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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本創作論述報告內容包含以下部分:創作緣起、相關學理探討、創作論述(包含主題、概念、內容和技巧)、作品呈現、以及結論與貢獻。共五個章節。目的乃針對本專題製作內容之相關創作背景及創作主題,做一概念性的陳述。 本專題製作之表現媒材為「純文字」創作。 主題是「告白」。 本創作之目的乃希望藉由文字的書寫,與長時間不斷思考、敘述的過程,儘可能地捕捉,並且探究個人生命的各種可能性。藉以反思個人的內在自我本質,人我之間的關係,乃至於宇宙生命的終極意義。作者從日常生活出發,從對不起眼事物的觀察,對事物不同的觀看角度開始,透過不斷地感受、沉澱,經過時間,不斷地沉思、冥想、釋放、篩選,或者經由夢境,經由實地訪查、與探勘取材的過程,最後通過實踐,接連數月不斷書寫的過程,記錄了這個時代,紀錄了做為一個人、一段時光、哪怕僅僅是一個當下的某種突如其來的生活樣貌與思想片段,也記憶了一段已然失落的曾經。 / Overall, there are five chapters covered in this statement and discussion of the creative work. They are: 1) initiation, 2) discussion of related theories, 3) discourse about the themes, concepts, contents, techniques, 4) work presentation, as well as 5) conclusion and recommendation. The objective is to construct a conceptual statement for the creative background and subject of the masterpiece. The media is a creation of pure writing. The topic is proclamation, declaration, and pronouncement. (At the end of the day, advertisement is all about making a statement, isn’t it?) This particular work of art is to, hopefully, discover and reveal various possibilities of individual human being through literature writing, continuous reflection and narration. Accordingly, we get to ponder the nature of individual inner self, the relationship between self and others, and the ultimate meaning of the universal life. Starting with his everyday life, the author observes the very obscure things from different angles. He then documented this period of time, being an individual, the snapshots of some hasty life events and passages of thoughts, as well as memorized a long-gone past. All the above has been realized via continual experiencing, serenity, contemplation, introspection, liberation, screening, dreaming, site visit, and exploring which have all been put together in the author’s persistent composition during the past few months.

Cancer du sein et sentiment de guérison : impact de l'hormonothérapie lors de l'après-cancer chez la femme ménopausée

Gallon, Élise 19 January 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche se situe dans le contexte de l'après-cancer et a pour objectif l'étude de l'hormonothérapie dans le cadre du traitement adjuvant du cancer du sein chez la femme ménopausée. Nous avons cherché à évaluer l'impact du traitement anti-hormonal sur le sentiment de guérison que la femme s'approprie pour accéder à une guérison sur le plan psychique, après le cancer du sein. Cette étude qualitative a été menée auprès de 17 femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein et étant sous hormonothérapie adjuvante actuellement. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été conduits auprès de ces sujets et complétés par un questionnaire d'auto-évaluation de la qualité de vie. Nous avons repéré trois degrés de sentiment de guérison (faible, moyen et fort) qui semblent corrélés à la qualité de vie actuelle du sujet et à son ressenti d'effets secondaires à l'hormonothérapie. Ainsi les patientes détentrices d'un faible sentiment de guérison du cancer du sein sont celles qui ressentent le plus d'effets secondaires au traitement et endurent la qualité de vie la plus détériorée. Elles semblent se sentir encore proches d'un statut de malade et le moins engagées dans un processus de guérison psychique. A l'opposé les patientes au fort sentiment de guérison ne manifestent pas d'effets secondaires au traitement ; une élaboration psychique est repérable dans leurs discours, témoin du travail de la guérison à l'œuvre chez ces sujets. Enfin, dans cette population de femmes déjà ménopausées lors du diagnostic, nous avons par ailleurs remarqué que l'hormonothérapie pouvait réactiver la période ménopausique, particulièrement chez les sujets dont l'expérience de la ménopause a été vécue difficilement. / Our research deals with the "after cancer" period and aims to study hormonotherapy within the framework of the adjuvating treatment of breast cancer on menopaused women. We tried to estimate the impact of the anti-hormonal treatment on the feeling of cure that women have to make their own, after a breast cancer, to reach a cure on the psychic plan. This qualitative study was led with 17 women who suffered from a breast cancer and are now under adjuvante hormonotherapy. The subject went through semi-directive conversations wich were complemented with a questionnaire of self-assessment of the quality of life. We defined three degrees of feeling of cure (weak, medium and strong) which seem correlated to the actual quality of life of the subjects and to their suffering regarding side effects in the hormonotherapy. So, on one hand, the patients experiencing a weak feeling of cure of a breast cancer are the ones who suffer the most from side effects during the treatment and bear the most damaged quality of life. They seem to feel like they are still patient's and don't seem to be engaged in a process of psychic cure. On the other hand, the patients who are experiencing strong feeling of cure do not show side effects of the treatment ; a psychic elaboration is noticeable in their speeches, and witness the "work of cure" these subjects are going through. Finally, among this population of women already menopaused when the diagnosis was made, we besides noticed that the hormonotherapy could reactivate the menopausic period, especially for subjects who suffered from the experience of menopause.

Sentimento de insegurança: um ensaio metapsicológico / Feeling of insecurity: a metapsychological essay

Cassas, Lucas Palaia 26 April 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo situar, metapsicologicamente, a experiência afetiva do sentimento de insegurança, que tem surgido como uma demanda clínica por pacientes que se consideram excessivamente inseguros. Esse sentimento estaria relacionado com uma falta de confiança em si mesmo e nas suas capacidades, bem como a uma baixa autoestima, levando a quadros que podem, no limite, chegar a um estado de angústia paralisante. Dessa forma, é relevante examinar o sentimento de insegurança, do ponto de vista metapsicológico, no sentido de angariar subsídios teóricos para o exercício clínico. Dado que o sentimento de insegurança não foi objeto do estudo de Freud, foi feita sua articulação com o sentimento de inferioridade e com o autossentimento (Selbstgfühl), presentes na obra deste autor, mas pouco desenvolvido por ele. Estando no campo das experiências afetivas, foi abordada a dimensão polissêmica do termo afeto na obra de Freud, um ponto de parada essencial no estudo de um sentimento sob a perspectiva deste autor, o que rendeu desdobramentos conceituais referentes aos mecanismos de operação dos afetos, bem como das diferenças funcionais entre afetos distintos. Em seguida, o Eu e o narcisismo foram investigados, na medida em que a experiência afetiva da insegurança diz respeito, necessariamente, ao Eu que não se sente seguro. O narcisismo foi examinado como um complexo afetivo de matiz amoroso, ligado ao Eu, ou seja, seu amor próprio, sendo diferenciado da experiência mais geral do autossentimento, que seria o conjunto de todos os afetos referentes ao Eu, incluindo aqueles de valência negativa, como os sentimentos de insegurança e de inferioridade. Com esses elementos, o sentimento de insegurança pôde ser lido como um afeto produzido pela percepção de estar em perigo e não ter os recursos necessários para enfrentar essa ameaça, sendo levantados três tipos de sentimentos de insegurança: a realista, referente a um perigo vindo do mundo externo; a neurótica, referente a um perigo vindo do mundo interno, em particular da perda de amor do Super-eu; e a insegurança ontológica, referente a um perigo de desintegração do próprio Eu, que seria produzido em casos de maior comprometimento das funções do aparelho psíquico / The objective of this study is to situate, metapsychologically, the affective experience of the feeling of insecurity that has emerged as a clinical demand for patients who consider themselves to be excessively insecure. This feeling would be related to a lack of confidence in oneself and their abilities, as well as to a low self-esteem, leading to cadres who may, in the limit, reach a state of paralyzing anxiety. Thus, it is relevant to examine the feeling of insecurity, from the metapsychological point of view, in order to obtain theoretical subsidies for clinical exercise. Since the feeling of insecurity was not the object of Freud\'s study, its articulation was made with the feeling of inferiority and self-feeling (Selbstgfühl), present in the work of this author, but undeveloped by him. Being in the field of affective experiences, the polysemic dimension of the term affection in the work of Freud, an essential stoppage in the study of a feeling from the perspective of this author, was approached, which yielded conceptual unfoldings referring to the mechanisms of the operation of affections, as well as functional differences between different affections. Then the ego and the narcissism were investigated, insofar as the affective experience of insecurity necessarily concerns the ego which does not feel secure. Narcissism was examined as an affective complex of a love hue, connected to the ego, that is, its self-love, being differentiated from the more general experience of self-feeling, which would be the set of all affections regarding the ego, including those of negative valence, such as feelings of insecurity and inferiority. With these elements, the feeling of insecurity could be read as an affection produced by the perception of being in danger and not having the necessary resources to face this threat, being raised three types of feelings of insecurity: the realistic one, referring to a danger coming from external world; the neurotic, referring to a danger coming from the inner world, in particular from the loss of love of the superego; and the ontological insecurity, referring to a danger of disintegration of the ego that would be produced in cases of greater impairment of the functions of the psychic apparatus

Une mise à l'écoute de la langue. L'image du chevet dans l'écriture de Julien Gracq / Being listening to the language. The idea of chevet in Julien Gracq’s writing

Duraffourg, Céline 02 April 2012 (has links)
Le chevet a été choisi comme outil pour cette étude car il représente, pour nous, l’écriture même de Julien Gracq : l’observation, la remémoration, la transmutation, toutes ces étapes non seulement comportent la notion de chevet, mais elles constituent aussi plénièrement l’écriture gracquienne. D’emblée, nous affirmons qu’il n’est pas question de traquer, même au figuré, l’individu, mais toujours de rechercher comment l’intime s’infiltre dans la langue. Car le chevet, ou plutôt l’image du chevet, symbolise à nos yeux l’intime gracquien. Cette image du chevet va se révéler plurielle, et nous guide à travers nos trois axes d’étude. Tout d’abord, l’écoute intérieure de l’écrivain laisse immédiatement affleurer une mise au chevet du monde qui se perçoit grâce à une grande acuité de perception. Cette écoute intérieure va dévoiler en outre une intense mise au chevet de soi : Gracq s’écoute, Gracq se remémore, Gracq noue finalement un pacte d’étroite intimité avec lui-même. Ce qui a tendance à exclure le lecteur. Mais celui-ci parvient pourtant à entrer en résonance avec cette langue. Enfin la mise à l’écoute de cette langue va révéler une forte permanence de l’imaginaire malgré une évolution certaine de l’écriture. / The chevet was chosen as a tool for this study because it represents for us the very writing of Gracq : observation, memory retrieval, transmutation, all these steps not only involve the concept of chevet, but they are also fully Gracq’s writing. From the outset, we say it is not to hunt the individual, but always to look how intimacy close seeps into the language. For the chevet or rather the image of the chevet symbolizes the intimate of Gracq. This image is plural and guides us through our three focal areas. First of all, listening inside the writer leaves appear the chevet of the world that is perceived with great clarity of perception. This inner listening will also reveal an intense set at the chevet of the self : Gracq listens to himself, recalls, ties a pact of close intimacy with himself. Which tends to exclude the reader but the reader nonetheless manages to resonate with the language. Finally, if we still listen to the writing, we see a strong permanence of the imaginary in spite of an evolution of writing.

ALS - bokstäverna som förändrar livet

Ekholm Regina, Johansson Zandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund:Amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) tillhör gruppen neurologiska sjukdomar. Den har ett snabbt förlopp och går inte att bota. I Sverige insjuknar 220-250 invånare varje år och 750-850 invånare beräknas ha sjukdomen idag. Medelålder är 45-75 år men kan debutera i alla åldrar. Efter sjukdomens första symtom ses en förväntad livslängd mellan två till tre år.Syfte:Att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med ALS. Metod:Denna litteraturstudie är av induktiv ansats med integrerad analys och baseras på 8 vetenskapliga artiklar som speglar människors upplevelse. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed.Resultat:I analysen identifierades två huvudkategorierAtt förlora fotfästet med underkategorierna att tappa kontrollen ochatt hamna i beroendeställning.ALS innebär en stor förändring i livet med blandade känslor som att inte kunna kontrollera sin egen kropp. Att möta problemen med underkategoriernaatt accepteraoch att möta någon med samma diagnos. Det är viktigt att försöka acceptera situationen och göra det bästa av tiden som finns kvar. Slutsats:ALS innebär både positiva och negativa upplevelser. Livet är inte längre en självklarhet och tiden blir dyrbar. Det är viktigt att som sjuksköterska ha bra kunskap om sjukdomen och vårda med livsvärlden som fokus.

Sentimentos da mulher frente ao relacionamento amoroso / Women s loving relationship feelings

Gallo, Sabrina 06 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SABRINA GALLO.pdf: 344119 bytes, checksum: 04edf509764d334101d2d2dd7ac0bcc5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-06 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / Independence and seclusion walk together for many women considered as modern women(Ferres Carneiro, 1998). With cultural, social and professional life changes, we live at a timewhen new female roles models are not yet completely defined, affecting the possibility ofchoosing a partner. Nowadays the woman s role in society is passing through transformations,established old patterns are not working anymore and new models are being defined. Suchcontingences can have consequences on physical and emotional health, making women moresensitive to stress symptoms. The feelings reveal themselves as behavioral events, attributed tothe person and determinate for the surrounding, the nomination of these feelings is a product oflearning and has a social origin.(Baum,1999) Objective is to check through the report of women,their feelings facing a love relationship and if there is some relation between the feelingidentified with stress level. For this, interviews were performed with 14 women, aged between 28 and 36 years old, without a 1-year established love relationship. The participants were submittedto Lipp s Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (LSSI) and an interview to identify their feelings in relation to love relationships in the past, present and future. The results indicate that happinesswas chosen for the majority of participant to express their feelings in relation to their past andfuture situations, suggesting that the experiences of love relationship are positives. The majorityof the group presented the feeling of sadness on the actual situation of not having a stable loverelationship, confirming that positive feelings are related to having a love relation and negativefeelings to not being involved in a love relation. It was identified that 8 of the 14 participantpresented stress diagnosis, six (42.9%) were in resistance phase, two (14.3%) in almostexhausting phase and six (42.9%) did not present a stress diagnosis. The predominant symptomspredominance was psychological varying the percentage of between 20% to 100%, indicatingthat predominantly the specimen presented stress with psychological symptoms. Women withouta stable love relationship indicate an external stress source, when identified absence of stablelove relationship as an aversive contingence. Indifference to love experiences can be interpretedas an internal stress source, no discrimination of the feelings or its denial is covering behaviorand, thus difficult to access and interpret. It was observed that participants who were on lightstress phase live and express their feelings, even their feelings of sadness. And participants whofeel or express indifference present more grave stress symptoms. These results suggest that moreresearch must be performed in this area to understand better the contingence influence onaffective women lives. / Independ?ncia e solid?o caminham junto para muitas mulheres consideradas modernas (Ferres Carneiro,1998). Com as mudan?as culturais, sociais e da vida profissional, os novos modelos do papel feminino ainda n?o est?o completamente definidos, alterando a possibilidade de escolha de um parceiro. O papel da mulher na sociedade est? passando por transforma??es: antigos padr?es estabelecidos j? n?o funcionam mais e novos modelos est?o sendo definidos. Tais conting?ncias podem trazer conseq??ncias para a sa?de f?sica e emocional da mulher, deixando-a mais sens?vel aos sintomas de stress. Os sentimentos caracterizam-se como eventos comportamentais atribu?dos ? pessoa e determinados pelo ambiente; a nomea??o de tais sentimentos ? um produto de aprendizagem e tem origem social (Baum,1999). Objetivou-se verificar atrav?s de relato de mulheres seus sentimentos diante do relacionamento amoroso e se existe certa rela??o entre os sentimentos identificados com o n?vel de stress. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas com catorze mulheres, com idade entre 28 e 36 anos, sem um relacionamento amoroso est?vel h? umano. As participantes foram submetidas ao Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp e a uma entrevista para identifica??o de seus sentimentos em rela??o ao relacionamento amoroso no passado, presente e futuro. Os resultados indicaram que o sentimento de felicidade foi escolhido pela maioria das participantes para expressar seus sentimentos em rela??o ?s situa??es do passado e do futuro, sugerindo que as experi?ncias nas rela??es amorosas s?o positivas. A maior parte do grupo apresentou o sentimento de tristeza na situa??o atual, que se caracteriza pela falta de um relacionamento amoroso est?vel, confirmando que os sentimentos positivos est?o relacionados a ter uma rela??o amorosa e os sentimentos negativos a n?o estar envolvida numa rela??o amorosa. Verificou-se que oito das catorze participantes apresentaram diagn?stico de stress, seis (42, 9%) encontravam-se na fase de resist?ncia, duas (14,3%) na fase quase exaust?o e seis (42,9%) n?o apresentaram diagn?stico de stress. A preval?ncia de sintomas foi psicol?gica, variando a porcentagem de 20% a 100%, indicando que predominantemente a amostra apresentou stress com sintomas psicol?gicos. As mulheres sem um relacionamento amoroso est?vel indicaram uma fonte externa de stress quando identificaram aus?ncia de relacionamentoamoroso est?vel como uma conting?ncia aversiva. Indiferen?a frente ?s experi?ncias amorosas pode ser interpretada como uma fonte interna de stress; n?o discrimina??o dos sentimentos ou sua nega??o s?o comportamentos encobertos e, portanto, de dif?cil acesso e interpreta??o. Observou-se que as participantes que se encontravam em fase de stress mais leve vivem e expressam seus sentimentos, mesmo que seja de tristeza. E as participantes que sentem ou expressam indiferen?a apresentam sintomas de stress mais graves. Esses resultados sugerem que sejam realizadas mais pesquisas nesta ?rea para que se possa ter uma melhor compreens?o da influ?ncia das conting?ncias na vida afetiva das mulheres.

Entre a morte, a palavra e o chão: memória, sentimento e luto nos cemitérios de São João Del Rei

Carvalho, Francisco de Assis 19 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco de Assis Carvalho.pdf: 2228129 bytes, checksum: e146ff562cf7539ccecad160df0c5142 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-19 / This work presupposes present the importance of the use of epitaphs in the cemeteries of São João Del Rei for the elaboration of mourning. Cemeteries where the epitaphs were collected reflect the romantic mentality of the eighteenth century and the imaginary in which they live. They were born from the confluence of a number of factors that cut across social, political and mental ordering, urbanization, the application of medical and hygienic discourses; consolidation of the bourgeoisie as the ruling class , the supremacy of individualism and the hegemony of the Catholic Church . Messages analyzed reveal key elements for understanding society and the relationships that develop between men facing death and mourning and memorial function have, to the extent that they convey memories and tributes to deceased. The interpretation of these messages reveals meanings and varied meanings and its method hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur .The main focus of the research are the four cemeteries of Sao Joao del Rei / Este trabalho tem como pressuposto apresentar a importância da utilização dos epitáfios nos cemitérios de São João Del Rei para a elaboração do luto. Os cemitérios em que os epitáfios foram coletados refletem a mentalidade romântica do século XVIII e o imaginário no qual estão inseridos. Eles nasceram da confluência de uma série de fatores que perpassam a ordenação social, política e mental; a urbanização, a aplicação dos discursos médicos e higiênicos; a consolidação da burguesia como classe dirigente, a supremacia do individualismo e a hegemonia da Igreja Católica. As mensagens analisadas revelam elementos fundamentais para a compreensão da sociedade e das relações que se estabelecem entre os homens diante da morte e do luto e têm função memorial, na medida em que veiculam lembranças e homenagens aos falecidos. A interpretação destas mensagens revela significados e sentidos variados e tem como método a Hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur. O foco principal da pesquisa são os quatro cemitérios de São João Del Rei

Poverty and uncertainties : Next of kin providing care for a close one with HIV in Tanzania.

Norén, Linda, Lindén, Rut January 2014 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is an important health issue worldwide, and in Tanzania the estimated amount of people living with HIV year 2012, was around 1,5 million people. Many of them are living a restricted life at home, leaving the responsibility of care to their next of kin. This leads to a big number of care providers lacking both financial and educational resources, making it difficult to provide care. The aim of this study was to investigate next of kin’s experiences of being a care provider for a relative infected with HIV/AIDS. A qualitative design with semi-structured interviews was chosen and data were analysed using the qualitative content analysis. The result showed that the majority of care providers lived in poverty and experienced a lack of resources, unabling them to give sufficient care to the patients. Many care providers were depending on the support of food, finances and practical help from organizations, neighbours and relatives. Common care providing tasks consisted of helping the patients with their personal hygiene, washing their clothes and bed sheets, cooking, cleaning and looking after the whole family. These chores limited them to attain a sustainable income, leading to a lack of financial security. The lack of security was also amplified by a lack of training in how to give good care. According to WHO, counselling must be offered to patients infected with HIV/AIDS. However, the result in this study shows the importance of including next of kin in the counselling criteria, as they are in need of advice and education in how to give care. Care providers’ commitment to the patients was particularly visible in the lives of women, who chose to put their own future plans aside for the sake of their sick close ones. As limited resources made it difficult to provide good care, more research needs to be done about the need of sustainable support to care providers in Tanzania. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

Etude de quelques formes d'expression des émotions et des sentiments dans le contexte des nouvelles formes de communication / Study of some forms of expression of emotions and feelings in the context of new forms of communication

Elouni, Najeh 19 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse met l’accent sur l’expression linguistique des sentiments et des émotions dans un corpus jusque là peu interrogé dans ce type d’études, en l’occurrence les formes de communication instantanée rendues possibles par les nouvelles technologies et qui semblent prédisposées à accueillir de nombreux marqueurs expressifs. Elle déplace le curseur des études sur l’expression linguistique de ces deux catégories affectives du système vers l’emploi, en interrogeant un corpus formé de quatre formes de communication : blogs, forums de discussion, réseau Facebook et plateforme de microblogging Twitter. Le travail ancre la réflexion au niveau cognitif en cherchant à montrer, dans une perspective dynamique, comment se construit ce type de discours dans l’interaction médiatisée. Il aborde ainsi les différentes manifestations linguistiques et extralinguistiques qui chargent ces écrits électroniques d’une dimension émotionnelle ouvrant sur une dimension interactive intense. Il permet une réflexion sur les frontières écrit / oral et sur la naissance d’un nouveau langage expressif propre aux écrits électroniques. Ce langage, résultant de l’immédiateté, la spontanéité, mais également des contraintes techniques inhérentes aux outils médiateurs, favorise une nouvelle mise en discours des émotions et des sentiments en contexte numérique et participe à la construction d’un discours hétérogène associant verbal et non verbalMots-clés : Emotions, sentiments, verbalisation, discours, CMO, contexte, interaction. / This thesis focuses on the linguistic expression of feelings and emotions in a corpus until now little questioned in this type of studies, in this case the forms of instantaneous communication made possible by a new technology and that seems predisposed to many expressive markers. It moves the cursor studies on the linguistic expression of these emotional categories of the system to employment, interviewing a corpus formed by four forms of communication: blogs, discussion forums, Facebook and Twitter. The work anchors reflection cognitively seeking to show, in a dynamic perspective, how to build this type of discourse in mediated interaction. It studies the different linguistic and extra-linguistic manifestations that load these electronic writings an emotional dimension opening on a large interactive dimension. It allows reflection on the written / oral borders and the construction of a new expressive language specific to electronic writings. This language, resulting from the immediacy, spontaneity but also the technical constraints inherent to mediators’ tools, promotes a new discourse of emotions and feelings in this digital context and participates in the construction of a heterogeneous discourse combining the verbal and the non-verbal.Keywords : emotion, feeling, verbalization, discourse, CMO, context, interaction

Understanding how self-harm functions for individuals

Tett, Holly January 2017 (has links)
The study aimed to develop a theory of the possible links between voice-hearing and self-harm. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants living in the community and in a secure forensic setting. All participants had experience of both voice-hearing and self-harm. A grounded theory of possible links was developed from participants’ accounts of their experiences. All participants described self-harm as way of coping with negative voices and of regulating painful emotions. Some described it as a response to a fear of judgement from others, as a form of control or as a means of seeking help. The results suggest that there are numerous links between voice-hearing and self-harm. Predominantly, self-harm seems to function as a way to cope with individual voice-hearing experience. Help should focus on triggers to distress and ways to cope. Training for healthcare staff could usefully be provided by service users, focusing on the importance of being non-judgemental. Future research could examine tactile and visual experiences in relation to self-harm too, clinician perspectives on the links between voice-hearing and self-harm, and service user perspectives on the emotional availability of clinicians.

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