Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS"" "subject:"[enn] FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS""
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Mode-3 Asymptotic Analysis Around A Crack Embedded In A Ductile Functionally Graded MaterialChandar, B Bhanu 04 1900 (has links)
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are composites with continuous material property variations. The distinct interfaces between the reinforcement and the matrix in classical composites are potential damage initiation sites. The concept of FGM aims at avoiding the material mismatch at the interfaces. Functionally graded materials originated from the need for a material that has high-toughness at very high operating temperatures that occur in rocket nozzles and aeroplane engines. One of the early applications of graded materials can be thus found in thermal barrier coatings of gas turbine blades. Recent applications of FGMs include optoelectronics, ballistic impact resistance structures, wear resistant coatings and others. Although the manufacturing and applications of FGMs are well developed the basic mechanics of failure is not well understood, which is important in developing engineering design methodologies.
Modern day design practice uses the concepts of fracture mechanics and the fracture properties of graded materials is not well understood. Most studies in the literature have assumed that the material response of the bulk functionally graded material to be elastic even though the constituents are nominally ductile. Some asymptotic analysis available in the literature have described the effect of ductility on the fracture parameters. However, these analysis are not complete in the sense that they have some undetermined constants. The present thesis aims at performing whole-field finite element (FE) simulations of a crack embedded in a ductile functionally graded material subjected to an anti-plane shear (mode-3) loading. A J2-deformation theory based power-law hardening nonlinear material response is assumed. The material property variation is assumed to be in the radial-direction (r-FGM), tangential to the crack (x-FGM), normal to the crack plane (y-FGM) and also at an arbitrary angle to the crack-plane (xy-FGM). Yet another power law described the material property variation. The competition between the indices of the hardening and material property variation is understood by performing a parametric analysis by varying both systematically. Our results indicate that the first most singular term of the asymptotic series remains unaffected. For some values of the material property variation index, the second asymptotic term is affected. The semi-closed form solutions available in the literature were unable to decipher the relative range of dominance of the first and second terms. From the present whole-field FEM analysis were able to extract this relative range of dominance. Our results indicate the range of dominance of the first term is least for FGMs when the material property variation is in the direction to the crack (x-FGM), and it is more for y-FGM.
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Spontaneous Crack Propagation In Functionally Graded MaterialsHaldar, Sandip 12 1900 (has links)
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are composites that have continuously varying material properties, which eliminate undesirable stress concentrations that might otherwise occur in layered composites. The concept of inhomogeneously varying properties is observed in nature; examples include bones, teeth, shells and timber. Modern engineering applications of FGMs include thermal barrier coatings, wear-resistant coatings, biomedical implants and MEMS devices. Syntactic foams, particle filled nano-composites are examples of inhomogeneous materials of current interest. Analyses and experiments available in the literature have focused on characterizing the inhomogeneous material modulus and density variations. Common techniques employed are nano-indentation and wave propagation studies. There are a few fracture mechanics analyses and experiments available in the literature; most of which are devoted to measuring the fracture toughness of graded materials. A few fracture analyses of graded materials are devoted to deriving asymptotic stress, strain and displacement fields around stationary and steadily growing cracks in inhomogeneous materials. Only a few studies exist that deal with understanding the effect of material property inhomogeneity on the spontaneous crack propagation. In the present thesis the effect of material property inhomogeneity on the dynamic fracture mechanics of cracks in FGMs is described. Numerical analysis of the elastodynamic initial boundary value problem is performed using a spectral scheme. Spectral scheme is a special numerical technique developed to simulate spontaneous, planar crack propagation in a variety of materials. The method is numerically efficient as it can be implemented on parallel machines with ease. The numerical scheme is versatile and can handle any state-and rate-dependent traction-separation laws (cohesive zone models) or frictional laws. Spectral scheme has successfully been used in simulating intersonic crack propagation, earthquake slip dynamics and also direct silicon wafer bonding process used in realizing 3D MEMS structures. In the present work, the spectral formulation accounts for the inhomogeneous variation in the material wave speeds in the medium. The effect of inhomogeneity on spontaneous crack propagation due to in-plane mixed-mode loading is also addressed here. A parametric study has been performed by varying the inhomogeneity length scales independently in the top and bottom half-spaces. The effect of inhomogeneity in shear wave speed on the dynamic stress intensity factors (SIFs) of a crack propagating in a quasi-steady-state along the interface between the two functionally graded half-spaces is studied. A symmetric hardening FGM offers the maximum fracture resistance, while the fracture resistance is minimum for a symmetric softening FGM. Our simulation shows that increasing the inhomogeneity in the wave speed leads to eliminate the overshoot in the dynamic stress intensity factor. The magnitude of the steady-state (long-time) SIF increases indicating an increase in the fracture resistance. The effect of the inhomogeneous wave speed on the mode-3 crack propagation characteristics is demonstrated by taking snapshots of the crack opening at a time interval. The magnitude of the crack sliding displacement is found to increase with increase in the inhomogeneity. The effect of the material property inhomogeneity on the mode-1 crack propagation is simulated to track the crack opening displacements. The inhomogeneity is assumed to be symmetric about the weak-plane. Our spectral scheme developed here for functionally graded material with exponential variation in the material properties is capable of simulating independent bimaterial combinations. When the graded material becomes progressively stiffer and denser (hardening), the crack opening displacement in reduced, indicating an increase in the fracture resistance. On the other hand, for the softening FGMs the crack opening displacement increases indicating a reduction in fracture toughness. It is noted that the cohesive fracture resistance on the weak-plane remains same in all the FGMs.
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Élaboration de revêtements γ-γ' et de systèmes barrière thermique par Spark Plasma Sintering : tenue au cyclage thermique et propriétés d’usage / One-step fabrication of durable Thermal Barrier Systems (TBC) and Pt-rich g-g' bond-coatings using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)Boidot, Mathieu 08 December 2010 (has links)
Les procédés existant pour la fabrication de sous-couches et de systèmes barrière thermique pour les aubes mobiles des turbomachines sont complexes, onéreux, et, de leur reproductibilité dépend la durée de vie de ces systèmes. Cette étude montre la faisabilité d'obtention de sous-couches γ-Ni + γ'-Ni3Al enrichies en platine et de systèmes barrière thermique complets, par l'utilisation du procédé de Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Les paramètres du procédé SPS (pression, durée, température et nombre de paliers) ont été ajustés afin de fabriquer les différents types de systèmes. Des améliorations ont été apportées à l'outillage, en vue notamment de mieux appréhender la température de la pièce lors du cycle thermique et, d'empêcher la formation de carbures. Les propriétés microstructurales des revêtements obtenus sont caractérisées et mises en relation avec les paramètres d'élaboration. De plus, les propriétés d'usage (cinétique d'oxydation, résistance au cyclage thermique et à la corrosion par les aluminosilicates fondus, CMAS, conductivité thermique) ont été évaluées. Un large domaine de composition de sous-couches a pu être exploré, notamment par l'addition, par pulvérisation cathodique, d'éléments réactifs (Hf, Y, Si) et d'autres éléments (Ag, Au, Cu) ayant un effet sur le domaine de stabilité de la phase γ'. La possibilité de réaliser des systèmes barrière thermique mono et bi-couches céramiques en une seule étape par le procédé SPS est également démontrée. Un mode d'endommagement spécifique des systèmes barrière thermique élaborés par SPS a été mis en évidence lors d'essais de cyclage thermique et interprété avec l'aide de simulations numériques par éléments finis. Les nombreuses compositions et architectures réalisées au cours de cette étude, sont un encouragement à poursuivre les améliorations apportées au procédé pour l'obtention de systèmes plus complexes et plus fiables. / Fabrication of bond coatings and thermal barrier coating systems for aircraft engine turbine blades and vanes, rely on complex and costly processes, and the lifetime of the systems highly depends on their reproducibility. This work demonstrates the feasibility of platinum rich γ-Ni + γ'-Ni3Al bond coatings and complete thermal barrier coating systems using the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) process. Processing parameters (pressure, number, temperature and duration of dwells) have been finely tuned to fabricate the different types of systems. Some necessary adjustments to the equipments have been made to prevent the specimens from pollution, and to better control the samples temperature, and are discussed. The microstructure characteristics and their relation with process parameters have been investigated. Properties such as oxidation kinetics, thermal cycling resistance and CMAS (molten aluminosilicate) corrosion are evaluated. Physical vapor deposition have been used for bond coat doping with reactive elements (Hf, Y, Si) and elements that extend the γ' phase stability domain (Au, Ag, Cu). The possibility to fabricate complete thermal barrier coating systems with a mono or a bi-ceramic top coat layer in a single step is demonstrated. SPS thermal barrier coating systems exhibit a singular spalling behavior during thermal cycling. A finite-element numerical model has been developed and allows its understanding. The versatility of the SPS process has allowed the fabrication of a large number of bond coat compositions and thermal barrier coatings architectures. There is a strong incentive in developing this process for fabricating more reliable and competitive systems.
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Sobre modelos constitutivos não lineares para materiais com gradação funcional exibindo grandes deformações: implementação numérica em formulação não linear geométrica / On nonlinear constitutive models for functionally graded materials exhibiting large strains: numerical implementation in geometrically nonlinear formulationJoão Paulo Pascon 18 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo precípuo deste estudo é a implementação computacional de modelos constitutivos elásticos e elastoplásticos para materiais com gradação funcional em regime de grandes deslocamentos e elevadas deformações. Para simular numericamente um problema estrutural, são empregados aqui elementos finitos sólidos (tetraédrico e hexaédrico) com ordem de aproximação polinomial qualquer. Grandezas da Mecânica Não Linear do Contínuo, como deformação e tensão, são utilizadas na formulação deste estudo. Para reproduzir os grandes deslocamentos, é empregada a análise não linear geométrica. A descrição adotada aqui é a Lagrangiana total, e o equilíbrio da estrutura é expresso pelo Princípio da Mínima Energia Potencial Total. Com relação à resposta elástica do material, são usadas leis constitutivas hiperelásticas, nas quais a relação tensão-deformação é obtida a partir de um potencial escalar. O comportamento elastoplástico do material é definido pela decomposição da deformação nas parcelas elástica e plástica, pelo critério de plastificação de von-Mises, pela lei de fluxo associativa, pelas condições de consistência e de complementaridade, pelo parâmetro de encruamento isotrópico e pelo tensor das tensões inversas, relacionado ao encruamento cinemático. Duas formulações elastoplásticas são utilizadas aqui: a de Green-Naghdi, na qual a deformação é decomposta de forma aditiva; e a hiperelastoplástica, em que o gradiente é decomposto de forma multiplicativa. É empregado também o conceito de material com gradação funcional (GF), a qual é definida como a variação gradual (contínua e suave) das propriedades constitutivas do material. A solução numérica do equilíbrio de forças é feita via método iterativo de Newton-Raphson. Para satisfazer o critério de plastificação, são utilizadas as estratégias de previsão elástica, e de correção plástica via algoritmos de retorno. Basicamente foram desenvolvidos cinco programas computacionais: o gerador automático das funções de forma; o gerador de malhas de elementos finitos sólidos; o código para análise de materiais em regime elástico; o código para análise de materiais em regime elastoplástico; e o programa de pós-processamento. Além desses, o aluno teve contato com os programas EPIM3D e DD3IMP ao longo de seu estágio de doutorado na Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). Os programas EPIM3D e DD3IMP são empregados para analisar, respectivamente, materiais em regime elastoplástico, e processos de conformação de metais. Para o problema da barra sob tração uniaxial uniforme, são descritas equações e soluções analíticas para materiais homogêneos e com GF em regime elastoplástico. Para reduzir o tempo de simulação, foi empregada a programação em paralelo. De acordo com os resultados das simulações numéricas, as principais conclusões são: o refinamento da malha de elementos finitos melhora a precisão dos resultados para materiais em regimes elástico e elastoplástico; as formulações elastoplásticas de Green-Naghdi e hiperelastoplástica parecem ser equivalentes para pequenas deformações; a formulação hiperelastoplástica é equivalente ao modelo mecânico dos programas EPIM3D e DD3IMP para materiais em regime de pequenas deformações elásticas; foram constatados ganhos significativos, em termos de tempo de simulação, com a paralelização dos códigos computacionais de análise estrutural; e os programas desenvolvidos são capazes de simular - com precisão - problemas complexos, como a membrana de Cook e o cilindro fino transversalmente tracionado. / The main objective of this study is the computational implementation of elastic and elastoplastic constitutive models for functionally graded materials in large deformation regime. In order to numerically simulate a structural problem, the finite elements used are solids (tetrahedric and hexahedric) of any order of approximation. Entities from Nonlinear Continnum Mechanics, as strain and stress, are used in the present formulation. To reproduce the finite displacements, the geometrically nonlinear analysis is employed. The description adopted here is the total Lagrangian, and the structural equilibrium is expressed by means of the Principal of Minimum Total Potential Energy. Regarding the elastic material response, hyperelastic constitutive laws are used, in which the stress-strain relation is obtained from a scalar potential. The elastoplastic material behavior is defined by the strain decomposition in the elastic and plastic parts, by the von-Mises yield criterion, by the associative flow law, by the consistency and complementarity conditions, by the isotropic hardening parameter, and by the backstress tensor, related to the kinematic hardening. Two elastoplastic formulations are used here: the Green-Naghdi one, in which the strain is additively decomposed; and the hyperelastoplasticiy, in which the gradient is multiplicatively decomposed. The concept of functionally graded (FG) material, in which the constitutive properties vary gradually (continuous and smoothly), is also used. The numerical solution of the forces equilibrium is obtained via Newton-Raphson iterative procedure. In order to satisfy the yield criterion, the strategies of elastic prediction and plastic correction (via return algorithms) are used. Basically, five computer codes have been developed: the automatic shape functions generator; the solid mesh generator; the code for analysis of materials in the elastic regime; the code for analysis of materials in the elastoplastic regime; and the post-processor. Besides these, the student had contact with the programs EPIM3D and DD3IMP during his doctoral stage in the University of Coimbra (Portugal). The programs EPIM3D and DD3IMP are employed to analyze, respectively, materials in the elastoplastic regime, and sheet-metal forming processes. For the problem of the bar under uniform uniaxial tension, equations and analytical solutions are described for homogeneous and FG materials. To reduce the simulation time, the parallel programming has been employed. According to the numerical simulation results, the main conclusions are: the results accuracy is improved with mesh refinement for materials in the elastic and elastoplastic regimes; the Green-Naghdi elastoplastic formulation and the hyperelastoplasticity appear to be equivalent for small strains; the hyperelastoplastic formulation is equivalent to the mechanical model of the programs EPIM3D and DD3IMP for materials the small elastic strains regime; simulation time reduction has been obtained with the parallelization of the computer codes for structural analysis; the developed programs are capable of simulating, precisely, complex problems, such as the Cook\'s membrane and the pulled thin cylinder.
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Modelo de baixa dimensão para análise das vibrações não lineares de cascas cilíndricas com gradação funcional / Low-dimensional model for nonlinear vibrations analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shellsMontes , Roger Otavio Pires 25 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2015-10-22T19:24:12Z
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Dissertação - Roger Otávio Pires Montes - 2015.pdf: 8169771 bytes, checksum: e580ffb280dfa5136f41ab38cf0aec4e (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-10-23T11:04:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Roger Otávio Pires Montes - 2015.pdf: 8169771 bytes, checksum: e580ffb280dfa5136f41ab38cf0aec4e (MD5)
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Dissertação - Roger Otávio Pires Montes - 2015.pdf: 8169771 bytes, checksum: e580ffb280dfa5136f41ab38cf0aec4e (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-25 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This master’s thesis analyses the free and forced nonlinear vibrations of a simply supported
functionally graded cylindrical shell which the material’s properties are described by gradient’s
law along the shell’s thickness. The nonlinear equations of motion are obtained using nonlinear
theories Donnell and Sanders, where the field displacements and field strain of nonlinear
Donnell’s shallow shell theory is obtained as a simplification of the nonlinear Sanders’s
formulation. The effects of the internal fluid, that is incompressible, irrotational and inviscid
and it has been described as a potential velocity to consider the fluid-structure interaction, and
the influence of a thermal field in the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the functionally graded
cylindrical shell will be investigated. It is developed a low-dimensional model, wherein the
shell of the system equilibrium equations is solved by an analytical procedure, which yields the
longitudinal and circumferential displacement field as a function of transverse displacement,
satisfying the boundary conditions problem. The determination of transverse displacement is
obtained by the perturbation techiniques, which enables the achievement of the main nonlinear
modes that should be present in the displacement fields of the functionally grade cylindrical
shell. To analyze the nonlinear free vibration, it is applied the Galerkin-Urabe method to obtain
the system of non-linear algebraic equations, and then resolved by the Newton-Raphson
method. The results show the influence of functional gradation, geometry, the effect of the
internal fluid, considering a fluid-filled shell, and the thermal action of the nonlinear free
vibrations of the shell by the frequency-amplitude relations. Finally, a parametric analysis to
study the nonlinear forced vibrations of the cylindrical shell subjected to a harmonic loading
side for some geometric relations is conducted. In this case the system of ordinary differential
equations of second order in time is obtained from the application of the Galerkin method and
integrated over time from the Runge-Kutta fourth order method. The results evaluates the
influence of the internal fluid and the thermal effects in the nonlinear oscillation of functionally
graded cylindrical shell, using the resonances’ curves, the basins’ attraction, time responses and
the phase portraits. / Nesta dissertação são analisadas as vibrações, livres e forçadas, não lineares de uma casca
cilíndrica simplesmente apoiada feita com um material com gradação funcional, que as
propriedades dos materiais constituintes são descritas por determinadas leis de gradação ao
longo da espessura. As equações não lineares de movimento são obtidas utilizando-se as teorias
não lineares de Donnell e de Sanders, sendo que os campos de deslocamentos e as deformações
referentes à teoria não linear de Donnell para cascas abatidas podem ser obtidos como uma
simplificação da formulação não linear de Sanders. Serão investigados os efeitos da presença
de um fluido interno, incompressível, não viscoso e irrotacional, sendo descrito a partir de um
potencial de velocidade, considerando a interação fluido-estrutura, além da influência de um
campo térmico no comportamento dinâmico não linear da casca cilíndrica com gradação
funcional. É desenvolvido um modelo de baixa dimensão, em que o sistema de equações de
equilíbrio da casca é resolvido através de um procedimento analítico, o qual permite obter os
campos de deslocamento axial e circunferencial em função dos deslocamentos transversais,
além de atender as condições de contorno do problema. A determinação dos deslocamentos
transversais é feita a partir do método da perturbação, o qual possibilita a obtenção dos
principais modos não lineares que devem estar presentes nos campos de deslocamentos da casca
cilíndrica. Para analisar as vibrações livres não lineares, aplica-se o método de Galerkin-Urabe
para se obter o sistema de equações algébricas não lineares, sendo, em seguida, resolvido a
partir do método de Newton-Raphson. Os resultados mostram a influência da gradação
funcional, da geometria, do efeito do fluido interno, considerando uma casca totalmente
preenchida, e da ação térmica nas vibrações livres não lineares da casca por meio das relações
frequência-amplitude. Por fim, é feita uma análise paramétrica das vibrações forçadas não
lineares da casca cilíndrica submetida a um carregamento lateral harmônico para algumas
relações geométricas. Neste caso o sistema de equações diferenciais ordinárias de segunda
ordem no tempo é obtido a partir da aplicação do método de Galerkin e integrado ao longo do
tempo a partir do método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Da mesma forma avalia-se a
influência do fluido interno e dos efeitos térmicos nas oscilações não lineares da casca cilíndrica
com gradação funcional, utilizando-se as curvas de ressonância, as bacias de atração, as
respostas no tempo e os planos fase.
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[pt] O Método Híbrido dos Elementos de Contorno foi introduzido
em 1987. Desde então, o método foi aplicado com sucesso a
diferentes tipos de problemas de elasticidade e potencial,
inclusive problemas dependentes do tempo. Esta Tese
apresenta uma tentativa para consolidar a formulação
simplificada do Método Híbrido dos Elementos de Contorno
para a análise geral da resposta dinâmica de sistemas
elásticos. Baseado em um método de superposição modal, um
conjunto acoplado de equações diferenciais de movimento de
alta ordem é transformado em um conjunto desacoplado de
equações diferenciais de segunda ordem que podem ser
integradas normalmente por meio de procedimentos
conhecidos. Este método também é uma extensão de uma
formulação introduzida por J. S. Przemieniecki, para a
análise de vibração livre de barras e elementos de viga
baseada em uma série de freqüências. O método trata
estruturas restringidas, com condições iniciais não
homogêneas dadas como valores nodais e também através de
campos prescritos no domínio, assim como forças genéricas
de massa (além de forças inerciais). Esta tese também tem
por objetivo estabelecer a consolidação conceitual da
aplicação da versão simplificada do Método Híbrido dos
Elementos de Contorno a materiais com gradação funcional.
São obtidas várias classes de soluções fundamentais para
problemas de potencial dependentes e independentes do
tempo, para a análise no domínio da freqüência combinada
com uma técnica avançada (mencionada acima) de superposição
modal baseada em séries de freqüências. Com isso, consegue-
se a utilização de integrais somente no contorno mesmo para
materiais heterogêneos. Apresenta-se um grande número de
resultados numéricos de problemas bidimensionais, para
validação dos desenvolvimentos teóricos realizados. / [en] The hybrid boundary element method was introduced in 1987.
Since then, the method has been successfully applied to
different problems of elasticity and potential, including
time-dependent problems. This thesis presents an attempt to
consolidate a formulation for the general analysis of the
dynamic response of elastic systems. Based on a mode-
superposition technique, a set of coupled, higher-order
differential equations of motion is transformed into a set
of uncoupled second order differential equations, which may
be integrated by means of standard procedures. The first
motivation for these theoretical developments is the hybrid
boundary element method, a generalization of T. H. H.
Pian`s previous achievements for finite elements, which,
requiring only boundary integrals, yields a stiffness
matrix for arbitrary domain shapes and any number of
degrees of freedom. The method is also an extension of a
formulation introduced by J. S. Przemieniecki, for the free
vibration analysis of bar and beam elements based on a
power series of frequencies. It handles constrained and
unconstrained structures, non-homogeneous initial
conditions given as nodal values as well as prescribed
domain fields and general domain forces (other than
inertial forces). This thesis also focuses on establishing
the conceptual framework for applying the simplified
version of the hybrid boundary element method to
functionally graded materials. Several classes of
fundamental solutions for steady-state and time-dependent
problems of potential are derived for a frequency-domain
analysis combined with an advanced mode superposition
technique based on a power series of frequencies. Thus, the
boundary-only feature of the method is preserved even with
such spatially varying material property.Several numerical
examples are given in terms of an efficient patch test for
irregular bounded, unbounded and multiply connected regions
submitted to high gradients.
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Analisis de vibracion de vigas funcionalmente graduadas aplicando el metodo de elemento finitosMarquina Chamorro, Benjamín Flaviano, Dominguez Chávez, Juan Pablo 22 October 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo, tiene como objetivo el estudio de la vibración libre de vigas Timoshenko aplicados a materiales funcionalmente graduados; esto se resuelve utilizando el método de elementos finitos (MEF) , al implementarlo en el software MATLAB, con el fin de obtener las frecuencias fundamentales y las gráficas de los modos de vibración para cada caso.
Se define el campo de desplazamientos según la teoría Timoshenko considerando tres variables fundamentales; asimismo, se utiliza el Principio de Hamilton para obtener las vibraciones libres del elemento. Para el desarrollo de las relaciones constitutivas se usa la La ley de potencia, el cual describe como varían las propiedades de un material heterogéneo e isotrópico FGM (FGM por sus siglas en inglés) en el peralte de la viga.
Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con otros estudios de la literatura validados por revistas como SCOPUS y SPRINGER, demostrando que el modelo es bastante preciso y satisfactorio. / The present work aims to study the free vibration of Timoshenko beams applied to functionally graduated materials; This is solved using the finite element method (FEM), when implemented in the MATLAB software, in order to obtain the fundamental frequencies and the graphs of the vibration modes for each case.
The field of displacements is defined according to the Timoshenko theory considering three fundamental variables; likewise, the Hamilton Principle is used to obtain the free vibrations of the element. For the development of the constitutive relationships, the power law is used, which describes how the properties of a heterogeneous and isotropic material FGM vary in the heightn of the beam.
The results obtained were compared with other literature studies validated by journals such as SCOPUS and SPRINGER, showing that the model is quite accurate and satisfactory. / Tesis
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Mechanical behaviors of bio-inspired composite materials with functionally graded reinforcement orientation and architectural motifsDi Wang (8782580) 01 May 2020 (has links)
<p>Naturally-occurring biological
materials with stiff mineralized reinforcement embedded in a ductile matrix are
commonly known to achieve excellent balance between stiffness, strength and
ductility. Interestingly, nature offers a broad diversity of architectural
motifs, exemplify the multitude of ways in which exceptional mechanical
properties can be achieved. Such diversity is the source of bio-inspiration and
its translation to synthetic material systems. In particular, the helicoid and the
“brick and mortar” architectured materials are two key architectural motifs we
are going to study and to synthesize new bio-inspired materials. </p>
<p>Due to geometry mismatch(misorientation)
and incompatibilities of mechanical properties between fiber and matrix
materials, it is acknowledged that misoriented stiff fibers would rotate in
compliant matrix beneath uniaxial deformation. However, the role of fiber reorientation inside the flexible
matrix of helicoid composites on their mechanical behaviors have not yet been
extensively investigated. In the present project, fiber reorientation values
of single misoriented laminae, mono-balanced laminates and helicoid architectures
under uniaxial tensile are calculated and compared. In the present work, we introduce a Discontinuous Fiber
Helicoid (DFH) composite inspired by both the helicoid microstructure in the
cuticle of mantis shrimp and the nacreous architecture of the red abalone
shell. We employ 3D printed specimens, analytical models and finite
element models to analyze and quantify in-plane fiber reorientation in helicoid
architectures with different geometrical features. We also introduce additional architectures, i.e.,
single unidirectional lamina and mono-balanced architectures, for comparison
purposes. Compared with
associated mono-balanced architectures, helicoid architectures exhibit less
fiber reorientation values and lower values of strain stiffening. The
explanation for this difference is addressed in terms of the measured in-plane
deformation, due to uniaxial tensile of the laminae, correlated to lamina
misorientation with respect to the loading direction and lay-up sequence.</p>
<p>In addition to fiber, rod-like,
reinforced laminate, platelet reinforced composite materials, “brick and
mortar” architectures, are going to be discussed as well, since it can provide in-plane
isotropic behavior on elastic modulus that helicoid architecture can offer as
well, but with different geometries of reinforcement. Previous “brick and mortar” models available in the
literature have provided insightful information on how these structures promote
certain mechanisms that lead to significant improvement in toughness without
sacrificing strength. In this work, we present a detailed comparative analysis that
looks at the three-dimensional geometries of the platelet-like and rod-like
structures. However, most of these previous analyses have been focused on
two-dimensional representations. We 3D print and test rod-like and tablet-like
architectures and analyze the results employing a computational and analytical
micromechanical model under a dimensional analysis framework. In particular, we
focus on the stiffness, strength and toughness of the resulting structures. It
is revealed that besides volume fraction and aspect ratio of reinforcement, the
effective shear and tension area in the matrix governs the mechanical behavior
as well. In turns, this
leads to the conclusion that rod-like microstructures exhibit better
performance than tablet-like microstructures when the architecture is subjected
to uniaxial load. However, rod-like microstructures tend to be much weaker and
brittle in the transverse direction. On the other hand, tablet-like
architectures tend to be a much better choice for situations where biaxial load
is expected.</p>
<p>Through varying the geometry of
reinforcement and changing the orientation of reinforcement, different
architectural motifs can promote in-plane mechanical properties, such as strain
stiffening under uniaxial tensile, strength and toughness under biaxial tensile
loading. On the other hand, the various out-of-plane orientation of the
reinforcement leads to functionally graded effective indentation stiffness. The
external layer of nacre shell is composed of calcite prisms with graded orientation
from surface to interior. This orientation gradient leads to functionally
graded Young’s modulus, which is confirmed to have higher fracture resistance
than homogenous materials under mode I fracture loading act.</p>
<p>Similar as graded prism
orientation in calcite layer of nacre, the helicoid architecture found in
nature exhibits gradients on geometrical parameters as well. The pitch distance
of helicoid architecture is found to be functionally graded through the thickness
of biological materials, including the dactyl club of mantis shrimp and the
fish scale of coelacanth. This can be partially explained by the long-term evolution
and selection of living organisms to create high performance biological
materials from limited physical, chemical and geometrical elements. This
naturally “design” procedure can provide us a spectrum of design motifs on
architectural materials. </p>
<p>In the present work, linear
gradient on pitch distance of helicoid architectures, denoted by functionally
graded helicoid (FGH), is chose to be the initial pathway to understand the
functionality of graded pitch distance, associated with changing pitch angle.
Three-point bending on short beam and low-velocity impact tests are employed in
FEA to analyze the mechanical properties of composite materials simultaneously.
Both static(three-point bending) and dynamic(low-velocity impact) tests reveal
that FGH with pitch angle increasing from surface to interior can provide multiple
superior properties at the same time, such as peak load and toughness, while
the helicoid architectures with constant pitch angle can only provide one
competitive property at one time. Specifically, helicoid architectures with
smaller pitch angle, such as 15-degree, show higher values on toughness, but
less competitive peak load under static three-point bending loading condition,
while helicoid architectures with middle pitch angle, larger than or equal to
22.5-degree and smaller than 45-degree, exhibit less value of toughness, but
higher peak load. The explanation on this trend and the benefits of FGH is
addressed by analyzing the transverse shear stresses distribution through the
thickness in FEA, combined with analytical prediction. In low-velocity impact
tests, the projected delamination area of helicoid architectures is observed to
increase when the pitch angle is decreasing. Besides, laminates with specific pitch angles, such as 45-degree,
classical quasi-isotropic laminate, 60-degree, specific angle ply, and 90-degree,
cross-ply, are designed to compare with helicoid architectures and FGH.</p>
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[pt] O método híbrido de elementos finitos, proposto por Pian
com base no
potencial de Hellinger-Reissner, provou ser um avanço
conceitual entre as
formulações de discretização, tendo sido explorado
extensivamente desde então
por códigos acadêmicos e comerciais, também levando em
conta uma série
independente dos mais recentes desenvolvimentos chamados
métodos de
Trefftz. O método híbrido de elementos de contorno é uma
generalização bem
sucedida da formulação original de Pian, em que funções de
Green são usadas
como funções de interpolação no domínio, possibilitando
assim a modelagem
robusta e precisa de formas arbitrárias submetidas a
vários tipos de ações.Mais
recentemente, uma proposição de Przemieniecki - para a
análise geral de
vibração livre de elementos de treliça e viga - foi
incorporada à formulação de
elementos híbridos de contorno e estendida para a análise
de problemas
dependentes do tempo fazendo uso de um processo de
superposição modal
avançada que leva em conta condições iniciais gerais assim
como ações de
corpo gerais, além de efeitos inerciais. A presente
contribuição pretende trazer
para elementos finitos os melhoramentos conceituais
obtidos no contexto do
método híbrido de elementos de contorno. Uma grande
família de macro
elementos finitos híbridos é introduzida para o tratamento
unificado em 2D e 3D,
de problemas estáticos e transientes de elasticidade e
potencial com base nas
soluções fundamentais não-singulares. É também mostrado
que materiais nãohomogêneos,
como os novos materiais com gradação funcional, podem ser
tratados consistentemente, pelo menos para problemas de
potencial. Alguns
exemplos numéricos simples são apresentados como
ilustração dos
desenvolvimentos teóricos. / [en] The hybrid finite element method, proposed by Pian on the
basis of the
Hellinger-Reissner potential, has proved itself a
conceptual breakthrough among
the discretization formulations, and has been extensively
explored both
academically and in commercial codes also taking into
account an independent
series of more recent developments called Trefftz methods.
The hybrid boundary
element method is a successful generalization of Pian´s
original formulation, in
which Green´s functions are taken as interpolation
functions in the domain, thus
enabling the robust and accurate modeling of arbitrarily
shaped bodies submitted
to several types of actions. More recently, a proposition
by Przemieniecki - for
the generalized free vibration analysis of truss and beam
elements - was
incorporated into the hybrid boundary element formulation
and extended to the
analysis of time-dependent problems by making use of an
advanced mode
superposition procedure that takes into account general
initial conditions as well
as general body actions, besides the inertial effect. The
present contribution aims
to bring to finite elements the conceptual improvements
obtained in the frame of
the hybrid boundary element method. A large family of
hybrid, macro finite
elements is introduced for the unified treatment of 2D and
3D, static and transient
problems of elasticity and potential on the basis of
nonsingular fundamental
solutions. It is also shown that nonhomogeneous materials,
as the novel
functionally graded materials, may be dealt with
consistently, at least for potential
problems. Some simple numerical examples are shown to
illustrate the
theoretical developments.
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Strategies for the Characterization and Virtual Testing of SLM 316L Stainless SteelHendrickson, Michael Paul 02 August 2023 (has links)
The selective laser melting (SLM) process allows for the control of unique part form and function characteristics not achievable with conventional manufacturing methods and has thus gained interest in several industries such as the aerospace and biomedical fields. The fabrication processing parameters selected to manufacture a given part influence the created material microstructure and the final mechanical performance of the part. Understanding the process-structure and structure-performance relationships is very important for the design and quality assurance of SLM parts. Image based analysis methods are commonly used to characterize material microstructures, but are very time consuming, traditionally requiring manual segmentation of imaged features. Two Python-based image analysis tools are developed here to automate the instance segmentation of manufacturing defects and subgranular cell features commonly found in SLM 316L stainless steel (SS) for quantitative analysis. A custom trained mask region-based convolution neural network (Mask R-CNN) model is used to segment cell features from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images with an instance segmentation accuracy nearly identical to that of a human researcher, but about four orders of magnitude faster. The defect segmentation tool uses techniques from the OpenCV Python library to identify and segment defect instances from optical images. A melt pool structure generation tool is also developed to create custom melt-pool geometries based on a few user inputs with the ability to create functionally graded structures for use in a virtual testing framework. This tool allows for the study of complex melt-pool geometries and graded structures commonly seen in SLM parts and is applied to three finite element analyses to investigate the effects of different melt-pool geometries on part stress concentrations. / Master of Science / Recent advancements in additive manufacturing (AM) processes like the selective laser melting (SLM) process are revolutionizing the way many products are manufactured. The geometric form and material microstructure of SLM parts can be controlled by manufacturing settings, referred to as fabrication processing parameters, in ways not previously possible via conventional manufacturing techniques such as machining and casting. The improved geometric control of SLM parts has enabled more complex part geometries as well as significant manufacturing cost savings for some parts. With improved control over the material microstructure, the mechanical performance of SLM parts can be finely tailored and optimized for a particular application. Complex functionally graded materials (FGM) can also easily be created with the SLM process by varying the fabrication processing parameters spatially within the manufactured part to improve mechanical performance for a desired application. The added control offered by the SLM process has created a need for understanding how changes in the fabrication processing parameters affect the material structure, and in turn, how the produced structure affects the mechanical properties of the part. This study presents three different tools developed for the automated characterization of SLM 316L stainless steel (SS) material structures and the generation of realistic material structures for numerical simulation of mechanical performance. A defect content tool is presented to automatically identify and create binary segmentations of defects in SLM parts, consisting of small air pockets within the volume of the parts, from digital optical images. A machine learning based instance segmentation tool is also trained on a custom data set and used to measure the size of nanoscale cell features unique to 316L (SS) and some other metal alloys processed with SLM from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Both these tools automate the laborious process of segmenting individual objects of interest from hundreds or thousands of images and are shown to have an accuracy very close to that of manually produced results from a human. The results are also used to analyze three different samples produced with different fabrication processing parameters which showed similar process-structure relationships with other studies. The SLM structure generation tool is developed to create melt pool structures similar to those seen in SLM parts from the successive melting and solidification of material from the laser scanning path. This structural feature is unique to AM processes such as SLM, and the example test cases investigated in this study shows that changes in the melt pool structure geometry have a measurable effect, slightly above 10% difference, on the stress and strain response of the material when a tensile load is applied. The melt pool structure generation tool can create complex geometries capable of varying spatially to create FGMs from a few user inputs, and when applied to existing simulation methods for SLM parts, offers improved estimates for the mechanical response of SLM parts.
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