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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memory and metamemory in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

Howard, Charlotte Emma January 2009 (has links)
It is well established that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) commonly report memory difficulties. The aim of this thesis was to use a novel approach adopting Nelson & Narens' (1990) theoretical framework to investigate whether metacognitive knowledge and memory performance were differentially disrupted in patients with TLE. More specifically, investigating to what extent poor memory in TLE could result from inadequate metamemory monitoring, inadequate metamemory control or both. Experiment I employed a combined Judgement-of-Learning and Feeling-of-Knowing task to investigate whether participants could monitor their memory successfully at both the item-by-item and global levels. The results revealed a dissociation between memory and metamemory in TLE patients. TLE patients presented with a clear episodic memory deficit compared with controls yet preserved metamemory abilities. Experiments 2 and 3 explored the sensitivity approach to examine metacognitive processes that operate during encoding in TLE patients and controls. Both these experiments demonstrated that TLE patients were sensitive to monitoring and control processes at encoding. The final experiment further investigated memory performance by examining the role of lateralisation of the seizure focus using material specific information and the 'Remember-Know' paradigm. The findings from the verbal task provided partial support to the material-specific hypothesis. The results from these experiments are discussed in terms of their association with executive functioning and memory deficits in TLE, and have important implications for future research examining memory and metamemory in TLE patients and other clinical populations.

Patienters upplevelse av trygghet i vården : vad skapar trygghet? / Patients’ perception of safety in care : what create safety?

Hansson, Peter, Madenvik, Natalie January 2016 (has links)
Background: When an individual is cared for in a hospital, which is a new and unknown environment, this can create feelings of uncertainty and insecurity for some. Insecurity can lead to a feeling of pressure and makes the caring more difficult. This can therefore worsen the recovery for the patient. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's perceived experience of safety at hospital. Method: A literature based study was done based on ten qualitative articles among men- and women at hospital. Result: The study showed that the feeling of safety could be experienced when the patient felt confirmed, the patient feels involved in their own care and when nursing staff cares for the patient. To felt safe is also found in how patients perceive their environment through the hospital's physical and social environment. The result of the articles were presented in two main themes; the meaning of the caring relationship and presence of others. Conclusion: There was several factors that contribute to the feeling of safety for the patient in hospital care. Patients’ feelings of safety can be experienced by acts such as to be confirmed by the care giving staff, the patient's opportunity to be involved and when the patient feels cared about. / Examensarbetet har för avsikt att belysa patienters upplevda erfarenhet av trygghet vid sjukhusvård. Trygghet är ett filosofiskt begrepp med olika innebörder och upplevs olika från individ till individ. Trygghet kan delas in i både inre och yttre trygghet där den inre tryggheten skapas av positiva minnen från barndomen såsom minnen från en vacker sommardag. Inre trygghet kan också skapas i vuxen ålder av positiva erfarenheter såsom bli väl bemött och omhändertagen under sjukhusvården. Yttre trygghet kan ses såsom miljön patienten har runt sig. Detta examensarbete benämner det som den sociala och fysiska miljön. Den sociala miljön skapas av närvaro av närstående, andra patienter och vårdpersonal. Den fysiska miljön handlar om hur sjukhusmiljön är utformad och påverkar den sociala miljön. Resultatet från de tio vetenskapliga artiklarna inkluderade i examensarbetet visar att upplevelse av trygghet är associerad med upplevelsen av vårdrelationen och relationen till andra signifikanta personer. Det framkommer att upplevelse av trygghet påverkas av graden av delaktighet i vården, relationen till personalen och närstående samt den fysiska vårdmiljön.

As razões do coração: um estudo sobre a centralidade do coração em Pascal / The reasons of the heart: a study on the centrality of the heart in Pascal

Moraes, Fábio Cristiano de 30 June 2016 (has links)
O conjunto de textos e fragmentos que compõem a obra de Blaise Pascal e também uma parte da tradição interpretativa deixam entender que há no pensamento deste filósofo certas cisões radicais. Assim, frequentemente, chega-se à conclusão de que, em maior ou menor grau, a filosofia de Pascal é fragmentada e descontínua. Por uma obra fragmentada ou descontínua, não entendemos aqui o inacabamento dos textos ou a estrutura em aforismos ou pequenas digressões aparentemente independentes (de fato presentes em Pascal), mas aquela obra a que falte um elemento comum entre os textos, a que falte o mínimo de continuidade temática e conexão argumentativa, ou seja, uma obra que careça de um solo mínimo para a leitura do conjunto de seus textos. Embora alguns temas em Pascal notadamente a doutrina das três ordens evoquem uma espécie de cisão, isso não nos parece ser verdade quando tomamos seu pensamento na totalidade. Não é claro que o pensamento de Pascal careça totalmente de organização interna. Com efeito, ao lermos com mais atenção a obra pascaliana, tomamos consciência da originalidade e importância que tem, em seus escritos, o conceito de coração, entendido como a faculdade do sentimento. O que pensamos é que, embora não torne a filosofia do nosso autor um sistema fechado (à maneira cartesiana, por exemplo), o conceito de coração, na medida em que é definido pela capacidade de sentir seja aos princípios, seja a Deus , é capital na obra de Blaise Pascal e por isso nos oferece uma chave de leitura para entendermos os textos pascalianos em seu conjunto. Da ciência à teologia, passando pelo desejo de ser feliz e o divertimento, o conceito de coração cumpre papel central na filosofia de Pascal. / The set of texts and fragments that make up the work of Blaise Pascal and also a part of the interpretative tradition lead to understand that there is in the thought of this philosopher certain radical decisions. So, often, one comes to the conclusion that, to a greater or lesser extent, the philosophy of Pascal is fragmented and discontinuous. For a fragmented or discontinuous work, we do not understand here incompleteness of the text or structure in aphorisms or small seemingly unrelated digressions (actually present in Pascal), but that work that lacks a common element between the texts, that lacks the minimum thematic continuity and argumentative connection, that is, a work that lacks a minimum ground for reading the set of their texts. Although some issues in Pascal - notably the doctrine of the three orders - evoke a kind of rupture, it does not seem to be true when we take his thoughts in full. It is not clear that the thought of Pascal totally lacks internal organization. Indeed, when we read with more attention Pascals work, we become aware of the originality and importance of, in his writings, the concept of \"heart\", understood as the faculty of feeling. What we think is that, though it doesnt make the philosophy of our author a closed system (in cartesian manner, for example), the concept of the heart, to the extent that is defined by the ability to feel - wether the principles, or God - is capital in the work of Blaise Pascal and therefore offers us a reading key to understand pascalian texts as a whole. From science to theology, through the desire to be happy and diversion, the concept of heart plays a central role in Pascal\'s philosophy.

Elaboration et normalisation d'un test clinique visant à évaluer les troubles émotionnels / Development and standardization of a clinical test to assess emotional disorders

Gros, Auriane 04 December 2015 (has links)
Les émotions sont toutes différentes et différemment perçues par chacun de nous. A une certaine intensité il est indispensable de les réguler car elles peuvent perturber notre corps, nos pensées, et nos actes. Ainsi, si le ressenti est indispensable à notre équilibre personnel, la régulation de ce dernier l’est également. Mais certaines pathologies peuvent léser ce réseau émotionnel basé sur l’interaction entre ressenti et régulation. Actuellement l’évaluation des émotions repose majoritairement sur nos capacités à les reconnaitre ou à les exprimer. Et, même si les capacités de régulation émotionnelle sont de plus en plus sources d’intérêt, elles sont actuellement mesurées hors contexte émotionnel et par le biais d’échelles auto-rapportées, ce qui comporte un certain nombre de biais. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’élaborer, de standardiser, et d’étalonner un test basé sur une tâche d’estimation temporelle permettant d’évaluer le ressenti émotionnel et la régulation de ce dernier au moment où l’émotion a lieu. Notre but est de fournir au clinicien un outil de mesure des émotions afin de mettre en évidence la présence de certains troubles actuellement non évalués. Nous espérons qu’une mise en évidence de ces troubles permettra par la suite une réflexion sur les possibilités de prise en charge, et par conséquent, une amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de troubles de ce type. / Emotions are all different, and the emotional experience varies from one person to another. It is essential to regulate our emotions because, at certain intensities, they can disrupt our body, our thoughts and our actions. Thus, emotion regulation is as essential to our personal balance as emotional experience. But certain diseases can damage the emotional network, and disrupt the interaction between emotional experience and emotion regulation. Currently the assessment of emotions is mainly based on tasks testing our ability to recognize or express them. And, even if emotion regulation capabilities are increasingly a matter of interest, they are currently measured outside any emotional context and through self-report scales, which have a number of biases. The objective of this thesis is to develop, standardize and validate a test based on a time estimation task to assess the emotional experience and emotion regulation when the emotion occurs. Our goal is to provide clinicians with a new tool to measure emotions, in order to ascertain, therefore improving the quality of life of patients suffering from these disorders the presence of certain disorders which are currently not evaluated by existing tests. We hope that highlighting the presence of these disorders will help to work on the possibilities of care and support.

Taiwan¡¦s ¡§Swing¡¨ Voters¡GA Case Study of 2008 Presidential Election.

Chang, Pei-Chi 28 March 2011 (has links)

A Study of Cheng Wen-cho's Tz'u Poetry

Chao, Kuo-Jung 23 July 2002 (has links)

Det vårdande mötet när döden närmar sig

Granlund, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Att vårda en patient i livets slutskede innebär att bekanta sig med känslomässiga situationer som ofta påverkar sjuksköterskans omvårdnadshandling exempelvis effektiv symtomlindring. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelse av det vårdande mötet med patienten i samband med palliativ vård. Metod: Metoden var en litteraturstudie med kvalitativa ansatser. Sex vetenskapliga artiklar samlade in och användes som analysmaterial av denna studie. Innehållanalysen inspirerad av Graneheim och Ludman (2003) användes för att analysera insamlade data. Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskan upplever tillfredställelse och välbefinnande om hon lyckas med att tillgodose patientens behov exempelvis smärta. Effektiv smärtlindring upplevdes som meningsfull och det innebar att hon hade betytt något för patienten och dess närstående. Däremot upplevdes hon stress, frustration, maktlöshet och konflikt när hennes omvårdnadshandling inte mött patientens behov. Samverkan mellan arbetsteamen och stöd från kollegor upplevdes som viktigt i den palliativa vården. Sjuksköterskan höll distans för att kunna hjälpa patienten. Slutsatsen: Sjuksköterskan behöver kunskap om smärtlindring samt kunskap om palliativ vård för att effektivt lindra patientens smärta. För att tillgodose patientens behov i sin helhet behöver hon tillräcklig med tid och frihet att själv planerar sitt arbete. Samarbetet med andra vårdteam och kollegornas stöd måste stärkas och ha ett gemensamt mål: patientens välbefinnande då kan sjuksköterskan uppleva välbefinnande.

Beliefs about difficult feelings

Amin, M. January 2012 (has links)
Section A provides a review of the emotional and experiential avoidance literature with a focus on determining the proximal psychological factors that might lead individuals to avoid experiencing feelings. This section highlights the importance of beliefs, judgements and appraisals about the acceptability of negative emotions, as well as fears about the physical, psychological and social consequences of tolerating internal distress as potential drivers of emotional avoidance. Section B describes the development of a new scale to identify and measure beliefs about experiencing difficult emotions. The paper gives a background and rationale for the study and outlines the methodology that was utilised to construct and psychometrically evaluate the Beliefs about Difficult Feelings Scale (BDFS). 304 participants completed the scale online along with related measures. The six clusters of beliefs that emerged from a factor analysis of 90 pilot items include Catastrophic Beliefs, Emotions are Useful, Negative Evaluation from Others, Emotions are Exhausting/Frustrating, Emotions are Transient and Emotions are Pointless. The psychometric properties of the final 29-item BDFS are promising. The new measure demonstrated good internal consistency, test-retest reliability and construct validity, however further psychometric evaluation is needed on new samples to verify these preliminary findings

Regulation of emotions in individuals experiencing psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

Urbanek, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Despite the long history of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), relatively little is known about the mechanisms that cause and maintain this condition. Emerging research evidence suggests that patients with PNES might have difficulties in regulating their emotions. However, much remains to be learned about the nature of these difficulties and the emotional responses of individuals with PNES. The present study aimed to gain a detailed understanding of emotion regulation processes in patients with PNES, by examining differences between PNES patients and a healthy control group with regards to intensity of emotional reactions, understanding of one’s emotional experience, beliefs about emotions and control of emotional expression. A cross-sectional design was used to compare the PNES group (n=56) and the healthy control group (n=88) on a range of self-report measures. Participants with a diagnosis of PNES reported significantly poorer understanding of their emotions, more negative beliefs about emotions and more control of emotional expression than participants in the control group. Whilst intensity of emotions did not discriminate between the groups, poor understanding and negative beliefs about emotions were found to be significant predictors of PNES, even after controlling for age, education level and emotional distress. Furthermore, the presence of some emotion regulation difficulties was associated with self reported seizure severity. This study provides some evidence supporting emotion regulation difficulties in PNES population, particularly with regards to poor understanding of emotions and negative beliefs about feelings. These findings need to be replicated in future research before definite conclusions can be drawn. The need for tailored psychological therapies addressing specific emotion regulation difficulties is highlighted.

Sexuella trakasserier inom vårdyrket i norra Sverige : Emotioner och känslor i relation till trakasserier

Tjärnström, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
Resultat från tidigare studier inom sexuella trakasserier hos sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor visar på emotionella konsekvenser som påverkar individen som blir utsatt och även organisationen denne verkar inom. Denna C-uppsats är en av de första kvalitativa studier, som inriktat sig på offrets känslomässiga upplevelser från och under trakasserier, som genomförts i Sverige. Denna studie utökar den tidigare förståelsen av vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen i situationen och hur personerna hanterar känslor efter att ha blivit trakasserad. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka levda erfarenheter, känslor och emotioner av sexuella trakasserier hos personer i lågstatusyrken inom vården i Sverige. Följande genomfördes intervjuer med sex personer vilka arbetade som undersköterska eller vårdbiträde i en kommun i norra Sverige. Teorin grundas i huvudsak från Arlie Russel Hochschild och Allan G Johnson. Analysen visade att samtliga deltagare varit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier och detta har medfört känslor av chock, irritation, rädsla och pinsamhet. Känslorna från dessa situationer har hanterats genom att personerna byggt upp mentala skyddsbarriärer genom att vara medvetet otrevliga mot personer som har en tendens att vara trakasserande,samt att känslomässigt avtrubba sig och distansera sig från sitt arbete. I denna studie kommer sexuella trakasserier likställas med begreppet ovälkomna närmanden av sexuell natur och i avsaknaden av ett användbart samlingsbegrepp för vårdbiträden och undersköterskor kommer dessa benämnas som skötare och sköterskor.

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