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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Eickholt, Molly S 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study examined advice interactions following infidelity. Participants (N = 213) completed a survey concerning an instance on infidelity and a subsequent advice interaction. Injured party perceptions of advice interactions were measured by examining advice messages, perceived face threat, and perceived face support, in addition to perceived effectiveness of the advice message. Results from this study showed no significant differences in perceived face threat, perceived face support, or advice effectiveness between different advice messages. Results also indicated both positive and negative face threat as negative predictors of advice effectiveness. While negative face support was a positive predictor of advice effectiveness, positive face support was a negative predictor. When controlling for relational closeness, negative face support was the only significant predictor of advice effectiveness.

Sexuell och emotionell otrohet hos studerande i Sverige

Lindén, Kim, Azzo, Solin January 2018 (has links)
Det har betydelse att förstå reaktioner på otrogna beteenden. Forskning visar att män upprörs av sexuell otrohet, kvinnor mer av emotionell. Skillnaderna kan med Sexual Economics Theory (SET) förklaras av olika roller i heterosexuella samspel. Syftet med denna studie var att se hur otrohet och partneregenskaper uppfattas hos studerande i Sverige samt om resultatet relaterar till SET. Ett tillgänglighetsurval på 84 kvinnor och 63 män gjordes på en högskola i Mellansverige. En enkätstudie med vinjett varierade bedragarkön och otrohetstyp. Resultatet visade att män och kvinnor reagerar mer på sexuell otrohet. Bedömning av otroget beteende skiljer sig inte åt beroende på manlig eller kvinnlig bedragare. Partnerattraktivitet är vanligare önskan hos män, engagemang vanligare hos kvinnor. Slutsatserna innebär likheter i otrohetsuppfattning hos studerande i Sverige samt svag olikhet vad gäller könsskillnader i önskvärda egenskaper. Vidare studier föreslås testa SET relaterat till otrohetsuppfattning och partneregenskaper i olika jämställda samhällen.

Comportamento de infidelidade em homens e mulheres / Infidelity behaviors in men and women

Scheeren, Patrícia January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou compreender os fatores envolvidos na infidelidade em homens e mulheres casados ou coabitando a partir de quatro domínios importantes para sua compreensão: características pessoais, características do companheiro(a), casamento e contexto. Para responder aos objetivos, o tema foi desenvolvido ao longo de cinco estudos. O primeiro artigo tratou de uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a infidelidade nos últimos cinco anos no cenário nacional e internacional e buscou identificar a maneira como a temática vem sendo pesquisada. Constatou-se deficiências nas pesquisas, tais como a não explicitação da definição da infidelidade, grande diversidade de instrumentos e baixo rigor metodológico. Desta forma, o segundo estudo teve por objetivo propor uma medida de infidelidade a partir do que homens e mulheres consideram comportamentos de infidelidade emocional, sexual, virtual emocional e virtual sexual. Este artigo demonstrou a não existência de diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos de infidelidade de homens e mulheres e sugeriu tratar a infidelidade como um fenômeno único, pois as tipologias acabam por gerar uma visão reducionista do constructo O estudo subsequente tratou de investigar a vivência da infidelidade em homens e mulheres, descrevendo frequência, tipos de comportamentos e motivos de busca da infidelidade. Ambos os sexos tiveram comportamentos de infidelidade semelhantes e o principal motivador foi a insatisfação com a relação e com o companheiro(a). Em seguida, os dois últimos estudos visaram investigar a diferença entre homens e mulheres que foram infiéis daqueles que se mantiveram fiéis ao parceiro(a) e delinear os preditores da infidelidade. Os achados apontaram para o domínio casamento tendo uma grande importância na diferenciação dos grupos, além de ser um preditor da infidelidade juntamente com as variáveis contextuais. Desta forma, dada a importância do domínio casamento para a compreensão da temática, conclui-se que a infidelidade se trata de um fenômeno relacional, demonstrando a necessidade de clínicos avaliarem a qualidade da relação e o contexto que predispõe ao risco de infidelidade. / This study aimed to understand the factors involved in infidelity in married or cohabiting men and women considering four important domains: personal characteristics, partner characteristics, marriage and context. To answer the objectives of this thesis, the manuscript was developed over five studies. The first article performed a systematic review of the national and international literature about infidelity in the past five years to identify the infidelity research scenario. The results show some shortcomings in the researchs, such as lack of infidelity definition, great diversity of instruments and low methodological accuracy. The second study aimed to propose an infidelity mesure considering wich behaviors men and women define as emotional, sexual, emotional-virtual and sexual-virtual infidelity. This article evidences the absence of significant differences between the behaviors that men and women consider infidelity and suggest treating infidelity as a unique phenomenon, as far as the typology generates a reducionist view of the construct. The subsequent study investigated the experience of infidelity in men and women, describing frequency, types of behaviors and reasons for infidelity The results show similarites between men and women considering the infidelity behaviors and point to the main raison for infidelity was the partner and relationship dissatisfaction for both men and women. Then the last two studies aimed to investigate the differences between men and women who were unfaithful from those who remained faithful to the partner and to delineate the predictors of the infidelity. The findings pointed that the marriage variables have a great importance in differentiate the groups, besides being a predictor of infidelity with contextual variables. Thus, given the importance of the marriage domain for understanding the phenomenon, it is concluded that infidelity is a relational theme, demonstrating the need for clinicians to assess the quality of the relationship and the context that predispose to the risk of infidelity.


[pt] As relações amorosas são revestidas por diversos paradoxos, podendo ser encaradas como um dos maiores dilemas com os quais o ser humano precisa lidar. As ambiguidades existentes nas relações amorosas podem ser amplamente encontradas na temática da fidelidade e infidelidade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar como os jovens adultos solteiros concebem e vivenciam a questão da fidelidade em seus relacionamentos amorosos. Para atingir esses objetivos, foram entrevistados dez jovens adultos solteiros, universitários, das camadas médias da população carioca, sendo cinco homens e cinco mulheres heterossexuais. Os sujeitos são independentes, e possuem entre 18 e 25 anos de idade. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, com a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Da análise das entrevistas, feita através do método de análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2011), emergiram diversas categorias. Constatou-se que os sujeitos concebem as relações amorosas na atualidade como superficiais, passageiras, vazias e banais. Os mesmos consideram a fidelidade um aspecto fundamental da relação e esperam que seus parceiros sejam fiéis. Uma pessoa é reconhecida como fiel quando é transparente e sincera, e quando cumpre os acordos preestabelecidos com o parceiro. Alguns sujeitos destacam a existência de uma infidelidade consigo mesmos, e muitos têm dificuldades em estabelecer os limites entre o que é fidelidade ou infidelidade. Conclui-se que, apesar das diversas transformações sociais, a fidelidade continua sendo um aspecto fundamental dos relacionamentos amorosos e os jovens esperam que seus parceiros sejam fiéis. Ser fiel significa não somente manter a exclusividade sexual, como também a transparência, a honestidade e a sinceridade com o parceiro. / [en] Romantic relationships are characterized by several paradoxes and can be understood as one of the biggest dilemmas that human beings must deal with. Romantic relationships ambiguities can be broadly found in the theme of fidelity and infidelity. This study aims to investigate the way young single adults conceive and experience fidelity in their romantic relationships. To this end, we interviewed five heterosexual men and women. The subjects of the study were middle class single college students living in Rio de Janeiro, between the ages of 18 and 25. Qualitative method and semi-structured interview (Bardin, 2011) were used. We found that the subjects conceive romantic relationships in the present as superficial, temporary, empty, and trivial. They also consider fidelity a pivotal trait in any relationship and expect fidelity from their partners. One is perceived to be faithful when he/she is transparent and sincere, and when pre-established agreements with the partner are met. Some subjects highlight that they are unfaithful to themselves, and many have difficulties in establishing boundaries between fidelity and infidelity. It was concluded that, despite the many social transformations, fidelity remains a key aspect of romantic relationships, and young people expect their partners to be faithful. Being faithful means not only maintain sexual exclusivity, as well as transparency, honest and sincerity with partner.

Comportamento de infidelidade em homens e mulheres / Infidelity behaviors in men and women

Scheeren, Patrícia January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou compreender os fatores envolvidos na infidelidade em homens e mulheres casados ou coabitando a partir de quatro domínios importantes para sua compreensão: características pessoais, características do companheiro(a), casamento e contexto. Para responder aos objetivos, o tema foi desenvolvido ao longo de cinco estudos. O primeiro artigo tratou de uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a infidelidade nos últimos cinco anos no cenário nacional e internacional e buscou identificar a maneira como a temática vem sendo pesquisada. Constatou-se deficiências nas pesquisas, tais como a não explicitação da definição da infidelidade, grande diversidade de instrumentos e baixo rigor metodológico. Desta forma, o segundo estudo teve por objetivo propor uma medida de infidelidade a partir do que homens e mulheres consideram comportamentos de infidelidade emocional, sexual, virtual emocional e virtual sexual. Este artigo demonstrou a não existência de diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos de infidelidade de homens e mulheres e sugeriu tratar a infidelidade como um fenômeno único, pois as tipologias acabam por gerar uma visão reducionista do constructo O estudo subsequente tratou de investigar a vivência da infidelidade em homens e mulheres, descrevendo frequência, tipos de comportamentos e motivos de busca da infidelidade. Ambos os sexos tiveram comportamentos de infidelidade semelhantes e o principal motivador foi a insatisfação com a relação e com o companheiro(a). Em seguida, os dois últimos estudos visaram investigar a diferença entre homens e mulheres que foram infiéis daqueles que se mantiveram fiéis ao parceiro(a) e delinear os preditores da infidelidade. Os achados apontaram para o domínio casamento tendo uma grande importância na diferenciação dos grupos, além de ser um preditor da infidelidade juntamente com as variáveis contextuais. Desta forma, dada a importância do domínio casamento para a compreensão da temática, conclui-se que a infidelidade se trata de um fenômeno relacional, demonstrando a necessidade de clínicos avaliarem a qualidade da relação e o contexto que predispõe ao risco de infidelidade. / This study aimed to understand the factors involved in infidelity in married or cohabiting men and women considering four important domains: personal characteristics, partner characteristics, marriage and context. To answer the objectives of this thesis, the manuscript was developed over five studies. The first article performed a systematic review of the national and international literature about infidelity in the past five years to identify the infidelity research scenario. The results show some shortcomings in the researchs, such as lack of infidelity definition, great diversity of instruments and low methodological accuracy. The second study aimed to propose an infidelity mesure considering wich behaviors men and women define as emotional, sexual, emotional-virtual and sexual-virtual infidelity. This article evidences the absence of significant differences between the behaviors that men and women consider infidelity and suggest treating infidelity as a unique phenomenon, as far as the typology generates a reducionist view of the construct. The subsequent study investigated the experience of infidelity in men and women, describing frequency, types of behaviors and reasons for infidelity The results show similarites between men and women considering the infidelity behaviors and point to the main raison for infidelity was the partner and relationship dissatisfaction for both men and women. Then the last two studies aimed to investigate the differences between men and women who were unfaithful from those who remained faithful to the partner and to delineate the predictors of the infidelity. The findings pointed that the marriage variables have a great importance in differentiate the groups, besides being a predictor of infidelity with contextual variables. Thus, given the importance of the marriage domain for understanding the phenomenon, it is concluded that infidelity is a relational theme, demonstrating the need for clinicians to assess the quality of the relationship and the context that predispose to the risk of infidelity.

Desvelando a dor amorosa da infidelidade conjugal: discursos de homens e mulheres / Revealing the loving pain of marital infidelity: men\'s and women´s speeches

Edilaine Helena Scabello 30 March 2006 (has links)
No cenário atual, as transformações sócio-culturais e tecnológicas vêm ampliando as fronteiras culturais entre as nações, acentuando a individualidade e redefinindo práticas afetivas. Assistimos a pulverização dos ideais de verdade, a desagregação das estruturas tradicionais de normatização, o excesso de liberdade, o hiper-consumismo, a valorização do novo e do hedonismo. Na aparente efemeridade das relações afetivas, buscamos compreender que significados homens e mulheres atribuem a vivencia da infidelidade amorosa da(do) parceira(o) e como re-significam suas relações amorosas após estes(estas) lhes terem sido infiéis. Entrevistamos 05 mulheres casadas pela Lei Civil e Igreja Católica, sendo que uma delas se separou após a infidelidade do parceiro e depois se reconciliou com ele; 04 homens, sendo que um deles se casou pela Lei Civil e Igreja Católica e se separou após a infidelidade da parceira; outro se uniu pelo contrato de conjunção marital e se separou após a infidelidade da parceira; e os outros dois, solteiros, se separaram das namoradas após a infidelidade delas. Utilizamos o método fenomenológico descritivo proposto por Rezende (1990) e obtivemos as descrições dos(das) colaboradores(as) mediante a questão: Fale a respeito da sua relação afetiva e sexual no decorrer do seu casamento (namoro) e, em especial, após seu (sua) marido (esposa/namorada) lhe ter sido infiel. Submetemo-as aos momentos da análise propostos por Giorgi (1978) e Bruns (2003) e situamos o fenômeno em sua temporalidade e construção sócio-histórica, bem como realizamos sua compreensão psicológica à luz do referencial psicanalítico. Ao analisarmos as descrições compreendemos que, embora vivenciamos no campo familiar, a transgressão de regras, a ruptura de modelos e a pluralização de formas de se relacionar, presenciamos a persistência de elementos tradicionais coexistindo com os comportamentos contemporâneos, como o ideal de amor romântico que imprime as idealizações de felicidade nas parcerias. Percebemos que os desencantos vivenciados por homens e mulheres exprimem a quebra da idealidade frente à figura amada e se manifestam também, nas insatisfações sexuais. A dor psíquica desencadeada pela vivência da infidelidade do(a) parceiro(a) expressa a comoção pulsional ou autopercepção do eu sobre o tumulto interno desencadeado pela perda ou ruptura da imagem que o parceiro traído tem de quem lhe foi infiel e, ao mesmo tempo, pela ruptura de sua própria imagem, que gera confusão mental e dúvidas sobre a própria identidade e sanidade mental. A irrepresentabilidade da dor psíquica pelo eu é expressa tanto pela marca da subtaneidade da descoberta da infidelidade do(a) parceiro(a), quanto pela negação da realidade. A manifestação exterior de sintomas são refletidos em dores psicogênicas e revelam sentimentos como culpa, menos-valia, impotência, insegurança, mágoa, ressentimento, solidão, abandono, rejeição, falta de apoio familiar e social e falta de perspectiva futura, bem como a projeção da dor psíquica no(a) parceiro(a). Os valores, as regras e os mitos que regem um grupo familiar são transmitidos de pais para filhos e há uma relação entre a preocupação com os filhos e o desejo de separar-se do(da) parceiro(a). A dramática ligação entre ciúme e violência compõe o cenário das relações infiéis. Contudo, as re-significações existenciais frente à vivencia da infidelidade podem percorrer territórios psíquicos que se dirigem para duas instâncias, a reconstrução e/ou dissolução do relacionamento amoroso, na busca de vivencias prazerosas; o aprisionamento da dor que encerra o eu em um dilaceramento sem fim, preso a uma antiga imagem não re-significada do eleito amado. / In the current scenery, socio-cultural and technological changes have been increasing cultural borders among the nations, accentuating individuality and redefinig affective practicals. We have watched the pulverization of the ideals of truth, the disaggregation of the traditional structures of normatization, the excess of freedom, the hiper-consumerism, the valorization of the new and of the hedonism. In the apparent efemerity of affective relationships, we attempt to understand which meanings men and women attribute to the existence of love infidelity of male or female partners and how they resignify their relationships after their partners´ infidelity. We interviewed 05 women, married in the Civil Law and Catholic Church; one of them separated after the partner\'s infidelity and later reconciled to him; 04 men; one of them got married in the Civil Law and Catholic Church and separated after the partner\'s infidelity; another one joined in the contract of marital conjunction and separated after the partner\'s infidelity; and the other two single men, separated after their girlfriends´ infidelity. We used the descriptive phenomenologic method proposed by Rezende (1990) and we obtained the descriptions by asking: \"Talk about sex and love during your relationships an especially after your partners´ infidelity. We made our analysis according to Giorgi (1978) and Bruns (2003) and we placed the phenomenon in its temporality and socio-historical construction and also accomplished its psychological understanding according to phyco analysis. To analyze the descriptions we understood that although we live in the familial field, the transgression of rules, the rupture of models and the pluralization relationships, we witness the persistence of traditional elements coexisting with contemporary behaviors, such as the ideal of romantic love in the idealization of happiness in the relationships. We noticed that disapointments experienced by men and women express the break of the ideal love and also appear in their sexual dissatisfactions. Psycic pain revealed by the existence of the partners´ infidelity expresses the pulsional commotion or autoperception of the internal tumult resulting from the the loss or rupture of the image that the betrayed partner has of the unfaithful one, and at the same time, from the rupture of his/ her own image, which generates mental confusion and doubts about their own identity and mental sanity. The irrepresentability of the psychic pain is expressed in the discovery of partners´ infidelity as well as in the denial of reality. The external manifestation of symptoms is reflected in the psycogenic pain which reveal feelings such as blame, low self-confidence, impotence, insecurity, sorrow, resentment, solitude, abandonment, rejection, lack of family and social support and lack of future perspective, as well as the projection of the psychic pain to the partners. The values, the rules and the myths that govern a family group are transmitted from r parents to children and there is a relation between the concern with the children and the desire of separation. The dramatic connection between jealousy and violence composes the scenery of unfaithful relationships. However, the existential re-significances in the experience of infidelity can go through psychic territories that lead to two instances, the reconstruction and/ or breakup of the love relationship, in the search of pleasure; the imprisonment of pain that leads to endless suffering due to the non re-signified image of the partner.

Attachment and Perceived Infidelity of Military Spouses During Active-Duty Members’ Deployment

Alvarado, Heather Ann 01 January 2020 (has links)
Frequent military deployments have been associated with relationship issues for active-duty members, such as marital conflict and infidelity. Previous research has indicated that attachment, communication, and mental health are associated with military marriages’ stability during deployment. However, there remains an important gap in the current literature on military marriages regarding perceptions of infidelity (emotional and sexual). Proponents of attachment theory postulate that early attachment experiences facilitate the development of self-perception as well as perceptions of others. From this perspective, the attachment of military spouses is associated with their perceptions of their active-duty spouses engaging in infidelity. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between attachment, as measured by the Adult Attachment Scale, and infidelity perceptions, as measured by the Infidelity Expectations Questionnaire, for military spouses during their active-duty members’ deployment. A sample of 178 military spouses was recruited through social media platforms to complete surveys. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were conducted to identify the association and strength between attachment scores and infidelity perceptions. Findings indicate that proximity was a challenge due to deployment, during which spouses were continuously faced with communication challenges and feeling detached from the active-duty member. This contribution to existing literature may enhance social-change initiatives by informing education for military couples, providing a basis for attachment and infidelity-related training.

Infedility in Africa clergy families : a pastoral care approach

Maswana, Nonzolo January 2013 (has links)
Infidelity of clergy has been defined as a culture, by those who believe in polygamous marriage. Women are often controlled by men and very few societies exhibit an equalitarian relationship. One paramount way in which men control women is through sex and sexual power. Infidelity is abuse because the characteristics of the unfaithful are like those of a battered and the symptoms of the victim are like those of the battered. Sitting in on battered women’s group, I heard the same things-women wanting to go back; full of anger and rage, saying they’d rather be beaten than wonder where their partner was sleeping at night. The researcher is ministering among Pondo and Bhaca people who are no strangers to this oppressing practice. Few marriages in these days last beyond few years, because infidelity has become such an accepted alternative way of living and working out marital problems. The problem disturbed author’s ministry as a junior minister. As result I am researching this problem so as to come out with a theory that will help to address this issue. Clergy spouses approach the act of infidelity very painful, they ended up traumatizing their own spouses, children and their ministry. One of my favourite clergy in Pondo even resigned his pastorate about a year ago due to adultery and fathering a child outside of his marriage. All of these high profile ministers have been involved in some form of infidelity. But still the powerful words from Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:13 “no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it”. Today, many churches invite unfaithful itinerant clergies to preach to their congregations unaware of the spiritual poison they are injecting directly into the life blood of their congregations and the Christian community. No wonder many churches are so full of infidelity, dishonesty and immorality of the worst kind. Clergy spouses decided to stay in their marriage are taught forgiveness, so that they can move away from their traumatic experience. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted

When Relationships Threaten Quality of Life: The Role of Romantic Self-Construal

Cochran, Karly A. 05 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Parental Infidelity and Relational Ethics: A Dyadic Examination

Kawar, Codina January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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