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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Το ζήτημα της αξιολόγησης στην εικαστική αγωγή της Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης : Παράμετροι συμβατότητας και διερεύνηση της ελληνικής πραγματικότητας

Κεσιμίδη, Γεωργία 27 May 2014 (has links)
Σκοπό της παρούσας μελέτης αποτελεί η διερεύνηση του ζητήματος της Αξιολόγησης στην Εικαστική Αγωγή της Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, επιδιώκεται, μέσα από την επισκόπηση της σχετικής βιβλιογραφίας, η διαμόρφωση μιας εικόνας ως προς τις παραμέτρους που προκύπτουν για το πεδίο αυτό από τη συζήτηση του επιστημονικού συγκείμενου σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο και ως προς το λόγο της επίσημης ελληνικής εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής, καθώς και η συγκριτική θεώρηση τους, φωτίζοντας τις τυχόν συνέχειες ή/και ασυνέχειες. Προκειμένου για την παρουσίαση και ανάλυση των δεδομένων, πραγματοποιήθηκε η οργάνωση των παραπάνω απόψεων και θέσεων σε δύο αντίστοιχα πλαίσια, ως προς τους εξής άξονες: τους φορείς υλοποίησης, τις μεθόδους και τις τεχνικές, τα αντικείμενα και τη στοχοθεσία της αξιολόγησης. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης, παρά τη σύγκλιση που φαίνεται να υπάρχει μεταξύ των δύο πλαισίων ως προς τις γενικές αρχές της αξιολόγησης, στο πλαίσιο της επίσημης ελληνικής εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής παρατηρούνται ουσιαστικές ασυνέχειες, καθώς η δόμηση του έχει βασιστεί ως επί το πλείστον στις γενικές κατευθυντήριες αρχές, που έχουν δοθεί σε κρατικό επίπεδο για την αξιολόγηση στη πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση γενικότερα, ανεξαρτήτως γνωστικού αντικειμένου. Ειδικότερα, δε προχωρά στην ανάπτυξη διακριτών μέτρων και αξιολογικών μεθόδων που να συμβαδίζουν με τις διαδικασίες που υπεισέρχονται στο ιδιαίτερο πεδίο των προγραμμάτων εικαστικής αγωγής, δε λαμβάνει υπόψη στο καθορισμό των κριτηρίων αξιολόγησης τις ανάγκες των τοπικών σχολικών περιοχών και τη συμμετοχή όλων των μετόχων της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας και εστιάζει σχεδόν αποκλειστικά στην αξιολόγηση της γνωστικής ανάπτυξης του μαθητή, χωρίς να δίνεται η απαιτούμενη προσοχή στην ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση των μεταγνωστικών και αναστοχαστικών δεξιοτήτων και στρατηγικών μάθησης των παιδιών. Ως εκ τούτου, από τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα προκύπτει ένας εύλογος προβληματισμός ως προς το «κατά πόσο» και «πώς» αξιοποιούνται οι κατευθύνσεις αυτές από τους εκπαιδευτικούς στην εκπαιδευτική πράξη των προγραμμάτων εικαστικής αγωγής / The rational of this current thesis concerns the study of the assessment issue in primary visual art classroom. More precisely, the objective through a focused inquiry of visual art assessment literature is to form an image with regard to the parameters resulting from the consideration of the scientific context at national and international level and the official Greek educational policy, as well as their comparative consideration, enlightening consensus and disagreement. The presentation and analysis of the data were formed by organizing the fore mentioned viewpoints and stances in two frameworks respectively, according to the following criteria: carriers of materialization, methods and techniques, objects and setting the purposes of assessment. The results, despite the agreement that seems to arise between the two frameworks with regard to the philosophical base of the assessment, indicated essential disagreements in the framework of the official Greek educational policy, due to the fact that its construction is mostly based on the In brief, it does not lead to the development and the construction of separate and distinct assessment measures and methods to be used that concur with the procedures inserted in the field of the visual art programs, it does not take into consideration, as far as the setting of assessment criteria is concerned, the local school needs and the participation of all the stakeholders of the educational procedure and it exclusively focuses on the assessment of the cognitive development of the student without paying the required attention to the development and assessment of metacognitive and self-reflective skills of children’s learning strategies. All in all, we can safely infer a logical question of “how much” and “in what way” the most of these guidelines are made by teachers for practical implementation in visual art classes.

Congressional Debates Over Prisoner Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Yates, Mark Timothy 12 August 2009 (has links)
The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country. The causes for the large number of prisoners can be traced, in part, to a politicized war on crime that resulted in harsh sentencing and high recidivism rates. Prisoner education provides the potential for slowing the revolving door of prison by helping to create engaged citizens, who are committed to bettering themselves and their communities. However, there is a paucity of support for programs such as Pell Grants, which could facilitate emancipatory education in prisons. The purpose of this work is to examine why prisoners are provided few meaningful educational opportunities while incarcerated. This study seeks to understand the genealogy of prisoner education policy through an examination of the debate surrounding the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill and its prohibition of Pell Grants for prisoners, as well as the 2008 Second Chance Act and its reentry programs. The study analyzes the ideological underpinnings of key decision makers and how their values are often embedded in the narratives of neoliberalism. In addition, the work examines elite stakeholders’ discursive attempts, both manifest and subtle, to influence and maintain social policy through the creation of legitimizing myths, including the viewpoints that prisoners are hopelessly flawed or that they have potential only as human capital. Counter-hegemonic discourse is also described. The study methods are critical discourse analysis which looks at the ways text and talk maintain inequities in society and critical policy analysis. Utilizing transcripts from legislative debates, the study analyzes the discourses of members of Congress to expose the tropes that often lie beneath the surface of the debate over prisoner education. Their rhetoric appears to generate and maintain widespread support for legislation that is frequently deleterious to marginalized out-groups. The study should add to the literature examining the role of legitimizing myths that maintain inequities in educational access.

Sex, sexual, and gender differences in Canadian K-12 schools: Theoretical and empirical perspectives on identity, policy, and practice

Wells, Kristopher Unknown Date
No description available.

Some Structural Changes in Educational Enrolment and Attainment Levels within the Female Population of South Africa (2004-2007).

Ramaipato, Nkutloeleng Mary Corda. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate patterns in educational enrollment and attainment in educational levels among women in South Africa. Some evidence from the literature suggest a slow increase in women&rsquo / s education and employment opportunities in South Africa. However, little is known about the way in which this slow pattern reflects at all levels and fields of education with special reference to the female population in South Africa. The thesis aims at examining changes of attainment in women&rsquo / s education from a sociodemographic perspective between 2004 and 2007. Factors affecting women&rsquo / s education in South Africa are also considered as they play major roles in women&rsquo / s enrollment and completion at school. The study focuses on women through different social and demographic attributes, by taking account of variables such as age, education attainment, geographic areas, population group to name but a few. All educational institutions are covered and two female groups are considered, women at school and women who left school. The study makes use of already existing data from General Household Survey conducted in 2004 and 2007 respectively, to bring some comparative perspective. The scope of the study is national in that, all the nine provinces are covered making distinction of rural and urban areas.</p>

Theoretical-praxeological self-contextualization of management functions of the system of pre-primary education in the process of change of educational policy of Lithuania / Priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo funkcijų teorinis-prakseologinis kontekstualizavimasis Lietuvos švietimo politikos kaitos procesuose

Neifachas, Sergejus 29 October 2010 (has links)
The article actualizes the system of preparatory pre-school education as a subsystem of education that lacks theoretical management and administration conceptions. It is explained that due to this reason with respect to management processes of educational reform of Lithuania the system of preparatory pre-school education becomes dysfunctional and does not respond to the general trend of changes in education. The thesis discloses theoretical-praxeological bases of management of preparatory pre-school education system, which have self-contextualised in the modern policy of education of Lithuania. With this aim the author of the thesis uses post-modern instruments of social sciences and the humanities and formulates the idea about the necessity of new type managerial knowledge, while making political decisions regarding managerial strategies of preparatory pre-school education and other subsystems of education. Based on the results of qualitative content analysis, which showed up carrying out the analysis of the most important documents on education of modern post-reform period of Lithuania, the following is concluded: to manage preparatory pre-school education system both general and special managerial principles, which are suitable for management of localized subsystems of education in policy change processes, can be applied. The thesis proves that the management of preparatory pre-school education system must be perceived through the paradigms of systemic change of its... [to full text] / Disertacijoje aktualizuojama priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema, kaip švietimo grandis, stokojanti vadybos ir valdymo teorinių koncepcijų. Aiškinama, jog dėl šios priežasties Lietuvos švietimo reformos valdymo procesuose priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema tampa disfunkcine ir neatliepia bendrajai švietimo kaitos krypčiai. Disertacijoje atskleidžiami priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo teoriniai-prakseologiniai pagrindai, kurie kontekstualizavosi šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos švietimo politikoje. Tuo tikslu disertacijos autorius naudoja socialinių-humanitarinių mokslų postmodernistinį instrumentarijų ir formuluoja idėją apie naujo pobūdžio vadybinių žinių būtinumą, priimant politinius sprendimus dėl priešmokyklinio ugdymo ir kitų švietimo posistemių valdymo strategijų. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo rezultatais, kurie išryškėjo atliekant svarbiausių Lietuvos šiuolaikinio poreforminio laikotarpio švietimo dokumentų analizę, formuluojama išvada: priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemai valdyti galima taikyti tiek bendruosius, tiek specialiuosius vadybinius principus, tinkančius lokalizuotų švietimo sistemos grandžių valdymui politikos kaitos procesuose. Disertacijoje įrodoma, kad priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymą būtina suvokti per jos funkcijų sisteminės kaitos paradigmas, orientuojantis į societarinį, sisteminį, institucinį, interpersonalinį bei intrapersonalinį lygmenis, jų tarpusavio sinerginius ryšius, priešmokyklinio ugdymo kaip posistemės bei švietimo sistemos kaitą.

Rethinking adult and vocational education: hauling in from maritime domain.

Emad, Gholam Reza 06 May 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the nature of learning and knowing in adult formal vocational education and training. In a two-year period, I attended a training institute in western Canada and collected data from a variety of courses that were designed for practitioners to initiate a career or promote their rank in maritime industries. My research consists of four separate yet interrelated studies that, as a whole, comprise core chapters of this dissertation. I used video-mediated ethnography as my method to record and socio-cultural and situated perspectives as my primary framework to analyze and better understand my research data, participants’ interactions, and the learning and knowing possibilities in the course of the activities. In my first study, I looked at the assessment system for certification, a major impediment and contradiction that prevents the current vocational education system from reaching its objectives. I analyzed how current practices adversely affect the performance of the system and how it can be improved. In the second study, I examined and addressed the shortcomings of vocational education policies. I proposed a conceptual framework for policy analysis and design that affords the reduction or elimination of the current impediments in the implementation processes. In the third study, I developed the concept of quasi-community as a theoretical framework for theorizing the learning and teaching of adult practitioners in formal educational settings. I theorized learning as the membership and co-participation in a quasi-community developed by its members. The aim of a quasi-community is to create an interactive environment for the participants to share their expertise and utilize cultural resources in order to provide opportunities for collective activities and collaborative learning. In my final study, I focused on a new phenomenon in workplaces, namely the introduction of technology and the demand it created for change in educational systems. Based on the concept of quasi-community, I proposed a distinct pedagogical method for adult technology education. This dissertation provides empirical evidence that the conceptual framework of quasi-community allows for the creation of effective pedagogies that provide authentic learning opportunities for adult learners to develop vocational and technological competencies required in their workplaces. / Graduate

Sex, sexual, and gender differences in Canadian K-12 schools: Theoretical and empirical perspectives on identity, policy, and practice

Wells, Kristopher 06 1900 (has links)
The research in this dissertation develops a multiperspective theoretical framework, which I describe as queer criticality, to guide the examination of discursive practices, educational policies, and public discourses that undergird heteronormativity and disproportionately impact the personal safety and professional wellbeing of sexual minority and gender variant (SMGV) teachers and students in Canadian K-12 schools. Queer criticality, as a theoretical construct, seeks to bring together and investigate aspects of critical theory, critical pedagogy, poststructuralism, and queer theory. My aim is not to attempt to reconcile these competing theories to produce a grand narrative or proscriptive way of theorizing; rather, I investigate the productive tensions that a notion of queer criticality can prompt for self-reflexive researchers when these theoretical perspectives are placed in dynamic relationship with one another. Accordingly, this collection of interwoven essays examine critically how research has positioned SMGV youth as both victims and, more recently, resilient survivors who experience a daily onslaught of homophobic, transphobic, and heterosexist violence in their schools, classrooms, and communities; it also explores interpretative frameworks and mobilization strategies used to politicize or privatize SMGV identities and concerns through educational policy and practice; and it utilizes empirical research to interrogate the lived effects of these heteronormative discourses and discursive practices on sexual minority teachers working for inclusive educational and social change; and transsexual teachers searching for a valued space and place for recognition of their personal and professional identities in their public schools. Ultimately, through these connected essays, this poststructural assemblage seeks to open up spaces for difference to be exposed and interrogated within K-12 public schools. It also works to help provide discursive materiality to sexual minority and gender variant identities by demonstrating how heteronormalizing discourses impact and shape the lived experiences of all teachers and students in Canadian schools. Ultimately, this research asks whose lives are deemed intelligible and, thus, liveable in our public schools. / Theoretical, Cultural, and International Studies in Education

The tensions facing a board of trustee model within the cultural framework of kura kaupapa Maaori : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Social Policy at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Stokes, Kanewa January 2003 (has links)
This study originated from personal experience, as a member of a Board of Trustee (BOT) within Kura Kaupapa Maaori (KKM). The workload required for Kura compliance with government regulation and legislation, was phenomenal. The BOT model seemed to be structured on a corporate model of governance with accountability to the Ministry of Education. This contradicted with the needs of Kura whaanau to be involved in Kura decisionmaking. The BOT model unintentionally created a separation and tension between whaanau and BOT members. This research set out to explore the BOT model of governance within our Kura, from a cultural perspective, rather, than researching problems identified by ERa. The research undertook a review of the literature that placed the BOT model within the 1984 -1990 Economic Reforms. It highlighted the impact of past government policies, and administration, on the Maaori language and culture to illuminate the cultural, economic, political and social context of the establishment of Kura Kaupapa Maaori and the doctrine of Te Aho Matua (TAM). The BOT model, and KKM/TAM, are founded on differing values. The study was approached from a Kaupapa Maaori perspective; not wishing to reaffirm the negative stigma of past research undertaken of Maaori. The objectives of the study were to gain an understanding of whaanau cultural capacity, perceptions and understanding of KKM and TAM; and also, whaanau understanding of the BOT model. The research design consisted of a case study. This involved a questionnaire to all whaanau; and in-depth discussions with a sample of twelve whaanau. Appropriate ethical considerations were given to the process, which addressed both academic and cultural needs. Findings clearly identify the structure, and nature of the BOT model, being problematic within the cultural framework of a KKM underpinned by Te Aho Matua. The values and principles between the model and TAM fundamentally conflict. Findings also identify key factors, that both government and Kura whaanau can utilise, in advancing whaanau governance.

The tensions facing a board of trustee model within the cultural framework of kura kaupapa Maaori : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Social Policy at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Stokes, Kanewa January 2003 (has links)
This study originated from personal experience, as a member of a Board of Trustee (BOT) within Kura Kaupapa Maaori (KKM). The workload required for Kura compliance with government regulation and legislation, was phenomenal. The BOT model seemed to be structured on a corporate model of governance with accountability to the Ministry of Education. This contradicted with the needs of Kura whaanau to be involved in Kura decisionmaking. The BOT model unintentionally created a separation and tension between whaanau and BOT members. This research set out to explore the BOT model of governance within our Kura, from a cultural perspective, rather, than researching problems identified by ERa. The research undertook a review of the literature that placed the BOT model within the 1984 -1990 Economic Reforms. It highlighted the impact of past government policies, and administration, on the Maaori language and culture to illuminate the cultural, economic, political and social context of the establishment of Kura Kaupapa Maaori and the doctrine of Te Aho Matua (TAM). The BOT model, and KKM/TAM, are founded on differing values. The study was approached from a Kaupapa Maaori perspective; not wishing to reaffirm the negative stigma of past research undertaken of Maaori. The objectives of the study were to gain an understanding of whaanau cultural capacity, perceptions and understanding of KKM and TAM; and also, whaanau understanding of the BOT model. The research design consisted of a case study. This involved a questionnaire to all whaanau; and in-depth discussions with a sample of twelve whaanau. Appropriate ethical considerations were given to the process, which addressed both academic and cultural needs. Findings clearly identify the structure, and nature of the BOT model, being problematic within the cultural framework of a KKM underpinned by Te Aho Matua. The values and principles between the model and TAM fundamentally conflict. Findings also identify key factors, that both government and Kura whaanau can utilise, in advancing whaanau governance.

The tensions facing a board of trustee model within the cultural framework of kura kaupapa Maaori : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Social Policy at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Stokes, Kanewa January 2003 (has links)
This study originated from personal experience, as a member of a Board of Trustee (BOT) within Kura Kaupapa Maaori (KKM). The workload required for Kura compliance with government regulation and legislation, was phenomenal. The BOT model seemed to be structured on a corporate model of governance with accountability to the Ministry of Education. This contradicted with the needs of Kura whaanau to be involved in Kura decisionmaking. The BOT model unintentionally created a separation and tension between whaanau and BOT members. This research set out to explore the BOT model of governance within our Kura, from a cultural perspective, rather, than researching problems identified by ERa. The research undertook a review of the literature that placed the BOT model within the 1984 -1990 Economic Reforms. It highlighted the impact of past government policies, and administration, on the Maaori language and culture to illuminate the cultural, economic, political and social context of the establishment of Kura Kaupapa Maaori and the doctrine of Te Aho Matua (TAM). The BOT model, and KKM/TAM, are founded on differing values. The study was approached from a Kaupapa Maaori perspective; not wishing to reaffirm the negative stigma of past research undertaken of Maaori. The objectives of the study were to gain an understanding of whaanau cultural capacity, perceptions and understanding of KKM and TAM; and also, whaanau understanding of the BOT model. The research design consisted of a case study. This involved a questionnaire to all whaanau; and in-depth discussions with a sample of twelve whaanau. Appropriate ethical considerations were given to the process, which addressed both academic and cultural needs. Findings clearly identify the structure, and nature of the BOT model, being problematic within the cultural framework of a KKM underpinned by Te Aho Matua. The values and principles between the model and TAM fundamentally conflict. Findings also identify key factors, that both government and Kura whaanau can utilise, in advancing whaanau governance.

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