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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito do treino de marcha em esteira com e sem suporte de peso em pacientes com doença de Parkinson em uso de estimulação cerebral profunda / Effects of treadmill training with and without body weight support in Parkinson\'s Disease patients in use of deep brain stimulation

Natália Mariana Silva Luna 02 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A disfunção da marcha é um dos maiores comprometimentos funcionais do paciente com a doença de Parkinson (DP). A estimulação cerebral profunda do núcleo subtalâmico tem mostrado melhora da marcha e equilíbrio. Esse efeito pode ser mantido e potencializado por programas de reabilitação motora específicos, como o treino em esteira sem e com suporte de peso corporal. No entanto, faltam estudos desses treinos em pacientes com a DP em uso desta estimulação. Objetivo: Comparar parâmetros cinemáticos lineares e angulares da marcha de pacientes com a DP em uso de estimulação cerebral profunda bilateral do núcleo subtalâmico, antes e após dois treinamentos: esteira sem e com suporte de peso corporal, associados à cinesioterapia convencional. Métodos: 12 pacientes (60,9 ± 10,6 anos; 20 ± 7 anos de doença e 20 ± 4 meses de tempo de cirurgia) completaram ambos os treinos em estudo cruzado fixo. Os pacientes passaram por 8 semanas de treino de marcha em esteira sem suporte de peso corporal e programa de cinesioterapia convencional, seguidas por 6 semanas de período sem intervenção. Posteriormente, realizaram 8 semanas de treino de marcha em esteira com suporte de peso corporal e o mesmo programa de cinesioterapia regular. As intervenções tiveram frequência de duas vezes por semana e duração de 90 minutos por sessão. A análise cinemática da marcha envolveu oito câmeras infravermelhas que detectaram 19 marcadores reflexivos nos membros inferiores dos pacientes. A análise estatística utilizou o teste Wilcoxon e foi adotado valor de p <= 0,05 como estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Ambos os treinos não mostraram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros lineares. Após o treino com suporte, observou-se aumento significativo dos seguintes parâmetros angulares: amplitude de movimento da pelve (inclinação, obliquidade e rotação); amplitude de movimento do quadril (abduçãoadução e rotação); % da fase de balanço que corresponde à flexão máxima do joelho e amplitude de movimento da progressão do pé. Conclusão: O treino em esteira com suporte de peso corporal mostrou capacidade de promover mudanças em parâmetros cinemáticos angulares da marcha. As implicações do treino em suspensão podem ter sido somadas aos efeitos neurofisiológicos da estimulação cerebral profunda e então desencadeado a melhora da mobilidade dos membros inferiores durante a marcha / Introduction: Gait disturbance is one of the hallmark features of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown improvements in gait and balance, and this effect can be maintained and enhanced by specific motor rehabilitation programs, such treadmill training without and with body weight support. However, at present there is a paucity of research on these combined interventions in PD with of this stimulation. Objective: To compare training-induced changes in gait linear and angular kinematic parameters among patients with PD who have used bilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS, and a combined intervention of conventional physical therapy with either treadmill training with body weight support or without support. Methods: 12 patients (age: 60.9 ± 10.6 years; disease duration: 20 ± 7 years; and time since DBS surgery: 20 ± 4 months) completed both training protocols in a fixed cross-over design. All patients received 8 weeks of treadmill training without body weight support in conjunction with conventional physical therapy, followed by a 6 weeks wash out period of no training. Thereafter, all patients received 8 weeks of body weight support treadmill training, in conjunction with the same conventional physical therapy. Both interventions had a frequency of two times per week, and duration of 90 minutes per session. Gait kinematic analysis involved eight infrared cameras that detected 19 reflective spherical markers attached to the limb lower of patients. Statistical analysis used the Wilcoxon and was adopted the value of p <= 0,05 as statistically significant. Results: Both the training no showed significant differences in linear parameters. After the body weight support training, observed there was a significant increase in following angular parameters: pelvis\' range of motion (tilt, obliquity, rotation); hip\'s range of motion (abduction-adduction and rotation); % Knee maximal flexion on Swing phase and foot progression\' range of motion. Conclusion: Treadmill training with body weight support showed an ability to promote changes in gait angular kinematic parameters. The implications of this training may have been added to the neurophysiological effects of DBS and then triggered the improved of mobility of lower limbs during gait

Avaliação quantitativa dos efeitos da levodopa e da estimulação do núcleo subtalâmico sobre o equilíbrio em pacientes com doença de Parkinson / Quantitative evaluation of the effects of levodopa and bilateral subthalamic stimulation on postural control in patients with Parkinson´s disease

Rachael Brant Machado Rodrigues 23 March 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os efeitos da levodopa (LD) e da estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP) de núcleo subtalâmico (STN) sobre o equilíbrio e sintomas axiais são até o momento controversos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar quantitativamente os efeitos da ECP de STN e da LD sobre o equilíbrio estático em pacientes com DP operados, em comparação com a LD em pacientes não operados. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um pacientes submetidos a ECP de STN entre 3 meses e 1 ano e meio antes da avaliação e 26 controles portadores de DP não operados, estágios Hoehn e Yahr 2 a 4 foram avaliados usando UPDRS para avaliação clínica e plataforma de força para avaliar oscilações posturais. O primeiro grupo foi avaliado com ECP e sem medicação, com ECP e com medicação e sem ECP e sem medicação. O segundo grupo foi avaliado com e sem medicação. Cada paciente foi avaliado com os olhos abertos e fechados. O deslocamento do centro de pressão anteroposterior, laterolateral, a área, velocidade e deslocamento total linear foram medidos pela plataforma de força. Os dados paramétricos foram comparados usando o teste t de Student e os dados não-paramétricos foram comparados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. A avaliação clínica consistiu na parte 3 da escala UPDRS e na escala Hoehn e Yahr. Nível de significância estatística considerada foi p=0,05. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes não operados oscilaram mais quando sob efeito da levodopa do que sem medicação. No grupo operado, a maior oscilação é no grupo com ECP desligada e sem medicação. Tende a reduzir sob efeito da ECP apresenta redução significativa sob efeito simultâneo de ECP e levodopa. CONCLUSÃO: A associação da ECP de NST com medicação tem impacto positivo sobre o controle postural. O efeito da ECP de NST reverte o efeito negativo da levodopa sobre as oscilações observadas em pacientes não operados / INTRODUCTION: The effects of bilateral subthalamic (STN) DBS and medication on balance and on axial symptoms in PD have been so far inconsistent. OBJECTIVE: To assess quantitatively the effects of DBS on static balance in PD. METHODS: Thirty-one patients submitted to STN DBS over 3 months before and 26 non-operated controls with PD on Hoehn & Yahr stage \"on\" 2 to 4 were evaluated using UPDRS and a force plate to measure sway. The first group was evaluated on-DBS/off-medication, on-DBS/on-medication and off-DBS/off-medication. The second group was evaluated on and off medication. Each group was assessed with eyes open and then closed. Antero-posterior, laterolateral postural displacements of the center of pressure (COP), as well as 95% sway area, path length and speed of oscillation were analyzed and compared using t-Student test for parametrical data and Kruskal-Wallis test for non-parametrical data. Level of significance was set to p < 0.05. Clinical assessment consisted of UPDRS part 3 and Hoehn & Yahr scores for each of the conditions. RESULTS: Control patients tended to oscillate more in the on medication condition than off medication. DBS patients tended to oscillate more in the off-DBS/off medication condition, with a tendency to decrease the sway when on DBS/off medication with additional decrease when on DBS/on medication. CONCLUSION: Association of bilateral STN DBS and medication positively influences postural control in PD and surgery reverses the tendency of medication to increase body sway in non-operated patients

Efeitos da estimulação cerebral profunda bilateral do núcleo subtalâmico sobre a sensibilidade e a dor em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson idiopática / Effects of bilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on sensibility and pain in patients with Parkinson\'s disease

Rubens Gisbert Cury 07 August 2015 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é causada pela degeneração progressiva de neurônios no sistema nervoso central, principalmente os neurônios dopaminérgicos nigroestriatais, levando a sintomas motores como a bradicinesia, rigidez e tremor. Os sintomas não motores (SNM), como a dor, estão presentes em muitos doentes e representam um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida. A estimulação encefálica profunda é um tratamento bem estabelecido para o tratamento dos sintomas motores da DP. Entretanto, o seu impacto sobre os sintomas não motores ainda é bastante desconhecido. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da EEP sobre as diferentes características da dor e sensibilidade, e de outros SNM nos indivíduos com DP. Foram avaliados 41 indivíduos com diagnóstico de DP (14 do sexo feminino), idade de 60 ± 10,4 anos, com 15 ± 7,6 anos da duração da doença e estágio intermediário de evolução (Escala de Hoehn & Yahr = 2,80 ± 0,64). Os doentes foram submetidos a implante de sistema de estimulação bilateral do núcleo subtalâmico guiado por eletrofisiologia intraoperatória. Foram avaliados, prospectivamente, antes e um ano após, o procedimento de forma encoberta. O desfecho principal foi a mudança da prevalência da dor após a cirurgia. Os desfechos secundários incluíam mudanças nos sintomas motores (UPDRS parte III), na qualidade de vida (escala SF-36), na avaliação de humor (Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão [EHAD]), nos outros sintomas não motores (Escala dos sintomas não motores [ESNM]) e nas características da dor. Foram avaliadas as dimensões da dor (questionário de McGill), a intensidade e o impacto nas atividades de vida diária da dor (escala visual analógica da dor [EVA], inventário breve da dor [IBD]), a presença de dor neuropática (Douleur Neuropathique-4 Questionnaire [DN-4]) e o perfil dos sintomas neuropáticos (inventário de sintomas de dor neuropática (ISDN), o perfil de catastrofismo da dor (Escala catastrófica da dor [ECD]) e os limiares de sensitivos por meio da análise quantificada dos limiares de sensibilidade. Houve redução de prevalência da dor de 70% para 21% após a cirurgia (p < 0,05). Houve melhora na intensidade (EVA: antes = 80 ± 13,2; depois = 42,2 ± 17,8, p = 0,007) e nos diferentes aspectos da dor, além de outros sintomas não motores (ESNM: antes = 114,80 ± 59,89; depois = 62,68 ± 22,76; p < 0,001), como a cognição, humor, atenção, alucinação e trato gastrointestinal. Houve melhora na detecção de estímulos térmicos e mecânicos após a cirurgia, além de redução da sensibilidade aos limiares de dor (p < 0,05). A melhora na intensidade da dor foi fortemente relacionada com a melhora na qualidade vida (r = 0,708; p < 0,005). Não houve correlação entre a melhora da dor e a resposta à dopamina pré-operatória ou a melhora motora após a cirurgia (r = 0,247; p = 0,197 e r = 0,249; p = 0,193, respectivamente). Concluise que a ECP do núcleo subtalâmico diminui a prevalência e diferentes aspectos da dor após a cirurgia, e essa melhora está diretamente associada à melhora da qualidade de vida. A melhora motora ou dos outros SNM não foi relacionada à melhora da dor, sugerindo que a ECP apresenta diferentes mecanismos de ação sobre os sintomas nos indivíduos com DP / Parkinson disease (PD) is caused by progressive degeneration of neurons throughout the nervous system, especially the dopamine neurons, leading to motor symptoms as bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor. Non-motor symptoms (NMS), such as pain, are present in a large proportion of Parkinson\'s disease patients and have a major negative impact on patients quality of life. Subthalamic deep brain stimulation has gained general use in the management of motor symptoms in these patients. However, its impact on non-motor symptoms remains largely unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) on the different characteristics of pain, sensibility and other NMS in patients with PD. Forty-one patients with PD were evaluated (14 female), mean age 60 ± 10,4 years. The mean duration of the disease was 15 ± 7.6 years, and the Hoehn & Yahr off-medication score was 2.80 ± 0.64. The patients underwent stereotactic implantation of bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation system guided by intraoperative electrophysiology. They were evaluated before and 01 year after surgery. The primary outcome was change in pain prevalence after surgery. Secondary outcome measures were changes in motor function (PDRS part III), quality of life (SF-36 scale), presence of NMS (Non-motor symptoms scale [NMSS] and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]), and characteristics of pain. We evaluated pain dimensions (Short Form of McGill Pain Questionnaire [MPQ]), pain intensity and impact of pain in daily activities (Brief Pain Inventory [BPI] and Visual Analogic Scale [VAS]), presence of neuropathic pain (Douleur Neuropathique-4 Questionnaire [DN-4]) and its symptom profile (Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory [NPSI]), catastrophizing (Pain Catatrosphizing Scale [PCS]) and the sensory thresholds throught the quantitative sensory threshold test. The prevalence of pain changed from 70% to 21% after surgery (p < 0.001). There were also significant improvements in pain intensity (VAS: before = 80 ± 13.2; after = 42.2 ± 17.8, p = 0.007), in different aspects of pain and NMS (before = 114.80 ± 59.89; after = 62.68 ± 22.76; p < 0.001) as cognition, attention, mood and gastrointestinal function. There was improvement on cold and heat detection thresholds (p < 0.05). There was a strong correlation between the change in pain intensity and the improvement in quality of life (r = 0.708; p < 0.005). No correlation was found between pain improvement and preoperative response to levodopa or motor improvement during stimulation (r = 0.247; p = 0.197 and r = 0.249; p = 0.193, respectively) or with changes in other non-motor symptoms. In conclusion, STN-DBS decreased pain intensity. The pain relief was directly associated with improvement in quality of life. Motor and NMS improvements after STN-DBS did not correlate with pain relief, suggesting differents mechanisms of DBS action in PD patients

Caractérisation quantitative de la variation métabolique cérébrale : application à la comparaison de PET-SCANS. / Quantitative evaluation of brain metabolic variations : Application to PET-scans comparison.

Roche, Basile 07 November 2016 (has links)
La Tomographie par Émission de Positons (TEP) est une méthode d'imagerie médicale nucléaire permettant de mesurer l'activité métabolique d'un organe par la dégradation d'un radio-traceur injecté. Cette méthode d'imagerie peut être utilisée pour l'observation de l'activité métabolique cérébrale à l'aide d'un radio-traceur adéquat, tel que le 18F-Fluorodésoxyglucose. Dans le cadre d'une étude clinique, des patients cérébro-lésés ayant des troubles de la conscience ont eu une chirurgie d'implantation d'électrodes de Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde (SCP). Afin d'effectuer un suivi des patients avant et après la procédure de SCP, et parce qu'elle est compatible avec la présence d'électrode, l'imagerie TEP est utilisée. Nous nous posons la question suivante, comment caractériser les variations entre deux imageries TEP afin de mesurer précisément l'éffet d'un traitement ? Par construction les valeurs obtenues en imagerie TEP dépendent de nombreux facteurs. Si le poids du patient ainsi que la quantité injectée de radio-traceur marqué sont classiquement normalisés en utilisant la méthode des 'Standard Uptake Value' (SUV), la glycémie, entre autre ne l'est pas. Pour cette raison, calculer les variations d'activités entre deux imageries TEP est un problème délicat. Nous proposons une fonction pour calculer les cartes de variation métabolique de deux acquisitions TEP basée sur une approche voxel du ratio des imageries TEP. Nous l'appliquons à l'étude des patients stimulés (SCP) avec troubles de la conscience. Plus spéciffiquement, nous nous intéressons à la comparaison des imageries TEP intra-patient (avant versus après SCP), mais aussi à la comparaison interpatient (patient versus référence). Dans le processus de création des cartes intra-patient, les imageries TEP sont recalées rigidement avec une acquisition pondérée T1 d'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM) structurelle. Du fait de déformations majeures liées aux lésions cérébrales, un masque cérébral précis est créé manuellement par un expert clinique. Dans le processus de création des cartes inter-patient, les imageries TEP des patients sont recalées de manière élastique à une imagerie de référence, un atlas (groupe témoin), que nous construisons. Dans ce cas, un masque semi-automatique de l'intérieur de la boîte crânienne est réalisé. Les résultats peuvent être affinés par l'application supplémentaire d'un masque manuel déformé. Un des points clefs de la méthode est de calculer une normalisation spécifique à chaque imagerie, les rendant comparables, afin de calculer une caractérisation quantitative des variations métaboliques cérébrales. Les cartes de variation métabolique cérébrale obtenues sont ensuite comparées aux évaluations et effets cliniques observés afin de juger de leur pertinence. / Positron Emission Tomography is a nuclear medicine imaging method, allowing measure of an organe metabolic activity through degradation of an injected radio-tracer. This methode can be used, with the appropriate radio-tracer, such as 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose, for observation of cerebral metabolic activity. Through a clinical study, brain damaged patients with counciousness disorders had an implantation surgery of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) electrodes. To be able to do the follow up of the patient before and after the DBS procedure, and because it's compatible with electrodes, PET imaging is used. We ask ourself the following question, how to characterize variations between two PET images, to precisely mesure the impact of a treatment ? By construction, PET imaging obtained values depend of numerous factors. If patient weight and injected radio-tracer are classicaly normalized, using the `Standard Uptake Value' (SUV) method, glycemia for exemple is not. For this reason, compute activity variations between two PET images is a delicate problem. We propose a specific function to allow computation of metabolic variation maps for two PET acquisitions, based on a voxel approach of the PET imaging ratio. We apply it to the study of stimulated patients (DBS) with counciousness disorders. More specifically, we are interested in intra-patient PET imaging comparison (before versus after DBS), but also in inter-patient comparison (patient versus reference). During the intra-patient maps creation process, PET patient images are rigidly registered with a T1 weighted structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisition. Due to major deformation caused by cerebral injuries, a precise brain mask is created by a clinical expert. During the inter-patient maps creation process, PET patient imaging are non-rigidly registered to a reference imaging, an Atlas we build. In this case, a semi automatic mask of the inside skull is computed. Results can be further improved by the supplementary application of a deformed manual mask. One of the method key elements, is to estimate a specific normalization for each imaging, making them comparable, in order to calculate quantitative charaterisation of cerebral metabolic variations. Cerebral metabolic variation maps obtained are then compared to observed clinical assesments and effects to judge their relevance.

Evaluation des réseaux neuronaux vecteurs de comportements par imagerie anatomique et fonctionnelle in vivo chez l'homme / In vivo evaluation of human neural circuits underlying behavior by anatomic and functional neuroimage studies

Gonzalez Martinez, Maria Victoria 28 March 2014 (has links)
L'évolution des connaissances dans le domaine de la neurochirurgie fonctionnelle, la neuroradiologie et les études de traçage neuronal par virus neurotropes ont permis d'étudier les circuits sous-tendant l'expression clinique de plusieurs syndromes neurologiques. La stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) du globus pallidus interne (GPi) est une thérapie validée dans les syndromes dystono-dyskinétiques (SDD) isolés. L'extension des indications vers des SDD secondaires ou hérédo-dégénératifs nous confronte à la nécessité d'améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes de réorganisation fonctionnelle du circuit moteur et de l'intégrité résiduelle des connexions anatomiques. L'efficacité de la SCP dans les SDD complexes est déterminée par la préservation relative de la voie pyramidale, les interactions du circuit cortico-striato-pallido-thalamique et cérébello-thalamo-cortical et la réorganisation du réseau moteur au niveau cortical. Ce travail de thèse a essayé d’évaluer différentes composantes du réseau moteur in vivo chez l’homme à travers de l’étude de trois pathologies du mouvement associées à un SDD complexe. L’application de la SCP à la maladie de Huntington (MH) est un modèle d'étude du réseau moteur dans le contexte d’un SDD associé à une dégénérescence des neurones striato-pallidaux. Nous avons fait une étude prospective pour évaluer l'efficacité à long terme de la SCP du GPi sur les symptômes moteurs de la MH. Sept patients ayant une chorée sévère réfractaire au traitement pharmacologique ont été inclus dans l'étude. Nous avons observé une réduction significative de la chorée chez tous les patients avec un effet maintenu dans le temps (suivi médian de 3 ans). La bradykinésie et la dystonie ont montré une tendance (non significative) à une aggravation progressive. L'analyse anatomo-fonctionnelle du réseau moteur résiduel sous-tendant un SDD secondaire (dû à une lésion cérébrale acquise) a été abordée par deux techniques de neuroimagerie avancée. La réorganisation du circuit moteur dans le cadre d’une hémidystonie a été évaluée par IRM fonctionnelle. Les objectifs principaux ont été: 1) l’évaluation des régions activées par l'exécution d’une tâche motrice chez un groupe de patients hémidystoniques par rapport à un groupe de sujets témoins; 2) l’identification des profils d'activation selon le phénotype clinique (hypo/hyperkinétique) ou radiologique (lésion localisée en amont ou en aval du GPi) (des critères qui orientent l’éligibilité pour la SCP pallidale). Les études individuelles des patients ont montré des profils d'activation hétérogènes avec une activation bilatérale possible malgré le caractère unilatéral des lésions. En comparaison avec les sujets témoins, les patients ont présenté une réduction de l'activation au niveau thalamique, pallidal et temporal médial du côté ipsilatéral à la lésion. Les patients atteints d'une hémidystonie hypokinétique ont montré un profil d'activation bi-hémisphérique, désorganisé, ce qui pourrait expliquer le manque de réponse à la SCP observée dans cette présentation clinique. L'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) a été appliquée à l'étude de la distribution topographique et la gravité des lésions de la substance blanche d'un groupe de patients atteints d'un SDD secondaire à une encéphalopathie anoxique néonatale par rapport à un groupe témoin. L'étude TBSS (tract based spatial statistics) a identifié la présence d'anomalies diffuses de la microstructure de la substance blanche (diminution de la fraction d’anisotropie (FA)) chez les patients. La technique de tractographie probabiliste a été utilisée pour reconstruire les faisceaux corticospinaux (CS) et thalamocorticaux (TC) (les voies efférentes du circuit moteur) et pour obtenir des paramètres quantitatifs DTI moyens pour chaque faisceau. La FA moyenne des faisceaux TC est diminuée chez les patients. Nous avons étudié la corrélation entre les paramètres cliniques et neurophysiologiques et les paramètres DTI du groupe de patients. / Advances in the field of functional neurosurgery, neuroradiology and virus neuronal tracing studies have enabled to deepen our knowledge of the circuits underlying the clinical expression of several neurologic syndromes. Globus pallidus internus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a validated technique for the treatment of isolated (primary) dystonia-dyskinesia syndromes (DDS). Broadening indications for DBS therapy to complex DDS (secondary and heredodegenerative disorders) require further understanding of motor circuit functional reorganization mechanisms and residual anatomic connections integrity. The efficacy of neuromodulation in these complex dystonia syndromes is determined by the relative preservation of pyramidal pathway, the interactions between cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic and cerebello-thalamo-cortical circuits and motor network reorganization at the cortical level. This thesis has tried to evaluate the different components of human motor network in vivo through the study of three different movement disorders associated with complex dystonia. The application of DBS to Huntington’s disease (HD) is a model for the study of the motor network in the context of this heredodegenerative DDS associated with striatal neuron degeneration in the cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic loop. We have conducted a prospective study to evaluate long-term motor outcome of GPi DBS in HD. Seven patients with severe chorea refractory to medical treatment were included in the study. Significant and sustained reduction of chorea was observed for all patients until last follow-up visit (median follow-up was 3 years). Bradykinesia and dystonia showed a non-significant trend towards progressive worsening. Anatomic and functional assessment of the motor circuit following brain injury (secondary DDS) has been approached by two different advanced neuroimaging techniques. We have studied motor circuit reorganization underlying hemidystonia in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The main objectives of this study were: 1) to evaluate activation regions associated with motor task execution in a group of hemidystonic patients compared with another group of healthy control subjects; 2) to identify activation patterns related to clinical (hypo or hyperkinetic) or radiological (prepallidal or postpallidal) phenotypes (following clinical criteria relevant for DBS therapy eligibility). Activation patterns associated with motor-task execution were heterogeneous in single-subject studies. Despite the unilateral distribution of lesions leading to dystonia, bilateral activation was found in several subjects. Compared with healthy control group, hemidystonic patients showed reduced brain activation in ipsilesional thalamus, globus pallidus and medial temporal areas. Hypokinetic hemidystonic subgroup showed widespread bilateral overactivity involving both hemispheres. Poor clinical outcome associated with this clinical presentation could be explained by DBS therapy inability to modulate a highly disorganized network. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been applied to the study of the topographic distribution and severity of white matter lesions in a group of patients with a DDS secondary to neonatal anoxic encephalopathy in comparison with a healthy control group. TBSS (tract based spatial statistics) found widespread areas of abnormal white matter microstructure (decreased fractional anisotropy (FA)) in the corpus callosum, corona radiata and posterior limb of the internal capsule in the group of patients. After running probabilistic tractography to reconstruct corticospinal and thalamocortical tracts (motor circuit output pathways), mean quantitative tract-derived DTI parameters were calculated for each single tract. This study found decreased mean FA in thalamocortical tracts in the group of patients as compared to healthy controls. Clinical scores and neurophysiological measures were also analyzed and correlated with DTI parameters.

Vliv hloubkové mozkové stimulace na konektivitu lidského mozku / The influence of deep brain stimulation on the brain connectivity

Horváthová, Ľubica January 2017 (has links)
Hĺbková mozgová stimulácia (DBS) predstavuje účinnú liečbu pre pacientov s Parkinsonovou chorobou (PD) alebo farmakorezistentnou epilepsiou. Avšak mechanizmy, ktorými znižuje počet záchvatov a zlepšuje pohyb, zostávajú ešte do značnej miery neznáme. Pre lepšie pochopenie a určenie, v ktorých frekvenčných pásmach je zmena najdôležitejšia, boli urobené porovnania medzi vypnutou a zapnutou DBS pomocou korelačnej metódy a indexu fázového posunu. Jedenásť pacientov s PD a naimplantovanými neurostimulátormi z firiem Medtronic a St.Jude Medical bolo predmetom nahraných dát použitých v tejto práci. Výsledky dokazujú, že zmena konektivity počas DBS nastane a zároveň, že najviac ovplyvňuje najvyššie frekvencie ako beta, nízka gama a vysoká gama. Zmeny v týchto frekvenciách, zodpovedné za motorickú aktivitu, sústredenie a spracovanie informácií, sú v súlade s klinickou teóriou o PD. Počas tejto choroby je patologická beta aktivita hypersynchronizovaná a gama aktivita je znížená práve v motorických oblastiach. Ak sa gama aktivita počas zapnutej stimulácie zvyšuje, fyziologický stav pacientov sa čiastočne znovuobnovuje a tým zlepšuje ich hybnosť. Metódy a výsledky tejto práce budú použité pre ďalší výskum pacientov s PD a epilepsiou.

Neuroanatomické aspekty nonmotorických účinků hluboké mozkové stimulace / Neuroanatomical aspects of nonGmotor effects of deep brain stimulation

Růžička, Filip January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Neuroanatomické aspekty nonmotorických účinků hluboké mozkové stimulace / Neuroanatomical aspects of nonGmotor effects of deep brain stimulation

Růžička, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Summery The underlying mechanisms of weight gain and other affective and cognitive changes after initiation of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease are still unclear. Considering the functional organization within the subthalamic nucleus (STN); limbic, associative and sensorimotor regions residing in the medial, central and later STN respectively, we hypothesized that weight gain may be related to medial localization of stimulation, while motor improvement may be related to lateral localization of stimulation within the STN (study 1). We further hypothesized that stimulation close to the limbic and associative part of the STN may be associated with negative impact on limbic system leading to enhanced anxiety and changes in the hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis (HPA)(study 2). Therefore, the primary aims our study were to assess changes in body weight (study 1) and the hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis (HPA) (study 2) in relation to the position of the active stimulating contact within the nucleus. ...


Couturier, Nicholas H. 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A doença de Parkinson (DP) é considerada a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais comum e suas características motoras são muito mais conhecidas que as não motoras, mas o comprometimento funcional está presente em quase todos os casos. A Estimulação Cerebral Profunda (ECP), que consiste na estimulação elétrica de estruturas subcorticais para diminuir ou cessar os sintomas motores, tem sido usada como uma ferramenta para maior controle dos sintomas motores e está ganhando terreno em estudos com sintomas não motores. É por esse motivo que foi realizada uma revisão sistemática para conhecer os instrumentos utilizados na avaliação neuropsicológica de pessoas com DP submetidas à cirurgia ECP nos núcleus subtalâmicos (NST), além de investigar também se surgiriam efeitos cognitivos após a cirurgia. Além disso, uma bateria neuropsicológica computadorizada, a CompCog, foi validada para pessoas com DP de um hospital público da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e também foi usada para comparar os estágios ON e OFF de 9 pacientes, de uma clínica privada, que fizeram a implantação da ECP-NST. Com as revisões sistemáticas foi possível elaborar um protocolo de avaliação neuropsicológica, posteriormente utilizado nos estudos empíricos e verificar que a fluência verbal foi o aspecto que apresentou maior diferença entre os estágios ON e OFF dos pacientes com ECP-NST. No estudo de validação clínica da CompCog foi possível estabelecer pontos de corte para as pessoas com DP e no estudo de comparação entre estágios ON e OFF de pessoas com DP e ECP-NST foi possível identificar que as variáveis de tempo como tempo médio de reação e tempo total, foram capazes de diferenciar os dois estágios, ON e OFF, da amostra de 9 pessoas nos subtestes de memória incidental, memória episódica e controle inibitório, além de apresentar uma tendência à diferenciação na atenção, velocidade de processamento e memória episódica. / [en] Parkinson s disease (PD) is considered the second most common neurodegenerative disease and its motor characteristics are much better known than non-motor ones, but functional impairment is present in almost all cases. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which consists of electrical stimulation of subcortical structures to decrease or stop motor symptoms, has been used as a tool for greater control of motor symptoms and is gaining ground in studies with non-motor symptoms. It is for this reason that a systematic review was carried out to find out the instruments used in the neuropsychological assessment of people with PD who underwent DBS surgery in subtalamic nuclei (STN) and to investigate whether cognitive effects would arise after surgery. In addition, a computerized neuropsychological battery, the CompCog, was validated for people with PD from a public hospital in the Rio de Janeiro city and was also used to compare ON and OFF stages of 9 patients, from a private clinic, who did the implementation of the DBS-STN. With systematic reviews, it was possible to develop a neuropsychological assessment protocol, later used in empirical studies and to verify that verbal fluency was the aspect that showed the greatest difference between the ON and OFF stages of patients with ECP-NST. In the clinical validation study of CompCog it was possible to establish cutoff points for people with PD and in the comparison study between ON and OFF stages of people with PD and ECP-NST it was possible to identify that the time variables such as mean reaction time and total time, were able to differentiate the two stages, ON and OFF, of the sample of 9 people in the subtests of incidental memory, episodic memory and inhibitory control, in addition to showing a tendency to differentiate in attention, processing speed and episodic memory.

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