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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intégration du collage direct : couches minces métalliques et évolutions morphologiques / Integration of direct bonding : metal thin films and morphological evolutions

Gondcharton, Paul 27 October 2015 (has links)
La microélectronique cherche à produire des composants toujours plus performants. Un axe d'amélioration est l'intégration de plus de fonctionnalités dans un volume toujours plus compact. L'approche planaire classiquement utilisée jusqu'à présent atteint ses limites. Une solution à ce défi technologique est l'intégration 3D permettant d'empiler verticalement plusieurs circuits. Les étapes d'assemblage sont cruciales dans ces schémas d'intégration. Parmi les différentes techniques d'assemblage, le collage direct de couches minces métalliques est une alternative très intéressante. En effet, elle offre simultanément un lien mécanique et électrique vertical entre les couches actives de composants.Les propriétés microstructurales, physiques et chimiques des couches minces métalliques déposées ont été largement rapportées dans l'état de l'art antérieur. Cependant, elles n'ont jamais été étudiées dans l'environnement particulier du collage. Le but de notre étude est d'évaluer l'impact de cet environnement sur les couches minces métalliques assemblées pendant et après le procédé d'assemblage.Le collage direct consiste en la mise en contact de surfaces lisses à température ambiante et sous atmosphère ambiant afin de créer une adhérence entre elles. Puisque le collage n'est pas réalisé sous vide, des espèces adsorbées sont piégées à l'interface et une couche d'oxyde natif limite l'obtention du contact métal-métal. L'environnement de collage nous pousse donc à considérer ces différentes espèces qui interfèrent avec le procédé de collage et l'établissement du contact électrique.Dans cette étude, nous avons assemblé différents métaux dans différentes configurations de couches minces. Ainsi, les couches d'oxyde surfaciques ont été désignées comme influentes sur le comportement en adhésion des assemblages. Dans le cas précis du collage direct Cu-Cu, la réaction de l'eau interfaciale est primordiale au renforcement de la tenue mécanique dès la température ambiante. À plus haute température, la dissolution de l'oxyde piégé et la croissance de grain verticale sont des moteurs du scellement dépendant de phénomènes diffusifs. Il est apparu que les joints de grains sont des chemins de diffusion privilégiés dont le rôle dans la microstructure est majeur. Il a également mis en évidence que les couches de métaux réfractaires ne pouvaient pas être assemblées en utilisant les mêmes forces motrices que les métaux de transition dans la gamme de température considérée. La compréhension des différents mécanismes apporte un éclairage nouveau dans l'utilisation du collage direct dans les schémas d'intégration des composants de demain. / The semiconductor industry is driven by an increasing need of computation speed and functionalities. In the development of next generation devices the integration of more functionalities in an ever smaller volume becomes paramount. So far, classical planar integration was privileged but it is currently reaching its limits. One solution to this technological challenge is to consider the 3D dimension as pathway of integration. To ensure the vertical stacking of circuits, the development and control of assembly processes becomes crucial. Among the different techniques under development, direct bonding of metal thin films is a promising solution. It is a straightforward option that offers both a mechanical and an electrical link between the active strata.Microstructural, physical and chemical properties of deposited metal thin films were widely reported in previous state of art. However, they have not yet been studied in the specific bonding environment. The main goal of our study is to pinpoint the impact of this environment during and after the process of assembly.Direct bonding process consists in putting into contact smooth surfaces at room temperature and ambient air which in appropriate conditions leads to the establishment of attractive forces. Since bonding is not operated under vacuum, adsorbed species are trapped at the interface and the metal bonding suffers from the formation of native oxide. The encapsulation of these species as well as the native metal oxide interfere with the bonding process and the establishment of an electrical contact.In this study, various bonded structures have been realized using an extended set of metals in different thin film configurations. Metal oxide layers impact is clearly highlighted via the monitoring of adhesion properties of the assemblies. In the Cu-Cu direct bonding case, the interfacial water reaction is primordial in the strengthening of bonding toughness at room temperature. At higher temperature, oxide dissolution and vertical grain growth are driving forces in the sealing of bonding interface. The microstructure play a role in all these phenomena since grain boundaries are favorite diffusion pathway in thin films. Considering the temperature limitation imposed by the integration, we also highlight that refractory metal thin films needs another bonding approach compared to the transient metals. The understanding of bonding mechanisms throws new light on the use of direct bonding process in the realization of future electrical components.

Contribution à l'étude des phénomènes mis en jeu par le collage direct à basse température de couches métalliques et oxydes métalliques / Investigation of the mechanisms involved in room temperature metal and oxides direct bonding

Baudin, Floriane 21 October 2013 (has links)
Le collage direct consiste en la mise en contact de deux surfaces suffisamment lisses et propres pour créer une adhérence entre-elles, et ce sans apport de matière à l'interface des matériaux. Ce procédé est réalisable à l'échelle industrielle et compatible avec les procédés de la microélectronique. Il trouve son principal intérêt dans la réalisation de substrats innovants. Le plus célèbre d'entre eux est le substrat SOI (pour « Silicon On Insulator »). Depuis quelques années, une nouvelle voie s'est ouverte dans le collage direct en l'élargissant au collage de couches métalliques ce qui permet de répondre à de nouvelles applications en offrant par exemple conduction électrique et dissipation thermique. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d'analyser le comportement du collage direct de couches métalliques et de poser les premiers éléments de modélisation. La compréhension de ces fondamentaux est indispensable pour optimiser le procédé et permettre une intégration de cette technologie dans un grand nombre de dispositifs. Dans cette étude, des procédés de collage direct de couches de tungstène et de titane ont été développés à la lumière des pré-requis établis pour le collage direct. La caractérisation physico-chimique des interfaces de collage et de leur évolution en température ont permis de mettre en évidence le rôle clé de l'oxyde métallique. Il est montré que les mécanismes de collage sont gouvernés par des phénomènes de diffusion aux joints de grains et par l'instabilité de la couche d'oxyde piégée à l'interface de collage. Par ailleurs, les propriétés mécaniques et électriques des interfaces ont été étudiées. Enfin, la compréhension du comportement des interfaces en fonction de certains paramètres conduit à quelques recommandations pour réussir l'intégration du collage direct métallique. / Direct wafer bonding refers to a process by which two mirror-polished wafers are put into contact and held together at room temperature without any additional materials. This technology is feasible at an industrial scale and compatible with the microelectronic processes. Wafer bonding finds many interests applied to innovative substrates realization. Therefore the use of direct wafer bonding is growing and extending to various materials. Since few years direct bonding involving metallic layers presents many interests as it can offer, for example, vertical electrical conduction or heat dissipation. The aim of this work is to analyze the bonding behavior and to propose a first model describing the bonding driving forces. A precise understanding of these mechanisms is essential for the optimization and the technological integration of the process in various devices. In this study, tungsten and titanium bonding processes were developed. Physical and chemical bonding interfaces characterizations have highlighted the key role of the metallic oxide. We showed that bonding mechanisms are driven by grain boundary diffusion phenomena and the interface trapped oxide layer instability. Moreover, mechanical and electrical properties were also studied. Finally, the bonding behavior understanding in function of define parameters lead to some recommendations for the bonding process integration achievement.

Capturar, acumular, recombinar : sobre a espessura da imagem instaurada a partir de camadas

Polidoro, Marina Bortoluz January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação realiza uma pesquisa em artes visuais, na área de poéticas visuais e, como tal, a produção artística da autora é o ponto de partida. Os procedimentos empregados na construção dos trabalhos são revisitados, procurando compreender o processo de trabalho, as referências mais recorrentes (como documentos de trabalho) e suas implicações conceituais. O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa refere-se a espessura, física e conceitual, de imagens instauradas a partir da acumulação e sobreposição de fragmentos capturados. A pesquisa desencadeou reflexões acerca da apropriação e a conseqüente formação de uma coleção; a reordenação de fragmentos, a sobreposição e o apagamento como conceitos operatórios; e a imagem construída em camadas. / This dissertation performs a research in visual arts, in the area of visual poetics, as such, the artistic production of the author is the starting point. The procedures used in the construction of the works are revisited, seeking to understand the work process, the most recurring references (such as working documents) and its conceptual implications. The object of this research refers to the thickness, physical and conceptual, of images produced from the accumulation and overlapping of captured fragments. The research triggered discussions about appropriation and the consequent formation of a collection; the reordering of fragments, overlapping and erasure as operational concept; and the image built in layers.

Lo-fi : aproximações e processos criativos : da fotografia à arquitetura

Ferreira, Guilherme Zamboni January 2017 (has links)
Lo-Fi vem de Low Fidelity, que em inglês significa baixa fidelidade. Na música, se transformou em linguagem sonora a partir da década de 1970, quando alguns artistas, buscando soluções econômicas para a autoprodução e independência em relação às gravadoras, passaram a utilizar gravadores caseiros para fazer seus próprios registros. A partir desse ato de libertação e experimentação, se obteve, por transbordamento, uma sonoridade ruidosa, crua, de baixa fidelidade de gravação. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, o ruído produzido por essa produção marginal engendrou cruzamentos autênticos e espontâneos que logo formaram uma paisagem sonora de grande vitalidade. De forma contrária, o Hi-fi, ou High-Fidelity, busca na alta-fidelidade a idealização e a perfeição do seu produto final que, uma vez ligado à indústria fonográfica e à alta tecnologia, tende a ser direcionado pelas lógicas do mercado. Pensado e produzido como objeto-fim, o fazer arquitetural contemporâneo vem se aproximando da gravação hi-fi: delimitado, ordenado por estratos, classificações e tipos que a definem como objeto-produto. Nessa lógica, a arquitetura torna-se imagem, espetáculo pronto para o consumo e descarte. Propõe-se, neste trabalho, uma inflexão, um deslocamento do pensar arquitetural a partir da aproximação metafórica acionada pelo modo lo-fi . / Lo-Fi is the acronym that stands for Low Fidelity. In the music industry, during the70’s it became a trendy language when artists, searching economical solutions for self-production and independence from record companies, using homemade devices for sound recording. Following this first experiment of liberation, was obtained a noisy overflowing sonority, raw, or as it became known, low fidelity of the recording. However, at the same time the noise produced by this marginal production created an authentic and spontaneous blend that soon formed a vivid sound scene. Contrariwise the Hi-fi, or High Fidelity, seeks the idealization of perfection as its final product which, once merged to the phonographic industry and the high technology, tends to be driven by the logic of the market. Thought and produced as a final product, contemporary architecture follows the steps of the hi-fi recording: delimited, ordered in layers, classifications and by stereotypes that define it as an object-product. In this logic, architecture becomes an image, a spectacle ready for consumption and disposal. This work proposes an inflexion, a displacement on the architectural thinking from the metaphorical approach triggered by the lo-fi mode. Flaws by noise, by experimentation, by the potency of invention leads to a turning point in the making process, broader, returning to the idea of the unfinished, unexpectedly, guiding into a process that its meaning is not in the final product, but rather in the path itself, in the desire for transformation, in the unknown. Reflecting about the process as lo-fi music evokes is returning to the initial sketch, it is decomposing and questioning its nature, it is exposing the traces. It is bringing back the architecture in the sense of discovery, as a body in experimentation, as the surprise that reveals the unforeseen crossing of distinct times. The intention here is, based from speculative narratives, to try the deconstruct of some consolidated practices on the design process catalyzed by the music action. Pointing analogous approximations and representations of other architectural assemblies that are not represented by the narratives determined and exhausted by the logic of the market.

Aproximação de fragmentos capturados : uma poética em desenho e colagem

Polidoro, Marina Bortoluz January 2014 (has links)
La recherche intitulée Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (L’assemblage de fragments capturés: une poétique en dessin et collage) se centre sur une investigation poétique fondée sur le dessin et qui débute par la capture d’éléments qui sont collectionnés pour être ultérieurement mis en rapport. Le dessin est vu comme un langage propice à des contaminations, par son histoire, ses matériaux et par les qualités d’enregistrement, intimité et inachevé qui se lient à lui. Dessiner c’est une manière de connaître et comprendre visuellement le monde, mais aussi de garder ces perceptions – possibilité qui est ici renforcée par l’utilisation du collage. La rencontre qui a lieu entre les fragments qui constituent le travail est vue comme un potentiel de construction poétique des images et la thèse se développe autour de l’hypothèse du sens construit plus dans les relations établies entre les composants d’un travail ou une série que dans ses unités. Cela implique que les efforts de rapprochement entrepris par le collage préservent quelque chose de fragmenté. Moyennant la pratique artistique, l’observation et analyse réflexive du processus de travail lui-même et ses relations avec le champ de l’art, la recherche a déclenché des réflexions au sujet des fondements du dessin et du collage; des documents de travail, la collection et le bricolage; des stratégies d’appropriation et opérations de transports d’images. Pour finir, tout en considérant que la rencontre implique aussi une distance, dans le contexte de cette recherche, on raffermit la quête de la non-dissimulation des renforcements, par l’évidence de la coupe et sa cicatrice. On a la bordure comme métaphore de la discontinuité et de la fragmentation caractéristiques de travaux élaborés moyennant le montage. / A pesquisa intitulada Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem centra-se em uma investigação poética fundada no desenho e que se inicia pela captura de elementos que são colecionados para posteriormente serem colocados em relação. O desenho é visto como uma linguagem propícia a contaminações, pela sua história, seus materiais e pelas qualidades de registro, intimidade e inacabado que se ligam a ele. Desenhar é uma maneira de conhecer e entender visualmente o mundo, mas também de guardar essas percepções – possibilidade que é aqui reforçada pelo uso da colagem. O encontro que acontece entre os fragmentos que constituem o trabalho é visto como um potencial de construção poética das imagens e a tese desenvolve-se em torno da hipótese de que o sentido é construído mais nas relações estabelecidas entre os componentes de um trabalho ou série, do que nas suas unidades. Isso implica que os esforços de aproximação empreendidos pela colagem preservam algo de fragmentado. Por meio da prática artística, da observação e análise reflexiva do próprio processo de trabalho e suas relações com o campo da arte, a pesquisa desencadeou reflexões acerca dos fundamentos do desenho e da colagem; dos documentos de trabalho, a coleção e a bricolagem; das estratégias de apropriação e operações de transportes de imagens. Por fim, considerando que o encontro também implica em uma distância, no contexto desta pesquisa reforça-se a busca pela não dissimulação das emendas, pela evidência do corte e da sua cicatriz. Tem-se a borda como metáfora da descontinuidade e da fragmentação características de trabalhos elaborados por meio da montagem. / The research named Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (Approximation of captured fragments: a poetic in drawing and collage) is a poetic study based in drawing, which begins by collecting captured elements in order to later correlate them. Drawing is seen as a language vulnerable to contamination, which can be due to its history, its materials and the quality of its records, the intimacy and the unfinished that connect to it. To draw is a way to visually recognize and understand the world, but also to keep these perceptions – a possibility that is reinforced in this study using collage. The encounter of the fragments in this study is seen as a potential image poetic construction, in which this thesis is developed around the hypothesis that meaning is built in established relationship among the components of a work or series rather than in its units. This implies that the approximation efforts of the collage preserve a fragment trace. Through the practice of art, the observation and the reflexive analysis of the work process and its relationship to the art field, this research initiated reflections on the drawing and collage fundamentals; work documents; the collection and bricolage; appropriation strategies and operations of image transportation. Finally, considering that the encounter also implies distance, this research reinforces the search for a non-dissimulation of the seam, evidencing the cut and its scar. The border is a metaphor of discontinuity and fragmentation, which are characteristics of works elaborated through montage.

Análise do ligamento redondo na instabilidade não traumática do quadril: estudo experimental em coelhos / Analysis of the round ligament in non-traumatic hip instability: experimental study in rabbits.

Zuccon, Alexandre 22 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ALEXANDRE ZUCCON null (alexandre.zuccon@gmail.com) on 2018-03-13T18:43:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ZucconA_tese.pdf: 2380193 bytes, checksum: edc82ec834fe6990d8e85db3314e4696 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Pizzani null (luciana@btu.unesp.br) on 2018-03-13T20:34:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 zuccon_a_dr_bot.pdf: 2380193 bytes, checksum: edc82ec834fe6990d8e85db3314e4696 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-13T20:34:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 zuccon_a_dr_bot.pdf: 2380193 bytes, checksum: edc82ec834fe6990d8e85db3314e4696 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-22 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Introdução: A luxação do quadril em uma criança pode interferir com a função dessa articulação, causando dor, limitação de movimento, entre outras consequências. Na redução aberta da articulação, diversas estruturas anatômicas são abordadas como o ligamento redondo (LR) que, tradicionalmente, é ressecado. Porém, existe controvérsia a respeito de sua importância funcional. Objetivo: Comparar através de análise biomecânica, bioquímica e histológica o LR de quadris instáveis (luxados e subluxados) com o ligamento de quadris normais. Métodos: Estudo experimental com coelhos esqueleticamente imaturos, utilizando um modelo para luxação do quadril. Oitenta e oito coelhos foram submetidos à fixação do joelho de uma das patas traseiras em extensão, o que leva à instabilidade do quadril ipsilateral, devido ao desequilíbrio muscular e à alteração em posicionamento no membro. Dezenove coelhos morreram, 28 foram excluídos por não evoluírem com a luxação e 5 foram excluídos pela impossibilidade de identificação do LR. Dos 36 coelhos que compuseram a amostra, estratificamos as análises em quantitativas: biomecânica (12 coelhos), zimografia (8 coelhos), histologia (14 coelhos) e qualitativa: imuno-histoquímica (2 coelhos). Realizamos análise estatística para comparação entre o lado luxado e o controle de cada coelho quanto às análises quantitativas. Resultados: No ensaio biomecânico, a média da força máxima do ligamento redondo no lado luxado foi de 43,25 ± 16,25N e 46,62 ± 15,56N para o lado normal (p=0,594) e a média da deformação máxima foi de 3,94 ± 1,88mm para o lado luxado e 4,55 ± 1,19mm para o normal (p = 0,328). Histologicamente foi quantificada a celularidade, mostrando em média, para o ligamento do lado luxado, 6,83 ± 3,47 células por campo e 3,87 ± 2,13 para o lado normal (p<0,001), além de 74,3 ± 10,5% de ocupação por colágeno no lado luxado e 84,5 ± 9,5% no lado normal (p<0,001). Na zimografia, a quantidade de metaloproteinase 2 (MMP2) em forma ativa foi 481,8 ± 228UA, em média, para o lado luxado e de 294,4 ± 78UA para o lado normal (p=0,068). Conclusão: Embora tenham ocorrido alterações significativas no LR dos quadris instáveis do ponto de vista histológico e com diferença importante na zimografia, esta sem significância estatística, isso não foi observado no ensaio biomecânico, no qual não houve diferença estatística entre os lados. / In the open reduction, used in the treatment of the hip dislocation in children, several structures are approached, such as the round ligament (RL) that has traditionally been resected. However, there is controversy regarding its possible maintenance as well as its functional importance. The aim of this study was to compare the RL properties of stable and unstable hips. Methods: Experimental study with young rabbits using a model for congenital hip dislocation. Eighty-eight rabbits underwent fixation of the knee of one hind leg in extension, which leads to ipsilateral hip instability. Nineteen rabbits died and 28 were excluded because they did not develop dislocation. Five additional rabbits also excluded because they did not present the RL. Thirty-six rabbits composed the sample that was stratified for quantitative analysis: biomechanical (12 rabbits), zymography (8 rabbits), histology (14 rabbits) and qualitative: immunohistochemistry (2 rabbits). We performed statistical analysis for comparison between the unstable side and the control of each rabbit. Results: Biomechanical assay showed the mean maximal strength of the RL on the unstable side was 43.25 ± 16,25N and 46.62 ± 15,56N for the control side (p = 0.594) and the mean maximum deformation was 3.94 ± 1,88mm for the unstable side and 4.55 ± 1,19mm for the control (p = 0.328). Histologically, there was an increase in cellularity on the unstable side showing, on average, 6.83 ± 3,47 cells per field and 3.87 ± 2,13 for the control side (p <0.001), in addition to 74.3 ± 10,5% of collagen occupancy on the unstable side and 84, 5 ± 9,5% on the control side (p <0.001). In zymography, the amount of metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) was 481.8 ± 228UA, on average, for the unstable side and 294.4 ± 78UA for the control side (p = 0.068). Conclusions: Although there were significant changes in the RL of the unstable hips from the histological analysis and there were an important diference in zymography without statistical significance, that was not observed in the biomechanical test.

Esthétique du patchwork et du collage dans la Haute Couture / Aesthetic patchwork and collage in Haute Couture

Abdelmoula, Souhir 29 November 2013 (has links)
Ma réflexion est basée sur les nouveaux problèmes des vêtements dans une société post-moderne notamment en utilisant les notions du collage, d'assemblage, du patchwork, du montage, de la récupération, du recyclage et du métissage des genres, des époques, des cultures, des styles, des matières, des couleurs, des formes dans la mode vestimentaire. L'objet de ma recherche est axé sur l'assemblage de la nouvelle esthétique des modes d'assemblage cousus et non cousus et l'étude des bouleversements esthétiques générés par l'intégration de l'art du patchwork et du collage sur la voie vestimentaire à partir de mixage des matériaux empruntés de la vie courante. Il s'agirait d'investir les fonctionnements d'une esthétique de reconstruction et de déconstruction dans les œuvres collagistes et voir la nouvelle identité de la Haute Couture métissée qui a bouleversé les rapports traditionnels entre le créateur, l'œuvre, les techniques et le coupé cousu. / My thinking is based on emerging clothes in a post-modem society using the concepts of collage, assemblage, patchwork, installation, recovery, recycling and mixing of genres, eras, cultures, styles, materials, colors, shapes in fashion clothing. The purpose of my research is focused on the assembly of the new aesthetic modes of assembly and not stitched sewn and study of aesthetic upheavals generated by the integration of the art of patchwork and collage on track dress from mixing of materials borrowed from everyday life. It would invest the workings of an aesthetic reconstruction and deconstruction in collage works and see the new identity of the Haute Couture mixed that changed the traditional relationship between the creator, the work, techniques and cut and sewn.

Lo-fi : aproximações e processos criativos : da fotografia à arquitetura

Ferreira, Guilherme Zamboni January 2017 (has links)
Lo-Fi vem de Low Fidelity, que em inglês significa baixa fidelidade. Na música, se transformou em linguagem sonora a partir da década de 1970, quando alguns artistas, buscando soluções econômicas para a autoprodução e independência em relação às gravadoras, passaram a utilizar gravadores caseiros para fazer seus próprios registros. A partir desse ato de libertação e experimentação, se obteve, por transbordamento, uma sonoridade ruidosa, crua, de baixa fidelidade de gravação. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, o ruído produzido por essa produção marginal engendrou cruzamentos autênticos e espontâneos que logo formaram uma paisagem sonora de grande vitalidade. De forma contrária, o Hi-fi, ou High-Fidelity, busca na alta-fidelidade a idealização e a perfeição do seu produto final que, uma vez ligado à indústria fonográfica e à alta tecnologia, tende a ser direcionado pelas lógicas do mercado. Pensado e produzido como objeto-fim, o fazer arquitetural contemporâneo vem se aproximando da gravação hi-fi: delimitado, ordenado por estratos, classificações e tipos que a definem como objeto-produto. Nessa lógica, a arquitetura torna-se imagem, espetáculo pronto para o consumo e descarte. Propõe-se, neste trabalho, uma inflexão, um deslocamento do pensar arquitetural a partir da aproximação metafórica acionada pelo modo lo-fi . / Lo-Fi is the acronym that stands for Low Fidelity. In the music industry, during the70’s it became a trendy language when artists, searching economical solutions for self-production and independence from record companies, using homemade devices for sound recording. Following this first experiment of liberation, was obtained a noisy overflowing sonority, raw, or as it became known, low fidelity of the recording. However, at the same time the noise produced by this marginal production created an authentic and spontaneous blend that soon formed a vivid sound scene. Contrariwise the Hi-fi, or High Fidelity, seeks the idealization of perfection as its final product which, once merged to the phonographic industry and the high technology, tends to be driven by the logic of the market. Thought and produced as a final product, contemporary architecture follows the steps of the hi-fi recording: delimited, ordered in layers, classifications and by stereotypes that define it as an object-product. In this logic, architecture becomes an image, a spectacle ready for consumption and disposal. This work proposes an inflexion, a displacement on the architectural thinking from the metaphorical approach triggered by the lo-fi mode. Flaws by noise, by experimentation, by the potency of invention leads to a turning point in the making process, broader, returning to the idea of the unfinished, unexpectedly, guiding into a process that its meaning is not in the final product, but rather in the path itself, in the desire for transformation, in the unknown. Reflecting about the process as lo-fi music evokes is returning to the initial sketch, it is decomposing and questioning its nature, it is exposing the traces. It is bringing back the architecture in the sense of discovery, as a body in experimentation, as the surprise that reveals the unforeseen crossing of distinct times. The intention here is, based from speculative narratives, to try the deconstruct of some consolidated practices on the design process catalyzed by the music action. Pointing analogous approximations and representations of other architectural assemblies that are not represented by the narratives determined and exhausted by the logic of the market.

Aproximação de fragmentos capturados : uma poética em desenho e colagem

Polidoro, Marina Bortoluz January 2014 (has links)
La recherche intitulée Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (L’assemblage de fragments capturés: une poétique en dessin et collage) se centre sur une investigation poétique fondée sur le dessin et qui débute par la capture d’éléments qui sont collectionnés pour être ultérieurement mis en rapport. Le dessin est vu comme un langage propice à des contaminations, par son histoire, ses matériaux et par les qualités d’enregistrement, intimité et inachevé qui se lient à lui. Dessiner c’est une manière de connaître et comprendre visuellement le monde, mais aussi de garder ces perceptions – possibilité qui est ici renforcée par l’utilisation du collage. La rencontre qui a lieu entre les fragments qui constituent le travail est vue comme un potentiel de construction poétique des images et la thèse se développe autour de l’hypothèse du sens construit plus dans les relations établies entre les composants d’un travail ou une série que dans ses unités. Cela implique que les efforts de rapprochement entrepris par le collage préservent quelque chose de fragmenté. Moyennant la pratique artistique, l’observation et analyse réflexive du processus de travail lui-même et ses relations avec le champ de l’art, la recherche a déclenché des réflexions au sujet des fondements du dessin et du collage; des documents de travail, la collection et le bricolage; des stratégies d’appropriation et opérations de transports d’images. Pour finir, tout en considérant que la rencontre implique aussi une distance, dans le contexte de cette recherche, on raffermit la quête de la non-dissimulation des renforcements, par l’évidence de la coupe et sa cicatrice. On a la bordure comme métaphore de la discontinuité et de la fragmentation caractéristiques de travaux élaborés moyennant le montage. / A pesquisa intitulada Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem centra-se em uma investigação poética fundada no desenho e que se inicia pela captura de elementos que são colecionados para posteriormente serem colocados em relação. O desenho é visto como uma linguagem propícia a contaminações, pela sua história, seus materiais e pelas qualidades de registro, intimidade e inacabado que se ligam a ele. Desenhar é uma maneira de conhecer e entender visualmente o mundo, mas também de guardar essas percepções – possibilidade que é aqui reforçada pelo uso da colagem. O encontro que acontece entre os fragmentos que constituem o trabalho é visto como um potencial de construção poética das imagens e a tese desenvolve-se em torno da hipótese de que o sentido é construído mais nas relações estabelecidas entre os componentes de um trabalho ou série, do que nas suas unidades. Isso implica que os esforços de aproximação empreendidos pela colagem preservam algo de fragmentado. Por meio da prática artística, da observação e análise reflexiva do próprio processo de trabalho e suas relações com o campo da arte, a pesquisa desencadeou reflexões acerca dos fundamentos do desenho e da colagem; dos documentos de trabalho, a coleção e a bricolagem; das estratégias de apropriação e operações de transportes de imagens. Por fim, considerando que o encontro também implica em uma distância, no contexto desta pesquisa reforça-se a busca pela não dissimulação das emendas, pela evidência do corte e da sua cicatriz. Tem-se a borda como metáfora da descontinuidade e da fragmentação características de trabalhos elaborados por meio da montagem. / The research named Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (Approximation of captured fragments: a poetic in drawing and collage) is a poetic study based in drawing, which begins by collecting captured elements in order to later correlate them. Drawing is seen as a language vulnerable to contamination, which can be due to its history, its materials and the quality of its records, the intimacy and the unfinished that connect to it. To draw is a way to visually recognize and understand the world, but also to keep these perceptions – a possibility that is reinforced in this study using collage. The encounter of the fragments in this study is seen as a potential image poetic construction, in which this thesis is developed around the hypothesis that meaning is built in established relationship among the components of a work or series rather than in its units. This implies that the approximation efforts of the collage preserve a fragment trace. Through the practice of art, the observation and the reflexive analysis of the work process and its relationship to the art field, this research initiated reflections on the drawing and collage fundamentals; work documents; the collection and bricolage; appropriation strategies and operations of image transportation. Finally, considering that the encounter also implies distance, this research reinforces the search for a non-dissimulation of the seam, evidencing the cut and its scar. The border is a metaphor of discontinuity and fragmentation, which are characteristics of works elaborated through montage.

Painel colado e rebitado como alternativa ao painel soldado / Agglutinated and riveted panel as an alternative of the welded panel

Cazetta, Jose Roberto 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Itamar Ferreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T09:06:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cazetta_JoseRoberto.pdf: 4497773 bytes, checksum: b712ca165319b331601bb3ff49914861 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Ao longo da história dos elevadores as suas respectivas portas passaram por muitas fases de desenvolvimento, desde a sua não utilização até modelos que poderiam acarretar perigo ao usuário. Atualmente os modelos de painéis de portas são seguros, porém de maneira geral, ainda utilizam processos produtivos tradicionais para efetuar a união mecânica entre os componentes, fazendo uso da soldagem. Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um conjunto painel metálico aplicando os processos de colagem e rebitagem em concomitância na união dos seus componentes, e demonstrar também a sua viabilidade em ser uma alternativa ao conjunto painel soldado. Para isso foram manufaturados dois conjuntos de painéis e seus componentes tiveram as mesmas dimensões e geometrias, diferenciando somente no processo produtivo, pois um teve os seus componentes unidos por meio da soldagem MIG e no outro painel aplicou-se fita adesiva VHB e rebites de aço inoxidável na união de seus componentes. A legitimação da alternativa entre processos se fez por meio da análise comparativa dos dados obtidos em dois diferentes ensaios executados nos painéis, sendo um deles de flexão, ou seja, consiste em aplicar uma carga de 300N perpendicular à face frontal do painel e em seu ponto mais vulnerável. O outro ensaio foi submeter os painéis a esforços de torção, por meio da aplicação de uma carga de 500N durante cinco minutos. Os resultados dos ensaios demonstraram que o conjunto painel soldado tem a melhor rigidez comparativamente ao painel colado e rebitado, porém o painel colado e rebitado teve o melhor desempenho, em termo dos dois ensaios utilizados. / Abstract: Along the elevators' history its door has passed through many development phases since its no using of the doors by the ones which could cause injuries to the user. Nowadays the models of the doors panels are safe, however they still have used traditional productive processes (welding) to make the mechanical union among the components. The objective of this work is to develop a metallic panel applying the agglutinated and riveting processes in concomitance in the union of their components and also to demonstrate the viability as an alternative of the welded panel, so that two panels were manufactured and their components had the same dimensions and geometries, differing only on the productive process. One of them their components were jointed by welding MIG and the other one was applied VHB adhesive tape and stainless steel rivets for joining of their components. The legitimation of the alternative among processes was made by using the comparative analysis of the results obtained from two different tests executed on the panels. One of them consists to apply 300N perpendicular to the panel front face, in the more vulnerable point. It is the flexure test. The other test was to submit the panels to torsion efforts, by using the load application of 500N for five minutes. The results of the tests demonstrated that the welded panel has the best rigidity and the agglutinated and riveted panel had the best performance in terms of the used tests. / Universidade Estadual de Campi / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

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