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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ideala- offer och gärningspersoner : En tematisk analys om hur den tredje statsmakten porträtterar offer för dödligt våld i nära relation och dess gärningspersoner

Bolin, Julia, Kraft, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to investigate how the media portrays victims of deadly violence and the perpetrators who committed these acts. A particular emphasis on fatal partner and family violence is taken into account for a narrower but more precise focus. The study is characterized by a qualitative investigation with a thematic analysis as a method. The thematization of the analysis is also gradually worked through due to the application of the theory of the ideal victim to the study. The main recurring themes found are descriptions of victims and perpetrators' gender and abuses in connection with the deadly violence they endured or inflicted. In this study it becomes clear that there are clear differences between victims and perpetrators depending on if they are male or female. Women are often described as victims even if they are the perpetrator in question, the males are described as perpetrators even if they themselves are victims. / Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur media porträtterar offer för dödligt våld samt de gärningspersoner som begått dessa handlingar. En särskild betoning av dödligt partner- och familjevåld tas i beaktning för ett snävare men mer preciserat fokus. Studien genomsyras av en kvalitativ undersökning med en tematisk analys som metod. Analysens tematisering arbetas även successivt in med anledning av teorin om det ideala offrets applicering på studien. De främst återkommande temana som återfunnits är beskrivningar av offer och gärningspersoners kön och missförhållanden i samband med det dödliga våld de utstått eller utfärdat. I denna studie framkommer det att det finns tydliga skillnader gällande gärningspersoner och brottsoffer beroende på om de är män eller kvinnor. Kvinnor beskrivs ofta som offer även om de själva varit gärningspersonen i fråga, männen beskrivs som gärningspersoner även om de själva varit brottsoffer. / <p>2023-04-13</p>

Ta det som en man! : En litteraturstudie om kvinnors våld mot män / Take it Like a Man! : A Literature Study on Women’s Violence against Men

Ha, Angela, Seferi, Argnesa January 2022 (has links)
This literature study aims to investigate women’s violence on men. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is well researched within the context of women as victims and men as perpetrators. However, men who fall victim to female-perpetrated IPV is not a known subject to the general public. The study will therefore study men as victims to IPV where women are perpetrators as well different types of violence such as psychological, physical, sexual and digital violence. Men’s experiences as victims of IPV will also touch on their help-seeking experiences which are affected by hegemonic masculinity, stigma and shame. This literature study has used a lot of empirical material that contains qualitative studies from different countries thus making it difficult to draw general conclusions. The purpose is however to discuss the subject in relation to different theories, highlights and understand men's experiences as victims of female-perpetrated IPV.

Övervärderade Börsintroduktioner : En analys av förstadagsavkastning / Overpriced intial public offerings : An analysis of first day returs

Holmlund, Adam, Liebregts, Bram January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka problemet med övervärdering vid börsintroduktioner, samt att öka förståelsen och uppmärksamma dess potentiella negativa effekter på investerare och företag. Enligt vår kännedom har ingen tidigare genomfört en studie av övervärderade börsintroduktioner på den svenska marknaden. Studien avser att identifiera och undersöka olika faktorer som kan bidra till övervärdering, såsom tillhörighet i teknologibranschen, teckningspriset, marknadsplatsens påverkan och fördelningen av andel svenska- och utländska institutioners ägande. Studien använder data från Refinitiv Eikon, Euroclear och andra källor för att genomföra en analys av svenska börsintroduktioner som ägde rum mellan 2014–2022. Huvudsyftet är att undersöka den procentuella skillnaden i aktiekursen från teckningskurs till stängningskurs på första handelsdagen. Efter att ha applicerat urvalskriterier återstod 294 företag, 38,78 procent av företagen visade negativ avkastning första handelsdagen. En linjär regressionsanalys tillämpas för att analysera det oberoende variablerna. Hypoteser testas med hjälp av p-värde. Värt att notera är att regressionsanalysen enbart inriktades på negativ förstadagsavkastning och inte beaktade positiv eller neutral avkastning. Resultaten av studien indikerar att en ökad andel utländska institutioner, teckningspriset samt företag som noterades på Nasdaq Stockholm signifikant reducerar sannolikheten för övervärdering vid börsintroduktioner. Dessutom observerades en ökad sannolikhet för övervärdering för företag verksamma inom teknologisektorn. Dessa slutsatser ger värdefulla insikter om övervärdering vidbörsintroduktioner och har potential att bidra till en bättre förståelse för både företag och investerare. / The purpose of this study is to examine the issue of overpricing in initial public offerings and its detrimental consequences for investors and corporations. To the best of our knowledge, no prior study has been conducted on overpriced initial public offerings in the Swedish market. By identifying contributing factors, such as being part of the technology sector, offering price, market affiliation and the proportion of domestic and foreign institutions. Using a dataset from Refinitiv Eikon, Euroclear and other sources, our sample consists of 294 companies out of which 38,78 precent preform negatively on the first trading day. The study employs a linear regression model to examine the relationship between these factors and the percentage difference in the share price from offering to the closing price on the first day of trading. Exclusively focusing on negative first day returns. The findings indicate that the presence of an increased proportion of foreign institutions, a higher offering price and firms listed on Nasdaq Stockholm significantly reduce the risk of overpricing. A heightened risk of overpricing was identified for technology companies. These insights provide a valuable understating of IPO pricing mechanisms.

“I can't stay silent, all they want is to keep me quiet” : En jämförande analys av Disneys originalfilmer och remakes utifrån offer och förövare

Lindahl, Malin, Persson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Pojkars och unga mäns utsatthet i en hederskontext

Hajrizi, Mirlinda, Todorovic, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Hajrizi, M &amp; Todorovic, E. Forskningsläget avseende att som pojke eller ung man leva i en hederskontext. Examensarbete i socialt arbete 15 högskolepoäng.Malmö Universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för socialt arbete, 2021. Denna studien har syftat till att belysa pojkens och unga mäns perspektiv i ett hedersrelaterat sammanhang och hur deras utsatthet kan komma att utvecklas. Med hjälp av vetenskapliga artiklar som vi har använt i vår tidigare forskning har de gett oss en inblick i att det inte bara är tjejer som faller offer för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Pojkar faller också offer för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck men utsattheten utspelar sig på andra sätt till skillnad från tjejer. Vi karaktäriserar bland annat de krav som ställs på pojkar som lever i ett hedersrelaterat sammanhang och vad som kan uppstå om de strider mot familjens förväntningar på dem. För att synliggöra hedersrelaterade problem från pojkar och unga mäns perspektiv har det varit av stor vikt att använda teorier som maskulinitetsteori och intersektionalitet. Dessa har varit betydelsefulla i den aspekten att pojkar och unga män som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inte alltid kommer från samma bakgrund. Det har varit viktigt att belysa att människor kommer från olika klasser, de har olika åldrar samt olika sexuella läggningar. Vi har haft dessa faktorer i åtanke när vi har arbetat med vårt resultat. Vidare har vi belyst aspekten av att stöd och insatser bör anpassas utifrån den enskilda pojkens förhållanden och livssituation. I vårt metodavsnitt beskriver vi hur vi har tillhandahållit och uppnått våra resultat genom olika kommuners handlingsplaner. Vidare har vi i våra resultat med hjälp av vår metod och olika rapporter förutom pojkens utsatthet specificerat både förebyggande och riktade insatser för pojkar och unga män samt beskrivit hur verksamheter runt om i landet bör fortsätta för att observera och stödja pojkar och unga män i deras utsatthet. Detta för att sprida kunskap om ett fenomen som är vanligare än förväntat samt att vi tycker att det borde ges ytterligare utrymme och uppmärksamhet i framtiden. Nyckelord: Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, hederskultur, pojkar, unga män, utestängning, offer / Hajrizi, M. &amp; Todorovic, E. The Research Area Regarding Living in a Honour- Related as a Boy or a Young Man. Degree project in social work 15 hp. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2021. In this study, we have aimed to shed light on the perspectives of boys and young men in an honor-related context and how their vulnerability unfolds. With the help of scientific articles that we have used in our previous research, they have given us an insight into the fact that it is not only girls who fall victim to honor- related violence and oppression, but also boys and that this vulnerability takes place in other ways unlike girls. We characterize, among other things, the demands placed on boys who live in an honor-related context and what could arise if they go against their family's expectations of them. In order to make the honor-related problems visible from the perspective of boys and young men, it has been of great importance to use theories such as masculinity theory and intersectionality. This has been significant from the aspect that boys and young men who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression do not necessarily receive the same background. They are different people from different classes, different ages and with different sexualities. We have kept this in mind when we have achieved our result. This is because support and efforts should also be adapted based on the individual boy's conditions and life situation. In our method section, we describe how we have provided and achieved our results through different municipalities' action plans. Furthermore, in our results with the help of our method and various reports, we have besides boys’ vulnerability specified both preventive and targeted interventions for boys and young men and described how activities around the country should proceed to observe and support boys and young men in their vulnerability. This in order to spread knowledge about a phenomenon that is more common than expected and that it must be given further attention in the future. Keywords: Honor-related violence and oppression, culture of honor, boys, young men, exclusion, victims

Excelling in international negotiations: Analysis of the impact of culture on international-business-negotiations

Schön, Rafael 12 May 2021 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation covers three studies on the research subject of Cross-Cultural-Negotiations. The first study provides a systematic literature review of the research field. It categorizes and synthesizes the literature based on the cultural dimensions used in negotiation research and sorts it along the four negotiation stages of Adair and Brett (2005). It shows controversial findings, research gaps, highlights potential impasses in methodological approaches, and provides recommendations for future research. The second study investigates the potential cultural influence on First Offer anchors in negotiations. No support for a direct cultural influence could be found. Instead, the participants' age and concerns that the opposite may take advantage of a too low First Offer has been found to influence First Offers. Additionally, the latter finding shows significant differences across cultures. The third study investigates whether the implicitly understood universality of ‘Getting to yes’ (Fisher, Ury, and Patton 2012) holds in a Cross-Cultural-Context. The study finds that the implicitly understood universality of principled negotiations is not supported by findings in Cross-Cultural-Negotiation research. Instead, a dichotomic applicability of the authors’ advice of ‘Getting to yes’ along the bipolar cultural construct of Hofstede’s Individuality dimension was found. This dissertation underlines that culture has a high impact on negotiations. It provides research, practice, and teaching additional knowledge to address and deal with the phenomenon of culture in Cross-Border-Negotiations.


CARLA MIRELLE DE OLIVEIRA M LISBOA 23 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] Os estudos da prática de assistência social têm tido como foco a ação dos profissionais da área de Serviço Social. No entanto, especialmente a partir da segunda metade dos anos 70, com a entrada do terceiro setor, a luta para diminuir as desigualdades sociais abriu espaço para o trabalho voluntário do/a cidadão/ã no atendimento àqueles que vivem em condições de vulnerabilidade social. No intuito de preencher essa lacuna, este estudo tem por objetivo contribuir para o entendimento das práticas de ofertas de ajuda, realizadas por voluntários. Para tanto, são analisadas, à luz do aparato teórico-metodológico da Análise da Conversa (Sacks, 1992; Sacks; Schegloff; Jefferson, 1974), as interações entre voluntários/as da Equipe de Abordagem Social da Turma da Sopa de Niterói, que tem como objetivo institucional tentar contribuir para o processo de reinserção/reintegração social de pessoas em situação de rua ou vulnerabilidade social, atendidas por eles/elas. Os resultados revelam a organização estrutural global das interações que constituem a abordagem social, identificando as etapas desse trabalho (início da abordagem, escuta e/ou sondagem, condução propositiva e fechamento), bem como as (micro) ações que ocorrem em cada fase. A pesquisa aponta também para a centralidade das ofertas nas conduções propositivas, diferenciando as ofertas delicadas, que apresentam formato despreferido, das não-deliciadas, realizadas em formato preferido. Com base nas análises, é possível identificar que práticas se mostraram mais ou menos eficazes para o atingimento dos objetivos institucionais. / [en] The study of professional practice in the field of social work focuses on the action of those trained in social services. However, particularly from the second half of the 1970s, along side the emergence of the third sector, the struggle for social care provision has opened up the possibility for citizens to engage in community service projects by supporting those who are socially vulnerable. Intending to fulfill this gap, this study focus is contributing to improving the comprehension of social reintegration practices performed by volunteers. In order to do so, the interaction between volunteers from the Social Approach Group of the Soup Group of Niterói and people experiencing homelessness was analyzed through the theoretical-methodological approach of Conversation Analysis. The results reveal the overall structural organization of the interaction, identifying the steps of this work (beginning of the approach, probing, propositional conduction, and closure) as well as the (micro) actions that occur in each step. The research also points to the centralization of the offers in propositional conductions, separating the delicate offers, which present unpreferred format, from the non-delicate ones, which are performed in a preferred format. Based on the analysis, it is possible to identify some practices that are more or less effective to achieve the interactional goals.

"Mäns våld mot kvinnor startar med killars våld mot tjejer" : En diskursanalys av hur våld i nära relationer bland unga framställs i svenska tidningsartiklar / "Men's Violence Against Women Starts With Boys' Violence Against Girls" : A Discourse Analysis of How Intimate Partner Violence Amongst Young People Is Portrayed in Swedish Newspaper Articles

Karlsson, Amanda, Ridderborger, Catharina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie var att undersöka diskurser gällande våld i nära relationer bland unga i svenska nyhetstidningar. Materialet bestod av 30 artiklar som valdes ut från de 15 största nyhetstidningarna i Sverige, och med hjälp av ett målstyrt urval utifrån kriteriet att artikeln skulle behandla våld i nära relationer bland unga som huvudämne. Studien utgår från en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats och för att analysera materialet användes Carol Lee Bacchis diskursanalytiska verktyg "What's the problem represented to be?". För en fördjupad analys tillämpades även Bacchis diskursteori, Nils Christies teori om "det idealiska offret" och West och Zimmermans teori om att "göra kön". Studiens resultat landade i tre huvudsakliga diskurser vilka var: unga som utsatta, killars våld mot tjejer och samhälleliga aktörer och vuxnas ansvar. Resultatet visade att unga som grupp framställs som offer för våld i nära relationer i svenska nyhetstidningar, men även att en könad bild av offer och förövare framställs. Media framställde nämligen killar som förövare och tjejer som offer, med vissa undantag. Resultatet visade även att media framställer våld i nära relationer som ett problem som samhället, vuxna och föräldrar har ett ansvar att lösa, vilket lyfte våld i nära relationer som ett samhälleligt problem. Resultatet kopplades även till vilka effekter dessa diskurser har för det sociala arbetet. Dessa innebar att det sociala arbetet riskerar felbehandling av unga utifrån kön och att socialarbetare missar våldsutsatta personer som inte framhävs lika mycket, till exempel unga hbtqi-personer och utsatta killar. En ytterligare aspekt av detta, som även påverkar det sociala arbetet, är att vissa ungdomar blir mer benägna att söka hjälp än andra.

Slot-Exchange Mechanisms and Weather-Based Rerouting within an Airspace Planning and Collaborative Decision-Making Model

McCrea, Michael Victor 18 April 2006 (has links)
We develop and evaluate two significant modeling concepts within the context of a large-scale Airspace Planning and Collaborative Decision-Making Model (APCDM) and, thereby, enhance its current functionality in support of both strategic and tactical level flight assessments. The first major concept is a new severe weather-modeling paradigm that can be used to assess existing tactical en route flight plan strategies such as the Flight Management System (FMS) as well as to provide rerouting strategies. The second major concept concerns modeling the mediated bartering of slot exchanges involving airline trade offers for arrival/departure slots at an arrival airport that is affected by the Ground Delay Program (GDP), while simultaneously considering issues related to sector workloads, airspace conflicts, as well as overall equity concerns among the airlines. This research effort is part of an $11.5B, 10-year, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-sponsored program to increase the U.S. National Airspace (NAS) capacity by 30 percent by the year 2010. Our innovative contributions of this research with respect to the severe weather rerouting include (a) the concept of "Probability-Nets" and the development of discretized representations of various weather phenomena that affect aviation operations; (b) the integration of readily accessible severe weather probabilities from existing weather forecast data provided by the National Weather Service (NWS); (c) the generation of flight plans that circumvent severe weather phenomena with specified probability levels, and (d) a probabilistic delay assessment methodology for evaluating planned flight routes that might encounter potentially disruptive weather along its trajectory. Given a fixed set of reporting stations from the CONUS Model Output Statistics (MOS), we begin by constructing weather-specific probability-nets that are dynamic with respect to time and space. Essential to the construction of the probability-nets are the point-by-point forecast probabilities associated with MOS reporting sites throughout the United States. Connections between the MOS reporting sites form the strands within the probability-nets, and are constructed based upon a user-defined adjacency threshold, which is defined as the maximum allowable great circle distance between any such pair of sites. When a flight plan traverses through a probability-net, we extract probability data corresponding to the points where the flight plan and the probability-net strand(s) intersect. The ability to quickly extract this trajectory-related probability data is critical to our weather-based rerouting concepts and the derived expected delay and related cost computations in support of the decision-making process. Next, we consider the superimposition of a flight-trajectory-grid network upon the probability-nets. Using the U.S. Navigational Aids (Navaids) as the network nodes, we develop an approach to generate flight plans that can circumvent severe weather phenomena with specified probability levels based on determining restricted, time-dependent shortest paths between the origin and destination airports. By generating alternative flight plans pertaining to specified threshold strand probabilities, we prescribe a methodology for computing appropriate expected weather delays and related disruption factors for inclusion within the APCDM model. We conclude our severe weather-modeling research by conducting an economic benefit analysis using a k-means clustering mechanism in concert with our delay assessment methodology in order to evaluate delay costs and system disruptions associated with variations in probability-net refinement-based information. As a flight passes through the probability-net(s), we can generate a probability-footprint that acts as a record of the strand intersections and the associated probabilities from origin to destination. A flight plan's probability-footprint will differ for each level of data refinement, from whence we construct route-dependent scenarios and, subsequently, compute expected weather delay costs for each scenario for comparative purposes. Our second major contribution is the development of a novel slot-exchange modeling concept within the APCDM model that incorporates various practical issues pertaining to the Ground Delay Program (GDP), a principal feature in the FAA's adoption of the Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) paradigm. The key ideas introduced here include innovative model formulations and several new equity concepts that examine the impact of "at-least, at-most" trade offers on the entire mix of resulting flight plans from respective origins to destinations, while focusing on achieving defined measures of "fairness" with respect to the selected slot exchanges. The idea is to permit airlines to barter assigned slots at airports affected by the Ground Delay Program to their mutual advantage, with the FAA acting as a mediator, while being cognizant of the overall effect of the resulting mix of flight plans on air traffic control sector workloads, collision risk and safety, and equity considerations. We start by developing two separate slot-exchange approaches. The first consists of an external approach in which we formulate a model for generating a set of package-deals, where each package-deal represents a potential slot-exchange solution. These package-deals are then embedded within the APCDM model. We further tighten the model representation using maximal clique cover-based cuts that relate to the joint compatibility among the individual package-deals. The second approach significantly improves the overall model efficiency by automatically generating package-deals as required within the APCDM model itself. The model output prescribes a set of equitable flight plans based on admissible trades and exchanges of assigned slots, which are in addition conformant with sector workload capabilities and conflict risk restrictions. The net reduction in passenger-minutes of delay for each airline is the primary metric used to assess and compare model solutions. Appropriate constraints are included in the model to ensure that the generated slot exchanges induce nonnegative values of this realized net reduction for each airline. In keeping with the spirit of the FAA's CDM initiative, we next propose four alternative equity methods that are predicated on different specified performance ratios and related efficiency functions. These four methods respectively address equity with respect to slot-exchange-related measures such as total average delay, net delay savings, proportion of acceptable moves, and suitable value function realizations. For our computational experiments, we constructed several scenarios using real data obtained from the FAA based on the Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS) flight information pertaining to the Miami and Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC). Through our experimentation, we provide insights into the effect of the different proposed modeling concepts and study the sensitivity with respect to certain key parameters. In particular, we compare the alternative proposed equity formulations by evaluating their corresponding slot-exchange solutions with respect to the net reduction in passenger-minutes of delay for each airline. Additionally, we evaluate and compare the computational-effort performance, under both time limits and optimality thresholds, for each equity method in order to assess the efficiency of the model. The four slot-exchange-based equity formulations, in conjunction with the internal slot-exchange mechanisms, demonstrate significant net savings in computational effort ranging from 25% to 86% over the original APCDM model equity formulation. The model has been implemented using Microsoft Visual C++ and evaluated using a C++ interface with CPLEX 9.0. The overall results indicate that the proposed modeling concepts offer viable tools that can be used by the FAA in a timely fashion for both tactical purposes, as well as for exploring various strategic issues such as air traffic control policy evaluations; dynamic airspace resectorization strategies as a function of severe weather probabilities; and flight plan generation in response to various disruption scenarios. / Ph. D.

Varför jag slog honom : En studie om kvinnors våld mot män i Västmanland under åren 1858-1921.

Tunevi, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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