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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza faktorů ovlivňující realitní trh / Analysis of Factors Affecting the Real Estate Market

Procházková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the influences acting on the real estate market and create their prognoses. The first part describes the distribution and development of the construction industry and real estate market. The second part involves the creation of case studies, which are compared to offer and demand individual factors.

Marketingové systémy malých a středních stavebních firem / Marketing systems of construction SMEs

Muškát, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to create an effective database system, which also serves as a source of information. The proposed system aims to facilitate and simplify the clarity of internal company information, about customers but also their employees. Then there is also the possibility to control workforce planning for individual contracts and globally but also meeting their the deadlines. We can notforget the marketing approach of the company and its public promotion.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt v lokalitě Brno - Štýřice a Brno - Černovice / Comparison of Selected Methods of Flat Valuation in Brno-Štýřice and Brno - Černovice

Kubeš, Fedor January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a comparison of selected methods for the valuation property type apartment in the area of Brno - Brno Štýřice and Černovice. The thesis is notionally divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts associated with valuation, describes methods used of valuation, real estate market and valued locations. The practical part of thesis is focused on the valuation of flats under the current price regulation with comparative method, the direct comparison method of valuation, method of yield for an assessment the current price. At the end of the thesis are explained and commented upon the facts (locations, methods, prices, costs and profit of development company).

Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Construction Company to Public Tender

Svobodová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes a process of public tender for building contracts from a construction company’s perspective. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts and procedures encountered during issuance, awarding and completion of public tenders. The necessary procurement rules and guidelines are also included. The practical part defines an actual tender offer from a particular contractor. The tender in question is a construction of leisure centre in Ratiskovice.

Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Construction Company to Public Tender

Šrotová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to describe the process of obtaining public contracts according to the supplier. Therefore, the whole work is in its beginning outlined to explain in a theoretical part all the important concepts, context and procedures that will be used in a practical part. The practical part is focused on the course of obtaining a contract in the from of tender

Posouzení vlivu variantních technologií na celkovou cenu stavebního díla / Assessment of the impact of alternative technologies at a total cost of construction work

Kubeš, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to assess the impacts of alternative technologies considered an object from the perspective of an investor or contractor. They are sought and assessed the savings in a variety of alternative solutions building structures. Found savings serves investor as an important basis for deciding between different materials or when making a tender for the realization of the construction. The practical part is devoted to assessing the price of material changes and an assessment of the savings when you change the original price of gravel for the price-house.

"Det är inte så att vi sammankopplar de här ärendena" : En kvalitativ studie om medias framställning av mäns sexualiserade våld mot kvinnor / "It´s not that we link these cases together" : A qualitative study of the media's portrayal of men's sexualized violence against women.

Karlsson, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka framställningen och ansvarsfördelningen av kvinnor och män i mediers rapportering av mäns våld mot kvinnor. Med grund av Metoo-rörelsen anser jag att det idag finns en samhällelig gemensam medvetenhet och förståelse av mäns våld mot kvinnor, som bör framgå i rapporteringen om våldet. Artiklar publicerade av Sveriges största mediekanaler, SVT och Expressen, analyseras utifrån en kritisk diskursanalys för att belysa potentiella tendenser som tyder på en ojämnställd rapportering av mäns våld mot kvinnor. Utifrån ett radikalfeministiskt perspektiv undersöker jag framställningen av mäns våld mot kvinnor och utifrån gestaltningsteorin belyser jag hur kraftfull en text kan vara. De teoretiska perspektiven, tillsammans med min utvalda tidigare forskning, visar på tendenser som tyder på en ojämställd framställning av mäns våld mot kvinnor i media.

Det är ju ett brott! : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om att bemöta barriärer för att polisanmäla våld i nära relationer

Hedenberg, Sandra, Qureshi, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur intervjudeltagare verksamma inom för studien relevanta organisationer och myndigheter resonerade angående barriärer för polisanmälan som kvinnor kan uppleva vid våld i nära relation. Vidare var syftet att diskutera hur intervjudeltagarna såg på sin roll att öka anmälningsbenägenheten genom att underlätta för kvinnorna att överkomma dessa barriärer. Teorin utgick från normalisering, victim blaming och sekundär viktimisering samt det ideala offret. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Uppsatsens resultat visade att deltagarna var medvetna om dessa barriärer och att de hade utvecklat förhållningssätt och strategier för att bemöta dessa, exempelvis genom att avnormalisera våldet. Vidare konstaterades att även om ingen av intervjudeltagarna ansåg att bidra till ökad anmälningsbenägenhet var deras huvuduppgift kan deras bemötande av barriärerna indirekt öka denna. / The aim of the study was to examine how the interviewees from different organizations and authorities relevant to our study reasoned on the barriers women might experience when it comes to reporting intimate partner abuse to the police. The aim was also to examine how the interviewees viewed their role in increasing the propensity to report by encouraging the women to overcome these barriers. Our theory was based on the theories of the normalization process, victim blaming and secondary victimization and the ideal victim. The method used was qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the interviewees were aware of these barriers and that they had developed different approaches and strategies to meet these barriers, for example by de-normalizing the violence. Another finding was that although none of the interviewees regarded increasing the women’s propensity to report as their first priority, their work in helping the women to overcome the barriers indirectly can contribute to increase the propensity to report to the police.

Die verkryging van kapitaal in die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg met spesifieke verwysing na die aanbod van aandele aan die publiek

Delport, P.A. (Petrus Albertus) 28 January 2012 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die proses van kapitaalverkryging deur die maatskappy te ondersoek en om veral op die begrip “aanbod van aandele aan die publiek” en verbandhoudende aangeleenthede klem te lê. Om hierdie doel te bereik was dit nodig gewees om op die verskillende kapitaalvorme te let soos wat dit ten opsigte van aandelekapitaal en leningskapitaal voorkom. Daar is in hierdie verband ook op enkele faktore gewys wat die maatskappy in ag moet neem in die keuse tussen die kapitaalvorme. Die regsreëls wat die aanbod van aandele aan die publiek reguleer is geskiedkundig nagespoor om sodoende die doel daarvan vas te stel en ook om te bepaal of daar nog aan hierdie doel voldoen word. Daar is ook ‘n regsvergelykende studie gedoen om sodoende perspektief ten opsigte van die effektiwiteit en wenslikheid van hierdie reëls te verkry. Die drie elemente wat die openbaarmakingsvereistes van die Maatskappywet 61 van 1973 in werking stel is in besonderhede ontleed om sodoende te bepaal of daar enige moontlike leemtes bestaan. Oplossings vir hierdie leemtes is dan ook in gepaste gevalle aan die hand gedoen, met die uitgangspunt steeds in gedagte dat die verkryging van aandelekapitaal deur middel van die aanbod van aandele aan die publiek sover moontlik vereenvoudig moet word om sekerheid ten opsigte van die maatskappy daar te stel. Die teenkant hiervan is egter ook in gedagte gehou, naamlik dat die belegger in aandele die mees effektiewe beskerming moet geniet. Dit het veral duidelik geblyk dat die onderskeid tussen die begrippe “inskrywing op” en “koop van” aandele vir sover dit die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie betref, uitgedien is en dat daar slegs voorsiening gemaak moet word vir die koop van aandele op die primêre sowel as op die sekondêre mark. As gevolg van die eng omskrywing van “aandeel” in die Maatskappywet blyk dit dat daar ‘n aantal prosedures van kapitaalverkrying is wat nie deur openbaarmaking gereguleer word nie en die benadeling van die betrokke beleggers tot gevolg het. Die laaste element wat die openbaarmakingsvereistes van die Maatskappywet in werking stel, naamlik die begrip “publiek”, is in wese ondefinieerbaar as gevolg van die vaagheid daarvan en gevolglik die element van sekerhied by kapitaalverkryging benadeel. Die verband tussen die prospektus en die voornoteringsverklaring is onduidelik en verwarrend veral ten opsigte van die dualistiese benadering wat ten opsigte van aanspreeklikheid vir onware verklarings in hierdie dokumente gevolg word en behoort opgeklaar te word ten behoewe van die belegger. ENGLISH: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the process of the acquisition of capital by a company and in particular emphasis will be placed on the concept “an offer of shares to the public” and matters incidental thereto. In order to achieve this purpose it was necessary to distinguish the different forms of capital as manifested in share and loan capital. The different factors which the company should take into account in the exercise of the choice regarding the various forms of capital are also analyzed. The legal rules regulating the offer of shares to the public are historically investigated in order to establish their purpose and also to determine whether they still achieve this purpose. A comparative study was also done in order to place the desirability and efficacy of these rules in perspective. The three elements which make the disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 operative are analyzed in detail in order to ascertain whether any shortcomings exist. Solutions for these shortcomings are suggested in appropriate cases but against the background of the concept that the acquisition of share capital by the offer of shares to the public must be simplified as far as possible in order to promote certainty from the viewpoint of the company. Against this however, the principle that the investor in shares should enjoy the most effective protection was also highlighted. It especially became apparent that the distinction between the concepts “subscription for” and “sale of” shares have become redundant in so far as they are applied in the South African experience and that provision should be made for the sale of shares on the primary as well as the secondary market. As a result of the narrow definition of “share” in the Companies Act it is apparent that there are a number of procedures for the acquisition of capital which are not regulated by disclosure and consequently have the effect of prejudicing the investors. The last element which makes the disclosure requirements in the Companies Act operative, namely the concept “public”, is in essence indefineable because of its uncertainty, with the effect that the element of certainty in the acquisition of capital is detracted from. The relationship between the prospectus and the prelisting statement is uncertain and confusing especially in respect of the dualistic approach with regards to untrue statements in these documents and should be clarified on behalf of the investor. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 1987. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

The Unideal Victim and Top Lawyer : A critical discourse analysis of the Göran Lambertz case in Swedish tabloids post #metoo. / Icke ideala offret och toppjuristen : En kritisk diskursanalys av Göran Lambertz fallet i Svensk kvällspress efter #metoo.

Nguyen, Dennis, Bamba, Chadrac January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine Swedish press coverage of arape case post #metoo movement involving the former Chancellor of Justice, GöranLambertz. The research questions are as follows: How are the victim and thesuspected perpetrator portrayed in the articles? In what ways are rape mythsconstructed in the articles? How did journalists in Expressen and Aftonbladet framethis news story? Using a critical discourse analysis method with the help of previousstudies, representation, framing, ideal victim and news value theory showed theresults that both tabloids had similar portrayals of the participants involved with fewdifferent variations and both upheld rape myths in their reporting.In conclusion we found that the victims’ unfavorable characteristics such ascriminal background was highlighted while Göran Lambertz’ achievements andcareer were brought up. Expressen used an episodic framing for their reportingwhile Aftonbladet had a mix of episodic and thematic framing. Journalists fromboth tabloids participated in using semantic framing and linguistic choices thatseparated the suspected perpetrator from the crime.

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