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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bröstcancer och kvinnlig sexualitet : En litteraturstudie om hur kvinnor upplever att bröstcancer förändrar deras sexualitet och sexuella relation. / Breast cancer and female sexuality : A litterature review about how women experience that breast cancer changes their sexuality and sexual relationship.

Andersson, Anna, Gardvik, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Anledningen till att författarna gjorde denna studie var att bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste cancertyperna som drabbar kvinnor. Diagnosen innebär för de flesta kvinnor att hela eller delar av bröstet opereras bort. För många kvinnor representerar bröstet sexualitet och kvinnlighet. Syftet var att beskriva hur kvinnors sexualitet och sexuella relation förändras efter genomgången kirurgisk bröstcanceroperation och efterföljande behandling. Metoden var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie. Studien resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: (1) en förändrad kropp – en förändrad sexualitet, (2) en förändrad sexualitet – en förändrad sexuell relation, (3) emotionella förändringar i sexualiteten, samt tretton underkategorier. Resultatet visar att kvinnors sexualitet förändras både fysiskt och psykiskt. De flesta upplever en förändrad kroppsbild, minskad sexuell lust och njutning. Samlagen blir ofta smärtsamma vilket gör att många kvinnor drar sig undan sin partner. Många kvinnor upplever svårigheter i att prata om sin förändrade sexualitet med sin partner. Resultatet visar också att sjukvården ibland ger bristfällig information till kvinnor om eventuella biverkningar till följd av en bröstcanceroperation och efterföljande behandling. Då många bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor upplever sexuella problem bör sjuksköterskor ge bättre information om eventuella biverkningar av behandlingen samt uppmärksamma dessa problem mer. Sjuksköterskor bör även möjliggöra till samtal med kvinnan om hennes funderingar kring sin förändrade sexualitet.</p> / <p>The reason why the authors conducted this study was that breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. For most women the diagnosis means that the entire or parts of the breast will have to be removed. For most women the breast represents sexuality and femininity. The aim was to describe how female sexuality and sexual relationship change after breast cancer surgery and subsequent treatment. The method was a qualitative litterature review. The study resulted in three main categories: (1) a changed body – a changed sexuality, (2) a changed sexuality – a changed sexual relationship, (3) emotional changes in sexuality, and thirteen subcategories. The result shows that female sexuality changes physically as well as psychically. Most women experience changes in body image, decreased sexual desire and pleasure. Intercourse becomes painful which makes many women withdraw from their partner. Many women experience difficulties in communicating about their changed sexuality with their partner. The result also shows that sometimes health care providers give poor information to women about plausible side effects due to breast cancer surgery and subsequent treatment. Because many women with breast cancer experience sexual problems nurses should give better information about plausible side effects from the treatment and highlight these problems. Nurses should also enable conversations with women regarding their thoughts concerning their changed sexuality.</p>

Sexualní dysfunkce žen s močovou inkontinencí / Sexual dysfunctions in w omen with urinary incontinence

Pastor, Zlatko January 2013 (has links)
Aim: This study was designed to examine the influence of female urinary incontinence on development of sexual dysfunctions. By means of the questionnaire investigation we inquired how often and how the sexual behaviour and response were modified. Our goal was to determine the prevalence of coital incontinence, describe the most common sexual disorders and to find out how women deal with the urinary incontinence in a partner relationship and how such situations are resolved. Attention was given to the interests of health care professionals in this area, the quality of their communication with patients, effect and satisfaction with therapy. Research sample: The study included 106 women with urinary incontinence (aged 30-44 years and 44-59 years). Characteristics of their sexual behaviour were compared between the two age groups and in relation to assessed diagnosis. Changes in sexual behaviour were evaluated both in relation to the population group who were a part of representative research study of Czech women in 2008 and control group of 112 healthy women of comparable age. Material and methods: To describe and analyze sexual dysfunction in incontinent women, we used a modified version of sexological questionnaire from the research study of Weiss and Zverina and two international validated...

Os (Des)Caminhos das Mulheres no Teatro de Nelson Rodrigues: Uma ArticulaÃÃo Entre o Teatro e a PsicanÃlise / Womens un-ways in the theatre of Nelson Rodrigues: an articulation between theatre and psychoanalysis

Juliana Maria GirÃo Carvalho Nascimento 16 September 2011 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esta dissertaÃÃo se debruÃa sobre algumas das personagens mulheres emblemÃticas do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues, visando investigar os possÃveis caminhos ou descaminhos dessas personagens, a fim de compreender as diversas expressÃes da sexualidade feminina, bem como as fantasias e posiÃÃes subjetivas que as mulheres rodriguianas ocupam no exercÃcio dessa sexualidade e no amor. Considerando a virulÃncia do teatro rodriguiano e o poder da arte de dar expressÃo Ãs formaÃÃes do inconsciente, supomos que a dramaturgia de Nelson Rodrigues pode trazer importantes contribuiÃÃes para o avanÃo do saber psicanalÃtico sobre a sexualidade feminina. Para tanto, essa investigaÃÃo tomou como material de anÃlise as peÃas: Senhora dos Afogados, Vestido de Noiva e A Serpente. Tendo como base o referencial teÃrico da PsicanÃlise, foram fundamentais para guiar essa investigaÃÃo os conceitos freudianos de inconsciente, pulsÃo, recalque, complexo de Ãdipo, fase prÃ-edipiana, complexo de castraÃÃo, identificaÃÃo e supereu; bem como a categoria teatral da aÃÃo. A presente pesquisa foi bibliogrÃfica e buscou, na anÃlise do discurso das peÃas, ater-se Ãs sutilezas do texto rodriguiano, enquanto discurso veiculado pela palavra e pela aÃÃo. Desse modo, as mulheres do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues mostraram-se, sobretudo, arrebatadas pela paixÃo e pela voluptuosidade, em nome de um âquererâ que ultrapassa o desejo e o encontro com o objeto; âquererâ que parece se escorar tambÃm na figura da âoutra mulherâ, depositÃria de um amor ambivalente por excelÃncia. / This dissertation leans on some Nelson Rodrigues theaterâs emblematic female characters, aiming to investigate these characters ways or un-ways, in order to understand the different expressions of female sexuality, as well as the fantasies and the subjective positions that rodriguean women take on living this sexuality and love. Considering the rodriguean theaterâs virulence and the artâs power of giving expression to the unconscious creations, we suppose Nelson Rodrigues dramaturgy may carry important contributions on the psychoanalyst knowledge improvement about female sexuality. For that, this study has taken as analysis material the plays: Senhora dos Afogados(Lady of the Drowned), Vestido de Noiva (The Wedding Dress) and A Serpente (The Serpent. Based on Psychoanalysis theoretical references, Freudian concepts of unconscious, drive, repression, Oedipus complex, early Oedipus complex, castration complex, identification e superego were fundamental to guide this investigation; as well as the drama category action. The present research was bibliographic and sought, by the plays discourse analysis, to stick to the Rodrigues writing subtlety, as a sort of discourse transmitted by words and action. Thereby, Nelson Rodrigues theaterâs women showed themselves, above all, rapt by passion and voluptuousness, in name of a âwantâ that exceeds desire and the meeting with the object; âwantâ also seems to lean on the shape of âanother womanâ, depository of an ambivalent love par excellence.

Sexual Attitudes and Motivations in Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Relationships

Armstrong, Heather L. January 2014 (has links)
People engage in sex for a wide variety of reasons and these reasons can differ depending on the individual, his or her partner, and on the context of the sexual encounter. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine how sexual attraction and sexual orientation, of both self and partner, affect an individual’s reasons to engage in sex, or sexual motivation. Three studies were conducted to explore these effects from both the individual’s and the partner’s perspective. In Study 1, individual attitudes toward having casual sex, dating, and being in a committed relationship with a bisexual partner of the other gender were examined in a sample of 720 men and women. Participants reported negative attitudes toward having these relationships and more negative attitudes were reported as the commitment level of the considered relationship increased. Women also reported more negative attitudes and greater insecurity toward relationships than men. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of a comprehensive research tool, the Why Have Sex? (YSEX?) questionnaire to use in Study 3 for the study of sexual motivation were evaluated in a sample of 146 women with same-sex attraction. Overall, the reliability of this scale was excellent for casual sex motivations and motivations for sex in committed relationships with female partners. In Study 3, motivations for sex and the effects of relationship context, sexual attraction, and the gender of one’s partner were explored in a sample of 510 women including women with same-sex attraction and women with exclusively heterosexual attraction. Results of this study showed that relationship context had the largest effect on sexual motivation; physical motivations were more strongly endorsed for casual sex while emotional motivations were more strongly endorsed for sex in committed relationships. No effect of sexual attraction was reported. Further, no effect of gender of partner was reported by sexual minority women. The results of this dissertation have important implications for the study of sexual motivation, specifically as it relates to sexual attraction and orientation. Motivations for sex are likely to be affected by an individual’s attitudes and perceptions of his or her partner’s sexual orientation and associated stereotypes. In addition, the type of sexual relationship and associated level of commitment had strong, differential effects on sexual motivation. This is a novel finding as the context of the sexual relationship has not previously been considered with respect to individual motivations for sex. Henceforth, studies on sexual motivation need to be more contextualized and include more comprehensive assessments of individuals to increase the validity of findings and demonstrate the complex variation of human sexual motivation.

Differences between primary and secondaryprovoked vestibulodynia

Ågren, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Provoked vestibulodynia is a common life impacting disease. Research hasshown higher pain intensity and anxiety levels in primary (pain present since first penetrativeattempt) provoked vestibulodynia (PVD1) compared to secondary provoked vestibulodynia(PVD2) and mixed results regarding age and female sexual functioning when comparing thegroups.Aim: The aim of this study was to further investigate the differences between PVD1 andPVD2 regarding pain intensity, sexual functioning, age and anxiety levels. The secondary aimwas to analyze how PVD group, age, anxiety and pain intensity associates with sexualfunctioning.Method: A total of 57 women from the Netherlands and Sweden were recruited via socialmedia, advertisement and regional caregivers. This study was part of a larger study oncognitive behavioral group therapy for women with provoked vestibulodynia. Data wasextracted from a survey assessing intensity of pain, sexual functioning, age and anxiety levels.A t-test was used to compare the PVD1 and PVD2 groups and a multivariate regressionanalysis was used to analyze the variables association with sexual functioning.Results: No statistically significant differences were found regarding pain intensity, sexualfunctioning, age and anxiety levels between PVD1 and PVD2. Decreased sexual functioningwas significantly related to higher age and pain intensity.Conclusion: We found no significant differences between PVD1 and PVD2. Increased ageand higher pain intensity seems to associate with lower sexual functioning. Longitudinalstudies with a greater sample size are needed for further investigation.

Histórias de vida : o lazer como forma de expressar a sexualidade das mulheres com deficiência física /

Maturana, Maria Fernanda Sanchez January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Fátima Elisabeth Denari / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar histórias de vida de mulheres com deficiência física que fazem parte de um grupo social do noroeste paulista e a influência de espaços propícios ao lazer nas relações sociais e na qualidade de vida das mesmas. O Grupo é específico para encontros mensais de pessoas com deficiência física no qual trocam experiências em espaços lúdicos. A História de Vida, ao ser definida como um aporte teórico, possibilitou estabelecer um meio no qual as pessoas puderam, através do diálogo lúdico reviver fatos, experiências e acontecimentos ligados à sexualidade, identificando caminhos, olhares, prazeres e sensibilidades impressas por meio de corpos com deficiência. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas abertas (gravadas em áudio) sem roteiros preestabelecidos, com duas participantes do grupo. As entrevistas foram desenvolvidas até atingirem um ponto de saturação (esgotar os assuntos) e em seguida, transcritas para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que o Grupo e os encontros lúdicos que ele proporciona são muito relevantes nas histórias de vida das entrevistadas, nos quais, vivenciam momentos de lazer e de aprendizado por meio das experiências que trocam com os demais participantes. As entrevistadas declararam que esses encontros tornam-nas mais motivadas e confiantes diante de seus problemas sociais e sexuais advindos da deficiência, desta forma, fica explícita a importância do lazer na melhora da qualidade de vida e nas hist... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research aims to analyze the life stories of women with physical disabilities who are part of a social group in the northwest of São Paulo and the influence of spaces conducive to leisure in their social relationships and their quality of life. The Group is specific for monthly meetings of people with physical disabilities in which they exchange experiences in recreational spaces. Life History, when defined as a theoretical contribution, made it possible to establish a means in which people could, through playful dialogue, relive facts, experiences and events related to sexuality, identifying ways, looks, pleasures and sensitivities printed through bodies with disabilities. Data collection took place through open interviews (recorded in audio) without pre-established scripts, with two participants in the group. The interviews were developed until they reached a saturation point (exhausting the subjects) and then transcribed for data analysis. The results showed that the Group and the recreational meetings that it provides are very relevant in the life stories of the interviewees, in which they experience moments of leisure and learning through the experiences they exchange with the other participants. The interviewees declared that these meetings make them more motivated and confident in the face of their social and sexual problems arising from disability, thus, the importance of leisure in improving their quality of life and their life histories is explicit. / Mestre

“God’s fair land of Ireland did not hold her equal”: Disgust As an Anti-Eugenics Tool in James Joyce’s Ulysses

Belnap, Lizzie 14 June 2021 (has links)
While many modernist authors exhibited eugenicist tendencies which I While many modernist authors exhibited eugenicist tendencies which I will detail in this paper, Joyce wrote, implicitly and explicitly, against it. Joyce’s anti-eugenics aesthetic, expressed almost in passing by Stephen Dedalus in A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (1916), becomes entangled in questions of bodies and national identity in Ulysses. I intend to identify a series of moments in which disgust and bodily difference in Ulysses counter the eugenics trends in elitist modernism while simultaneously criticizing racism in Irish nationalism that, in some ways, drove the movement for Irish independence. It would be impossible to provide and exhaustive exploration of all the anti-eugenics imagery in Ulysses. this project attempts to differentiate Joyce more thoroughly from his contemporaries through readings of Gerty MacDowell and Molly Bloom. Gerty is the disabled granddaughter of a racist nationalist, and she functions as an articulation of Joyce’s search for an Ireland that rejects simplistic, narrow-minded nationalism. Molly, Ulysses’ ultimate heroine, takes ownership of her sexuality, thereby countering the eugenics project. I read both women as counter-eugenics icons who personify an anti-hegemonic ideal through their relationships with their own bodies.

Srovnávací analýza konstrukcí ženské sexuality v české odborné literatuře v letech 1986 - 2014 / A comparative analysis of female sexuality constructions in Czech professional literature within the years 1986 - 2014

Mikesková, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I focus on the comparison of the construction of female sexuality in Czech professional sexological literature within the years 1986 - 2014. My aim is to reveal, through the critical reading, stereotyped mechanisms which are behind the discourse and to conclude where there has been any shift within the construction of female sexuality and the related topics in the past years, and where, on the contrary, there are still publications with certain limits. In the analysis I work only with literature written by the specialists in sexology and I come to the conclusions only through critical discourse analysis. I observe the gender construction and deconstruct seemingly valid and unchangeable social structures. Key words: sexological literature, sexological discourse, construction of female sexuality

The Social Construction of Sexuality: Personal Meanings, Perceptions of Sexual Experience, and Females' Sexuality in Puerto Rico

Villanueva, María Isabel Martinó 06 May 1997 (has links)
A qualitative study on a sample of 12 Puerto Rican women was conducted in Puerto Rico. The purpose of this study was to explore the various ways in which sexual meanings are created, changed, and modified as the nature of social discourse and personal experience changes. The two theoretical frameworks that guided the methodology and analysis of the data were social constructionism and feminism. I assumed that sexuality is socially constructed, shaped by social, political, and economic influences, and modified throughout life. Feminist theories assisted in documenting the ways in which females' sexuality in Puerto Rico is shaped by culture and by institutions that disadvantage females and other oppressed groups by silencing their voices. The theories guided the discussion of the contradicting messages about women's sexualities and their experiences, as these women fought, conformed to, and even colluded with their oppression. Analysis of the participants' written and oral narratives produced the overarching theme of sexual meanings/scripts, along with three interrelated sub-themes: sources and nature of sexual scripts, determining experiences, and social discourses of female sexuality. Participants reported three institutional sources of sexual messages: family, religion-culture, and institutions of education. Their determining experiences follow a common thread that weaves a common story line: the life-long struggle with the incongruencies between the social constructions of female sexuality and the realities of these women's sexual experiences. Sexuality is defined as being challenged and modified through the participants' lives. Four social discourses of female sexuality emerged from the analysis of the data: source of guilt and shame, vulnerability and sexual victimization, ambivalence, and empowerment. A theory of ambivalence was developed from the data as a means to understand the participants' process of developing the paradigms for their own sexuality. / Ph. D.

Ženská sexualita a sebeurčení v románech E. Jelinek / Female sexuality and self-determination in E. Jelinek's novels

Gordova, Daria January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with women's images in the chosen novels by the Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek. The focus lies on exploring women's sexuality and identities in Die Klavierspielerin (The Piano Teacher), Lust (Lust) and Die Liebhaberinnen (Women as Lovers). As for the methodology, I draw on feminist literary criticism and gender studies, primarily Elaine Showalter's and Judith Butler's theories. The development of female protagonists is comprehended as formed through patriarchy - it will be analyzed, and the individual results will be compared in order to get to the general issue about depiction of patriarchy and toxic masculinity in Jelinek's work. Key words: feminism, gender, women's sexuality, self-determination, Elfriede Jelinek

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