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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural characteristics of various types of helically wound cables in bending

Khan, Sajjad W. January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to investigate the bending behaviour of helically wound steel cables of various types (i.e. normal spiral strands, sheathed spiral strands and locked coil cables) in the presence of friction and to propose more efficient computational models for their analysis under combined tension and bending. The proposed model fully takes into account interwire contact forces both in the radial direction (point contact between wires in different layers) and hoop direction (line contact within the wires in the same layer). Extensive theoretical parametric studies have been undertaken on a variety of cable constructions covering a wide range of geometrical and material parameters. Explicit formulations have been developed for the smooth transition of the bending stiffness from no-slip to full slip regimes, as a function of cable curvature. Based on these formulations, it is now possible to calculate the relative displacements of the wires, as well as the tensile, bending and hoop stresses in the individual wires of the cable. Furthermore, bending stiffness of the cable is shown to decrease by a factor of 2 to 16, depending upon the friction coefficient between wires and the type of cable construction. Wherever possible, the theoretical results have been compared with experimental results from the available literature and are found in very good agreement with them. A simple method for the determination of the bending stiffness of large diameter multi-layered cable has been developed. The simplified method is further shown to provide estimates of the bending stiffness which are very close to those calculated by the original theory, allowing hand calculations for an easier use in industry. The proposed formulations have been extended to cater for the effects of external hydrostatic pressure on sheathed spiral strands in deep water applications. These forces are shown to have a great influence on the pattern of interwire contact forces and hence the interlayer slippage between the wires in the strand. Numerical results have been obtained and analysed for three different 127 mm diameter strands with lay angles of 12°, 18° and 24° respectively, experiencing a wide range of external hydrostatic pressures of 0 to 2,000 metres. The significant increase in normal contact force between wires is shown to suppress the slippage of wires in the cable. However, the no-slip and full slip values of the effective bending stiffness of the cable is shown to be independent of the level of hydrostatic pressure. A theoretical model is also proposed for estimating wire kinematics, pattern of interwire slippage, contact forces as well as the flexural rigidity of locked coil cables with outer layers made of shaped wires. In order to validate this model, numerical results are reported for two different locked coil cables. It is shown that the shaped wires in the outer layers of locked coil cables play an important role in the distribution of contact forces, slip initiation and cable unwinding.

Design, Analysis and Development of Sensor Coil for Fiber Optics Gyroscope

Kumar, Pradeep January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Interferometer Fiber Optic Gyroscope (IFOG) has established as critical sensor for advance navigation systems. Sensor coil is known to be heart of IFOG. The bias drift and scale factor performance of IFOG depend on the sensor coil. The environmental perturbations like vibration, shock, temperature and magnetic field can affect the measured phase difference between the counter propagating beams, thereby introducing a bias error resulting in degradation of IFOG performance. In general these factors are both time varying and unevenly distributed throughout the coil producing a net undesirable phase shift due to variations in the optical light path, which is undistinguishable from the rotation induced signal. The development of sensor coil for high performance includes selection of optical fiber, spool material, coil winding technique and potting adhesive. In the thesis, the effects of various perturbations like temperature, vibration and magnetic field on the sensor coil are analysed, which degrades the gyro performance. The effect of temperature and vibration can be reduced by proper selection of spool material, winding method and by applying adhesive during the winding of sensor coil. The effect of magnetic field can be reduced by using the high birefringence polarization maintaining fiber with shorter beat length, shielding the sensor coil and reducing the number of twist during the winding. Design and fabrication of the sensor coil is done for control grade & navigation grade FOG with fiber length of 100 m and 1000 m respectively with the polarization maintaining fiber of two different manufacturer Fiber Core, UK and Nufern, USA selected based upon the beat length and Numerical Aperture so that sensor coil has minimum effect of magnetic field and the bending of fiber. Presently the spool material used is Aluminium alloy (HE15) for the ease of fabrication and easily availability of material. The Quadrupolar winding is done to reduce the thermal gradient effects. The indigenously developed special adhesive is applied layer by layer to reduce the environmental effects. In order to study the lifetime of sensor coil accelerated aging test (85°C, RH 85 %) for 30 days is also carried out.

Desenvolvimento de uma sonda TDR helicoidal para uso em conjunto com o ensaio CPT / Developing a coil TDR probe to use together with the CPT test

Katerin Guerrero Doria 21 August 2015 (has links)
A reflectometria no domínio do tempo permite estimar o teor de umidade de um meio através da sua correlação com a constante dielétrica. Uma sonda helicoidal TDR, que pode ser cravada em conjunto outros ensaios de penetração in situ para a estimativa do teor de umidade em diversas profundidades, tem aplicação interessante para a investigação geotécnica do subsolo. No presente trabalho, uma sonda TDR foi adaptada e utilizada em conjunto ao ensaio CPT para caracterização de um perfil de solo arenoso não saturado que ocorre na região de Bauru (SP). A calibração dessa sonda foi feita em laboratório especificamente para esse solo. As equações de calibração que mostraram os melhores resultados foram definidas correlacionando a constante dielétrica, condutividade elétrica aparente e a massa específica seca com o teor de umidade. Com o intuito de melhorar a acurácia na determinação do teor de umidade em campo e eliminar possíveis interferências no registro da onda eletromagnética, foram efetuadas modificações em algumas características do projeto original dessa sonda. Tais modificações consistiram em separar os eletrodos condutores e as partes metálicas da sonda, e eliminar o cabo coaxial de extensão, conectando a sonda diretamente a um cabo coaxial de 12 m de comprimento. Tais mudanças levaram a uma melhoria significativa na determinação do perfil de teor de umidade do local estudado. Os valores de teor de umidade de campo determinados usando o TDR ao longo de 8 m de profundidade foram comparados com os valores de referência obtidos de amostras deformadas retiradas com trado mecânico. O erro médio na estimativa do perfil de teor de umidade gravimétrico utilizando a sonda TDR helicoidal foi de 1.61%, na última campanha de ensaios realizados. Os resultados dessa pesquisa indicam que esta ferramenta é adequada para estimar do perfil de teor de umidade para uso em conjunto com o ensaio CPT. / The time domain reflectometry allows estimating the moisture content of a medium by means of its correlation with the dielectric constant. A coil TDR probe, which can be driven into the ground together with others in situ penetration tests, can be used to estimate the moisture content at different depths. It is an interesting approach for geotechnical site characterization. In this work, a coil TDR probe was adapted and used in combination with the CPT test for the site characterization of an unsaturated sandy soil profile which occurs in the region of Bauru (SP). The probe calibration was performed in laboratory specifically for that soil. The calibration equation, which presented the best results, were defined correlating the dielectric constant, electrical conductivity and dry density with the moisture content. In order to improve the accuracy for determining the water content in the field and to eliminate possible interference on the electromagnetic wave registration, modifications were made in some characteristics of the original design of this probe. Such modifications consisted in separating the conductive electrodes from the metal parts of the probe, and eliminating the coaxial extension cable, connecting the probe directly to a coaxial cable 12 m long. Such changes have led to a significant improvement in the determination of the moisture content profile of the studied site. The moisture content values determined in situ by using the TDR along 8 m depth were compared with reference values obtained from disturbed soil samples collected using mechanical augers. The root mean square error of the gravimetric water content profile using the TDR coil probe was 1.61% in the last test campaign. The results of this research indicate that this tool is suitable to estimate the gravimetric moisture content together with the CPT test.

Numerical modeling and simulation of polymerization reactions in coiled flow inverters / Modélisation numérique et simulation de réactions de polymérisation dans des réacteurs à inversion de flux

Garg, Dhiraj Kumar 14 March 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail fut d’améliorer la modélisation et la simulation de la polymérisation radicalaire dans des réacteurs continus et discontinus. Une solution analytique explicite généralisée (AS) fut obtenue dans le cas de la polymérisation en masse/solution, homogène et isotherme menée dans un réacteur fermé de volume variable. Les différentes étapes considérées furent l'initiation, la propagation, le transfert au monomère, au solvant, à un agent de transfert de chaîne, la terminaison par combinaison et dismutation. Différents modèles rendant compte des effets de gel, de vitrification et de cage ont également été considérés. AS a été validée avec succès par comparaison avec des solutions numériques et des données expérimentales de la littérature. Par ailleurs, AS a été étendue à des conditions pour lesquelles elle ne fut pas originellement développée comme par exemple des conditions non isothermes. La polyvalence et la flexibilité de AS sur l’ensemble de l’échelle de conversion du monomère furent ainsi démontrées. Ensuite, pour élargir encore plus son champ d'application, AS fut utilisée dans des simulations numériques (CFD). Une nouvelle transformation très simple a été proposée afin d’adimensionnaliser les constantes cinétiques en terme de concentration. Cela a permis de rentrer dans les simulations les données chimiques sous leur forme originale en mole et de faciliter ainsi le codage et le débogage du code de calcul. Cette transformation a ensuite été utilisée pour évaluer trois géométries tubulaires de microréacteur, un réacteur tubulaire droit (STR), à géométrie hélicoïdale (CTR) et à inversion de flux (CFIR), dans des conditions d'alimentation différentes (fluides d’entrée non ou parfaitement mélangés) et à de très faibles nombres de Reynolds (<1). La modélisation a été réalisée avec des paramètres constants ou variables des propriétés physiques du fluide sous écoulement (densité, viscosité et conductivité thermique) ainsi qu’en variant de manière discrète les coefficients de diffusion. Leurs effets sur les résultats de simulation ont été observés et comparés avec les données expérimentales publiées pour 4 monomères différents et furent en très bon accord. Les résultats pour le cas d’un mélange parfait furent indépendants de la géométrie des microréacteurs. Le CFIR semble être le réacteur le plus prometteur puisque, dans les conditions de microréaction étudiées, il a permis le meilleur contrôle des caractéristiques du polymère synthétisé. / This thesis aimed at improving the modeling and simulation of free radical polymerization (FRP) in batch as well as in flow reactors. A generalized explicit analytical solution (AS) was obtained in case of variable volume, bulk/solution polymerization, homogeneous and isothermal batch reactor. The reaction steps included initiation, propagation, transfer to monomer, transfer to solvent, transfer to chain transfer agent (CTA), termination by combination and disproportionation. Different models of gel, glass and cage effects were also implemented explicitly. AS was validated against numerical solutions as well as published experimental data and was found in good agreement. Furthermore, its applicability was extended to conditions for which AS was not derived, i.e. non-isothermal conditions. The versatility and flexibility of AS over the complete range of monomer conversion were thus demonstrated. Then, to broaden its applications range even more, AS was used in CFD simulations. A new and simple transformation was proposed to make kinetic rate coefficients dimensionless in terms of concentration. This enabled chemical data to be fed in molar form to CFD modeling. It also enabled easy coding and debugging by keeping the original form of generation terms intact. The results were found to be improved after validation against experimental data. This transformation was then used for evaluating three tubula microreactor geometries, namely straight tube reactor (STR), coiled tube reactor (CTR) and coil flow inverter reactor (CFIR), under different feed conditions (unmixed or perfectly mixed) at very low Reynolds numbers (<1). The modeling for FRP was performed with constant or variable fluid physical parameters (density, viscosity and thermal conductivity) along with discrete variation of diffusion coefficients. Their effects on simulation results were observed and compared with published experimental data for 4 different monomers and were found to match perfectly. Results for mixed feed condition were found to be independent of microreactor geometry. CFIR seems to be the most promising reactor design under microreaction investigated conditions as it allowed the best control over polymer characteristics.

Development of instrumentation for neuronavigation and transcranial magnetic stimulation / Desenvolvimento de instrumentação para neuronavegação e estimulação magnética transcraniana

Victor Hugo de Oliveira e Souza 23 February 2018 (has links)
Neuronavigation and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are valuable tools in clinical and research environment. Neuronavigation provides visual guidance of a given instrument during procedures of neurological interventions, relative to anatomic images. In turn, TMS allows the non-invasive study of cortical brain function and to treat several neurological disorders. Despite the well-accepted importance of both techniques, high-cost of neuronavigation systems and limited spatial accuracy of TMS in targeting brain structures, limit their applications. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to i) develop an open-source, free neuronavigation software, ii) study a possible combination of neuronavigation and 3D printing for surgical planning, and iii) construct a multi-channel TMS coil with electronic control of electric field (E-field) orientation. In the first part, we developed and characterized a neuronavigation software compatible with multiple spatial tracking devices, the InVesalius Navigator. The created co-registration algorithm enabled tracking position and orientation of instruments with an intuitive graphical interface. Measured accuracy was similar to that of commercial systems. In the second part, we created 3D printed models from patients with neurological disorders and assessed the errors of localizing anatomical landmarks during neuronavigation. Localization errors were below 3 mm, considered acceptable for clinical applications. Finally, in the last part, we combined a set of two thin, overlapping coils to allow electronic control of the E-field orientation and investigated how the motor evoked responses depend on the stimulus orientation. The developed coil enabled the stimulation of the motor cortex with high angular resolution. Motor responses showed the highest amplitude and lowest latency with E-field approximately perpendicular to the central sulcus. In summary, this thesis provides new methods to improve spatial accuracy of techniques to brain interventions. / A neuronavegação e a estimulação magnética transcraniana (EMT ou TMS, do termo em inglês transcranial magnetic stimulation) têm sido apresentadas como ferramentas valiosas em aplicações clínicas e de pesquisa. A neuronavegação possibilita a localização de instrumentos em relação a imagens anatômicas durante procedimentos de intervenção neurológica. Por sua vez, a EMT permite o estudo não invasivo da função cerebral e o tratamento de doenças neurológicas. Apesar da importância de ambas as técnicas, o alto custo dos sistemas de neuronavegação e a reduzida precisão espacial da EMT em ativar estruturas cerebrais limitam suas aplicações. Sendo assim, o objetivo desta tese foi: i) desenvolver um software de neuronavegação gratuito e de código aberto, ii) estudar a combinação entre neuronavegação e impressão 3D para planejamento cirúrgico, e iii) construir uma bobina de EMT multicanal com controle eletrônico da orientação do campo elétrico (CE). Na primeira parte, desenvolvemos e caracterizamos um software de neuronavegação compatível com vários rastreadores espaciais, o InVesalius Navigator. O algoritmo criado possibilitou o rastreamento de instrumentos por uma interface gráfica intuitiva. A precisão medida foi semelhante à de sistemas comerciais. Na segunda parte, imprimimos modelos 3D de pacientes com patologias neurológicas e avaliamos os erros de localização de marcos anatômicos durante a neuronavegação. Os erros de localização foram inferiores a 3 mm, considerados aceitáveis para aplicações clínicas. Por fim, na última parte, combinamos duas bobinas sobrepostas para controlar eletronicamente a orientação do CE, e investigamos como as respostas motoras evocadas dependem da orientação da corrente. A bobina desenvolvida possibilitou estimular o córtex motor com alta resolução angular. As respostas motoras apresentaram maior amplitude e menor latência para orientação do CE aproximadamente perpendicular ao sulco central. Em suma, esta tese fornece novos métodos para melhorar a precisão espacial de técnicas de intervenção com o cérebro.

Exploitation des effets électro-optiques pour la sécurité en IRM : applications des liaisons optiques pour des capteurs RF endoluminaux et des sondes de mesure du TAS / Electro-optical effects for safety in MRI : optical methods for endoluminal RF coils and TAS measurement probes

Saniour, Isabelle 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le développement de systèmes IRM à plus haut champ magnétique statique s'est accompagné d'une interrogation légitime concernant l'effet des champs électromagnétiques RF sur les patients. L'effet peut être renforcé par l'introduction d'éléments conducteurs à l'intérieur de la bobine RF comme c'est le cas pour les capteurs endoluminaux utilisés pour l'analyse des parois digestives. Ces capteurs entraînent des risques d'échauffements locaux élevés pour le patient en raison du TAS local induit par le champ électrique RF en présence d'un fil conducteur. Ces capteurs ayant le potentiel de présenter un bénéfice pour le patient, il est nécessaire de s'affranchir de ces limitations. Le premier objectif de la thèse est le développement d'un capteur endoluminal à liaisons optiques. Un dispositif de découplage actif optique a été développé et caractérisé. Les images RMN in vitro montrent une distribution du RSB comparable au découplage classique, validant ainsi l'efficacité du découplage optique. Concernant la transmission optique du signal RMN, des travaux ont été réalisés afin de s'affranchir des contraintes liées à l'utilisation d'un guide d'onde pour la conversion électro-optique par effet Pockels. Le capteur a été rendu plus compact. En revanche, l'importance de contrôler le TAS local dans des conditions expérimentales données demeure un besoin ne s'arrêtant pas à ceux des capteurs endoluminaux. Le second objectif est donc la validation expérimentale d'une sonde électro-optique pour la mesure du champ électrique RF durant un examen IRM. Cette sonde a permis d'effectuer des mesures du champ électrique dans l'air et dans différents milieux biologiques à 3 T et 4,7 T et estimer le TAS local / The recent advancement in MRI systems and the increase of the static magnetic field strength were accompanied by a strong concern about the effect of RF electromagnetic fields on patients. The effect can be increased by the use of conductive elements inside the volume coil as in the case of endoluminal coils used to analyze digestive walls. These coils lead to an increase of the local SAR which is induced by RF electric field in the presence of the coaxial cable connecting the coil to the MR system, resulting in strong local heating. Giving that these coils have the potential to present a real benefit to the patient, it worth to overcome these limitations. Accordingly, the first objective of the thesis is the development of a fully optical endoluminal receiver coil. An optical active detuning system has been developed and characterized. The NMR images show a signal-to-noise ratio distribution similar to that obtained with conventional detuning techniques, thus validating the efficiency of the optical detuning. Concerning the electro-optical conversion and the optical transmission of the NMR signal, experiments were performed to overcome constraints related to the use of waveguide for electro-optical conversion by Pockels effect. Moreover, the importance of monitoring global and local SAR during MRI exams remains a need which is not limited only to the endoluminal coils. The second objective of the thesis is then the experimental validation of an electro-optical probe for real-time measurements of RF electric field. This probe can measure the RF electric field in air and in biological media at 3 T and 4.7 T MRI systems and allows the estimation of the local SAR

Active and passive vibration isolation and damping via shunted transducers

De Marneffe, Bruno 14 December 2007 (has links)
<p align="justify">Many different active control techniques can be used to control the vibrations of a mechanical structure: they however require at least a sensitive signal amplifier (for the sensor), a power amplifier (for the actuator) and an analog or digital filter (for the controller). The use of all these electronic devices may be impractical in many applications and has motivated the use of the so-called shunt circuits, in which an electrical circuit is directly connected to a transducer embedded in the structure. The transducer acts as an energy converter: it transforms mechanical (vibrational) energy into electrical energy, which is in turn dissipated in the shunt circuit. No separate sensor is required, and only one, generally simple electronic circuit is used. The stability of the shunted structure is guaranteed if the electric circuit is passive, i.e. if it is made of passive components such as resistors and inductors.</p><p><p><p align="justify">This thesis compares the performances of the electric shunt circuits with those of classical active control systems. It successively considers the use of piezoelectric transducers and that of electromagnetic (moving-coil) transducers.</p><p><p><p align="justify">In a first part, the different damping techniques are applied on a benchmark truss structure equipped with a piezoelectric stack transducer. A unified formulation is found and experimentally verified for an active control law, the Integral Force Feedback (IFF), and for various passive shunt circuits (resistive and resistive-inductive). The use of an active shunt, namely the negative capacitance, is also investigated in detail. Two different implementations are discussed: they are shown to have very different stability limits and performances.</p><p><p><p align="justify">In a second part, vibration isolation with electromagnetic (moving-coil) transducers is introduced. The effects of an inductive-resistive shunt circuit are studied in detail; an equivalent mechanical representation is found. The performances are compared with that of resonant shunts and with that of active isolation with IFF. Next, the construction of a six-axis isolator based on a Stewart Platform is presented: the key parameters and the main limitations of the system are highlighted.</p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Développement de capteurs optimisés pour l'IRM à champ magnétique faible (0.2T) : application à l'imagerie de l'animal / Coil design and optimization for low field MRI : implementation for animal imaging

Feuillet, Thomas 16 December 2014 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) appliquée au domaine vétérinaire exploite des systèmes à bas champ magnétostatique qui ont de nombreux avantages, notamment leur faible coût d'achat et d'entretien. Mais sur ces machines, les capteurs radiofréquence (RF) sont initialement dédiées à l'homme et ne permettent pas une qualité d'image optimale. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des méthodes simples d'optimisation de capteurs à 0,2 T ont été développées, puis exploitées pour des applications de recherche et préclinique. Le travail d'optimisation a été partagé en deux axes. Dans un premier temps, un modèle analytique a été développé sous MATLAB pour l'estimation du rapport signal sur bruit intrinsèque à un capteur paramétré par ses dimensions et les propriétés de l'objet imagé. La validation du modèle a été obtenue par la comparaison entre mesures et simulations du facteur de qualité. Cette méthode d'optimisation a été appliquée pour deux études spécifiques qui ont fait l'objet d'une publication. Dans un second temps, un travail sur le découplage actif a été mené. En effet, sur l'IRM 0,2 T à notre disposition, le découplage passif est la méthode retenue par le constructeur. Mais pour certaines applications des artefacts d'imagerie sont inévitables et le facteur de qualité réduit. Des moyens de découplage actif ont donc été développés. Les performances des capteurs ainsi équipés se sont avérées meilleures qu'en découplage passif. Ce système de découplage associé à un dispositif de connexion par couplage inductif du signal de résonance magnétique a été également démontré à 3 T comme une preuve de concept d'un dispositif de connexion universelle. Ce dispositif a fait l'objet d'un article récemment soumis pour publication / Magnetic resonance imaging {MRl) in veterinary practice employs low magnetostatic field devices which have numerous advantages such as their low maintenance and initial cost. Yet, the radiofrequency {RF) coils commercially provided with these devices are dedicated to human morphology, therefore reducing image quality. ln this work, simple optimization methods for 0.2 T RF coils were developed for an implementation in research and preclinical studies. Optimization protocol was subdivided into two main steps. First, an analytical model was developed using MATLAB in order to estimate the intrinsic signal to noise ratio variations with coil and imaged sample characteristics. Validation of the model was assessed thanks to quality factor comparison between simulated and measured values. The use of the analytical model for two specific studies was described in a recently accepted publication. Second, active decoupling was investigated. lndeed, passive decoupling is the decoupling method implemented on the 0.2 T MR device at our disposal. However, this technique can lack of efficiency in some experiments, inducing imaging artifacts and reduced quality factor. Active decoupling method was therefore implemented. The electronic performances of the coils equipped this way were better than in passive decoupling. This active decoupling device combined with an inductive coupling connecting system was tested at 3 T to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a new universal connecting device, for which an article was recently submitted

Ultra-large sheet formation by 1D to 2D hierarchical self-assembly of a “rod–coil” graft copolymer with a polyphenylene backbone

Huang, Yinjuan, Yuan, Rui, Xu, Fugui, Mai, Yiyong, Feng, Xinliang, Yan , Deyue 17 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This communication reports a unique ultra-large sheet formation through hierarchical self-assembly of a rod–coil graft copolymer containing a rigid polyphenylene backbone and flexible poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) side chains. The hierarchical self-assembly process involved a distinctive morphological transition of 1D helical to 2D superstructures. The graft copolymer offers a new chance for the challenging bottom-up fabrication of ultra-large self-assembled nanosheets in solution, as well as a novel system for fundamental studies on 2D self-assembly of polymers.

Imagerie endoluminale multimodale IRM-optique pour la caractérisation et la stadification in vivo des anomalies tissulaires colorectales / Multimodal imaging combining MRI and optics for in vivo assessment of colorectal abnormalities

Dorez, Hugo 28 November 2016 (has links)
Le diagnostic des pathologies du tube digestif pouvant favoriser la survenue du cancer colorectal(CCR) telle que les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin (MICI) est un enjeu majeur de santé public. Un meilleur suivi du patient – impactant notamment le pronostic vital – et une meilleure compréhension de la physiopathologie de ces maladies reposent en partie sur l'émergence de nouvelles techniques diagnostiques. Dans ce contexte, ce manuscrit décrit les développements instrumentaux et méthodologiques combinant séquentiellement au sein d'un même protocole un examen par IRM endoluminale avec un examen associant l'endoscopie conventionnelle, la spectrophotométrie optique et l'endomicroscopie confocale. Les capteurs et procédures développés ont été caractérisés in vitro sur des modèles organiques puis évalués au cours de deux suivis longitudinaux sur un modèle de colite induite chimiquement chez le petit animal. Cette démarche s'inscrit dans les développements récents de techniques multimodales applicables chez des modèles animaux pour des études méthodologiques ou chez l'Homme. La première partie du manuscrit décrit un panorama de l'anatomie rectocolique ainsi que des MICI et du CCR. Les moyens diagnostics actuels utilisés de manière régulière en clinique sont également présentés. La seconde partie décrit précisément les développements instrumentaux et méthodologiques réalisés en IRM et en optique ainsi que les différentes études in vivo qui ont été menées afin d'évaluer le potentiel de la multimodalité IRM – optique. Enfin, la troisième partie de ce manuscrit présente et discute les résultats obtenus au cours de ces différentes études pour les différentes modalités. En conclusion, l'apport de nouveaux outils diagnostiques tels que présentés dans ce manuscrit permettant d'accroître la sensibilité de détection et de caractérisation des lésions tissulaires colorectales est démontré / The diagnosis of gut-inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), that may lead into colorectal cancer (CRC), is a major public health issue. The emergence of novel imaging-based diagnosis technics helps to improve patients’ following-up but also the growth mechanisms of such conditions. In this context, the present manuscript describes a protocol that includes sequentially endoluminal MRI examination with conventional endoscopy, optical spectroscopy and confocal endomicroscopy. The dedicated developed instrumentation has been first characterized on organic models and then evaluated in vivo on a mouse model of colitis during two longitudinal studies. This project aims to propose methodological developments offering new ways of investigating complex mechanisms on mouse models and that could be further transposed to Human. The first part of this manuscript describes an overview of the colon and rectum anatomy as well as the main characteristics of IBD and CRC. The diagnostic imaging tools that are mainly use in clinical environment for the detection, description and staging of colorectal abnormalities are then presented. The second part describes the development of endoluminal MRI with dedicated coils and the development of optical modalities. In order to assess the potential of the proposed protocol, the different in vivo studies carried out during this project are detailed. Finally, the last part of the document shows and discusses the results obtained for each and cross modalities in this context. In conclusion, bringing new ways of imaging gut diseases to increase the sensitivity of the diagnosis and enhance the morphological description of colorectal abnormalities was demonstrated

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