de mise en œuvre ont été conduites et ont permis d’identifier et quantifier les phénomènes d’artefacts spécifiques aux matériaux ferromagnétiques : le bruit de structure et le champ magnétique rémanent. Une solution basée sur une combinaison linéaire des données expérimentales obtenues à plusieurs fréquences est appliquée pour atténuer le bruit dû à la structure du matériau. Le champ magnétique rémanent a été analysé expérimentalement et un circuit d’asservissement permettant de fixer un point de polarisation dans la zone de fonctionnement linéaire de la GMR et ainsi d’atténuer les perturbations dues aux champs magnétiques rémanents est mis en place. En parallèle et dans l’optique de développer des outils de simulation permettant de mieux comprendre les phénomènes physiques et ainsi d’optimiser les procédés de contrôle, un modèle numérique d’interaction simulant le cas du contrôle d’une pièce plane ferromagnétique d’une ou plusieurs couches pouvant contenir un ou plusieurs défauts est développé. Il étend un modèle déjà existant dans un cas non-ferromagnétique déjà intégré dans la plateforme de simulation CIVA développé par le CEA-LIST et permettant la simulation du Contrôle Non Destructif par Courants de Foucault. Il est basé sur une méthode d’intégrales de volume (VIM) et l’utilisation des tenseurs ou dyades de Green. La solution est obtenue après la discrétisation du volume de calcul et l’application d’une variante de Galerkin de la Méthode des Moments (MoM). La réponse de la sonde est ensuite calculée en appliquant le théorème de réciprocité de Lorentz. Des collaborations avec deux laboratoires universitaires (le Laboratoire de Génie Électrique de Paris (LGEP) et l’Université de Cassino (Italie)) ont permis de comparer les résultats issus des trois différents modèles sur un cas de la littérature. Les résultats se sont révélés satisfaisants et plusieurs études de convergence ont permis d’analyser la stabilité du modèle. / The aim of this work is the eddy-current testing (ECT) of ferromagnetic materials within magnetic sensors, such as Giant Magneto-Resistances (GMR). Two complementary aspects have been studied. Experimental measurements have been carried out in order to quantify and minimize the noise coming from the materials structure and residual magnetization. On the other hand, a model has been developed in order to be able to simulate the electromagnetic interactions between a ferromagnetic specimen and the EC probe. The GMR sensors are characterized by high sensitivity at low frequency, large dynamic range and are relatively easy to implement. The studies carried out during this thesis allowed us to identify and analyse the “ghost signals” due to magnetic materials. In order to minimize the noise coming from the materials structure, a linear multi-frequencies combination of experimental signals has been employed successfully and the detection of buried flaws has been improved. The residual magnetization in ferromagnetic materials has been experimentally analyzed and an electronic system has been realized to fix the polarisation point of the sensor in the linear response zone of the GMR. Thus, disturbances caused by residual magnetization are successfully reduced. Beside, in order to develop simulation tools aiming at improving the understanding of experimental signals and optimizing the performances of ECT procedures, a model has been developed to simulate the ECT of planar, stratified and ferromagnetic materials affected with multiple flaws. CEA developed for many years semi-analytical models embedded into the simulation platform CIVA dedicated to non-destructive testing. Following a previous work carried out at the laboratory and already integrated in the simulation platform CIVA, developed at CEA-LIST, the new model extends CIVA functionalities to the ferromagnetic planar case. Simulation results are obtained through the application of the Volume Integral Method (VIM) which involves the dyadic Green’s functions. Two coupled integral equations have to be solved and the numerical resolution of the system is carried out using the classical Galerkin variant of the Method of Moments (MoM). Finally, the probe response is calculated by application of the Lorentz reciprocity theorem. A collaboration with the University of Cassino (Italy) and Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris (France) allowed us to compare the three models on experimental and numerical results from literature. Results showed a good agreement between the three models and the model stability has been analyzed.

Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologies

Smith, Elliot John 13 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented. The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized. A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls. The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.

Analyser av två VSC-HVDC-stationer genom långtidsmätningar med elkvalitetsmätare / Analysis of two VSC-HVDC stations through long-time measurements with power quality analyzers

Pettersson, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Gotland har länge präglats av mycket speciella lösningar och legat i framkant vad gäller ny teknik. Under ca 20 år har Gotland haft en VSC-HVDC-station som har stabiliserat spänningen i det gotländska nätet. HVDC Light har löst en del av de tekniska begränsningarna som hindrat utvecklingen av vindkraftverk. Anläggningen börjar lida mot slutet av sin tekniska livslängd och examensarbetet är ett första steg i utredningen för en eventuell ersättning. Med hjälp av elkvalitetsmätare kartlagdes prestanda och eventuella förbättringsområden. Den svenska stamnätsoperatören Svenska kraftnät har sedan 2016 haft en VSC-HVDC-station som använts för att utväxla energi till asynkrona systemet i Östeuropa. Svenska kraftnät har på senare tid velat utnyttja spänningsregleringsmöjligheterna och utreda mättekniska metoder. Elkvalitetsmätare placerades ut på lämpliga mätpunkter för att utreda anläggningens beteenden. ELSPEC G4500 elkvalitetsmätare installerades på Nordbalt och Gotlands HVDC Light för att mäta under sensommar till hösten 2017. Skillnader mellan CVT och IVT samt Rogowskispole och CT mättes. Valet av ELSPEC lämpade sig bra eftersom att inga triggningsvillkor behövdes som tillåter att man kan upptäcka små men viktiga avvikelser. Gotlands HVDC Light stabiliserar nätet främst mot spänningsdippar efter kortslutningar i 10 kV-elnätet och flimmer ifrån vindkraftsparkerna i ände 2. Märkeffekten för en uppdaterad anläggning kommer baseras på den kortslutningseffekt i 10 kV-nätet som kan utvecklas under anläggningens livstid. Spänningsregleringen ska baseras på en PI-regulator och ska kunna reglera fullt på 40 ms. Komponentspänningar kan användas för att ge reaktiv effekt på de faser som behöver det. Behovet mot flimmer ska baseras på en mätning i närmaste konsumtionscentrum, två mil från ände 2. Om behovet finns, ska en separat loop för flimmerkontroll som motverkar 1,5 Hz-komponenter implementeras utifrån en punkt ca 1,5 mil ifrån ände 2. Teknikvalet står mellan two-level generation 3 eller MMC, beroende på uppgradering eller ersättning. Många olika framtida scenarion påverkar HVDC Lights roll och oavsett, kommer mycket resurser behövas för Gotlands och HVDC Lights framtid. Det har observerats två beteenden på Nordbalt varav ena är långsam och det andra beteendet är snabbt. Det snabba beteendet uppstår när lågohmiga fel sker som också synkronmaskinerna tar hand om. Nordbalt kan hjälpa till för mindre spänningsvariationer om den varit snabbare likt beteendet vid lågohmiga fel. En stabilitetsbedömning behövs dock eftersom att snabbare beteende ökar risken för instabilitet. Eftersom att data mellan CVT och IVT skiljde sig mycket, upplystes mättekniska problem. Några lösningar diskuteras varav RCVT och PQSensor gås igenom grundligt. Alternativa lösningar som MoW och mobila enheter presenteras också vagt. Samtliga lösningar visade sig ha praktiska hinder, vilket försvårar genomförandet. Det uppmanas därför att man bör testa teknikerna i laborationsmiljö eftersom begränsat med studier gjorts på dessa samt att konkurrerande tillverkare uppger olika uppgifter. / Gotland has long been known for various special solutions and been on the leading edge regarding new technology. For the past 20 years Gotland has had a VSC-HVDC station that has stabilized the voltage in the Gotlandic grid. HVDC Light has solved some of the technical limitations that has hindered the growth of wind turbines. The station has almost reached the end of its technical lifespan and the thesis is a first step in the investigation for an eventual replacement. With power quality analyzers performance and improvements were investigated. The Swedish transmission system operator Svenska kraftnät have since 2016 had a VSCHVDC station that have been used to exchange energy to the asynchronous system in Eastern Europe. Svenska kraftnät has of lately wanted to take advantage of the voltage control capabilities and investigate measurement technologies. Power quality analyzers were installed on suitable connection points to investigate the behavior of the station. ELSPEC G4500 power quality analyzers were installed on Nordbalt’s and Gotland’s HVDC Light to measure during the late summer to fall of 2017. The differences between CVT and IVT, and Rogowski coil and CT were captured. The choice of ELSPEC suited well since no trigger conditions are needed which allows small but important errors to be discovered. Gotland’s HVDC Light stabilizes the grid mostly against voltage sags for faults in the 10 kVgrid and flicker from the wind farms in node 2. The rated power for an upgrade should be based on the 10 kV-grid short-circuit power to be developed during the station’s life span. The voltage control should be based on a PI-controller and should be able to transmit full power in 40 ms. Component voltages can be used to produce reactive power on the phases in need. The need against flicker should be based on measurements in the closest center of consumption, 2 miles from node 2. If it’s needed, a separate loop for flicker-control that prevents 1.5 Hz-components based on a point 1.5 mile from node 2 should be implemented. Depending on an upgrade or replacement, the topology can either be “two-level generation 3” or MMC. Many different future scenarios affect HVDC Light’s role and more resources will be required for Gotland’s and HVDC Light’s future. Two behaviors have been observed on Nordbalt where one is slow and the other behavior is fast. The fast behavior was only observed when low impedance faults occurs, that the synchronous generators also handles. Nordbalt can contribute to small voltage variations if it was faster, like the behavior for low impedance faults. A consideration in stability is needed since a faster behavior can lead to stability problems. Since the data between CVT and IVT differed a lot, metrology problems were discovered. Some solutions were discussed, of which RCVT and PQSensor was thoroughly reviewed. Alternative solutions like MoW and mobile units were also presented vaguely. All solutions showed practical difficulties, which complicates the implementation. It is therefore encouraged to test the technologies in a laboratory environment since few studies have been made on these and competing manufactures state different information.

Optimalizace indikací chirurgického a endovaskulárního ošetření intrakraniálních aneurysmat. / Optimalised indications for microsurgical and endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms.

Štekláčová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta Autoreferát disertační práce Optimalizace indikací chirurgického a endovaskulárního ošetření intrakraniálních aneurysmat Anna Štekláčová 2018 2 Doktorské studijní programy v biomedicíně Univerzita Karlova v Praze a Akademie věd České republiky Obor: Neurovědy Předseda oborové rady: Prof. MUDr. Karel Šonka, DrSc. Školicí pracoviště: Neurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN, Praha Školitel: Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Beneš, DrSc. Disertační práce bude nejméně pět pracovních dnů před konáním obhajoby zveřejněna k nahlížení veřejnosti v tištěné podobě na Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost a zahraniční styky Děkanátu 1. lékařské fakulty. 3 Obsah Abstrakt - Česky ..................................................................................... 4 Abstract - English ................................................................................... 5 Úvod........................................................................................................ 6 Hypotézy a cíle studie............................................................................. 6 Materiál a metody ................................................................................... 7 Výsledky...

Optimalizace vibračního mikrogenerátoru. / Optimalization of vibration microgenerator

Kurfűrst, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The article describes how to produce energy necessary for sensor supply. These generators are used as a local source operating on vibratory principle. Mechanical vibrations that occur in moving machines, in nature etc. are used in order to gain required energy. So are kinesis principles and analysis employed in some of the avaible generators. It also contains patent and literary background research. Work is oriented to solving mechatronic perimeter, in the concrete micro - generator. Mechatronic perimeter piles from seat power control parts and mechanical parts, where common solving equation system leads to correct solving. Mentioned analyses be of consequence for usage optimization methods artificial intelligence. Optimization method are used on optimum solving proposal micro - generator. To inquest dynamism system was used program Simulink (part of MATLAB), generator is buckthorn for f = 17 [Hz] acceleration yam = 0,5g [ms-2]. As a algorithm is used SOMA – All to one.

Porovnání použití přístrojových transformátorů a senzorů v aplikacích s ochranou REF 542plus / Comparison of Instrument Transformer and Sensor Applications in Feeder Terminal REF 542plus

Hrycík, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s thesis is use of instrument transformers and sensors on field of industry protection. We will compare current and voltage transformers, current sensor – based on Rogowski coil, voltage sensor – based on voltage divider. By this measure devices, we can monitoring values of analog quantities in medium voltage switchgear. It is impossible to compare, measure and analyze without this measure devices. There is protection terminal REF542plus, which can compile this values. The REF542plus ability are measuring, monitoring, remote control and protection. First, we will discuss about theory of sensors and convential instrument transformers and analysis of analog signal. We will compare analog input channel on sensor´s analog module and transformer´s analog module. There are few differences between type of analog modules. For analog signal analysis are important frequency filters and Analog/ Digital Convertor (sigma-delta). We will describe functions and options of REF542plus. In practical part of this project, we will test protection functions of protection terminal. First, protection terminal will be connected to sensors. Second protection terminal will be connected to transformers. For testing we chose Earth-fault directional protection and differential protection. We will make only secondary tests. That´s mean, input analog quantities to REF542plus will be simulated by tester. In all we will verify quality of protection. We will focus on lower settings of protection and we will inject protection by low current. Objectives are testing of trip characteristics and measuring of trip time.

Kvantifikace nejistot měření magnetických veličin / Measurement of magnetic quantities - estimation of the uncertainty

Šlichta, Pavol January 2016 (has links)
This Master’s thesis contains an overview of determining measurement uncertainties of direct and indirect measurements. It describes a way of creating a magnetic field with the help of Helmholtz coil and a more detailed description of some principles of magnetic field sensors. This thesis also contains a description of the experiments and the factors influencing them. The last part deals with the quantification of uncertainties from measured experiments and with the discussion of the results from these measurements.

Hocheffizienter DC/DC-Wandler auf Basis von GaN-Leistungsschaltern für Hochleistungs-Leuchtdioden im Kraftfahrzeug

Werkstetter, Mario 12 April 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten zur Maximierung der Effizienz von stromregelnden DC/DC-Wandlern für den Betrieb von Hochleistungs-LEDs in PKW-und Motorrad-Beleuchtungseinrichtungen untersucht, mit dem Ziel, das Gewicht und den Energieverbrauch der Steuergeräte zu reduzieren und so zu dem stetigen Bestreben der Minimierung der Gesamtfahrzeugemissionen beizutragen. Dafür werden verschiedene, teils sequenziell aufbauende Maßnahmen in Topologie, Bauelementen, Dimensionierung und Betriebsart betrachtet. Eine grundlegende Herausforderung für die Auslegung der Schaltung stellt dabei deren universelle Verwendbarkeit als Gleichteil in einem großen Bereich an Ausgangsstrom und -spannung in den individuellen Scheinwerfersystemen der verschiedenen Fahrzeugderivate dar. Die Grundlage für die Verringerung der Verlustleistung bildet die Vereinfachung der Schaltreglertopologie hinsichtlich des Bauteilaufwands. Dies wird durch die Versorgung der Schaltung aus dem 48 V-Energiebordnetz und die Verwendung der Topologie des Tiefsetzstellers erreicht. Elementarer Anteil dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit des Einsatzes neuartiger Galliumnitrid-Leistungsschalter (GaN-HEMTs) anstelle der konventionellen Silizium-MOSFETs, was zunächst an Hand von Berechnungen und schaltungstechnischen, parasitärbehafteten und zeitvarianten Simulationen durchgeführt wird. Bereits bei herkömmlichen Schaltfrequenzen und hartgeschaltetem Betrieb können signifikante Verbesserungen des Wirkungsgrades erreicht werden. Weitergehend wird der Nutzen der durch die GaN-Transistoren ermöglichten höheren Schaltfrequenzen eruiert. Die um bis zu Faktor 20 erhöhte Schaltfrequenz macht den Einsatz einer resonanten Betriebsart (Zero-Voltage-Switching) und einer Luftspule als Hauptinduktivität notwendig. Auf Steuergeräteebene kann somit die Verlustleistung auf unter ein Drittel reduziert werden, was zudem ein deutlich einfacheres und kompakteres Gehäuse ermöglicht, wodurch das Gesamtgewicht etwa halbiert werden kann. Abschließend wird die Schaltung in einem Prototypen praktisch umgesetzt und die Funktionsfähigkeit im ZVS-Betrieb bei Schaltfrequenzen von bis zu 10 MHz verifiziert. / This thesis deals with the research of possibilities for maximising efficiency of current-regulating DC/DC-Converters for driving high-power-LEDs in passenger-car- and motorcycle-lighting-devices. The ambition is to reduce weight and energy-consumption of the electronic-control-units, to contribute to reach the continuously decreasing target-values for vehicle-emissions. Therefor different approaches in topology, components, design and operating mode are considered. A key-challenge for the circuit-design is the common-part-strategy for usage in many individual vehicle-headlamp-systems with a wide range of output-current and LED-string-voltages. Basis for the reduction of power-losses is the simplification of the converters topology in terms of quantity of components. This is achieved by using the 48 V -vehicle-electrical-system as voltage-supply and a step-down-topology. Mainpart of this research is about the potential benefits of applying novel Galliumnitride High-electron-mobility-transistors (GaN-HEMTs) instead of silicon MOS-FETs. Initially this is done by calculations and parasitic-afflicted, timevariant circuit-simulations. Already in hardswitching operation under conventional switching-frequencies significant improvements in converter-efficiency can be achieved. Furthermore the advantages of higher switching-frequencies, offered by the GaN-transistors, are investigated. Up to 20 times higher switching-frequencies necessitate a resonant operating mode of the circuit (Zero-voltage-switching) and the use of an aircoil as main-inductor. On ECU-level power-losses can be reduced down to less than one third, which enables a more simplified and compact housing-concept, so that the overall weight can drop to about the half. Finally the designed circuit is build up in a prototype and the functional capability is verified in ZVS-mode with up to 10 MHz switching-frequency.

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