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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O que pode a educação - uma perspectiva clínica / What can education do - a clinical perspective

Paula Chieffi 12 May 2017 (has links)
Pode a escuta forjada na prática clínica interceder por proposições educacionais singulares? A partir dessa pergunta a tese se desdobra em exercícios conceituais e práticos na busca de abertura de interfaces entre clínica e educação, atenta às interpelações do fora e ao movimento da vida. Nessa composição, ganha relevância o conceito de ressonância, como uma abertura para o mundo que produz, simultaneamente, uma experiência de si. A partir da proposição de um estado de escuta, ou de um posicionamento orientado pela escuta clínica, a escrita se faz no acompanhamento de experiências escolares, conversas com alunos e um processo de formação de formadores. Essa conversa serve para precisar o funcionamento dessa escuta ao mesmo tempo em que abre um campo de questões entre a clínica e a educação. / How can an active clinical listening mediate an unique education based on singular experiences? In attempting to answer this central question, the thesis does an interchange between clinic and education. This dynamic was composed by the developed of concepts and practical activities. The mediation created in this thesis has grounded by the author\'s experiences of being in school environment; the conversations with students and the process of training school\'s leaders who train others school staff. It is important to say that the inputs from outside and the movement of life were taken on board. The configuration of the thesis, the concept of Resonance developed by Jean Luc Nancy became deep-seated. The thesis specifies and clarifies the function of the clinical listening in an education setting. It also inevitably opens relevant concerns between clinic and education.

A escuta em equipe da escola : um estudo sobre linguagem e produção de professoralidades

Fonseca, Lucia Lima da January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo investigou a produção de professoralidades de profissionais em atuação em escola, tendo como foco de análise as relações entre as estruturas e regras de funcionamento das escolas em que estes profissionais atuaram ou atuam e a interferência, ou não, nesta produção, bem como de que forma e em que medida. Para tanto, foram utilizados os conceitos de linguagem e signo, da semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce, e de professoralidade, de Marcos Villela Pereira, articulados aos signos mais insistentes produzidos ao longo do estudo – escuta e equipe. A pesquisa de campo, realizada em uma escola da rede privada de Porto Alegre, investigou a estrutura e as regras de funcionamento – em funcionamento – da escola em questão e a relação das mesmas com sua equipe, tanto professores como demais profissionais. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise de documentos da escola e questionários produzidos especificamente para a pesquisa. Entre os inúmeros signos produzidos ao longo deste processo, a escuta e a equipe – a escuta em equipe – foram os que mais possibilitaram aprender a escola pesquisada, aprender os processos de produção de professoralidades dos sujeitos que ali atuam e aprender a forma coletiva e autônoma com que o projeto desta escola é colocado em prática. / This study investigated the production of teaching from professions in service in a school, having as a focus of analysis the relations between the structures and the school rules in which these professionals work or have worked, and the interference, or not, in this production – and how and in what measure it happens. To do so, Charles Sanders Peirce‟s semiotics concepts of language and sign were used, as well as Marcos Villela Pereira‟s concept of teaching, articulated to the most current signs produced along this study – listening and team. The field search, conducted in a private school in Porto Alegre, investigated the structure and the rules – in function – of the school in focus and the relation of them to the teamwork, both teachers and the other professionals. The methodology used was the school‟s documental analysis and questionnaires specially designed for this search. Among the several signals produced along this process, the listening and the team – the team listening – were the ones which gave more possibilities to learn from the school searched, learn the processes of production of teaching from the subjects who work there and learn the collective and autonomous way that the school‟s project is put in practice.

Tempos, movimentos e escrita: experiência de escuta analítica de professoras

Homrich, Marcele Teixeira January 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, que aborda o tema escuta de professoras, apresenta como problema fundamental uma investigação acerca das condições que alicerçam a possibilidade de escutar professoras. O objeto do estudo é a trajetória profissional e pessoal da pesquisadora, registrada em diário de campo, enquanto a metodologia utilizada é a escrita em psicanálise. Esta é sustentada pela formulação do tempo lógico, proposto por Lacan (1998b), assim como os estudos de Porge (1994) e Costa (1998) sobre aquela temporalidade. Assim, a escrita acerca da escuta de professoras é concebida a partir do instante de ver, do tempo de compreender, marcado por suspensões, e do momento de concluir. Inicialmente, trabalhamos o instante de ver a partir dos elementos da queixa e do saudosismo que emergem no trabalho docente, e são constatados por pesquisadores do campo da educação. A passagem pelo instante de ver requer um trabalho de posicionamento frente ao enigma sobre a singularidade que pode emergir do sujeito/local que se escuta. Nessa perspectiva, no tempo de compreender buscamos rastros históricos da cidade de Santo Ângelo no sentido de buscar elementos que se repetem no trabalho docente e dinâmicas que possibilitem a elaboração do traumático. A marca da educação jesuítica na cidade incide nos processos educacionais a partir da compreensão da educação como domínio e violência. As moções suspensas que se estabelecem no momento de compreender são movimentos realizados na escrita como forma de escutar aquilo que até aquele momento não estava formulado. Na primeira escansão, buscamos no diário de campo da pesquisadora, registros que indicassem os elementos apontados nas primeiras formulações do tempo de compreender. Na segunda escansão, a compreensão da violência foi trabalhada na via do singular e do coletivo, sendo a marca constitutiva do laço social. Nesse caminho, a violência como marca constitutiva e singular, indicamos a função da escuta como forma de reconhecimento de um lugar no laço social, oferecendo novos endereçamentos para as palavras silenciadas, incluindo aberturas para o outro na sua pura diferença. O momento de concluir é reconhecido como o tempo de singularidade, no qual podemos indicar que o tempo lógico pode ser um dispositivo que fundamenta a escuta, através dos movimentos da passagem de um tempo ao outro, que incidem em perguntas que reposicionam o sujeito frente ao inconsciente. A escrita como maneira de apresentar forma para escuta, colocando em jogo o real e o simbólico, possibilita o exercício da alteridade, que emerge no reconhecimento do grande Outro, abrindo vias para escutar. / The present research on „listening to teachers‟ shows, as a fundamental issue, an investigation about the conditions, which are the key for the possibility of listening to teachers. The object of study is the professional and personal path of the researcher, recorded in a field diary, while the methodology used is the writing in psychoanalysis. Such a methodology is supported by the formulation of logical time, as proposed by Lacan (1998b), as well as studies by Porge (1994) and Costa (1998) on that temporality. Thus, writing about listening to teachers is conceived from the moment of seeing, the time to understand, going through suspensions, and the moment to finish. Initially, the moment of seeing is worked from the elements of complain and the nostalgia which emerge in a teaching job, and this is found by researchers of the education field. The passage of the instant of seeing requires a positioning work against the enigma about the singularity that may emerge from the subject/place being listened to. Under this perspective, in the time to understand, historical traces were sought in the city of Santo Angelo in order to find elements that are repetitive in the teaching job as well as dynamics which enable the elaboration of the traumatic. The city‟s Jesuitical education focus on the educational processes having the comprehension of education as domain and violence. The suspended motions that are established in the moment to understand are motions carried out in writing as a way to listen to what, till that moment, was not formulated. In the first scansion, registries which showed the elements pointed out in the first formulations of time to understand were taken from the researcher‟s field diary. In the second scansion, the comprehension of violence was worked towards the singular and collectively, being a constitutive trait of the social bond. In this way, violence as a constitutive and singular trait, it was indicated the role of listening as a way of recognition of a place in a social bond, offering new assignments for silenced words, including new assignments to each other. The moment of conclusion is recognized as a singularity time, where one can indicate that the logical time may be something that serves as a base for listening, through the movements of the time passing, which have questions that reposition the subject towards the unconscious. Writing as a way of presenting form for listening, and dealing with real and symbolic, enables the exercise of otherness, which emerges in the recognition of the big Other, making way for listening.

Quando o completo encontrou a falta - um estudo sobre a alteridade entre psicanálise e antropologia / The encounter of the whole with the lack - a study about alterity in psychoanalyses and anthropology

Tássia Nogueira Eid Mendes 28 June 2018 (has links)
A diferença suscita curiosidade, para dizer o mínimo. Desde a formalização do conhecimento universitário, a sistematização da investigação do humano veio acompanhada de um pertinente inconveniente: trata-se da alteridade entre homens, entre homens e mulheres, entre adultos e crianças, entre civilizados e primitivos, entre os homens e os animais. O endereçamento dessa diferença se deu por diversos ângulos. Escolheu-se ignorá-la, achatá-la, excluí-la e até mesmo demonizá-la. O presente estudo se endereça a esse tema e se dispõe a investigar como antropologia e psicanálise lidaram com o estudo da alteridade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de comparar o movimento psicanalítico e antropológico no seu uso do ontológico como operador para manejar a questão da investigação da alteridade no fazer etnográfico. A justificativa se deu pela ideia, cunhada por George Devereux, de que antropologia e psicanálise, por sua não-redutibilidade uma a outra, aparelham a etnopsicanálise de maneira complementar. Entretando, à diferença da proposta de Devereux, esse texto se guia não pelo desígnio de esquarinhamento de uma cientificidade para o método etnopsicanalítico. Tratou-se, antes, de mostrar como as duas disciplinas manejam a alteridade sem recair no problema do realismo naturalista e da crise da representação dos pós-modernos. Para tanto, escolhemos como recorte o par ontologia-alteridade, que tem aparecido com frequência no contexto acadêmico psicanalítico e antropológico. O método escolhido foi o da leitura psicanalítica. Os resultados são compostos pela análise de quatro etnografias da virada ontológica. Do lado psicanalítico os conceitos de Lacan sobre escuta psicanalítica e o ser sujeito foram analisados. Na discussão mostramos a relação tímida, porém importante, que pode ser traçada entre os métodos etnográficos e o método de escuta psicanalítica. / Difference arouses at least curiosity. Since the formalization of knowledge, the systematization of the investigation of man was followed by a pertinent inconvenient: otherness between men; men and women; adults and children; civilized people and primitives; men and animals. This issue was addressed by different angles. Otherness was ignored, flattened, excluded and even demonized. The present studys objective is to compare the psychoanalytical and anthropological movements usage of the ontological as a tool to deal with the investigation of otherness in the context of the ethnographic method. The justification was found in Deveureuxs work. In his etnpsychoanalysis, the author proposes a non-reducibility of one field of knowledge to the other. They are complementary. Nonetheless we do not seek an ideal of scientificity, as Deveureux did, for etnpsychoanalysis method. We seek to show how both disciplines deal, in different ways, with alterity without reducing it to natural realism or representation. The angle we chose revolves around the pair alterity-ontology. The results are composed by the analysis of four ethnographies of the ontological turn. In the side of psychoanalysis, we chose to analyze the lacanian notion of subject and listening. In the discussion we show that there are possibilities of relation between the psychoanalitycal listening and entographic method.

Escuta-ação: pistas para a criação do ator em diálogo com o sistema dos Viewpoints

Laís Marques Silva 17 September 2013 (has links)
O sistema dos Viewpoints é o ponto de partida para uma investigação teórico-prática que transita por entre a bibliografia desenvolvida por Anne Bogart e a experiência prática em sala de ensaio. O objetivo principal é apontar algumas pistas para o trabalho do ator a partir de três recortes: o mapeamento inicial do sistema, a descrição das práticas realizadas em sala de ensaio e, ainda, a exploração do conceito de escuta-ação enquanto estratégia metodológica para a criação atoral. Os Viewpoints são compreendidos como um dispositivo a ser difundido, e a metodologia procurou friccionar o procedimento em questão com alguns dos temas presentes na cena contemporânea, como a performatividade e o desempenho espetacular. A análise do papel determinante da escuta-ação, na hipótese original da pesquisa, afirma ser a dramaturgia do ator o espaço da experiência, uma atividade permanentemente provisória, propositadamente lacunar e, em suma, ensaística, vista aqui a partir da perspectiva de Jorge Bondía. / The Viewpoints System is the starting point for a theoretical-practical investigation that includes the bibliography developed by Anne Bogart and the practical experience in rehearsals. The main objective of this study is to indicate some signs to the actor\'s work through three approaches: the initial mapping of the system, the description of practices applied in rehearsals, and the exploration of the listeningaction (escuta-ação) concept as a methodological strategy for acting creation. The Viewpoints are understood as a device yet to be disseminated, and the methodology has sought to relate this procedure with some subjects present in the contemporary scene, such as performativity and perfomative performance. The analysis of listenact\'s determinant role, according to the original hypothesis of this research, sustains that the dramaturgy of the actor is the experiencing space, a permanent provisional activity, purposely empty, and essentially essayistic, viewed here from Jorge Bondía\'s perspective.

Vliv vizuálních představ na formování poslechových dovedností žáků v HV na 1. stupni ZŠ / Influence of visual images on forming listening skills of elementary school music students

Ejemová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of visualisaion during listening to the music in the music lessons at the elementary school. The thesis contains suggestions for both: visualisation-based listening work and listening work without visualisation. Theoretical part contains theoretical background of the topic. It covers the development of the listening activities, describes their contemporary conception and deals with their psychological aspects. Practical part of this study comprises the research surveys with didactic materials. Part of the work is a CD with listening tests, presentations and videostreams, which are adapted for presentation during classes.

The Influence of Social Cues and Cognitive Processes In Computer Mediated Second Language Learning

Murakami, Janel Rachel Goodman, Murakami, Janel Rachel Goodman January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the effects of technological mediation on second language (L2) learning, focusing, as a case study, on gains in listening perception of the subtle but important feature of pitch placement in Japanese. Pitch accent can be difficult to perceive for non-native speakers whose first language (L1) does not rely on pitch or tone as a distinctive feature, such as English (Wayland & Li, 2008). Pedagogically, Face-To-Face (FTF) interactions with native or near-native speakers are typically the most effective way to learn L2 sound system features due to social presence, but these interactions are not always possible because of physical distance. Mediation can facilitate these interactions, but it is unclear which type results in more learning gains. The current study compared three mediation types that vary in the information provided to the learner: audio-only (asynchronous), video (audiovisual asynchronous), and videoconferencing (audiovisual synchronous), as well as a fourth condition of videoconferencing which facilitated mutual eye contact. The lack of mutual eye contact in standard videoconferencing (due to the webcam being above the image of an interlocutor's face) can inhibit the perceived social presence (Bondareva, Meesters, & Bouwhuis, 2006). A pretest/posttest/delayed posttest design was used, which measured error rates and reaction times for a same/different discrimination task and a picture recognition task. The participants were English L1 speakers, with no prior study of Japanese. After the pretest, they received training in the form of two short lessons in beginner Japanese vocabulary and sentence building administered by a native speaking tutor, which did not explicitly address pitch placement, but used minimal pairs for this feature as vocabulary items. The lessons were followed by a posttest, and a delayed posttest one week later. The results showed that all four conditions succeeded in improving Japanese pitch placement detection, both immediately after and up to a week after the lessons. While an ANOVA revealed no main effect of mediation type, planned comparison results suggest videoconferencing without eye contact may lead to more gains in pitch placement perception than video. A surprising suggestion by the data was that videoconferencing with eye contact may lead to worse performance than the other mediation types. An exit survey detected the self-determination of the participants, and higher self-determination correlated with worse testing performance within the videoconferencing with eye contact condition. This suggests that the addition of eye contact increased the social presence of that condition to the point that it triggered Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety (FLSA) in the participants. Overall, this study highlights that lessons and tasks administered through mediation can be used to provide native speaker input for features that are important for listening and speaking, and this can effectively help learners attend to and learn these features.

Speech Perception in Noise and Listening Effort of Older Adults with Non-Linear Frequency Compression Hearing Aids

Shehorn, James Russell, Shehorn, James Russell January 2017 (has links)
Previous research regarding the utility of non-linear frequency compression in hearing aids has revealed conflicting results for speech recognition, marked by high individual variability. The aims of the study were to determine the effect of non-linear frequency compression on aided speech recognition in noise and listening effort using a dual-task test paradigm and to determine if listener variables of hearing loss slope, working memory capacity, and age predicted performance with non-linear frequency compression. 17 older adults with symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss were tested in the sound field using hearing aids. Speech recognition in noise and listening effort were measured by adapting the Revised Speech in Noise Test into recognition/recall dual-task paradigm. On average, speech recognition in noise performance significantly improved with the use of non-linear frequency compression. Individuals with steeply sloping hearing loss received more recognition benefit. Recall performance also significantly improved at the group level with non-linear frequency compression revealing reduced listening effort. Older participants within the study cohort received less recall benefit than the younger participants. Evidence supports individualized selection of non-linear frequency compression, with results suggesting benefits in speech recognition for individuals with steeply sloping hearing losses and in listening effort for younger individuals.

Estimating pure tone behavioural thresholds with the dichotic multiple frequency auditory steady state response compared to an auditory brainstem reponse protocol in normal hearing adults

Swanepoel, De Wet 01 December 2005 (has links)
Audiologists are reliant on objective audiometric procedures to predict auditory sensitivity in difficult-to-test populations. A technique to estimate frequency-specific hearing thresholds in a time-efficient way for difficult-to-test populations, who are unable to provide behavioural responses, has long been the hope of audiologists. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) has dominated the field of objective electrophysiological audiometry for the past three decades. Although it provides a useful method of estimating auditory sensitivity, it presents with its own set of limitations. Recently the auditory steady state response (ASSR) has demonstrated promise of addressing the limitations of the ABR as it is an evoked response uniquely suited to frequency-specific measurement. An optimised version of the ASSR, the dichotic multiple frequency (MF) ASSR, has been proposed as a time-efficient way of evaluating different frequencies simultaneously in both ears. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of the dichotic MF ASSR technique for estimating pure tone behavioural thresholds at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz, compared to a 0.5 kHz tone burst and broadband click ABR protocol in a sample of normal hearing adults (56 ears). A comparative experimental research design was selected in order to compare thresholds obtained with the different procedures. The results indicated that both the dichotic MF ASSR and a 0.5 kHz tone burst and broadband click ABR protocol provided a reasonable estimation of PT behavioural thresholds in a time-efficient manner for a group of normal hearing subjects. The click ABR did, however, present with 1, 2, and 4 kHz PT threshold estimations that were almost 50 % closer than that of the dichotic MF ASSR according to the mean and normal deviation. This increased accuracy and reliability of the click ABR is however compromised by its lack of frequency-specificity. In the low frequency region of 0.5 kHz, the tone burst ABR and dichotic MF ASSR evidenced estimations of the pure tone threshold that were, on average, very similar. The tone burst ABR, however, presented with a mean threshold slightly (3 dB) closer to the pure tone threshold than the dichotic MF ASSR. The 0.5 kHz dichotic MF ASSR presented with a smaller range of normal deviation in the estimation of pure tone thresholds which suggested a more reliable measure than the 0.5 kHz tone burst ABR. The dichotic MF ASSR evaluation provided eight thresholds (4/ear) in 23 minutes on average compared to 25 minutes on average required by the ABR protocol to evaluate 4 thresholds (2/ear). This research concluded that the dichotic MF ASSR is useful for estimating frequency-specific pure tone thresholds reasonably well in a time-efficient manner but that this technique should be used in a test-battery alongside the ABR. Both the dichotic MF ASSR and the ABR comprise unique qualities that can be combined in a cross-check principle approach in order to provide complementary information that will verify results obtained with each procedure. / Dissertation (MA (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

A curriculum for the teaching of listening skills to kindergarten students

McCarthy, Virginia 01 January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

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