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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projeto conceitual e análise de desempenho do sistema de admissão de ar em uma aeronave não convencional de combate / Conceptual design and performance analysis of the air intake system in a non-conventional fighter aircraft

Bravo Mosquera, Pedro David 22 May 2017 (has links)
A concepção de aeronaves não convencionais a fim de alcançar um determinado desempenho ou melhoria operacional é sem dúvida um dos objetivos mais importantes da engenheira aeronáutica. Tais melhorias envolvem: redução de arrasto, redução da seção transversal, redução de ruído, redução da distância de decolagem e pouso, aumento da eficiência aerodinâmica, aumento da carga útil, entre outros. Por tanto, métodos de otimização multidisciplinar se tornaram em ferramentas muito úteis para aprimorar o projeto conceitual destas aeronaves. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento do projeto conceitual de uma aeronave não convencional de combate e a análise de desempenho aerodinâmico do seu sistema de admissão de ar (Intake), tendo como principal característica, estar localizado na parte superior da fuselagem da aeronave (Dorsal Intake). O delineamento conceitual foi desenvolvido através da implementação de metodologias de otimização multidisciplinar de projeto (MDO) na fase de projeto paramétrico, integrando conceitos como: entropia estatística, desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD) e análise de restrições. Além disso, foram usados métodos analíticos e teóricos, ferramentas de desenho assistido por computador (CAD) e simulações da dinâmica dos fluidos computacionais (CFD) para otimizar e obter a configuração final da aeronave. Posteriormente, 5 configurações de asa delta foram selecionadas para avaliar as mudanças de desempenho do dorsal intake sob a influência aerodinâmica das superfícies principais da aeronave (Asa e Fuselagem), em regimes de voo subsônico (Mach = 0.4), transônico (Mach = 0.9) e supersônico (Mach = 1.7; 2) a diversos ângulos de ataque (De α = 10º a α = 30º ). Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho foram avaliados em separado, subsequentemente foram integrados, a fim de obter a nova concepção de aeronave não convencional de combate; a aplicação de MDO permitiu estimar as variáveis de projeto ideais para o desenvolvimento do projeto da aeronave, em relação a sua missão. Em contrapartida, os resultados da integração intake-estrutura mostram que apropriadas características de desempenho e compatibilidade foram mantidas durante as fases de voo subsônicas, para as 5 configurações de asa. No entanto, para velocidades transônicas, a configuração canard apresentou um acréscimo nos níveis de recuperação de pressão total, devido ao fluxo de alta energia na parte superior da fuselagem, o qual é produzido pelo vórtice do canard a moderados ângulos de ataque. Finalmente, para velocidades supersônicas, a asa com dispositivos LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) obteve os melhores níveis de recuperação de pressão total, pois a implementação destes dispositivos apresentou uma montagem mais vantajosa com sua fuselagem para gerar o cone de Mach, aumentando os níveis de recuperação de pressão total e reduzindo a distorção na face do motor. No entanto, para velocidades maiores a Mach = 2, sem importar a configuração de asa, a expansão do escoamento sobre a fuselagem e as asas da aeronave produziu um aumento no número Mach local na entrada do intake, o que reduziu os níveis de desempenho e compatibilidade do mesmo. Em consequência, a posição do intake na parte superior da fuselagem representa uma opção de configuração viável para aeronaves que requerem apenas capacidades de ângulo de ataque razoáveis, tais como aeronaves de caça ar-terra, sendo a asa com dispositivos LEX a geometria que representa melhores qualidades de desempenho na maioria dos 3 regimes de voo avaliados. / The conception of non-conventional aircraft with the aim of achieving a certain performance or operational improvement is undoubtedly, one of the most important objectives of the aeronautical engineering. These improvements involve: drag reduction, cross section reduction, noise reduction, shortening of take-off and landing distance, increase of aerodynamic efficiency, payload increase, among others. Therefore, optimization multidisciplinary methods became in very important tools to upgrade the conceptual design phase of these aircraft. In this context, this work had as aim the development of the conceptual design of a nonconventional fighter aircraft and the aerodynamic performance analysis of its air intake, having as main characteristic to be located at the top of the fuselage (Dorsal Intake). The conceptual design was developed through the implementation of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) methods in the parametric design phase, integrating concepts of: statistical entropy, quality function deployment (QFD) and constraint analysis. Besides that, it was used analytical and theoretical methods, computer-aided design (CAD) tools and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to optimize and obtain the final aircraft configuration. Subsequently, 5 delta wing configurations were selected to evaluate the dorsal intake performance changes under the aerodynamic influence of the main aircraft surfaces (Wings and Fuselage) in subsonic (Mach = 0.4), transonic (Mach = 0.9) and supersonic (Mach = 1.7; 2) flight regimes, at various angles of attack (From α = 10º to α = 30º ). The results found in this work were evaluated separately, later these were integrated, in order to get the new conception of non-conventional fighter aircraft; the MDO application allowed to estimate the ideal design variables for developing the aircraft design, regarding to its mission. On the other hand, the results of the intake-structure integration shown that appropriate performance and compatibility characteristics were maintained during the subsonic flight stages for the 5 wing configurations. However, for transonic velocities, the canard configuration presented an increase in the total pressure recovery levels, due to the high energy flux on the fuselage, which is produced by the canard vortex at moderate angles of attack. Finally, for supersonic velocities, the wing with LEX (Leading Edge Extensions) devices got the best levels of total pressure recovery, because the implementation of these devices presented a more advantageous assembly with its fuselage to generate the Mach cone, increasing the total pressure recovery levels and reducing the distortion at the engine face. However, for velocities higher than Mach = 2, regardless the wing configuration, the flow expansion on the fuselage and the wings produced an increase in the local Mach number in the intake entrance, which reduced the performance and compatibility levels of it. As a consequence, the top mounted intake position represents an option of viable configuration to aircraft that require only reasonable angles of attack capabilities, such as air-to-ground fighter aircraft, being the wing with LEX devices the geometry that represents better performance qualities in the majority of the 3 evaluated flight regimes.


LUIS CARLOS BLANCO LINARES 07 August 2003 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho é desenvolvido um modelamento matemático para os elementos que compõem um sistema de compensação de PMD de primeira ordem, visando obter alternativas de solução para a metodologia de controle do sistema de compensação. Um algoritmo de controle utilizando uma lógica simplificada, diferente das encontradas em outros sistemas de compensação, é desenvolvido. Os resultados das simulações matemáticas, das diferentes partes do sistema de compensação e do algoritmo de controle desenvolvido, são comparados com resultados experimentais, obtendo-se uma excelente concordância. Um protótipo de um compensador de PMD de primeira ordem, utilizando diferentes topologias de compensação, é implementado e os resultados experimentais apresentados. Os resultados experimentais obtidos demonstram que a performance do protótipo desenvolvido é melhor que à obtida com outros sistemas de compensação desenvolvidos por outros grupos de pesquisa [22, 60]. / [en] In this work a mathematical model for the elements of the first order compensation system is developed to obtain alternative solutions of control methodology of the compensator. A control algorithm, using a simplified logic, different from the ones found in other compensation systems, is developed. The mathematical simulations results of the implemented model for different parts of the compensation system and of the control algorithm are compared to the experimental results showing good agreement. A first order PMD compensation prototype is implemented, using different compensation topologies. The experimental results are presented, proving a better performance when compared to the experimental results obtained by other research groups [22, 60].


CLEIDE JEANE RIBEIRO BACELAR 02 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] O comportamento de radiers estaqueados submetidos a carregamento vertical é estudado nesse trabalho. O método de análise é baseado no método dos elementos finitos, através da utilização do programa ABAQUS. Estimativas de valores de recalque ao longo de três seções distintas e distribuição de forças nos topos das estacas são obtidas para diversas configurações de radiers estaqueados em meio homogêneo com diferentes quantidades e arranjos de estacas, para os quais são adotados diferentes comprimentos relativos das estacas L/d, coeficientes de Poisson do solo Vs e espessuras do radier. A maior parte do recalque ocorre imediatamente após a construção, sendo que os recalques por adensamento se apresentam maiores no centro do que na borda do radier. Uma considerável parcela da carga aplicada é transferida diretamente ao solo através do radier, especialmente sob condições não-drenadas. Para condições drenadas essa proporção é reduzida, mostrando que o efeito do coeficiente de Poisson do solo na distribuição de cargas é bastante significativo. A posição das estacas no radier afetam diretamente a proporção da carga transmitida diretamente do radier para o solo, sendo este efeito mais representativo à medida que aumentam o comprimento relativo das estacas e a rigidez do radier. Análises de capacidade de carga são realizadas em condições não-drenadas para todas as configurações avaliadas, mostrando que o aumento na rigidez do radier contribui significativamente para o aumento dos coeficientes de segurança das estacas. / [en] The behaviour of vertically loaded piled rafts is studied in this research. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the behaviour of a piled raft foundation system acting on a homogeneous half-space subjected to vertical loading. The analysis is based on finite element method by using of the computational program ABAQUS. The evaluation of settlements along three main sections and the load distribution on pile top were obtained for several piled raft configurations in single layered soil profile with different pile number and position, considering different values of pile slenderness ratio, soil Poisson s ratio and also of raft thickness. It has been shown that the major component of the total settlement takes place immediately after the loading application and the component of the consolidation settlement are bigger close to the raft centre than values at the raft edge. A big part of the total applied load is directly transferred to the subsoil by the raft, which becomes more significant under undrained conditions. For drained conditions this ratio decreases, which have shown that the soil Poisson s ratio influence at the load distribution is significant. The pile position under the raft influences the percentage of the load transferred directly to the subsoil by the raft. This influence becomes more significant with the increase of the pile slenderness ratio and of the raft stiffness. The bearing capacity of the piled raft configurations for undrained conditions was evaluated, which have indicated that the increase of the raft stiffness contributes to the increase of the pile safety factors.

AFORAPRO: reconhecimento de objetos invariante sob transformações afins. / AFORAPRO: objects recognition under affine transformation invariant.

Pérez López, Guillermo Ángel 25 March 2011 (has links)
Reconhecimento de objetos é uma aplicação básica da área de processamento de imagens e visão computacional. O procedimento comum do reconhecimento consiste em achar ocorrências de uma imagem modelo numa outra imagem a ser analisada. Consequentemente, se as imagens apresentarem mudanças no ponto de vista da câmera o algoritmo normalmente falha. A invariância a pontos de vista é uma qualidade que permite reconhecer um objeto, mesmo que este apresente distorções resultantes de uma transformação em perspectiva causada pela mudança do ponto de vista. Uma abordagem baseada na simulação de pontos de vista, chamada ASIFT, tem sido recentemente proposta no entorno desta problemática. O ASIFT é invariante a pontos de vista, no entanto falha na presença de padrões repetitivos e baixo contraste. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é utilizar uma variante da técnica de simulação de pontos de vista em combinação com a técnica de extração dos coeficientes de Fourier de projeções radiais e circulares (FORAPRO), para propor um algoritmo invariante a pontos de vista, e robusto a padrões repetitivos e baixo contraste. De maneira geral, a nossa proposta resume-se nas seguintes fases: (a) Distorcemos a imagem, variando os parâmetros de inclinação e rotação da câmera, para gerar alguns modelos e conseguir a invariância a deformações em perspectiva, (b) utilizamos cada como modelo a ser procurado na imagem, para escolher o que melhor case, (c) realizamos o casamento de padrões. As duas últimas fases do processo baseiam-se em características invariantes por rotação, escala, brilho e contraste extraídas pelos coeficientes de Fourier. Nossa proposta, que chamamos AFORAPRO, foi testada com 350 imagens que continham diversidade nos requerimentos, e demonstrou ser invariante a pontos de vista e ter ótimo desempenho na presença de padrões repetitivos e baixo contraste. / Object recognition is a basic application from the domain of image processing and computer vision. The common process recognition consists of finding occurrences of an image query in another image to be analyzed A. Consequently, if the images changes viewpoint in the camera it will normally result in the algorithm failure. The invariance viewpoints are qualities that permit recognition of an object, even if this present distortion resultant of a transformation of perspective is caused by the change in viewpoint. An approach based on viewpoint simulation, called ASIFT, has recently been proposed surrounding this issue. The ASIFT algorithm is invariant viewpoints; however there are flaws in the presence of repetitive patterns and low contrast. The objective of our work is to use a variant of this technique of viewpoint simulating, in combination with the technique of extraction of the Coefficients of Fourier Projections Radials and Circulars (FORAPRO), and to propose an algorithm of invariant viewpoints and robust repetitive patterns and low contrast. In general, our proposal summarizes the following stages: (a) We distort the image, varying the parameters of inclination and rotation of the camera, to produce some models and achieve perspective invariance deformation, (b) use as the model to be search in the image, to choose the that match best, (c) realize the template matching. The two last stages of process are based on invariant features by images rotation, scale, brightness and contrast extracted by Fourier coefficients. Our approach, that we call AFORAPRO, was tested with 350 images that contained diversity in applications, and demonstrated to have invariant viewpoints, and to have excellent performance in the presence of patterns repetitive and low contrast.

Optimisation multicritères de la qualité de service dans les réseaux de capteurs multimédia sans fil / Multicriteria optimization of the quality of service in the wireless multimedia sensor networks

Alaoui Fdili, Othmane 10 June 2015 (has links)
Les progrès réalisés en systèmes micro-électro-mécaniques couplés avec leur convergence vers les systèmes de communication sans fil, ont permis l'émergence des réseaux de capteurs sans fil (RCSF). Les contraintes de ces réseaux font que tous les efforts soient fournis pour proposer des solutions économes en énergie. Avec les récents développements des technologies CMOS, des capteurs d'images à faible coût ont été développés. En conséquence, un nouveau dérivé des RCSF, qui sont les Réseaux de Capteurs Vidéo Sans Fil (RCVSF), a été proposé. La particularité des données vidéo ainsi que les contraintes inhérentes aux nœuds ont introduit de nouveaux défis. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux solutions basées sur l'approche inter-couches pour la livraison de la vidéo sur les RCVSF. La première solution propose un nouveau schéma de compression vidéo adaptatif, efficace en énergie et basé sur la norme de compression vidéo H.264/AVC. Le flux vidéo est ensuite géré par une version améliorée du protocole MMSPEED que nous proposons et notons EQBSA-MMSPEED. Les résultats des simulations montrent que la durée de vie du réseau est étendue de 33%, tout en améliorant la qualité du flux vidéo reçu de 12%. Dans la deuxième solution, nous enrichissons le schéma de compression de modèles mathématiques pour prévoir la consommation d'énergie et la distorsion de l'image lors des phases d'encodage et de transmission. Le flux vidéo est géré par un nouveau protocole de routage efficace en énergie et à fiabilité améliorée noté ERMM. Comparée à une approche basique, cette solution réalise une extension de la durée de vie du réseau de 15%, tout en améliorant la qualité du flux vidéo reçu de 35%. / Thanks to the valuable advances in Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems coupled with their convergence to wireless communication systems, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). In the WSN context, all the efforts are made in order to propose energy-efficient solutions. With the recent developments in CMOS technology, low-cost imaging sensors have been developed. As a result, a new derivative of the WSN, which is the Wireless Video Sensor Network (WVSN), has been proposed. The particularities of the video data as well as the inherent constraints of the nodes have introduced new challenges. In this thesis, we propose two cross-layer based solutions for video delivery over the WVSN. The first solution proposes a new energy efficient and adaptive video compression scheme dedicated to the WVSNs, based on the H.264/AVC video compression standard. The video stream is then handled by an enhanced version of MMSPEED protocol, that we propose and note EQBSA-MMSPEED. Performance evaluation shows that the lifetime of the network is extended by 33%, while improving the video quality of the received stream by 12%. In the second solution, we enrich our compression scheme with mathematical models to predict the energy consumption and the video distortion during the encoding and the transmission phases. The video stream is then handled by a novel energy efficient and improved reliability routing protocol, that we note ERMM. Compared to a basic approach, this solution is extending the network lifetime by 15%, while improving the quality of the received video stream by 35%.

Le détournement post-moderne du référent social dans le roman policier : fonctions et objectifs / Néant

Blancher, Marc 25 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est une étude des évolutions propres au roman policier rapportées au glissement de la modernité vers la postmodernité et de leur transposition dans la représentation du social propre à cette forme romanesque. Après deux premiers points préalables respectivement consacrés au développement genres que du roman policier – avec dans cet ordre le roman policier archaïque, le romanà énigme, le roman noir et enfin le néo-polar – depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle et à une mise en perspective des concepts de modernité et de postmodernité, il s’articule autour de trois axes choisis grâce auxquels pourra être établi le lien entre dimension évolutive du roman policier et substitution progressive de la modernité à la postmodernité. Ce lien n’est toutefois pas exclusif et il souligne un rapport d’interpénétration préalable entre les différents concepts.La première partie est consacrée à la notion de décomposition qu’elle étudie à différents niveaux : le premier est le niveau diégétique avec la décomposition narrative. Le roman policier est en effet souvent lié, par l’intermédiaire d’une énigme, à un mode de narration spécifique qui est explicité dans toute son ampleur et rapporté notamment à la notion de structure et de rapport au temps chronologique. Le deuxième point est consacré à la décomposition de la langue. C’est ainsi qu’il analyse les notions de langue au niveau diégétique et les relations entre parole et pouvoir au niveau intradiégétique, ainsi que les implications du pouvoir de la langue et de la parole sur l’image du social.Le troisième et dernier point de cette première partie est consacré à la décomposition du social que renvoie sa représentation via le prisme fictionnel. Il s’arrête plus spécifiquement, dans cet ordre, sur la représentation de l’autorité, sur les définitions des rapports sociaux et enfin sur son positionnement vis-à-vis du politique.La deuxième partie est consacrée aux mythologies du roman policier, aussi bien à celles qui lui sont propres qu’aux substrats qu’il réemploie, ce pour déterminer les modalités de repositionnement de ces éléments. Le premier est l’urbain : après une analyse des hypotextes mythologiques autour de l’urbain et de son rapport à l’humain, il est fait état des réalités socio-historiques liant urbanisation et criminalité avant que ne soit étudiée la redistribution de l’espace au sein de la sphère fictionnelle,notamment autour des concepts d’affect et d’appartenance. Le second est le social, qui est étudié aussi bien au niveau de son implantation idéologique que de son positionnement narratif, ainsi que des tensions sociales qui apparaissent dans la représentation, tensions qui culminent avec l’usage de la violence à différents niveaux. Enfin, le troisième élément est l’humain, qui bénéficie d’une évolution marquée dans son traitement via les figures humaines incarnées dans les personnages de la narration. / This paper is a study of the specific way in which the detective novel has evolved within thecontext of the shift from modernity to postmodernity, and of the manner in which its evolution isreflected within the social element that is peculiar to this fictional format. The paper tackles twoinitial aspects, the first being devoted to the development of the detective novel genre since the mid-nineteenth century, including that of its sub-genres, the roman policier archaïque, the whodunit, theroman noir and finally the neo-polar, and the second seeking to put into perspective the concepts ofmodernity and postmodernity. The focus then turns to three selected themes, which enables a link to beestablished between the evolution of the detective novel and the gradual shift from modernity topostmodernity. However, the link is not exclusive, and the paper emphasises the earlier interactionbetween the different concepts.The first section is devoted to the concept of deconstruction, which is studied at different levels,the first being the diegetic level including narrative deconstruction. In fact, the detective novel isfrequently associated with a specific method of narration, based on a conundrum, the full extent ofwhich is explained with particular reference to the concept of structure and relationship withchronological time. The second point deals with the deconstruction of the language. In doing so, itanalyses the concepts of language at a diegetic level and the relationships between the word andpower at an intradiegetic level, together with the implications of the power of language and the wordon the representation of the social context. The third and final point within this first section is devotedto the deconstruction of the social context that is reflected by its representation through the prism offiction. It focuses more specifically, in the following order, on the representation of authority, thedefinitions of social relationships and its position vis-à-vis politics.

Modulation von Distorsionsprodukt-Otoemissionen duch Töne tiefer Frequenz

Hirschfelder, Anke 24 July 2001 (has links)
Die Modulation von Distorsionsprodukt-Otoemissionen (DPOAE) durch Töne tiefer Frequenz ist ein Methode, mit der die Auswirkung von Verlagerungen der kochleären Trennwand auf die Funktion des kochleären Verstärkers untersucht werden kann. Damit bietet sie einen neuen objektiven Ansatz zur Diagnostik unterschiedlicher kochleärer Hörstörungen sowie zur Untersuchung physiologischer Mechanismen der Kochlea. Durch einen tieffrequenten Ton (f = 32,8 Hz) werden die DPOAE in Abhängigkeit von dessen Phase periodisch verändert. Die Ausprägung der Modulation hängt von den Parametern des Tieftons und der Primärtöne (mit den Frequenzen f1 und f2) ab. Bei zwölf normalhörenden Probanden wird der Einfluß des Tieftonpegels, der Primärtonpegel und der Primärtonfrequenzen auf die Modulation der DPOAE mit der Frequenz 2f1-f2 untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Methode werden mit denen der subjektiven Phasenaudiometrie bei diesen Probanden verglichen. Mit den Primärtonfrequenzen f1 = 2,5 und f2 = 3 kHz steigt die mittlere Modulationstiefe der DPOAE mit zunehmendem Tieftonpegel sowie mit abnehmenden Primärtonpegeln nichtlinear. Mit hohem Tieftonpegel (L = 115 dB SPL) und geringen Primärtonpegeln (bis zu L1 = 50 und L2 = 30 dB HL) sind DPOAE-Pegelverläufe mit zwei Minima und zwei Maxima pro Tieftonperiode zu beobachten. Die Pegelminima liegen kurz nach der maximalen Druck- bzw. Sogphase des Tieftons vor dem Trommelfell, entsprechend der maximalen Auslenkung der kochleären Trennwand in Richtung Scala vestibuli bzw. Scala tympani. Sie zeigen eine mittlere Latenz von 4 ms gegenüber den Verdeckungsmaxima der subjektiven Mithörschwelle im Phasenaudiogramm, die wahrscheinlich durch die Summe der Antwortzeit der aktiven kochleären Prozesse und der Laufzeit der DPOAE-Signale retrograd aus der Kochlea zur Meßsonde im äußeren Gehörgang zustande kommt. Mit geringeren Tieftonpegeln (L = 110 dB SPL) bzw. höheren Primärtonpegeln (ab L1 = 55 und L2 = 40 dB HL) sowie höheren Primärtonfrequenzen (f1 = 4, f2 = 4,8 kHz) sind nur noch jeweils ein DPOAE-Pegelminimum und -maximum pro Tieftonperiode zu beobachten. Mit den Primärtonfrequenzen f1 = 5 und f2 = 6 kHz zeigt sich keine Modulation der DPOAE mehr. Die Ergebnisse werden unter Verwendung einer Boltzmannfunktion zweiter Ordnung als Annäherung an die mechano-elektrische Transferfunktion äußerer Haarzellen simuliert. Bei einigen Probanden werden außerdem die Modulation der DPOAE mit der Frequenz 3f1-2f2 durch den tieffrequenten Ton sowie der Einfluß spontaner otoakustischer Emissionen (SOAE) auf die Messung tieftonmodulierter DPOAE untersucht. / Low-frequency modulation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) is a method which allows to investigate the effect of the displacement of the cochlear partition on the function of the active cochlear process. It offers a new objective approach to diagnose different sensory hearing disorders as well as to investigate physiological cochlear mechanisms. The DPOAE are modulated by a low-frequency tone (with the frequency f = 32,8 Hz), depending on its phase. The extent of this modulation depends on the acoustic parameters of the suppressing low-frequency tone and the stimulating primary tones (f1 and f2). In twelve normal hearing subjects the influence of the low-frequency tone level, the levels and the frequencies of the primary tones on the modulation of the DPOAE with the frequency 2f1-f2 are investigated. In these subjects, the phase-dependent masked subjective threshold is also registered. The results of both methods are compared. With the primary tone frequencies f1 = 2,5 and f2 = 3 kHz the mean value of the DPOAE modulation depth presents a nonlinear growth with increasing low-frequency tone level and decreasing primary tone levels, respectively. With high low-frequency tone level (L = 115 dB SPL) and low primary tone levels (up to L1 = 55 and L2 = 40 dB HL), the time course of the DPOAE level shows two minima and two maxima within one period of the low-frequency tone. The minimal DPOAE levels are registered shortly after the phases of maximal condensation and rarefaction of the low-frequency tone in front of the eardrum, respectively, corresponding to the largest displacement of the cochlear partition towards the scala tympani and the scala vestibuli. The time course of the DPOAE level shows a mean latency of 4 ms with regard to the masking patterns of the phase-dependent masked threshold, due to the response time of the active cochlear process and the retrograde travelling time of the DPOAE. With lower low-frequency tone levels (L1 = 110 dB SPL), higher primary tone levels (from L1 = 55, L2 = 40 dB HL), and higher primary tone frequencies (f1 = 4, f2 = 4,8 kHz), respectively, the DPOAE level presents only one maximum and one minimum per period of the low-frequency tone. With the primary frequencies f1 = 5 and f2 = 6 kHz no modulation of the DPOAE is registered. The results are simulated using a second-order Boltzmann function as an approximation of the mechano-electric transfer function of the outer hair cells. Additionally, in some subjects the low-frequency modulation of the DPOAE with the frequency 3f1-2f2 and the influence of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAE) on the registration of low-frequency modulated DPOAE are investigated.

High Frequency Characterization and Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

Malm, B. Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Power Efficiency Improvements for Wireless Transmissions

Qian, Hua 14 July 2005 (has links)
Many communications signal formats are not power efficient because of their large peak-to-average power ratios (PARs). Moreover, in the presence of nonlinear devices such as power amplifiers (PAs) or mixers, the non-constant-modulus signals may generate both in-band distortion and out-of-band interference. Backing off the signal to the linear region of the device further reduces the system power efficiency. To improve the power efficiency of the communication system, one can pursue two approaches: i) linearize the PA; ii) reduce the high PAR of the input signal. In this dissertation, we first explore the optimal nonlinearity under the peak power constraint. We show that the optimal nonlinearity is a soft limiter with a specific gain calculated based on the peak power limit, noise variance, and the probability density function of the input amplitude. The result is also extended to the fading channel case. Next, we focus on digital baseband predistortion linearization for power amplifiers with memory effects. We build a high-speed wireless test-bed and carry out digital baseband predistortion linearization experiments. To implement adaptive PA linearization in wireless handsets, we propose an adaptive digital predistortion linearization architecture that utilizes existing components of the wireless transceiver to fulfill the adaptive predistorter training functionality. We then investigate the topic of PAR reduction for OFDM signals and forward link CDMA signals. To reduce the PAR of the OFDM signal, we propose a dynamic selected mapping (DSLM) algorithm with a two-buffer structure to reduce the computational requirement of the SLM method without sacrificing the PAR reduction capability. To reduce the PAR of the forward link CDMA signal, we propose a new PAR reduction algorithm by introducing a relative offset between the in-phase branch and the quadrature branch of the transmission system.

Air-Sea Flux Measurements Over The Bay Of Bengal During A Summer Monsoon

Raju, Jampana V S 11 1900 (has links)
Majority of the rain producing monsoon systems in India form or intensify over the Bay of Bengal and move onto the land. We expect the air-sea interaction to be a crucial factor in the frequent genesis and intensification of monsoon systems over the Bay. Knowledge of air-sea fluxes is essential in determining the air-sea interactions. However, the Bay remains a poorly monitored ocean basin and the state of the near surface conditions during the monsoon months remains to be studied in detail. For example, we do not know yet which among the various flux formulae used in the General circulation models are appropriate over the Bay since there are no direct measurements of surface fluxes here during the peak monsoon months. The present thesis aims towards filing that gap. In this thesis fluxes were computed using the Bulk method, Inertial dissipation method and direct covariance method. The flux comparisons were reasonable during certain flow conditions which are clearly identified. When these conditions are not met the differences among the fluxes from these methods can be larger than the inherent uncertainties' in the methods. Stratification, flow distortion and averaging time are the key variables that give rise to the differences in the fluxes. It is found that there are significant differences in the surface flux estimates computed from different atmospheric General Circulation Model bulk parameterization schemes. In this thesis, the flow gradients are estimated by taking advantage of the natural pitch and roll motion of the ship. A attempt is made to gain insight into the flow distortion and its influence on the fluxes. In our analysis it is found that the displacement of the streamlines is an important component in quantifying flow distortion.

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