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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitetssäkring av byggnadsinformationsmodeller / Quality assurance of building information models

Karlsson, Johan, Ahmed, Mahamed January 2016 (has links)
Samtidigt som konkurransen i byggbranschen idag är hög har kraven på kvalité och effektivitet från samhället ökat. Däremot har många av de frågor som rör hanteringen av digitala handlingar och digitala leveranser inte behandlats på det sätt som krävs för att få en standardiserad arbetsprocess. Begreppet BIM har florerat i branschen under en längre period vid det här laget, men trots detta råder det fortfarande en hel del oklarheter om vad det faktiskt innebär. Visualiseringsaspekten som utvinns ur en BIM-modell har blivit väl vedertagen, men tillskillnad från en 3D-CAD är det snarare I:et i BIM, informationen, som definierar övriga aspekter. Därför bör BIM snarare tolkas som ett informationsflöde med tillhörande 3D-modell än tvärtom. Framgångsfaktorer gällande implementeringen av ett standardiserat arbetssätt i våra grannländer har varit statliga riktlinjer och direktiv. I direktiven har varje del av byggprocessen behandlats ur ett BIM-perspektiv, där standarder och arbetsmetoder bestämts. I Sverige har vi i dagsläget inte kommit lika långt gällande ett standardiserat arbetssätt. Varje aktör beskrivs som sina egna pionjärer och risken blir således stor för att hjulet måste uppfinnas på nytt varje gång. Ett steg i rätt riktning hade därför varit att större byggherrar och förvaltare, gärna statliga, gemensamt utarbetar en manual liknande den som återfinns i våra grannländer och kräver BIM i sina upphandlingar. Hur vida en BIM-modell kan uppnå juridisk status lägger i sin tur grunden för hur framtidsutsikterna ser ut för arbetssättet. Här kommer även processen med att kvalitetssäkra modellerna bli ännu viktigare. / At the same time as the competition in the construction industry is high. The demand for quality and efficiency has increased from the community. However, many of the issues concerning the management of digital documents and deliveries are not being handled in the manner required to obtain a standardized work process. The concept of BIM have flourished in the industry for a long period of time at this point, but despite this there is still a lot of confusion about what it actually means. The visualization aspect obtained from a BIM model has been well established but in a BIM model it is the information that defines the other aspects. It should therefore rather be interpreted as a flow of information with an associated 3D model than vice versa. Success factors regarding the implementation of a standardized working process in our neighboring countries has been government guidelines and directives. The so called BIM manuals are treating each part of the construction process from a BIM perspective and standards and processes get determined. Meanwhile, the process regarding similar guidelines has not been progressed in Sweden. Each actor is being described as their own pioneer and the risk is therefore great for the wheel to be reinvented every time. A step in the right direction would be if larger property developers, preferably the ones being owned by the government, in collaboration drew up documents similar to the ones found in our neighboring countries and required BIM in their procurements. Whether or not a BIM model can achieve legal status lays the foundation for the future of BIM, at the same time as this greatly affects the process of assuring the quality of the models.

Hantering av IFC-exporter från Revit till IDA / Handling of IFC-exports from Revit to IDA

Johansson, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Att kunna exportera färdiga modeller direkt från Revit till IDA är av stor betydelse för att kunna jobba effektivt med energisimuleringar. Denna rapport ger en bakgrundsbeskrivning till hur IFC har uppkommit och är uppbyggt. Dock ligger huvudfokus på hur Revit kan implementeras i arbetsflödet, där både hur IFC-filer överförs mellan programmen och felsökning av problem med befintliga Revitmodeller beskrivs. IFC-filer är dagens standard för att överföra data mellan olika instanser under byggprocessen, det är ett programoberoende format som möjliggör samarbete mellan olika programvaror. Dagens standard är IFC4, men det vanligaste formatet idag är IFC2x3 då det nya formatet ännu inte har implementerats i alla programvaror. Vilken geometri och information som ska exporteras från Revit till IDA är ett omfattande arbete att ta reda på och ställa in. Därför innehåller denna rapport både en lathund för exportering, men även flera filer för automatisk inladdning av korrekta exporteringsinställningar i Revit. För att kunna genomföra en energisimulering krävs det att rummen är förslutna för att undvika extrema köldbryggor som kan uppstå om väggarna inte är ordentligt anslutna med taket och golvet. Därför finns flera åtgärder beskrivna för att undvika fel i simuleringen, bland annat kring problem med fönster, dörrar och problem med lagerhantering. Beskrivningen utgår ifrån att användaren inte har tidigare erfarenhet av Revit. Guiderna har testats på en gymnasieklass i ämnet CAD där resultatet visade att en stor del av lathunden kan användas av en nybörjare. Dessutom studeras skillnader i Revits verktyg för simulering mot IDA. Där samma modell simulerades på åtta olika platser och standardavvikelsen mellan resultatet beräknades, detta gav ett koefficientintervall på ± 4 %, dvs. att en simulering i IDA inte bör avvika med mer än ± 4 % i jämförelse med den som gjordes i Revit. Liknande resultat uppmättes när simuleringsskillnader i dörrar och fönster simulerades. Där en stor glasyta på en vägg kommer generera ett koefficientintervall på 3 %. Om fönstren ersätts av dörrar kommer avvikelsen att minska något till strax under 2 % sett till alla väderstreck. / It is extremely important to be able to export models directly from Revit to IDA for the energy simulations to be efficient. This report has a background description about how the IFC-format has been developed and how it is structured. However, the focus in the report is on how Revit can be implanted in the workflow, where both export and troubleshooting from Revit are described. IFC is the standard today to export data between various parts during the construction process and it is a format that is program independent, which means that it works across different applications. The current version of IFC is IFC4, but IFC2x3 is still the most used version since not every program has support for the new IFC4 format. It is extensive to figure out which data IDA requires for energy simulations, therefore this report contains both a tutorial for export settings and a file for automatic set correct export settings in Revit. To succeed with the energy simulations a requirement is that the space in the building is enclosed with walls, floor and roof, otherwise extreme thermal bridges will cause incorrect simulations. Therefore, there are several workarounds described in this report to correct these problems, including problems with windows, doors and problems with storage facilities . The description in this report is written with the assumption that the user do not have any experience with Revit. The guides were tested on a class of high school students that are studying the course CADCAD02. The result showed that when a problem occurs with a model it can easily be solved with the support from this report. Further differences between simulations in Revit and IDA were tested. The same model was simulated in eight different places and the standard deviation was calculated, this gave the coefficient range ±4 %, i.e. a simulation in IDA should not differ more than 4 % from the simulation in Revit. Similar results were found with the simulations of windows and doors, even though the difference was slightly lower.

Proposta de ampliação do modelo IFC com a contribuição do IES LM-63: a luminária no ciclo de vida da edificação. / Proposal of IFC model extension with IES LM-63 contribution: luminaire in building lifecycle.

Ferreira, Sérgio Leal 06 September 2005 (has links)
As atuais tecnologias de informação permitem a manipulação de um volume grande de dados por diversas pessoas simultaneamente, representando uma valiosa ajuda aos profissionais de AEC (Arquitetura, Engenharia Civil e Construção). Para servir de base a essa manipulação é imprescindível que os dados estejam organizados em um conjunto harmônico, consistente e compartilhável. Os benefícios são numerosos, principalmente advindos da maior facilidade, rapidez e segurança na comunicação entre os indivíduos diretamente atuantes no ciclo de vida da edificação. A complexidade de um conjunto de informações desse tipo é muito grande, tanto pelo número de informações necessárias e de pessoas envolvidas, quanto pela quantidade e diversidade de interesses relacionados ao uso dessas informações. Nos últimos anos surgiram diversas propostas desses conjuntos de informações, em vários níveis de complexidade. Algumas propostas tiveram continuidade chegando a dar suporte a ferramentas computacionais muito utilizadas hoje em dia. É o caso do IES LM-63, sigla utilizada para se referir ao arquivo padrão de intercâmbio de dados relacionados às luminárias (IES Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information), elaborado pela IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) e aprovado pelo ANSI (American National Standards Institute), e do IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), que é um modelo amplo dos elementos do ciclo de vida de uma edificação elaborado pela IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) e aprovado pela ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Esta tese apresenta uma proposta de ampliação do modelo IFC na qual se inclui uma especificação mais ampla e eficiente do elemento luminária, baseada na descrição do IES LM-63. Analisam-se os caminhos possíveis para essa proposta e demonstra-se a viabilidade e as vantagens dessa ampliação ao utilizá-la no cálculo de iluminação de ambientes. / Recent information technologies allow handling of a large data volume by a number of people concurrently, representing a valuable help to AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) professionals. Organizing data in a harmonic, consistent and shareable set is essential to base the handling. Benefits are numerous, mainly due to easier, faster and securer communication between directly acting people in building lifecycle. This kind of information set is very complex, caused by the number of necessary information and involved people, and by multiple and distinct aspirations related with the use of this information. In the last years, many and diverse information set proposals took place, in different level of complexity. Some proposals have continuity and even reached support computational tools broadly utilized. It is the case of IES LM-63, sequence that designate a standard file to luminaire data exchange (IES Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information), elaborated by IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) and approved by ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), a wide range building lifecycle elements model elaborated by IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) and approved by ISO (International Standardization Organization). This doctoral thesis presents a proposal to extend IFC model in which is included a wider and more efficient specification of the luminaire element, based in IES LM-63 description. Possible ways to implement the proposal are analyzed and the feasibility and advantages of the extended data set are demonstrated.

Apports de modèles de comparaison structurelle et sémantique à la synchronisation de la maquette numérique de construction

Arthaud, Geoffrey 13 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La Maquette Numérique (MN) est une représentation numérique, centralisée et hiérarchisée de l'ensemble des productions des acteurs au cours d'un projet. Dans le cadre du secteur BTP, la Maquette Numérique de Construction (MNC) constitue l'adaptation de la technologie précédente à ce secteur. Cependant, la conception en génie civil semble se distinguer de celle des produits manufacturés, notamment à cause de la multiplicité et l'hétérogénéité des acteurs, mais aussi de la création d'un ouvrage unique. Par conséquent, les processus en jeu durant cette phase nécessitent une analyse particulière. Notre travail consiste donc à proposer des mécanismes d'aide à la synchronisation de la MNC, après avoir montré que les outils existants, adaptés à la conception de produits manufacturés, ne peuvent être directement transposés au secteur du BTP. Pour cela, cette thèse se focalise sur le suivi des modifications de la MNC en cours de conception, par l'intermédiaire de comparaisons d'information structurées (comparaisons dites structurelles), tout en prenant en compte la signification des concepts utilisés (comparaisons sémantiques). L'analyse a été portée au niveau du méta-modèle (langage EXPRESS) plutôt que le modèle de données lui-même (IFC, IFC-Bridge, etc.). Cette généricité assure une robustesse face aux évolutions futures des MNC. A partir d'une configuration sur la base d'un assistant structurel (seulement quelques lignes de code XML), le constructeur d'application génère automatiquement une bibliothèque de comparaison structurelle, adaptée au modèle de données métiers. L'analyse sémantique rend, quant à elle, le système très flexible : possibilité d'extraire partiellement l'information, définition d'équivalents sémantiques et de tolérances de valeurs numériques. Le système conçu ne dépend d'aucun outil de persistance des données. De plus, l'extraction d'information s'effectue sans transformation de modèles. L'implémentation, en C++, de la comparaison structurelle et sémantique utilise des outils de génération automatique de code source. Enfin, ces travaux apportent de nombreuses perspectives s'ils sont liés aux activités prédictives et réactives de conception.

Proposta de ampliação do modelo IFC com a contribuição do IES LM-63: a luminária no ciclo de vida da edificação. / Proposal of IFC model extension with IES LM-63 contribution: luminaire in building lifecycle.

Sérgio Leal Ferreira 06 September 2005 (has links)
As atuais tecnologias de informação permitem a manipulação de um volume grande de dados por diversas pessoas simultaneamente, representando uma valiosa ajuda aos profissionais de AEC (Arquitetura, Engenharia Civil e Construção). Para servir de base a essa manipulação é imprescindível que os dados estejam organizados em um conjunto harmônico, consistente e compartilhável. Os benefícios são numerosos, principalmente advindos da maior facilidade, rapidez e segurança na comunicação entre os indivíduos diretamente atuantes no ciclo de vida da edificação. A complexidade de um conjunto de informações desse tipo é muito grande, tanto pelo número de informações necessárias e de pessoas envolvidas, quanto pela quantidade e diversidade de interesses relacionados ao uso dessas informações. Nos últimos anos surgiram diversas propostas desses conjuntos de informações, em vários níveis de complexidade. Algumas propostas tiveram continuidade chegando a dar suporte a ferramentas computacionais muito utilizadas hoje em dia. É o caso do IES LM-63, sigla utilizada para se referir ao arquivo padrão de intercâmbio de dados relacionados às luminárias (IES Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information), elaborado pela IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) e aprovado pelo ANSI (American National Standards Institute), e do IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), que é um modelo amplo dos elementos do ciclo de vida de uma edificação elaborado pela IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) e aprovado pela ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Esta tese apresenta uma proposta de ampliação do modelo IFC na qual se inclui uma especificação mais ampla e eficiente do elemento luminária, baseada na descrição do IES LM-63. Analisam-se os caminhos possíveis para essa proposta e demonstra-se a viabilidade e as vantagens dessa ampliação ao utilizá-la no cálculo de iluminação de ambientes. / Recent information technologies allow handling of a large data volume by a number of people concurrently, representing a valuable help to AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) professionals. Organizing data in a harmonic, consistent and shareable set is essential to base the handling. Benefits are numerous, mainly due to easier, faster and securer communication between directly acting people in building lifecycle. This kind of information set is very complex, caused by the number of necessary information and involved people, and by multiple and distinct aspirations related with the use of this information. In the last years, many and diverse information set proposals took place, in different level of complexity. Some proposals have continuity and even reached support computational tools broadly utilized. It is the case of IES LM-63, sequence that designate a standard file to luminaire data exchange (IES Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information), elaborated by IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) and approved by ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), a wide range building lifecycle elements model elaborated by IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) and approved by ISO (International Standardization Organization). This doctoral thesis presents a proposal to extend IFC model in which is included a wider and more efficient specification of the luminaire element, based in IES LM-63 description. Possible ways to implement the proposal are analyzed and the feasibility and advantages of the extended data set are demonstrated.

Planification automatique de chemins à l'intérieur de bâtiments basée sur un modèle BIM / Automatic indoor path planning based on BIM model

Hamieh, Ahmed 06 November 2018 (has links)
Plus de la moitié de la population mondiale vit aujourd’hui en zone urbaine et passe plus de 90 % de son temps à l’intérieur de bâtiments. Cette thèse propose un système, nommé BiMov, de planification automatique de chemin à l’intérieur de bâtiments, basé sur leur maquette numérique (un BIM au format IFC). Le processus consiste à exploiter les caractéristiques sémantiques, géométriques et topologiques des constituants du BIM afin de générer des graphes de navigation possible, en fonction du profil du navigant et de l’état conjoncturel d’accessibilité des espaces et transitions, dans lesquels le plus court chemin d’un point à un autre puisse être déterminé. BiMov s’appuie sur quatre modèles de données (1) un modèle de bâtiment déduit du BIM, qui représente et structure les caractéristiques essentielles du bâtiment en vue de la mobilité intérieure (2) un modèle de navigant à même de représenter ses caractéristiques d’encombrement, ses aptitudes aux déplacements horizontaux et verticaux ainsi que ses habilitations (3) un modèle de calendrier permettant de connaître l’état d’accessibilité des espaces et des transitions (4) un modèle de graphe sur trois niveaux de détails. Le niveau Macro représente un simple graphe de connectivité entre les espaces intérieurs voisins ; il permet aux architectes de vérifier leur conception architecturale en termes d’accessibilité. Le niveau Externe permet de connecter les espaces accessibles via leurs transitions horizontales ou verticales. Il est destiné aux navigants qui n’exigent pas un chemin détaillé pour se déplacer. Le niveau Interne intègre un maillage des espaces, en 2D pour la navigation au sol, en 3D pour la navigation de drones. Il est conçu pour considérer les obstacles intérieurs comme les meubles, les machines ou les équipements. Ce niveau est destiné aux navigants devant fiabiliser leur déplacement à l’intérieur des espaces, comme les manutentionnaires d’objets encombrants ou les robots mobiles. L’approche proposée a fait l’objet d’un développement informatique qui permet d’illustrer quelques scénarios de planification de chemin dans des modèles BIM d’origine externe à la thèse. / More than 50% of humans today live in urban areas and spend more than 90 % of their time indoor. This thesis suggests a system, called BiMov, dedicated to automatic path planning in complex building based on their digital mockup (a BIM in IFC format). The process consists in exploiting the semantic, geometric and topologic features of the constituents of a BIM, so as to generate navigation graphs, taking into account the profile of Navigants as well as the operational state of accessibility of spaces and transitions, for finally determining a shortest path. BiMov is based on 4 data models: (1) a building model deduced from the BIM that represents and structures the building features that are relevant for indoor mobility (2) a Navigant model capable to represent its bulk size, abilities for horizontal and vertical displacements and social habilitations (3) a calendar model representing the conjectural state of accessibility of spaces and transitions (4) a navigation graph model with three levels of detail: the Macro level represents a simple graph of connectivity between neighboring interior spaces. It is intended to help architects verify their architectural design in terms of accessibility. The Extern level is used to connect accessible spaces via their horizontal or vertical transitions. This level is intended for Navigants who do not require a detailed path. The Intern level integrates a meshing of each space: a 2D mesh for planar mobility or a 3D mesh for drones. This level is intended for Navigants like bulky objects handlers of mobile robots, needing to validate a reliable path within spaces containing furniture, machinery or equipment. The proposed approach was implemented in a prototype software that allows to illustrate different path planning scenarios in BIM models that were generated externally.

BIM: KOMMUNIKATION MELLAN PROJEKTERING OCH PRODUKTION : - Hur BIM effektiviserar informationsflödet / BIM: Communication between construction management and construction work : - How BIM streamlines the flow of information

Österblom, Fredrik, Thunell, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att bistå projekterings- och produktionspersonal med effektiviserande verktyg och metoder för att med BIM som bas öka och förenkla informationsutbytet. NCC använder idag BIM-metoder för projektering av projekt, däremot nyttjas inte BIM-metodernas fulla potential för samarbetet mellan disciplinerna i projekten.   För att undersöka behovet inom produktionen hölls intervjuer med personal från ett brett spektrum av åldrar och befattningar. Intervjuerna låg sedan till grund för kriterier till utvärdering av BIM-verktyg. Intervjuerna hölls även med personal med befattningar som projekteringsledare, modellsamordnare och konstruktör, för att med deras kunskaper utvärdera BIM-verktyg.   För att på ett verklighetsförankrat vis utvärdera digitala verktyg i form av BIM-verktyg modellerades ett hus i Tekla Structures 21.1 och Revit 2015. Även A- och K-modellerna för NCCs projekt Trollhättan 33, T33 fanns att tillgå för tester.   Från utvärderingarna utkristalliserades två program som författarna anser vara bäst i respektive stadium av byggprocessen i det studerade projektet, T33. Solibri Model Checker, SMC anses som bäst lämpat verktyg i projekteringsskedet och Trimble Connect anses bäst under produktionsskedet. Solibri Model Checker har bäst möjligheter för validering och kvalitetskontroller och Trimble Connect är ett verktyg där modeller och handlingar kan lagras för enkel kommunikation och samarbete i projektgrupper. Verktyget har även möjlighet att visuellt presentera modeller och handlingar på en dator, surfplatta eller mobiltelefon. De BIM-verktyg som utvärderades var: Solibri Model Checker v9.6 Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2016 Autodesk BIM 360 Glue Trimble Tekla BIMsight Trimble Connect / The purpose of this report is to enable project management and construction personnel to use BIM tools and methods more efficiently. Although NCC is currently using some functionality of such digital tools, NCC is not using the full tool suite to better manage their projects, specifically to leverage the cross discipline collaboration capabilities.   In order to gather a comprehensive view of construction personnel requirements, interviews were conducted across a varied and wide range of age, seniority, and job position. These interviews formed the basis for the evaluation criteria of the BIM tools. Additional interviews were held with other staff, including project leads, model coordinators and construction engineers to ensure their knowledge was incorporated into the evaluation.   To compliment the interviews, and further evaluate the digital tools for cross collaboration capabilities a house was modeled in Tekla Structures and Revit. Also the architectural and construction models of NCC project Trollhättan 33, T33, was available for testing.   Two programs emerged as ‘best in class’ post the assessment, differentiated primarily by which phase of the construction lifecycle they were used for. Solibri Model Checker, SMC was considered most suitable tool in the project management phase and Trimble Connect considered best during the construction phase. SMC is suited for validation and quality control and Trimble Connect is a tool, in which models and documents can be stored for easy collaboration in project teams as well as visualizing models, which are easily shared via computer, tablet or mobile phone. The following BIM tools were tested: Solibri Model Checker v9.6 Navisworks Manage 2016 Autodesk BIM 360 Glue Trimble Tekla BIMsight Trimble Connect

Integrating IFC Models and Virtual Reality for Indoor Lighting Design / Integrering av IFC-modeller och virtuell verklighet för inomhusbelysning

Wisén, André January 2019 (has links)
Previous research has studied the use of Building Performance Simulations (BPS) tools withBuilding Information Modeling (BIM). BPS can be used to visualize and evaluate the designof buildings. Virtual Reality (VR) can be used as a BPS tool for designing indoor lighting.The problem is that previous research still has difficulties with data interoperability. That isthe integration of VR with BIM. Many studies suggest using the file format IFC to mitigatethis problem.The aim of this study is to investigate how to increase data interoperability by using a fileformat IFC. A prototype system will be developed to test this. The research question is if openBIM formats can improve the quality of design solutions? The study will try to answer howVR can be integrated with BIM and how VR can be used for indoor lighting design.The result from this thesis is in part a prototype system called FooBar. FooBar shows how VRcan be integrated with BIM. However, the file format IFC was not used throughout the wholedesign process. Instead, IFC is only used at the beginning and the end of the process. Thisstudy shows how VR can be used as an alternative BPS tool. Users can manipulate lights inthe building model. These changes are then updated in the original BIM model.This means that VR can be used to improve the quality of design solutions. In other words,FooBar can help to cope with multidisciplinary design processes. Users can immersethemselves into the virtual environment and see different design alternatives for themselves.Different design alternatives can easily be rendered in VR. With a system like FooBar, userscan easily define, propose, and analyze different design ideas to reach design goals. / Tidigare forskning har studerat hur simuleringsverktyg (Building Performance Simulations,BPS) kan användas med byggnadsinformationsmodellering (Building Information Modeling,BIM).Simuleringsverktyg kan dels användas för att visualisera design och användas somdesignutvärdering. Virtual Reality (VR), eller virtuell verklighet, kan användas som ettsimuleringsverktyg för design av inomhusbelysning. Problemet är att tidigare forskning harproblem med datakompatibilitet, d.v.s. integrationen av VR med BIM. Många studier föreslåratt filformatet IFC används för att lösa detta problem.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur man ökar datakompatibiliteten genom attanvända ett IFC. Ett prototypsystem kommer att utvecklas för att testa detta. Forskningsfråganhandlar om huruvida öppna BIM-format kan förbättra kvaliteten på designlösningarna.Studien ska även försöka svara på hur VR kan integreras med BIM och hur VR kan användasför inomhusbelysningsdesign.Resultatet av detta arbete är en del av ett prototypsystem kallat FooBar. FooBar visar hur VRkan integreras med BIM. Filformatet IFC användes emellertid inte under heladesignprocessen. Istället används IFC endast i början och slutet av processen. Det andraresultatet är att denna studie visar hur VR kan användas som ett alternativ till andrasimuleringsverktyg. Med FooBar kan användare flytta, rotera och skala om ljus ibyggnadsmodellen. Dessa ändringar uppdateras sedan i den ursprungliga BIM-modellen.Det betyder att VR kan användas för att förbättra kvaliteten på designlösningarna. FooBar kanmed andra ord bidra till att underlätta multidisciplinära designprocesser. Användare kan självakliva in i den virtuella miljön (i VR) och se olika designalternativ framför sig. Således kanolika designalternativ enkelt göras i VR. Med ett system som FooBar kan användarna enkeltdefiniera, föreslå och analysera olika designidéer för att nå de designmål som finns i projektet.

A simplified BIM data representation using a relational database schema for an efficient rule checking system and its associated rule checking language

Solihin, Wawan 27 May 2016 (has links)
Efforts to automate building rule checking have not brought us anywhere near to the ultimate goal to fully automate the rule checking process. With the advancement in BIM and the latest tools and computing capability, we have what is necessary to achieve it. And yet challenges still abound. This research takes a holistic approach to solve the issue by first examining the rule complexity and its logic structure. Three major aspects of the rules are addressed in this research. The first is a new approach to transform BIM data into a simple database schema and to make it easily query-able by adopting the data warehouse approach. Geometry and spatial operations are also commonly needed for automating rules, and therefore the second approach is to integrate these into a database in the form of multiple representations. The third is a standardized rule language that leverages the database query integrated with its geometry and spatial query capability, called BIMRL. It is designed for a non-programmatic approach to the rule definitions that is suitable for typical rule experts. The rule definition takes a form of triplet command: CHECK – EVALUATE – ACTION statement that can be chained to support more complex rules. A prototype system has been developed as a proof-of-concept using selected rules taken from various sources to demonstrate the validity of the approach to solve the challenges of automating the building rule checking.

Digitala objekt i neutralt format

Karlsson, Stina, Andersson, Nina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Today there are many different Cad-applications on the market for engineers. Because of big building projects it has become more and more important to work with the same application or to have access to a neutral file type to be able to transfer files between different ones.</p><p>This report studies the single objects and how they react when transferring them between ADT and ArchiCAD via the neutral type IFC. We have also been looking at problems during the transfer between and if there are some connections between these problems. Afterwards we created a neutral object model of a small country house to see if the objects appeared different. The result shows no differences.</p><p>But looking at the problems that appeared during the transmissions they felt small and no logical.</p><p>Today it is not possible to save in a neutral type without facing small problems. But with small corrections it would become possible to use IFC without any difficulties. If we get IFC to work properly it would save a lot of time, effort and the possibility to store your projects for the future.</p>

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