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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dual citizenship or dual nationality : its desirability and relevance to Namibia

Kalvelagen, Arlette 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation endeavours to determine whether the concepts nationality and citizenship are interchangeable, or whether they each mean something very specific. In order to ascertain where the “origin” of using the terms nationality and citizenship interchangeably might have occurred, a closer look at antiquity and its practices is necessitated. The question is also addressed whether a person could be in possession of dual nationality and/or dual citizenship. The desirability of any dual status is also discussed and whether such dual status is to be tolerated and if yes, under which, if any, conditions. / Jurisprudence / LLM

Identiteten, Kapitalet och den Subjektiva Sociala Statusen

Rusell, Anton January 2015 (has links)
The concept of identity and identities have a long history, especially regarding societal and behaviour studies. Many of them are analyzed trough class-schemes or family-situations, others are based on more direct approaches, such as income and education. This paper are examining a fraction of these different theories, and then applying it to the main purpose of the study, which is to examine different kinds of identities in context to subjective social status. Furthermore will the analysis concern different kinds of capital, which also will be presented in context to identities and subjective social status. This kind of analysis where possible by using already existing quantitative data from ISSP (International social survey programme) and their 2003 draft about National identity. My debentent variable, self-concept (subjective social status), was extracted through the existing material. The study was concentrated to the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.        By presenting these results through frequency and mean-tables, and multiple-regressions, but also with the theoretical framework, then it stands clear that their is no direct relation between identities and subjective social status, expect for religious identification. It is presented as that the capital itself are more influencial.

Pilietiškumo ir tautiškumo Prancūzijoje ir Lietuvoje vertinimo bruožai: studentijos pozicija / Evaluation elements of public spirit and nationality in France and Lithuania: the position of student body

Galinaitytė-Landreau, Gailutė 07 July 2010 (has links)
Darbą atliko VPU sociologijos specialybės magistrantė Gailutė Galinaitytė Landreau. Darbo tema „Pilietiškumo ir tautiškumo Prancūzijoje ir Lietuvoje vertinimo bruožai: studentijos pozicija“. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti pilietiškumo bei tautiškumo Prancūzijoje ir Lietuvoje vertinimo bruožus, šių vertybių raidą ir sąsajas su jauno žmogaus pažiūromis. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti pilietiškumo sampratos pagrindines teorines prielaidas; 2. Apibendrinti tautiškumo sampratą bei kriterijus; 3. Apžvelgti pilietiškumo bei tautiškumo raidą Prancūzijoje ir Lietuvoje; 4. Atlikti tyrimą, kuris leistų nustatyti Prancūzijos bei Lietuvos jaunuomenės (studentų) požiūrį į pilietiškumą bei tautiškumą. Tyrimo objektas - jaunuomenės požiūris į pilietiškumą ir tautiškumą. Hipotezės: 1. Studentai, studijuojantys Prancūzijoje, akcentuoja asmeninę svarbą pilietiškumo, tautiškumo kontekste daugiau nei studentai, studijuojantys Lietuvoje, kuriems asmeniškai svarbiausia nacionalinis orumas bei dorovingumas. 2. Studentams, studijuojantiems Prancūzijoje, svarbesni yra aukštosios mokyklos, kurioje studijuoja poveikis tautiškumo nuostatai, nei studentams, studijuojantiems Lietuvoje. 3. Studentijos nuomone svarbiausia gyvenimo sritis yra universiteto (kuriame mokosi) bendrąją darbo kultūrą. Tyrimo metodai: • literatūros analizė; • anketinė apklausa Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad: 1. Studentai, studijuojantys Prancūzijoje, akcentuoja asmeninę svarbą pilietiškumo, tautiškumo kontekste daugiau nei studentai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work was made by VPU sociology specialty student Gailutė Galinaitytė Landreau. Theme „ Evaluation elements of public spirit and nationality in France and Lithuania: the position of student body“. The purpose of the work is to analyse the evaluation elements of public spirit and nationality in France and Lithuania, the evolution of these values and connection with young man‘s creed. Tasks of the work: 1. To discuss the main theoretical assumptions of the conception of public spirit. 2. To summarize the conception of public spirit and criterions. 3. To review the evolution of public spirit and nationality in France and Lithuania. 4. To fulfill the investigation that would let to ascertain the youth’s (students’) of France and Lithuania view to public spirit and nationality. Object of the investigation is the youth’s view to public spirit and nationality. Hypotheses: 1. Students that study in France accentuate the personal importance in the context of public spirit and nationality more than students that study in Lithuania. To them it is personally the most important the national dignity and morality. 2. For students who study in France there are more important the high school‘s they study in attitudes towards nationality than for students who study in Lithuania. 3. In student body opinion the most important sphere of life is the common work culture of the university (they study in). Methods of the investigation: * literature’s analysis * questionnaire interview During the... [to full text]

National Representation in Supranational Institutions: The Case of the European Central Bank

Badinger, Harald, Nitsch, Volker 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Supranational institutions face an important trade-off when hiring personnel. On the one hand, hiring decisions are based, as in most organizations, on a candidate's professional qualifications. On the other hand, supranational institutions often aim for broad national representation. Reviewing evidence from the European Central Bank, we show that nationality is indeed relevant for both hiring and decision-making. Specifically, we find a disproportionately narrow spread of national representation in the top management of the ECB. Further, there is evidence for the existence of national networks between adjacent management layers. Finally, monetary policy decisions seem to be linked to national representation in the core business areas of the ECB. Examining a sample of 27 European countries over the period from 1999 to 2008, we estimate Taylor rules for alternative sets of euro area aggregates derived from different weighting schemes of national macroeconomic data. Our results indicate that weights based on national representation in the mid-level management of the ECB's core business areas best describe the central bank's interest-rate setting behavior.

Dutch board diversity and firm performance

Homan, Rick January 2017 (has links)
This study extends previous research on the effects of executive board diversity by examining the relationship between age-, gender- and nationality diversity on firm performance in the Netherlands. Based on a sample of 79 Dutch listed firms studied over the period 2010-2015, this study reports a positive link between board diversity and firm performance. Firm performance is, hereby, estimated using a forward-looking market performance measure (Tobin’s Q) and a backward-looking accounting measure (ROA).

L'apatride en droit international et européen / The Status of Stateless Persons in International Law and in European Law

Bittoni, Giulia 23 January 2019 (has links)
Cette étude vise à déterminer et à analyser le statut de l’apatride tel que conçu et élaboré par le droit international, le droit européen et les droits nationaux. Elle précise la notion d’apatride et éclaire les mécanismes de protection existants.La Première Partie est consacrée aux définitions de l’apatride et aborde le statut juridique de l’apatride sous l’angle du droit international. Afin de saisir la complexité et l’ampleur du phénomène de l’apatridie, l’analyse prend en considération l’apatridie de jure et l’apatridie de facto et étudie les causes de leur survenance.La définition de l’apatride de jure figurant dans la Convention des Nations Unies de 1954 relative au statut des apatrides a influencé l’ensemble des définitions utilisées en droit international, en droit de l’Union européenne (UE) et dans la législation de certains États membres de l’UE. La notion d’apatride de facto, quant à elle, figure dans plusieurs textes internationaux. Elle n’est toutefois pas toujours explicitement désignée comme telle et une définition univoque demeure difficile à établir. Un travail de clarification, à travers les concepts de protection e de non effectivité de la nationalité, est donc nécessaire.Le statut juridique de l’apatride en droit international, intimement lié aux droits que la Convention de 1954 garantit aux personnes apatrides, constitue le fondement du système de leur protection. Cette Convention s’applique aux apatrides de jure, mais les États sont invités à accorder aux apatrides de facto le même traitement. Certaines dispositions confèrent à ces derniers un statut spécifique ; d’autres établissent le traitement devant être garanti à l’apatride sur la base de celui que chaque État prévoit pour les étrangers ou pour ses ressortissants. Ces dispositions sont examinées à la lumière des textes internationaux et européens des droits de l’homme.La Deuxième Partie de l’étude est consacrée à la protection dont bénéficient les apatrides en droit de l’Union européenne et dans le droit des plusieurs États membres. Le choix a été dicté essentiellement par le fait que ces États sont les seuls à prévoir des procédures spécifiques et autonomes de reconnaissance du statut d’apatride (France, Italie, Espagne, Lettonie, Hongrie, Royaume-Uni et Luxembourg).Bien qu’en droit de l’Union il n’existe pas de statut propre à l’apatride, l’Union traite des apatrides dans le cadre de ses compétences en matière d’asile et de politique commune de l’immigration. Dépourvu de citoyenneté de l’Union, l’apatride qui se trouve sur son territoire peut être considéré comme un ressortissant de pays tiers ou comme une personne résidant sur le territoire d’un de ses États membres. Il est alors susceptible de bénéficier de certaines dispositions du droit de l’Union.L’analyse du statut juridique que les États membres accordent aux apatrides permet d’apprécier la mise en œuvre et le respect des dispositions de la Convention de 1954 dans les systèmes juridiques nationaux. La protection de l’apatride peut se réaliser par la reconnaissance de droits, mais également par le biais de textes législatifs permettant de prévenir la survenance de nouveaux cas d’apatridie et d’attribuer la nationalité aux apatrides. La pertinence et l’efficacité de ces textes, ainsi que leur conformité à la Convention de Nations Unies de 1961 sur la réduction des cas d’apatridie et à la Convention européenne sur la nationalité de 1997 sont également abordées.Afin de bénéficier de la protection mise en place par les États au niveau national, la personne dépourvue de nationalité doit être reconnue apatride de manière formelle. Ainsi, les procédures de reconnaissance de la qualité d’apatride revêtent une importance certaine. Les procédures des États membres sont analysées de manière approfondie, leurs points communs et leurs différences étant mis en évidence. / This study aims to identify and analyse the status of stateless persons as conceived and elaborated by International Law, European Law and national Laws. It clarifies the concept of stateless person and the existing protection mechanisms.The First Part of this study deals with definitions of stateless persons and with the legal status of stateless person in the light of International Law. In order to understand the complexity and the scale of the phenomenon of statelessness, this analysis takes into consideration the de jure statelessness and the de facto statelessness and identifies their causes.The definition of de jure stateless persons is included in the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (1954). This definition has influenced the definitions used in International Law, European Union (EU) Law and in the law of some EU Member States. The concept of de facto stateless person, for its part, appears in several international documents. Nevertheless, it is not always explicitly mentioned as such and an unambiguous definition is difficult to establish. This study tries to clarify this complexity through the concepts of protection and effective nationality.The legal status of stateless persons in International Law is closely related to the rights guaranteed by the 1954 Convention. This status constitutes the basis of the protection of stateless persons. The 1954 Convention applies to de jure stateless persons; however, States are encouraged to grant the same treatment to de facto stateless persons. Some provisions provide for a specific status; other provisions set out the minimum standard of treatment depending on the treatment enjoyed by nationals or by aliens. These provisions are analysed in the light of International Human Rights instruments.The Second Part of this study deals with the protection of stateless persons in European Union Law and in some Member States law. This choice was based on the fact that these Member States are the only ones who have established specific statelessness determination procedures (France, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Hungary, United Kingdom and Luxembourg).Stateless persons do not have a specific status in EU Law. Nevertheless, the EU deals with stateless persons within the framework of its powers on asylum matters and common immigration policy. Stateless persons in EU territory can be regarded as third-country nationals or as persons residing in the territory of a Member State. Thus, they may benefit of certain provisions of EU Law.This study examines the legal status granted by EU Member States to stateless persons. This analysis makes it possible to assess the implementation of the provisions of the 1954 Convention in national legal systems. The protection of stateless persons may be achieved by recognising rights to stateless persons but also by preventing new cases of statelessness and by granting nationality to stateless persons. This study examines national legislation in these fields and its compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961) and the European Convention on Nationality (1997).Statelessness determination procedures are fundamental in order to allow stateless persons to benefit from the State’s protection. Therefore, the procedures of EU Member States are thoroughly examined: their similarity and their differences are highlighted.

The problem of registration and nationality of aircraft of international operating agencies and the I.C.A.O. Council's resolution on the problem /

Goreish, Ishaq Rasheed Sid Ahmed. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Assimilation and Nationality in the Modern State

Bushnell, Andrew January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper addresses the expectation that immigrants will assimilate into the culture of their new country, why that expectation may be legitimate and how the modern state may act upon it. The central contention made is that because a national culture provides meaning and structure to the lives of members, and because that culture must be both traditional and institutionalized by the state to fulfill that purpose, if the state’s institutions, processes and procedures through their association with the national culture create an assimilative pressure on immigrants, this is morally permissible. However, the modern state is restricted from actively pursuing assimilation in the private sphere because of its commitment to individual liberty. Implications of this argument for the nature of citizenship and public policy are also discussed.</p>

Assimilation and Nationality in the Modern State

Bushnell, Andrew January 2009 (has links)
This paper addresses the expectation that immigrants will assimilate into the culture of their new country, why that expectation may be legitimate and how the modern state may act upon it. The central contention made is that because a national culture provides meaning and structure to the lives of members, and because that culture must be both traditional and institutionalized by the state to fulfill that purpose, if the state’s institutions, processes and procedures through their association with the national culture create an assimilative pressure on immigrants, this is morally permissible. However, the modern state is restricted from actively pursuing assimilation in the private sphere because of its commitment to individual liberty. Implications of this argument for the nature of citizenship and public policy are also discussed.

Svensken i fält : Svenskhet och soldatideal i dokumentära skildringar av den svenska insatsen i Afghanistan / The Swede in the field : Swedishness and soldier ideals in documentary representations of the Swedish mission in Afghanistan

Johansson, Gustaf January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters. These two images combined create a notion of a particularly Swedish type of soldier, who brings the separate roles of soldier, humanitarian worker and diplomat together and realises them in one individual, and who appears to be more capable in all these roles than both their American and Afghan allies. By shifting the narrative focus and change which part of the Swedish metanarrative that they choose to connect to, the series can also maintain the emphasis on the soldiers as Swedes, while at the same time showing them participating in situations or discussing aspects of their work that is not usually associated with swedishness, or that previously has not been a part of the broader metanarrative.

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