Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DOCTRINE"" "subject:"[enn] DOCTRINE""
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Från Brezjnev till nutidarealiteter: Rysslandsmilitära doktriner : Historiskt arv och nutida geopolitiskautmaningar / From Brezhnev to contemporary realities: Russia’s military doctrines : Historical legacy and contemporary geopolitical challengesHäggblom, Cassandra January 2024 (has links)
This research paper provides a comparative analysis between the current Military Doctrines ofthe Russian Federation and the Brezhnev Doctrine from the Cold War era. By examining thesetwo historical and geopolitical contexts, the study aims to shed light on the theoretical continuityor discontinuity in Russia’s military strategy and its relationship to global geopolitics. Throughidentifying and analyzing similarities and differences between these doctrines, the papercontributes to a deeper understanding of Russian foreign policy continuity and change over time,as well as its ongoing efforts to secure national interests and territorial integrity. The studyutilizes a qualitative text analysis approach to explore how Soviet and Russian foreign policy hasbeen shaped by various factors such as national interests, security challenges, and ideologicalconsiderations. By applying the theoretical perspectives of realism and constructivism, theresearch delves into the complexities of Russia’s military strategy and its significance in today’sgeopolitical landscape.
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Críticas às exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação no processo penal brasileiro e análise de jurisprudência após a reforma da lei 11.690/08 / Criticism of the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process and cases law analysis after law reform 11.690/08.Takayanagi, Fabiano Yuji 25 July 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar as exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação incorporadas no processo penal brasileiro pela Lei 11.690/08, especificamente no artigo 157 e seus parágrafos. A inovação dada pela Reforma trouxe mudanças significativas e benéficas, porém, ao mesmo tempo, em determinados pontos, apresentou confusa redação a ponto de se questionar sua constitucionalidade. Para tanto, o caminho neste estudo escolhido perpassa pelo conhecimento da importância das provas no processo penal, a limitação do direito à prova pela ilicitude, a teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova, as teorias estadunidenses das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação que foram adotadas pelo legislador infraconstitucional brasileiro, bem como a comprovação de aplicabilidade em outros países. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se construir uma estruturação para melhor possibilitar a definição da interpretação do inciso LVI, artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal, como regra pela teoria dos princípios, cuja Reforma seguiu plenamente na adoção da teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova e das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação. Por fim, essa consolidação de conceitos serve de base para análise das decisões dos Tribunais quando se referem às exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação, chegando-se à conclusão de que existe uma interpretação deficitária e diversa da raiz estadunidense. / The present work analyze the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process incorporated by Law 11.690/08, specifically in article 157 and its paragraphs. The innovation given by the Reformation brought significant and beneficial changes, but at the same time, at certain points, the confusing writing presented allows us to question its constitutionality. For that, the path chosen in this study moves through the evidence importance knowledge in criminal proceedings, the limitation of the right to proof by illegality, unlawfulness broad theory of evidence, the American theories of fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions that were adopted by Brazilian in ordinary legislation, as well as its applicability in other countries. Thus, from these subsidies, we aim to build a structure to allow the definition of the interpretation of section LVI, Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, as a rule by the \"theory of principles\" whose reform has fully followed the adoption of the broad theory of unlawfulness of evidence and fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions. Finally, this consolidation of concepts is the basis for analysis of the decisions´ Courts when referring to fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions, coming to the conclusion that there is a deficit and misguided interpretation of American roots concepts.
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Rysslands maritima doktrin 2001 – En strategisk korpral? / Russian Maritime Doctrine 2001 – A strategic Corporal?Hallgren, John January 2010 (has links)
<p>Rysslands doktrinella hierarki fungerar utan arenaspecifika doktriner. Det finns ett övergripande säkerhetsstrategiskt dokument, direkt underställt detta dokument finns den militära doktrinen. Ändå utformades 2001 en maritim doktrin som skall behandla det maritima läget och rysslands ekonomiska intressen på haven fram till år 2020. Varför denna doktrin utformades kan ha sitt svar i Rysslands ökade maritima intresse i och kring ryskt havsterritorium, men det kan även vara ett sätt att visa sina officiella ställningstaganden, intressen och intentioner öppet för världssamfundet. 2010 publicerades ett nytt säkerhetsstrategiskt dokument och samma år offentliggjordes även den nya militäradoktrinen. Det utformades i samma veva även en strategisk Arktisk doktrin som tillkännagav Rysslands intentioner och intressen i denna nya och oexploaterade region som tack vare jordens förhöjda medeltemperatur de senare åren har öppnat upp nya områden. Många nationer har blivit intresserade av detta nya område, bland annat USA, Kanada, Danmark och Norge. Detta har i sin tur skapat en grogrund, för tvister om gränsdragningar och om vem som har rätten till resursextraheringen i området. Det som detta arbete kommer att avhandla är, vad den äldre ryska maritima doktrinen har haft för inverkan påde senare utvecklade doktrinerna. Vad finns det för skillnader, likheter och vilka punkter har höjts till en merbeslutad nivå? Utifrån dessa kriterier kommer sedermera en estimering, om vad dessa variabler kan ha förinverkan, på ryska marinstridskrafters uppträdande i Arktis regionen i ett framtidsperspektiv.</p> / <p>Russian doctrine on set hierarchy works without specific arena doctrines. There is a comprehensive security strategy document, and as a direct subordinate to this document is the military doctrine. Yet in the year of 2001 a maritime doctrine was developed to deal with the maritime situation and Russia's economic interests in the seas until 2020. Why this doctrine was designed might have its answer in Russia's increased interest in maritime and Russian waters around the territory, but it can also be a way to show their official positions, interests and intentions open to the world community. In 2010 Russia published a new security strategy document, and the same year the new military doctrine was presented to the public. A strategic doctrine was also produced that announced Russia’s Arctic intentions and interests in this new and undeveloped region. That thanks to the earth's average temperature incensement in recent years has opened up new areas. Many nations are now interested in this new area, including the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway. This has created a dispute about the boundaries and who have the right to excavate the resources in the area. What this paper will discuss, is how the older Russian maritime doctrine has influenced the later developed doctrines. What are the differences, similarities, and what points have been raised to amore decision-making level? The based off these criteria will subsequently result, in an estimation of what impact these variables could have, on the Russian naval forces behaviour in the Arctic region ina future perspective.</p>
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Rysslands maritima doktrin 2001 – En strategisk korpral? / Russian Maritime Doctrine 2001 – A strategic Corporal?Hallgren, John January 2010 (has links)
Rysslands doktrinella hierarki fungerar utan arenaspecifika doktriner. Det finns ett övergripande säkerhetsstrategiskt dokument, direkt underställt detta dokument finns den militära doktrinen. Ändå utformades 2001 en maritim doktrin som skall behandla det maritima läget och rysslands ekonomiska intressen på haven fram till år 2020. Varför denna doktrin utformades kan ha sitt svar i Rysslands ökade maritima intresse i och kring ryskt havsterritorium, men det kan även vara ett sätt att visa sina officiella ställningstaganden, intressen och intentioner öppet för världssamfundet. 2010 publicerades ett nytt säkerhetsstrategiskt dokument och samma år offentliggjordes även den nya militäradoktrinen. Det utformades i samma veva även en strategisk Arktisk doktrin som tillkännagav Rysslands intentioner och intressen i denna nya och oexploaterade region som tack vare jordens förhöjda medeltemperatur de senare åren har öppnat upp nya områden. Många nationer har blivit intresserade av detta nya område, bland annat USA, Kanada, Danmark och Norge. Detta har i sin tur skapat en grogrund, för tvister om gränsdragningar och om vem som har rätten till resursextraheringen i området. Det som detta arbete kommer att avhandla är, vad den äldre ryska maritima doktrinen har haft för inverkan påde senare utvecklade doktrinerna. Vad finns det för skillnader, likheter och vilka punkter har höjts till en merbeslutad nivå? Utifrån dessa kriterier kommer sedermera en estimering, om vad dessa variabler kan ha förinverkan, på ryska marinstridskrafters uppträdande i Arktis regionen i ett framtidsperspektiv. / Russian doctrine on set hierarchy works without specific arena doctrines. There is a comprehensive security strategy document, and as a direct subordinate to this document is the military doctrine. Yet in the year of 2001 a maritime doctrine was developed to deal with the maritime situation and Russia's economic interests in the seas until 2020. Why this doctrine was designed might have its answer in Russia's increased interest in maritime and Russian waters around the territory, but it can also be a way to show their official positions, interests and intentions open to the world community. In 2010 Russia published a new security strategy document, and the same year the new military doctrine was presented to the public. A strategic doctrine was also produced that announced Russia’s Arctic intentions and interests in this new and undeveloped region. That thanks to the earth's average temperature incensement in recent years has opened up new areas. Many nations are now interested in this new area, including the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway. This has created a dispute about the boundaries and who have the right to excavate the resources in the area. What this paper will discuss, is how the older Russian maritime doctrine has influenced the later developed doctrines. What are the differences, similarities, and what points have been raised to amore decision-making level? The based off these criteria will subsequently result, in an estimation of what impact these variables could have, on the Russian naval forces behaviour in the Arctic region ina future perspective.
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Críticas às exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação no processo penal brasileiro e análise de jurisprudência após a reforma da lei 11.690/08 / Criticism of the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process and cases law analysis after law reform 11.690/08.Fabiano Yuji Takayanagi 25 July 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar as exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação incorporadas no processo penal brasileiro pela Lei 11.690/08, especificamente no artigo 157 e seus parágrafos. A inovação dada pela Reforma trouxe mudanças significativas e benéficas, porém, ao mesmo tempo, em determinados pontos, apresentou confusa redação a ponto de se questionar sua constitucionalidade. Para tanto, o caminho neste estudo escolhido perpassa pelo conhecimento da importância das provas no processo penal, a limitação do direito à prova pela ilicitude, a teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova, as teorias estadunidenses das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação que foram adotadas pelo legislador infraconstitucional brasileiro, bem como a comprovação de aplicabilidade em outros países. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se construir uma estruturação para melhor possibilitar a definição da interpretação do inciso LVI, artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal, como regra pela teoria dos princípios, cuja Reforma seguiu plenamente na adoção da teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova e das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação. Por fim, essa consolidação de conceitos serve de base para análise das decisões dos Tribunais quando se referem às exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação, chegando-se à conclusão de que existe uma interpretação deficitária e diversa da raiz estadunidense. / The present work analyze the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process incorporated by Law 11.690/08, specifically in article 157 and its paragraphs. The innovation given by the Reformation brought significant and beneficial changes, but at the same time, at certain points, the confusing writing presented allows us to question its constitutionality. For that, the path chosen in this study moves through the evidence importance knowledge in criminal proceedings, the limitation of the right to proof by illegality, unlawfulness broad theory of evidence, the American theories of fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions that were adopted by Brazilian in ordinary legislation, as well as its applicability in other countries. Thus, from these subsidies, we aim to build a structure to allow the definition of the interpretation of section LVI, Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, as a rule by the \"theory of principles\" whose reform has fully followed the adoption of the broad theory of unlawfulness of evidence and fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions. Finally, this consolidation of concepts is the basis for analysis of the decisions´ Courts when referring to fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions, coming to the conclusion that there is a deficit and misguided interpretation of American roots concepts.
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God's shining forth : a trinitarian theology of divine lightHay, Andrew R. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis seeks an orderly set of theological reflections on the declaration that “God is light” (1 Jn. 1:5). Such talk of divine light, this study argues, must begin with the doctrine of God, namely, with God's light in se and his “shining forth” ad extra towards creatures in the darkness of sin and death. This work therefore follows a precise pathway in expounding this theme. Chapter 1 offers a brief survey of the historical and scriptural uses of the concept of light in order to fix its linguistic and conceptual boundaries. Chapter 2 seeks to reflect upon God's light as the light of his own radiant triune identity, as well as offering a preliminary examination of God's economic, covenantal shining forth to creatures. Chapter 3 gives a much more detailed rehearsal of this act of shining forth by an account of God's light as manifest in the economy of his works with which he lovingly elects, reconciles, and illuminates creatures. Chapter 4 proposes that with the treatment of God's shining forth there belongs a treatment of the light of the church called out of darkness, gathered into the “marvelous light” of God, and set to proclaiming the “excellencies” of God. Chapter 5 concludes this study by examining what bearing the reality of God's shining forth as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit might have on the work and call of theology as an activity of the 'illumined mind'.
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Temptress, virgin and whore : icons of sexuality - a comparative investigation of the religious significance of the figures Eve, the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalen in the work of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones and George Frederick WattsBullough, Kathryn Mary January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Realignment of United States Forces in the Pacific why the U.S. should pursue force sustainment training in the Republic of the PhilippinesCohn, Stephen C. 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis will argue that the United States should attempt to increase its access to training opportunities in the Republic of the Philippines. In 2003, the Pentagon outlined plans which called for the realignment and transformation of U.S. forces across the globe. The planned realignment of U.S. forces in Northeast Asia necessitates access to new training areas in Southeast Asia. This thesis will identify why the United States should focus its efforts in the Philippines by identifying: 1) why U.S.-Philippine political and military relations have warmed over the past 15 years, as well as what both countries hope to gain from this positive trend; 2) how the expansion of existing, and establishment of new training opportunities in the Philippines will enhance U.S. force capabilities while also fostering the development of the AFP into a more capable, professional armed force; and 3) ways to mitigate possible fears of an increased U.S. presence in the area by focusing on the benefits which will arise from it. Ultimately, U.S. access to training area in the Philippines will add stability both to the Philippines and Southeast Asia as a whole, while simultaneously aiding in the Global War on Terror. / US Marine Corps (USMC) author.
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La difficulté de définir le commencement dans la Logique de HegelAllard, Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est constitué d’une analyse du texte intitulé « Quel doit être le point de départ de la science ? » situé en ouverture de la Science de la logique. Partant de l’affirmation de Hegel selon laquelle le commencement de la Logique est inanalysable et indéfinissable, nous rapprochons la notion de définition de celle de spekulativer Satz et proposons d’étudier le concept de commencement en distinguant une perspective épistémologique d’une perspective ontologique. Cette distinction permettra de mettre en évidence la possibilité de définir le commencement d’une façon positive si l’on tient compte du choix (Entschluss) et de l’ordre qui émergent de l’abandon de la perspective épistémologique. Cette définition s’appuie sur la présence dans le texte d’un registre prescriptif et permet de rendre compte du fait que le commencement doit être à la fois absolu et unilatéral. Si la difficulté posée par cette définition demeure, c’est en raison de la nature même du commencement, où tout manque, même la stabilité d’une définition, sans pour autant que cette instabilité ne soit conforme au mouvement inhérent à la proposition spéculative. / In this thesis, we offer a reading of one of the Science of Logic’s opening sections, called “With what should the beginning of science be made?”, in which Hegel maintains that the beginning of the Logic cannot be analyzed nor defined. Hence, we connect the definition with the spekulativer Satz and propose to distinguish between epistemological and ontological perspectives on the notion of beginning to allow for its proper study. Taking into account the rejection of an epistemological perspective on the beginning, this will show that a positive definition of the beginning is acceptable if the notions of choice (Entschluss) and order that lay beneath the notions of criteria and presupposition are put forward. Such a definition grounds itself in the prescriptive dimension of Hegel’s text and explains why the beginning can be both absolute and one-sided. The difficulty of such a definition, however, remains, due to the very nature of the concept of beginning. Indeed, since the beginning lacks all properties, it also lacks the stability of a definition.
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La critique fichtéenne du dogmatisme dans l'essai d'une nouvelle présentation de la doctrine de la science (1797-1798) : cinq arguments antidogmatiquesKhoury, Xavier January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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