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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Forrest Simmons (15354304) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Surface probes are producing a huge variety of spatially resolved images of materials during phase transitions. These images have complex pattern formation present across a variety of length scales. Here, I apply image cluster scaling analysis and machine learning to several such images. First, I apply cluster analysis techniques to charge stripe orientations in Bi2−zPbzSr2−yLayCuO6+x. Our experimental collaborators observe stripes with period 4a0 in Bi2−zPbzSr2−yLayCuO6+x. [1] The local orientation of these stripes forms complex patterns from which we extract relationships involving cluster sizes. We compare these experimental exponents to those computed at a phase transition in the following models: 2D percolation and the 2D and 3D clean and random field Ising models. We find that only the 3D clean and random field Ising models are consistent with the data. Combined with the stability of these exponents across the superconducting region, we conclude that the system is in the random field Ising model universality class. We apply these same cluster techniques to period-4 antiferromagnet order in NdNiO3. [2] Our experimental collaborators observed the intensity for 2 of 8 possible directions for period-4 antiferromagnetic order in NdNiO3 and find complex pattern formation that remains after a temperature cycle past the hysteresis loop. We threshold this experimental data and extract cluster exponents for this system. We then compare these models to the 4-state clean and random field clock models. This exponent comparison shows that the 4-state random field clock model is a match for the experimental data. We then train a convolutional neural network to distinguish the 4-state clean and random field clock models. The fit neural net is capable of labeling our entire testing dataset of 16000 images with 100% accuracy. This gives us a 95% confidence interval of (0.9998, 1) by the rule of three. [3] We then split the field of view into 52 sliding windows of the original experimental data which we feed into the trained model. The model classifies every input window as a 2D random field clock model which gives us a 95% confidence interval of (0.94, 1). The observed hysteresis in the experimental data, the cluster analysis and the machine learning prediction clearly show the observed patterns are in the random field 4-state clock model universality class. </p>

Changements hydrologiques de la mer Noire au cours des 30 derniers millénaires et la dernière déglaciation en Europe centrale. / Hydrologic changes in the Black Sea "Lake" during the last glacial and the last deglaciation in central Europe

Soulet, Guillaume 28 April 2011 (has links)
Afin d’étudier les changements hydrologiques passés du « lac Noir » (dernière phase lacustre de la mer Noire) et l’expression de la Dernière Déglaciation en Europe centrale, des techniques analytiques variées ont été mises en œuvre sur la carotte MD04-2790 : modélisation, développement de méthodes statistiques, géochimie élémentaire et isotopique. La reconstitution de l’évolution des âges réservoir du « lac Noir » au cours des 30 derniers millénaires a permis de mieux comprendre les réponses hydrologiques du bassin aux changements climatiques (variations du niveau du plan d’eau, phases de stratification, possible déstabilisation d’hydrates de gaz). L’âge de la dernière reconnexion du « lac Noir » avec la mer Méditerranée a été révisé à 9 000 ans BP. L’interprétation des isotopes du Nd en termes de provenance des sédiments a permis de mettre en évidence que les pulses d’eaux de fonte arrivant dans le « lac Noir » au cours de l’événement de Heinrich 1 provenaient de la désintégration de la calotte fennoscandinave. Un mécanisme régional d’interactions climatiques entre lacs proglaciaires et atmosphère a été proposé pour expliquer l’organisation temporelle particulière des pulses d’eaux de fonte. Nos résultats renforcent le paradigme de Denton qui suggère que des stades prolongés sont nécessaires au passage du mode climatique glaciaire au mode interglaciaire. / In order to study the past hydrologic changes of the Black Sea “Lake”, various analytical techniques were applied to study the core MD04-2790: modelling, development of statistical approaches, elemental and isotopic geochemistry. The reconstructed reservoir age changes of the Black Sea “Lake” were interpreted in terms of the hydrologic responses of the lake to glacial/deglacial climate changes (water level change, water column stratification, possible chlatrate dissociation). Calendar age of the Black Sea “Lake” last reconnection to global ocean was also revised to 9,000 yr BP. Finally, drastic changes in &#949;Nd values strongly suggest that sediments deposited in response to Deglacial Water Pulses (DWP) during Heinrich Event 1 (HE1) originated from the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS), providing the first direct evidence that the Black Sea “Lake” recorded the collapse of the FIS. The peculiar temporal organisation of DWPs suggests outbursts of proglacial lakes into Dniepr catchment as well as regional climatic interactions between proglacial lakes and atmosphere. The HE1-timing of the DWPs occurrence would indicate that FIS was involved in the N-Atlantic circulation reduction that shifted Earth climatic machine towards interglacial conditions in accordance with Denton’s paradigm.

Études expérimentales de lasers microchips à émission continue mono-fréquence à 553 nm et à 561 nm, de puissance supérieure à 200 mW / Study of microchip lasers based on Nd : YAG frequency-doubled, diode-pumped and emitting in continuous single-frequency at 553 nm or 561 nm with an output power exceeding 200 mW

Chauzat, Corinne 08 January 2014 (has links)
Le remplacement des lasers à colorant émettant dans la gamme 550-570 nm, à l'aide de lasers solides, représente un véritable enjeu industriel. Les applications sont multiples tant dans le domaine de la recherche biomédicale que dans celui de la métrologie. Quelques solutions ont été développées à 561 nm et à 553 nm. Néanmoins, elles ne permettent pas de fournir des lasers intégrables parfaitement mono-fréquences émettant en continu un faisceau gaussien, d'une puissance supérieure ou égale à 200 mW. Dans ces travaux, nous proposons une étude théorique et expérimentale de cavités lasers solides monolithiques à base de Nd:YAG pompé par diode, doublé en fréquence en intra-cavité, à l'aide d'un cristal non-linéaire de KTP. Ces cavités, constituées de plusieurs cristaux, sont contactées par adhérence moléculaire. Elles ne contiennent aucune optique de mise en forme des faisceaux et présentent la particularité de comporter un double filtre de Lyot. Nous présentons les résultats obtenus avec des cavités émettant à 561 nm pour des puissances supérieures ou égales à 300 mW. Puis, après une étude statistique et une analyse des résultats de test de ces cavités à long terme (> 6000 heures), nous discutons des problèmes éventuels de fiabilité et nous suggérons des axes d'amélioration. Ayant réussi à faire osciller, pour la première fois, la raie à 1106 nm du Nd:YAG, nous montrons ensuite la faisabilité d'un laser compact mono-fréquence continu à 553 nm, émettant une puissance de 200 mW à 500 mW avec un rendement de conversion pompe/laser visible de l'ordre de 19 %. Pour conclure, nous montrons qu'il est possible, dans des cavités de ce type, de faire osciller des raies Raman issues des raies fondamentales et de les doubler en fréquence en intra-cavité. Nous ouvrons ainsi la porte à toute une famille de lasers solides émettant dans la gamme 540-600 nm. / Replacement of dye lasers emitting in the range 550-570 nm, using solid state lasers, is a real industrial issue. There are many applications both in the field of biomedical research than in metrology. Some solutions have been developed for 561 nm and 553 nm. However, they do not provide fully integrated lasers emitting single-frequency continuous Gaussian beam with a power equal or up to 200 mW. In this work, we propose a theoretical and experimental study of solid monolithic cavity lasers based on Nd:YAG diode-pumped, frequency-doubled intra-cavity, using a non-linear crystal of KTP. These cavities, consisting of several crystals, are contacted by molecular adhesion. They contain no optical layout of the beams and they have the particularity of including a double Lyot filter. We present the results obtained with those cavities emitting at 561 nm for powers greater than 300 mW. Then, after a statistical study and analysis of test results of these cavities in the long term (> 6000 hours), we discuss about the potential problems of reliability and we suggest areas for improvement. For the first time, we show that the line at 1106 nm of the Nd: YAG can oscillate in this type of cavity. Then we demonstrate the feasibility of a compact single-frequency laser at 553 nm continuously, emitting a power of 200 mW to 500 mW with a conversion efficiency of pump / visible laser of about 19%. Finally, we show that it is possible, in cavities of this type, to oscillate the Raman lines from the lines of the fundamental and doubled frequency in intra-cavity. We open the door to a whole family of solid state lasers emitting in the range of 540-600 nm.

Optimisation du blindage contre les neutrons pour le démonstrateur de SuperNEMO et analyse de la double désintégration β du néodyme-150 vers les états excités du samarium-150 avec le détecteur NEMO 3 / Optimization of the shield against neutron for the SuperNEMO demonstrator and analysis of neodymium-150 double β decay to samarium-150 excited states with the NEMO 3 detector

Blondel, Sophie 28 June 2013 (has links)
La série de détecteurs NEMO est conçue pour la recherche de la double désintégration β sans émission de neutrino qui prouverait que le neutrino est une particule de Majorana (i.e. identique à son antiparticule) et massif. Après avoir présenté l’état des lieux en physique des neutrinos et les détecteurs NEMO 3 et SuperNEMO, cette thèse s’articule en deux parties indépendantes. La première concerne l’étude du bruit de fond provenant des neutrons pour optimiser le blindage destiné au premier module de SuperNEMO. La conclusion de cette étude montre que l’ajout de plaques de polyéthylène boré par rapport au blindage de NEMO 3 (de part et d’autre du blindage en fer) permet d’obtenir un bruit de fond négligeable provenant des neutrons, dans la fenêtre en énergie du canal deux électrons où la double désintégration β sans émission de neutrino du sélénium-82 est attendue, en cinq ans de prise de données de ce premier module. La seconde partie, via l’analyse des données du détecteur NEMO 3, permet une indication de la désintégration double β standard du néodyme-150 vers l’état excité 0+1 du samarium-150. La feuille de néodyme qui est placée dans le détecteur est analysée en détail pour obtenir cette indication à 3, 7σ avec une demi-vie mesurée de : T1/2 (150 Nd0+ →0+1 ) = [7, 12 ± 1, 28 (stat.) ± 0, 91 (syst.)] × 10E19 ans / The NEMO detector series is designed to search for the neutrinoless double β decay, which would prove that the neutrino is a Majorana particle (i.e. identical to its own antiparticle) and has a nonzero mass. After an introduction to neutrino physics and a description of both the NEMO 3 and SuperNEMO detectors, this thesis is articulated in two independent parts.The first provides an investigation of the neutron background in order to optimize the shielding for the first SuperNEMO module. The outcome of the study recommends the addition of borated polyethylene to the NEMO 3 shielding (on both sides of the iron shielding) to obtain a negligible background, coming from neutrons in the energy window of the two-electron channel where the neutrinoless double β decay of selenium-82 is expected, for the duration of five years for which data will be taken with this first module. In the second part, the neodymium foil located in the NEMO 3 detector is deeply analyzed to obtain an indication of the standard double β decay of neodymium-150 to the 0+1 excited state of samarium-150. The measured half-life, with a significance of 3.7σ, is: T1/2 (150 Nd 0+ →0+1 ) = [7.12 ± 1.28 (stat.) ± 0.91 (syst.)] × 10E19 years

Systèmes laser pompés par diode à fibres cristallines : oscillateurs Er : yAG, amplificateurs Nd : yAG / Diode pumped laser systems with single crystal fibers : er : yAG oscillators, Nd : yAG amplifiers

Martial, Igor 12 December 2011 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à deux applications nécessitant des sources laser impulsionnelles : l'imagerie active et l'usinage laser. L'imagerie active nécessite des sources laser efficaces émettant dans la gamme de sécurité oculaire (entre 1,5 µm et 1,7 µm) à des cadence de l'ordre du kilohertz et produisant des énergies par impulsion de plusieurs millijoules. Les sources efficaces émettant dans la gamme de sécurité oculaire utilisent l'ion erbium. Cependant la structure électronique complexe de l'ion erbium entraîne de nombreux effets parasites qui limitent fortement l'énergie accessible lors d'un fonctionnement à haute cadence. Pour diminuer l'influence de ces effets parasites nous avons utilisé le concept de fibres cristallines dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre le Laboratoire Charles Fabry et l'entreprise Fibercryst. La géométrie des fibres cristallines, combinant les propriétés des cristaux massifs et les avantages des fibres en verre nous a permis de dépasser les limites des sources actuelles. L'usinage de matériaux requière des sources laser impulsionnelles émettant dans le proche infrarouge (1 µm) et alliant forte énergie, forte puissance crête et forte puissance moyenne. Pour réaliser de telles sources, il est nécessaire d'utiliser des milieux à gain permettant de limiter les phénomènes thermiques et les effets induit par la puissance crête (effets non-linéaires). Pour cela nous avons utilisé à nouveau le concept de fibre cristalline, dopée cette fois ci par l'ion néodyme. Ces fibres cristallines ont été utilisées comme amplificateur de puissance pour amplifier des micro-lasers fonctionnant à haute cadence (de 1 à 100 kHz) et produisant des impulsions courtes (< 1 ns). / In this thesis we investigate two different pulsed laser sources for two specific applications : remote sensing and material processing. On the first part, remote sensing require efficient laser source emitting in the eye-safe range (1.5 – 1.7 µm) and producing several millijoules per pulse at a few kilohertz. Efficient eye-safe laser sources use erbium doped gain media. Nevertheless, the complex electronic structure of the erbium ion leads to several parasitic effects which limit the energy at high repetition rate. In order to minimize those effects we have used the concept of single crystal fibers developed in a close collaboration between the Laboratoire Charles Fabry and the company Fibercryst. The specific geometry of single crystal fibers, merging the advantages of bulk crystals and optical fibers, allows us to overcome limits of current laser sources. On the other part, material processing require near-infrared pulsed laser sources (1 µm) with high pulse energy, high average power and high peak power. In such laser sources, the amplifying medium must be design to avoid both thermal effects and non liner effects. For this purpose, we used neodymium doped single crystal fibers as power amplifier to enhance the performance of passively q-switched microlasers operating at high repetition rate (1 to 100 kHz) and emitting short pulses (< 1 ns).

Laser a base de pó de neodímio com granulação nanométrica / Powder neodymium laser with nanometric granulation

Vieira, Renato Juliani Ribamar 01 July 2011 (has links)
O interesse na pesquisa de Lasers randômicos, meios dispersivos com alto ganho, tem crescido nos últimos anos em virtude das novas possibilidades advindas ao se trabalhar com estes sistemas, como emissões em bandas com baixo ganho, bicromaticidade, localização da luz em meios difusos e sistemas ópticos mais compactos. Nesse trabalho serão discutidos temas como espalhamento da luz por partículas, intensidade de retroespalhamento, ganho em meios desordenados e as transições energéticas do neodímio, correlacionando as emissões características obtidas nos experimentos com a teoria. Quanto aos resultados será apresentado a primeira observação de laser randômico com nanopó de Nd:YVO4 através de análise do comportamento da emissão espectral e temporal oriunda da transição 4F3/24I11/2 (1064 nm). Os resultados apresentam outra forma de analisar a cinética temporal da emissão de laser randômico, permitindo uma separação da fração de emissão estimulada e espontânea e comparação desse resultado com o estreitamento sutil da largura de linha, típico de lasers randômicos. As conversões ascendentes e saturação de ETU (conversão ascendente por transferência de energia) serão analisadas na mesma amostra, sendo todos os ajustes provenientes da literatura e de fundamental interesse, principalmente por se tratarem de um mecanismo de perda em lasers operando na região do infravermelho. Por fim, a emissão característica será avaliada pela técnica CBS (retroespalhamento coerente) para determinação da coerência do laser emitido e localização da luz neste meio difuso, com os resultados comparados aos da simulação. / In the past few years, the interest in random lasers, which refer to lasing in disordered media where strong multiple scattering plays a constructive role instead of being only a loss factor, have received considerable attention due to its unique properties and its potential applications, such as emission at new, extremely low gain lines, simultaneous emission of several very different wavelengths at the same time, strong light localization and miniaturization. Single and multiple particle light scattering, backscattering intensity, light diffusion with gain and the energy level diagram of Neodymium will be presented in this current work, alongside with a parallel from the typical emission lines obtained experimentally with theory. The demonstration of random laser action in Nd:YVO4 nanopowder, by analyzing the spectral and temporal behavior from the 4F3/24I11/2 (1064 nm) transition is presented. A method that analyzes the decay kinetics after long-pulse excitation is used to determine the laser characteristics, allowing measuring the fractional contribution of spontaneous and stimulated emission in the samples backscattering cone, with is in agreement to the smoothing linewidth narrowing as a function of pump power typical from random lasers. Also the visible emission along a method to determine quantitatively the ETU (energy-transfer upconversion) rate is presented, which is particularly interesting, as is a mechanism that introduces a loss channel for devices emitting in the infrared region. At last, the coherent laser emission and light localization will be evaluated by using the CBS (coherent backscattering) technique in this diffusive media, in which the results are compared with simulation.

Vidros de germanato com nanopartículas metálicas e semicondutoras dopados com terras-raras para aplicações em fotônica. / Germanate glasses containing metalic an semiconductor nanoparticles dopes with rare-earth ions for photonic aplicattions.

Diego Silvério da Silva 01 September 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo espectroscópico sobre vidros de germanato contendo nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas e semicondutoras dopados com íons de terras-raras (TRs) Eu3+, Nd3+ e Er3+ visando o desenvolvimento de novos materiais para aplicações em fotônica. Estes vidros apresentam larga janela de transmissão (400-4500 nm), alto índice de refração (~ 1,9), baixa energia de fônon (700 cm-1), alta resistência mecânica e durabilidade química. Com a finalidade de verificar a nucleação das NPs metálicas e semicondutoras, foram realizadas análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) que indicaram a presença de NPs metálicas e semicondutoras. As técnicas de espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios X por energia dispersiva (EDS energy dispersive spectroscopy) e difração de elétrons comprovaram a natureza química das NPs. As medidas de absorção óptica evidenciaram a incorporação dos íons de TRs na forma trivalente, fenômeno responsável pela luminescência nos vidros, e permitiram as medidas das bandas de absorção relacionadas à ressonância dos plasmons superficiais e das bandas de absorção características de NPs de natureza semicondutora. Medidas de emissão foram realizadas através de diferentes procedimentos, que variaram de acordo com a natureza das TRs. Foram medidas intensas bandas de emissão da luz vermelha do Eu3+ relacionadas com as transições 7F J (J=0 a 6) -> 5D0, bandas de emissão associadas à conversão ascendente de freqüências do Er3+ em 530, 550 e 670nm relacionadas com as transições 2H 11/2 -> 4I 15/2 , 4S 3/2 -> 4I 15/2 e 4F 9/2 -> 4I 15/2 respectivamente, e bandas de emissão de luz na região do infravermelho do Nd3+ em 900, 1076 e 1350 nm relacionadas com as transições 4F 3/2 -> 4I 9/2 , 4F 3/2 -> 4I 11/2 e 4F 3/2 -> 4I 13/2 . Foi observado aumento significativo da luminescência da luz vermelha do Eu3+ nas amostras contendo NPs de prata, ouro, e prata juntamente com ouro. Nas amostras contendo NPs de silício foi observado aumento significativo da emissão associada à conversão ascendente de freqüências do érbio. Os aumentos ocorridos na luminescência das amostras contendo NPs metálicas são provavelmente causados pelo aumento do campo local nas proximidades dos íons de TRs e pela transferência de energia entre as NPs e os íons deTRs. Os aumentos ocorridos na luminescência das amostras contendo NPs semicondutoras são provavelmente causados pela transferência eficiente de energia entre as NPs e os íons de TRs originada da recombinação de éxcitons dentro das NPs semicondutoras. Portanto, a presença das NPs desempenha um papel importante para o aumento da luminescência, permitindo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais com aplicações em nanofotônica. / This work presents a spectroscopic study about Eu3+, Nd3+ and Er3+ rare-earth doped germanate glasses containing metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) aiming the development of new materials for photonic applications. These glasses have a large transmission window (400-4500 nm), high refractive index (~ 1.9), low phonon energy (700 cm-1), high mechanic resistance and chemical durability. Transmission Electronic Microscopy analysis was performed to verify the metallic and semiconductor NPs nucleation, and indicated the presence of metallic and semiconductor NPs. X ray fluorescence by energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) and electron diffraction analysis showed the chemical nature of the NPs. Optic absorption measurement proved the trivalent incorporation of the rare-earth ions, the responsible phenomenon for the luminescence of the glasses that allowed the measurement of the absorption bands related to the superficial plasmon resonance. Emission measurements were performed with different procedures, related to nature of the rare-earth. High emission bands of Eu3+ were measured related to the 7F J (J=0 to 6) -> 5D 0 transitions; emission bands associated to the frequency upconversion of Er3+ in 530, 550 and 670nm related to the 2H 11/2 -> 4I 15/2, 4S 3/2 -> 4I 15/2 e 4F 9/2 -> 4I 15/2 transitions were observed, and as well as emission bands of Nd3+ in 900, 1076 and 1350 nm related with the 4F 3/2 -> 4I 9/2, 4F 3/2 -> 4I 11/2 e 4F 3/2 -> 4I 13/2 transitions. A significant enhancement of the red light luminescence of Eu3+ was observed in the samples containing silver, gold, and silver together with gold NPs. For the samples containing silicon NPs it was observed a considerable enhancement of the frequency upconversion emission of the erbium. The luminescence enhancement of the samples with metallic NPs is due to the enhancement of the local field nearby the rare-earth ions and/or to the energy transfer between the NPs and the rare-earth ions. The luminescence enhancement of the samples with semiconductor NPs are due to the efficient energy transfer between the NPs and the rare-earth ions originated from the excitons recombination inside the semiconductor NPs. Therefore, the presence of the NPs plays an important role on the luminescence enhancement, allowing de development of new materials for nanophotonic applications.

Lasers de Nd:YLF de baixo ganho operando na transição de quase-três níveis e em lasers Raman / Low gain Nd:YLF lasers operating in the quasi-three level transition and in Raman lasers

Jonas Jakutis Neto 28 November 2012 (has links)
Lasers operando nas regiões espectrais do azul e do amarelo-laranja foram recentemente requisitados pelo mercado de aplicações quer para melhorar as tecnologias já conhecidas ou para possibilitar a criação de novas. Isso é devido às propriedades destas regiões espectrais, com o azul trazendo características tais como fótons de alta energia e feixes limitados por difração menores, enquanto a faixa do amarelo-laranja é ainda uma região espectral difícil de se atingir e não foi totalmente acessada ou nem mesmo acessada por fontes de luz laser eficientes. Aplicações dos lasers azuis são encontradas em tecnologias de alta densidade de armazenamento, displays a laser, sistemas LIDAR, pinças ópticas e uma longa série de aplicações que exigem alta precisão. Os lasers amarelo-laranja também têm aplicações importantes, destacando-se aplicações em cirurgia oftalmológica a laser, em displays de cores reais e como estrela guia (excitando linhas de sódio na atmosfera). A investigação de lasers de quase três níveis e laser Raman de Nd:YLF foi realizada neste trabalho. A finalidade é de propor fontes laser de alta potência e eficientes emitindo no azul e no amarelo para suprir as aplicações. Eficiência e potências de saída da ordem de Watt foram demonstradas para um laser de Nd:YLF emitindo em 908 nm assim como no segundo harmônico em 454 nm. Além disso, lasers Raman de Nd:YLF/BaWO4 e Nd:YLF/KGW foram demonstrados atingindo alguns Watts de potência de saída em regime quasi-CW e CW, com boas qualidades de feixe (M2 2) e em oito comprimentos de onda diferentes: 1147 nm, 1163 nm, 1167 nm , 549 nm, 552 nm, 573 nm, 581 nm e nm 583. Por fim, uma luminescência azul originada em alguns cristais Raman, durante a oscilação Stokes, teve sua origem e seus efeitos colaterais para lasers (perdas e calor adicionais) minuciosamente caracterizados. / Lasers operating in the blue and yellow-orange spectral regions are sought after by the applications market either to improve well known technologies or to enable new ones. Blue lasers bring features such as high energy photons and smaller diffraction limited beams, while the yellow-orange range is a hard to reach spectral region where there is a considerable shortage of efficient laser light sources. Applications of the blue lasers are found in high density storage technologies, laser displays, LIDAR systems, optical tweezers and a long range of high precision demanding applications. The yellow-orange lasers also have important applications, with highlights in ophthalmologic laser surgery (photocoagulation), in true color displays and as a guide star (exciting sodium lines in the atmosphere). The investigation of Nd:YLF quasi-three level lasers and Nd:YLF Raman lasers was further studied in this work in order to provide high power and efficient blue and yellow lasers sources. Demonstrations of efficient and multi-Watt operation of a 908 nm laser and its respective second harmonic laser at 454 nm are described. Also, Nd:YLF/BaWO4 and Nd:YLF/KGW Raman lasers were demonstrated reaching Watt levels in quasi-CW and CW regime with very good beam qualities (M2 2) at eight different wavelengths: 1147 nm, 1163 nm, 1167 nm, 549 nm, 552 nm, 573 nm, 581 nm and 583 nm. Finally, a blue luminescence originating in some Raman crystals, during Stokes oscillation, has been studied in considerable detail. Its origin and consequences for laser operation (extra loss and heat load) have been identified.

Vidros de germanato com nanopartículas metálicas e semicondutoras dopados com terras-raras para aplicações em fotônica. / Germanate glasses containing metalic an semiconductor nanoparticles dopes with rare-earth ions for photonic aplicattions.

Silva, Diego Silvério da 01 September 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo espectroscópico sobre vidros de germanato contendo nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas e semicondutoras dopados com íons de terras-raras (TRs) Eu3+, Nd3+ e Er3+ visando o desenvolvimento de novos materiais para aplicações em fotônica. Estes vidros apresentam larga janela de transmissão (400-4500 nm), alto índice de refração (~ 1,9), baixa energia de fônon (700 cm-1), alta resistência mecânica e durabilidade química. Com a finalidade de verificar a nucleação das NPs metálicas e semicondutoras, foram realizadas análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) que indicaram a presença de NPs metálicas e semicondutoras. As técnicas de espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios X por energia dispersiva (EDS energy dispersive spectroscopy) e difração de elétrons comprovaram a natureza química das NPs. As medidas de absorção óptica evidenciaram a incorporação dos íons de TRs na forma trivalente, fenômeno responsável pela luminescência nos vidros, e permitiram as medidas das bandas de absorção relacionadas à ressonância dos plasmons superficiais e das bandas de absorção características de NPs de natureza semicondutora. Medidas de emissão foram realizadas através de diferentes procedimentos, que variaram de acordo com a natureza das TRs. Foram medidas intensas bandas de emissão da luz vermelha do Eu3+ relacionadas com as transições 7F J (J=0 a 6) -> 5D0, bandas de emissão associadas à conversão ascendente de freqüências do Er3+ em 530, 550 e 670nm relacionadas com as transições 2H 11/2 -> 4I 15/2 , 4S 3/2 -> 4I 15/2 e 4F 9/2 -> 4I 15/2 respectivamente, e bandas de emissão de luz na região do infravermelho do Nd3+ em 900, 1076 e 1350 nm relacionadas com as transições 4F 3/2 -> 4I 9/2 , 4F 3/2 -> 4I 11/2 e 4F 3/2 -> 4I 13/2 . Foi observado aumento significativo da luminescência da luz vermelha do Eu3+ nas amostras contendo NPs de prata, ouro, e prata juntamente com ouro. Nas amostras contendo NPs de silício foi observado aumento significativo da emissão associada à conversão ascendente de freqüências do érbio. Os aumentos ocorridos na luminescência das amostras contendo NPs metálicas são provavelmente causados pelo aumento do campo local nas proximidades dos íons de TRs e pela transferência de energia entre as NPs e os íons deTRs. Os aumentos ocorridos na luminescência das amostras contendo NPs semicondutoras são provavelmente causados pela transferência eficiente de energia entre as NPs e os íons de TRs originada da recombinação de éxcitons dentro das NPs semicondutoras. Portanto, a presença das NPs desempenha um papel importante para o aumento da luminescência, permitindo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais com aplicações em nanofotônica. / This work presents a spectroscopic study about Eu3+, Nd3+ and Er3+ rare-earth doped germanate glasses containing metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) aiming the development of new materials for photonic applications. These glasses have a large transmission window (400-4500 nm), high refractive index (~ 1.9), low phonon energy (700 cm-1), high mechanic resistance and chemical durability. Transmission Electronic Microscopy analysis was performed to verify the metallic and semiconductor NPs nucleation, and indicated the presence of metallic and semiconductor NPs. X ray fluorescence by energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) and electron diffraction analysis showed the chemical nature of the NPs. Optic absorption measurement proved the trivalent incorporation of the rare-earth ions, the responsible phenomenon for the luminescence of the glasses that allowed the measurement of the absorption bands related to the superficial plasmon resonance. Emission measurements were performed with different procedures, related to nature of the rare-earth. High emission bands of Eu3+ were measured related to the 7F J (J=0 to 6) -> 5D 0 transitions; emission bands associated to the frequency upconversion of Er3+ in 530, 550 and 670nm related to the 2H 11/2 -> 4I 15/2, 4S 3/2 -> 4I 15/2 e 4F 9/2 -> 4I 15/2 transitions were observed, and as well as emission bands of Nd3+ in 900, 1076 and 1350 nm related with the 4F 3/2 -> 4I 9/2, 4F 3/2 -> 4I 11/2 e 4F 3/2 -> 4I 13/2 transitions. A significant enhancement of the red light luminescence of Eu3+ was observed in the samples containing silver, gold, and silver together with gold NPs. For the samples containing silicon NPs it was observed a considerable enhancement of the frequency upconversion emission of the erbium. The luminescence enhancement of the samples with metallic NPs is due to the enhancement of the local field nearby the rare-earth ions and/or to the energy transfer between the NPs and the rare-earth ions. The luminescence enhancement of the samples with semiconductor NPs are due to the efficient energy transfer between the NPs and the rare-earth ions originated from the excitons recombination inside the semiconductor NPs. Therefore, the presence of the NPs plays an important role on the luminescence enhancement, allowing de development of new materials for nanophotonic applications.

Avaliação da força de repulsão entre magnetos de neodímeo ferro boro usados em tratamentos intra e extra bucais / Evaluation of repulsion force between Neodymium Iron Boron magnets used for intra and extra oral treatments

Sanchez, Renato Sartori Lardin 15 February 2012 (has links)
Os magnetos de Neodímio Ferro Boro (Nd2Fe14B) apresentam excelentes propriedades magnéticas e compatibilidade biológica, embora sejam frágeis e possuam baixa resistência à corrosão. As forças de atração magnética de magnetos de terras raras têm sido empregadas em sistemas de retenção, principalmente associadas aos implantes osseointegráveis, em próteses bucais e próteses faciais, bem como em aparelhos ortodônticos. Este estudo avalia o comportamento das forças de repulsão magnética, em função do volume e comprimento do eixo magnético, quando submetidos a afastamentos, de modo que esta propriedade física seja empregada em odontologia. Vinte e quatro corpos de prova, com um ou dois pares de magnetos de Nd2Fe14B, com diferentes formas e volumes variados, foram submetidos a ensaio mecânico para mensuração das forças de repulsão magnética, em condições de afastamentos que variaram entre 0,0 e 20,0 mm. Os dados observados mostram que, considerando-se uma mesma área superficial de polo, a força de repulsão magnética varia em função do comprimento do eixo magnético. Os dados relativos ao afastamento foram submetidos a análise de variância (p0,05), tendo-se observado que o aumento da distância entre os magnetos diminui significantemente a força de repulsão magnética na maioria dos corpos de prova. No afastamento 0,0 mm as forças magnéticas de repulsão dos subgrupos mantêm uma sequência crescente a partir do subgrupo de menor volume de magnetos ao subgrupo de maior volume de magnetos, os quais permanecem nessa sequência nos afastamentos iniciais. A força de repulsão magnética gerada por magnetos pequenos varia menos em função do aumento do afastamento. Conclui-se que a variação da força de repulsão magnética, dada a mesma área superficial de polo, apresenta uma relação direta com o volume e com o eixo magnético onde, quanto maior o volume ou o comprimento do eixo magnético, maior a força de repulsão magnética. A relação direta entre volume e força de repulsão magnética não se altera frente aos afastamentos inicais, tendendo a se tornar imensurável com o aumento da distância. A força de repulsão magnética mantém uma relação inversa com a distância entre os pares de magnetos. Este ensaio mecânico indica que a força de repulsão magnética apresenta, assim como a força de atração magnética, uma curva hiperbólica de redução frente ao aumento do afastamento. / Neodymium Iron Boron (Nd2Fe14B) magnets exhibit excellent magnetic properties and demonstrate biological compatibility, despite of their fragility and low resistance to corrosion. The magnetic attraction forces of rare earth magnets have been used in retention systems mainly associated with osseointegrated implants, in oral and facial prostheses, as well as orthodontic appliances. This study evaluates the repulsion forces of magnets, varying volume and length of magnetic axis when subjected to vertical distance, in order to assess the usefulness of such physical property in clinical situations. Twenty-four specimens, with one or two pairs of Nd2Fe14B magnets, presenting different shapes and various volumes, were subjected to mechanical testing so as to measure magnetic repulsion forces, under conditions of vertical pole face separation ranging from 0.0 to 20.0 mm. Repulsive magnetic force varies depending on the length of the magnetic axis, when considering the same surface area of a pole. Analysis of Variance - (p0.05) indicated that by increasing the distance between the pairs of magnets, magnetic repulsion force significantly reduces in most of the specimens. Starting at a 0.0 mm distance, the magnetic repulsion forces keep an enhancing sequence from lower to higher magnetic volume, holding these characteristics during initials distances. Repulsion magnetic forces generated by small magnets varies less as the distance increases. The results indicate the repulsion magnetic force variation, fixing the same pole surface area, presenting a direct relationship between volume and magnetic axis, since the increase of the volume or of the magnetic axis length leads to a higher magnetic repulsive force. The relationship between volume and magnetic repulsion force does not vary at initial distance. Nevertheless, when such distance increases, the force between the magnets significantly decreases. The magnetic repulsion force holds an inverse relationship with respect to the distance between magnets pairs. This mechanical test indicates that the magnetic repulsion force, as well the magnetic attraction force, present a hyperbolic curve of force reduction due to the increasing vertical distance.

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