Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INHERITANCE"" "subject:"[enn] INHERITANCE""
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Contribution à l'efficacité de la programmation par objets : evaluation des implémentations de l'héritage multiple en typage statique / Assesment of multiple inheritance implentation in static typingMorandat, Floréal 17 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la compilation efficace des langages à objets en héritage multiple. La programmation objet est caractérisée par un mécanisme fondamental, emph{la liaison tardive} --- la méthode appelée dépend du type dynamique d'un paramètre distingué, le emph{receveur}. L'efficacité de ce mécanisme nécessite une implémentation adéquate qui est conditionnée par le schéma de compilation utilisé --- compilation séparée avec chargement dynamique, compilation globale, etc. Cependant la programmation par objets présente une apparente incompatibilité entre trois termes : l'héritage multiple, l'efficacité et l'owa --- en particulier, le chargement dynamique. Nous avons étudié les techniques d'implémentation compatibles avec l'héritage multiple couramment utilisées ainsi qu'une alternative prometteuse, le ph. Nous nous plaçons dans le cadre du typage statique, donc nos conclusions peuvent valoir pour des langages comme cpp, eiffel, java, csharp, etc. Différents schémas de compilation sont considérés, de l'owa à l'cwa. Ces techniques et ces schémas ont été mis en uvre dans le compilateur auto-gène du langage prm. L'influence sur l'efficacité de tous ces éléments a été testée dans un protocole expérimental rigoureux de méta-compilation et les tests ont été réalisés sur une variété de processeurs différents. Les résultats des ces expérimentations sont discutés et comparés aux évaluations a priori effectuées sur les techniques d'implémentation. Ils confirment aussi que le ph est une technique d'implémentation intéressante pour le sous-typage multiple à la java. / His thesis is about efficient compilation of object oriented language with multiple inheritance.Object oriented programing is characterized by a main mechanism, emph{late binding} --- invoked method only depends on the dynamic type of one special parameter, the emph{receiver}.In order to be efficient this mechanism needs an implementation which depends on some compilation scheme --- separate compilation with dynamic loading, global compilation, etc.However object oriented programming present akin of incompatibility between three terms: multiple inheritance, efficiency and open world assumption --- especially with dynamic loading.In this thesis, we have studied common implementation techniques compatible with multiple inheritance and a promising alternative, perfect class hashing.The context of this study is static typing, our conclusion holds for languages like cpp, eiffel, java, csharp, etc.Different compilation schemes are considered, from open world assumption to closed world assumption.These techniques and schemes are implemented in the prm bootstraped compiler.Efficiency influence of all this artifacts has been tested with a rigorous meta-compilation experimental protocol and these tests have been performed on a variety of different processors.Results of these experiments are discuss and compared to an a priori evaluations of implementations techniquesThey mainly confirm perfect class hashing as an interesting implementation for multiple subtyping, a la java.
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Temporal patterns of spiking activity in the hippocampal formationHoyos, Jorge Jaramillo 19 January 2015 (has links)
Um eine Folge von Ereignissen aus unserem Gedächtnis abzurufen, ist zunächst ein Mechanismus erforderlich, der geordnete Sequenzen abspeichert. Hierbei stehen wir vor dem Problem, dass Ereignisse in unserem Leben auf einer Zeitskala von Sekunden oder mehr stattfinden. Auf der anderen Seite basiert das Lernen von Sequenzen auf der Plastizität von Synapsen im Gehirn, die durch die Abfolge von Aktionspotentialen von Nervenzellen im Millisekunden-Bereich gesteuert wird. Um dieses zeitliche Problem zu lösen, betrachten wir den Hippocampus, eine Struktur im Gehirn von Vertebraten, die für das explizite Gedächtnis (Fakten, Ereignisse, Sequenzen) entscheidende Bedeutung hat. In Nagetieren ist der Hippocampus sehr gut untersucht. Dort wurden Neurone gefunden, die nur dann aktiv sind, wenn das Tier innerhalb einer bestimmten Region seiner Umgebung ist: im sogenannten “Ortsfeld” des entsprechenden Neurons. Während der Bewegung durch ein Ortsfeld verschiebt sich die Phase der Nervenimpulse zu immer früheren Phasen der EEG-Oszillation. Dieses Phänomen wird als “Phasenpräzession” bezeichnet. Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Phasenpräzession eine Lösung für unser Dilemma bietet: es führt zu einer zeitlich komprimierten Darstellung der Sequenz von Orten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuche ich den Mechanismus und die Funktion von Phasenpräzession im Hinblick auf die Ausbreitung neuronaler Aktivität von einer Hirnregion zu einer anderen. Phasenpräzession konnte bereits in mehreren Regionen des Gehirns beobachtet werden. Bisher war unklar, ob Phasenpräzession in jeder dieser Regionen eigenständig entsteht, oder ob die Phasenpräzession von einer vorgeschalteten Population von Neuronen “vererbt” werden kann. Schliesslich diskutiere ich auf Grundlage der aktuellen Literatur, ob Phasenpräzession das Verhalten beeinflusst und gebe einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschungsmöglichkeiten auf diesem Gebiet. / The process of faithfully retrieving episodes from our memory requires a neural mechanism capable of initially forming ordered and reliable behavioral sequences. These behavioral sequences take place on a timescale of seconds or more, whereas the timescale of neural plasticity and learning is in the order of tens of milliseconds. To shed light on this dilemma, we turn to studies of hippocampal place cells in rodents, i.e., cells that selectively increase their firing rates in locations of the environment known as the place fields. Within a field, the firing phases of a place cell precess monotonically relative to the ongoing theta rhythm. This phenomenon, termed "phase precession", leads to a temporally compressed representation of the behavioral sequences experienced by the rodent, and the compressed timescale matches the requirements of neural plasticity. In this thesis, I study the mechanisms and functions of phase precession by proposing a framework that relies on the concept of inheritance: the simple idea that patterns of neural activity can be propagated from one region to another. Indeed, phase precession has been observed in several regions of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, and an important open question is whether phase precession emerges independently in each region, or conversely, whether phase precession can be "inherited" from an upstream neu ronal population. These results suggest that the presence of phase precession in different stages of the hippocampal circuit and other regions of the brain is indicative of a common source, a fact that can help us better understand the temporal spiking patterns in the brain. Finally, I critically review the current evidence for a behavioral role for phase precession and suggest a roadmap for future research in this field.
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A method for consistent non-local configuration of component interfacesZaichenkov, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Service-oriented computing is a popular technology that facilitates the development of large-scale distributed systems. However, the modular composition and flexible coordination of such applications still remains challenging for the following reasons: 1) the services are provided as loosely coupled black boxes that only expose their interfaces to the environment; 2) interacting services are not usually known in advance: web services are dynamically chosen to fulfil certain roles and are often replaced by services with a similar functionality; 3) the nature of the service-based application is decentralised. Loose coupling of web services is often lost when it comes to the construction of an application from services. The reason is that the object-oriented paradigm, which is widely used in the implementation of web services, does not provide a mechanism for service interface self-tuning. As a result, it negatively impacts upon the interoperability of web services. In this dissertation we present a formal method for automatic service configuration in the presence of subtyping, polymorphism, and flow inheritance. This is a challenging problem. On the one hand, the interface description language must be flexible enough to maintain service compatibility in various contexts without any modification to the service itself. On the other hand, the composition of interfaces in a distributed environment must be provably consistent. Our method is based on constraint satisfaction and Boolean satisfiability. First, we define a language for specifying service interfaces in a generic form, which is compatible with a variety of contexts. The language provides support for parametric polymorphism, Boolean variables, which are used to control dependencies between any elements of interface collections, and flow inheritance using extensible records and variants. We implemented the method as a constraint satisfaction solver. In addition to this, we present a protocol for interface configuration. It specifies a sequence of steps that leads to the generation of context-specific service libraries from generic services. Furthermore, we developed a toolchain that performs a complete interface configuration for services written in C++. We integrated support for flexible interface objects (i.e. objects that can be transferred in the application along with their structural description). Although the protocol relies solely on interfaces and does not take behaviour concerns into account, it is capable of finding discrepancies between input and output interfaces for simple stateful services, which only perform message synchronisation. Two running examples (a three buyers use-case and an image processing application) are used along the way to illustrate our approach. Our results seem to be useful for service providers that run their services in the cloud. The reason is twofold. Firstly, interfaces and the code behind them can be generic as long as they are sufficiently configurable. No communication between service designers is necessary in order to ensure consistency in the design. Instead, the interface correspondence in the application is ensured by the constraint satisfaction algorithm, which we have already designed. Secondly, the configuration and compilation of every service are separated from the rest of the application. This prevents source code leaks in proprietary software which is running in the cloud.
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O processo de (re)criação do campesinato em áreas do latifúndio: a fragmentação da terra em Rondonópolis-MT / The process of (re) creation of peasant farming agriculture in latifundium areas: the land fragmentation in Rondonópolis-MTLima, Leida Maria de Souza 10 September 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o estudo da (re) criação do campesinato em área de latifúndio a partir da fragmentação da terra por herança e doação em Rondonópolis/MT. Ela aborda as ações resultantes desse processo, e particularmente o significado desta conquista pelos sujeitos sociais. Rondonópolis é um município onde impera grandes latifúndios e uma enorme concentração fundiária, aliás, uma marca no território brasileiro. Nele está também presente, a expansão dos movimentos sociais no campo representados pelos assentamentos criados pelo Estado. A importância desta pesquisa deriva do processo de surgimento de áreas de fragmentação dos latifúndios que foram adquiridos por migrantes no auge da venda de terras pelo governo de Mato Grosso em meados do Século XX. As áreas pesquisadas têm como peculiaridade mais de quarenta e sete anos de história, pois estão nas mãos das mesmas famílias, passando de geração para geração. Este processo gerou paulatinamente, a transformação do latifúndio em pequenas propriedades. Nestes espaços os membros das famílias têm a preocupação em não deixar o patrimônio sair do domínio familiar. O estudo foi realizado nas localidades de Bananal, Beroaba, Belém, Aldeinha, Pequi, Núcleo Colonial de Naboreiro e Vila Bueno, no município de Rondonópolis-MT, e abrangeu cinco propriedades que se formaram pela junção de dez unidades através da compra e ou doação e que hoje estão divididas em sessenta e seis pequenas propriedades. Os resultados deste trabalho revelaram que a fragmentação tem seus benefícios, mas por outro lado, tem também suas conseqüências negativas, embora diferenciadas, do risco de formação de minifúndios. / This thesis research the (re)creation of peasant farming agriculture, in latifundium areas, through land fragmentation, by heritage and donation in Rondonópolis-MT. It analyze the actions resulting from this process, and emphasize the meaning of this conquer by the social actors. The importance of this work is based on the fact that Rondonópolis is a municipality with a great land area concentration, similar to great part of Brazilian territory. It also includes the expansion of social field movements, represented by many settlements created by the State. The importance of this research is related to the process of latifundium fragmentation, acquired by migrants in the peak of land selling by the government of Mato Grosso State in the middle of XX century. The researched areas have got a singular history aspect. More than 47 years has been kept in the same family ownership, from one to the next generation. This way, gradually have been changing from latifundium to small farming areas, therefore the family members are concerned about not to permit the properpty going out of family control. The study was carried out in the Rondonópolis municipality and in the Bananal, Beroaba, Belém, Aldeinha, Pequi, Nucleo Colonial de Naboreiro e Vila Bueno regions. It comprehends five properties that has been originated adding up (10) ten different areas through purchase and/or donation, otherwise now a days are divided in (66) sixty six small farming areas. The main results of this work have shown that the land fragmentation process has got their profits, but on the other hand can bring negative effects, although different. By the risk of minifundium formation.
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O gene UBE2A (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 2 A) e a deficiência mental: triagem de mutações e estudos funcionais / UBE2A (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 2 A) gene and mental retardation: search for mutations and functional studiesNascimento, Rafaella Maria Pessutti 06 August 2010 (has links)
Em trabalho anterior, identificamos a mutação c.382C8594;T no gene UBE2A, localizado em Xq24 e codificador de enzima conjugadora de ubiquitina, como causa de nova síndrome de deficiência mental (DM) de herança ligada ao cromossomo X. Foi a primeira descrição de mutação nesse gene e a primeira associação de mutação em gene que codifica conjugase de ubiquitina com patologia humana. Neste trabalho, focalizamos o gene UBE2A quanto a expressão dos transcritos alternativos, função das isoformas por eles codificadas e o efeito da mutação c.382C 8594; T como causa de deficiência mental (DM). No Capítulo I, revisamos os aspectos genéticos da DM, dando ênfase à herança ligada ao cromossomo X, principal causa de DM herdada e resumimos o estudo que levou à identificação da mutação em UBE2A como causa de quadro sindrômico de DM. Revisamos o papel da via de ubiquitinação de proteínas e das enzimas que participam do processo, em especial as conjugases de ubiquitina. Levantamos evidências na literatura que não deixam dúvida sobre a importância da via de ubiquitinação no sistema nervoso, tanto em processos de neurodesenvolvimento como neurodegeneração. No Capítulo II, avaliamos a contribuição de mutações em UBE2A como causa de DM. Apresentamos os resultados do sequenciamento direto da região codificadora do gene UBE2A em afetados de 23 famílias em que a DM segrega ligada à segmento que inclui Xq24, onde está localizado o gene UBE2A. Uma dessas famílias foi averiguada no Serviço de Aconselhamento Genético do Laboratório de Genética Humana do Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biociência, USP (LGH-IB/USP), coordenado pelo Dr. Paulo A. Otto e pela Dra. Angela Vianna Morgante. As demais 22 famílias pertencem ao banco de amostras do Consórcio Europeu de Deficiência Mental (European Mental Retardation Consortium EURO-MRX). A triagem foi também realizada em um indivíduo afetado por DM sindrômica que compartilha características clínicas com nossos pacientes. Como acontece com a maioria dos genes do cromossomo X, o gene UBE2A não parece ser responsável por parcela significativa dos casos de DM, já que novas mutações em UBE2A não foram detectadas nessa triagem. Avaliamos o efeito da mutação c.382C 8594; T nos níveis da transcrição e da tradução em homem afetado e em mulher portadora. A presença da mutação que leva a um códon de parada prematura não resultou na degradação do RNA, que detectamos nas células do afetado. Já na mulher portadora, apenas o transcrito normal foi detectado, de acordo com nossos dados anteriores que mostraram desvio completo no padrão de inativação do cromossomo X nas portadoras da mutação, tendo um mesmo cromossomo X ativo nas células do sangue. A vantagem proliferativa das células em que o cromossomo X com alelo mutado estava inativo deve ter levado a esse padrão de inativação desviado do casual, evidenciando o efeito deletério da mutação. Entretanto, o mecanismo pelo qual a mutação afeta a via de UBE2A permanece interrogado. A proteína UBE2A alterada foi encontrada em baixa quantidade nas células do paciente, o que pode ser o resultado de síntese prejudicada ou de degradação pós-traducão. Independente do mecanismo responsável, o fato de apenas uma pequena quantidade da proteína mutada ter sido encontrada, nos permite afirmar que, nas células desses indivíduos, há perda de função de UBE2A. Devemos, contudo, considerar que a proteína mutada é sintetizada e que, no caso de a menor quantidade dever-se à degradação pós-tradução, esse processo pode prejudicar a homeostase celular e contribuir para o quadro clínico. O capítulo II focaliza os transcritos alternativos de UBE2A. Diversos bancos de dados apontam para a existência de três transcritos alternativos do gene UBE2A humano, mas não há trabalho científico que caracterize os tecidos em que os transcritos são expressos ou a função das proteínas por eles codificadas. A mutação c.382C 8594; T localiza-se no éxon 6 do gene, comum a todos os transcritos, de forma que, no caso de eles codificarem proteínas funcionais, a mutação comprometeria três proteínas, e não apenas uma. Demonstramos que os três transcritos de UBE2A são xpressos em leucócitos, pré-adipócitos, placenta, córtex cerebral e hipocampo humanos. Detectamos também os três transcritos nas células de sangue e pré-adipócitos de um de nossos pacientes portador da mutação c.382C 8594; T. Embora os bancos de dados apontem para a existência de apenas um transcrito de UBE2A em camundongos, identificamos um transcrito alternativo correspondente ao transcrito alternativo 3 humano. Este foi detectado inclusive em camundongos nocaute quanto ao gene UBE2A o processo de geração do animal nocaute foi realizado por recombinação homóloga em que o cassete de neomicina foi inserido no éxon 1 do gene, de maneira que não eliminou a existência do transcrito correspondente ao transcrito 3 humano, que utiliza uma 5 UTR alternativa localizada no íntron 3. Entretanto, as proteínas codificadas pelos transcritos alternativos não foram detectadas nos extratos protéicos analisados humanos e de camundongo. Esse resultado poderia ser explicado pela falta de especificidade do anticorpo utilizado ou por essas isoformas representarem pequena parcela do pool de proteínas da célula. Os anticorpos comerciais anti-RAD6 e anti-HR6A/HR6B foram produzidos após imunização de coelhos com a porção N-terminal da isoforma 1. Seria, portanto, possível que não fossem capazes de detectar as isoformas 2 e 3, em que o segmento utilizado para a produção dos anticorpos está total ou parcialmente ausente. No caso de as proteínas estarem pouco representadas na célula, experimentos de co-imunoprecipitação auxiliariam na identificação dessas isoformas nos extratos protéicos. Entretanto, para a detecção de todas as isoformas de UBE2A seria necessário anticorpo que reconhecesse a porção C-terminal de UBE2A. Em 2009, duas novas mutações em UBE2A foram descritas em estudo colaborativo realizado no Welcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, Reino Unido, após sequenciamento em larga escala de aproximadamente 700 genes do cromossomo X de cerca de 200 indivíduos com DM de herança ligada ao X. Ambas as mutações c.215C 8594; T e c.328C 8594; G eram do tipo missense. Não foram fornecidas informações quanto ao quadro clínico dos portadores dessas mutações e também não foi esclarecido porque apenas a alteração c.215C 8594; T que resulta na troca do resíduo de fenilalanina da posição 72 por um resíduo de serina (F72S) foi considerada pelos autores como possivelmente patogênica. Nossos estudos in vitro, apresentados no Capítulo III, sugerem que ambas as alterações afetam a função de UBE2A. Em 2010, foram publicados dois trabalhos associando novas alterações em UBE2A a quadro de DM. Honda e col. (2010) descreveram uma microdeleção em Xq24 que inclui UBE2A e outros oito genes, em um menino com DM e características também presentes em nossos pacientes. Budny e col. (2010) descreveram mutações missense em UBE2A em duas famílias em que segregava quadro de DM sindrômica semelhante ao de nossos pacientes. Por comunicação pessoal de Arjan de Brouwer (Departamento de Genética Humana da Universidade Radboud, Nijmegen, Holanda), soubemos da existência de três outras microdeleções de segmentos do cromossomo X que incluem UBE2A, em pacientes do sexo masculino, não aparentados. Comparamos as características clínicas de nossos pacientes com as dos portadores das microdeleções em Xq24 e com aquelas dos portadores de mutações missense em UBE2A. A DM grave e o comprometimento significativo ou ausência de fala são comuns a todos. Outras características como baixa estatura, sinófris, boca grande e lábios finos com comissuras voltadas para baixo, pescoço curto e largo, implantação baixa de cabelos na nuca, mamilos espaçados, pênis pequeno, hirsutismo generalizado e a ocorrência de convulsões parecem predominar. Entretanto, enquanto a microcefalia aparece em dois dos três portadores de microdeleções avaliados, a macrocefalia parece predominar no grupo em que ocorrem as mutações de ponto. No Capítulo III, abordamos estudos funcionais in vivo e in vitro para avaliar se as isoformas alternativas de UBE2A compartilham suas funções de conjugase de ubiquitina e compreender o efeito da mutação c.382C8594;T na função de UBE2A. Buscamos estabelecer modelo celular para avaliar o efeito da mutação na formação de neuritos. Trabalho previamente publicado havia demonstrado que a diferenciação neuronal de células PC12 concomitantemente com a inibição parcial do mRNA de UBE2B (parálogo de UBE2A) resultava na redução de 20-30% do comprimento de neuritos. Entretanto, nossos ensaios de diferenciação de pré-adipócitos não responderam nossas questões sobre o efeito da mutação na formação de neuritos, pois não conseguimos obter, nas células do controle ou nas do paciente, a densidade de neuritos descrita anteriormente na diferenciação de pré-adipócitos. Diferentemente das células PC12, de origem ectodérmica, os pré-adipócitos tem origem mesodérmica, o que dificulta sua diferenciação em linhagem derivada de outro folheto germinativo. A elevada conservação entre as proteínas ortólogas UBE2A e UBE2B humanas e RAD6 de levedura e a observação de que ambas as parálogas humanas são capazes de complementar os fenótipos apresentados pela linhagem 916;rad6 de Saccharomyces cerevisiae nos levou a considerar a linhagem de levedura 916;rad6 como modelo para nossos estudos funcionais. Também, avaliamos a capacidade das isoformas 2 e 3 e da isoforma Q128X de UBE2A para ubiquitinar histonas H2A in vitro, conforme previamente descrito para a isoforma UBE2A/1. Os resultados dos ensaios in vivo indicam que apenas a expressão do transcito 1 de UBE2A é capaz de complementar os fenótipos apresentados pela linhagem 916;rad6 de S. cerevisiae. A expressão dos transcritos 2 ou 3 não resulta na restituição do fenótipo de sensibilidade à UV - a expressão gera certa toxicidade, agravada quando as células são cultivadas a 37o C. Entretanto, as isoformas por eles codificadas não parecem ser estáveis na levedura: assim como nos tecidos humanos testados, não conseguimos detectá-las nos extratos protéicos das leveduras que expressavam esses transcritos. A expressão do transcrito 1 contendo a mutação c.382CT revelou que a isoforma UBE2A/Q128X, por sua vez, é estável na linhagem 916;rad6, porém, além de não restituir o fenótipo de sensibilidade à UV, foi, dentre as isoformas de UBE2A, a mais tóxica. Os fenótipos de toxicidade não foram observados após expressão em linhagem selvagem de S. cerevisiae. Esses resultados indicam que as isoformas 2 e 3 de UBE2A não apresentam atividade de conjugase de ubiquitina e que são, aparentemente, degradadas imediatamente após sua expressão em levedura. O fato de o fenótipo de toxicidade ser agravado, em condições de choque térmico, apóia a hipótese de degradação dessas isoformas, em levedura. A degradação pode ser resultado da ausência de parceiro que permita sua estabilidade, mas a ausência das isoformas também em extratos protéicos de tecidos humanos sugere que o mesmo processo de degradação ocorra em mamíferos. Segundo a classificação das E2, as diversas conjugases de ubiquitina têm em comum o domínio UBC altamente conservado e as variações observadas consistem em inserções ou extensões C-terminais, mas nunca deleções, como ocorre nas isoformas 2 e 3 de UBE2A. Os transcritos alternativos teriam, assim, função regulatória. Os ensaios in vitro confirmaram a capacidade de UBE2A/1 ubiquitinar histonas H2A. Os ensaios com UBE2A/2 e UBE2A/3 não foram conclusivos, uma vez que a incapacidade de ubiquitinação de histonas que observamos pode ter consequência da renaturação in vitro, que pode ter ocorrido prejudicando sua função. Entretanto a obtenção das isoformas puras nos permitiu verificar que, caso a isoforma 2 estivesse presente nos extratos de levedura, ela seria reconhecida pelo anticorpo anti-RAD6. Verificamos que a proteína mutada UBE2A/Q128X é capaz de interagir com a E1, da qual recebe a molécula de ubiquitina, mas não é capaz de transferi-la para a histona. O segmento C-terminal ausente nessa isoforma é, portanto, importante nesse processo. Os ensaios in vitro despertaram nossa atenção para o fenômeno de autoubiquitinação de UBE2A, possível mecanismo de autorregulação previamente considerado na literatura. O fato de alguns trabalhos sugerirem que as E2 atuem também como dímeros in vivo e in vitro e a elevada conservação entre as parálogas humanas UBE2A e UBE2B nos levaram a considerar a possibilidade de mecanismo de regulação recíproca. Dessa maneira, a degradação de UBE2A/Q128X nas células do paciente poderia ser dependente de UBE2B. A reduzida capacidade de autoubiquitinação da isoforma mutada dificultaria sua degradação e tornaria necessária a atividade da paráloga. Isso explicaria porque ela é estável quando expressa na linhagem de levedura 916;rad6, mas não nas células do paciente. A presença de RAD6 estaria diretamente relacionada à ausência de toxicidade após a expressão de UBE2A/Q128X em linhagem selvagem a degradação da isoforma mutada está ocorrendo nessas células. A não viabilidade de camundongo duplo-nocaute quanto as parálogas UBE2A e UBE2B não permite testar a estabilidade da isoforma mutada em células de mamíferos. Observamos, de fato, que a inibição do proteassoma nas células do paciente leva ao acúmulo dessa proteína. A presença da mutação c.382C8594;T nas células do paciente parece resultar no fenótipo de DM devido à perda de função de UBE2A: a isoforma mutada não restitui o fenótipo de sensibilidade à UV de S. cerevisiae e não foi capaz de ubiquitinar histonas H2A in vitro. Além disso, indivíduos com microdeleções de UBE2A apresentam fenótipo semelhante ao de nossos pacientes. Por outro lado, a presença da proteína mutada que necessitaria de UBE2B para ser degradada pode caracterizar um ganho tóxico de função - comprometeria a função de ambas as parálogas. É possível que os dois mecanismos contribuam para o quadro clínico. Os dados dos ensaios in vivo e in vitro abrem caminhos de investigação do processo de regulação de UBE2A e UBE2B no nível da proteína, sugerindo a autoubiquitinação e a ubiquitinaão recíproca como possíveis mecanismos reguladores, que podem explicar a conservação das duas parálogas de RAD6 em mamíferos. / We have previously described a nonsense mutation (c.382C8594;T) in the UBE2A gene, at Xq24, which encodes a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2), as the cause of a new X-linked mental retardation syndrome. The predicted protein lacks the 25 C-terminal amino acid residues conserved in vertebrates and in Drosophila. This was the first description of a mutation in a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme gene causative of a human disease. In the present work, we focused on the UBE2A gene, its alternative transcripts and isoforms, and the effect of the c.382C8594;T mutation. We screened for UBE2A mutations 23 males presenting X-linked mental retardation (XLMR), previously mapped to the interval encompassing this gene, and one isolated case, who shared clinical features with our previously described patients. No mutations were detected in this selected series of patients suggesting that mutations in UBE2A is not a common cause of XLMR, similarly to the majority of the XLMR genes hereto described. Very recently four Xq24 microdeletions encompassing UBE2A and three missence mutations were found by other groups in mentally retarded males that shared several clinical features with our patients. Comparing these and our patients, a clinical picture emerges of mental retardation associated with severe speech impairment, present in all of them. Short stature, large mouth with downturned corners and thin lips, short and broad neck, low posterior hairline, widely spaced nipples, marked generalized hirsutism and seizures are common features. However, microcephaly was observed only in patients carrying UBE2A deletions, while carriers of missense or nonsense mutations showed macrocephaly. We evaluated the effect of the UBE2A c.382C8594;T mutation on transcription and translation. This mutation affects the last UBE2A exon and, as expected, does not lead to nonsense mediated RNA decay, demonstrated by the presence of UBE2A mRNA in leucocytes of an affected male. However, only a small amount of the mutated protein was detected in the patients cells, suggesting the loss of UBE2A function as the cause of the syndrome. The posttranslational degradation of the mutated protein could also disturb the cellular homeostasis, a gain of function that remained a possibility. The detrimental effect of the c.382C8594;T mutation was further supported by the presence of only the normal transcript in leucocytes of a heterozygous woman, who had completely skewed X inactivation, thus pointing to the selective advantage of lymphocytes carrying the normal allele on the active X chromosome. Our search in DNA and protein sequence databases suggested that the UBE2A gene produces three alternative transcripts all classified as protein coding. These three tanscripts contain the mutation site (c.382C8594;T). We showed that all three UBE2A transcripts are expressed in human leucocytes, adipocytes, placenta, cerebral cortex and hippocampus. We also detected an alternative transcript in murine, which corresponds to the human transcript 3. This alternative transcript was present in all murine tissues analyzed, including samples from a UBE2A knockout mouse. However, we failed to detect the proteins encoded by the alternative transcripts. This could result from low affinity of the used commercial antibody to the isoforms. Alternatively, a small amount of these proteins in the pool of cellular proteins, might have not been detected by Western blotting. We performed in vivo and in vitro assays to address the role of the alternative UBE2A isoforms, and to evaluate the effect of c.382C-T mutation on UBE2A function. Taking into account the high amino acid conservation between the human UBE2A and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog RAD6, we used a 916;rad6 yeast strain to verify whether UBE2A alternative and mutated isoforms were able to complement its UV-sensitivity phenotype, as previously demosntrated for UBE2A isoform 1. We also performed in vitro assays to evaluate their ubiquitination activity towards histone H2A, a known in vitro substrate of RAD6 and UBE2A. Only UBE2A isoform 1 could rescue the UV sensitivity phenotype of the knockout yeast strain. The expression of the alternative isoforms 2 and 3 was partially toxic to this yeast strain, and toxicity increased under heat shock conditions. However, these two isoforms do not seem to be stable in yeast cells: as in human tissues, we failed to detect UBE2A isoforms 2 and 3 in yeast cells expressing the corresponding transcripts. The mutant isoform was stable in yeast, but was unable to rescue the UV-sensitivity phenotype, its expression resulting in severe toxicity to the 916;rad6 strain. On the other hand, toxicity was not observed when the mutant UBE2A isoform was expressed in wild type yeast. These findings suggest that isoforms 2 and 3 do not have ubiquitin conjugating activity and, apparently, are degraded immediately after translation. The fact that toxicity is enhanced when these isoforms are expressed under heat shock conditions supports Degradation hypothesis. The degradation could also be due to the absence of a functional partner, in yeast, that could contribute to their stability. Since the alternative isoforms were not detected in the human tissues analyzed, the degradation might occur in human cells as well. E2 enzymes share a catalytic domain and variations among them consist of insertions or terminal extensions, never deletions. Both isoforms 2 and 3 would have deletions of the catalytic domain, suggesting that they are not functional. A regulatory role for these transcripts is a possibility. Our in vitro assays confirmed that UBE2A isoform 1 is capable of histone H2A ubiquitination. The assays for isoforms 2 and 3 were inconclusive, since their lack of ubiquitin conjugating activity could be caused by incorrect in vitro refolding, required because the proteins were obtained from bacterial inclusion bodies after heterologous expression. The mutated protein, however, was able to interact with the ubiquitin molecule, but failed to transfer it to histones, thus pointing to the importance of the C-terminal segment in this process. Our in vitro assays stongly suggested that UBE2A autoubiquitination occur, an activity previously considered a possible E2 regulatory mechanism. Since there is evidence that some E2s form functional dimers, we hypothesized that, due to their high amino acid conservation, UBE2A and its paralog UBE2B might form heterodimers in vivo, as a mutual regulating mechanism. Under this hypothesis, the degradation of the mutated protein could be UBE2B dependent. The reduced autoubiquitination capacity of the mutated isoform could impair its degradation, and require the participation or the paralog. This would explain why the mutated protein was stable in the 916;rad6 yeast strain, but not in the patient´s cells with a functional UBE2B. Following the same reasoning, in wild type yeast, the presence of RAD6 would explain the absence of the mutated protein and toxicity. The non-viability of the double (UBE2A and UBE2B) knockout cells prevented testing whether the mutated protein was stable in the absence of its paralog. However, proteasome inhibition in cultured cells from one of our patients resulted in accumulation of the mutated protein, confirming its degradion via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In conclusion, the UBE2A c.382C8594;T mutation seems to lead to mental retardation in our patients due to loss of UBE2A function: the mutated isoform is unable to rescue the UV-sensitivity phenotype of 916;rad6 yeast or to ubiquitinate histones in vitro. In addition, patients carrying UBE2A deletions share clinical manifestations with our patients. On the other hand, the possibility remains of a clinical effect of the requirement of UBE2B for degrading the mutated UBE2A. Our data suggest reciprocal ubiquitination in addition to autoubiquitination as UBE2A and UBE2B regulatory mechanism that would explain the conservation of the two paralog genes in mammals.
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objectives of this work were to determine the genetic inheritance, map QTL Al tolerance and quantify the differential gene expression of Al tolerance genes in tropical origin maize. To determine the genetic control of Al tolerance were evaluated diallel crosses between contrasting genotypes in the hybrid maize germplasm and maize landrace germplasm. Affiliates generations of diallel crosses and parental of respective crosses were evaluated for Al tolerance through minimal solution methodology. The DIF data (root growth difference) were analyzed by diallel Griffing model (1956) Method 2 (parental, hybrid and reciprocal). Later was determined the tolerance inheritance from average analysis of segregating generations. The landrace genotypes showed overall higher DIF average to hybrid germplasm, confirming the greater tolerance in this group. The diallel crosses involving the V 06 landrace stood out by the high specific and general combining ability for Al tolerance. The results of the generation average analysis indicated, for all families studied, quantitative inheritance of Al tolerance with predominance of genetic variance explained by additive effects. The heritability in the narrow sense was of intermediate magnitude, indicating the possibility of genetic gains to artificial selection of Al tolerant genotypes in F2 generation. The QTL mapping was performed based on phenotypic analysis of 114 F2:3 progenies, evaluated at minimum solution in presence of 4 mg L-1 Al. Microsatellite and AFLPs polymorphic loci between the parental lines of the mapping population were used for construction of the linkage map with the help of MAPMAKER program version 3.0 and QTL detection performed by the composite interval mapping. Nine tolerance QTLs were mapped in eight linkage groups (chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10), which explained 70.3% of phenotypic variation in Al tolerance. The results confirmed the three major QTL (bins 6.00, 8.05 and 10.01) described in the literature for Al tolerance, which were responsible for the most of phenotypic variation (40.3%). The high number of mapped QTLs in F2:3 segregating population confirms the quantitative inheritance of Al tolerance in the tropical maize germplasm. The molecular screening of ZmMATE1 and ZmMATE2 genes in hybrid and landraces maize germplasm showed no association of the amplified fragments with Al tolerance index. For studies of gene expression, the tolerant (H 44 and V 18) and sensitive genotypes (V H 22 and 25) were subjected to minimal solution for different exposure periods (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h). After total RNA extraction from each genotype and the synthesis of cDNAs from each sample, were performed qRT-PCR assays to quantitate the expression of ZmMATE1, ZmMATE2 and ZmNrat1 genes. The results showed the highest differential expression of tolerant landrace V 18 for ZmMATE1 gene, indicating that, possibly, the exudation of citrate should be the main mechanism of Al tolerance in this genotype. The results also demonstrated the possibility of another type Al tolerance mechanism for the tolerant hybrid H 44, since showed differential expression only for ZmNrat1 gene in initial phase of exposure (1 to 3 h). The same genotypes used in the gene expression quantification were evaluated for roots differential staining with hematoxylin. The genotypes were submitted to minimal solution with Al for 6, 12, 24 and 48 h exposure times, evaluating the differential staining of roots in the respective periods. It was not possible to observe differential staining with hematoxylin among maize tolerant and sensitive genotypes to Al. / Os objetivos do trabalho foram determinar a herança genética, mapear os QTLs de tolerância ao Al e quantificar a expressão gênica diferencial de genes de tolerância ao Al em milho de origem tropical. Para determinar o controle genético da tolerância ao Al foram avaliados cruzamentos dialélicos entre genótipos contrastantes dentro do germoplasma de milho híbrido e dentro do germoplasma de milho crioulo. As gerações filiais dos cruzamentos dialélicos e os respectivos parentais dos cruzamentos foram avaliados quanto à tolerância ao Al através da metodologia de solução mínima. Os dados do DIF (diferença de crescimento radicular) foram submetidos à análise dialélica pelo modelo de Griffing (1956) método 2 (parentais, híbridos e recíprocos). Posteriormente, foi determinada a herança da tolerância a partir da análise de médias de gerações segregantes. Os genótipos de milho crioulo demonstraram média geral de DIF superior ao germoplasma híbrido, confirmando a maior tolerância neste grupo. Os cruzamentos dialélicos que envolveram a variedade crioula V 06 destacaram-se pela alta capacidade específica e geral de combinação para a tolerância ao Al. Os resultados da análise de média de gerações indicaram, para o conjunto de famílias estudadas, herança quantitativa da tolerância ao Al, com predomínio da variância genética explicada pelos efeitos aditivos. A herdabilidade no sentido restrito foi de magnitude intermediária, indicando a possibilidade de ganhos genéticos com a seleção artificial de genótipos tolerantes ao Al na geração F2. O mapeamento de QTLs foi realizado com base na análise fenotípica de 114 progênies F2:3, avaliadas em solução mínima na presença de 4 mgL-1 de Al. Os locos microssatélites e AFLPs polimórficos entre as linhagens parentais da população de mapeamento foram utilizados para a construção do mapa de ligação com o auxílio do programa MAPMAKER versão 3.0 e a detecção dos QTLs realizada pelo mapeamento por intervalo composto. Foram mapeados nove QTLs de tolerância em oito grupos de ligação (cromossomos 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 e 10), os quais explicaram 70,3% da variação fenotípica em tolerância ao Al. Os resultados confirmaram os três principais QTLs (bins 6.00, 8.05 e 10.01) descritos na literatura para a tolerância ao Al, os quais foram responsáveis pela maior parte da variação fenotípica (40,3%). O elevado número de QTLs mapeados na população segregante F2:3 confirma a herança quantitativa da tolerância ao Al neste germoplasma de milho tropical. O screening molecular dos genes ZmMATE1 e ZmMATE2 nos germoplasmas de milho híbrido e de variedades crioulas não evidenciou associação dos fragmentos amplificados com os índices de tolerância ao Al. Para os estudos de expressão gênica, os genótipos tolerantes (H 44 e V 18) e os sensíveis (H 22 e V 25) foram submetidos à solução mínima por diferentes períodos de exposição (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 e 48 h). Após a extração de RNA total de cada um dos genótipos e a síntese dos cDNAs de cada amostra foram realizados ensaios de qRT-PCR para quantificar a expressão dos genes ZmMATE1, ZmMATE2 e ZmNrat1. Os resultados demonstraram a maior expressão diferencial da variedade crioula tolerante V 18 para o gene ZmMATE1, indicando que, possivelmente, a exsudação de citrato deva ser o principal mecanismo de tolerância ao Al neste genótipo. Os resultados também evidenciaram a possibilidade de outro tipo de mecanismo de tolerância ao Al para o híbrido tolerante H 44, pois apresentou expressão diferencial apenas para o gene ZmNrat1 na fase inicial da exposição (1 a 3 h). Os mesmos genótipos utilizados na quantificação da expressão gênica foram avaliados para a coloração diferencial de raízes com hematoxilina. Os genótipos foram submetidos à solução mínima com Al por períodos de exposição de 6, 12, 24 e 48 h, avaliando-se a coloração diferencial das raízes nos respectivos períodos. Não foi possível observar coloração diferencial com hematoxilina entre genótipos de milho tolerantes e sensíveis ao Al.
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Déformation polyphasée et importance de l'héritage structural dans les longmen shan (sichuan, chine) : apports d'une approche couplée entre géophysique et géologie / Polyphased deformation and importance of the structural inheritance in the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China) : contributions from a coupled study between geophysics and geologyRobert, Alexandra 01 September 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre la formation, la structuration et les processus de réactivation d'une chaîne de montagne intracontinentale atypique : les Longmen Shan, situés dans la province du Sichuan, en Chine. Localisés à la limite entre le craton du Yangtze où s'est déposé le bassin du Sichuan (au Sud-Est) et le bloc du Songpan Garze appartenant au plateau tibétain (au Nord-Ouest), les Longmen Shan se sont majoritairement structurés lors de l'orogénèse indosinienne, à la fin du Trias et ont ensuite subit plusieurs réactivations.Cette chaîne de montagne est donc un endroit privilégié pour étudier la réactivation et l'héritage structural et thermique d'une structure intracontinentale, en relation étroite avec la formation et l'évolution du plateau tibétain. Tout d'abord, pour contraindre les paramètres crustaux, une imagerie crustale détaillée le long d'une coupe à travers cette chaîne est proposée. Une réseau sismologique de 35 stations a été déployé pendant plus de 2 ans le long d'un profil dense. La technique des fonctions récepteurs a été appliquée et les données gravimétriques ont été utilisées conjointement pour renforcer l'imagerie obtenue. Un saut de Moho abrupt de 20km a été imagé, entre une croûte tibétaine épaisse d'environ 63km et la croûte du craton du Yangtze , épaisse de 45km. Ce résultat traduit la confrontation de deux lithosphères d'épaisseurs et de propriétés physiques contrastées. Les rapports Vp/Vs ainsi que les mesures d'anisotropie crustale et mantellique ont montré l'absence d'une zone à faible vitesse ou d'une zone de fluage important au sein de la croûte, ce qui réfute les modèles de déformation de la croûte tibétaine impliquant un chenal de déformation au sein de la croûte tibétaine. L'imagerie crustale a donc mis en évidence un important contraste à l'échelle lithosphérique. Le second axe de ce travail a consisté à étudier cette région à plus long terme en menant une étude stratigraphique, tectonique et métamorphique afin de déduire l'importance de l'héritage géologique dans sa structuration actuelle. Dès le début du Paléozoïque, la marge passive qui sera ensuite inversée présentait déja probablement une variation abrupte de l'épaisseur crustale. Un premier contraste d'épaisseur lithosphérique au niveau des Longmen Shan se situaient donc à la limite entre deux domaines paléogéographiques différents. A la fin du Trias, lors de la fermeture de la Paléotéthys, l'épais prisme sédimentaire du Songpan Garze a débordé sur la marge passive de la bordure Ouest du craton du Yangtze, dans la région des Longmen Shan. Cependant, il n'y a aucune évidence de subduction dans cette chaîne et le métamorphisme associé à cette phase de déformation correspond à des moyennes températures (jusqu'à plus de 600°C) pour des pressions relativement modestes. Les données métamorphiques ont montré un pic de pression (relativement faible, inférieur à 8kbar) suivi d'un pic de température pouvant conduire à une migmatisation associée à une exhumation variable en fonction de la localisation au sein de la chaîne. Les variations latérales de l'exhumation sont interprétées comme directement associées à la dynamique de la mise en place de la nappe du Songpan Garze sur la marge Ouest du craton du Yangtze. L'apex des Longmen Shan correspond donc au front de la nappe du Songpan Garze et délimite deux domaines structuraux et métamorphiques contrastés.Cette étude met en évidence une phase de réactivation à la fin du Crétacé de la chaîne, probablement associée à la rotation dans le sens horaire du craton du Yangtze. Enfin, la dernière phase de déformation affectant les Longmen Shan est une répercussion de la collision entre l'Inde et l'Eurasie qui fini de structurer cette chaîne.Nous avons donc montré qu'une limite paléogéographique majeure, héritée d'une structure en marge passive transtensive peut subir le débordement de nappes sédimentaires provenant d'un prisme distant de très grande taille. Ce débordement a provoqué une inversion de relief et un surépaississement crustal en conséquence de la superposition de ces épaisses nappes. Une fois cette limite tectonique formée, la région va subir plusieurs réactivations liées à des déformations annexes comme l'orogénèse Yanshanienne ou la collision entre l'Inde et l'Eurasie. Cette chaîne est encore active aujourd'hui comme l'a démontré le séisme du Sichuan du 12 Mai 2008 qui a eu lieu dans les Longmen Shan avec des caractéristiques atypiques. / The aim of this study is to understand formation, evolution and reactivation processes of an atypic intracontinental mountain range : the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China). The Longmen Shan are located at the boundary between the Yangtze craton and the tibetan crust and were mostly formed during the indosinian orogeny, at the end of the Triassic. After this orogeny, the Longmen Shan were reactivated by several deformation phases. This mountain range is a key area to study reactivation processes and structural and thermal inheritance. Furthermore, the Longmen Shan tectonic history is linked with the formation and the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau.At first, a detailed seismological imagery was performed along a cross-section through the Longmen Shan, passing by the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake. 35 seismological stations were deployed during more than 2 years with a small interstation distance. Using the receiver function method and gravimetric data, a steep Moho step of about 20km between the 63km-thick Tibetan crust and the 45km-thick Yangtze craton was imaged. This geometry is the result of the confrontation between the thick and soft tibetan lithosphere abutting the resistant Yangtze lithosphere. Vp/Vs ratio and crustal and mantellic anisotropic measurements indicate that there is no extensive zone of partial melting inside the tibetan crust, which is in disagreement with models that proposed the occurence of a channel flow inside the crust. The second part of this word was focused on the long-term study of the deformation in the Longmen Shan using stratigraphic, tectonic and metamorphic data. This part highlights the importance of the geological inheritance in the present-day crustal geometry of the mountain range. Since the beginning of the Paleozoïc, the Western passive margin of the Yangtze crust was probably already associated with a crustal thickness step, as a consequence of the transtensive openning context. The Longmen Shan were located at a paleogeographic boundary. At the end of the Triassic, the closure of the Paleotethys is responsible of the formation of the thick Songpan Garze accretionary wedge which overflowed on the Western part of the Yangtze craton margin, in the Longmen Shan area. There is no evidence of subduction in this belt and the associated metamorphism consists of middle temperatures and relatively low pressures. Metamorphic data indicates that a pressure maximum (lower than 8kbar) was followed by a temperature maximum which could be associated with partial melting, as observed in Danba metamorphic complexe. Lateral variations of the recorded exhumation are interpreted as a consequence of the dynamics of the setting up of the Songpan Garze nappe on the Yangtze craton margin. The Longmen Shan are located at the front of the Songpan Garze nappe and marks a transition zone between two contrasted tectonic and metamorphic provinces.This study highlights a cretaceous reactivation phase probably associated with the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze craton. At the end, the last deformation phase is a consequence of the India/Eurasia collision.The Longmen Shan were a major paleogeographic boundary at the end of the Paleozoïc which were subject to the overflow of the thick Songpan Garze accretionary wedge. This overflow is responsible of a relief inversion and a crustal thickenning as a consequence of superposition of the sedimentary pile. After this episode, the region will be reactivated by the distant Yanshanian and the Himalayan orogenies.
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Bases genéticas e moleculares da resistência de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) a spinosad / Genetic and molecular basis of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance to spinosadOkuma, Daniela Miyuki 23 October 2015 (has links)
O inseticida spinosad tem sido um dos mais utilizados para o controle de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) no Brasil, devido à sua eficácia e ao seu mecanismo de ação único (modulador alostérico de receptores nicotínicos da acetilcolina). Para fornecer subsídios a um programa de manejo da resistência, foram realizados estudos para compreender as bases genéticas e moleculares da resistência de S. frugiperda a este inseticida. Inicialmente, foi selecionada uma linhagem de S. frugiperda resistente a spinosad (Spin-res) em laboratório por meio da técnica \"F2 screen\". A razão de resistência, baseada na CL50, foi de aproximadamente 890 vezes. A partir de cruzamentos recíprocos entre a linhagem suscetível (Sus) e Spin-res, constatou-se que o padrão de herança da resistência de S. frugiperda a spinosad é autossômica e incompletamente recessiva. Retrocruzamentos da progênie F1 de cruzamentos recíprocos com a linhagem Spin-res confirmaram a hipótese de herança poligênica da resistência, com número mínimo de segregações independentes variando de 1,86 a 2,45. Além disso, observou-se um elevado custo adaptativo associado à resistência de S. frugiperda a spinosad, baseado nos parâmetros da tabela de vida e fertilidade. A partir dos dados de seqüenciamento de quatro bibliotecas de cDNA de lagartas de quarto ínstar das linhagens Sus e Spin-res (expostas ou não a spinosad), utilizando a plataforma HiScan1000® (Illumina©), foi realizada a comparação do perfil de transcrição e expressão diferencial de genes entre as linhagens Sus e Spin-R. O transcritoma foi montado utilizando a estratégia de novo contendo cerca de 19 milhões de leituras single-end com qualidades de score acima de 30, gerando 42406 transcritos com o N50 de 598 pb. A busca por similaridade no banco de dados não-redundante (nr) do NCBI, possibilitou a anotação funcional de 24980 (59%) transcritos, alinhando-se a Bombyx mori L., Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) e Spodoptera spp. com 22,5; 3,81 e 3,6% das sequências respectivamente. Foram identificados 2903 transcritos apresentando expressão diferencial (P <= 0,05, t-test; fold-change > 2) entre as linhagens Spin-res e Sus. Dentre os transcritos relacionados a enzimas do complexo metabólico, 23 P450 monooxigenases, 13 glutathiona S-transferases, uma carboxilesterase e uma esterase foram superexpressas na linhagem Spin-res. Além disso, foi observada a superexpressão de 15 genes relacionados à produção energética na linhagem Spin-res, o que pode estar relacionada ao elevado custo adaptativo associado à resistência. Análises de PCR quantitativo em tempo real confirmaram que os padrões de expressão foram consistentes com os resultados de RNA-seq. Bioensaios com os sinergistas PBO e DEM mostraram pouco envolvimento de enzimas P450 e nenhum envolvimento de glutationa S-transferases na resistência de S. frugiperda a spinosad. O sequenciamento da subunidade α6 do receptor nicotínico de acetilcolina de ambas linhagens demonstrou a existência de uma mutação sinônima entre as duas linhagens (G567A), indicando que a subunidade α6 não é a única relacionada à resistência de S. frugiperda a spinosad. / Spinosad has been one of the most used insecticides to manage Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) in Brazil, due to its efficacy and unique mode of action (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor allosteric modulator). To support an insect resistance management program (IRM), we selected and characterized in laboratory a spinosad-resistant strain (Spin-res) of S. frugiperda using the F2 screen method. The resistance ratio, based on LC50, was ≈ 890-fold. Based on reciprocal crosses between susceptible (Sus) and Spin-res, the inheritance of spinosad resistance in S. frugiperda was autosomal incompletely recessive. Backcrosses between the F1 from reciprocal crosses and the parental Spin-res revealed a polygenic resistance, with an estimation of at least 1.86 to 2.45 genes related to spinosad resistance. Furthermore, it was observed a strong fitness cost associated to spinosad-resistance in Spin-res strain, based on the life table and fertility parameters. The characterization of the transcriptional profile and the differential gene expression comparison between susceptible and spinosad-resistant strains of Spodoptera frugiperda were obtained from the sequencing of cDNA libraries from fourth instar larvae of Sus and Spin-res strains (exposed or not to spinosad) using a HiScan1000® platform (Illumina©). The transcriptome was de novo assembled using nearly 19 million single-end reads with quality score over 30, yielding 42,406 transcripts with a N50 of 598 bp. Based on similarity search in the non-redundant (nr) nucleotide database, 24,980 (59%) transcripts were annotated. Most of the transcripts aligned to Bombyx mori L., Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Spodoptera spp., with 22.5%, 3.81, and 3.6, respectively. We identified 2,032 differentially expressed transcripts (P <= 0.05, t-test; fold-change > 2) between the susceptible and spinosad-resistant strains. Among metabolic enzyme transcripts, 23 P450 monooxigenases, 13 glutathione S-transferases, one carboxylesterase and one esterase were up-regulated in the spinosad-resistant strain. In addition, it was observed 15 genes superexpressed in spinosad-resistant strain related to energy production, which can be related to the high fitness cost associated with resistance. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that patterns of gene expression were consistent with RNA-seq results. Synergistic bioassays using PBO and DEM showed little involvement of P450s in spinosad-resistance and lack of involvement regarding the glutathione Stransferases. Furthermore, we sequenced and compared the subunit α6 from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of S. frugiperda Spin-res and Sus strains. Only one synonymous mutation within the two strains (G567A) was found, showing that the α6 is not the only subunit involved in S. frugiperda resistance to spinosad.
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Mutation and continuity in judicial practices of the Chinese inheritance system,1902-1931 / Mutation et continuité dans les pratiques judiciaires dans l’institution de l’héritage en Chine, 1902-1931Chen, Nishan 12 September 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit la mutation et la continuité dans les pratiques judiciaires dans l’institution de l’héritage en Chine au début du vingtième siècle. Il dépeint comment les formes (rituelle et matérielle) d'héritage chinoises ont été graduellement reconceptualisées. Les concepts de propriété individuelle occidentale influencèrent l’évolution des formes substantielles etprocédurales pendant les réformes juridiques et judiciaires. Ce travail se concentre principalement sur trois sujets: premièrement, sur les réactions locales envers l'héritage occidental présentées dans des rapports d'enquête surles pratiques civiles, deuxièmement, sur le compromis effectué par le Dali Yuan concernant les lois et les normes anciennes et nouvelles, et troisièmement sur les procédures judiciaires locales de succession concernantveuves et filles. La succession portant à la fois sur le culte des ancêtres et le patrimoine était deux aspects du même problème profondément enracinés dans les pratiques populaires et dans la loi Qing, même après la transformation de 1910 du code Qing en une version intermédiaire partiellement occidentalisée, intitulé « Code Criminel actuellement en vigueur » (xianxing xinglü現行刑律). Les réformateurs Qing qui furent pour la transplantation d’un système occidental imposèrent un cadre de droit civil au questionnaire unifié sur les «coutumes civiles» envoyé à chaque province en 1910. Ce questionnaire qui délaissait la forme rituelle de l'héritage fut révisé alors par les notables chinois et les responsables locaux. Tout au long de l'ère républicaine, les lois sur l'héritage du Code Criminel actuellement en vigueur ont continué à être appliquées. Le Dali Yuan 大理院, assumant la fonction de Cour Suprême, a établi une série d'interprétations sur l'héritage dans le cadre de ce code. Il défendait les droits des femmes en leur donnant le droit de désigner ou d'abroger un héritier institué, de gérer le patrimoine au nom de leurs jeunes enfants au décès de leurs maris, et de conférer à une fille un transfert discrétionnaire, même si cette part d’héritage était moindre que celle d'un héritier mâle. La Cour suprême a également tenu compte des principes procéduraux occidentaux. Par exemple, une plainte contre un héritier illégal venant d'une personne qui n’était pas qualifiée pour déposer au procès ne serait pas acceptée, ou une question qui n'avait pas été préalablement mentionnée ne serait pas jugée. Malgré cela, dirigé par des juristes traditionnels et modernes, le Dali Yuan a fréquemment rendu des décisions judiciaires civiles sur la base des lois Qing et a accepté de restreindre les droits des femmes favorisant les membres aînés de la famille, les fils adultes, et les parents agnats. Influencé par les juges du Dali Yuan et sous sa supervision, les tribunaux modernes et les bureaux de magistrats des comtés (plus traditionnels), c’est à dire les deux principaux types d'organismes judiciaires des provinces du Jiangsu et du Zhejiang, ont adopté des styles de jugement différents pour les affaires de succession de 1912 à 1931. Les tribunaux modernes ont suivi souvent avec beaucoup d'attention les interprétations judiciaires du Dali Yuan de manière substantielle et procédurale, tandis que les magistrats de comté ont souvent eu du mal à suivre les normes procédurales énoncées par le Yuan et inscrites dans la loi de procédure, même s’ils se référaient parfois aux décisions du Dali Yuan. [...] / This thesis discusses the mutation and continuity in judicial practices of the Chinese inheritance system in the early twentieth century. It depicts howChinese ritual and material forms of inheritance were graduallyr econceptualized, influenced by a Western individual property system from both substantial and procedural perspectives during legal and judicial reforms.It focuses mainly on three topics: local attitudes towards a Western inheritancesystem presented in survey reports of civil practices, the Dali Yuan’s compromise of new and old laws and norms, and local judicial practices ofadjudicating succession cases involving widows and daughters.Succession to the ancestral cult and the patrimony were two aspects of the same issue deeply entrenched in both people’s practices and the Qing law,even after the Qing code had been turned into a partly westernizedintermediary version called the Criminal Code Currently in Force (Xianxingxinglü 現行刑律). To transplant a Western civil justice system, in 1910 a Western civil law framework was imposed on a unified questionnaire on “civilcustoms” which the Qing reformers sent to every province. This questionnaire neglected the ritual forms of inheritance and was revised by the Chinesenotables and local officials. All along the Republican era, laws on inheritance of the Criminal Code currently in force continued to be effective. The Dali Yuan 大理院, assuming the Supreme Court function, established a set of judicial interpretations on inheritance within the framework of this code. It upheld women’s rights by endowing them with rights to designate or repeal an instituted heir, to manage the patrimony on behalf of their young children in default of their husbands, and to transfer to a daughter a share of the patrimony, even though lesser than the share of a male heir. The Supreme Court also took Western procedural principles into account: a complaint over an illegal heir from an unrelated person would not be accepted, and an issue that had not been claimed for would not be adjudicated. Even so, led by both traditional and modern jurists, the Dali Yuan frequently delivered civil regulatory judicial decisions on the grounds of Qing laws and admitted the restraint on women’s rights from senior and elder members, adult sons, and agnate kin. Influenced by judges from the Dali Yuan and under its supervision, modern courts and county magistrate offices (more traditional), that is to say, the two main types of judicial agencies in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, employed different style of adjudication when adjudicating succession cases from 1912 to 1931. Modern courts often carefully followed the Dali Yuan’s judicial interpretations substantially and procedurally, whereas, county magistrate offices often found it difficult to follow the Dali Yuan’s proceduralrules, even though they sometimes referred to the Dali Yuan’s rules. As a result, under a neutral style of adjudication in modern jurisdictions, illegal heir designation would not be rectified by court if it was not necessary; limited amounts to a daughter or her son and husband were strictly obeyed. By contrast, county jurisdictions performed an active style of adjudication: they positively corrected illegal choices and considered elements beyond the law, such as duty to support the aged and the parents’ affection. [...]
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Modeling onshore-offshore based in wide-angle seismic data across the Alagoas-Sergipe passive margins, NE Brazil / Modélisation onshore-offshore basé en données de sismique grand angle à travers des marges passives de Alagoas et Sergipe, NE BrésilPinheiro, João Marcelo 20 December 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse s'insère dans le projet SALSA (Sergipe Alagoas Seismic Acquisition), mené en collaboration entre le Département de Géosciences Marines; I'IFREMER, I'IUEM, la Faculté des sciences de I'Université de Lisbonne (IDL, Portugal), I'Université de Brasilia (Brésil) et la PETROBRAS (Brésil). Des acquisitions conjointes de sismique réflexion (MCS) et de sismique grand-angle (OBS) ont été réalisées sur le N/O L'Atalante (IFREMER) Ie long de 12 profils sur la région du point triple de Camamú, NE, Brazil. Le point triple de Camamú, où le système de rift avorté Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá est relié aux systèmes de rift Jequitinhonha-Camamú-Almada et Jacuípe-Sergipe-Alagoas, a joué un rôle essentiel dans l'ouverture de I'océan Atlantique Sud. Parmi eux, cinq ont été prolongés à terre par des stations sismiques terrestres (LSS). Les modèles de vitesse d'onde P ont été construits sur Ia base de I'interprétation conjointe de données sismiques réflexion et grand-angle en utilisant le logiciel RAYINVR. Nous présentons des modèles de vitesse le long de deux profils parallèles situés dans le bassin de Sergipe-Alagoas (SL01 et SL02), s'étendant sur 220 km et 200 km, respectivement du plateau continental au bassin profond de Sergipe au nord de la zone de transfert de Vaza-Barris. L'un d'eux, le profil SL02 se prolonge sur 150 km à travers le continent, dans la partie continentale du bassin de Sergipe -Alagoas. La modélisation de la marge passive du bassin de Sergipe Alagoas contraint précisément les géométries crustales et la segmentation. Les différences entre les profils éclairent I'influence de I'héritage tectonique résultant de Ia zone de transfert de Vaza-Barris. Ces informations intégrées permettent de nouvelles conjectures autour de I'histoire géodynamique de la région. / The present thesis is inserted in the SALSA project (Seryipe Alagoas Seismic Acquisition), which was conducted by a collaboration between the Department of Marine Geosciences : IFREMER, the Laboratory of Oceanic Domain IUEM, the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (IDL, Portugal), the Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil) and PETROBRAS (Brazil).Seismic shot, Multi-Channel Seismic acquisition (MCS) and Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) deployments were performed by the R/V L'Atalante (IFREMER) along 1-2 profiles.Among them, five were extended onshore by Land Seismic Stations (LSS). P-wave velocity models were constructed based on the joint interpretation of multichannel and wide-angle seismic data using the RAYINVR software.We present models derived from wide-angle refraction and coincident reflection data along two parallel profiles located on the Sergipe-Alagoas basin (SL01 and SL02), extending approximately 220 km and 200 km from the continental shelf to the distal Sergipe basin north to the Vaza-Barris Transfer zone, and one of them, the SL02 prolongates for 150 km through the continent, on Sergipe -Alagoas continental basin and its basement, the Sergipana FoId Belt.The foward modelling of the passive margin in the Sergipe Alagoas basin precisely constrains crustal geometries and segmentation. The crustal geometry puts in question the origin of the Sergipana Fold Belt, when compared with the geometries of the adjacent geological domains, the Sao Francisco Craton and the Borborema Province.The differences between the profiles illuminate the influence of the tectonic inheritance resulted by the Vaza-Barris Transfer Zone. These integrated information allowed some new conjectures around the geodynamic history of the region.
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