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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationsverksamhet i ett föränderligt samhälle : En studie om hur Gällivare kommun bör kommunicera med sin befolkning under samhällsomvandlingen / Communication activities in a changing society : A study of how Gällivare municipality should communicate with their citizens during the urban transformation

Olausson, Nathalie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze which communication strategies andinformation- and communication channels that Gällivare municipality should useunder the urban transformation to communicate with the citizens. The studyconcentrates on the age-groups 16 – 24, 25 – 44, 45 – 64 and people that are 65 yearsand older. This selection has been made as a segmentation of the citizens and is oneof the essay questions which refers to study the channels that each age-groups prefer.The study is a quantitative one and is based on a questionnaire survey directed to thecitizens and it’s 85 people who participated. The result of the survey have beenanalyzed with theories like Grunigs two-way symmetrical model, theories forcommunication in public sector and theories for the most common media channels asface-to-face communication and internet.The analysis shows that Gällivare municipality should use a communication strategythat is intended to surprise the citizens, becase the survey showed that there’s a fairlylow commitment for questions of the urban transformation. The strategy is alsouseful when the survey showed that the citizens believe that the promises in theinformation of Gällivare municipality aren’t kept, which could have resulted that theybecame passive and now they have to wake up from that state of mind. It also showsthat the age-group 16-24 years concider internet as a channel for information andsocial media as the most popular communication channel. Rest of the age-gropusprefer printed information. But the opinion for the communication channels differsbetween the group 25 – 44 years and the two others. The first mentioned considers emailas the channel they want to communicate with the municipality unlike the agegroups45 – 64 and 65 and older that prefers face-to-face communication.

Gaskunders informationsbehov. : En studie i Stockholm Gas AB:s olika kundsegments behov av information och önskade informationskanaler.

Larsson, David January 2012 (has links)
Stockholm Gas AB säljer i huvudsak två olika produkter. Den ena är stadsgas och den andra är fordonsgas. Båda produkterna skall på sikt i huvudsak ha biogas som råvara. I dagsläget är det dock så att stadsgasen till största delen består av naturgas blandad med luft.Stockholm Gas AB har genomgått stora förändringar och står inför nya. År 2011 togs ett stort steg i Stockholm Gas klimat- och miljöriktiga utveckling. Den tidigare stadsgasen baserad på lättbensin ersattes med en stadsgaskvalité bestående av naturgas och/eller biogas blandad med luft. Utöver denna förändring har Stockholm Gas också utvecklat sin roll som leverantör av biogas som fordonsbränsle. Nya rörnät för leverans av biogas är under uppbyggnad för att knyta ihop biogasens produktionsplatser med olika tankställen. Genom att Stockholm Gas AB är ett relativt ungt företag i kombination med de stora förändringar som nämns ovan anser sig Stockholm Gas AB ha ett behov av att utveckla sin kommunikation gentemot sina kunder. Denna studie är ett led i utvecklingen av kommunikationen.Studiens övergripande syfte är att ge Stockholm Gas AB ett underlag för att utveckla och förbättra sin kommunikation med sina olika kundsegment vad det gäller såväl informationskanaler som informationsinnehåll rörande Stockholm Gas AB:s båda produkter samt råvaran biogas. Strävan är att rapporten skall kunna fungera som ett underlag och en vägledning för Stockholm Gas AB vid framtagande av informationsmaterial rörande sina båda produkter och råvaran biogas, samt hjälpa Stockholm Gas AB:s marknadsavdelning att bättre kunna kommunicera med Stockholm Gas AB:s kunder. Det centrala i studien är att ta reda på vilken typ av information som Stockholm Gas AB:s kunder är intresserade av och vilka informationskanaler som föredras och jämföra detta med de uppfattningar som de anställda på Stockholm Gas AB har. Kunderna har i studien delats in i fyra segment. Dessa segment är fordonsgasstorkunder (främst taxibolag), fordonsgasprivatkunder, stadsgasstorkunder (främst krögare) och stadsgasprivatkunder. Studien utfördes genom att kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med anställda på Stockholm Gas AB och med vart och ett av kundsegmenten. Intervjusvaren på varje fråga har kategoriserats och utifrån detta har slutsatser dragits och ett resultat utformats. Ett resultat presenteras för vart och ett av kundsegmenten i form av venndiagram samt i en mer diskuterande resultatdel. / Stockholm Gas AB sells essentially two different products. One is the town gas and the other vehicle gas. Both products will eventually have substantially the biogas as a feedstock. In the current situation though, the city gas consists mainly of natural gas mixed with air. Stockholm Gas AB has undergone major changes and facing new ones. The year 2011 marked a major step in Stockholm Gas climate and environmentally friendly development. The former town gas is based on light petroleum was replaced with a town gas quality consisting of natural gas and / or biogas is mixed with air. In addition to this change, the Stockholm Gas also developed its role as a supplier of biogas as vehicle fuel. New mains for the supply of biogas are under construction to link up biogas production locations with different filling stations. Stockholm Gas AB being a relatively young company, combined with the significant changes mentioned above, Stockholm Gas AB have a need to develop their communication to their customers. This study is a part of that development of communication. The study's overall purpose is to provide Stockholm Gas AB with a basis to develop and improve its communications with its various customer segments in terms of both information channels and the information contents regarding Stockholm Gas AB's both products and the raw material biogas. The aim is that the report should serve as a basis and a guide to Stockholm Gas AB in the preparation of information material relating to its products and raw material biogas, as well as helping Stockholm Gas AB's marketing department to better communicate with the Stockholm Gas AB's customers. Central to this study is to determine what type of information that Stockholm Gas AB's customers are interested in and their channels of choice, and compare this with the views of the staff at Stockholm Gas AB. The customers have in the study been divided into four segments. These segments are vehicle gas key accounts, (mainly taxi companies), vehicle gas private customers, town gas key accounts (primarily chefs) and town gas private customers. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with employees at the Stockholm Gas AB, and with each of the customer segments. Interview responses to each question have been categorized and from this conclusions have been drawn and results been designed. A result is presented for each of the segments in the form of a Venn diagrams, and in a more deliberative part of the result.


PEDRO HENRIQUE PASSOS CARNE 13 July 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese tem como objetivo discutir o fenômeno do pensamento singular. Mais precisamente, meu propósito é o de investigar criticamente os fundamentos da tese que afirma existirem pensamentos singulares sobre números naturais. Para desenvolver tal investigação, aborda-se, por um lado, o papel desempenhado pelos pensamentos singulares em nossa vida mental, e, por outro, os debates acerca das condições a serem satisfeitas no desenvolvimento de tais pensamentos. A argumentação aqui construída favorece uma abordagem cognitiva para os pensamentos singulares, o que significa que as condições a serem satisfeitas em seu desenvolvimento devam ser consideradas como cognitivas, assim como o papel desempenhado por eles, os pensamentos singulares, em nossa vida mental. Deste modo, procuro argumentar que se a questão sobre a possibilidade de um indivíduo desenvolver pensamentos singulares sobre números naturais recebe uma resposta positiva, isso se deve ao fato de que tal possibilidade constitui-se como um fato cognitivo. Em consequência, sendo um fato cognitivo, também se procura argumentar que a investigação ontológica sobre a natureza dos números naturais, embora possivelmente relevante, não é essencial para fundamentar a tese sob análise. / [en] In this dissertation, I tackle the issue of singular thought. More precisely, my main purpose is to critically investigate the grounds for the claim that there are singular thoughts about natural numbers. To do so, I review some of the debates concerning the conditions to be met in order to have (be ascribed) such thoughts and the role played by singular thinking in our mental lives. I clearly favor here a cognitive approach, which means that the conditions to be met must be thought of as cognitive, and the role played by singular thinking in our mental lives as cognitive too. Accordingly, I argue that if the question as to whether one can have singular thoughts about natural numbers is to be given a positive answer, it is because it is a cognitive fact that one can. Being a cognitive fact, I also argue that an ontological investigation into the nature of natural numbers, though possibly relevant, is not essential to support the claim under analysis.

A model for service rendering to meet the information needs of South African artists

Van Zijl, Carol Wendy 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation analysed the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of visual artists. An empirical survey was conducted on a sample of the more informationliterate visual artists in South Africa. A model of the information environment of South African visual artists was developed. This model provides a basis for another model which represents the optimal service that should be rendered to meet the needs of this user group. It was found that the general information needs of South African artists are fairly adequately met, but that there are several shortfalls, especially in serving their more complex information needs. The most important problems are the lack of training in the use of information sources and services, inadequate marketing of services and inadequate coverage of South African art. It was also found that greater coordination between service providers is urgently required, especially in the provision of information about South African art. / M. (Information Science)

A model for service rendering to meet the information needs of South African artists

Van Zijl, Carol Wendy 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation analysed the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of visual artists. An empirical survey was conducted on a sample of the more informationliterate visual artists in South Africa. A model of the information environment of South African visual artists was developed. This model provides a basis for another model which represents the optimal service that should be rendered to meet the needs of this user group. It was found that the general information needs of South African artists are fairly adequately met, but that there are several shortfalls, especially in serving their more complex information needs. The most important problems are the lack of training in the use of information sources and services, inadequate marketing of services and inadequate coverage of South African art. It was also found that greater coordination between service providers is urgently required, especially in the provision of information about South African art. / M. (Information Science)

Effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation / Improvement of the information flow within a Public Organization

Assgård, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka problem den offentliga organisationen har vad gäller informationsflödet inom organisationen samt föreslå en lösning på detta. För att uppnå syftet kommer följande frågeställningar att besvaras: Vilka problem har en offentlig organisation med informationsflödet? Hur kan en kravspecifikation bidra till en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation? Metod – För att uppnå studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ studie utförts på en offentlig organisation. Först utförs semistrukturerade intervjuer, efter det har det teoretiska ramverket skapats ur litteraturstudier för att ge en kunskapsgrund inom området. Ur detta framkommer riktlinjer för skapandet av en kravspecifikation, som ligger till grund för ett mer effektivt informationsflöde inom en offentlig organisation. Den empiri som insamlats på beskrivet sätt har sedan analyserats och jämförts med den insamlade teorin. Detta för att jämföra verkliga det arbetslivet med teorin. Även litteraturstudier har genomförts eftersom det är viktigt att få en stabil bakgrund gällande metoder, teorier och verktyg. Med sin grund i kravspecifikationen skapandes ett lösningsförslag efter att ett val har gjort vilken typ av lösning som är lämplig för ändamålet. Detta gjordes i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. Kravspecifikationen har analyserats mot empirin och teorierna samt skett i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. En demonstration av den slutliga lösningen och uppföljningsintervju utfördes även för att få feedback lösningsförslaget effektiviserade den berörda organisationen informationsflöde. Resultat – Studiens resultat bygger på den insamlade empirin och den utförda litteraturstudien. Resultatet visar att utvecklandet av en artefakt i form riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en vidareutveckling för att effektivisera informationsflödet, har resulterat i en förbättring av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Kraven som framkom genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts vid skapandet av kravspecifikationen. Detta för att få ett bra resultat som löser den berörda organisationen krav och behov, vad det gäller att effektivisera informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Implikationer – Ambitionen i denna studie är att skapa riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Genom studiens resultat fås riktlinjer fram som borde användas av andra utvecklare eller studenter vid liknade projekt. Blomkvist och Hallin (2015) menar att vissa exjobb ger ett metodologiskt bidrag till forskningen detta genom att på ett nytt sätt lösa en organisations praktiska problem. Detta är denna studies kunskapsbidrag. Kunskapsbidraget vad det gäller forskningen inom ämnet informatik, bidrar den till en förbättring av förmedling av information. Detta genom att ta fram och använda riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund detta. Studien ges stöd genom att ta fram ett riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation i form av en artefakt som ligger till grund vid utvecklingsarbetet. Ytterligare studier kan ses som önskvärt då denna studie endast har inriktat sig på en organisation och för att forskningen ska bli optimal och behöver ytterligare studier inom området utföras. Begränsningar – En studie utfördes på en offentlig organisation och därför blir studien relevant för denna organisation samt för liknade organisationer. Studiens ämnesområden är av varierande djup, eftersom det inte tidsmässigt varit möjligt att gå lika djupt inom alla ämnen. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of problems a public organization has with their information flow and suggest a solution to the identified problems.To achieve the purpose, will the report answer the following questions: What problems do a public organization have with the information flow? How can a specification contribute to efficiency the flow of information within a public organization? Method – In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer the research questions, a qualitative study is conducted in a public organization. First, semi-structured interviews have been conducted, and then a literature search is performed to provide a knowledge base in this field. From this emerges a specification that forms the basis for a more efficient flow of information within a public organization. The empirical data, which is collected in the manner described, is then analysed and compared with the collected theory. This is to compare the real working life with the theory. Even literature studies have been carried out because it is important to have a stable background current methods, theories and tools. With its basis in the specification, the proposed solutions was developed after an election has made the kind of solution that is fit for purpose. This was done in consultation with the organization concerned. The requirement specification has been analysed by the empirical data and theories, and occurred in consulting with the organization concerned. A demonstration of the final solution and follow-up interviews were also conducted, to get feedback about the solution improvement of the information flow within the public organization. Findings – The study results are based on the collected empirical data and the conducted literature review. The result shows that development of an artefact in the form of guidelines for a set of requirements that form the basis, for further development solution improvement of the information flow has resulted in an improvement of the information flow within a public organization. The requirements that have been identified; with semi-structured interview have been used to create the specification demands. This is done to get a good result that solves the organizations requirements and needs, in terms of information flow in a public organization. Implications – Blomkvist and Hallin (2015) argues that some thesis provides a methodological contribution to research this, a new way to solve an organization's practical problems. This is this study knowledge contribution. Knowledge contribution in terms of research in informatics, it contributes to an improvement in the distribution of information. This is through the development and use guidelines for a set of requirements that underpin it. The study provides support by producing a guidance on a specification in the form of an artefact that is the basis for development. Further studies may be seen as desirable as this study has only focused on the organization and for research to be optimal and needs further studies in the field carried out. Limitations – The study was conducted in a public organization and therefore the results of the study are specifically relevant for this kind of organizations.

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