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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Growth of carbon nanotubes on different support/catalyst systems for advanced interconnects in integrated circuits: Growth of carbon nanotubes on different support/catalystsystems for advanced interconnects in integrated circuits

Hermann, Sascha 19 September 2011 (has links)
Since there is a continuous shrinking of feature sizes in ultra-large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits, requirements on materials and technology are going to rise dramatically in the near future. In particular, at the interconnect system this calls for new concepts and materials. Therefore, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered as a promising material to replace partly or entirely metal interconnects in such devices. The present thesis aims to make a contribution to the CNT growth control with the thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and the integration of CNTs as vertical interconnects (vias) in ULSI circuits. Different support/catalyst systems are examined in processes for catalyst pretreatment and CNT growth. The investigations focus on the catalyst formation and the interactions at the interfaces. Those effects are related to the CNT growth. To get an insight into interactions at interfaces, film structure, composition, and CNT growth characteristics, samples are extensively characterized by techniques like AFM, SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, and Raman spectroscopy. Screening studies on nanoparticle formation and CNT growth with the well known system SiO2/Ni are presented. This system is characterized by a weak support/catalyst interaction, which leads to undirected growth of multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs). By contrast, at the Ta/Ni system a strong interaction causes a wetting of catalyst nanoparticles and vertically aligned MWCNT growth. At the system W/Ni a strong interaction at the interface is found as well, but there it induces Stranski-Krastanov catalyst film reformation upon pretreatment and complete CNT growth inhibition. Studies on the SiO2/Cr/Ni system reveal that Cr and Ni act as a bi-catalyst system, which leads to a novel nanostructure defined as interlayer CNT (ICNT) structure. The ICNT films are characterized by well crystallized vertically aligned MWCNTs, which grow out a Cr/Ni layer lifted off as a continuous and very smooth layer from the substrate with the growth. Besides, this nanostructure offers new possibilities for the integration of CNTs in different electronic applications. Based on the presented possibilities of manipulating CNT growth, an integration technology was derived to fabricate CNT vias. The technology uses a surface mediated site-selective CVD for the growth of MWCNTs in via structures. Developments are demonstrated with the fabrication of via test vehicles and the site-selective growth of MWCNTs in vias on 4 inch wafers. Furthermore, the known resistance problem of CNT vias, caused by too low CNT density, is addressed by a new approach. A CNT/metal heterostructure is considered, where the metal is implemented through atomic layer deposition (ALD). The first results of the coating of CNTs with readily reducible copper oxide nanoparticles are presented and discussed. / Aufgrund der kontinuierlichen Verkleinerung von Strukturen in extrem hoch integrierten (engl. Ultra-Large Scale Integration − ULSI) Schaltkreisen werden die Anforderungen an die Materialien und die Technologie in naher Zukunft dramatisch ansteigen. Besonders im Leitbahnsystem sind neue Materialien und Konzepte gefragt. Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (engl. Carbon Nanotubes − CNT) stellen hierbei ein vielversprechendes Material dar, um teilweise oder sogar vollständig metallische Leitbahnen zu ersetzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur CNT-Wachstumskontrolle mit der thermischen Gasphasenabscheidung (engl. Chemical Vapor Deposition − CVD) sowie der Integration von CNTs als vertikale Leitungsverbindungen (Via) in ULSI-Schaltkreisen. Verschiedene Untergrund/Katalysator-Systeme werden in Prozessen zur Katalysatorvorbehandlung sowie zum CNT-Wachstum betrachtet. Die Untersuchungen richten sich insbesondere auf die Katalysatorformierung und die Wechselwirkungen an den Grenzflächen. Diese werden mit dem CNT-Wachstum in Verbindung gebracht. Für Untersuchungen von Grenzflächeninteraktionen, Schichtstruktur, Zusammensetzung sowie CNT-Wachstumscharakteristik werden Analysen mit AFM, REM, TEM, XRD, XPS und Raman-Spektroskopie genutzt. Zunächst werden Voruntersuchungen an dem gut bekannten System SiO2/Ni zur Nanopartikelformierung und CNTWachstum vorgestellt. Dieses System ist gekennzeichnet durch eine schwache Wechselwirkung zwischen Untergrund und Katalysator sowie ungerichtetem Wachstum von mehrwandigen CNTs (MWCNTs). Im Gegensatz dazu hat bei dem System Ta/Ni eine starke Interaktion an der Grenzfläche eine Katalysatornanopartikelbenetzung und vertikales MWCNT-Wachstum zur Folge. Für das W/Ni-System gelten ebenfalls starke Interaktionen an der Grenzfläche. Bei diesem System wird allerdings eine Stranski-Krastanov-Schichtformierung des Katalysators und eine vollständige Unterbindung von CNT-Wachstum erreicht. Bei dem System SiO2/Cr/Ni agieren Cr und Ni als Bi- Katalysatorsystem. Dies führt zu einer neuartigen Nanostruktur, die als Zwischenschicht-CNT (engl. Interlayer Carbon Nanotubes − ICNTs) Struktur definiert wird. Die Schichten sind durch eine gute Qualität von gerichteten MWCNTs charakterisiert, die aus einer geschlossenen, sehr glatten und von den CNTs getragenen Cr/Ni-Schicht herauswachsen. Darüber hinaus bietet die Struktur neue Möglichkeiten für die Integration von CNTs in verschiedene elektronische Anwendungen. Auf der Grundlage der vorgestellten Manipulationsmöglichkeiten von CNT-Wachstum wurde eine Integrationstechnologie für CNTs in Vias abgeleitet. Der Ansatz ist eine oberflächeninduzierte selektive CVD von vertikal gerichteten MWCNTs in Via-Strukturen. Diese Technologie wird mit der Herstellung von einem Via-Testvehikel und dem selektiven CNT-Wachstum in Vias auf 4 Zoll Wafern demonstriert. Um das Widerstandsproblem von CNT-Vias, verursacht durch eine zu niedrige CNT-Dichte, zu reduzieren, wird eine Technologieerweiterung vorgeschlagen. Der Ansatz geht von einer CNT/Metall-Heterostruktur aus, bei der das Metall mit Hilfe der Atomlagenabscheidung (engl. Atomic Layer Deposition − ALD) implementiert wird. Es werden erste Ergebnisse zur CNT-Beschichtung mit reduzierbaren Kupferoxidnanopartikeln vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Atomistische Modellierung und Simulation des Filmwachstums bei Gasphasenabscheidungen

Lorenz, Erik E. 27 November 2014 (has links)
Gasphasenabscheidungen werden zur Produktion dünner Schichten in der Mikro- und Nanoelektronik benutzt, um eine präzise Kontrolle der Schichtdicke im Sub-Nanometer-Bereich zu erreichen. Elektronische Eigenschaften der Schichten werden dabei von strukturellen Eigenschaften determiniert, deren Bestimmung mit hohem experimentellem Aufwand verbunden ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert ein hochparalleles Modell zur atomistischen Simulation des Wachstums und der Struktur von Dünnschichten, welches Molekulardynamik (MD) und Kinetic Monte Carlo-Methoden (KMC) kombiniert, um die Beschreibung beliebiger Gasphasenabscheidungen. KMC-Methoden erlauben dabei die effiziente Betrachtung der Größenordnung ganzer Nano-Bauelemente, während MD für atomistische Genauigkeit sorgt. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Parsivald genannte Modell Abscheidungen in Simulationsräumen mit einer Breite von 0.1 µm x 0.1 µm effizient berechnet, aber auch bis zu 1 µm x 1 µm große Räume mit 1 Milliarden Atomen beschreiben kann. Somit lassen sich innerhalb weniger Tage Schichtabscheidungen mit einer Dicke von 100 Å simulieren. Die kristallinen und amorphen Schichten zeigen glatte Oberflächen, wobei auch mehrlagige Systeme auf die jeweilige Lagenrauheit untersucht werden. Die Struktur der Schicht wird hauptsächlich durch die verwendeten molekulardynamischen Kraftfelder bestimmt, wie Untersuchungen der physikalischen Gasphasenabscheidung von Gold, Kupfer, Silizium und einem Kupfer-Nickel-Multilagensystem zeigen. Stark strukturierte Substrate führen hingegen zu Artefakten in Form von Nanoporen und Hohlräumen aufgrund der verwendeten KMC-Methode. Zur Simulation von chemischen Gasphasenabscheidungen werden die Precursor-Reaktionen von Silan mit Sauerstoff sowie die Hydroxylierung von alpha-Al2O3 mit Wasser mit reaktiven Kraftfeldern (ReaxFF) berechnet, allerdings ist weitere Arbeit notwendig, um komplette Abscheidungen auf diese Weise zu simulieren. Mit Parsivald wird somit die Erweiterung einer Software präsentiert, die Gasphasenabscheidungen auf großen Substraten effizient simulieren kann, dabei aber auf passende molekulardynamische Kraftfelder angewiesen ist.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Symbolverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Gasphasenabscheidungen 2.1.1 Physikalische Gasphasenabscheidung 2.1.2 Chemische Gasphasenabscheidung 2.1.3 Atomlagenabscheidung 2.1.4 Methoden zur Simulation von Gasphasenabscheidungen 2.2 Molekulardynamik 2.2.1 Formulierung der Molekulardynamik 2.2.2 Auswahl verfügbarer Molekulardynamik-Software 2.2.3 Molekulardynamische Kraftfelder 2.3 Kinetic Monte Carlo-Methoden 2.4 Datenstrukturen 2.4.1 Numerische Voraussetzungen an Gasphasenabscheidungen 2.4.2 Vergleich der Laufzeiten für verschiedene Datenstrukturen 2.4.3 Effiziente Datenstrukturen 2.4.4 Alpha-Form 3 Methoden und Modelle 3.1 Stand der Forschung 3.1.1 Anwendungen von KMC-Simulationen für die Gasphasenabscheidung 3.1.2 Anwendung von MD-Simulationen für die Gasphasenabscheidung 3.2 Parsivald-Modell 3.2.1 Zielsetzung für Parsivald 3.2.2 Beschreibung des Parsivald-Modells 3.2.3 Annahmen und Einschränkungen 3.2.4 Erweiterungen im Rahmen der Masterarbeit 3.2.5 Behandlung von fehlerhaften Ereignissen 3.3 Laufzeitanalyse von Parsivald-Simulationen 3.3.1 Ereignis-Laufzeit TE 3.3.2 Ereignis-Durchsatz RE 3.3.3 MD-Laufzeit TMD 3.3.4 Worker-Laufzeit Tworker 3.3.5 Serielle Laufzeit T1 3.3.6 Anzahl der parallelen Prozesse p 3.3.7 Workerdichte rhoworker 3.3.8 Parallele Laufzeit Tp 3.3.9 Speedup Sp 3.3.10 Parallele Effizienz Ep 3.3.11 Auswertung der Laufzeitparameter 3.3.12 Fazit 3.4 MD-Simulationen: Methoden und Auswertungen 3.4.1 Zeitskalen in MD-Simulationen 3.4.2 Relaxierungen 3.4.3 Strukturanalysen 3.4.4 Bestimmung der Dichte und Temperatur 3.4.5 Radiale Verteilungsfunktionen, Bindungslänge und Koordinationszahl 3.4.6 Oberfläche, Schichtdicke, Rauheit und Porösität 3.4.7 Reaktionen und Stabilität von Molekülen 4 Simulationen von Gasphasenabscheidungen 4.1 Gold-PVD 4.1.1 Voruntersuchungen 4.1.2 Thermodynamische Eigenschaften 4.1.3 Simulation von Gold-PVD 4.1.4 Skalierbarkeit mit der Simulationsgröße 4.1.5 Fazit 4.2 Kupfer-PVD 4.2.1 Voruntersuchungen 4.2.2 Thermodynamische Eigenschaften 4.2.3 Simulation von Kupfer-PVD 4.2.4 Untersuchung der maximalen Workerdichte 4.2.5 Fazit 4.3 Multilagen-PVD 4.3.1 Multilagen-Simulationen mit Parsivald 4.3.2 Vergleich mit Ergebnissen reiner MD-Simulationen 4.3.3 Vergleich der Parallelisierbarkeit 4.3.4 Fazit 4.4 Silizium-PVD 4.4.1 Voruntersuchungen 4.4.2 Simulationen von Silizium-PVD 4.4.3 Fazit 4.5 Aluminiumoxid-ALD 4.5.1 ReaxFF-Parametersätze 4.5.2 Voruntersuchungen 4.5.3 Fazit 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 5.1 Zusammenfassung 5.2 Ausblick A Physikalische Konstanten und Stoffeigenschaften B Datenstrukturen B.1 Übersicht über KMC-Operationen B.2 Beschreibung grundlegender Datenstrukturen B.3 Delaunay-Triangulationen B.3.1 Ausgewählte Eigenschaften einer Delaunay-Triangulation B.3.2 Algorithmen zur Konstruktion einer Delaunay-Triangulation C Ergänzungen zur Laufzeitanalyse von Parsivald C.1 Einfluss der Ereignis-Laufzeit auf die effiziente Raumgröße weff C.2 Zusätzliche Einflüsse auf das Maximum der Prozesse pmax C.3 Abschätzung der maximalen Workerdichte per Random Sequential Adsorption D Ergänzungen zur Simulation von Gold-PVD E Multilagen-PVD E.1 Porenbildung bei Unterrelaxation E.2 Simulationen mit Lagendicken von jeweils 5 nm F Simulation der CVD-Precursormoleküle Silan und Sauerstoff F.1 Stabilität der Precursormoleküle F.2 Reaktion der Precursormoleküle Literaturverzeichnis

Epitaxy and characterization of SiGeC layers grown by reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition

Hållstedt, Julius January 2004 (has links)
<p>Heteroepitaxial SiGeC layers have attracted immenseattention as a material for high frequency devices duringrecent years. The unique properties of integrating carbon inSiGe are the additional freedom for strain and bandgapengineering as well as allowing more aggressive device designdue to the potential for increased thermal budget duringprocessing. This work presents different issues on epitaxialgrowth, defect density, dopant incorporation and electricalproperties of SiGeC epitaxial layers, intended for variousdevice applications.</p><p>Non-selective and selective epitaxial growth of Si<sub>1-x-y</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>C<sub>y</sub>(0≤x≤30, ≤y≤0.02) layershave been optimized by using high-resolution x-ray reciprocallattice mapping. The incorporation of carbon into the SiGematrix was shown to be strongly sensitive to the growthparameters. As a consequence, a much smaller epitaxial processwindow compared to SiGe epitaxy was obtained. Differentsolutions to decrease the substrate pattern dependency (loadingeffect) of SiGeC growth have also been proposed. The key pointin these methods is based on reduction of surface migration ofthe adsorbed species on the oxide. In non-selective epitaxy,this was achieved by introducing a thin silicon polycrystallineseed layer on the oxide. The thickness of this seed layer had acrucial role on both the global and local loading effect, andon the epitaxial quality. Meanwhile, in selective epitaxy,polycrystalline stripes introduced around the oxide openingsact as migration barriers and reduce the loading effecteffectively. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) was performedto remove the polycrystalline stripes on the oxide.</p><p>Incorporation and electrical properties of boron-doped Si<sub>1-x-y</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>C<sub>y</sub>layers (x=0.23 and 0.28 with y=0 and 0.005) with aboron concentration in the range of 3x10<sup>18</sup>-1x10<sup>21</sup>atoms/cm3 have also been investigated. In SiGeClayers, the active boron concentration was obtained from thestrain compensation. It was also found that the boron atomshave a tendency to locate at substitutional sites morepreferentially compared to carbon. These findings led to anestimation of the Hall scattering factor of the SiGeC layers,which showed good agreement with theoretical calculations.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Silicon germanium carbon (SiGeC), Epitaxy,Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Loading effect, Highresolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD), Hall measurements, Atomicforce microscopy (AFM).</p>

Etude et développement de composants thermoélectriques à base de couches minces

Savelli, Guillaume 20 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La thermoélectricité est une science remise au goût du jour depuis quelques années en tant que source de récupération d'énergie. Dans cette optique, l'étude et la conception de dispositifs thermoélectriques à base de films minces se justifient parfaitement : en effet, les faibles dimensions de ces modules, de l'ordre du cm2, permettent leur intégration et leur utilisation dans des domaines nombreux et variés, tels l'industrie automobile, l'environnement du corps humain, l'alimentation de capteurs sans fil... Ainsi, ces travaux ont permis la réalisation et la caractérisation de plusieurs modules, composés de matériaux de différente nature, et de diverses géométries. Pour cela, le développement des procédés de calibration de couches minces, à la fois de matériaux semimétalliques, en bismuth et antimoine, mais aussi de matériaux semiconducteurs, en silicium et silicium-germanium, a été étudié et optimisé. De plus, l'utilisation de matériaux nanostructurés permet une amélioration des performances thermoélectriques via notamment une diminution de la conductivité thermique. Dans ce cadre, une étude théorique sur les transports électriques et thermiques dans les nanostructures, complémentée de mesures expérimentales sur des superréseaux Si/SiGe, ont permis de valider ces propos et de justifier leur intégration au sein de dispositifs thermoélectriques.

Development of a PP-MOCVD System and its Design and Operational Parameters for Uniform Industrial Coatings on 3D Objects

Lee, Darryl Liang Wee January 2014 (has links)
Increase in demand for uniform ceramic coatings on larger industrial components have led to a need for a PP-MOCVD coating system scale up. The objective of this thesis is to develop a fully functional coating system operating in the PP-MOCVD regime that is able to deposit thin film ceramic coatings on commercial or industrial components with complex 3D geometries. This can be achieved by applying engineering and vacuum science theories, coupled with the established fundamentals of PP-MOCVD. A larger system was designed and assembled around the boundaries set by the dimensions and geometry of a stainless steel water pump impellor acting as the base substrate. Most of the components were sourced off the shelf from vacuum and fluid specialists. Components which were unavailable for various reasons were designed, and machined in-house by the departmental workshop. Initial test depositions were conducted using small stainless steel disk substrates, heated using a resistive heater similar to the one utilised on the research scale system. The test depositions were performed with the heater and substrate combination placed in strategic locations. This is to test the overall uniformity of precursor flux in the chamber volume. The resulting coating uniformity on the disk surfaces were fair but problems such as the large collection of unreacted precursor on the chamber viewport and valve timing issues had to be addressed. Before making any improvements to the system, each of the process areas leading to a successful deposition needed to be understood. Five process areas were developed: ‘Liquid Delivery’, ‘Atomization’, ‘Evaporation’, ‘Transport and Reactor Geometry’, and ‘Droplet Management’. Each of the process areas were analysed individually and changes were made to push for a maximum evaporation efficiency. xviii The improved system provided opportunities to perform depositions that were once not possible for PP-MOCVD. Two sets of deposition tests were designed and conducted. Firstly, the improvements were justified with a series of depositions using flat stainless steel plates with dimensions 65x65x5mm. The other set of 3D case study depositions involve observing the effects of the operational parameters of PP-MOCVD on the uniformity and penetration depths of the coatings into different sized macro blind trenches. Five geometric setup conditions were used to justify the improvements made to the system. These are: ‘Substrate positioned in the direct line of spray’, ‘Use of an unheated receptor’, ‘Use of a heated receptor’, ‘Use of an unheated receptor with a non-axial substrate setup’, and “Choked Flow’. As expected, the uniformity of the coatings on both sides of the plate varied significantly when the substrate is placed over the line of sight of the precursor spray. Similarly, the coating produced under the induced choked flow condition resulted in low conformality. The introduction of an unheated receptor plate resulted in an increase in uniformity on both sides of the plate. Further prove that PP-MOCVD is geometry independent is provided by the deposition made with the non-axial substrate placement resulting in a coating of similar result to the unheated receptor. The use of a heated receptor provided a source for a secondary evaporation of the larger precursor droplets collected resulting in an increase in coating thickness while maintaining good conformality. The effects of temperature, pressure, injection volume, and concentration were explored in the final case study. With maximum depths of 50mm, the macro blind trenches has an aspect ratio of 1:1 and cross-sectional areas of 3x3mm, 9x9mm, and 15x15mm. The final results show that as the temperature rises, the depth penetrated into the trench decreases. This could be due to the change in rate limiting steps as homogeneous reactions begin to increase at higher temperatures. Similar trends were observed with increasing pressure. As the pressure difference between the volume of the trenches and the rest of the chamber decreases, the push needed to xix force the precursor down the trench also decreases, resulting in less depth penetration. The effects of injection volume and concentration observed, can be explained by how much precursor molecules are present during one pulse cycle. The more that is available at any given time, the more likely a reaction will occur and deeper the penetration will get. Of course a ceiling or a limit exists where the molecules in the chamber will get evacuated without being reacted. The future work made possible as a result of the scaled up system are proposed. These include a scale up of the operational parameters to suit any given substrate geometry, improvements to the heating source to achieve greater thermal uniformity, further improvements to the overall system accessibility, and performing other depositions using different substrate materials and precursor types.

Graphene and functionalised graphene for flexible and optoelectric applications

Bointon, Thomas H. January 2015 (has links)
The landscape of consumer electronics has drastically changed over the last decade. Technological advances have led to the development of portable media devices, such as the iPod, smart phones and laptops. This has been achieved primarily through miniaturisation and using materials such as Lithium and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) to increase energy density in batteries and as transparent electrodes for light emitting displays respectively. However, ten years on there are now new consumer demands, which are dictating the direction of research and new products are under constant development. Graphene is a promising next-generation material that was discovered in 2004. It is composed of a two-dimensional lattice made only from carbon. The atoms are arranged in a two atom basis hexagonal crystal structure which forms a fundamental building block of all sp2 hybrid forms of carbon. The production of large area graphene has a high cost, due to the long growth times and the high temperatures required. This is relevant as graphene is not viable compared to other transparent conductors which are produced on industrial scales for a fraction of the cost of graphene growth. Furthermore, graphene has a high intrinsic resistivity (2KW/_) which is three orders of magnitude greater than the current industry standard ITO. This limits the size of the electrodes as there is dissipation of energy across the electrode leading to inefficiency. Furthermore a potential drop occurs across the electrode leading to a non-uniform light emission when the electrode is used in a light emitting display. I investigate alternative methods of large area graphene growth with the aim of reducing the manufacturing costs, while maintaining the quality required for graphene human interface devices. Building on this I develop new fabrication methods for the production of large-area graphene devices which are flexible and transparent and show the first all graphene touch sensor. Focusing on the reducing the high resistivity of graphene using FeCl3 intercalation, while maintaining high optical transmission, I show low resistivity achieved using this process for microscopic graphene flakes, large-area graphene grown on silicon carbide and large-area graphene grown by CVD. Furthermore, I explore the stability of FeCl3 intercalated graphene and a process to transfer a material to arbitrary flexible substrates.

Conjugated Polymer-based Conductive Fibers for Smart Textile Applications

Bashir, Tariq January 2013 (has links)
Electrically conductive or electro-active fibers are the key components of smart and interactive textiles, which could be used in medical, sports, energy, and military applications in the near future. The functionalization of high-performance textile yarns/fibers with conjugated polymers can produce conductive fibers with better electro-mechanical properties, which is difficult with commonly used spinning techniques. In this thesis work, textile-based conductive yarns/fibers were prepared by coating viscose and polyester (PET) yarns with the conjugated polymer PEDOT. For coating purposes, an efficient technique called chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was used, which is a solventless technique and can produce PEDOT polymer layers with high conductivity values. The polymerization of EDOT monomer vapors and coating of oxidant (FeCl3 or FepTS) enriched viscose and PET yarns took place simultaneously. The PEDOT-coated viscose and polyester yarns showed relatively high conductivity values, which could be sufficient for many electronic applications. The polymerization process and the quality of PEDOT polymer strongly depends on different reaction conditions. In this research work, the impact of most of these reaction parameters on the electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties of PEDOT-coated conductive yarns was considered separately. Under specific reaction conditions, it was found that viscose fibers were successfully coated with PEDOT polymer and showed rather high electrical conductivity (≥ 15 S/cm). However, due to the acid hydrolysis of viscose fibers in FeCl3 solutions, the mechanical properties were drastically reduced. In order to improve the mechanical properties of conductive yarns, a relatively stable and chemical-resistant substrate (PET) was coated with PEDOT polymer. Comparative studies between PEDOT-coated viscose and PET conductive yarns showed that the electrical and mechanical properties were enhanced by changing the substrate material. Later on, PEDOT-coated conductive fibers were treated with silicone elastomer solution and due to the thin silicone layers, the hydrophobic properties, flexibility, and durability of coated yarns was improved. Furthermore, a novel electrical resistance-measuring setup was developed, which can be used not only for fibers but also for fabric structures. The electrical characterization of PEDOT-coated conductive yarns showed that it can be used effectively for sensitive fibers without damaging their surface morphology. Finally, the use of conductive yarns as stretch sensors was evaluated. For this purpose, small rectangular knitted patches of conductive yarns were prepared and then the change in electrical resistance values at different extension percentages (5–50%) was investigated. The constant variations in electrical resistance values at different extension and relaxation cycles for longer periods of time revealed that the conductive yarns produced have the potential to be used as stretch sensors for monitoring of vital signs in medical and sports applications. / <p>Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to be presented on March 08, 2013, 10.00 in KA-salen, Kemigården 4, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg</p>

Exploring the role of IL-32 in premature age-related cardiovascular diseases in HIV-infected individuals

Zaidan, Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Interface de carboneto de vanádio na deposição química de diamante a partir da fase vapor.

Danilo Maciel Barquete 00 December 2002 (has links)
Devido à diferença entre os coeficientes de dilatação térmica, são geradas tensões na interface entre os substratos de aço ou carbonetos sinterizados e o filme de diamante depositado. Além disso, o ferro -elemento base do substrato aço- e o cobalto - elemento ligante dos carbonetos sinterizados - possuem efeitos negativos para processo de crescimento de diamante CVD, tanto dissolvendo átomos de carbono da fase gasosa, em função do sub-nível atômico 3d incompleto, como catalisando a formação de ligações sp2 típicas da substância grafite, em detrimento da formação de ligações sp3, típicas do diamante. Neste trabalho são desenvolvidos e aplicados métodos de preparação da interface entre o filme de diamante e o substrato, pela modificação da superfície do substrato ou pela criação de filmes intermediários. Esses métodos são aplicados isoladamente ou em conjunto, sendo avaliadas as características da interface resultante, relativas à cristalinidade, pureza e à aderência do filme de diamante ao substrato. Os métodos de preparação de superfície utilizados têm por objetivo reduzir ou eliminar a dissolução dos átomos de carbono no ferro ou no cobalto dos substratos. O primeiro método avaliado consiste na saturação superficial do aço com carbono e/ ou nitrogênio, para uma profundidade controlada a partir da superfície. Entretanto, só são obtidos resultados limitados. A utilização de um filme intermediário, sobre o qual se poderia obter elevada aderência do filme de diamante e que, além disso, possuísse um coeficiente de expansão térmica intermediário entre o filme e o substrato, seria uma solução adequada às duas condições apresentadas. Devido às características favoráveis ao crescimento de diamante CVD, à elevada aderência ao substrato, ao coeficiente de expansão térmica intermediário entre o do diamante e o do aço, além de sua elevada dureza e resistência mecânica, o filme intermediário de carboneto de vanádio termodifundido mostra-se completamente adequado aos objetivos da interface. Essa aderência é medida por espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman sobre o filme de diamante, que identificou tensões residuais de compressão de 6,9 GPa, transmitidas através da interface entre carboneto de vanádio e o filme de diamante CVD. A elevada aderência do filme de diamante CVD ao aço sugeriu a aplicação dessa interface a um outro substrato, o carboneto de tungstênio sinterizado por cobalto (WC-Co). A grande expectativa quanto à utilização desse substrato surgiu em conseqüência da menor diferença entre os coeficientes de expansão térmica do diamante e do WC-Co, o que resultaria em um filme ainda submetido a tensões de compressão, porém em níveis muito inferiores àqueles observados em filmes depositados sobre aços. Análises por espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman indicam filmes de diamante de ótima cristalinidade e pureza, com deslocamento de 4 cm-1 para substratos de WC-Co, em comparação ao deslocamento de 20 cm-1 para substratos de aço.

The influence of exercise intensity on vascular health outcomes in adolescents

Bond, Bert January 2015 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death, and the underlying atherosclerotic process has its origin in youth. Physical activity lowers future CVD risk, however few adolescents achieve the recommended minimum amount of daily activity and interventions fail to meaningfully increase activity levels in this group. It is therefore essential to identify how small volumes of exercise can be optimised for the primary prevention of CVD. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the influence of exercise intensity on vascular health outcomes in adolescents, and to assess the efficacy of 2 weeks of low volume, high-intensity interval training on CVD risk factors in this population. Chapter 4 demonstrates that a single bout of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) performed one hour before a high fat meal elicits comparable reductions in postprandial lipaemia as a work-matched bout of moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) in girls. However, neither exercise attenuated postprandial lipaemia in the boys. Additionally, HIIE elicited a superior increase in postprandial fat oxidation and decrease in blood pressure, and this was sex independent. These findings are furthered in Chapter 5, which identified that accumulating HIIE, but not MIE, favourably modulates glycaemic control, postprandial blood pressure and fat oxidation in adolescents irrespective of sex. A high fat meal was included in Chapter 6 in order to impair vascular function via oxidative stress. Postprandial vascular function was preserved following MIE, but improved after HIIE, and these changes were not related to changes in postprandial lipaemia or total antioxidant status. Chapter 7 addressed the time course of the changes in vascular function post exercise, and identified that HIIE promotes superior changes in vascular function than MIE. Finally, Chapter 8 identified that 2 weeks of high-intensity interval training improved novel (endothelial function and heart rate variability), but not traditional CVD factors in adolescent boys and girls. However, most of these favourable changes were lost 3 days after training cessation. Thus, this thesis demonstrates that vascular health outcomes are positively associated with exercise intensity. Given that HIIE was perceived to be more enjoyable than MIE in Chapters 4, 6 and 7, performing HIIE appears to be an effectual and feasible alternative to MIE for the primary prevention of CVD.

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