Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONTACTLESS"" "subject:"[enn] CONTACTLESS""
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Génération automatique de jeux de tests avec analyse symbolique des données pour les systèmes embarqués / Automatic test set generator with numeric constraints abstraction for embedded reactive systemsAbdelmoula, Mariem 18 December 2014 (has links)
Un des plus grands défis dans la conception matérielle et logicielle est de s’assurer que le système soit exempt d’erreurs. La moindre erreur dans les systèmes embarqués réactifs peut avoir des conséquences désastreuses et coûteuses pour certains projets critiques, nécessitant parfois de gros investissements pour les corriger, ou même conduire à un échec spectaculaire et inattendu du système. Prévenir de tels phénomènes en identifiant tous les comportements critiques du système est une tâche assez délicate. Les tests en industrie sont globalement non exhaustifs, tandis que la vérification formelle souffre souvent du problème d’explosion combinatoire. Nous présentons dans ce contexte une nouvelle approche de génération exhaustive de jeux de test qui combine les principes du test industriel et de la vérification formelle académique. Notre approche construit un modèle générique du système étudié à partir de l’approche synchrone. Le principe est de se limiter à l’analyse locale des sous-espaces significatifs du modèle. L’objectif de notre approche est d’identifier et extraire les conditions préalables à l’exécution de chaque chemin du sous-espace étudie. Il s’agit ensuite de générer tout les cas de tests possibles à partir de ces pré-conditions. Notre approche présente un algorithme de quasi-aplatissement plus simple et efficace que les techniques existantes ainsi qu’une compilation avantageuse favorisant une réduction considérable du problème de l’explosion de l’espace d’états. Elle présente également une manipulation symbolique des données numériques permettant un test plus expressif et concret du système étudié. / One of the biggest challenges in hardware and software design is to ensure that a system is error-free. Small errors in reactive embedded systems can have disastrous and costly consequences for a project. Preventing such errors by identifying the most probable cases of erratic system behavior is quite challenging. Indeed, tests in industry are overall non-exhaustive, while formal verification in scientific research often suffers from combinatorial explosion problem. We present in this context a new approach for generating exhaustive test sets that combines the underlying principles of the industrial test technique and the academic-based formal verification approach. Our approach builds a generic model of the system under test according to the synchronous approach. The goal is to identify the optimal preconditions for restricting the state space of the model such that test generation can take place on significant subspaces only. So, all the possible test sets are generated from the extracted subspace preconditions. Our approach exhibits a simpler and efficient quasi-flattening algorithm compared with existing techniques and a useful compiled internal description to check security properties and reduce the state space combinatorial explosion problem. It also provides a symbolic processing technique of numeric data that provides a more expressive and concrete test of the system. We have implemented our approach on a tool called GAJE. To illustrate our work, this tool was applied to verify an industrial project on contactless smart cards security.
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Conception, modélisation et commande d’une surface de manipulation sans contact à flux d’air induit / Conception, modeling and control of a contactless induced air flow surfaceDelettre, Anne 07 December 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit la conception, la modélisation et la commande d’un manipulateur pneumatique,fondé sur un principe de traction aérodynamique original. De puissants jets d’air verticauxpermettent de créer un flux d’air horizontal pour manipuler des objets sans contact. Les objetssont maintenus en constante lévitation sur la surface grâce à un coussin d’air, et peuvent positionnés selon trois degrés de libert´ du plan, grâce à la combinaison adéquate et distribuéede jets d’air verticaux. Nous détaillons la conception d’un prototype original de manipulateurexploitant ce principe fluidique. Ce prototype a été intégré dans une plate-forme expérimentaleafin de valider le principe de manipulation : le système permet de déplacer des objets à unevitesse atteignant 180 mm/s. Nous avons modélisé le fonctionnement de la surface selon plusieursméthodes. Un premier modèle comportemental, fond´e sur des données expérimentales, aété établi. Il permet de simuler l’´evolution de la position d’un objet sur la surface, selon un degréde liberté . Deux modèles de connaissance, fond´es sur une étude aérodynamique fondamentale,donnent l’´evolution de la position de l’objet selon respectivement deux et trois degrés de libertédu plan. Chacun des modèles a été validé expérimentalement. Nous avons synthétisé différentscontrˆoleurs afin d’asservir la position de l’objet : un premier, de type PID, et un second, de typerobuste (méthode H1). La commande de un, puis deux degrés de liberté du système, a permisd’atteindre de bonnes performances : temps de réponse d’environ 2 s et dépassement souventinférieur à 5%. Nous avons également étudié un micro-manipulateur pneumatique permettant ded´eplacer des objets de taille millimétrique selon deux directions, grâce à des jets d’air inclinés.Ces objets peuvent atteindre des vitesses de 123 mm/s. La résolution du positionnement estinférieure à 0.4 μm. / This thesis presents the design, the modeling and the control of a pneumatic manipulatorbased on an original aerodynamic traction principle. An horizontal air flow is induced by strongvertical air jets in order to manipulate objects without contact. The objects are maintained inconstant levitation on an air cushion. Three degrees of freedom positioning of the objects canbe realized thanks to the right combination of distributed air jets. The design of an originalmanipulator using this aerodynamic principle is detailed. The device has been integrated in anexperimental setup in order to validate the manipulation principle : objects can reach velocityof 180 mm/s. Several models of the system have been established. A first model, based on experimentaldata, gives the evolution of the 1 DOF-position of an object on the device. Twoother models, based on a fundamental aerodynamic study, respectively give the evolution of the2- and 3-DOF position of the objet. The three models have been validated experimentally. Inorder to control the position of the object, different controllers have been designed : a PID oneand a robust H1 one. The control of one and two degrees of freedom of the device gives goodperformances : settling time of around 2 s and overshoot less than 5% in most of the cases. Wehave also studied a micro-manipulator that is able to position millimetric sized objects, in twodirections, thanks to inclined air jets. Objects can reach velocity of 123 mm/s, and the resolutionof the positioning is less than 0.4 μm.
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Conception de systèmes d'alimentation sans contact pour la traction ferroviaire / Design of contactless supply system for railway traction.Sibué, Jean-Romain 13 December 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur la conception et le dimensionnement de composant magnétique dédié au transfert d'énergie sans contact pour des applications ferroviaires de type tramway. Cette famille de composant présente un comportement fortement inductif. Un convertisseur à double fréquence de résonance est utilisé pour l'alimenter et compenser l'énergie réactive du coupleur. Pour parvenir à dimensionner ce composant et son convertisseur associé, un outil d'aide au dimensionnement a été mis au point. Celui-ci est basé sur des modèles analytiques du composant magnétique et de la structure d'électronique de puissance. Une fois le dimensionnement réalisé, une étude des pertes, dans les bobinages et les circuits magnétiques, est réalisée par simulation numérique en utilisant la méthode d'homogénéisation (représentation macroscopique des éléments avec des propriétés électromagnétiques complexes). Puis, la modélisation du comportement thermique du système est présentée afin de garantir la température de fonctionnement désirée. Afin de valider l'approche de dimensionnement et les outils mis en place, des expérimentations ont été menées sur des prototypes de 1,6 et 100 kW. Les résultats obtenus ont montré la précision et la pertinence de l'approche théorique. Cette étude valide la faisabilité de ce type de système forte puissance. / The works presented in this thesis deal with the design and the sizing of magnetic component dedicated to contactless energy transfer for railway application like tramway. This family of component presents a strongly inductive behavior. A double resonance converter is used to supply and compensate reactive energy of transformer. In order to design this component and its associated converter, a design tool has been implemented. This one is based on analytical models of magnetic component and power electronic converter. One time designing realized, a study of losses, in windings and in magnetic cores, is realized by numerical simulation by using homogenization method (macroscopic representation of elements with electromagnetic complex properties). Then, the establishment of a model of thermal behavior of system is presented in order to guarantee desired working temperature. In order to check designing approach and tools, experimentations have been performed on prototypes of 1.6 and 100 kW. Obtained results show the accuracy and relevance of theoretical approach. Moreover, this study confirms the feasibility of this kind of high power system.
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Kontrola průmyslové montáže pomocí kamery / Automated Camera Measurement in the Industrial ProcessSedlář, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with questions about contactless camera detection of presence and right direction of assembled parts in the industry process. The main aim of this work is design and realization of graphical user interface and algorithm for automated camera measurement system in the industrial process.
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Bezdotykové měření povrchových teplot ve strojírenství / Contactless measurement of surface temperatures in mechanical engineeringAnaxagorou, Georgios January 2010 (has links)
his Diploma thesis deals with non-contact measurement of surface temperatures. Describes the basic physical principles by which individual instruments are designed, their technical parameters and compares the different types. It deals with the applications of this technology in various fields of human activity and especially its use in engineering.
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Návrh jednoúčelového stroje pro měření průhybu / Design of special purpose tool for sag measurementMejzlík, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to design a special purpose tool for sag measurement. Three possible solutions are proposed, for each the production cycle time is calculated and its approximate costs are estimated. The best solution in terms of a trade-off between both key quantities is suggested. Next part of the work deals with the selection of suitable drives for the manipulator as well as of the other components for the whole electrical device. Finally, a possible automated control of the complete machinery, including the electrical wiring diagram, is presented.
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Studium objemových změn pojivových silikátových směsí / Study of volume changes of binders silicateNováček, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
In theory, this work is devoted to the principles and methods of measurement of volume changes of mortars and concretes. Emphasis is placed on cement self-levelling screeds with initial shrinkage compensation. In the practical part of the work is devoted to the development of prototype measuring system designed for non-contact detection of volume changes hydrating silicate. Using the new measurement method is also practically examined the influence of boundary conditions on hydration volume changes of selected silicate binders, cement mortar and cement levelling compound based on four different connective concepts. In the calculation, this work focuses on the numerical modelling of volume changes of the examined compounds.
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Kontaktlösa betalningar med smarta telefoner / Contactless payments with smartphonesKornberg Valentine, Philip, Alkuheli, Zaid January 2021 (has links)
Företaget Hajenterprise vill göra en forskning inom kommunikation för att hantera kontaktlösa betalningar för att kunna ta betalt kontaktlöst med hjälp av mobilen. Idag används bankkort för att betala för de flesta saker. Nya betalningssätt har rört sig mot kontaktlösa köp med hjälp av smarta telefoner och NFC-teknologier. Smarta telefoner har börjat användas mer och mer i kontaktlösa köp mot point of sale (POS) terminaler. Skulle det då gå att kunna ta bort POS-terminaler och använda smarta telefoner som POS-terminaler? För att besvara detta behövdes tester utföras för att se ifall en smart telefon skulle kunna läsa ett bankkort och behandla bankkortets information. Bankkort kunde läsas av de smarta telefonerna men informationen från bankkortet kunde inte användas av den smarta telefonen för att genomföra en betalning. Detta var eftersom beroende på telefon, öppnades Samsung, Google eller Apple pay. En smart telefon kunde alltså ta emot information från ett bankkort men telefonen kunde inte använda den information för att utföra en betalning på en terminal. Utöver forskningen av olika betalningssätt, skapades en applikation där betalning skulle kunna utföras från en mobil till en annan mobil. Detta skulle ske med hjälp av Near Field Communication (NFC) och blockchain, eftersom Hajenterprise vill ha en prototyp-applikation som skulle kunna betala och ta betalt över NFC mot deras blockchain. JavaScript användes för att skapa en react native applikation som kunde fungera på både Android och iOS. Detta lade grunden så att Hajenterprise kunde använda sitt blockchain-api för mobila betalningar. / The company Hajenterprise wanted to research the area of contactless payments to see if it’s possible to Pay contactless with a mobile phone. Today bank cards are used to pay for most things. New payment methods have moved toward contactless purchases using smart phones and NFC-technologies. Smart phones have begun to be used more and more in contactless purchases at point of sale (POS) terminals. The possibility to remove POS-terminals and use smartphones instead as POS-terminals could make it easier and faster to pay. To test this, several tests were needed to see if a smartphone could read a bank card and process the card's information. Bank cards could be read by the smartphone but the information from the bank card could not be used by the smartphone to make a payment. This was because depending on the phone, Samsung, Google or Apple Pay was opened. Thus, a smart phone could receive information from a card but the phone could not use that information to make a payment at a terminal. In addition, an application was created where one could make payments from one mobile to another mobile. This would be done using Near Field Communication (NFC) and blockchain, as Hajenterprise wanted a prototype-application that could pay and charge over NFC against their blockchain. JavaScript was used to create a react native application that could work on both Android and iOS. This laid the foundation for Hajenterprise to use its blockchain API for mobile payments.
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Jämförande analys av kontaktlösa betalningar med bankkort och smarttelefon ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv / Comparative analysis of contactless payment with cards and smartphones from a security perspectiveHolmberg Tvingstedt, Tove January 2022 (has links)
Att betala med kort är idag standardiserat, men något som också är väldigt vanligt är att betala kontaktlöst. Detta kan göras både med ett kontaktlöst kort eller med en smarttelefon. Teknologin som möjliggör detta är närfältskommunikation. Examensarbetet undersöker hur säkerheten i dessa betalningsmetoder är uppbyggd, vad det finns för säkerhetsproblem samt hur användningen kan se ut i framtiden. Den primära frågeställningen var att undersöka om det är lika säkert eller till och med säkrare att använda en smarttelefon för kontaktlösa betalningar jämfört med ett kontaktlöst kort. För att undersöka detta, gjordes en omfattande litteraturstudie och en enkätundersökning. Resultatet av examensarbetet visade på att det fanns olika typer av hot och sårbarheter som exempelvis avlyssning, modifikation och korruption av data, reläattacker, skadlig applikation och programvara, svag autentisering och manipulation av applikationer. Det fanns även flertalet aspekter som påverkade hur väl dessa hot kunde utföras, bland annat tokenisering, kryptering men även det korta avståndet som krävs och social ingenjörskonst. Det upptäcktes även att attackytan skiljde sig mellan metoderna. Smarttelefonen hade flertalet hot och sårbarheter som ofta baseras på att det finns ett användargränssnitt, att enheten har ett annat användningsområde, och exempelvis skadlig programvara och ”rootade” enheter. När en enhet är ”rootad” betyder det att användaren får en annan typ av åtkomstkontroll. Enkätundersökningen visade att ungefär hälften av deltagarna kan tänka sig använda smarttelefonen i framtiden för att utföra kontaktlösa betalningar. / To pay with a card is standardized today, but something that is also very common is to pay contactless. This is possible to do with a contactless card or with a smartphone. The technology that makes this possible is Near Field Communication. This thesis examines how the security in these payment methods is structured, which security issues exists but also how the use may look in the future. The thesis also includes to investigate if it is as safe or even safer to use a smartphone for contactless payments compared to a contactless card. To investigate this, an extensive literature study and a questionnaire survey was conducted. The results of the thesis showed that there were different types of threats and vulnerabilities such as eavesdropping, data modification, data corruption, relay-attacks but also malicious application and software, weak authentication, and manipulation of applications. However, there were also several aspects that affected how well these threats could be carried out, including tokenization, encryption but also the short distance required and social engineering. It was also discovered that the attack surface differed between the two methods. The smartphone had several threats and vulnerabilities many of them existed since there is a user interface, and that the device is used in other ways. For example, malware and “rooted” devices, when a device is “rooted” it means that the user gets another type of access control for the device. The survey showed that about half of the participants may be willing to use a smartphone in the future to make contactless payments.
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Evaluation eines neuartigen kapazitiven EKG-Systems bei Patienten mit akutem ST-Hebungs-Myokardinfarkt / First clinical evaluation of a novel capacitive ECG system in patients with acute myocardial infarctionWeil, Mareike Bianca 11 December 2013 (has links)
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