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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distinctive Roles of Lead Users and Opinion Leaders in the Social Networks of Schoolchildren

Kratzer, Jan, Lettl, Christopher 10 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Prior research has shown that both lead users and opinion leaders may propel the diffusion of innovation. This raises the question of whether lead users and opinion leaders are positioned similarly in social networks, which we address using a sample of 23 school classes consisting of 537 children. Research among children is very scarce in this particular domain. Our statistical analyses based on hierarchical linear modeling reveal two general results: first, lead users among children appear to possess a variety of links between clusters; second, opinion leaders are locally positioned within clusters of children and have many direct links. (authors' abstract)


謝耀龍, XIE, YAO-LONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約五萬字,分成五章十七節,其簡要內容如下: 本論文打算利用企業管理之行銷觀念(MARKETING CONCEPT) 及市場區隔之策略(M ARKET SEGMENTATION STRATEGY ),對大學生之國劇觀賞行為做一研究,以提供一嶄 新觀賞者類型之透視方式,直接描述觀賞者之內在心□、觀賞動機、外在生活型態及 觀賞行為之關係。期望使各劇團及有關單位對其現有及潛在之觀眾能有更深一層之瞭 解,進行發揮行銷觀念於國劇節目之製作上。如此,不但可使觀眾獲取真正的滿足, 而且我優良的國劇文化也可以繼續發揚光大。至於以大學生為研究對象,主要是基於 :大學生不但是年輕一輩的觀眾,有其成長與繁延之可能性,而且以其知識尖兵角色 ,對於國劇文化之推展將更具成效。因此本文乃以大學生為主要研究對象,探討其生 活型態與國劇觀賞行為之關係。

International Market Selection among Swedish retailers : An exploratory study of how Swedish international retailers identify and select foreign markets

Råberg, Johan, Hedenbergh, Max January 2016 (has links)
In the wake of globalization, an increasing amount of firms must consider internationalization strategies to remain competitive. The strategic decision of where to expand is complex by nature. This is particularly true for retailers, and despite this being generally accepted, relatively little is in fact known about retailers ́ choice of foreign markets. Hence, this study investigates international market selection (IMS) strategies of Swedish retailers with global operations. The purpose of this study is twofold; first, to explore which criteria Swedish retailers use upon making international market selection decisions and investigate the relative importance among these criteria. Second, to assess the possibilities of creating a weighted IMS model for retailers, which can be use as guidance for marketing practitioners. The research questions which will be answered are: How do Swedish international retailers select foreign markets? What are the possibilities of creating a weighted IMS model for retailers? The study embraces a qualitative strategy with an exploratory research approach and a multiple case study design. Through extensive literature review, a conceptual framework is constructed, and subsequently developed, post gaining insight in practitioners’ reasoning. The empirical data was gathered through interviews with managers of Swedish retailers with international presence, as well as strategy consultants who routinely work with strategy conformation for Swedish retailers. Our findings show that criteria which influence IMS decisions among Swedish retailers are quite similar among firms and can be arranged under three main categories; market attractiveness, psychic distance and internal factors. Moreover, as a result of the empirical findings, we suggest previous IMS research lack one important factor which influences the IMS decisions, namely “gut-feeling”/coincidence. The relative importance among factors proved to vary among firms. Consequently, four concepts aiming at explaining the variations were developed. The four concepts include firm size, firm objective, industry of the firm, and ownership structure. Finally, with support from respondents, we arrived at a conclusion suggesting that construction of a weighted IMS model for all types of retailers is unfeasible. However, if the scope is limited to only include firms of similar characteristics as proposed by the four concepts, such model could potentially yield solid validity.

Vilka är egentligen våra kunder? : En kvalitativ studie om segmentering i B2B företag / Who are actually our customers? : a qualitative study concerning segmentation in B2B companies

Prvulovic, Eliot, Karlsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Rapportens namn: Vilka är egentligen våra kunder?- en kvalitativ studie om segmentering i B2B företag Frågeställning: Hur utarbetas och genomförs segmentering av företag verksamma på B2B marknaden? Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur företag utarbetar och genomför segmentering på B2B marknaden. Vidare undersöka vilka faktorer som är viktiga att ta i beaktning för företag vid utförandet av segmentering på B2B marknaden.Vi ämnar även att presentera både teoretiska och praktiska förslag på hur B2B företag bör arbeta med segmenteringsstrategier. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie som antagit en abduktiv forskningsansats. Datainsamlingen har skett vi semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med sju olika B2B företag. Resultat och slutsatser: Resultatet visar hur företag idag utarbetar och genomför segmentering. Vidare vilka kunskaper och vilken förståelse de besitter utifrån de segmenteringsvariabler som framkommit i studiens teoretiska referensram. Slutsatser kunde dras kring att företag i dagsläget inte i många fall arbetar aktivt och iterativt med att segmentera sin marknad och har inte följt en specifik och tydlig process vid utförandet. De besitter kunskaper som hade kommit till användning vid en vidare utveckling av de segment de arbetar utifrån idag. Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag: Uppsatsen presenterar en reviderad segmenteringsmodell utifrån den teoretiska referensramen i kombination med den insamlade empirin. Behov och potential framkommer som kompletterande faktorer att ta i beaktning. Det praktiska bidraget ger förslag på hur företag bör utarbeta och genomföra segmentering. Vidare presenteras förslag till segmenteringsstrategi till uppsatsens uppdragsgivare. / Name of report: - a qualitative study of segmenting the B2B market Research question: Who are actually our customers?- a qualitative study concerning segmentation in B2B companies Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how companies active in the B2B market prepare and implement segmentation. Furthermore to examine which different factors to take into consideration when segmenting the B2B market. We also intend to provide theoretical as well as practical implications of how B2B companies should work with segmentation. Method: This thesis is of qualitative character and follows an abductive research approach. The empirical data of this study have been gathered through semi-structured interviews with seven different B2B companies. Results and conclusions: The results shows how companies work with segmentation today, furthermore which knowledge they possess concerning the presented segmentation variables from the study’s theoretical framework. Conlusions have been made that in many cases companies do not actively and ongoing work with segmenting their market. Furthermore they have not followed an specific and clear process when segmenting. Companies do however possess knowledge which can come to use in order to develop the segment for which they work with today. Theoretical and practical contribution: The thesis presents a revised segmentation model based on the theoretical framework in combination with the collected empirical results. Customers needs and potential emerged as complementary factors to take into account. The practical contribution provides suggestions on how companies should develop and implement segmentation. Furthermore, proposals for segmentation strategy are presented to the principal of this thesis.

Segmentace evropského trhu s ohledem na postproduktivní složku obyvatelstva / The European Market Segmentation with Respect to the Post-Productive Population

Rudá, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
The first step of the hierarchical approach to the international market segmentation is described and demonstrated in this master's thesis. The theoretical part that covers the methodology, statistical background and secondary data sources is followed by the illustration of cluster analysis. The outcome is the division of thirty European countries into five segments with respect to the post-productive population. The formed segments are then characterised and interpreted. Their usability is shown in three challenges in the European Year of 2012, which is dedicated to Active Ageing.

Segmentace trhu dámských doplňků / Segmentation of Women s Accessories

Sutnerová, Kamila January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to reveal, describe and develop the profile of segments. To gather the primary data I used the method of on-line questioning. Using the aggregate analysis tool -- the statistics program SPSS Statistics for Windows 19 -- I revealed four segments, consequently I focused on the development of the profile. Each of the monitored segments showed certain specifics based on which I suggested a marketing recommendation.

Marketingový význam ženských a mužských rolí / Marketing importance of gender roles

Stříteský, Václav January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with gender roles and their importance for marketing on consumer markets. This thesis is based on the general premise that gender roles are dynamic, adaptive, and there may be trends of convergence. Since gender roles are ranked among cultural and social predispositions of consumers, their knowledge can be regarded as one of the major prerequisites of successful marketing orientation on consumer markets. This thesis deals with the differences of gender roles in terms of consumption in selected product categories, the use of leisure time, media behaviour and other fields. The approaches to the gender role portrayals in advertising are surveyed. Pivotal part is an extensive quantitative research on consumer perception of gender roles and consumer attitudes towards gender role portrayals in advertising.

Segmentação no mercado de trabalho brasileiro: diferenças entre o setor agropecuário e os setores não agropecuários, período de 2004 a 2009 / Labor segmentation in Brazil: differences between the agriculture sector and the nonagriculture sectors, period from 2004 to 2009

Casari, Priscila 24 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese é avaliar a segmentação setorial, entre a agropecuária e os setores não agropecuários, no mercado de trabalho brasileiro de 2004 a 2009. A segmentação do mercado de trabalho reduz a mobilidade de trabalhadores entre os setores, alterando a alocação desses e gerando diferencial de rendimentos entre os trabalhadores. Para a análise do impacto da segmentação sobre a alocação dos trabalhadores, é estimado um modelo de escolha multinomial de forma a determinar qual é o efeito de cada característica sobre a probabilidade do indivíduo pertencer a um dos estados de emprego, desemprego e inatividade propostos. E, para a avaliação do impacto da segmentação sobre o diferencial de rendimentos, inicialmente, os determinantes do rendimento são estimados por meio do procedimento de Heckman, controlando-se a seleção para os trabalhadores remunerados. O impacto da segmentação sobre o diferencial de rendimentos é avaliado por meio de uma variável binária para o setor agropecuário (regressão de rendimentos inclui a agropecuária e os demais setores) e pela decomposição de Oaxaca (regressões de rendimentos separadas para a agropecuária e para os demais setores). Em seguida, a diferença entre os rendimentos é explicada considerando-se a população com duas ocupações, utilizando um procedimento em dois estágios com seleção por meio de um modelo de escolha ordenada. Neste modelo, procura-se avaliar o impacto da segmentação sobre a diferença entre o rendimento da primeira e da segunda ocupação de um mesmo indivíduo, assim controlando suas características não observáveis. Em todas as estimativas, são utilizados dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra em Domicílios (PNAD). Os resultados mostram que há segmentação setorial entre a agropecuária e os setores não agropecuários (tomados em conjunto), sendo que a mobilidade entre esses dois setores é limitada, principalmente, pelas seguintes características: a escolaridade do indivíduo, ser cônjuge, ser indígena e morar na zona rural. Além disso, há diferencial de rendimentos em favor dos setores não agropecuários, que também apresentam mercado de trabalho interno mais desenvolvido que a agropecuária, pois são percebidos maiores incentivos à mobilidade na carreira e à redução da rotatividade dos trabalhadores naqueles setores. A tese encerra-se com a proposição de algumas políticas que possam minimizar os efeitos da segmentação e aumentar o bem-estar dos trabalhadores. / The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the sectoral segmentation between agriculture and non-agriculture in the Brazilian labor market from 2004 to 2009. The labor market segmentation reduces the mobility of workers among sectors, changing the allocation of workers and generating income differential among them. To analyze the impact of segmentation on the allocation of workers, a multinomial choice model is estimated in order to determine the effect of each characteristic on the probability of an person belonging to one of the proposed situation of employment, unemployment and inactivity. And, to assess the impact of segmentation on the income differential, initially, the determinants of income are estimated by the Heckman procedure, controlling the selection of paid workers. The impact of segmentation on the income differential is evaluated by a binary variable for the agricultural sector (regression of income includes agriculture and other sectors) and the Oaxaca decomposition (separate regressions of income for agriculture and other sectors). Then, the income difference is explained by considering the population with two jobs, using a procedure in two stages with selection through an ordered choice model. In this model, we attempt to assess the impact of segmentation on the difference between the earnings of the first and second occupation of the same person, what permits to control the unobservable characteristics. Data used is from the National Sample Survey of Households (PNAD). The results show that there is segmentation between agriculture and non-agriculture and mobility between the two sectors is primarily limited by the following characteristics: formal education, marital status, being indigenous and living in rural areas. In addition, there is income differential in favor of non-agricultural sector, which also have internal labor market more developed than agriculture, as there are greater incentives to career mobility and reduction of labor turnover in those sectors. The thesis concludes with the proposition of some policies that can minimize the effects of segmentation and increase the welfare of workers.

Typologie spotřebitelů na trhu s drogistickým zbožím / Typology of consumers

MATĚJKOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to identify and describe the main segments and individual types of customers of the drugstore chains on the basis of their identity and consumption behaviour and subsequently to make suggestions and recommendations for drugstore chains. The whole thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the literature review, which was based on the study of professional books and articles. It presents the basic definitions and concepts related to the issue. It mentions the term consumer, consumer behaviour, describes basic approaches to consumer behaviour monitoring, factors influencing consumer behaviour, purchasing decision-making process, market segmentation and consumer typology in various aspects. In the practical part, quantitative marketing research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, consumer segmentation was performed according to demographic features such as gender and age, as well as the preferred drugstore brand. Each segment was analysed and described in detail in terms of purchasing behavior and based on the resulting data, some suggestions and recommendations for drugstore chains were created.

Odhad hodnoty start-up projektu při využití metod strategického marketingu / Start-up Company Valuation when Applying Strategic Marketing Methods

Štěpánek, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is aiming to describe a procedure suitable for business valuation of start-up companies. Secondary aim is to provide the value itself. There are several methods described in the theory, which are utilized to define the strategic position of a start-up company. Most of them come from strategic marketing. Chapters about finances and risk follow and work with the conclusions about the strategic position of the company. The application part starts with defining strategy and concludes with market value estimate. In respect to the width of the topic, the application part is aimed at core aspects only.

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