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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台日商策略聯盟中國大陸內需市場開拓--上海地區服務業案例研究 / Taiwanese and Japanese Strategic Alliance to Develop the Market in Mainland China--Shanghai Area Services Case Studies

林金珍, LIN, CHIN CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
基於語言、歷史、文化與政治因素,台日商策略聯盟具備進軍中國大陸市場的優勢。「十二五規劃」發展服務業與城市化,台商與日商攜手進軍中國大陸市場,可為雙方帶來綜效。 本研究整理與分析策略聯盟理論與相關文獻,並對台日商策略聯盟解析。依本文台日商策略聯盟服務業分析,以品牌授權為最佳模式。筆者赴上海田野調查一月,訪談十七位台商與學者,其中發現:採用授權合作模式,台日雙方可保有最大自主性,亦可充分發揮雙方競爭優勢,在中國大陸市場應可獲得最大利益。 台日商服務業策略聯盟,具有以下綜效意義與價值:(1)技術共 享與策略協調。理解並善用雙方優勢與清楚定位,提高技術與成本綜效。(2)有形資源共享。台日商就產品設計、創新、行銷、品牌以及服務,清楚分工,並達成共識,選擇中國大陸優良廠商製造,發揮本土化與降低成本等天時、地利,及人和效益。(3)垂直功能整合。台商著重行銷服務,與日商負責研發創新的垂直分工,創造高附加價值績效。(4)談判能力的結合。臺日結盟,產生規模經濟的合作型態尚未出現。隨著臺灣中小企業在中國大陸市場逐漸大型化,期望與日本企業形成談判能力,突破成本困境。(5)創新事業的整合。善用雙方策略性互補與深厚的信賴關係,擴大合作綜效與機會。 臺日雙方以開放、分享的態度,減少反綜效發生,強化技術、資源、以及成本與整合等優勢,始能發揮最大效果。在兩岸ECFA簽訂後,台日商,特別是中小企業如何在信任基礎上,建立有效合作模式,結合優勢、相容性、產業價值鏈之互補性,策略運用,以及合作思維調整,以因應市場變化,應為重要課題。 / The “12th Five-Year Plan” focuses on the development of the service industry and urbanization. With mainland China’s immature services development, the alliance among Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs has the advantage to enter the market. This study systematically organizes and analyzes the theories of international strategic alliances, as well as the relevant literature review. The author who spent a month of fieldwork in Shanghai interviewed 17 entrepreneurs and scholars to find that licensing model could maintain maximum autonomy between Taiwanese and Japanese companies, and at the same time, give full competitive advantage to both sides, which allows complete access to the best interests in mainland China. The Taiwan-Japan strategic alliance in the service sector has the following meaning and value of synergy: (1) to understand and take advantage of strengths and clear positioning to both sides by technology sharing and policy coordination to improve the technical and cost synergies, (2) to reach a consensus on tangible resource sharing, such as product design, innovation, marketing , branding, services and choice of excellent manufacturers in mainland China to localize and reduce costs, (3) to be responsible for marketing by the Taiwanese, and research as well as innovation by the Japanese to create high value-added performance, (4) to look forward to combine bargaining power by generating economies of scale with Taiwan’s SMEs large-scaled formation in mainland China to break through the cost dilemma, (5) to use strategic complementarity and deep relations of trust of both sides to expand business cooperation synergy and opportunities. Strategic alliance between Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs achieves maximum results with an open attitude to reduce the occurrence of anti-synergy and enhance technology, resources, cost and integration. Developing the domestic market is the government policy of mainland China. After the signing of the cross-strait ECFA, Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs should establish an effective and a systematic evaluation criteria based on trust from both sides, exploiting superiority, compatibility and complementarities of industry value chain to work on the maximum benefit.

Uses and Nonuses of Patented Inventions

Jung, Taehyun 19 December 2009 (has links)
Innovation comprises the processes of invention and commercialization. While the importance of innovation, especially commercialization, has been widely recognized, existing studies have largely overlooked the commercialization process. By examining the determinants of uses and nonuses of patented inventions from firms at the levels of technology, organization, and project/invention, this study attempts to help fill a critical gap in the literature. In doing so, it enriches theoretical understandings of innovation and, in particular, builds on the evolutionary explanation of technology development, the Teecian framework on profiting from innovation, Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), the Knowledge-Based View (KBV), and open innovation and innovation network perspectives. It also reveals an empirical reality of commercial use and strategic nonuse of patents. The study is based on a novel dataset constructed from multiple sources: inventor surveys, the United States Patent and Trademark Office online database, and COMPUSTAT, among others. After examining the factors affecting overall propensity to commercialize patented inventions, this study explores the factors that affect the organizational paths of commercialization. The empirical estimation indicates that technological uncertainty and a strong internal position of complementary assets raise the propensity for internal commercialization. The study argues that openness of innovation processes and network relationships should affect the choice of commercialization paths. Consistent with the hypotheses, empirical estimations show that external industrial knowledge increases the propensity of internal commercialization. The study also indicates that collaboration has diverging effects on the choice of commercialization paths. While collaboration with firms in vertical relationships tends to favor internal commercialization, collaboration with firms in horizontal relationships tends to favor external commercialization (licensing, start-up). Finally, the study reports findings on the strategic use of patents and then tests hypotheses about the factors driving strategic nonuse. It concludes that a significant portion of U.S. patents are indeed filed for strategic reasons. It also finds that characteristics of technology and firms are significantly associated with different strategies. In particular, firms are more likely to use a patent for strategic defensive purposes when they have larger amounts of assets. The study concludes with discussing managerial and policy implications.

Avtalslicensens förhållande till konkurrensrätten : När strider utövandet av en avtalslicens mot konkurrenslagstiftningen?

Palmroos, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Copyright is designed to not interfere with society's general and overriding interest of effective competition. An effective market competition benefits consumers by lowering prices, raising the quality and expands the range of goods and services. The purpose of the paper is to investigate if the collecting societies licensing violates competition laws. On the basis of the investigation regarding the bill for a new Swedish copyright law (URL), mainly the new wording that regulates the license agreement, corresponds to the EU competition rules and customs within the area. The collecting societies licensing violates the competition laws in the following cases • Discrimination of members because of nationality •           Authors transferring their sole rights to global exploitation •           The collecting society have the right to manage the rights after the author have left as a member •           Users that are established abroad do not get access to the repertoire of  the collecting societies, the same goes for concerted practice if this is the purpose or result •           Parallel behaviours that cannot be explained objectively •           Dividing the market •           Fixed Prices •           Refusal to sign multi-territorial licenses •           Apply different conditions for equivalent transactions resulting in competition disadvantages for a company that cannot be justified by reasonable causes Currently there are no indications that the new bill to a new URL violates EU law. The author of the paper thinks this may change if the collective management extends, so that other member states get the extended license agreements, then the single market is affected by the competition restriction that the new bill to the URL mean. The author of the paper thinks that the bill for a new URL should be changed so that a collective society will not get monopoly to sign licenses with extended license agreements. / Sammanfattning Upphovsrätten är utformad i syfte att inte inkräkta på samhällets generella och överordnade intresse av en effektiv konkurrens. En effektiv marknadskonkurrens gynnar konsumenterna genom att den pressar priserna, höjer kvaliteten och ökar utbudet av varor och tjänster. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om upphovsrättsorganisationernas licensering strider mot konkurrenslagstiftningen. Utifrån den utredningen granskas om lagförslaget till en ny URL, framförallt den nya lydelsen som reglerar avtalslicenser, stämmer överens med EU:s konkurrensregler och praxis på området.  I följande fall strider upphovsrättsorganisations licensering mot konkurrensrätten •           Diskriminering av medlemmarna på grund av nationalitet •           Upphovsmännen överlåter sina rättigheter med ensamrätt för en global exploatering •           Upphovsrättsorganisationen har rätt att förvalta rättigheterna efter att upphovsmannen utträtt som medlem •           Användare som är etablerade utomlands får inte tillgång till upphovsrättsorganisationens repertoar, gäller även samordnade förfaranden om detta är syftet eller resultatet •           Parallella beteenden som inte kan förklaras objektivt •           Uppdelning av marknaden •           Prissamarbeten •           Vägra teckna multi-territoriella licenser •           Tillämpa olika villkor för likvärdiga transaktioner med följden att ena bolaget får en konkurrensnackdel som inte går att rättfärdiga genom sakliga skäl I nuläget finns inget som tyder på att det nya lagförslaget till en ny URL strider mot EU-rätten. Enligt uppsatsförfattarens åsikt kan detta ändras om den kollektiva förvaltningen utökas så att den får avtalslicensverkan även i andra medlemsländer varpå den inre marknaden påverkas av den konkurrensbegränsning som det nya lagförslaget till en ny URL innebär. Uppsatsförfattaren anser att lagförslaget till en ny URL bör ändras så att inte en upphovsrättsorganisation ges monopol att teckna licens med avtalslicensverkan.

生技製藥產學合作之研究-以陽明大學新藥中心、寶齡富錦為例 / The Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuitical Industry

鄭雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技產業,是一個被預期將於未來使人類在醫學、製藥、材料、糧食乃至於能源、生態等各方面所面臨的問題,獲得重大突破的產業;也是被公認為二十一世紀最具發展潛力的重點產業!世界上各個先進國家莫不競相投入大量資源,積極進行生技產業的培植與發展。研究單位與大專院校,一向被稱為所謂的「知識引擎」。照理說,在良好的智財管理之下,理當成為智慧財產生產之重鎮,並經由技術轉移實際地應用在產業界,協助提昇企業的競爭力,進而強化國家整體的經濟能量。 本研究藉由各方相關之文獻、著作加以分析,先從美國與我國在科技或技術移轉相關法規的介紹,再整理生物技術與生技製藥產業的特性,和我國目前的現況與問題,最後由商品化角度歸納出技術移轉在各階段的組成要素,再參考美國麻省理工學院技術移轉中心實例。與國內產學成功之案例-「寶齡富錦PBF1681專案」及「陽明大學新藥中心」對照,從中比較出國內學校與產業之間的交流,哪一環節出了問題?在探討我國大學生技製藥產學合作機制上,本研究採用的架構主要是從國內外大學負責產學合作單位的「運作流程」開始瞭解在智慧財產權、技術推廣、技術移轉過程與移轉後的回饋監控機制等。 交相比較之後,建議國內大學之技術移轉中心需擬定明瞭易懂之政策 設計簡單易填之表格、重視商品化流程、經驗豐富之授權人才引進、設置「成功故事」區,來激勵想要新創公司之人。另外,也對國內生技製藥產業建議,台灣的切入點以植物藥為迅速且花費少、成功機會高,這是值得投入之領域。而產業之結構也應有所調整,台灣藥廠規模小,無法與國外大廠競爭開發新藥。開發新藥需投入大量時間及金錢,故國外藥廠之產業結構為垂直整合,亦即是將上市前所有試驗及上市後行銷一手包辦。國內藥廠需仿照科技業一般,將整個產業作水平分工,將核心能力保留,其餘皆可外包。這樣不但節省時間,也可減少對不熟悉領域之摸索,由仿製之學名藥廠,走向新藥開發,進而與國外大廠相互抗衡。 / The universities are long taken as the “knowledge engine” for industries. Through a well-designed cooperation or licensing system, that is, the academic-industry liaison, those intellectual property produced from academic researches should be applied in the industry and industrial competency can thus be improved. However, the academic-industry liaison concerning biotechnology and drug in Taiwan is deficient. This thesis compares the cases of “Panion & BF Biotech Inc. PBF1681 Project,” “Research Center for Drug Discovery in National Yang-Ming University” in Taiwan with the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) of MIT in the U.S. Through the comparison, it can be found that techonology transfer office of universities in Taiwan needs to design a more friendly procedesure for licensee applicants and focuses on technology commercialization. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry needs to invest more in herbal drug development. The industry itself needs corporate reengineering. The structure of the industry should be a horizontal division instead of the vertical integration. They should focus on their core competency and strengthen the mutual cooperation between companies to form a network of efficient production divisions. Key word: academic-industry liaison, biotechnology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, Technology Licensing Office (TLO)

電子商務之創新經營模式研析-以圖像授權平台個案為例 / Research and analysis of innovative business model of electronic commerce - Image licensing platform as case study

張友信 Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務的領域中,多種不同的營運模式被相繼推出,許多成功的電子商務網站,也在各大商管學界被持續探討。展望未來,許多產業勢必導入電子商務經營,而圖像授權這個文化創意領域,更是一個近年來在電子商務領域發光發熱的產業。目前全世界圖像授權平台的競爭劇烈程度與日俱增,國內廠商首當其衝,而國際大廠亦是戒慎恐懼,稍有不慎就很可能會在圖像授權平台版圖的劇烈變化中慘遭擊敗。回顧過去圖像授權平台產業歷史,就曾經發生因為破壞式創新導致產業版圖大幅改變的案例,而現在網路技術日新月異,未來商業模式也必將不斷有所創新,深深值得進一步研究。   本研究將使用Afuah & Tucci(2001)發表之論文中的電子商務相關理論作為核心,再由研究者立意選定,以I公司圖像授權網站、G公司圖像授權網站、K公司圖像授權網站、S公司圖像授權網站等四個個案進行個案研究,希望能夠透過對於顧客價值、市場範圍、收入來源、經營之關連活動、資訊系統建置、企業能力、獲利持續性等等面向的探討,針對圖像授權在電子商務創新經營的議題進行研析,希望對於產業界與學術界能有所助益。 / In the field of electronic commerce (e-commerce), a variety of business models have been introduced sequentially. Many successful e-business sites are discussed continously in business or management academia. Looking ahead, many industries are bound to import e-commerce operations. Image licensing is an industry that vigorizes e-commerce in recent years. At present, the intensive competition of image licensing platform all over the world is increasing, not only international manufacturers but also the domestic manufacturers, who are the first to be affected. A slight mistake can lead to failure in the dramatic changes of the image licensing platform. Reflecting the history of image licensing platform, there was a case of a industry destructive innovation that led to significant changes in the industrial landscape. Now, since the Internet technology is ever-changing, the future business model will continue to be innovative, which is worthy of further study.   This study will use e-commerce related theories published by Afuah &Tucci (2001) as the core theory, and then selected by researchers.Taking I Company's image licensing site, G Company's image licensing site, K Company's image licensing site, S Company's image licensing site four cases as case studies, in hopes that through the discussion of customer value, market scope, revenue source,management-connected activities, information systems implementation,business capabilities, profit sustainability, etc., research andanalysis will be targeted to the issues of image licensing ine-business innovative operation, and the results can be helpful forthe industry and academia.

無線廣播電視執照核發制度之研究--兼論商業執照競標之問題 / A Study of Broadcast and Television Licensing: Also Comment on Commercial Station Licenses Auction

林孟芃, Lin, Meng-peng Unknown Date (has links)
主管機關於發照機制之選擇及其執照核發決定,不僅是滲透到無線廣電產業管制架構的每一處縫隙,也反映出社會價值之優先序位。 從上個世紀以來,解除管制、數位科技與匯流現象高度衝擊了過去以執照為核心的無線廣電管制體系,也引發了一波管制革新之需求。形式上,無線廣電服務與電台執照是一系列權利義務與一套法律程序之化身,但從其功能面來看,執照之核發寓含至少有「註冊登記,分類管理」、「資源分配」、「限制市場參進與競爭」、「費用徵納」及「行為監管」等多元之目標功能。在英美,無線廣電執照之核發反映出該國無線廣電體系之社會角色定位,也反應出不同廣電體系下執照釋出及其頻率核配方式與結果之影響;管制革新也同樣令其重新認知了傳統執照制度中課予廣電業者公益義務之價格問題。 拍賣法在廣電頻譜及經營特許之應用上,除有先例可循外,亦被認為將可以矯正過去傳統以命令與控制模式支配下之執照核發制度之缺失,並將因此增加頻譜使用效率、提升全體福祉。本文因此透過英美等國之制度規範與經驗之分析,來檢驗此一說法。期待藉由瞭解拍賣法及其相關特殊背景下運作之優劣得失,及晚近崛起之相關替選方案,能提供未來政策制訂者在商業廣電執照管理之改革議題上有更豐富的視野。 儘管拍賣法在無線通訊領域應用上,現階段看來有相當誘人的成果,但本文認為,無線廣電事業有其特殊性,傳統頻率指配結合營業特許之執照體系,在使用拍賣法上,將可能產生近用、市場競爭、使用效率、內容多元等目標上無一討好之結果。再者,要達成自由市場或市場模式追求之效率目標,也並非單純使用拍賣法即可;相關配套措施之施行,同樣不可或缺。再者,我國無線廣電體制與英美更有不同,因此如何避免出現主管機關缺乏落實政策目標之能力,至關重要。 目前我國無線商業廣電執照核發制度之問題,可說在頻譜與內容管制雙重目標間迷失;問題焦點並不在於拍賣或審議制的二選一習題上,而應是致力於明確化分配標準、公開透明的競爭程序。此外,在引入市場機制於執照制度、期能促進效率與效能之同時,如何平衡執照管理中的私益與公益問題,仍是數位匯流時代無線廣電執照管理議題之核心。 / The authority's choice of a licensing mechanism and decisions thereof not only permeate nearly the entire regulatory fabric of our broadcast industries, but reflect our society's priorities. Licensing, nominally, is a mutual promise by the legal procedure; moreover, it is also about the registration, limited competition, distribution of resourses, charges, and the code of conduct. Since last century, broadcast laws and regulations have been bombarded with deregulation, digitization, and convergence, and that is conglomerated to push the reform of broadcast licensing. Simultaneously, the communications revolution, like U.K. or U.S., has thrown into question the value of imposing public interest obligations on radio and television broadcasters. Broadcast licensing seems to be so daunting that some people anoint a few constituencies with very pressing appeals, give them special leverage, and throw everything else back on the market. The auction apologists would argue that the government should set clear and definite standards and tough performance requirements to ensure that good systems and service will result, whoever is the highest bidder. In a pure auction era, where dollars are equated with public worth and maximizing dollars will be the most important criterion, there will be strong pressure to also base allocation and allotment decisions on this standard. The merit of auctions in wireless communications licensing may be conspicuous, but the broadcast industry is unique and more complicated so that the change of a licensing mechanism, from the marketplace approach, could be made that a revised public interest standard and obligations failed to address the fundamental challenge--to reassess the power of the regulator when implementing the public interest obligations. Auctions of radio spectrum or broadcasting concession, in other words, will generate their own serious problems that should not be underestimated or denied. On broadcast licensing of Taiwan, auctions will not be the life buoy to predicaments of broadcast industries; on the contrary, a top priority is to enhance the clearness and definition, transparency, and fair competition, whether the authority prefers imitating an auction to innovating the traditional selection procedure, beauty contest, through a more competitive approach or not. Besides, we shall inspecting the key point of whether or not competition and the public interest are compatible in the ongoing dialectic still, continuing to struggle toward a balance between private initiative and public oversight.

Avaliação ambiental estratégica: uma análise sob a ótica do licenciamento ambiental eficiente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

Oliveira, Raisa Lustosa de 27 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1450366 bytes, checksum: 6d65107a01b77df76b70085b8e7cf960 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Sustainable development presupposes updated and efficient in environmental management instruments. Currently, the National Environment Policy in Brazil has advantages and disadvantages compared to other countries. Licensing is one of the most debated instruments and for now we will study it compared to strategic environmental assessment, delineating points of convergence and divergence between them and presenting reasons and prospects for the viability of the institutionalization of the latter in the Brazilian legal system. First we will deal with the Brazilian public environmental management for, then, we enter the more specific issues, such as the object and procedure for each of the above-mentioned institutes. The key-question of the research is, therefore, why the environmental license which is today practiced in Brazil can not be considered efficient regarding the implementation of social and environmental sustainability of economic development and how the adoption of strategic environmental assessment would contribute to the solution of this problem? , the response being our main objective. In the case of evaluation, by not being elected as one of the instruments of environmental management by the National Environment Policy, unlike the licensing, we will also present its main characteristics in the foreign legal systems and a brief overview of its growing prominence in the international debate. This is a survey of exploratory and qualitative nature, through detailed investigation of the relationship between the environmental licensing and AAE. Concerning each environmental management tool under analysis, the method of proceeding is deductive , in order to elucidate the characteristics , the object and scope of each one. Regarding methods of proceeding, shall be used the historical (survey of the evolution of licensing and AAE), the comparative (from the analysis of other systems), the monographic (with the study of the performance of each of the actors involved) and the structuralist (abstraction of all the factual problems at the level of theoretical discussion will allow to propose concrete solutions). Therefore, the bibliographical and documentary research will be used as research techniques, based on the analysis of literature on the subject in books, journals, official documents and electronic databases. / O desenvolvimento sustentável pressupõe instrumentos atualizados e eficientes no âmbito da gestão ambiental. A Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente vigente no Brasil apresenta vantagens e desvantagens em relação às de outros países. O licenciamento é um dos instrumentos mais debatidos e por ora o estudaremos em comparação à avaliação ambiental estratégica, traçando pontos de convergência e divergência entre ambos e apresentando razões e perspectivas para a viabilidade da institucionalização desta última no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Trataremos primeiramente da gestão ambiental pública brasileira para, posteriormente, adentrarmos a questões mais específicas, como o objeto e o procedimento de cada um dos institutos supramencionados. A pergunta-chave da pesquisa é, portanto, por que o licenciamento ambiental que hoje é praticado no Brasil não pode ser considerado eficiente face à concretização da sustentabilidade socioambiental do desenvolvimento econômico e no que a adoção da avaliação ambiental estratégica contribuiria para a solução desse problema? , sendo essa resposta nosso objetivo geral. No caso da avaliação, pelo fato de não estar eleita como um dos instrumentos de gestão ambiental pela Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, diversamente do licenciamento, apresentaremos também suas características mais destacadas nos ordenamentos jurídicos alienígenas e um breve panorama do seu destaque crescente no debate internacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, por meio da investigação pormenorizada da relação entre o licenciamento ambiental e a AAE. Em relação a cada instrumento de gestão ambiental sob análise, o método de abordagem será o dedutivo, com o fim de elucidar as características, o objeto e escopo de cada um. Quanto aos métodos de procedimento, serão utilizados o histórico (levantamento da evolução do licenciamento e da AAE), o comparativo (a partir da análise de outros ordenamentos), o monográfico (com o estudo do desempenho de cada um dos atores sociais envolvidos) e o estruturalista (a abstração de todos os problemas fáticos ao nível de discussão teórica possibilitará a proposição de soluções concretas). Para tanto, a pesquisa bibliográfica e a documental serão utilizadas como técnicas de pesquisa, com base na análise da produção literária a respeito do tema, em livros, periódicos científicos, documentos oficiais e em bases de dados eletrônicos.

The invention of an investment incentive for pharmaceutical innovation

Basheer, Shamnad January 2011 (has links)
Pharmaceutical drugs are often hailed as the poster child for the proposition that patents foster accelerated rates of innovation. This sentiment stems, in large part, from the significantly high research and development (R&D) costs endemic to the pharmaceutical sector. I argue that if the role of the patent regime is one of fostering higher amounts of investment in the R&D process, it is better served by a direct investment protection regime, where the protection does not depend upon whether or not the underlying idea behind the drug is 'new' and 'inventive', the two central tenets of patent law. Rather, any drug that successfully makes it past the regulatory filter ought to be entitled to protection, since its discovery and development entail significant investment and risk. Owing to the inadequacy of the current patent regime in appropriately protecting intensive pharmaceutical R&D investments from free-riders, I propose a comprehensive investment protection regime that protects all the investment costs incurred during the drug discovery and development process. Though similar to existing data protection regimes in some respects, it differs in others. Firstly, it enables a recovery of all R&D costs, and not only costs associated with clinical trials. Secondly, unlike patents and data exclusivity which offer uniform periods of protection, it rewards investments in a proportionate manner, wherein drug originators are entitled to protection against free-riders only until such time as they recoup their specific investments and earn a rate of return on investment that is dependent on the health value of the drug. Given that a pure market exclusivity based investment protection regime is likely to foster excessive pricing and subject the market to the dictates of a single firm, I advocate a compensatory liability model based on a novel cost sharing methodology, where follow-on entrants are free to manufacture the drug, but must pay a reasonable amount of compensation to the originator.

O local no global : a municipalização do licenciamento ambiental em Porto Alegre e o regramento construído para a implantação das redes de telecomunicações

Silva, Gerson Luiz de Almeida January 2009 (has links)
A dissertação trata da construção da municipalização do licenciamento ambiental de Porto Alegre, realizado no âmbito da ampliação das formas de participação na cidade, conhecida como democracia participativa. A questão que a pesquisa enfrentou é se a hierarquia dos processos de globalização em relação aos governos municipais (global/local) limita esses à produção de políticas públicas destinadas a melhor posicionar as cidades à lógica dos fluxos necessários ao mercado, ou podem construir alternativas capazes de valer-se das possibilidades abertas e colocá-las a serviço da lógica da cidadania. A pesquisa identificou que a experiência de participação social na gestão pública em Porto Alegre – reconhecida mundialmente – permitiu inovações institucionais, como induzir ao consorciamento das empresas de telecomunicações e a criação de uma empresa pública na área, a “Infovia Porto Alegre”; além de tornar a cidade referência para vasta rede alternativa à globalização hegemônica. / This thesis deals with the municipalization of environmental licensing in Porto Alegre carried out in what is known as participative democracy, an amplification of the forms of participation in the city. The question placed by this research is if the hierarchy of the processes of globalization in regards to municipal administrations (global/local) limits these processes to the creation of public policies which aim at improving the positions of cities in light of the necessary directions of the market; or if they enable the construction of alternatives that can make use of the possibilities that are open and place themselves at the service of the logic of citizenship. The research found that the world renowned experience of social participation in Porto Alegre’s public administration allowed institutional innovations, such as encouraging the consortium of telecommunication companies and the creation of a public enterprise in this area, the “Infovia Porto Alegre”; besides making the city a reference for a vast alternative to hegemonic globalization.

O processo de licenciamento de empreendimentos de infraestrutura no Brasil: estudo de caso da intervenção ambiental no setor elétrico

Volotão, Romilson de Almeida 29 February 2016 (has links)
A adoção da modelagem institucional de governança do processo de avaliação ambiental norte-americano, centrada na figura da agência líder, deverá demandar a edição de uma lei formal, prevendo o referido arranjo jurídico-institucional, na forma de uma moldura (framework) adaptável às necessidades especificas e peculiaridades de cada setor da Administração. Dessa forma, a referida lei formal funcionaria como uma norma geral, e como tal poderia ser complementada pela legislação infralegal, que viria a estabelecer as disposições especificas para dar efetividade ao instituo da agência líder nos setores em que seja desejável e oportuna a implantação do mesmo, a critério da Administração. Destarte, a atuação do Poder Legislativo estaria restrita à introdução ao sistema jurídico doméstico do instituto estrangeiro, estabelecendo apenas seus contornos básicos, cabendo à Administração a avaliação da oportunidade e conveniência da escolha dos setores específicos, do estabelecimento dos contornos normativos e do momento da efetiva regulamentação concreta do instituto. / O trabalho foi aprovado e publicado em cumprimento a Norma Interna NP- 40.001.00 / Submitted by Romilson de Almeida Volotão (romilsonvolotao@terra.com.br) on 2016-03-28T21:06:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ULTIMA VERSÃO DA DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 2567378 bytes, checksum: a714072d0ee77f369be1901d8193e7fd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-03-30T18:46:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ULTIMA VERSÃO DA DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 2567378 bytes, checksum: a714072d0ee77f369be1901d8193e7fd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-03-31T18:02:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ULTIMA VERSÃO DA DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 2567378 bytes, checksum: a714072d0ee77f369be1901d8193e7fd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-31T18:02:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ULTIMA VERSÃO DA DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 2567378 bytes, checksum: a714072d0ee77f369be1901d8193e7fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / The issue of staggered performance of the Brazilian public administration, indeed evident in some cases is extremely worrying from the point of administrative efficiency of decision-making systems and processes of the various sectors that make up its structure. In this line, the general objective of this study is to analyze the dysfunctions caused by the lack of coordination in the exercise of administrative activity by the Brazilian state. However, because the topic is too broad to fit in the narrow confines of a dissertation, choose a specific institutional arrangement to serve the north of this study: the administrative and environmental licensing process for infrastructure projects. The infrastructure projects require a range of permits and licenses issued by numerous agencies or government entity, have jurisdiction to rule, each within their respective area of expertise, and on the basis of various laws. Therefore, the uncoordinated activities of these actors causes considerable economic losses, mainly due to the delay in decision-making, the exaggerated strictness of the requirements and environmental conditions and excessive legalization sector disputes. Thus, the theme-problem of this dissertation is to seek the best legal response to the propositional problem related to the inefficiency of the licensing process for infrastructure projects in Brazil. In this goal, the economic rationale was chosen as theoretical framework. With this expected to formulate proposal that the licensing process for infrastructure projects in Brazil could become a new institutional governance modeling formulated based on the study compared to the US legal system more efficient if it were adopted, whose environmental assessment process is based on interagency coordination and central figure in the so-called lead agency. / A problemática da atuação desconcertada da Administração pública brasileira é deveras evidente em alguns casos, e extremamente preocupante sob o aspecto da eficiência administrativa dos sistemas e processos decisórios dos diversos setores que compõem sua estrutura. Nessa toada, o objetivo geral do presente estudo é analisar as disfunções geradas pela falta de coordenação no exercício da atividade administrativa pela Estado brasileiro. Entretanto, como o tema é abrangente demais para caber nos estreitos limites de uma dissertação de mestrado, escolhemos um arranjo institucional específico para servir de norte deste estudo: o processo de licenciamento administrativo e ambiental de empreendimentos de infraestrutura. Os empreendimentos de infraestrutura demandam uma gama de autorizações e licenças emanadas de inúmeros órgãos ou entidade do poder público, igualmente competentes para decidir, cada qual dentro de sua respectiva área de atuação, e com fundamento em legislações diversas. Por conseguinte, a atuação descoordenada desses atores causa consideráveis prejuízos econômicos, mormente em decorrência da demora na tomada de decisões, do rigorismo exacerbado dos requisitos e condicionantes ambientais e do excesso de judicialização de controvérsias do setor. Destarte, o tema-problema da presente dissertação consiste em buscar a melhor resposta jurídica para o problema propositivo relacionado à ineficiência do processo de licenciamento de empreendimentos de infraestrutura no Brasil. Nesse desiderato, foi escolhida a racionalidade econômica como referencial teórico. Com isso espera-se formular proposta no sentido de que o processo de licenciamento de empreendimentos de infraestrutura no Brasil poderia tornar-se mais eficiente caso fosse adotada uma nova modelagem de governança institucional formulada com base no estudo comparado com o sistema jurídico norte-americano, cujo processo de avaliação ambiental está baseado na coordenação interagências e na figura central da chamada agência líder.

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