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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pluralismus als Strukturprinzip im Rundfunk : Anforderungen aus dem Funktionsauftrag und Regelungen zur Sicherung in Deutschland und Polen /

Ritlewski, Kristoff M. January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Universiẗat, Diss., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. xix-xl).

La césure interprétative entre le juge et la doctrine à la lumière de l’expérience constitutionnelle française : proposition pour une rénovation conceptuelle / The interpretative distinction between judge and doctrine in light of the french constitutional experience

Noël, Johanna 06 December 2017 (has links)
Les discours du juge et de la doctrine sont traditionnellement représentés, depuis Kelsen, par l’image d’une césure interprétative. Celle-ci signifie qu’il y aurait deux sphères interprétatives : celle de l’interprétation normative émise par le juge et celle de l’interprétation descriptive prononcée par la doctrine. En proposant un réexamen, au croisement de la théorie du droit et du droit constitutionnel, cette recherche invite à déterminer la césure interprétative, puis à la dépasser. Le phénomène constitutionnel français semble en renforcer l’essence : la brièveté des décisions de justice, l’absence de rapporteur public et la place incertaine des professeurs de droit au Conseil constitutionnel favorisent la fracture entre les mondes de la cognition et de la normativité. Cette thèse cherche à démontrer que la césure apparaît désormais déstabilisée par une nouvelle définition de la normativité juridique. Cette déstabilisation de la césure permet de réfléchir à son dépassement à travers une rénovation de la justice constitutionnelle et la consécration d’une normativité doctrinale ; un nouveau concept émerge, celui de « pending law ». Une requalification voit le jour et aboutit à la communauté des interprètes du droit. Cette représentation alternative doit être réinvestie afin de comprendre l’existence d'un dialogue entre le juge et la doctrine, mais aussi la nature dialogique du discours juridique / Since Hans Kelsen, the discourse between judge and doctrine is usually depicted as subject to a scission between these two actors. There should thus be two interpretative spheres out of which the interpretation issued by the judge and the interpretation issued by the doctrine. The aim of the current thesis, present at the junction between the “theorie du droit” and the french constitutional law, is to redefine this interpretative scission and to even go beyond by proposing new sets of rules to explore it. The french constitutional experience enables strengthening the reality of this scission. Short motivations in court decisions, absence of “rapporteur public” and uncertainty of the impact of the constitutional law professors in the french constitutional Council are factors disclosing the existence of this previously mentioned scission between cognition and normativity. However the determination of this scission is impacted as well by a new definition of the legal normativity, being the reason of our willingness in this thesis to go beyond the initial apparent distinction, to propose a redrafting of the constitutional justice structure and to propose the introduction of a new concept, the “pending law”. The above mentioned redrafting and our new concept proposal aim at re-qualifying this scission into a community of jurists which their actor are belonging to notwithstanding their conscience to be part of it. Furthermore, this thesis reflects the existence of the discussion between the judge and the french doctrine but as well the real nature of this discussion


Perpétuo, Rodrigo January 2018 (has links)
In the past, copyrighted works were distributed exclusively through physical means, while copyright law developed to bestow copyright holder a privilege to decide when and under what circumstances a work should be put into circulation. The first sale doctrine, however, limited that ability in so far as, once a product is sold, copyright owners can no longer control the flow of that particular product, benefiting consumers and society in several ways. Today, as distribution is increasingly shifting into digital, the application of the first sale doctrine is challenged. This work provides for an analysis of the first sale doctrine under EU law and the ECJ case law in matters of digital exhaustion. It is shown that many of the benefits of first sale stem from traditional understandings of what means to own a physical copy and when it comes to the digital environment, the first sale doctrine seems to be undermined, and so do its benefits. It is argued that there is still some room for exhaustion, despite the lack of clarity of the wording of the InfoSoc Directive and Software Directive and the absence from the ECJ to provide for a final interpretation. Further to the analysis, it is shown that the promotion of a right to access and a right to transfer digital copies is still possible, even though they may not be the right answer to the issue of exhaustion in a digital economy by virtue of how market has developed and consumers response to it.

Des partages d'ascendants aux libéralités-partages : Approche historique des articles 1075 et suivants du Code civil / A peculiar way of estate distribution : History of the articles 1075 s. of the French Civil Code

Creteau, Elodie 12 December 2015 (has links)
Les partages des articles 1075 et suivants du Code civil permettent à un disposant de réaliser par anticipation le partage de sa succession entre ses héritiers présomptifs. Cette faculté, durant les deux siècles qui ont suivi la codification, était réservée aux seuls ascendants au profit de leurs descendants et ce n’est que par la loi du 23 juin 2006 qu’elle a été étendue en dehors de la ligne directe descendante. Cette ouverture résulte d’une évolution progressive de cet acte, réalisée tout au long du XXe siècle pour répondre aux blocages nés des interprétations divergentesdéveloppées au cours du XIXe siècle. Le caractère hybride des partages d’ascendants qui se trouvent au confluent des successions et des libéralités est une donnée établie. Tout comme une médaille est constituée d’un avers et d’un revers, les partages d’ascendants sont constitués d’un élément répartiteur et d’un élément attributif. La réunion indissociable de ces deux éléments confère aux partages des articles 1075 et suivants leur identité. Or, pour indissociables et constitutifs qu’ils soient, les deux côtés ne sont jamais perçus simultanément. Tout l’intérêt d’une approche historique des articles 1075 et suivants consiste à mettre en lumière la façon dont la médaille s’est retournée : comment l’élément attributif s’est développé jusqu’à devenir l’avers, la face principale. / The estate distribution established by the articles 1075 s. of the civil code enables a disposer to anticipate the distribution of his inheritance between the heirs apparent. During the next two centuries which followed the codification, this ability was reserved to the only ascendants in favor of their descendants. The law of the 23rd June 2006 had the effect that it was no longer limited to the direct descending line. This opening was the result of a progressive evolution of the act, which was established all along the twentieth century in order to respond to the blockings arising from the different interpretations developed during the nineteenth century. The hybridity of the ascendants’ estate distribution, situated at the confluence of inheritance and liberalities, is an established fact. As well as a medal has an obverse and reverse side, the ascendants’ estate distribution consists of a distributive element and an attributive element. The inseparable union of these two elements gives the estate distribution established by the article 1075 s. its identity. As inseparable and constituent the obverse and reverse side might be, they are yet never perceived simultaneously, even though the reverse side is generally described by its relation with the obverse: It is the opposite of the one presented as the principal, it is the supporting side of the second listing. All the interest in a historical approach to the articles 1075 s. consist of bringing to light the way the distributive element evolved into becoming the obverse of our institution leading to a notable change of the nature of these estate distributions which nevertheless remain dual acts.

La résistance conservatrice à l'individualisme juridique : conception du droit privé et activité législative entre 1789 et 1830 / The Conservative resistance to juridical individualism : civil conception and legislative activity (1789 and 1830)

Narran, Marion 12 December 2016 (has links)
La Révolution est un phénomène politique attaché à bouleverser en priorité l’ordre de l’exercice de puissance publique. Les acteurs de la Révolution, tout comme leurs adversaires, comprennent rapidement que le destin de la société et celui de la Révolution sont étroitement liés à la transformation radicale du droit privé. La première résistance à l’individualisme juridique est venue des défenseurs de l’ordre traditionnel, parmi ces députés désignés par leurs adversaires sous les noms de « parti aristocrate », avant que les grandes figures de la Contre-Révolution telles que Louis de Bonald ou Joseph de Maistre poursuivent, par d’importantes publications, le combat idéologique. Sous le Consulat, le Code civil de 1804 est au cœur des enjeux soulevés par le mouvement de contestation de l’individualisme juridique. Code de « transaction » selon le mot de Portalis, il fait droit à nombre d’aspirations anti-individualistes, sous l’influence des quatre membres de la commission de rédaction. Pourtant, il n’en ménage pas moins des concessions à la législation révolutionnaire, ce qui continue de nourrir une opposition contre-révolutionnaire. La Restauration de la monarchie permet de poursuivre cette genèse du courant anti-individualiste, puisque les débats concernant le droit privé sont nombreux, notamment en matière familiale. La puissance paternelle, l’abrogation du divorce, les successions et les majorats, ainsi que le projet de remettre la religion au centre de la société, sont une préoccupation majeure pour les ultraroyalistes qui désirent « renouer la chaîne des temps ». Le parti ultraroyaliste, d’abord hostile à la Charte de 1814, use habilement des Chambres pour promouvoir une réaction cette fois intégrale contre l’individualisme juridique de la Révolution. / The French Revolution of 1789 is a political phenomenon focused on upsetting the order of priority in the exercise of public powers. The actors of the Revolution and their opponents alike were quick to understand that the destiny of society and that of the Revolution were closely linked to the radical transformation of private law. Resistance to legal individualism first came from defenders of traditional order, among those members referred to by their opponents as the “aristocratic party”, before such great figures of the Counter-Revolution as Louis de Bonald and Joseph de Maistre continued the ideological combat threw major writings. Under the Consulat, the French Civil Code of 1804 was at the heart of the issues raised by the movement against legal individualism. As a Code of “Transaction”, as Portalis put it, it acceded to many anti-individualistic aspirations, under the influence of the four members of the drafting committee. Yet the fact remains that the Code allowed for concessions to revolutionary legislation, which continued to fuel opposition to the Revolution. The Restoration of the monarchy made it possible to amplify the scope of the anti-individualistic movement, as there were a lot of discussions on private law, especially on the subject of the family. Paternal power, abrogation of divorce, inheritance and primogeniture were major concerns for the ultra-royalists party, who was also planning to make religion central to society again, in an attempt to “reconnect with the chain of times”. The ultra-royalist party, initially hostile to the Charter of 1814, skillfully used the parliamentary Chambers to promote a full reaction against the Revolution’s legal individualism.

Interprétation critique du rôle des idées et des représentations dans la construction d'une philosophie de la stratégie française en Afrique / Critical interpretation of ideas and representations in construction of french strategic philosophy in Africa

Durand de Sanctis, Julien 29 November 2016 (has links)
L’histoire politique et militaire française en Afrique s’inscrit au sein d’une longue tradition qui, depuis l’époque coloniale, a conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre de doctrines et de pratiques stratégiques rarement questionnées et analysées de manière approfondie. Alors même que l’Afrique est le théâtre d’une présence militaire régulière et continue de la France, les conditions philosophiques d’une stratégie française sur le continent restent encore à décrire. D’un autre côté, la théorie de la stratégie a longtemps mis de côté le rôle des idées et des représentations dans la constitution de ses propres savoirs. En tant que philosophie de l’action et philosophie politique, la stratégie entretient pourtant des rapports épistémologiques constants avec toute une série d’idées, d’opinions, de croyances ou encore de normes qui irriguent et influencent, de manière plus ou moins avouée son orientation. Le but de la présente étude consiste donc à proposer une interprétation philosophique de l’évolution des idées militaires françaises en Afrique en déterminant les conditions structurantes fondamentales qui façonnent les différentes doctrines et pratiques stratégiques mises en œuvre depuis l’époque coloniale jusqu’à nos jours. / French political and military history in Africa is part of a great tradition which, since the colonial era, has led to production and implementation of doctrines and strategic practices rarely interrogated and deeply analyzed. Even though Africa is exposed to a settled and permanent french military presence, the philosophical conditions of a french strategy on the continent remains undescribed. From another side, theory of strategy has forgotten for a long time representations and ideas in the construction of its own knowledge. As a political and action theory, strategy keep constant relations with all kinds of ideas, opinions, beliefs and norms which have influenced its orientations. The purpose of this study is to offer a philosophical interpretation of the evolution of french military ideas in Africa to identify the structural conditions that shape the several doctrines and strategic practices which has been elaborated since the colonial era.

La régulation préventive des marchés : étude comparative des systèmes juridiques d'Amérique du Sud et des systèmes français et anglo-américain en matière de régulation / No English title available

Bertolin, Aline 06 July 2015 (has links)
La régulation, en tant qu'intervention normative de l'État sur la concurrence et les secteurs économiques où l'intérêt général est en cause, s'appuie, de par son essence juridique, sur les deux bras du droit, la fonction préventive et la fonction répressive de la loi. Cette essence, nonobstant, en raison d'un usage multi­sémantique et galvaudé du terme régulation, que ce soit au sein d'ordres juridiques différents ou dans des milieux scientifiques divers, devient un objet incertain de l'analyse juridico-scientifique. À partir du moment où, pourtant, nous nous permettons de concevoir la problématique juridique de la notion de régulation comme une dichotomie opposant deux types de normes au sein des systèmes de droit, soit les nonnes performatives, d'un côté, et les normes opérationnelles de la régulation, de l'autre, nous pouvons discerner, de ce fait, un plan normatif opposé à un plan opérationnel du droit de la régulation. Découlant des normes positives fondamentales, et encadrant la notion de régulation par ses principes, ses objectifs et ses biens ou intérêts juridiquement protégés, et plus précisément créant des responsabilités, ou salien, au plan opérationnel du droit, non seulement pour les entreprises et les citoyens, mais pour l'État et ses autorités, le plan normatif de la régulation met en cause d'autres notions fondamentales partagées par d'autres sciences, comme celle d'intérêt général. Cette approche multi-systémique de la régulation par son plan normatif n'exclut pas, au contraire, elle nous incite à mettre en opposition la régulation à son autre plan ou aspect, celui de norme opérationnelle des droits intrinsèquement dépendante de ses institutions, de ses procédés, de sa portée et de sa compétence, à partir du raisonnement inductif que la notion implique. Les systèmes juridiques propres aux économies émergentes d'Amérique du Sud - l'Argentine, le Brésil et le Chili -, grâce à leur qualité de systèmes hybrides, amalgamant des influences diverses, et plus singulièrement l'influence anglo-américaine et française, dans leur droit administratif unique, font émerger un droit de la régulation innovateur qui a survécu à ce que certains juristes et chercheurs ont appelé les « greffes juridiques », lors de la Réforme de la régulation. Par leur qualité, ils représentent ainsi un cas très instructif pour les études transdisciplinaires du droit et développement qui cherchent à définir la régulation depuis sa dimension essentielle : la prévention des méfaits économiques et l'opérationnalisation des droits économiques fondamentaux. / Regulation, as a State or government normative intervention over markets, from general competlt10n, to specific social and economic sectors, has, due to its essence, two arms, preventive and repressive. Such function, due to the multi-semantic use of the term in different legal systems and in diverse scientific milieus, is, nevertheless, a very pliable objet for legal analysis. As we conceive the regulation legal semantic problematic as a dichotomy opposing two types of norms within legal systems: normative or performative norms vs substantive or operational norms, we can distinguish, notwithstanding, amidst this amalgam called regulation, superior regulatory norms, or fundamental positive regulatory law, forming the canvas for the regulatory system, i.e., its principles, its goals, and its "protected interests", but most importantly, creating obligations, or salien, not only to firms and citizens, but to regulators and to States, based on the nature and interest of the object regulated. This approach also makes it possible to envisage operational regulatory norms, or proceduralizing regulation, for regulatory law also is also defined by its own institutions, its procedures, its enforcement, its scope and jurisdiction, thus its substance, from an inductive reasoning. Legal systems concerning emerging economies of South America, more precisely, Argentina, Chile and Brazil, owing a great deal to their quality of hybrid systems, mixing American and French influence in their unique Administrative law order, were successful not only in surviving, but thriving, from what some scholars call legal transplants, performed during the Regulatory Reform. In this quality, they are a very informative case for transdisciplinary studies in Law and Development aiming to define regulation for its main feature: prevention and operationalization of economic fundamental rights.

Toward a traditioning model of doctrine: doctrine as narrative in the making

Kim, Sang Il 28 February 2024 (has links)
Please note: creative writing works are permanently embargoed in OpenBU. No public access is forecasted for these. To request private access, please click on the lock icon and fill out the appropriate web form. / Doctrine in Christian theology is often regarded as rigid, absolute, and irrelevant to the lived stories of people in contemporary society. In this project, I engage the traditioning model of Christian religious education to re-envision doctrine as narrative in the making, by which I mean the ongoing, changing process of constructing narratives as people encounter God, other people, and the rest of creation. Doctrines and other traditions are not inflexible, unchangeable sets of propositional beliefs, but reflective narratives of human experiences of God and God’s creation over time, as passed on, received, critiqued, and reshaped by the Christian community. Mary Elizabeth Moore’s traditioning model of Christian religious education provides spacious room to construe Christian doctrine as an ongoing narrative of divine-human-nature relationships. Building on the traditioning model, the first chapter introduces the whole project with the main arguments, context, and significance of the research, methodology, and primary concepts. The following chapter begins with exploring the dynamics of narrative teaching, especially as it pertains to narrative in the making and the significance of encounter as a practice in that process. The chapter engages three features of narrative in the making, which are imagination, identity, and practice, culminating in my description of the four practices of narrative teaching: sharing, reflecting on, critiquing and revising, and re-narrating stories. Chapter Three conceptualizes doctrine in the traditioning process as narrative in the making, for doctrine carries its past heritage while changing in the face of changing realities. The chapter analyzes doctrinal challenges: critiquing postliberal traditions; building on Willie Jennings’s critique of José de Acosta’s rigid approach to doctrine in service of colonialism; developing a theology of doctrine as narrative in the making; and exploring the possibilities of Kazoh Kitamori’s contextualized theology in relation to the pain of God. Chapter Four exemplifies the traditioning of a particular doctrine—the doctrine of justification by grace through faith—by drawing upon Paul and the early Galatian Christian community, Martin Luther, and Elsa Tamez. Chapter Five engages the process of the emerging postcolonial doctrine of justification by focusing on teaching and learning in community with God and others, as embodied in the four practices of narrative teaching. The last chapter outlines possibilities for future research. / 2999-01-01

Från Brezjnev till nutidarealiteter: Rysslandsmilitära doktriner : Historiskt arv och nutida geopolitiskautmaningar / From Brezhnev to contemporary realities: Russia’s military doctrines : Historical legacy and contemporary geopolitical challenges

Häggblom, Cassandra January 2024 (has links)
This research paper provides a comparative analysis between the current Military Doctrines ofthe Russian Federation and the Brezhnev Doctrine from the Cold War era. By examining thesetwo historical and geopolitical contexts, the study aims to shed light on the theoretical continuityor discontinuity in Russia’s military strategy and its relationship to global geopolitics. Throughidentifying and analyzing similarities and differences between these doctrines, the papercontributes to a deeper understanding of Russian foreign policy continuity and change over time,as well as its ongoing efforts to secure national interests and territorial integrity. The studyutilizes a qualitative text analysis approach to explore how Soviet and Russian foreign policy hasbeen shaped by various factors such as national interests, security challenges, and ideologicalconsiderations. By applying the theoretical perspectives of realism and constructivism, theresearch delves into the complexities of Russia’s military strategy and its significance in today’sgeopolitical landscape.

Críticas às exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação no processo penal brasileiro e análise de jurisprudência após a reforma da lei 11.690/08 / Criticism of the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process and cases law analysis after law reform 11.690/08.

Takayanagi, Fabiano Yuji 25 July 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar as exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação incorporadas no processo penal brasileiro pela Lei 11.690/08, especificamente no artigo 157 e seus parágrafos. A inovação dada pela Reforma trouxe mudanças significativas e benéficas, porém, ao mesmo tempo, em determinados pontos, apresentou confusa redação a ponto de se questionar sua constitucionalidade. Para tanto, o caminho neste estudo escolhido perpassa pelo conhecimento da importância das provas no processo penal, a limitação do direito à prova pela ilicitude, a teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova, as teorias estadunidenses das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação que foram adotadas pelo legislador infraconstitucional brasileiro, bem como a comprovação de aplicabilidade em outros países. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se construir uma estruturação para melhor possibilitar a definição da interpretação do inciso LVI, artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal, como regra pela teoria dos princípios, cuja Reforma seguiu plenamente na adoção da teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova e das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação. Por fim, essa consolidação de conceitos serve de base para análise das decisões dos Tribunais quando se referem às exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação, chegando-se à conclusão de que existe uma interpretação deficitária e diversa da raiz estadunidense. / The present work analyze the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process incorporated by Law 11.690/08, specifically in article 157 and its paragraphs. The innovation given by the Reformation brought significant and beneficial changes, but at the same time, at certain points, the confusing writing presented allows us to question its constitutionality. For that, the path chosen in this study moves through the evidence importance knowledge in criminal proceedings, the limitation of the right to proof by illegality, unlawfulness broad theory of evidence, the American theories of fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions that were adopted by Brazilian in ordinary legislation, as well as its applicability in other countries. Thus, from these subsidies, we aim to build a structure to allow the definition of the interpretation of section LVI, Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, as a rule by the \"theory of principles\" whose reform has fully followed the adoption of the broad theory of unlawfulness of evidence and fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions. Finally, this consolidation of concepts is the basis for analysis of the decisions´ Courts when referring to fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions, coming to the conclusion that there is a deficit and misguided interpretation of American roots concepts.

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