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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chastised Rulers in the Ancient Near East

Price, Joe H. 30 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The 'schizoid' nature of Modern Hebrew linguistics: a contact language in search of a genetic past

Strolovitch, Devon L. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

The semantic potential of 'al in Genesis, Psalms, and Chronicles

Mena, Andrea K. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis offers a description of the semantic potential of the Biblical Hebrew lexeme '7l! in Genesis, Psalms, and Chronicles according to a cognitive linguistic perspective. This specific linguistic approach offers a theoretical framework of how humans cognitively organize lexical meaning, which is advantageous for highly polysemous lexemes, such as '7lJ. The need for this study arises because existing Biblical Hebrew resources do not utilize such a framework as is evidenced by their lists of translation equivalents, rather than full descriptions of meanings, and their lack of a clearly defined semantic model underlying their lexical treatment. However, they do provide a starting point that can be built upon with a cognitive linguistic based methodology. Such a methodology is found in Tyler and Evans (2007) case study of over, a frequent English translation of '7lJ. Tyler and Evans (2007) present how to determine the most prototypical semantic sense (i.e., the Proto-Scene) and how to distinguish between other distinct semantic senses, all of which represent the lexeme's semantic potential. This thesis heuristically utilizes this methodology while strongly considering three other factors. First, the syntactic frame surrounding '7l! is evaluated to assess how syntactic information, specifically verbal valency, contributes to the preposition's semantic value. Second, the frequency of each semantic category is assessed to determine possible insight into prototypicality within the defined corpus. Third, a radial structure is proposed to represent the semantic relationships between the prototypical and nonprototypical categories. This type of organization illustrates a clearly defined semantic model underlying the lexical treatment. This study first describes the Proto-Scene, which involves one entity over or upon another. Then, fifteen other distinct semantic categories of '7l! are presented within a radial structure (i.e. The Vertical Cluster: More, Superior, and Control; Contingent Locative; Accompaniment, In, To, Oppositional, For, Frontal, Causal, Norm, Focus of Attention, Instrumental, and Psalms Titles). Finally, the various senses for the morphologically complex lexemes are proposed. These include '7l!1;1 (i.e. From Upon, Away From, Above, and Contingent Locative) and '7l!=? (i.e. As Concerning). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis heskryf die semantiese potensiaal van die Byhelse Hehreeuse lekseem ?~ in Genesis, Psalms en Kronieke vanuit die perspektief van kognitiewe taalkunde. Hierdie taalkundige model hied 'n teoretiese raamwerk van hoe mense leksikale hetekenis kognitief organiseer. So 'n teoretiese raamwerk is haie geskik vir die heskrywing van 'n polisemiese lekseem soos ?~. Die hehoefte aan 'n meer toereikende teoretiese raamwerk hlyk uit die manier waarop hestaande Byhels-Hehreeuse hulphronne die lekseem heskryf, hyvoorheeld, hulle hied weinig meer as lyste van vertalingsekwiwalente. Hulle hied, nietemin, 'n heginpunt waarop voortgehou kan word met hehulp van 'n kognitiewe taalkundige model. So 'n metodologie word gevind in Tyler en Evans (2007) se gevallestudie van "over", 'n gehruiklike Engelse ekwiwalent vir?~. Tyler en Evans dui aan hoe om die mees prototipiese semantiese hetekenis ( d.i. die "proto-toneel" of "proto-scene") vas te stel, asook hoe om tussen die ander semantiese nuanses ("senses") te onderskei. AI hierdie nuanses verteenwoordig die lekseem se semantiese potensiaal. Hierdie tesis maak op 'n heuristiese wyse gehruik van hierdie metodologie. Terselfde tyd neem dit drie ander faktore in aanmerking: Eerstens, word die sintaktiese raamwerk waarin ?~ voorkom, vasgestel ten einde te hepaal hoe sintaktiese informasie, veral werkwoordelike valensie, hydra tot die semantiese potensiaal van die voorsetsel. Tweedens, word die frekwensie van elke semantiese kategorie hepaal om tot moontlike insigte rakende prototipiese gehruike hinne die vasgestelde korpus te kom. Derdens, word 'n sg. "radial structure" voorgestel om die semantiese verhoudings tussen die prototipiese en nie-prototipiese kategoriee te illustreer. Hierdie studie heskryf, eerstens, die proto-toneel, wat een entiteit bo-oor of op 'n ander hehels. Daama word vyftien ander afsonderlike semantiese kategoriee van ?~ hinne 'n "radial structure" voorgestel ( d.i. die Vertikale Groep: Meer, Superior en Beheer; "Contingent" Lokatief; Begeleiding, In, Na, Teenoor, Vir, Voor, Oorsaaklik, Norm, Fokus van Aandag, Instrumenteel, en Psalmopskrifte ). Laastens, word voorstelle gemaak in verhand met die verskeie hetekenisse van die morphologies-komplekse lekseme ?~~ (d.i. Weg van ho-op, Weg van, Bo, en "Contingent" Lokatief) en ?~:p (d.i. Met Betrekking Tot).

Left dislocation in biblical Hebrew : a cognitive linguistic account

Westbury, Joshua R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present work consists of an investigation into the form and function(s) of the so-called 'Left Dislocation' construction in Biblical Hebrew. As such, this inquiry is part of a larger domain of research that explores the nature and function of word order variation in Biblical Hebrew. As a result of a pilot study conducted by the present author in 2010, as well as recent advances within the feilds of cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, and discoursepragmatics— particularly with its sub-discipline known as information structure—a fresh examination of Left Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew is called for. Drawing on research from the aforementioned feilds of study, we propose a cognitive-functional theoretical model that provides a framework for a more comprehensive explanation of Left Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew. Furthermore, this work situates Left Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew against a broader profile of Left Dislocation across langauges. This is accomplished by examining the findings of a range of cross-linguistic studies—with respect to a variety of related and unrelated languages—that are concerned with both the syntactico-semantic and discourse-functional attributes of Left Dislocation. Typological generalizations drawn from these studies are then applied to the identification, classification, and explanation of a data set comprised of over 650 tokens taken from Genesis to 2 Kings. The result of this analysis is twofold. First, a thorough description is provided in terms of the external (i.e. global) and internal syntactico-semantic attributes of tokens comprising the data set. Consistent with typological findings, the data set reflects a taxonomic network of constructional schemas that are classified according to an exemplar model of conceptual categorization. Second, utilizing a cognitive-theoretical model, as well as insights garnered from crosslinguistic studies, the aforementioned syntactico-semantic description is explained in terms of the cognitive-pragmatic motivation for the use of Left Dislocation in BH narrative discourse, as well as the prototypical and non-prototypical discourse function(s) accomplished by the construction therein. Lastly, a developmental framework is proposed that accounts for the form-function variation exhibited by the tokens in our data set. This framework consists of broader developmental processes involving usage-based patterns of language change, as well as a 'panchronic' view of grammar, where synchrony and diachrony are viewed as an integrated whole, and where grammars are always emergent and never completely established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk verteenwoordig 'n ondersoek na die vorm en funksie(s) van die sogenaamde linksverskuiwingkonstruksie in Bybelse Hebreeus. Dit vorm deel van 'n groter navorsingsinisiatief wat gemoeid is met die ondersoek na die aard en funksie van woordorde-variasies in Bybelse Hebreeus. In die lig van 'n loodsstudie wat in 2010 deur die outeur gedoen is, asook die vooruitgang wat gemaak is op die gebiede van kognitiewe taalkunde, psigolinguistiek en tekspragmatiek—veral in die subdissipline, informasiestruktuur—is ‘n herbesinnig oor linksverskuiwingkonstruksies Bybelse Hebreeus nodig. Gebaseer op die voorafgenoemde studievelde word 'n kognitief-funksionele teoretiese model voorgestel wat as raamwerk sal dien vir 'n meer omvattende verduideliking van linksverskuiwingkonstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus. Hierdie ondersoek oor linksverskuiwing in Bybelse Hebreeus word gedoen teen die agtergrond van die profiel van linksverskuiwing oor tale heen. Dit word vermag deur die bevindings van 'n wye reeks taalkundige studies—op verskeie verwante en onverwante tale— wat gemoeid is met beide die sintakties-semanties en diskoersfunksionele eienskappe van linksverskuiwing, te ondersoek. Uit die ondersoek word tipologiese veralgemenings verkry wat dan gebruik word vir die identifisering, klassifikasie en verduideliking van 'n stel data wat bestaan uit 650 voorbeelde wat verkry is uit Genesis tot 2 Konings. Die resultate van hierdie analise is tweeledig. Eerstens word 'n uitvoerige beskrywing, in terme van die eksterne (of globale) en interne sintakties-semantiese eienskappe van die voorbeelde binne die datastel, verskaf. Die datastel reflekteer, aan die hand van taaltipologiese bevindinge, 'n taksonomiese netwerk van konstruksieskemas wat geklassifiseer is volgens 'n eksemplaarmodel van konsepsionele kategorisering. Tweedens, deur gebruik te maak van 'n kognitief-teoretiese model, tesame met insigte verkry deur studies oor tale heen, word die voorafgenoemde sintakties-semantiese beskrywing verduidelik in terme van die kognitief-pragmatiese motivering vir die gebruik van linksverskuiwing in Bybels-Hebreeuse narratiewe diskoers. Ook die prototipiese en nieprototipiese diskoersfunksie(s) van die konstruksie kom aan die bod. Laastens word 'n raamwerk voorgestel om die vorm-funksies variasies van die voorbeelde in die datastel as ontwikkelingsstadia te verklaar. Die raamwerk berus op ontwikkelingsprosesse wat tipies in gebruiksgebaseerde modelle van taalvariasie-tendense onderskei word. Verder gaan dit ook uit van 'n pankroniese siening van grammatika waarin diakronie en sinkronie as 'n geïntegreerde geheel gesien word en die grammatika van taal as 'n dinamiese entiteit beskou word. Dit stabliseer nooit volledig nie.

Leserlenkung in der Bibel : die Informationsgliederung in poetischen hebräischen Bibeltexten und ihren deutschen Übersetzungen

Lepre, Stefanie January 2007 (has links)
Teilw. zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2004

L'arbre sans tronc : Les Fleurs du mal de Charles Baudelaire en hébreu : présence, influence, traductions / The trunkless tree : Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil in hebrew

Manor, Dory 02 March 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse cherche à étudier l’histoire de la réception et de la présence de Charles Baudelaire dans l'univers poétique de l'hébreu moderne, à travers l'influence de son œuvre sur la création poétique en hébreu comme à travers les traductions hébraïques de sa poésie. Cette dernière partie inclut une analyse comparative approfondie de différentes traductions de la poésie de Baudelaire parues en hébreu au courant du XXe siècle.À travers cette approche nous cherchons à voir dans quelle mesure il existe des corrélations entre la traduction et la réception poétique de Baudelaire d'une part, et l'évolution particulièrement rapide du langage poétique de l'hébreu moderne d'autre part.Dans toutes les générations de la poésie de l’hébreu moderne, des auteurs majeurs ont traduit Baudelaire. Ce grand intérêt pour sa poésie s'explique, entre autres raisons, par le motif suivant : traduire Baudelaire en hébreu constitue un projet singulier de par le statut unique de son œuvre qui est à la fois la pierre angulaire de la Modernité poétique en général, et le point de départ de la poésie hébraïque moderne en particulier.La poésie hébraïque moderne peut être comparée à un arbre sans tronc ; ses racines, les textes de l'hébreu classique, sont profondes et séculaires. Sa cime, la nouvelle création poétique des 120 dernières années, est fraîche et verdoyante. Mais s'il tient debout, c'est grâce à ses branches qui sont suspendues sur les riches ramifications de ses voisins – les corpus poétiques étrangers qui ont toujours alimenté ce jeune corpus. Traduire Baudelaire en hébreu moderne, c'est – symboliquement – contribuer à greffer, rétroactivement, un tronc sur cet arbre. / This thesis examines the history of the reception and of the immanence of Charles Baudelaire in Modern Hebrew poetry through the influence of his work on original poetic work in Hebrew and through the translations of his poems into Hebrew. As part of the latter, a detailed comparative analysis is offered of some of Baudelaire’s poems translated into Hebrew and published through the 20th century.In examining these questions we wish to examine the extent to which one may trace a correlation between, on the one hand, the translation and reception of Baudelaire’s poetry and, on the other hand, the exceptionally rapid evolution of Modern Hebrew poetic language.In every generation of Modern Hebrew poetry, Baudelaire was translated by major authors. This significant interest in his poetry can be attributed, among other reasons, to the constructive role that such translation plays in Hebrew. For, in the Hebrew context, Baudelaire's poetry has a unique role: he is both a keystone of Modern poetry in general and the starting point of Modern Hebrew poetry in particular.Modern Hebrew poetry can be compared to a tree without a trunk: Its roots – the classical Hebrew texts – are ancient and deep. Its crown – the New Hebrew creation of the last 120 years – is fresh and green. But what keeps it standing are its branches that lean on the rich offshoots of its neighbours in the forest: the foreign poetic corpora which have always nourished this young literature, born modern. Translating Baudelaire into Modern Hebrew implies, symbolically, a contribution to the retrospective grafting of a trunk to the tree.

Towards a discourse-pragmatic description of left-dislocation in biblical Hebrew

Westbury, Joshua Ryan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Biblical Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an exploratory investigation into the discourse-pragmatic function(s) of the so-called Left-Dislocation construction in Biblical Hebrew. This inquiry is a part of a larger investigation into the nature and function of word order variation in Biblical Hebrew. In light of past research on Biblical Hebrew word-order variation, specifically concerning Left-Dislocation constructions, it is concluded that a re-analysis of Left-Dislocation constructions in Biblical Hebrew is called for. Advancements within the fields of cognitive-functional linguistics and discourse-pragmatics (information-structure) have afforded numerous avenues towards a more comprehensive cognitive-oriented frame of reference for ascertaining the functions of Biblical Hebrew word order variation. The discourse-pragmatic and cognitive-functional notion of information-structure serves as the basis for the theoretical framework employed in the present investigation. Information-structure is principally concerned with the question as to why grammars of natural language offer speakers a variety of morphosyntactic and prosodic options for expressing the same propositional content. Since the Left-Dislocation construction is a universal syntactic phenomenon, typological information regarding the form and function of Left-Dislocation constructions across languages served as a critical source of insight into the prototypical formal features and functional domains of the construction within Biblical Hebrew. The insights garnered from cross-linguistic data informed the parameters employed in the construction and construal of a random data-set of one hundred cases of Left-Dislocation drawn from the narrative portions of the Hebrew Bible stretching from Genesis to 2 Chronicles. The investigation of our data-set, within the confines of a discourse-pragmatic framework, reveals that Left-Dislocation constructions in Biblical Hebrew are principally employed to facilitate the topic-promotion of identifiable but inactive discourse-referents. These referents could be the primary or secondary topics of the sentences in which they are used. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n verkennende ondersoek na die diskoerspragmatiese funksie(s) van sogenaamde linksverskuiwing ('Left-Dislocation') konstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus. Hierdie vraagstelling vorm deel van 'n meer omvattende ondersoek na die aard en funksie van woordorde-variasies in Bybelse Hebreeus. Na aanleiding van 'n uitvoerige literatuurstudie oor die funksie(s) van woordorde-variasies in Bybelse Hebreeus, veral met betrekking tot linksverskuiwingskonstruksies, is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat 'n heranalise van linksverskuiwingskonstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus nodig is. Vooruitgang op die gebiede van kognitiewe-funksionele taalkunde, en tekspragmatiek (informasiestruktuur) het dit moontlik gemaak om 'n meer omvattende kognitief-georiënteerde verwysingsraamwerk vir die bepaling van die funksie(s) van Bybels-Hebreeuse woordorde-variasies te formuleer. Die diskoerspragmatiese en kognitiewe-funksionele opvatting van informasiestruktuur dien as die basis vir die teoretiese raamwerk wat in die huidige ondersoek gebruik is. Informasiestruktuur is hoofsaaklik gemoeid met die vraag waarom die grammatika van natuurlike taal aan sprekers 'n verskeidenheid van morfosintaktiese en prosodiese opsies bied vir die uitdrukking van dieselfde proposisionele inhoud. Aangesien die linksverskuiwingskonstruksie 'n universele sintaktiese verskynsel is, is taaltipologiese inligting oor die vorm en funksie van die linksverskuiwingskonstruksie gebruik om insig te kry in die prototipiese formele eienskappe en funksies van die konstruksie in Bybelse Hebreeus. Aan die hand van bg. taaltipologiese insigte is parameters geformuleer aan die hand waarvan 'n ewekansige monster voorbeelde van linksverskuiwing uit verhalende tekste uit Genesis tot 2 Kronieke ondersoek is. Daar is bevind dat linksverskuiwing in Bybelse Hebreeus hoofsaaklik aangewend word om identifiseerbare, maar onaktiewe diskoersreferente te promoveer as topieks. Hierdie referente mag primêre of sekondêre topieks wees.

Final sentences in biblical Hebrew narrative prose form Genesis to 2 Kings

Payle, Kenneth David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Final sentences are a neglected area of research in Biblical Hebrew. Apart from an investigation by Mitchell (1879) in the previous century, and a more recent article by Muraoka (1997), this is certainly an area of Biblical Hebrew grammar in need of research. Biblical Hebrew grammars propound a variety of ways final constructions can supposedly be expressed. The main thesis of this study is that the diversity of final constructions in Biblical Hebrew is not merely different syntactic realizations of the same semantic meaning, but that each syntactic construction carries definite semantic nuances. Traditional grammars, because they are sentence-based, present some shortcomings in the description of final sentences. I will briefly expose some of the linguistic presuppositions of traditional grammars, and their inherent limitations with respect to the study of final constructions. Recent developments in general linguistics, especially the variety of approaches subsumed under the broad classification textlinguistics, create new opportunities to address Biblical Hebrew grammar. I will explore this relatively recent developments to the study of language, in order to determine whether insights from studies conducted in terms of this paradigm can be used to describe final constructions more adequately. A number of theses are presented in Chapters 2 and 3, which are evaluated in Chapters 4 to 6. The findings are presented in a summary of at the end of each chapter. The final results of this investigation are summarized in Chapter 7. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Finaalsinne het tot dusver min aandag geniet in Bybelse Hebreeuse navorsing. Afgesien van 'n ondersoek deur Mitchell (1879) in die vorige eeu, en 'n onlangse artikel deur Muraoka (1997), is hierdie 'n navorsingsgebied wat vra om nadere ondersoek. Volgens Bybelse Hebreeuse grammatikas kan finaalsinne op verskeie wyses uitgedruk word. Die hooftese van hierdie studie is dat die verskeidenheid van finaalkonstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus nie bloot verskillende sintaktiese opsies is om dieselfde semantiese betekenis te realiseer nie, maar dat elke onderskeie sintaktiese konstruksie 'n besondere semantiese nuanse weergee. Omdat hulle eng op die beskrywing van die sin gebaseer is, hou traditionele grammatikas tekortkominge in vir die beskrywing van finaalsinne. In hierdie studie wys ek kortliks op die linguistiese voorveronderstellings van die tradisionele benadering, en op die inherente tekortkominge van so 'n benadering ten opsigte van die ondersoek van finaalsinne. Onlangse ontwikkelinge in die algemene linguistiek, veral die verskeidenheid benaderings saamgevat onder die begrip tekslinguistiek, bied nuwe moontlikhede vir die beskrywing van Bybelse Hebreeus. Ek sal hierdie nuwe benadering tot taalstudie ondersoek om vas te stel of dit aangewend kan word om finaalsinne beter te beskryf. Verskeie tesisse word in Hoofstukke 2 en 3 geformuleer en dan in Hoofstukke 4 tot 6 geëvalueer. Die resultate word aan die einde van elke hoofstuk saamgevat. Die uiteindelike konklusies van hierdie studie word in Hoofstuk 7 saamgevat.

The meaning of the biblical Hebrew verbal conjugation from a crosslinguistic perspective

Moomo, David O. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the questions that have challenged scholars of BH for many years is whether the language should be regarded as a tense, aspectual or modal language. In this thesis, I argue that the lack and application of a metacategory for describing any language in general, and BH in particular, has been the main problem of the debate. A sound methodology is needed in order to be able to make an argument that can be tested empirically. The present study presents such a viable methodological approach. Using Bhatian parameters for tense, aspect and modal prominent languages, crosslinguistic metacategories of tense, aspect and mood were developed. These were applied to BH and the outcome was the hypothesis that BH is an aspect-prominent language. After formulating the above-mentioned hypothesis for BH, a corpus had been selected in the light of which the hypothesis was tested. The result demonstrates that BH consistently maintains perfective and imperfective aspectual distinctions. It was found that even where aspectual distinctions are extended to modal categories, the distinction in meanings between the perfective and the imperfective forms of the BH verb are not neutralised. From these observations, it has been concluded that there is the need to revisit the semantics of Proto Semitic. A model like the one used in this study could be replicated in the study of Proto Semitic. Such a revisit, it is hypothesised, may give fresh insights into the verbal system of Proto Semitic in general and BH in particular / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die vrae wat reeds vir baie jare vir kenners van Byblese Hebreeus (=BH) In uitdaging is, is of die taal 'n tempustaal, 'n aspektuele taal of 'n modale taal is. In hierdie tesis voer ek aan dat die gebrek aan die toepassing van 'n metakategorie vir die beskrywing van tale in die algemeen, en BH in die besonder, die hoof probleem in die debat is. 'n Deeglike begronde metodologie is nodig om 'n hipotese daar te stel wat empiries getoets kan word. Hierdie studie wil so 'n metodologie formuleer. Deur gebruik te maak van Bhat se parameters vir tale waarvan die tempus, aspek en modaliteit prominent is, is kruislinguistiese metakategorieë vir tempus, aspek en modaliteit ontwikkel. Hierdie metakategorieë is op BH toegepas en die resultaat daarvan was die hipotese dat BH 'n aspek-prominente taal is. Nadat die bogenoemde hipotese vir BH geformuleer is, is 'n korpus geselekteer in die lig waarvan hierdie hipotese getoets kon word. Die resultaat demonstreer dat BH konsekwent die perfektiewe en imperfektiewe aspektuele onderskeid handhaaf. Daar is gevind dat selfs wanneer aspektuele onderskeidings uitgebrei is na modale kategorieë, die onderskeid tussen die perfektiewe en die imperfektiewe vorme van die BH werkwoord nie geneutraliseer word me. Vanuit hierdie waarnemings is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit nodig is om weer te gaan kyk na die semantiek van Proto-Semities. 'n Model soos die een wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, kan ook in die studie van Proto-Semities bebruik word. Die hipotese is dat so 'n hernude ondersoek nuwe insigte kan gee in die werkwoordsisteem van Proto-Semities in die algemeen en BH in die besonder.

The old Babylonian mesarum-edict and the Old Testament

Olivier, J. P. J January 1977 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1977. / No Abstract Available

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