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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Export Competitivness : Product Life Cycles and Specialization

Edquist, Love January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats analyserar om det finns ett samband mellan den snabbt växande tyska exporten och produktutveckling. Genom en segmentering av den tyska tillverkningsindustriexporten i relation till olika produktgruppers internationella konkurrenskraft ges en möjlighet att undersöka skillnader mellan produktsegment med olika internationell konkurrenskraft. Analysen visar att i tidsperioden 2000 till 2002 definierades 76 av 240 produktgrupper ha haft en ökande internationell konkurrenskraft genom en relativ prishöjning. Detta är fler produktgrupper än i någon annan undersökt tidsperiod. De 76 produktgrupperna motsvarar 29,5 procent av det totala tyska exportvärdet, marginellt högre än i någon annan tidsperiod.</p><p>Produkter med ökande internationell konkurrenskraft genom en relativ prishöjning är också av ett högre värde per kilo export än andra konkurrenssegment. Analysen visare vidare att den internationella efterfrågan på dessa produktgrupper är signifikant högre än för produktgrupper med minskad internationell konkurrenskraft. Dock kunde inga generella skillnader mellan olika konkurrenssegment i relation till avståndskänslighet, kulturell och språklig affinitet samt EU-medlemskap på importandelen av tyska varor påvisas.</p> / <p>In this thesis the relationship between product development of the German manufacturing industry and the rapid German export growth is analyzed. By a segmentation of the German export according to international competitiveness, differences in characteristics of the different segments are analyzed. Positive for Germany is that in the time-period 2000 to 2002, 76 out of 240 analyzed product groups were defined as experienced increased export competi-tiveness through relative price increase; more than in any other analyzed time-period. These 76 product groups constituted 29.5 percent of Germany’s total export value, marginal higher than in any other time-period.</p><p>The analysis also shows that German product groups with increasing international competitiveness through relative price increase are of higher value than products in other competitive segments. The international demand for product groups with increasing international competitiveness through relative price increase is also higher than for other competitive segments. However, no general significant differences could be shown between different competitive segments in respect to distance sensitiveness, importance of cultural and linguistic affinity and EU-membership on the import share of German products.</p>

Sinar svensk mjölkproduktion? : En studie om en bransch i kris / Is Swedish dairy farming getting dry? : A study on an industry in crisis

Carlsson, Victoria, Löfgren, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 1990 avreglerades den svenska livsmedelsmarknaden för att marknadsanpassasmot den europeiska. Sedan dess har antalet mjölkföretag sjunkit från 25 000mjölkföretag till strax över 4 000 företag. Under slutet av 2014 och början av 2015 haravräkningspriset varit väldigt låg, vilket påverkat mjölkföretagares ekonomiska situation.Varje mjölkföretagare tillhör ett mejeri, till vilket mjölkföretagaren levererar sinmjölk. Mejeriet beslutar vad mjölkföretagaren får betalt för sin vara. Eftersommjölkföretagaren endast har en vara, mjölk, vilken är svårt att differentiera, hamnarmjölkföretagare ofta i en olönsam situation. Syfte: Studien syftar till att förstå den svenska mjölkbranschens struktur och vilkaproblem mjölkföretagare uppfattar i den. Givet den uppfattade strukturproblematikenvill vi undersöka vilka möjligheter mjölkföretagare anser att de har för att påverka sinroll inom mjölkbranschen. Genomförande: Studien inleddes med att ta del av nyhetspress och facklitteratur angåendemjölkbranschen. Insamlandet av sekundärdata följdes upp med insamlande avprimärdata genom flertalet besök på mjölkföretag, enkätundersökningar, en fallstudiesamt en telefonintervju. Studien har ett abduktivt angreppssätt och således har teoriinhämtats parallellt med empirin. Vid insamlandet av empiri använde vi oss av bådekvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativa informationen samlades in med hjälpav semistrukturerade respektive strukturerade intervjuer och observationer, medan denkvantitativa empirin samlades in med hjälp av surveyundersökningar. Slutsats: Svenska mjölkföretagare befinner sig idag i en svår situation. De lider av låglönsamhet och har svårt att i rådande branschstruktur påverka sin inkomst. Dåmjölkföretagare ofta har svårt att påverka sin verksamhet och samtidigt har en högarbetsbelastning är det möjligt att det kan påverka deras hälsa på ett negativt sätt. Vitror, likt många mjölkföretagare själva, att mjölkföretagare kan påverka sin situation ibranschstrukturen, men att det kräver mycket arbete. Vill mjölkföretagare påverka sinposition i branschen är det bra för dem att utveckla en tydlig strategi för sitt företag,något vi inte uppfattar att många mjölkföretagare har idag. / Background: In 1990, the Swedish food market was deregulated to be enforced with theEuropean food market. Since then, the number of dairy farms has dropped from roughly 25000 companies, to a little bit more than 4 000 companies. During the end of year 2014 andthe beginning of 2015 the price paid to dairy farmers by dairies has been extremely low,which has had an impact on the dairy farmers profitability. Each dairy farmer has one dairycompany affiliation, and it is the dairy companies who decide which price they will pay forthe milk that is produced. Because of the monotone production of dairy farmers, it isusually hard for them to differentiate their product and they often end up in an unprofitablesituation. Aim: This study aims to examine the dairy industry and the structural problems Swedishdairy farmers perceive within it. Given the perceived structural problems, we want toexamine the approach Swedish dairy farmers holds to the possibilities they considerthemselves to have, to influence their role within the dairy industry. Completion: The study begun by reading newspaper articles, specialist literature and othere-references regarding the dairy industry. The collecting of secondary data was followed upby collection of primary data through several visits by dairy farms, surveys, one case studyand one telephone interview. The study has an abductive approach, and therefore theory andempirical data were collected parallelly. During the collection we used both a qualitativeand a quantitative method. The quantitative information was collected by using semistructuredand structured interviews but also by doing observations. The quantitative datawere collected using surveys. Conclusion: Swedish dairy farmers are today in a severe situation. They suffer from lowprofitability, and it is hard for them to influence their income in the current dairy industrystructure. Because dairy farmers experience low control in their daily work, and at the sametime have a very high work strain, it is possible that it will affect their health in a negativeway. However, we believe that dairy farmers, like many of them selves, can influence theirposition in the dairy industry, even though a lot of work will be needed. If dairy farmerswould like to affect their position in the industry, it would be helpful for them to develop aclear strategy for their companies, something we do not percept that many Swedish dairycompanies have today.

Does Swedish R&amp;D payoff?

Karlsson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
According to the Globalizations Council the most important task Sweden has is to assess the opportunities and challenges presented by the global economy to a small, open country like Sweden. There has been dual competition, some has been able to sell the resource services of human and physical knowledge capital, and others offering to sell unskilled labor at wages way below Swedish standards. This thesis will examine the changes in market position in the manufacturing sector, and how comparative advantage and the role of technology have impacted the changes. The empirical analysis is based on the relative international competitiveness index to examine how market position in different sectors has changed during the time-period 1985-2003. In the regression measures for human and physical capital has been included as well as R&amp;D expenditure for both Sweden and the OECD countries. The results show that the changes in market position for most products are relatively small. What can be concluded is that it is not the sector as a whole that experience improving market positions instead it is certain products such as pharmaceutical, sulphate and electronic components among others. Sweden ranks very high in terms of resources dedicated to production of new technology and there are proofs on both side of the "Swedish Paradox"; which states that high technology exports are low given the high R&amp;D investment. The result also indicates that Sweden has a labor-intensive disadvantage, i.e. indications that the market position for industries with high total capital-intensity has increased.

The development of Competitiveness - A theoretical approach in a European context

Eriksson, Amanda January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to theoretically establish a framework for the basics of international trade between countries creating competitiveness. Since the environment in which trade takes place is changeable so is the concept of competitiveness. It is therefore argued in the paper that in order to understand the underlying factors of competitiveness one have to understand the environment in which trade takes place in. Today the concept of competitiveness will therefore be better understood by employing an industrial perspective. This approach can answer questions, which national aggregate estimates cannot. The question asked in the paper is; which industries in Europe, based on the assumptions of international trade theories is competitive? The European industries that came out as competitive were the one using high-skilled labor and produced or used ICT intensively in their production. The question also provided some answers to the always up-do-day wonder namely, in which direction European competitiveness is heading.

Lietuvos 2007 – 2013 metų ES Struktūrinės paramos panaudojimo strategijos II-sios prioritetinės krypties – Konkurencinga ekonomika – perspektyvų numatymas / Perspectives of the second strategy‘s priority – Competitive economy – for the year 2007 – 2013 of Lithuanian EU Structural support usage

Lauruškaitė, Renata 25 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos 2007 – 2013 metų Europos struktūrinės paramos panaudojimo II – sios prioritetinės krypties – Konkurencinga ekonomika – perspektyvos. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojama konkurencingos ekonomikos koncepcija, apibūdinama Lietuvos ekonomikos konkurencingumo stiprybes, silpnybes, grėsmes, galimybes šalies ekonomikos konkurencingumo didinimui ir jos plėtotei. Antroje darbo dalyje, apžvelgiama Lietuvos 2004–2006 m. ir 2007–2013 m. ES struktūrinių fondų parama ir prioritetinės kryptys, Konkurencingos ekonomikos prioritetinės temos ir finansavimas iš ES struktūrinių paramos fondų. Sugretinama Lietuvos, Estijos ir Rumunijos ES struktūrinių fondų finansinė parama prioritetui – Konkurencinga ekonomika. Numatomos Lietuvos ekonomikos konkurencingumo perspektyvos panaudojus Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų paramą. / Perspectives of the second strategy‘s priority – Competitive economy – for the year 2007 – 2013 of Lithuanian EU Structural support usage are analysed in master‘s final work. Final master‘s work consists of two parts. In the first part of the work conception of Competitive economy is analysed. As well as Lithuanian Competitive economy‘s streangths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for country‘s economy competitivenes increasement and development are analysed. In the second part of the work, EU structural support, its priorities, Competitive economy priority themes and financing of Lithuania for the year 2004–2006 and 2007–2013 are described. Lithuania, Romania and Estonia‘s EU Stuctural funds support for priority Competitive economy is compared. Lithuania Competitive economy‘s perspectives are forseen after using EU Structural support.

The integration of the South African floriculture industry into the global market / M. van der Walt

Matthee, Marianne January 2004 (has links)
As a result of globalisation, firms across both developed and developing countries are experiencing increased competition. Globalisation has both positive and negative consequences for firms, and the net effect may depend on the manner in which the country where a firm is located participates in the global market. Both the global commodity chain (GCC) and global value chain (GVC) approaches assess countries' integration (either successfully or unsuccessfully) into the global market. The international floriculture industry is one that is constantly changing and has a highly competitive environment. These challenges require that its participants be successfully integrated into the market and constantly improve their competitive positions. The South African floriculture industry has become more integrated into the global market since it opened up its economy in 1994. Both revenue and employment in this industry have increased since then. However, South Africa remains fairly uncompetitive compared with its African counterparts. The overall aim of this study was to assess the impact of the global floriculture industry on both the competitiveness of the South African floriculture industry and its integration into the global market. The GCC and GVC approaches were used in this assessment. The literature study provided background to these approaches in the context of globalisation. A detailed description was further given to the attributes and challenges of the global floriculture arena, together with a delineation of the South African floriculture industry. The empirical study was conducted through a mail-based questionnaire, which was mailed to the members of the South African Flower Export Council. The response rate of the survey was 59 per cent and can be considered high for a mail-based questionnaire. The responses were analysed according to the elements of the GVC and GCC approaches. This enabled an analysis of the global chains that the exporters form part of. Hence, it identified the role players and variables within these chains that influence the ultimate income of the floriculture industry. From the empirical findings it was possible to determine the South African export floriculture industry's strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion drawn was that the South African floriculture industry functions successful internationally, according to the elements of the GCC and GVC approaches. However, the industry does not participate to its full potential in the global market and lacks competitiveness. These findings supported the assumptions in the literature study. Once the South African floriculture exporters become more export-oriented (i.e. shift their focus from the domestic to the international market), the industry's competitiveness will enhance. Becoming further integrated into the global market by increasing both the volumes and values of their exports can do this. Ultimately the exporters will be able to move into better and more competitive global chains (i.e. export more directly). / Thesis (M.Com. (International Commerce))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Mokslo ir technologijų parkų indėlis Lietuvos konkurencingumui / Science and technology parks input on Lithuanian competitiveness

Marcinkevičiūtė, Goda 19 March 2009 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamojo darbo tema – Mokslo ir technologijų parkų indėlis Lietuvos konkurencingumui Tikslas – išanalizuoti esamą Lietuvos mokslo ir technologijų parkų (toliau vadinamų MTP) situaciją ir atskleisti būdus, kaip pakeisti Lietuvos MTP aplinkos lygį, kuris padėtų didinti Lietuvos konkurencingumą. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai yra: • Pateikti teorinių žinių apie nacionalinį konkurencingumą; • Pateikti informaciją apie mokslo ir technologijų parkus teoriniame lygmenyje; • Atskleisti užsienio šalių MTP bei šalies konkurencingumo sąsajas – iš ko mes galėtumėme pasimokyti? • Pristatyti Lietuvos MTP, pateikti jų esamą situaciją, veiklą, problemas; • Palyginti Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslo ir technologijų parkus; • Įvardinti konkrečias Lietuvos MTP problemines sritis, remiantis užsienio šalių praktika; • Pateikti pasiūlymus ir rekomendacijas įvardintoms problemoms spręsti. Tyrimo metodika – Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių mokslo ir technologijų parkų palyginamoji analizė. Darbo rezultatuose atsispindės esama Lietuvos MTP padėtis ir probleminės sritys. Stiprus atsilikimas nuo užsienio šalių MTP yra jaučiamas tokiuose kriterijuose kaip bendradarbiavime su universitetais, pakankamos infrastruktūros ir pritaikytų patalpų trūkumas, tikslinės specializacijos nebuvimas ir papildomų paslaugų (mokymų, seminarų, konsultacijų) stoka. Bus pateikti pasiūlymai ir rekomendacijos probleminėms sritims spręsti, ir kaip jas išsprendus būtų galima didinti Lietuvos konkurencingumą. / Bachelor thesis theme – Science and technology park (STP) input on Lithuanian competitiveness. The purpose – to analyze existing Lithuanian science and technology park situation and reveal the means of how to improve Lithuanian STP background, which would help to heighten Lithuanian competitiveness. The essential tasks of this paper are: • Analyze the theory of competitiveness; • Introduce science and technology park theoretical background; • Reveal STP relations with competitiveness; • Introduce Lithuanian science and technology parks, present the existing situation, activities, problems; • Compare Lithuanian and foreign technology parks; • Present Lithuania specific STP problems according to foreign practice; • Present suggestions and recommendations for solving specific Lithuanian technology park problems. Analysis method – comparable method, which shows the differences between Lithuanian and foreign country STP. The results of bachelor thesis will reflect the current Lithuanian STP situation and its problems. The Lithuanian STP is lacking far behind its foreign counterparts in criteria such as communication with universities, insufficient infrastructure and adequate accommodation, lack of objective specialization and additional service (training, seminar, and consultation). In order to solve the underlying problems, suggestions and recommendations will be made. Additional suggestions will be supplied for how to heighten Lithuanian competitiveness after the problems have... [to full text]

Lietuvos ir Europos Sąjungos socialinių – ekonominių modelių lyginamoji analizė: darbo rinkos reguliavimas / The comparative analysis of Lithuanian and European Union social - economic models: the case of labour market regulation

Gliosaitė, Kristina 03 January 2007 (has links)
Pastarąjį dešimtmetį dėl vis didėjančio globalizacijos tempo vienu iš aktualiausių debatų ekonomikos srityje tapo konkurencingumas. Jis dažnai siejamas su valstybių ekonominio potencialo vystymu, kurį įtakoja ne tik atskiros ekonomikos šakos ar įmonės, tačiau ir valstybinis sektorius, pasitelkdamas reguliacinę politiką. Ji sukuria tam tikrą veikimo rėmą – nustato privačių veikėjų elgesio taisykles, ir tokiu būdu įtakoja atskirų rinkų, tokių kaip prekių, kapitalo, darbo jėgos funkcionavimą bei patrauklumą. Siekiant įvertinti, palyginti valstybių konkurencingumą bei atitinkamai jas pozicionuoti, tarptautinės organizacijos (Pasaulio Bankas; Pasaulio ekonomikos forumas) bei ekspertai, remdamiesi tam tikrais kriterijais, kasmet teikia palyginamojo pobūdžio konkurencingumo studijas. Pavyzdžiui, 2006 m. rugsėjo mėnesį paskelbtais Doing Bussiness vertinimais Lietuva užima 16 vietą pagal palankumą užsiimti verslu. Tačiau pagal vieną iš šio minėto rodiklio aspektų – darbo rinkos reguliavimą – Lietuva teužima tik 119 vietą iš 175. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – identifikuoti Lietuvos darbo rinkos reguliavimo modelį ir jo poveikį šalies konkurencingumui, atsižvelgiant į kitų Europos Sąjungos šalių darbo rinkos reguliavimo praktiką. / One of the most important issues concerning economic performance debated in recent years is competitiveness. It is often being associated with the development of countries economical potential, influenced not only by the different economical branches or enterprises, but also by public sector, which is empowered with regulatory policy. This policy is meant to create a certain framework for actions – by setting the rules for the behaviour of private actors, thus influencing the functioning and attractiveness of different kind of markets (goods; capital; labour force). Each year such economic and social research giants as The World Bank, The World Economic Forum announce “the leaders and the loser” of economic potential and attractiveness. For example, based on the “Doing Business” (2006) assessment Lithuanian ranks as a 16th country as regards the ease of doing business. However based on one of the detailed indicators – employing workers - Lithuania ranks only as a 119th country out of 175 countries. The main aim of this work - to identify Lithuanian labour market regulation model and its influence regarding country’s competitiveness, based on the practice of European Union labour market regulation models. It is also aimed to determine whether Lithuanian labour market regulation model and the level of its flexibility facilitate the strengthening of Lithuania’s competitiveness, i.e. how much it is prepared to cope with the challenges of ageing labour force, emigration; or to... [to full text]

Inovacijų poveikis organizacijos konkurenciniams pranašumams / Influence of innovations for organization competitiveness

Levanas, Gediminas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe, atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizė, nagrinėjama inovacinės veiklos įtaka įmonės konkurenciniams pranašumams. Remiantis mokslininkų nuomonėmis bei tyrimo rezultatais, parinkti trys esminiai veiksniai, lemiantys įmonės konkurencingumą: produktų, technologijų inovacijos bei darbuotojų kvalifikacija. Įvairių autorių nuomonė bei atlikti tyrimai leido parengti konkurencinių pranašumų didinimo modelį. / In this final work of University Undegradeduate Studies, with the help of different opinion from scientific literature, influence of innovations for organization competitiveness is researched. With reference of scientists and research data, three main factors for competitiveness are selected: product, technological innovations and qualification of workers. With help of different opinion from scientific literature and use of the collected research data a model of rising competitive advantages is introduced.

Personalo mokymo įtakos Lietuvos vežėjų automobiliais konkurencingumui tyrimas / Research on Personnel training impact on the competitiveness of Lithuanian road carriers

Petreikis, Saulius 22 January 2013 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamas Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių požiūris į darbuotojų kompetencijos, mokymo įtaką transporto ir logistikos verslui, konkurenciniam pranašumui. Išnagrinėti bendri aspektai, darantys įtaką transporto ir logistikos įmonių konkurencingumui. Išskiriamos darbuotojų mokymo problemos. Aptariama problematika Lietuvoje, susijusi su transporto ir logistikos įmonių darbuotojų žinių stygiumi bei viso to neigiama įtaka konkurencingumui. Magistrinio darbo tyrime naudojami duomenys yra gauti anketinės apklausos, kurios metu buvo apklausti 87 Lietuvos kelių krovinių transporto įmonių atstovai, būdu. Tyrime yra analizuojami darbuotojų mokymo aspektai Lietuvos transporto įmonėse, tokie kaip, naujų ir esamų vairuotojų bei administracijos darbuotojų mokymo trukmė, darbuotojų mokymo tikslingumo nustatymo kriterijai. Taip pat nagrinėjamos transporto įmonių atstovų nuostatos dėl darbuotojų mokymo įtakos įmonių konkurencingumui. Daug dėmesio skiriama koreliacijų tarp darbuotojų mokymo aspektų ir įmonės konkurencingumo kriterijų analizei. / This master's thesis includes several Lithuanian and foreign authors’ approaches to the importance of personnel and personnel training in the organization, factors of competitiveness in transport and logistics businesses environment. Some main problems concerning personnel training and lack of knowledge in the Lithuanian road transport sector are also highlighted in the thesis. There were 87 representatives of Lithuanian road freight transport companies surveyed to collect the relative data to analyze the personnel training impact to the competitiveness of the transport company. Study analyses various training aspects in the Lithuanian transport companies, such as: training duration, training needs assessment criteria, respondents’ provisions for employee training and etc. Analysis is targeted into two main groups of transport company’s workers: administration staff and drivers. Basically, analysis is based on various correlations between competitiveness criteria and training aspects.

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