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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How do ethnic minority students represent geographical knowledge? : exploring the stories that relate to representations and link with post-14 subject choices

Kitchen, Rebecca Jane January 2017 (has links)
Students who identify as being from an ethnic minority are under-represented within school geography in England at Key Stage 4 (ages 14 – 16) and Key Stage 5 (ages 16 – 18). At these stages geography is an optional subject and how students view geographical knowledge may influence their GCSE and A level subject choices. This study uses an intersectional theoretical lens to explore representations of geographical knowledge by students of different ethnicities, the stories that relate to these representations and how the students accounted for the GCSE and A level subject choices that they made. The first part of the study reveals a lack of empirical and contemporary research into ethnic minority students’ views of geographical knowledge and subject choices. This is followed by a two-strand exploratory case study at one girls’ grammar school in England. The practitioner-researcher strand was two phase; in the first phase, 314 sixth form students (aged 16 – 18) completed a questionnaire to gauge initial views of geographical knowledge. During the second phase, eight of these students represented their views of geographical knowledge through collages, critical incident charts and semi-structured interviews that explored their stories in depth. In parallel, a group of Year 10 (aged 14 – 15) students as researchers used questionnaires to investigate the influence of parents and other factors contributing to students’ subject choices at GCSE level. In the study, geographical knowledge was represented in different ways given different methods. It was found to be diverse and individual, although it was possible for specific themes to be identified. The representations reflected the characteristics and concepts from students’ recent formal experiences of geography. Informal experiences also featured but these were not always explicit or straightforwardly definable. Unless students could see the intrinsic usefulness of their view of geographical knowledge then they were unlikely to choose the subject past GCSE level. This study expands theoretical conceptualisations of how students represent geographical knowledge and the factors affecting subject choice, engages students as researchers in a methodologically innovative way and provides a rich and detailed account of post-14 subject choice by ethnic minority students which otherwise does not exist in an English context.

Comportement au cours du temps des éléments de structure multi-matériaux collés : application aux structures hybrides béton – GFRP / Time-dependent behaviour of multi-material bonded structural members : application to hybrid structures concrete-GFRP

Alachek, Ibrahim 06 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des comportements en flexion à court et long termes des poutres hybrides collées constituées d'un profilé pultrudé GFRP et d'une dalle en béton, assemblés par un joint de colle époxy. L'utilisation du collage dans des structures réelles se heurte encore à la réticence des concepteurs en raison du manque de garanties sur la durabilité à long terme et de l'absence d'outils de modélisation donnant la durée de vie en service des assemblages collés. La présente étude constitue donc un jalon dans cette démarche de compréhension du comportement à long terme de ces structures collées. Elle s'appuie sur analyse multi-échelles qui permet d'aborder le problème à l'échelle locale de l'interface (essai pushout) et à l'échelle globale de l'élément de structure (essai de flexion sur des poutres). Des essais de vieillissement accéléré ont tout d'abord été conduits pour étudier les effets de l'humidité et de la température sur l'adhésif seul et sur l'assemblage structural et il en ressort que l'eau, et notamment une immersion prolongée, s'avère particulièrement néfaste à la résistance au cisaillement des éprouvettes et modifie leur mode de ruine. La réponse instantanée de l'assemblage pultrudé-béton a ensuite été plus amplement étudiée. Grâce à une étude paramétrique expérimentale, une géométrie et une méthode de fabrication des éprouvettes ont été définies pour assurer la reproductibilité des résultats et limiter leur dispersion. De plus, un modèle numérique 3D a été développé dans le code d'éléments finis Cast3m et montre une distribution de contraintes, notamment de cisaillement, non uniforme le long de la surface de collage avec une concentration aux extrémités du joint. Une analyse paramétrique numérique a permis d'identifier les dimensions des dallettes et du joint de colle comme des paramètres influents sur la résistance des éprouvettes. Enfin, le comportement en fluage d'une poutre hybride est étudié. Sous l'effet d'un vieillissement naturel, seul, le joint d'adhésif ne s'avère pas impacté. Des essais de fluage en flexion 3-points ont été effectués pour étudier les réponses à long terme du profilé seul et de la poutre hybride. Ils montrent une augmentation considérable du déplacement des poutres en raison du fluage et du retrait du béton et du fluage du profilé. Des modèles 3D en variables locales, dans le cadre de la viscoélasticité linéaire, sont développés dans Cast3m et permettent de fidèlement restituer l'évolution des déplacements et des états de déformation au cours du temps pour les différentes poutres testée / This dissertation focuses on the short- and long-term responses of bonded hybrid beams consisting of a GFRP-pultruded profile bonded by an epoxy adhesive joint to a reinforced concrete-slab. The problems related to the durability and the long-term response of these structures still represent an open issue. The present study is meant to increase the knowledge and understanding of these hybrid structures in this context. Firstly, different accelerated ageing tests were carried out to evaluate the effects of some environmental agents such as water, moisture and freeze thaw cycles in the behaviour of GFRP/concrete bonded assemblies. Mechanical characterizations were carried out on control and exposed of both materials and push-out specimens to quantify the degradation and damage of the mechanical resistance of each material and of the adhesive bond properties. The water effect on the adhesion of the joints was found to be significant, especially at longer immersion times. The second part was directed at characterizing the push-out test. An experimental parametric study was performed to elaborate a methodology of fabrication of the push-out specimens that can reduce the dispersion of results and give an accurate prediction of the shear strength on a limited set of specimens. Also, a 3D finite-element model was developed using the finite-element code Cast3m. This model showed that the stress components, especially peel and shear stresses, are not constants across the bonding area and peaking near the free edges (stress concentrations). A numerical parametric study allowed to conclude that the most effective geometrical parameters influencing bond between GFRP and concrete were the bonded length and the dimensions of the concrete substrate. Last part deals with experimental and numerical investigations carried out to study the short- and long-term flexural behaviour of full-scale hybrid beams. All experiments showed considerable increase in beam deflection over time due to concrete creep and shrinkage and GFRP creep. Finally, 3D-finite-element models, realized with Cast3m, are developed based on the incremental formulation of the linear-viscoelasticity theory. The proposed models allow evaluation of the long-term deflection of the pultruded and hybrid beams. Using the proposed model, evolution with time of stresses, strains and displacements in different location of the hybrid beam are obtained

Lasers inp sur circuits silicium pour applications en telecommunications / Hybrid III-V on silicon lasers for telecommunication applications

Lamponi, Marco 15 March 2012 (has links)
La photonique du silicium a connu un développent massif pendant les dix derniers années. Presque toutes les briques technologiques de base ont été réalisées et ont démontrées des performances remarquables. Cependant, le manque d’une source laser intégrée en silicium a conduit les chercheurs à développer de composants basés sur l’intégration entre le silicium et les matériaux III-V.Dans cette thèse je décris la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation des lasers hybrides III-V sur silicium basés sur cette intégration. Je propose un coupleur adiabatique qui permet de transférer intégralement le mode optique du guide silicium au guide III-V. Le guide actif III-V au centre du composant fourni le gain optique et les coupleurs, des deux cotés, assurent le transfert de la lumière dans les guides silicium.Les lasers mono longueur d’onde sont des éléments fondamentaux des communications optiques. Je décris les différentes solutions permettant d’obtenir un laser mono-longueur d’onde hybride III-V sur silicium. Des lasers mono longueur d’onde ont été fabriqués et caractérisés. Ils démontrent un seuil de 21 mA, une puissance de sortie qui dépasse 10 mW et une accordabilité de 45 nm. Ces composants représentent la première démonstration d’un laser accordable hybride III-V sur silicium. / Silicon photonics knew an impressive development in the last ten years. Almost all the fundamental building blocks have been demonstrated and reveal competitive performances. However, the lack of an efficient silicon integrated laser source has led the researchers to develop heterogeneous integration of III-V materials on silicon.In this thesis I describe the design, the fabrication and the performances of these hybrid III-V on silicon lasers. I propose the use of an adiabatic coupler that totally transfers the optical mode between the III-V and the silicon waveguides. The active waveguide on III-V materials at the center of the device provides the optical gain, while, on both side, adiabatic couplers allow a loss-less transfer of the optical mode to the silicon waveguide. Single wavelength emitting lasers are fundamental elements for high bandwidth optical links. I review all the effective solutions enabling single waveguide hybrid III-V on SOI lasers. DBR, microring based, DFB and AWG laser solutions were analysed. Single wavelength operating lasers have been fabricated and characterized. A laser threshold of only 21 mA, an output power of more than 10 mW and tunability over 45 nm with a SMSR of 45 dB have been measured. These devices represent the first demonstration of a monolithically integrated hybrid III-V/Si tunable laser made by wafer bonding technique.

Corpo de provas / Book of proofs

Goldchmit, Sara Miriam 22 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é a criação de um corpo de trabalhos visuais e registro de seu processo criativo, tendo em vista desdobramentos didáticos para o ensino de linguagens visuais no campo do Design. Imagens foram geradas a partir da observação, do pensamento e do gesto, e ganharam visibilidade através de procedimentos como fotografia, escaneamento, colagem, manipulação digital, desenho e impressão. O ato criador, aliado à reflexão sobre esse fazer, permitiu a investigação sobre a gênese deste processo: a teoria é uma prática, o fazer é um pensar. A primeira parte da tese expõe sequências figurativas em simultaneidade com depoimentos, ambos produzidos pela autora, onde se apresentam as motivações e os meandros deste processo criativo, cotejados com conceitos teóricos e com a produção contemporânea da visualidade. Na segunda parte, produtos visuais realizados pelos alunos da autora, no âmbito de uma disciplina de graduação em Design, são apresentados com os relatos sobre essa experiência docente. Corpo de provas, enquanto documento dos trajetos, desvios, dificuldades e conquistas vivenciados na prática reflexiva da construção de linguagens visuais, fornece subsídios e aponta possibilidades didáticas para seu ensino. / The present research aims to create a collection of visual artworks and document its creation process, while also focusing on developments for the teaching of visual languages in the field of Design Studies. The images were created from observation, reflection, and gesture and took shape through a number of practices including photography, scanning, collage, digital manipulation, drawing, and print. An investigation into the genesis of the process was made possible through the association of the creative act and a deliberation on its praxis: theory became practice, and practice turned into reflection. The first part of this thesis offers figurative sequences and accounts by the author, which convey the motivations and meanders of her creation process. That material was subsequently confronted to theoretical concepts and contemporary visual works. The second part displays visual products created by the author\'s students in the context of an undergraduate Design class, and includes her accounts regarding this academic experience. As a document of the trajectories, detours, difficulties, and achievements experienced throughout the reflective practice in the construction of visual languages, Book of Proofs suggests options and offers support for teaching these processes.

Caractérisation et modélisation de l’adhérence dans les assemblages collés / Characterization and modelling of the adhesive strength in bonded joints

Sauvage, Jean-Baptiste 18 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’un essai mécanique pour la caractérisation de l’adhérence d’une colle à un substrat. L’enjeu est d’étudier les différentes méthodes de la caractérisation de l’adhérence dans les assemblages collés et de pouvoir modéliser le comportement associé. La première partie de la thèse consiste en une étude bibliographique des essais mécaniques permettant de caractériser l’adhérence. Ceux-ci sont classés en distinguant les essais en propagation et ceux en initiation de rupture. Cet état de l’art fait ressortir l’intérêt de l’utilisation de l’essai de flexion 3 points et de butt joint pour cette étude. La seconde partie de la thèse présente les différents matériaux utilisés et les différents traitements de surface permettant de faire varier l’adhésion des adhésifs au substrat. La troisième partie présente le cœur de ces travaux de thèse qui est l’essai de flexion 3 points. L’étude montre que cet essai de flexion 3 points permet, avec les adhésifs de l’étude, d’initier systématiquement une rupture adhésive localisable à la surface du substrat. Une approche énergétique a permis de déterminer un critère d’adhérence indépendant des paramètres physiques des matériaux et des dimensions de l’éprouvette. D’autre part, il a été montré que plus l’épaisseur du substrat est fine, plus les résultats de mesure de l’adhérence sont précis. Enfin, une quatrième partie s’attèle à la modélisation numérique par la méthode des éléments finis. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la contrainte d’ouverture en mode I est celle qui initie la rupture. En conclusion, l’essai de flexion 3 points permet de mesurer l’énergie d’initiation de rupture adhésive. / This thesis deals with the development of a mechanical test for the characterization of the practical adhesion of an adhesive to a substrate. The aim is to study the different methods of characterization of the adhesive strength in bonded joints and to model the associated behaviour. The first part of the thesis consists of a bibliographic study of the mechanical tests to characterize this adhesive strength. These tests are classified by distinguishing them in propagation or in initiation of rupture. This state of the art demonstrates the advantage of using the 3-point bending and the butt joint tests for this study. The second part of the thesis presents the different materials and the various surface treatments used to vary the adhesion of adhesives to the substrate. The third part presents the core of this thesis work which is the 3-point bending test. The study shows that this 3-point bending test leads systematically to initiate a localizable adhesive rupture on the surface of the substrate, at least for the adhesives used in our study. An energy approach of the test allows to determine an adhesion criterion independent of the physical parameters of the materials and dimensions of the specimen. On the other hand, it has been shown that the thinner the substrate, the more precise the results of the adhesive strength. Finally, a fourth part is devoted to numerical modelling by the finite element method. The results obtained show that opening constraint in mode I is that which controls the rupture. In conclusion, the 3-point bending test clearly allows to measure the energy of the adhesive rupture initiation.

Evaluation non destructive par ultrasons de l'adhésion aux interfaces de joints collés / Ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of the adhesion at the interfaces of bonded joints

Siryabe, Emmanuel 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des méthodes ultrasonores pour l’END de l’adhésion de joints collés. Pour aborder ce problème, les assemblages sont réalisés avec des substrats en aluminium (isotrope, élastique) et un adhésif de type époxy(isotrope, viscoélastique). Selon la géométrie des assemblages, deux méthodes sont proposées pour obtenir une information quantitative sur le niveau d’adhésion. La première est adaptée à des échantillons de type tri-couches avec recouvrement total.Elle consiste à analyser la transmission d’ondes ultrasonores planes de volume à travers l’assemblage immergé dans l'eau.Les conséquences d'un mauvais traitement de surface des substrats sur la mesure des modules de viscoélasticité du joint adhésif sont étudiées. Il a été montré que des interphases dégradées provoquent une anisotropie apparente des modules mesurés pour le joint de colle. Cette anisotropie a été quantifiée à l'aide de deux paramètres β1 et β2 dont les valeurs permettent de révéler la qualité des interphases. Ensuite, les modules élastiques (ou raideurs kL et kT) des interphases ont été estimés, en supposant les propriétés de l'adhésif connues. On montre que leurs valeurs sont maximales lorsque l'adhésion est nominale, et qu’elles diminuent franchement lorsque l'adhésion est dégradée, mais dans des proportions différentes. Des mesures de la contrainte à rupture, réalisées sur des échantillons préparés dans les mêmes conditions, corroborent la chute des modules des interphases. La seconde méthode est adaptée à des échantillons collés avec un recouvrement partiel. Elle es tbasée sur la mesure du coefficient de transmission d'ondes de Lamb se propageant d'un substrat à l'autre, à travers la zone de recouvrement. Une étude de sensibilité numérique (par éléments finis) des coefficients de transmission des modes de Lamb a montré que les propriétés mécaniques des interphases (modélisées par des raideurs surfaciques) peuvent être évaluées si les autres caractéristiques de l’assemblage sont connues. Des mesures expérimentales de ces coefficients de transmission ont ensuite été réalisées avec deux échantillons. L’un d’eux possède des interphases à adhésion nominale et l’autre des interphases dégradées. Une confrontation entre les résultats des mesures obtenus pour les différents modes et les simulations numériques permet de déterminer les valeurs des raideurs d’interfaces pour chaque échantillon. Là encore, il est observé qu’une mauvaise adhésion se traduit par des valeurs faibles des raideurs d’interfaces, qui peuvent être quantifiées, cette fois,grâce aux ondes ultrasonores guidées. / The aim of this thesis is to develop NDT ultrasonic methods for the evaluation of the adhesion at interfaces in bonded joints.To address this problem, the assemblies are made of aluminum substrates (isotropic, elastic) and epoxy adhesive (isotropic,viscoelastic). Depending on the geometry of the studied assemblies, two methods are proposed to obtain quantitativeinformation on the adhesion level. The first method is suitable for three-layered plate-like samples. It consists in analyzingthe transmission of bulk ultrasonic plane waves through the assembly immersed in water. The consequences of a inapropriatesurface treatment of the substrates on the measurement of viscoelastic moduli of the joint are studied. It has been shown thatdegraded interphases cause an apparent anisotropy of the measured elastic moduli of the joint. This anisotropy was quantifiedusing two parameters β1 and β2 whose values can reveal the quality of the interphases. Then, the elastic moduli (or stiffnesseskL and kT) of the interphases were estimated, assuming that the adhesive layer properties are known. It was shown that theirvalues are higher when the adhesion is nominal, and are strongly decreased when the adhesion is degraded. Measurements ofthe mechanical strength, on samples prepared under the same conditions, confirmed the drops in these elastic moduli. Thesecond method is more suitable for lap joint samples. It is based on the Lamb wave transmission coefficient measured fromone substrate to the other, across the overlap zone. A numerical sensitivity analysis (finite element model) of the transmissioncoefficients of Lamb waves showed that the mechanical properties of the interphases (modeled by interfacial stiffnesses) canbe evaluated if the other characteristics of the assembly are well known. Experimental measurements of the transmissioncoefficients were then performed on two samples. One of them has interphases with nominal adhesion and the other hasdegraded interphases. A comparison between the measured results obtained for the different modes and numericalsimulations was used to determine the values of the interfacial stiffnesses for each sample. Again, it was observed that pooradhesion leads to low values of the interfacial stiffnesses of the interphases, that can be quantified using guided ultrasonicwaves.

Drawing Lines

Raciborski, Monika Julia 15 May 2008 (has links)
My work uses process as a course of action that marks the death of moments through a continuous stream of consciousness. I metaphorically link disparate pieces of information to the human condition in order to present multiple readings through juxtaposition. I assemble both abstract and figurative subject matter in a collage-like manner through methods of cropping and fragmentation to symbolize the disjuncture I feel is indicative of how we experience the world through short-lived thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Big in Japan: The Novel

Bundy, Christopher 20 April 2009 (has links)
“Big in Japan: The Novel” chronicles the struggles of American Kent Richman, has-been gaijin-tarento. The novel alternates between a collage of tabloid articles, letters, YouTube video, excerpts from an unfinished memoir, manga story boards, botched interviews, notes scribbled on napkins, and a third-person narrative. Set primarily in central Japan, “Big in Japan” is at once a satire of celebrity, a study of personality, a romance and a mystery. Kent Richman—John Lennon look-a-like known as RI-CHU-MAN-SAN! and husband to popular model Kumiko Sato—was a regular on the nightly game show The Strange Bonanza, despite having little talent beyond his resemblance to the popular Beatle. Following a foolish affair with a young Quebecois named Monique Martine, Kent and Kumi’s celebrity world is shattered when Monique’s husband, Australian Denis Ozman—an edgy, violent shock comic—seeks his revenge on Kent and, by default, Kumi. The “Ozman Incident,” as it becomes known in the Asian press, escalates Kent and Kumi to new levels of celebrity, but impels them to abandon stardom and Japan for a new beginning on an island in the Gulf of Thailand. In Thailand, Kent and Kumi try to make a new start, but Kumi is unable to forgive Kent for what Ozman did to them and paradise quickly goes sour. In the frenzy of a passing storm, Kumi disappears with a local entrepreneur named Darren. Kent’s search for her leads him to Bangkok and a painful but puzzling discovery. When we first meet Kent, he has returned from Thailand without Kumi, who has vanished. He is unemployed, abandoned by his once adoring public, and penniless, living in a capsule hotel. Kent’s failings are aggravated by a minor drug habit that leads him to often comical, painful, and revealing extremes. At the heart of Kent’s troubles are the unanswered questions about Kumi’s disappearance and his fall from grace. Once a star, he both abhors and misses his former life. What begins as an attempt to exorcise nagging questions becomes an aimless and dangerous plunge into obsession: why did Kumi disappear, where did she go and what will he do now?

Drawing Lines

Raciborski, Monika Julia 15 May 2008 (has links)
My work uses process as a course of action that marks the death of moments through a continuous stream of consciousness. I metaphorically link disparate pieces of information to the human condition in order to present multiple readings through juxtaposition. I assemble both abstract and figurative subject matter in a collage-like manner through methods of cropping and fragmentation to symbolize the disjuncture I feel is indicative of how we experience the world through short-lived thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Du collage au cut-up (1912-1959) Procédures de collage et formes de transmédiation dans la poésie d'avant-garde

Dumoulin, Gilles 19 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le collage et le cut-up sont deux " procédés " apparus, comme pratique et comme concept, dans le courant du XXe siècle : dans la première décennie pour ce qui est du collage et, pour le cutup, à la fin des années cinquante. Le terme de collage est issu des arts plastiques, et des pratiques qui ont succédé aux expérimentations des " papiers collés " de Georges Braque et Pablo Picasso à partir de 1912, tandis que celui de cut-up est emprunté à l'écrivain américain Brion Gysin expérimentant cette technique, avec William Burroughs, en 1959. Une cinquantaine d'années sépare les deux " procédés ", qui ne recouvrent pas exactement les mêmes pratiques, comme le notait Brion Gysin : " L'écriture a cinquante ans de retard sur la peinture ", en entendant par là appliquer à la lettre - et à la littérature - la pratique même des " papiers collés " des expérimentations cubistes. Cinquante ans de retard ? Rien n'est moins sûr en réalité, si l'on examine l'histoire de la pratique dans la littérature, notamment à travers les expérimentations des premiers courants d'avant-garde, puisque se mettent en place, dès 1912-1913, des procédures de transmédiation qui font progressivement glisser l'esthétique du collage des arts plastiques à la poésie. C'est sur l'histoire de ces cinquante années " de retard " que voudrait revenir cette étude, pour examiner les différentes formes que prend cette transmédiation de l'esthétique du collage dans les courants d'avant-garde, jusqu'à l'invention du cut-up.

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