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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Monocyte Subset Receptor Expression and Macrophage Polarization

Blanks, Anson M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) is hallmarked by inflammatory immune activation, particularly by the induction of a response by monocytes. Classical (CD14++CD16-) are anti-inflammatory mediators under homeostatic conditions, while intermediate (CD14++CD16+) and non-classical (CD14LowCD16++) monocytes promote inflammation following activation. Monocyte activation and functionality is dependent upon receptor expression and ligand production by a variety of cells, including monocytes. Alterations in the expression of surface receptors often have a direct impact upon monocyte function, such as the increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production in response to activation that accompanies elevated CD14 expression or increased chemotaxis that is elicited by increased CCR2 expression. Ligand-receptor interactions also play a significant role in cell fate, including survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Monocytes are capable of differentiating into phagocytic cells known as macrophages in response to specific ligand-receptor interactions. Macrophages play a significant role in the pathogenesis and progression of CVD. Imbalance between pro-inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages can to lead disease development and progression, such as the skewing toward the M1 phenotype that occurs in CVD. Elucidation of these mechanisms will allow for the development of targeted interventions, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological physical interventions, such as physical exercise. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the role of CD14 and CCR2 monocyte subset receptors that impact immune-mediated inflammation following ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as well as physical activity and cardiorespiratory endurance related differences in the acute exercise response of monocyte signaling, recruitment, and macrophage polarization and their potential role in CVD prevention.

Etude expérimentale de l'interdiffusion Ge-Si à partir de sources solides Germanium sur Silicium. Application à la formation de couches graduelles Si1-xGex pour les transistors pMOSFETs

Gavelle, Mathieu 30 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la course à la miniaturisation des dispositifs de la microélectronique, les alliages SiGe sont des matériaux remarquables pour poursuivre l'amélioration des performances des composants de type CMOS, le Silicium atteignant aujourd'hui ses limites physiques. En effet, une méthode originale pour appliquer une contrainte de compression uniaxiale au canal de conduction Silicium, afin d'augmenter la mobilité des trous des transistors pMOS, consiste à remplacer le Silicium dans les régions Source et Drain par des couches SiGe pseudomorphiques. L'utilisation de sources solides sacrificielles de Germanium peut être une solution pour la fabrication de telles structures. Dans ce travail, nous avons ainsi étudié l'interdiffusion Ge-Si, induite par recuit thermique à haute température, à partir d'hétérostructures Ge/Si dont la couche de Germanium est déposée par CVD. Le développement de la méthodologie SIMS MCs2+, que nous réalisons dans cette thèse, assure la caractérisation chimique de couches graduelles Si1-xGex dans la gamme complète de concentrations (0 d x d 1). Nous montrons que l'interdiffusion Ge-Si est fortement dépendante de la composition en Germanium mais également des défauts structuraux formés aux interfaces Ge-Si. Nous avons alors développé un modèle qui permet de reproduire fidèlement les profils expérimentaux. L'effet du dopage Bore tend à réduire légèrement l'interdiffusivité. Finalement, nous montrons que l'utilisation de couches de Germanium polycristallin est prometteuse pour la fabrication de couches graduelles Si1-xGex. En effet, elle permet de réduire la densité de défauts structuraux initialement présents dans les films monocristallins.

Elaboration du carbure et du nitrure de titane par ds procédés chimiques et physiques en phase vapeur : caractérisation de la microstructure

Montes de Oca - Valero, Arturo Javier 05 November 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Le carbure et le nitrure de titane ont été élaborés par des procédés chimiques et physiques en phase vapeur. Ces procédés ont permis l'obtention d'un revêtement céramique épais et dense en vue de la protection d'un dispositif métallique en tungstène. L'influence des différents paramètres expérimentaux, propres à chaque procédé, a été étudiée sur la germination, la microstructure et la texturation des revêtements, tout en intégrant l'interaction avec le substrat. L'analyse des contraintes résiduelles, réalisée par la méthode de sin2 ψ , a permis d'expliquer le comportement vis-à-vis de la fissuration de différents dépôts.

Croissance de nanofils de silicium et de Si/SiGe

Mouchet (épouse Riuné), Céline 19 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les nanofils sont des matériaux prometteurs, d'une part en tant qu'éléments de micro-générateurs, thermoélectriques ou photovoltaïques, d'autre part en tant que briques de base de systèmes nanoélectroniques. Ils répondent aux exigences de miniaturisation, d'autonomie et de mobilité des appareils nomades. Ces travaux de thèse ont consisté en la synthèse de nanofils de Si et de Si/SiGe, et plus particulièrement l'étude paramétrique de la croissance ainsi que l'analyse de leur structure. Les nanofils de Si et de Si/SiGe croissent selon la méthode VLS (Vapeur-Liquide-Solide) à partir d'un catalyseur d'or. Du silane ou un mélange de silane-germane est injecté dans un réacteur de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) subissant une décomposition thermique. Deux techniques de mise en œuvre des catalyseurs d'or ont été expérimentées et ont permis la croissance de nanofils : le démouillage d'un film continu d'or ou l'utilisation de colloïdes d'or. Les synthèses de nanofils de silicium, non dopés et dopés, et de nanofils de Si/SiGe ont été réalisées. La croissance des nanofils de silicium a fait l'objet d'une étude paramétrique détaillée qui permet de maîtriser la croissance, notamment pour la maîtrise de la longueur, du diamètre et de la forme des nanofils. Une étude structurale au microscope électronique en transmission a mis en évidence la cristallinité des fils, la présence de défauts structuraux ainsi que la confirmation de la synthèse d'hétérostructures Si/SiGe. Afin d'obtenir des nanofils dopés de types n ou p, de la phosphine ou du diborane ont été rajoutés au mélange. Les premières mesures du dopage ont été réalisées par spectrométrie de masse des ions secondaires et caractérisation électrique. La quantification du dopage par d'autres techniques est en cours de développement.

Employing Metal Iodides and Oxygen in ALD and CVD of Functional Metal Oxides

Sundqvist, Jonas January 2003 (has links)
<p>Many materials exhibit interesting and novel properties when prepared as thin films. Thin film metal oxides have had an impact on the technological progress of the microelectronics mainly due to their electrical and optical properties. Since the future goes towards the nanometre scale there is an increasing demand for thin film deposition processes that can produce high quality metal oxide films in this scale with high accuracy.</p><p>This thesis describes atomic layer deposition of Ta<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, HfO<sub>2</sub> and SnO<sub>2</sub> thin films and chemical vapour deposition of SnO<sub>2</sub> thin films. The films have been deposited by employing metal iodides and oxygen as precursors. All these processes have been characterised with regards to important processing parameters. The films themselves have been characterised by standard thin film analysing techniques such as x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The chemical and physical properties have been coupled to critical deposition parameters. Furthermore, additional data in the form of electrical and gas sensing properties important to future applications in the field of microelectronics have been examined.</p><p>The results from the investigated processes have shown the power of the metal iodide based atomic layer deposition (ALD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) processes in producing high quality metal oxide thin films. Generally no precursor contaminations have been observed. In contrast to metal chloride based processes the metal iodide processes produces films with a higher degree of crystalline quality when it comes to phase purity, roughness and epitaxy. The use of oxygen as oxidising precursor allowed depositions at higher temperatures than normally employed in water based ALD processes and hence a higher growth rate for epitaxial growth was possible.</p>

Predicting Health Behaviour – Population-Based Studies of Knowledge and Behaviour Related to Cardiovascular Diseases

Andersson, Per January 2006 (has links)
<p>The overall aim was to study factors that affect behaviour related to CVD (cardiovascular diseases). Study I tested whether gender, education and so-cioeconomic status correlated to knowledge about risk factors, and Study II studied knowledge and risk behaviour from a national perspective (Sweden versus Poland). Furthermore, Study III examined whether obese people dif-fered from people of normal weight regarding knowledge about risk factors, and Study IV examined whether risk behaviour is affected by personal ex-perience of illness and family history of CVD. </p><p>The studies are population-based with cross-sectional design. Data were obtained by questionnaires and by screening results of risk factors related to CVD. The studies were carried out among 50-year old men and women in Västmanland, Sweden (n=1011) and in Wroclaw, Poland (n=1043).</p><p>The results show that women are more knowledgeable than men about the risk factors for CVD, and that low education is associated with insufficient knowledge about CVD (Study I). The discrepancy between knowledge and behaviour was greater among the Poles than it was among the Swedes (Study II). Obese individuals did not differ significantly from individuals with a normal weight regarding knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors when education was controlled for (Study III). Individuals with a personal experience of illness may be more inclined to change smoking behaviour than the average person (Study IV).</p><p>In conclusion, knowledge about risk factors for CVD varies with education, gender and, to a certain degree, nationality. However, knowledge does not only consist of the conditions of behaviour change. The results in the thesis substantiate theories suggesting that change in risk behaviour is a process over time. Predictors of risk behaviours on the individual level as well as national level are of importance, and needs to be considered in the every day practice of health care professionals.</p>

Chemical Vapor Depositionof Si and SiGe Films for High-Speed Bipolar Transistors

Pejnefors, Johan January 2001 (has links)
This thesis deals with the main aspects in chemical vapordeposition (CVD) of silicon (Si) and silicon-germanium (Si1-xGex) films for high-speed bipolar transistors.In situdoping of polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si)using phosphine (PH3) and disilane (Si2H6) in a low-pressure CVD reactor was investigated toestablish a poly-Si emitter fabrication process. The growthkinetics and P incorporation was studied for amorphous Si filmgrowth. Hydrogen (H) incorporated in the as-deposited films wasrelated to growth kinetics and the energy for H2desorption was extracted. Film properties such asresistivity, mobility, carrier concentration and grain growthwere studied after crystallization using either furnaceannealing or rapid thermal annealing (RTA). In order tointegrate an epitaxial base, non-selective epitaxial growth(NSEG) of Si and SiGe in a lamp-heated single-waferreduced-pressure CVD reactor was examined. The growth kineticsfor Si epitaxy and poly-Si deposition showed a differentdependence on the deposition conditions i.e. temperature andpressure. The growth rate difference was mainly due to growthkinetics rather than wafer surface emissivity effects. However,it was observed that the growth rate for Si epitaxy and poly-Sideposition was varying during growth and the time-dependencewas attributed to wafer surface emissivity variations. A modelto describe the emissivity effects was established, taking intoconsideration kinetics and the reactor heating mechanisms suchas heat absorption, emission andconduction. Growth ratevariations in opening of different sizes (local loading) andfor different oxide surface coverage (global loading) wereinvestigated. No local loading effects were observed, whileglobal loading effects were attributed to chemical as well astemperature effects. Finally, misfit dislocations formed in theSiGe epitaxy during NSEG were found to originate from theinterface between the epitaxial and polycrystalline regions.The dislocations tended to propagate across the activearea. <b>Keywords:</b>chemical vapor deposition (CVD), bipolarjunction transistor (BJT), heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), silicon-germanium (SiGe), epitaxy, poly-Si emitter,in situdoping, non-selective epitaxy (NSEG), loadingeffect, emissivity effect

SiGeC Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

Suvar, Erdal January 2003 (has links)
Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) based on SiGeC havebeen investigated. Two high-frequency architectures have beendesigned, fabricated and characterized. Different collectordesigns were applied either by using selective epitaxial growthdoped with phosphorous or by non-selective epitaxial growthdoped with arsenic. Both designs have a non-selectivelydeposited SiGeC base doped with boron and a poly-crystallineemitter doped with phosphorous. Selective epitaxial growth of the collector layer has beendeveloped by using a reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition(RPCVD) technique. The incorporation of phosphorous and defectformation during selective deposition of these layers has beenstudied. A major problem of phosphorous-doping during selectiveepitaxy is segregation. Different methods, e.g. chemical orthermal oxidation, are shown to efficiently remove thesegregated dopants. Chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) hasalso been used as an alternative to solve this problem. The CMPstep was successfully integrated in the HBT process flow. Epitaxial growth of Si1-x-yGexCy layers for base layerapplications in bipolar transistors has been investigated indetail. The optimization of the growth parameters has beenperformed in order to incorporate carbon substitutionally inthe SiGe matrix without increasing the defect density in theepitaxial layers. The thermal stability of npn SiGe-based heterojunctionstructures has been investigated. The influence of thediffusion of dopants in SiGe or in adjacent layers on thethermal stability of the structure has also been discussed. SiGeC-based transistors with both non-selectively depositedcollector and selectively grown collector have been fabricatedand electrically characterized. The fabricated transistorsexhibit electrostatic current gain values in the range of 1000-2000. The cut-off frequency and maximum oscillation frequencyvary from 40-80 GHz and 15-30 GHz, respectively, depending onthe lateral design. The leakage current was investigated usinga selectively deposited collector design and possible causesfor leakage has been discussed. Solutions for decreasing thejunction leakage are proposed. <b>Key words:</b>Silicon-Germanium-Carbon (SiGeC),Heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT), chemical vapordeposition (CVD), selective epitaxy, non-selective epitaxy,collector design, high-frequency measurement, dopantsegregation, thermal stability.

Predicting Health Behaviour – Population-Based Studies of Knowledge and Behaviour Related to Cardiovascular Diseases

Andersson, Per January 2006 (has links)
The overall aim was to study factors that affect behaviour related to CVD (cardiovascular diseases). Study I tested whether gender, education and so-cioeconomic status correlated to knowledge about risk factors, and Study II studied knowledge and risk behaviour from a national perspective (Sweden versus Poland). Furthermore, Study III examined whether obese people dif-fered from people of normal weight regarding knowledge about risk factors, and Study IV examined whether risk behaviour is affected by personal ex-perience of illness and family history of CVD. The studies are population-based with cross-sectional design. Data were obtained by questionnaires and by screening results of risk factors related to CVD. The studies were carried out among 50-year old men and women in Västmanland, Sweden (n=1011) and in Wroclaw, Poland (n=1043). The results show that women are more knowledgeable than men about the risk factors for CVD, and that low education is associated with insufficient knowledge about CVD (Study I). The discrepancy between knowledge and behaviour was greater among the Poles than it was among the Swedes (Study II). Obese individuals did not differ significantly from individuals with a normal weight regarding knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors when education was controlled for (Study III). Individuals with a personal experience of illness may be more inclined to change smoking behaviour than the average person (Study IV). In conclusion, knowledge about risk factors for CVD varies with education, gender and, to a certain degree, nationality. However, knowledge does not only consist of the conditions of behaviour change. The results in the thesis substantiate theories suggesting that change in risk behaviour is a process over time. Predictors of risk behaviours on the individual level as well as national level are of importance, and needs to be considered in the every day practice of health care professionals.

Charge Transport in Single-crystalline CVD Diamond

Gabrysch, Markus January 2010 (has links)
Diamond is a semiconductor with many superior material properties such as high breakdown field, high saturation velocity, high carrier mobilities and the highest thermal conductivity of all materials. These extreme properties, as compared to other (wide bandgap) semiconductors, make it desirable to develop single-crystalline epitaxial diamond films for electronic device and detector applications. Future diamond devices, such as power diodes, photoconductive switches and high-frequency field effect transistors, could in principle deliver outstanding performance due to diamond's excellent intrinsic properties. However, such electronic applications put severe demands on the crystalline quality of the material. Many fundamental electronic properties of diamond are still poorly understood, which severely holds back diamond-based electronic device and detector development. This problem is largely due to incomplete knowledge of the defects in the material and due to a lack of understanding of how these defects influence transport properties. Since diamond lacks a shallow dopant that is fully thermally activated at room temperature, the conventional silicon semiconductor technology cannot be transferred to diamond devices; instead, new concepts have to be developed. Some of the more promising device concepts contain thin delta-doped layers with a very high dopant concentration, which are fully activated in conjunction with undoped (intrinsic) layers where charges are transported. Thus, it is crucial to better understand transport in high-quality undoped layers with high carrier mobilities. The focus of this doctoral thesis is therefore the study of charge transport and related electronic properties of single-crystalline plasma-deposited (SC-CVD) diamond samples, in order to improve knowledge on charge creation and transport mechanisms. Fundamental characteristics such as drift mobilities, compensation ratios and average pair-creation energy were measured. Comparing them with theoretical predictions from simulations allows for verification of these models and improvement of the diamond deposition process.

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