Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] OVERLOAD"" "subject:"[enn] OVERLOAD""
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Information Overload - ett problem inom akutsjukvården?Nilsson, Björn, Jetisi, Suzane January 2007 (has links)
<p>Information overload förekommer på alla arbetsplatser där informationsbearbetning är viktigt för arbetsprocesserna. I vissa fall kan information overload medföra allvarliga konsekvenser både för den enskilda medarbetaren och för verksamheten i stort. På akutmottagningen på Centrallasarettet i Växjö har sjuksköterskorna en viktig roll som samordnare av den information som används i patientarbetet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka vilka faktorer som främst orsakar information overload hos sjuksköterskorna på akutmottagningen CLV, samt att undersöka hur fenomenet IO påverkar vårdkvaliteten.</p><p>Under mars och april 2007 genomfördes intervjuer med sju sjuksköterskor på den aktuella akutmottagningen utifrån en frågemall som utformats med hjälp av aktuell forskning på information overload. Resultatanalysen skedde utifrån en specifik orsakstabell som tagits från en litteratursammanställning av Eppler och Mengis (2004). Orsakstabellen utgår ifrån fem specifika områden - personliga faktorer, informationens karaktär, arbetsuppgifter och processparametrar, organisatorisk design samt informationsteknologi. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ ansats.</p><p>Undersökningen visar att sjuksköterskorna på akutmottagningen ofta drabbas av information overload, och att riskfaktorer finns i samtliga fem ovanstående kategorier. Flera av deltagarna upplever regelbundet information overload-relaterade symtom och detta riskerar att hota patientsäkerheten på mottagningen. Dessutom leder det till minskad arbetstillfredsställelse hos sjuksköterskorna. Slutligen konstateras att en ordentlig informationsplan behöver upprättas för att rätta till de missförhållanden som orsakar information overload. Det är framför allt viktigt att informationen är relevant och hanterbar för att höja patientsäkerheten och vårdkvaliteten.</p> / <p>Information overload exists in all organisations where information processing is important for the work process. In some cases information overload is a serious threat to both the individual who suffers from it and to the organisation at large. At the emergency department at the Central Hospital in Växjö the nurses have an important function as coordinators of the information used in the patient treatments. The purpose of this study is to find out which factors primarily cause information overload in the emergency department and what implication this has on the quality of care given there.</p><p>In March and April of 2007 seven nurses were interviewed on the subject of information overload. Through a literary review relevant questions were formed for the interviews. The analysis of the answers were conducted from a table by Eppler and Mengis (2004) illustrating the causes of information overload. The table has five sub categories, personal factors, information characteristics, task and process parameters, organizational design and information technology. The study has a qualitative approach.</p><p>The result shows that the nurses at the ED are often affected by information overload, and that risk factors exist in all five sub categories mentioned above. Several nurses regularly experience symptoms caused by information overload, and this is a threat to patient safety at the ED. It also causes dissatisfaction in the daily work. Finally we conclude that a proper information plan is needed in order to find solutions to the problem. The information needs to be relevant and manageable to increase patient safety and the quality of care.</p>
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The "dark side" of OCB: Examining the relationship between citizenship behavior and work-to-family conflictKlein, Rebecca H 01 June 2007 (has links)
Research on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) has focused on the positive aspects of the construct, neglecting the possibility that individuals who engage in OCB may suffer negative consequences. Thus, the present study expands the literature by examining the possibility that OCB is also related to negative individual-level factors, such as work-to-family conflict (WIF). In a replication and extension of Bolino and Turnley's (2005) research, the present study offers an in-depth analysis of the relationship between OCB and WIF, examining two potential mediators (work time and role overload) and two potential moderators (gender and perceptions of OCB as discretionary). Two hundred and ninety-six participants, recruited from the alumni database of a large southeastern university, Craig's List, and a snowball approach, completed surveys. Additionally, supervisor-ratings of OCB were obtained for a sub-sample of 35 participants. Study hypotheses were tested using zero-order correlations and multiple regression analyses. No support was found for a relationship between OCB and WIF, nor was there support for the moderating role of gender and perceptions of OCB as discretionary. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as future directions, are discussed.
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Employees’ information-seeking behaviors in multicultural contexts : development of an advanced model including information overload, team-level factors, and cultural backgroundsCho, Jaehee Kyle, 1976- 02 June 2011 (has links)
The primary goal of the current study is to develop a more advanced model of information-seeking behaviors. For achieving this goal, it paid attention to two social phenomena characterizing contemporary society: informationalization and globalization. First, focusing on these two influential phenomena, this study investigated how individual-level factors—information overload, information ambiguity, and goal orientations—affected information-seeking behaviors among employees in a multinational corporation. Next, in addition to these individual predictors of information-seeking behaviors, this study explored the effects of two team-level factors—team task interdependence and team tenure—on the relationships between the main predictors and information-seeking behaviors. Last, paying more attention to the multicultural context, this study investigated how these employees in a multinational corporation seek task and feedback information from two culturally different sources: American direct advisors and Korean expatriates. In order to more thoroughly investigate the roles of the cultural backgrounds of information sources, this study explored how American employees perceived the cultural backgrounds of the two culturally different sources and how such perceptions influenced those employees’ information-seeking behaviors. / text
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Är "information overload" ett problem? : Medarbetares upplevelser av informationsmängden på ett informationsintensivt företagBolsöy, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Informationsmängden har i och med Internets utveckling accelererat, vilket påverkar klimatet på många arbetsplatser. Det fenomen som uppstår när en individ får svårigheter att hantera informationen brukar kallas ”information overload”. Särskilt i informationsintensiva miljöer finns en risk att informationsmängden kan orsaka information overload. Huvudsyftet med studien var att öka kunskapen om hur informationsmängden upplevs, hur den hanteras och hur den påverkar arbetsprestationen för individer på ett informationsintensivt företag. Ett delsyfte var att belysa om informationsmängden upplevs som stressande och om stressen påverkar informationshanteringen och arbetsprestationen för individerna. Som undersökningsmetod användes kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer som utfördes med fem medarbetare på en tidningsredaktion i Mellansverige. Analysen av intervjuerna genomfördes med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultaten visade att informationsmängden inte upplevdes som för stor. Respondenterna använde datorn samt vissa andra strategier för att hantera informationen. Man ansåg inte att arbetsprestationen påverkades av informationsmängden i någon större utsträckning. Stress ansågs inte uppstå på grund av informationsmängden utan snarare av störningar och avbrott i arbetet. Att arbetet kunde bli försenat pga. tidsbrist ansågs också stressande. Vid stress kunde vissa svårigheter med att t.ex. sortera informationen uppstå och enklare fel kunde göras. Trots att respondenterna uppgav att den externa informationen ökat de senaste tio åren upplevdes inte detta som ett problem. En slutsats som drogs är att det inte finns belägg för information overload bland respondenterna.
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Dual-response approach to work stress: An investigation of organisational stressors, individual moderators and wellbeing outcomes.Walls, Frances Grace January 2012 (has links)
This study demonstrates the complex place stress has in the workplace by investigating both positive (eustress) and negative (distress) stress responses. An international sample of 140 individuals was recruited from various industries and organisational levels and these individuals participated in a confidential online survey. A moderated mediation model was proposed in which organisational stressors (person-job fit and role overload) influenced employee affective wellbeing directly and indirectly through stress responses, moderated by individual factors (work-family conflict and self-efficacy). Person-job fit influenced eustress which had positive effects on employee affective wellbeing. Role overload influenced distress which negatively impacted affective wellbeing. Self-efficacy moderated these relationships, with high levels increasing stress responses both negative and positive. Work-family conflict moderated relationships by reducing the positive effect of eustress and increasing the negative effect of distress. The findings not only advance current knowledge but have implications for organisational stress management practices.
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The implementation and impact of the secondary science National Strategy : a single-school case study to explore the changes in classroom teaching styles and the responses of students to these initiativesLloyd-Staples, Chris January 2010 (has links)
The National Strategy for Science was progressively introduced from 2002 with the intention of providing a clear structure for improved delivery of the subject in secondary schools. Through a series of scripted training events, supported by printed resources, the intention was to provide science teachers with a clear framework for sequential teaching of key themes through the use of pedagogy intended to involve the students in their own learning. After several years, the nature of the National Strategy shifted to concentrate on the support of subject leaders, and the Strategy is planned to end in 2011. The current school cohorts have all experienced the teaching of science since the introduction of the Strategy, and should therefore have benefitted from the improved delivery, intended to create improved outcomes and more positive attitudes towards science. By means of a case study investigation in 2008 in a single school, the impact of the National Strategy was explored. By means of a range of qualitative methods, including questionnaires, interviews and lesson observations, it was possible to investigate the extent to which National Strategy ideas had become embedded in the daily routines of the science teachers, and the extent to which students viewed science positively. The study focused on Y7 (soon after entry to the school), Y9 (prior to the SATs examinations) and Y11 (during the run-up to GCSE). An initial study four years previously was used to provide an indication of changes during the life of the Strategy, and to indicate trends. In addition, sampling in other schools was used to determine whether the questionnaire results were atypical. The results showed that the Strategy had largely failed to become embedded in normal classroom practice, with little evidence of teachers making good use of the pedagogy or the structured delivery that was central to the Strategy message. The reasons for this failure were: • The expectation that centrally-delivered training would be effectively cascaded by one individual to other teachers in the school, • The failure to concentrate on a few simple messages or themes, repeatedly delivered and reinforced in subsequent training, • The introduction of a plethora of other initiatives, each demanding teacher time, and diluting efforts to focus attention on the National Strategy themes. As a result, the science teachers in 2008 showed less understanding of the Strategy than teachers in 2004, and their use of techniques such as the three-part lesson and enquiry-based learning were less evident. The Strategy was to be a mechanism to improve examination results and to improve student attitudes to science. The examination results are shown to be largely stagnant over this period 2003-2008, and the attitudes of students towards science are shown to become less positive during their time in secondary school. The key finding, therefore, is that the Strategy failed in its aims because it failed to listen to its own message. It failed to recognise that teachers, just as much as students, need simple messages, repeatedly delivered in innovative ways, in order to learn and fully internalise these ideas.
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Skaderegistrering inom ett juniorishockeylagLeopold, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet barn och ungdomar som deltar i organiserade idrotts- och fritidsaktiviteter ökar. Det ses också en ökning av intensiv träning i yngre åldrar. Detta kan leda till att barn och ungdomar utsätter sig själva för ökad risk för akuta skador och överbelastningsskador. Syfte: Att applicera och anpassa Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) svenska enkät till ett pojklag inom juniorishockey under en fyraveckorsperiod samt att genomföra en skaderegistrering mot de fysiska hälsoproblemen (akut skada, överbelastningsskada och sjukdom) och belysa dessa inom juniorishockey. Material och metod: Samtliga spelarna i ett pojklag (ålder 15-18) i ishockey fick under fyra veckors tid fylla i OSTRC enkät en gång i veckan. Enkäten berörde fysiska hälsoproblem så som akut skada, överbelastningsskada och sjukdom. Resultat: Ingen av deltagarna ansåg att det var svårt att fylla i enkäten och de inkluderande frågorna ansågs vara relevanta. Under studiens fyra veckor rappoterades det 47 (CI 62-41,2) fysiska hälsoproblem av 19 (76%) av deltagarna. Det sågs 14 akuta skador, 16 överbelastningskador och 10 sjukdomar under studiens fyra veckor. Konklusion: Konklusionen av denna studie är att prevalensen av skador i studien tyder på att skadegraden inom juniorishockeyn är högre än vad som tidigare beskrivits. Anpassningen av enkäten uppskattades av deltagarna. De beskrev att enkäten var lättförstålig och bra anpassad mot deras idrott. / Background. The number of children and youth that are involved in sports and leisure activities increases. As it seems the number of children who are involved in intense training also increases. This leads to that the number of children and youth who is exposed to overtraining and acute injuries increases as well. Objektiv: To apply and adjust the Swedish translated (Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) questionnarie to a men junior icehockeyteam during a four week period and also do a injury registration on the physical health problems (acute injury, overload injury and illness). Methods: A youth men icehockeyteam was monitored during a four week period. The players were asked to fill in a self-reporting questionnaire once a week. The questionnaire was designed to detect acute injuries, overload injuries and illness. Result: No players made any argument that the questionnarie was hard to fill in and all players thought the questions were relevant for there sport. During the four week studies there was 47 (CI 62-41,2) reported physical health problems on 19 (76%) of the players. 14 acute injuries, 16 overload injuries och 10 illness were reported. Conclusion: The conclusion of this studie is that the prevalence of injuries is higher in junior icehockey then described before. The adjustment of the questionnaire were appreciated by the players. They described that the questionnaire was easy to understand and were adjusted well to icehockey.
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No description available.
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Beslut som fattas är inte bättre än den information besluten grundas iSjöström, Rickard, Mårtensson, Emil, Karlsson, Linus January 2014 (has links)
Over the last 25 year IT development has greatly influenced the waycompanies are managed, the tremendous growth in the information society has made a huge amount of information extremely accessible. This has resulted in the problem of information overload where the large amount of information can affect the quality of a decision basis collected by a controller. The purpose of the study is to examine how a controller is affected by information overload and how this influences the decision basis. We intend to highlight the important elements to represent a high quality of information. A survey was conducted through a case study within a global affiliated company in the packaging industry. An adductive approach has been applied with a qualitative research method. Collected empirical material from interviews has been put into relation with existing theories. The case study indicates that there is no relationship between the problem of information overload and flawed decision basis. The study identified important factors in preventing problems with consolidation of information and how the controller use structures to deal with a huge amount of data. To deal with the problem several key factors has been identified: Subsystems that communicate with each other, structures within the ERP-system, transparency, well-defined templates andstandardized processes for how different tasks should be completed. / Bakgrund: IT-utvecklingen har under en 25-årsperiod kraftigt influerat hur företag styrs, den enorma tillväxten i informationssamhället har resulterat i att en enorm mängd information blivit oerhört lättillgänglig. Detta har resulterat i problem med informationsöverflöd där informationen blir för omfattande och således riskerar en controllers beslutsunderlag att brista i kvalité. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida en controller påverkas av informationsöverflöd och hur detta influerar på beslutsunderlag. Vi ämnar redogöra vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att ge hög informationskvalité. Metod: Undersökningen har genomförts genom en fallstudie på ett globalt koncernbolag inom förpackningsindustrin. Ett abduktivt angreppssätt har tillämpats med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Insamlat empiriskt material från intervjuer har ställts i relation till befintliga teorier. Slutsats: Fallstudiens resultat påvisar att något samband mellan informationsöverflöd och bristfälliga beslutsunderlag inte föreligger. Under studiens gång har det identifierats viktiga faktorer för att förebygga problem med konsolidering av information och hur controllers använder strukturer för att hantera stora mängder data. De nyckelfaktorer för att hantera problemet är: delsystem som kommunicerar med varandra, strukturer inom affärssystemet, transparens samt väldefinierade mallar och standardiserade processer för hur olika arbetsuppgifter ska gå till.
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The moderating effect of social support on the relation between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Charl Francois SieberhagenSieberhagen, Charl Francois January 2006 (has links)
Gold mining in South Africa has played a significant role in the economic
development of the country over the past 120 years. The continued focus on
productivity, recruitment and consolidation in the South African gold mining industry
will result in a decline in production. Much of the decline can be attributed to natural
attrition as the industry has moved from a mass employer of limited, contract,
unskilled labour, to an employer of more permanent, mostly semi-skilled or skilled
labour. The objective of this research was to investigate the reliability of measuring
instruments of social support, role overload (qualitative and quantitative), job
satisfaction and turnover intention for employees in the mining industry. Further
objectives included empirically determining whether social support has a moderating
effect on the relation between role overload and job satisfaction and turnover
A cross-sectional survey design was used. A random sample was taken from a South
African mining company (N=250). Gender and age were included as control
variables. Individuals on Paterson grading E band to C Upper (managers) were part of
the sample. Five measuring instruments were administrated. Descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.
The results obtained for the five scales proved the measuring instruments to be
reliable. The results show that when an employee feels that his/her work is more than
he/she can accomplish in the time available (quantitative role overload), the employee
will most probably also feel that his/her work requires skills, abilities and knowledge
beyond that of their own (qualitative role overload). It is also indicated that social
support from the supervisor increases the employee's positive attitude or pleasurable
emotional state towards his/her job or job experience (job satisfaction), as well as
heightens the probability of social support from colleagues. Furthermore, the more
positive the employee's attitude towards the job, the less the intention to stop working
will be (turnover intention). This intention to stop working will also be less when
social support from the supervisor is more and/or when the employee experiences less
feelings that his/her work is more than he/she can accomplish in the time available.
Turnover intention was predicted by social support from supervisor.
Job satisfaction was predicted by role overload (quantitative) and social support from
By way of conclusion, recommendations for future research are made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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