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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in the Khuma community / Thato Palesa Penelope Mabaso

Mabaso, Thato Palesa Penelope January 2011 (has links)
Intergenerational research aims to promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contribute to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational relationships form part of our social make–up as they affect social interactions, the use of local spaces, opportunities to take part in public life on an equal basis with others, the degree to which people participate in community life as well as efforts to improve such life. Research indicates that what matters most for young adults and older people is the quality of the interactions taking place between them. Very little is known about the nature of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in an African context. The aim of the study was therefore to explore the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in a rural African community. A qualitative research method was used in the study. Two groups of participants were selected though availability sampling method. The group consisted of 11 male participants between 20 to 35 years of age, 6 participants were over the age of 60 (one male and five female). The younger participants were asked to make visual representations of how they perceive the older generation by means of using the Mmogo–method. After the younger participants described their visual representations, the older participants were asked to reflect on the descriptions given by the younger participants. The older people assumed an active listening position while the young adults shared their representations. Informal group discussion was used to facilitate a process of sharing and comparing of perceptions among the participants. The data obtained from the group discussions and applying the Mmogomethod were analysed on the basis of thematic and visual analysis. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured through crystallisation. The results indicate that the relationships between young adults and older people consist of the ambivalent perceptions of the young adults and mostly extreme negative perceptions of older people. As a result, the relationships between the young and old generations seem to be dissatisfying for both generations. Both young and old discover essential tensions in the relationships they create and sustain across generations. Intergenerational tensions may not be so easily identified or concretely observable in everyday behaviour, attitudes, and emotions. But, consistent with the dialectical framework, it is part of all intergenerational relationships at some level. Identifying these underlying tensions is important so that we do not glorify or idealise the interactions of young and old whenever and wherever they occur. Solidarity is not the only outcome of intergenerational relationships; ambivalence as well as conflict is a part of the theory that has often been neglected. In view ofthe importance of intergenerational relationships between the young adults and the older people, intergenerational interventions should be planned to promote the effective negotiation of intergenerational relationships between older persons and the younger generation. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

An exploration of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in the Khuma community / Thato Palesa Penelope Mabaso

Mabaso, Thato Palesa Penelope January 2011 (has links)
Intergenerational research aims to promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contribute to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational relationships form part of our social make–up as they affect social interactions, the use of local spaces, opportunities to take part in public life on an equal basis with others, the degree to which people participate in community life as well as efforts to improve such life. Research indicates that what matters most for young adults and older people is the quality of the interactions taking place between them. Very little is known about the nature of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in an African context. The aim of the study was therefore to explore the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in a rural African community. A qualitative research method was used in the study. Two groups of participants were selected though availability sampling method. The group consisted of 11 male participants between 20 to 35 years of age, 6 participants were over the age of 60 (one male and five female). The younger participants were asked to make visual representations of how they perceive the older generation by means of using the Mmogo–method. After the younger participants described their visual representations, the older participants were asked to reflect on the descriptions given by the younger participants. The older people assumed an active listening position while the young adults shared their representations. Informal group discussion was used to facilitate a process of sharing and comparing of perceptions among the participants. The data obtained from the group discussions and applying the Mmogomethod were analysed on the basis of thematic and visual analysis. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured through crystallisation. The results indicate that the relationships between young adults and older people consist of the ambivalent perceptions of the young adults and mostly extreme negative perceptions of older people. As a result, the relationships between the young and old generations seem to be dissatisfying for both generations. Both young and old discover essential tensions in the relationships they create and sustain across generations. Intergenerational tensions may not be so easily identified or concretely observable in everyday behaviour, attitudes, and emotions. But, consistent with the dialectical framework, it is part of all intergenerational relationships at some level. Identifying these underlying tensions is important so that we do not glorify or idealise the interactions of young and old whenever and wherever they occur. Solidarity is not the only outcome of intergenerational relationships; ambivalence as well as conflict is a part of the theory that has often been neglected. In view ofthe importance of intergenerational relationships between the young adults and the older people, intergenerational interventions should be planned to promote the effective negotiation of intergenerational relationships between older persons and the younger generation. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.


[pt] O estudo refere-se à pesquisa realizada no Serviço Social do Comércio - SESC, junto aos integrantes do Projeto Era Uma Vez... Atividades Intergeracionais com o objetivo de compreender a relação intergeracional desde a percepção dos idosos e crianças sobre a velhice, e o papel da literatura infantil no diálogo entre as gerações. O estudo é baseado numa perspectiva arendtiana. Os resultados revelam que a literatura infantil tem um papel significativo nos grupos intergeracionais, possibilitando o diálogo e a transmissão de saberes entre as gerações. O diálogo no grupo intergeracional renova as opiniões e visões sobre o mundo, o processo de envelhecimento e a percepção da cidadania. / [en] The study talks about the research realized in the SERVIÇO SOCIAL DO COMÉRCIO - SESC, with the members of the Project One upon a time... intergenerational relationship activities with the objective to understand the intergenerational relationship since the perception of the old and the children about the old age, and the role of children s literature in the dialogue between the generations. The study is based on arendtiana perspective. The results disclose that children s literature has a significant role in the intergenerational groups and make possible the dialogue and the transmission knowledges between the generations. The dialogue among the intergenerational groups renew s the opinions and visions about the world, the maturing process and the citizenship.


ADRIANE SOARES DOS SANTOS 19 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo perspectiva pensar as infâncias e os processos de aprendizagem emergentes no contexto de uma Escola de Samba Mirim. A partir da pesquisa de campo realizada com crianças, aprendizes do samba, no período de organização, produção e ensaios do Carnaval dos anos de 2022 e 2023, empreendeu-se a construção desta etnografia. Pontua-se que o tempo de produção do Carnaval ocorre em um período específico, a esse motivo a temporalidade da pesquisa não ocorre de forma linear, posicionando evidenciar as entradas, as permanências e os retornos ao campo. Considerando o contexto educativo não escolar em que se configura a Escola de Samba e compreendendo que em nossa sociedade há diferentes formas e lugares ocupados pelas crianças, objetivou-se ampliar a reflexão na construção de um estudo interdisciplinar para pensar e pesquisar as crianças e os processos de aprendizado do tornar-se sambista, entrelaçando os saberes da antropologia, da educação e do samba. O objetivo central da pesquisa incide em compreender os processos de aprendizagem do movimento de ser sambista que emergem das relações das crianças entre pares e das relações intergeracionais que elas estabelecem dentro da Escola de Samba Mirim investigada. Revela-se uma possibilidade de olhar as crianças por suas culturas e práticas sociais dentro de um contexto específico de educação, evidenciando a construção de pedagogia nativa, uma pedagogia própria da Escola de Samba. Trata-se de um processo de educação em constante movimento, evidenciado e potencializado a partir das relações estabelecidas entre crianças e adultos na construção dos saberes de um aprendiz do samba. / [en] The present study aims to think about childhood and the learning processes emerging in the context of a Escola de Samba Mirim. Based on the field research conducted with children, samba apprentices, during the period of organization, production, and rehearsals for the Carnival of 2022 and 2023, the construction of this ethnography was undertaken. It is pointed out that the production time of the Carnival occurs in a specific period, for this reason the temporality of the research does not occur in a linear way, positioning to evidence the entries, the permanences and the returns to the field. Considering the non- schooling educational context in which the Samba School is configured and understanding that in our society there are different forms and places occupied by children, we aimed to broaden the reflection in the construction of an interdisciplinary study to think and research children and the learning processes of becoming a samba dancer, intertwining the knowledge of anthropology, education and samba. The central objective of the research is to understand the learning processes of the movement of becoming a sambista that emerge from the children s peer relationships and the intergenerational relationships that they establish within the investigated Escola de Samba Mirim. It reveals a possibility of looking at the children through their cultures and social practices within a specific educational context, evidencing the construction of a native pedagogy, a pedagogy proper to the Samba School. It is a process of education in constant movement, evidenced and strengthened from the relationships established between children and adults in the construction of the knowledge of a samba apprentice.


LIANA GARCIA CASTRO 22 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] Delicadezas, afetos, infâncias: avós, netos e suas histórias teve como objetivo geral analisar os sentidos construídos sobre infância a partir das narrativas de avós, avôs, netas e netos com fortes vínculos. A pesquisa trata da infância nessa relação intergeracional, compreendendo-a não apenas como etapa da vida, mas também como dimensão humana, que pode nos atravessar em qualquer idade. Investigou se e como a relação entre avós/avôs e netas/os fortemente vinculados é potente para reanimar infâncias em adultos e crianças. Walter Benjamin e Martin Buber foram os principais interlocutores teóricos, além de estudiosos de suas obras e autoras/es de diferentes áreas. Com as contribuições da antropologia, em especial de Tim Ingold, sua metodologia consistiu, principalmente, em compartilhar presença, importar-se, deixarse afetar e aprender. Participaram da pesquisa sete avós e três avôs, entre cinquenta e um e setenta e um anos de idade, moradores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e um de Niterói. E seis de seus netos, entre cinco e doze anos de idade, moradores das seguintes cidades: Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Brasília e Montevideo/Uruguai. O critério de escolha foi o de familiaridade, a partir de indicações de avós e avôs com fortes vínculos construídos com suas netas e netos de até doze anos de idade. Em decorrência da pandemia de Covid-19, contexto deste estudo e tema das narrativas das/os participantes, o trabalho de campo foi realizado, entre maio e dezembro de 2020, através de interações por meios digitais – plataforma Zoom e aplicativo WhatsApp. Com as avós e os avôs, foram planejados encontros individuais. Já com os netos, a conversa foi coletiva. Emergem das narrativas as categorias infância e tempo, infância e vínculo, infância e autoridade, infância e cuidado, e são elas que orientam a apresentação da pesquisa, as análises e as conclusões. / [en] Delicacies, affections, childhoods: grandparents, grandchildren and their stories had as general objective to analyze meanings built about childhood from narratives of grandmothers/grandfathers and grandchildren who have strong bonds with each other. The research deals with childhood in this intergenerational relationship, understanding it not only as a stage of life, but also as a human dimension, which can meet us at any age. It investigated if and how the relationship between grandmothers/grandfathers and grandchildren is potent to revive childhoods in adults and children. Walter Benjamin and Martin Buber were the main theoretical interlocutors, as well as scholars of their works and authors from different areas. With contributions from anthropology, especially from Tim Ingold, its methodology consisted mainly in sharing presence, caring, letting oneself be affected and learning. Seven grandmothers and three grandfathers participated in the research, between fiftyone and seventy-one years of age, residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro and one from Niterói. And six of his grandchildren, aged between five and twelve, live in the following cities: Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Brasília and Montevideo/Uruguay. The criterion for choosing was familiarity, based on indications from grandmothers and grandfathers with strong bonds built with their grandchildren up to twelve years old. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the context of this study and the theme of the participants narratives, the fieldwork was carried out between May and December 2020, through interactions on digital means - Zoom platform and WhatsApp application. With the grandmothers and grandfathers, individual meetings were planned. With the grandchildren, conversation was collective. The categories childhood and time, childhood and bonding, childhood and authority, childhood and care emerge from the narratives, and they guide the presentation of the research, the analysis and the conclusions.


RAFAELA FERNANDES TRUGILHO 24 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar se, como e de que brincavam na rua adultos moradores de uma favela no Complexo do Alemão, bairro na Zona Norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A investigação parte de histórias de infâncias narradas por oito sujeitos, tendo como fio condutor as brincadeiras que faziam na rua. Algumas indagações encaminharam a pesquisa, e, para respondê-las, foram essenciais as lentes dos campos da Sociologia da Infância, Filosofia e Antropologia, que auxiliaram a conhecer e compreender o que contam os adultos sobre sua experiência com a rua, e como esta experiência afeta seu olhar para a infância atualmente. Foi feita a opção por conhecer histórias de infância de adultos que brincaram na rua, ou que se disponibilizam a olhar crianças que brincam, realizando entrevistas através da ferramenta de chamada de vídeo no aplicativo WhatsApp e de maneira presencial, seguindo protocolos de distanciamento. O critério de familiaridade levou a cada um desses sujeitos, e buscou-se contemplar a pluralidade entre os participantes. Entre outros achados, o campo mostra que os adultos que brincam ou olham crianças hoje em dia sabem que muitas brincadeiras não se perderam nem ficaram no passado, como se acredita. Basta olhar com atenção: onde houver uma rua onde morem crianças, há a convocação do adulto, para atualizar com elas as brincadeiras e não deixar que a rua se perca enquanto espaço de conviver, se relacionar e brincar. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze whether, how and what adults living in a favela in Complexo do Alemão, a neighborhood in the North Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, played in the street. The investigation starts from childhood stories narrated by eight subjects, having as a guiding thread the games they played on the street. Some questions guided the research, and to answer them, lenses from the fields of Sociology of Childhood, Philosophy and Anthropology were essential, helping to know and understand what adults tell about their experience with the street, and how this experience affects how they see childhood today. Learning about childhood stories of adults who played in the street, or who are available to watch children who are playing was the option made, conducting interviews through video call tool in WhatsApp application and in person, following distancing protocols. Familiarity criterion led to each of these subjects, and sought to meet plurality among participants. Among other findings, the field shows that adults who play or watch children today know that many games have not been lost nor are left in the past, as it is believed. Just look carefully: where there is a street where children live, adults are invited to update games with them and to not let the street get lost as a space for living together, relating and playing.

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