Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEFORESTATION"" "subject:"[enn] DEFORESTATION""
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[pt] O sistema alimentar global que conhecemos não consegue prover a segurança alimentar para todos. A regulamentação não é suficiente para garantir o acesso econômico a alimentos pela população. Somadas as pressões de crescimento populacional até 2050, a disponibilidade de alimentos pela expansão da produção é uma questão-chave. O Brasil é um país central por ser um grande produtor e exportador de alimentos e insumos e possuir terras e água que subsidie a expansão. Entretanto, a produção de alimentos gera muitas externalidades. As ações de prevenção e mitigação das externalidades negativas ambientais são fundamentais, especialmente nos países onde a produção ocorre. A contínua disponibilização de alimentos e o próprio setor agropecuário dependem do meio ambiente para se reproduzir no tempo. Este trabalho analisa os mecanismos de planejamento e avaliação existentes no Brasil de modo a garantir que as externalidades diretas e indiretas do desmatamento para produção de alimentos sejam tratadas. Entende-se, ao fim, que apesar da diversidade e número de mecanismos, estes não possuem a escala, complexidade e integração necessárias para o ordenamento da contínua produção de carne bovina e soja no Brasil até 2050 e da proteção dos biomas. Os mecanismos não consideraram as externalidades diretas e indiretas do desmatamento de modo satisfatório. Recomenda-se integrar indicadores das externalidades diretas e indiretas do desmatamento nos mecanismos de avaliação e planejamento; que crie se e faça cumprir o Zoneamento Econômico Ecológico no Brasil incluindo zonas de não desmatamento; e que se estabeleça um Fórum multi-setorial para criar as condições de governança necessárias para realização das
recomendações anteriores. / [en] The current global food system cannot provide food security for all. Its regulatory framework is not enough to guarantee economic access to food to all people. This coupled with the pressures of population growth up to 2050 puts the availability of food as key issue. Brazil is a key country on this issue country for being a major producer and exporter of food and inputs, and owning land and water to subsidize expansion. However, food production generates many externalities. Actions to prevent and mitigate negative environmental externalities are critical, especially in countries where production occurs. The continuous availability of food and the agricultural sector itself depend on the environment for reproduction over
time. This thesis analyzes the existing planning and evaluation mechanisms in Brazil to ensure that the direct and indirect externalities of deforestation for food production are addressed. In the end, it is understood that despite the diversity and number of mechanisms, these do not have the scale, complexity and integration needed for territorial organization of the continuous production of beef and soybeans in Brazil up to 2050 and the protection of biomes. The analyzed mechanisms did not consider the direct externalities of deforestation in a satisfactory way. Recommendations are: to integrate indicators of the direct and indirect externalities of deforestation in evaluation and planning mechanisms; to
create and enforce the Ecological Economic Zoning in Brazil including zones of no deforestation; and that a multi-sectoral Forum be established to create governance conditions for the implementation of the previous recommendations.
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Modeling land-cover change in the Amazon using historical pathways of land cover change and Markov chains. A case study of Rondõnia, BrazilBecerra-Cordoba, Nancy 15 August 2008 (has links)
The present dissertation research has three purposes: the first one is to predict anthropogenic deforestation caused by small farmers firstly using only pathways of past land cover change and secondly using demographic, socioeconomic and land cover data at the farm level. The second purpose is to compare the explanatory and predictive capacity of both approaches at identifying areas at high risk of deforestation among small farms in Rondõnia, Brazil. The third purpose is to test the assumptions of stationary probabilities and homogeneous subjects, both commonly used assumptions in predictive stochastic models applied to small farmers' deforestation decisions. This study uses the following data: household surveys, maps, satellite images and their land cover classification at the pixel level, and pathways of past land cover change for each farm. These data are available for a panel sample of farms in three municipios in Rondõnia, Brazil (Alto Paraiso, Nova União, and Rolim de Moura) and cover a ten-year period of study (1992-2002). Pathways of past land cover change are graphic representations in the form of flow charts that depict Land Cover Change (LCC) in each farm during the ten-year period of study. Pathways were constructed using satellite images, survey data and maps, and a set of interviews performed on a sub-sample of 70 farms. A panel data analysis of the estimated empirical probabilities was conducted to test for subject and time effects using a Fixed Group Effects Model (FGEM), specifically the Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV1) fixed effects technique.
Finally, the two predictive modeling approaches are compared. The first modeling approach predicts future LCC using only past land cover change data in the form of empirical transitional probabilities of LCC obtained from pathways of past LCC. These empirical probabilities are used in a LSDV1 for fixed–group effects, a LSDV1 for fixed-time effects, and an Ordinary Least Square model (OLS) for the pooled sample. Results from these models are entered in a modified Markov chain model's matrix multiplication. The second modeling approach predicts future LCC using socio-demographic and economic survey variables at the household level. The survey data is used to perform a multinomial logit regression model to predict the LC class of each pixel. In order to compare the explanatory and predictive capacity of both modeling approaches, LCC predictions at the pixel level are summarized in terms of percentage of cells in which future LC was predicted correctly. Percentage of correct predicted land cover class is compared against actual pixel classification from satellite images. The presence of differences among farmers in the LSDV1-fixed group effect by farmer suggests that small farmers are not a homogeneous group in term of their probabilities of LCC and that further classification of farmers into homogeneous subgroups will depict better their LCC decisions. Changes in the total area of landholdings proved a stronger influence in farmer's LCC decisions in their main property (primary lot) when compared to changes in the area of the primary lot. Panel data analysis of the LCC empirical transition probabilities (LSDV1 fixed time effects model) does not find enough evidence to prefer the fixed time effects model when compared to a Ordinary Least Square (OLS) pooled version of the probabilities. When applying the results of the panel data analysis to a modified markov chain model the LSDV1-farmer model provided a slightly better accuracy (59.25% accuracy) than the LSDV1-time and the OLS-pooled models (57.54% and 57.18%, respectively). The main finding for policy and planning purposes is that owners type 1—with stable total landholdings over time—tend to preserve forest with a much higher probability (0.9033) than owner with subdividing or expanding properties (probs. of 0.0013 and 0.0030). The main implication for policy making and planning is to encourage primary forest preservation, given that the Markov chain analysis shows that primary forest changes into another land cover, it will never go back to this original land cover class. Policy and planning recommendations are provided to encourage owner type 1 to continue their pattern of high forest conservation rates. Some recommendations include: securing land titling, providing health care and alternative sources of income for the OT1's family members and elderly owners to remain in the lot. Future research is encouraged to explore spatial autocorrelation in the pixel's probabilities of land cover change, effects of local policies and macro-economic variables in the farmer's LCC decisions. / Ph. D.
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What can Westernized societies learn from Indigenous ancestral knowledge? - The declaration of Kawsak Sacha- the living forestHerrera, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
Deforestation and climate change is a global concern and humans live in unsustainable ways. One reason to this is rooted in the increased disconnection to nature. This disconnection originates from a Westernized view of nature, which has its roots in colonialism, industrialization, religion, and capitalism. Research has shown that the disconnection with nature is one of the key factors to explain the global climate crisis. The need to reconnect to our natural world is crucial to be able to decrease negative impact on the planet, such as deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Meanwhile, many Indigenous cultures consider nature to be a living being, which we are connected to, and also regard themselves as stewards of nature. Being and feeling connected to nature is related to increased environmental concern, pro-environmental behavior and nature relatedness. Studies show that ancestral Indigenous knowledge could help to prevent negative impacts on nature and reduce loss of biodiversity and deforestation. However Indigenous peoples are still being overlooked, and their knowledge is considered less valuable. The Kichwa Indigenous Peoples of Sarayaku, in Ecuador, have introduced the declaration Kawsak Sacha, the living forest, which considers nature to be a living being with its own rights. The declaration was introduced in 2018 with the purpose to live in harmony with nature, and to stop deforestation, oil extraction and mining. This study aimed to research the views of Kawsak Sacha, Indigenous peoples’ views of nature and whether this view of nature could be a possible pathway to decrease deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. This study aimed to include Indigenous peoples’ perspectives and voices, this was done through interviews to learn and understand more about their perspectives. The study demonstrates the importance of acknowledging Indigenous knowledge in academia, and environmental decision making. It also shows that learning from Indigenous peoples’ knowledges and views of nature, could be a pathway for Westernized societies to reconnect to nature and that Kawsak Sacha could be an inspiration for other countries to include Indigenous perspectives and knowledge in environmental decision making.
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Understanding deforestation frontiers in the world’s tropical dry woodlandsBuchadas, Ana 10 January 2025 (has links)
Die Abholzung tropischer Wälder stellt eine erhebliche Bedrohung für Natur und Menschen dar. In dieser Arbeit wird die Dynamik zwischen Entwaldungs- und anderen Landnutzungsprozessen erforscht, mit Schwerpunkt auf den oft unbeachteten tropischen Trockenwäldern. Konkret zielt die Arbeit darauf ab, (1) Typen von Entwaldungsprozessen in tropischen Trockenwäldern zu charakterisieren und zu kartieren, (2) diese Typen mit Naturschutzgebieten in Beziehung zu setzen, (3) die Beziehung zwischen gescheiterten Landinvestitionen und Entwaldung zu untersuchen und (4) zu konzeptualisieren, wie sich der Naturschutz ausweitet. Dabei werden zum ersten Mal einige Haupttypen von Entwaldungsprozessen identifiziert, wobei sich unterschiedliche Dynamiken der Grenzausdehnung sowie eine erhebliche Bedrohung für tropische Trockenwälder aufzeigen lassen – mit einem Verlust von 71 Millionen Hektar zwischen 2000 und 2020. Diese Grenzen bedrohen zudem v. a. Gebiete, die reich an biologischer Vielfalt und Kohlenstoff sind, während Schutzgebiete und das Land indigener Völker entscheidend dazu beitragen, die Grenzausdehnung einzudämmen. Eine weitere Erkenntnis dieser Arbeit ist der Zusammenhang zwischen gescheiterten Landinvestitionsprojekten und der daraus resultierenden Entwaldung. Hierbei werden häufig lokale Bedürfnisse übersehen und Sorgfaltspflichten umgangen, was zu Umweltzerstörung und sozialen Konflikten beiträgt. Darüber hinaus wird die Ausweitung des Naturschutzes beschrieben, indem untersucht wird, wie Prioritäten gesetzt werden, wie Governance-Systeme umstrukturiert werden und wie Naturschutzakteure mit anderen Interessengruppen interagieren. Insgesamt werden in dieser Arbeit innovative Methoden zur Beschreibung von Entwaldungsprozessen vorgestellt, die für verschiedene Kontexte, Maßstäbe und Landnutzungen angepasst und getestet werden können. Auf diese Weise trägt diese Arbeit zu einem tieferen Verständnis der globalen Entwaldung sowie der Möglichkeiten für Naturschutzbemühungen bei. / Uncurbed tropical deforestation poses significant threats to both nature and people. This thesis delves into the dynamics between deforestation frontiers and other land use frontiers, particularly focusing on tropical dry woodlands, which have been largely overlooked in research and policy. Specifically, the thesis aims to (1) characterise and map deforestation frontier types in tropical dry woodlands, (2) relate these frontier types to areas of woodland protection and conservation interest, (3) explore the relation of failed land investments with deforestation, and (4) conceptualise how conservation expands in response to deforestation frontiers. Thus, for the first time, major frontier types are identified, revealing varied dynamics of frontier expansion and a substantial threat to tropical dry woodlands, with a loss of 71 million hectares between 2000 and 2020. These frontiers disproportionately threaten areas rich in biodiversity and carbon, while protected areas and Indigenous Peoples’ lands are crucial in mitigating frontier expansion. Another significant finding of this thesis is the link between failed land investment projects and resulting deforestation frontiers. These projects often overlook local needs, and bypass due diligences contributing to environmental degradation and social conflict. Additionally, the thesis describes conservation frontiers by conceptualising (1) how conservation actors influence conservation priorities, (2) how the expansion of area-based conservation leads to the restructuring of governance systems, including possible resulting conflicts, and (3) the intricate dynamics between conservation actors and other stakeholders. Overall, the thesis introduces innovative methods for describing deforestation frontiers that could be adapted and tested across various contexts, scales, and land uses. Thereby, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of global deforestation challenges and opportunities for conservation efforts.
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[pt] Questões relacionadas ao meio ambiente e sustentabilidade estão se tornando, a
cada vez mais, temas de preocupação no comércio internacional, com movimentos de
países ou blocos como União Europeia, Estados Unidos e Reino Unido. A China, um dos
maiores atores no comércio internacional e o principal parceiro comercial do Brasil, ainda
não deu indicações de restrições ou imposição de tarifas para produtos não sustentáveis.
Mas o país passa por mudanças em direção a uma atuação mais sustentável e a busca pela
construção de uma Civilização Ecológica, o que pode ter impactos para a sua política
comercial. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as políticas de uma China mais
verde e os movimentos do setor privado chinês em direção a uma atuação mais
sustentável, de modo a entender os possíveis impactos para o comércio sino-brasileiro. / [en] Issues related to environment and sustainability are increasingly becoming
topics of concern in international trade, with movements by countries or blocs such as the
European Union, United States and the United Kingdom. China, one of the biggest
players in international trade and Brazil s main trading partner, has not yet given
indications of restrictions or imposition of tariffs on unsustainable products. But the
country is undergoing changes towards more sustainable actions and the search for the
construction of an Ecological Civilization, which may have impacts on its commercial
policy. This dissertation aims to analyze the policies of a greener China and the
movements of the Chinese private sector towards more sustainable operations, in order to
understand the possible impacts on Sino-Brazilian trade.
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From the ‘Theatre of the Tree’ to the Necrocity: Ngong Kum Ngong’s Poetic Vision in Blot on the LandscapeNji, Tem Edwin 25 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.
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Deforestation in Chipuriro Lands (Guruve), socio-economic factors and patternsHlanganayi, Agreement 02 October 2013 (has links)
Information on deforestation and forest management is limited due to lack of understanding as to how socioeconomic factors affect deforestation. Without adequate data, it is difficult to manage deforestation; particularly in Chipuriro where deforestation is occurring at a rapid rate. This research was carried out to address the problem. Surveys and landsat images were used to collect data. To quantify deforestation, images were processed using Geographical Information System. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used to deduce the relationship between socioeconomic factors and deforestation. Socioeconomic factors were obtained through household surveys and focus group discussions. Results indicated high rates of deforestation in Ward 18 (4.7% per annum) while in Ward 16 woodland cover increased throughout the study period (7.7% per annum). Population growth with its demand on fuel wood, settlement and agricultural land caused a significant decrease in woodland cover in Ward 18. Plantations increased the area under woodlands in Ward 16. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Categorical semantics and composition of tree transducers / Kategorielle Semantik und Komposition von BaumübersetzernJürgensen, Claus 28 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we see two new approaches to compose tree transducers and more general to fuse functional programs. The first abroach is based on initial algebras. We prove a new variant of the acid rain theorem for mutually recursive functions where the build function is substituted by a concrete functor. Moreover, we give a symmetric form (i.e. consumer and producer have the same syntactic form) of our new acid rain theorem where fusion is composition in a category and thus in particular associative. Applying this to compose top-down tree transducers yields the same result (on a syntactic level) as the classical top-down tree transducer composition. The second approach is based on free monads and monad transformers. In the same way as monoids are used in the theory of character string automata, we use monads in the theory of tree transducers. We generalize the notion of a tree transducer defining the monadic transducer, and we prove an according fusion theorem. Moreover, we prove that homomorphic monadic transducers are semantically equivalent. The latter makes it possible to compose syntactic classes of tree transducers (or particular functional programs) by simply composing endofunctors.
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Climate change mitigation strategies in relation to the forestry and energy sectors in SACD region with emphasis in DRC and RSA as case studiesMumbere, Mbasa Ndemo 06 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this study is to evaluate climate change mitigation strategies in the forestry and energy sectors in the SADC with emphasis on the DRC and the RSA. This study is evaluative and cross-sectional. Its results were got through interviews of 56 key informants using the interview guide, and four focus group discussions in the DRC based on the focus group guide. The non-probability sample, mainly the purposive sample and the snowballing sampling were used. After the data analysis, the following results were found:
In terms of the strategies for fighting drivers of deforestation both in the DRC and in RSA, it was revealed that the DRC focuses more on the REDD+ projects and NGO activities while the RSA protects its small existing natural forests through Acts, laws, advanced research and establishment of commercial plantations.
The results which are related to the contribution of REDD programmes and NGOs to climate change mitigation in the RSA and the DRC have revealed that there are no REDD programmes in the RSA for carbon stock. In the DRC, the NOVACEL REDD+ pilot project has a carbon stock of 60 000 tons which continues to grow with 8 tons of CO2 /ha/year; 210 tons/ha/year on the left side of the Congo River, and on the right side 195 tons/ha/year is generated by the Isangi Geographically Integrated REDD+ pilot project. The WCS Mambasa Forestry REDD+ pilot project has 230 tons/ha/year, while 16 000 tons of CO2/year are stocked under the Luki REDD+ pilot project. The Eco-Makala and Equatorial REDD+ pilot projects have not yet estimated their carbon stocks.
Regarding the involvement of the civil society in activities of climate change mitigation in the DRC, people are more involved in REDD’s alternative activities which are funded by the projects. However, in the RSA, people are used as labour in commercial plantations. The RSA derives its major energy from coal (94%) but the DRC has a high potential in hydropower that can generate up to 100 000 MGW. On the use of remote sensing, both the DRC and the RSA employ remote sensing but the RSA has a Spatial Agency while the DRC does not / College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (Environmental Science)
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Deforestation in Chipuriro Lands (Guruve), socio-economic factors and patternsHlanganayi, Agreement 02 1900 (has links)
Information on deforestation and forest management is limited due to lack of understanding as to how socioeconomic factors affect deforestation. Without adequate data, it is difficult to manage deforestation; particularly in Chipuriro where deforestation is occurring at a rapid rate. This research was carried out to address the problem. Surveys and landsat images were used to collect data. To quantify deforestation, images were processed using Geographical Information System. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used to deduce the relationship between socioeconomic factors and deforestation. Socioeconomic factors were obtained through household surveys and focus group discussions. Results indicated high rates of deforestation in Ward 18 (4.7% per annum) while in Ward 16 woodland cover increased throughout the study period (7.7% per annum). Population growth with its demand on fuel wood, settlement and agricultural land caused a significant decrease in woodland cover in Ward 18. Plantations increased the area under woodlands in Ward 16. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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