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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação competitiva de usos dos recursos hídricos em trechos de gerenciamento de rio: estratégia para subsidiar o licenciamento ambiental / Competitive assessment of uses of water resources in river stretches: an strategy for the environmental licensing

Maziero, Elisandra 16 November 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Considering that water is limited and requires appropriate planning to ensure its proper use, pondering future generations as well as the socio-economic development, some impacts may create conflicts among users of the same stretch of river. Currently, the major competing uses in a stretch of river are: hydropower generation, irrigation and use for sewage dilution, additionally the use for ensuring the environment balance. For hydropower generation water is usually repressed and / or diverted from its original course to a lower point resulting in a stretch of river with modified flows. The water used for Irrigation depends on the plant demand and climatic conditions of the region in analysis. Accordingly, the crop productivity is directly related to water availability for the plant. In the use of water for sewage dilution, the sewage treatment conditions are often poor or non-existent, resulting in the flow values for treatment. The proposed paper presents a method for quantifying the impacts among competing uses of water in a stretch of river with modified flows due to a development of hydropower generation. The main study case for this analysis is a stretch of river with modified flows caused by the hydropower Passo São João, in the Ijuí river. Hypothetical scenarios are simulated to evaluate the competitiveness among different uses of water in the stretch of river including demand in irrigation for soy and corn. Also including demand for sewage treatment on the stretch of an urban population. Different regimes of ecological flow are taked as basis for balancing the stretch. Gains and losses in relation to the prices of energy and agricultural production are also considered for the analysis. The described other uses competing with hydropower generation result in different operating rules of the hydropower plant. These rules affect energy production, but lead to the multiple use of water in the stretch. By analysising the outcome of the the proposed simulations it is verified that irrigation caused minor impact on the electricity generation in comparison to sewage dilution, for a population of ten thousand. In addition there is a much larger gain in monetary terms than the loss on the energy that are not generated. This fact provided a strong argument for irrigation competitiveness analysis in the stretch of river. The sewage dilution causes significant losses for electricity generation. However it is a necessary use to compensate poor or nonexistent treatment for sewage dilution. This study presents a generic methodology that can be applied for strategic planning to water rights, evaluating cases where there are conflicts over the multiple uses of water in the presence of hydropower generation. The resulting operation rule for competing uses of water in a stretch of river can be used to support the decision making process for the environmental licensing in a stretch of river with modified flows. / A água é limitada e requer uma gestão apropriada para garantir seu aproveitamento, ponderando gerações futuras, bem como o desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Em um trecho de rio com usos múltiplos, alguns casos podem configurar um conflito entre os usuários. Entre os usos competitivos em um trecho de rio destacam-se a geração de energia hidrelétrica, a irrigação e a diluição das cargas urbanas. Além do uso para garantir o equilíbrio do ambiente. Na geração hidrelétrica a água é geralmente represada e/ou desviada de seu curso original resultando em um trecho de vazões alteradas. Na irrigação a água utilizada depende da demanda hídrica da planta e das condições climatológicas da região, sendo a produtividade da lavoura diretamente relacionada à disponibilidade hídrica. No uso da água para diluição de cargas de esgoto urbano as condições de tratamento deste esgoto são muitas vezes precárias ou inexistentes, refletindo nos valores de vazões para a diluição. O trabalho proposto apresenta um método para quantificar os impactos entre os usos competitivos da água em um trecho de rio com as vazões alteradas devido a um empreendimento de geração hidrelétrica. Considerou-se como objeto do estudo o trecho de vazões alteradas pela usina hidrelétrica Passo São João, no Rio Ijuí, localizado na região Noroeste do Estado do rio Grande do sul, Brasil. Para avaliar a competitividade entre diversos usuários da água neste trecho foram simulados cenários hipotéticos considerando demandas para irrigação da soja e do milho com captação da água no rio, e demandas para a diluição de cargas de uma população urbana, despejadas no trecho. Estas simulações foram realizadas para diferentes regimes de vazões ecológicas, como base para o balanço hídrico do trecho. Nas simulações também foram considerados os ganhos e perdas em relação às cotações de energia e produção agrícola. A análise resultou em diferentes regras de operação da usina. Estas regras impactaram a produção de energia, mas propiciaram o uso múltiplo da água no trecho. Verificou-se que a irrigação causou menor impacto na geração de energia do que o uso urbano para as áreas simuladas e uma população urbana de 10 mil habitantes, além de representar um ganho muito maior em termos monetários, do que a perda relativa à energia que deixou de ser gerada. Isso proporcionou para a irrigação um argumento forte na análise da competitividade pelo uso da água no trecho de rio. A diluição de cargas causou uma perda na geração da energia, sendo este um uso necessário para compensar a falta ou não eficiência da remoção da carga dos esgotos domésticos urbanos. A metodologia desenvolvida é genérica, com base em dados prospectáveis e tem potencial para ser aplicada na avaliação estratégica de outorga dos casos de conflitos sobre os múltiplos usos da água em um trecho de rio na presença de geração hidrelétrica. A regra de operação resultante da alocação da água para os diversos usos no trecho do rio pode servir de subsidio do processo de apoio à decisão no licenciamento ambiental de empreendimentos que utilizam a água no trecho de vazão alterada.

Ochranné autorské organizace v ČR, jejich působení a prezentace činnosti / Author rights protection organizations in the Czech Republic - their activities and presentation

Řehořová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis entitled Author rights protection organizations in the Czech Republic - their activities and presentation focuses on the area of copyright protection, especially in the field of musical work. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation of collective societies operating in the Czech Republic and to compare them in selected areas of activity. The aim of the work is also to evaluate the practical functioning of the collective societies and explain some myths that are routed by the general public about the collective administration. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the definition of basic concepts, as the basis for other chapters dealing with specific collective societies, namely OSA, INTERGRAM and DILIA. This part of the thesis is based on annual reports analysis of these organizations, as well as personal interviews and written communication with these institutions' representatives. This master thesis is particularly helpful as a summary and evaluation of collective organizations' activities that are part of the culture and therefore have a significant impact on the level of Czech and other cultures.

Produire et réguler les espaces publics contemporains : Les politiques de gestion de l'indésirabilité à Paris / Managing the undesirables : The politics of public spaces in Paris (France)

Froment Meurice, Muriel 13 September 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, les espaces publics des métropoles contemporaines sont devenus d’importants enjeux pour les pouvoirs publics municipaux soucieux de leur attractivité comme pour certains habitants attachés à leur cadre de vie. Les discours qui accompagnent cette valorisation insistent sur la qualité urbaine, mais la production d’espaces sûrs et conviviaux induit également des processus d’exclusion ou d’altérisation. La multiplicité des figures de la menace est alimentée par la diffusion de discours sécuritaires qui érigent certains groupes en symboles de la dégradation des espaces. Ce réinvestissement de l’espace public à la fois sur le plan sémantique et matériel se traduit donc par différentes mesures visant à mieux contrôler ses usages et son image.Ma recherche s’appuie sur trois études de cas à Paris : le mobilier urbain, le système d’accréditation des musiciens dans le métro et les patrouilles de correspondants de nuit. Ces dispositifs de gestion de l’indésirabilité donnent aux producteurs et gestionnaires d’espaces publics la possibilité d’assurer une mise en ordre du social par une mise en ordre du spatial. Leur analyse me permet de cerner différentes figures d’indésirables et les registres de justification déployés par les acteurs institutionnels ou certains entrepreneurs de morale pour défendre des hiérarchies dans les droits d’usage des espaces publics. L’indésirabilité étant une construction sociale et culturelle, mon objectif a été de dénaturaliser ces catégorisations dominantes pour mettre à jour des rapports de pouvoir asymétriques et montrer comment ils se matérialisent dans la production et la régulation des espaces publics / Since the 70’s the public spaces of the contemporary metropolis have become important issues for municipal authorities concerned with their attractiveness as well as for some inhabitants who feel committed to their environment. Speeches surrounding such valorization insist on urban quality, but the production of safe and user-friendly spaces also implies processes of exclusion or alterization. The large number of threat figures is sustained by the diffusion of security discourses that make some groups into symbols of urban decay. Such reinvestment of public space on both the semantic and material level is therefore translated into different measures aiming at better controlling its uses and its image.My research relies on three case studies in Paris: urban furniture, licensing of some subway musicians, and the city’s security patrol services. These devices used for managing the undesirables allow the producers and managers of public spaces to put in order the social by putting in order the spatial. Analyzing these devices gives me the means for discerning different figures of undesirable people and records of justification enacted by institutional agencies or moral entrepreneurs in order to defend hierarchies in the rights of using public spaces. As undesirability is a social and cultural construction, I focused on denaturalizing these dominant categorizations, in order to highlight asymmetrical power relations and to show how they materialize in the production and the regulation of public spaces

Živnostenské podnikání v ČR / Licensed Trades in the Czech Republic

Němcová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the current situation of legal regulation of small trades in the Czech Republic, in particular on the impacts following the so far latest of the more complex amendments of the trade law, implemented by the Act no. 130/2008 Coll. The sense of this amendment was to simplify the starting of trade activities and in maximal degree ease the bureacratic burden of businessmen in their contacts with Trade Licencing Offices. The most important changes brought by this amendment are described in the succession and context of the Trades Licencing Act content as a whole. The thesis deals with the historical evolution of the trade law,it also defines the basic concepts and institutes of trade activities, as subjects of trade law, trade licence, the Trades Register, Trade Licence Offices etc. The last part of the thesis delivers the results of a survey carried out among the traders and Trade Licence Offices.

Avaliação da obrigatoriedade do zoneamento ecológico-econômico, no contexto do licenciamento ambiental / Evaluation of the obedience of the ecological-economic zoning, in the context of the environmental licensing

Gabriela Müller Carioba Attanasio 18 November 2005 (has links)
O zoneamento ambiental, um dos instrumentos da lei da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Lei 6.938/81), foi regulamentado pelo Decreto nº 4.297/02, com a denominação de zoneamento ecológico-econômico e tem se evidenciado como uma ferramenta importante de gestão e planejamento ambientais, dotada de aptidão para realizar caracterização e diagnóstico ambientais de determinado espaço, de acordo com a sua capacidade de suporte. Com essa característica, pode ser utilizado com eficiência no licenciamento ambiental de atividades potencialmente degradadoras do meio ambiente, dotando o órgão licenciador de subsídios importantes para decidir sobre a viabilidade ambiental de um determinado empreendimento ou atividade. A caracterização e diagnóstico ambientais, produtos do zoneamento ecológico-econômico, também darão maior agilidade e dinamismo ao estudo de impacto ambiental, na medida em que permitem a identificação da melhor alternativa locacional do empreendimento, reduzindo a necessidade de adoção de medidas mitigadoras. O Decreto 4.297/02, em consonância com os dispositivos constitucionais e princípios fundamentais de proteção ao meio ambiente, bem como com as finalidades objetivadas pela lei da política nacional do meio ambiente, prevê que zoneamento ecológico-econômico é um instrumento de produção obrigatória pelo poder público, nas hipóteses por ele mencionadas. Contudo, pode haver questionamentos quanto à forma em que a obrigatoriedade foi veiculada (por meio de decreto) e se ele seria obrigatório somente nos casos em que já tivesse sido executado, pois, aparentemente, o decreto teria feito uma ressalva nesse sentido. Desta maneira, a discussão a respeito do dever de sua elaboração imediata se mostra relevante para que a implementação deste importante instrumento possa ser exigida do Poder Público. / The environmental zoning, one of the instruments of the Environment National Policy Law (Law 6.938/81), was regulated by the decree nº 4.297/02, with the denomination of economic ecologic zoning and is being evidenced as an important tool of environmental administration and management, with aptitude to execute environmental characterization and diagnosis of a determined site, considering it\'s capacity of support. With this characteristic, it can be used with efficiency in the environmental licensing of potentially degradative activities to the environment, supporting the licensing agency with important environmental criteria to decide about the environmental feasibility of a determined enterprise or activity. The environmental characterization and diagnosis, products of the economic ecologic zoning, also gives a greater agility and dynamism to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), in a way that it allows an identification of the best locational alternative to the enterprise reducing the need of mitigation measurements. The decree 4.297/2002, in consonance with the constitutionals dispositions and fundamentals principles of environmental protection, and with a finalities objectifieds by the environmental national policy, predicts that the economic ecological zoning is an instrument imposed to be produced by the Public Authority, in the hypothesis mentioned. However, there can be questioning about the form of the imposition was placed (by this decree) and whether it would be imposed just in the cases that was already been executed, because, apparently, the decree would have made a safeguard in this sense. In this way, the discussion about its immediate elaboration shows relevant to the implementation of this important instrument can be required by the Public Authority.

A atuação do Ministério Público no licenciamento ambiental de empreendimentos de geração de energia / The District Attorneys action on environmental licencing of energy generation projects.

Naoka Sera Furuiti 21 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar como o Ministério Público brasileiro tem exercido a função inovadora que lhe foi atribuída pela Constituição Federal de 1988 para zelar pelo efetivo respeito dos Poderes Públicos e dos serviços de relevância pública ao direito constitucional do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, especificamente no tocante à sua atuação em processos de licenciamento ambiental. Para tal fim, adotou-se a metodologia de estudo de caso, com o levantamento de dados junto aos órgãos oficiais (Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo, Poder Judiciário, Ministério de Minas e Energia, Agência Nacional de Energia e Eletricidade) e entrevistas com atores representativos dos segmentos envolvidos ou com o caso estudado, associado à revisão legislativa e bibliográfica. O caso concreto foi escolhido a partir da delimitação do recorte geográfico e temporal: as pesquisas limitaram-se ao Estado de São Paulo, aos processos de licenciamento conduzidos pela Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo e à atuação do Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2006. Verificou-se que, especialmente a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, as atribuições e prerrogativas do Ministério Público brasileiro, sem similares no sistema político de outros Estados ocidentais, conferiram-lhe o papel de promover a coercibilidade das normas de proteção ambiental e, ainda, atuar em foro alternativo ao Poder Judiciário para o gerenciamento de conflitos ambientais. Restando incontroversa a relevância de sua atuação na proteção do meio ambiente, constatou-se que, no tocante à fiscalização de processos de licenciamento ambiental conduzidos pelo órgão licenciador, na prática essa atuação acaba por ensejar novos conflitos com a Administração Pública, com reflexos sobre os atores envolvidos com o projeto sob discussão no processo de licenciamento ambiental. Propostas para seu equacionamento são analisadas neste trabalho. / This research seeks to evaluate how the District Attorney Office of Brazil (Ministério Público) has been performing the innovating function of watching over the effective respect of the Public Power and relevant public services regarding the constitutionally right to an ecologically-balanced environment, attributed to it by the Federal Constitution of 1988, wish specific focus on environmental licensing processes. With such purpose, based on the case study methodology, a collection of data within official bodies (District Attorney of São Paulo State, Environmental Protection Agency of the State of São Paulo, Judiciary Power, Mine and Electricity Ministry, National Agency of Energy and Electricity) has been performed, as well as interviews with representative players of the involved segments, legislative and bibliographic reviews. Choice of case study was determined by the scope definition of space and time: researches were limited to the State of São Paulo, to the environmental licensing procedures conducted by the State Environmental Protection Agency and the performance of the District Attorney of São Paulo State, in the period comprehended between 2001 and 2006. Main findings include the fact that, due to the unique role of responsibilities and authority given to the District Attorney Office of Brazil by the Federal Constitution of 1988, it is responsible to promote the effectiveness of the environmental protection legislation as well as acting alternatively to the Judiciary System in the resolution of environmentally-based conflicts and the uncontroversial relevance of its role on the protection of the environment. However, when analyzing its role on the monitoring of environmental licensing processes conducted by the administrative licensing authorities, it was also identified that new conflicts with the Public Administration arise, with reflexes on all actors involved in the environmental licensing process. Purposes for its solution are analyzed in this work.

Problematika licencování pilotů bezpilotních prostředků / The issue of licensing of pilots of UAVs

Anderle, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to summarize legislation dealing with UAVs and to create structure of trainings for UAV pilots. First part of this thesis is generally about UAVs, next one deals with UAV pilot training and the last part deals with future development of different areas in unmanned aircraft industry.

International business expansion through franchising: the case of fast-food industry

Sadi, Muhammad A. 03 August 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was threefold: 1) to establish a set of research questions, propositions and hypotheses about the nature of international fast-food franchising; 2) to identify the distinctive strategies employed by fast-food franchise firms in foreign markets and 3) to provide a set of guidelines for managers which will assist them in dealing with the challenges of initiating and expanding a fast-food franchise system in a foreign country. A multiple-case study approach was used focusing on how U. S . franchise firms have adapted their domestic business practices to the Canadian, Japanese, and Russian Markets. Special attention was given to the degree to which their firms have modified franchise objectives, expansion strategies, marketing mix elements, control system and support services. A principal finding of this research project is that fast-food companies do in fact extend domestic franchise strategies to foreign markets when expanding internationally. However, they do make certain alterations in their domestic method of doing business. The alterations are in the areas of expansion strategies, franchise objectives, control systems and support services. These alterations do not follow a consistent pattern. They vary from country to country and from firm to firm. / Ph. D.

Territorial Copyright Licenses for Audio-visual Content:Steps Towards Overruling the Principle of Copyright Territoriality?

Havlíková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the  competition law and new legislation adopted under the Digital Single Market Strategy framework and itf effect on the principle of copyright territoriality and current territorial licensing practices. The interest of consumers to access cultural content, the interest of right holders to exploit their work in exchange for renumeration and interest of distributors to secure a broader audience and high income are interests which are taken into account. The thesis discusses how the EU legislation reflects and balance these interests. The thesis also discusses the role of principle of copyright territoriality for business and financial practices in the audio-visual industry.

Design and Evaluation of Digital Tools for Licensing Management : Understanding how usability affects the perceived workflow of the end user / Design och utvärdering av digitala verktyg för hantering av licensering : Att förstå hur användbarhet påverkar det upplevda arbetsflödet för slutanvändaren

Jansheden, Billy January 2022 (has links)
The growth of online content has paved the way for independent creators to produce their own videos. Platforms like YouTube have empowered the users to distribute such content and continues to be a major player in the world of video on demand. A substantial part of the production is music, which has been notoriously difficult to license given the complex ownership situations. This has enabled companies like Epidemic Sound to provide an alternative solution that reduces the hassle of licensing down to acquiring a subscription. The large user base that these companies have results in them needing in-house developed tools to manage their licensing. These tools can often be less adapted to their intended internal users, as the major usability work is directed to customer facing products. This thesis addresses the issues of not adapting in-house developed tools to the end users’ needs by focusing on evaluating the current interface and produce a design proposal for how these tools can be designed to better serve the user. Semi-structured interviews were held with 7 participants who used the tool in their day to day work. These were then analyzed and the findings were incorporated into a non-functional prototype developed in Figma. This prototype was subsequently evaluated and the results indicated that the major key to heighten the perceived usability of the tool was to present the information gathered in a clear and structured way. / Tillväxten av onlinebaserat innehåll har drivit fram en ny typ av enskilda videokreatörer. Platformar som YouTube har erbjudit användarna att distribuera innehåll och är fortsatt en stor spelare inom streaming. En väsentlig del av produktionen är musik, något som har varit ökänt svårt att licensera givet den komplexa ägarskapet. Detta har öppnat en möjlighet för företag som Epidemic Sound att erbjuda en alternativ lösning som reducerar problemet ner till att införskaffa en prenumeration. Den stora användarbasen som dessa företag har resulterar i att de behöver utveckla egna verktyg för att hantera sin licensering. Dessa verktyg är ofta inte anpassade för deras tilltänkta, interna användare då majoriteten av användbarhetsarbetet fokuserar på produkter för slutkunden. Den här avhandlingen adresserar detta genom att utvärdera det nuvarande användargränssnittet och producera ett designförslag för hur dessa verktyg kan designas med användaren i åtanke.

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