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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐月玲 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源為國家最重要之資產,而政府部門之人力資源以考試方式進用後,為充實初任人員之廉能素養與政府施政品質,除施以必要之訓練外,在整個公務生涯中,尚需施以有計畫之培訓,以提高整體人力素質,增進行政效能,適時回應人民多元之需要與服務。 高階文官須經過中階文官之歷練,尤其以擔任科長職務極為優秀者,並參加薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練成績及格,始有機會能晉升為簡任職務。因此,擔任簡任職務,往往成為公務人員職涯規劃的努力目標。 本研究係採取文獻研究法及次級資料分析法,以92年度至97年度受訓學員為研究範圍,並採Kirkpatrick的四層次評估模式進行本研究分析。 本研究發現,現行薦升簡訓練成績考核構面之生活管理成績、專題研討成績及案例書面寫作成績等3項,其中「案例書面寫作成績」分數為直接影響受訓學員訓練成績不及格之主要原因。研究結論並針對薦升簡訓練成績考核,分為訓練成績考核部分、課程設計部分及培訓制度部分等三部分提出研究建議。 / Human resources are the important assets in nation. Due to offering the high quality services for people, the government has to transact various trainings to promote the honest and upright of officials are employed by exams passing and the quality of management by politics. The superior junior rank officials have the qualification for getting the senior rank promotion training. When they pass the training and will acquire qualification of senior rank. The senior rank is the highest ranks in our civil servants frame, and it is the goal for civil servants pursuing. The database of this study is the trainees of training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank, then uses the literature analysis method and secondary analysis to extract the data for Kirkpatrick’s four levels model of evaluation which is the afterward procedure-performance evaluation. In this study, the performance evaluation factors of training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank are live management, seminar and letter report. The result shows that letter report is the key performance evaluation factors, and offers the suggestions for performance evaluation, courses design and training and development system in the training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank.


Hequn, Zhang, Rui, Wang January 2014 (has links)
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)  is the main research domain for making road transport safer and more comfortable. For the sake of increasing the benefits of ITS, projects about Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC)  system have been proposed to make communications among vehicles possible, to exchange traffic information and avoid accidents. In order to create communication network among vehicles or between vehicles and infrastructure,  Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) has been proposed. Many applications in VANETs need to send messages to vehicles within a specific geographic region. This behavior is called geocast and this specific geographic region is called the Zone of Relevance (ZOR). Some routing protocols which are related to Geocast have been proposed in literature for VANETs. So it is significant to evaluate and compare the performance of these known Geocast routing protocols. In this thesis, categories of the routing protocols, as well as communication forwarding schemes are introduced. The routing protocols in VANETs are also summarized and compared. In order to evaluate the performance of these protocols, the evaluation methods are proposed and then a Geocast routing simulator is designed and used to simulate the Geocast network environment and several Geocast routing protocols.

An analysis of the effect of marital/dependency status on retention, promotion, and on-the-job productivity of male Marine Corps officers / Analysis of the effect of marital and family status on retention, promotion, and on-the-job productivity of male Marine Corps officers

Cerman, Guray, Kaya, Bulent 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. / This thesis investigates the effect of marital and family status on the performance and job productivity of male U.S. Marine Corps officers. The analysis includes evaluation of fitness reports, retention, and promotion to O-4 and O-5 ranks as performance measures. The primary goal is to examine the existence of any marriage premium on officers' performance and productivity and to investigate potential causal hypotheses. The personnel database used for the analysis includes more than 27,000 male Marine officers who entered the Marine Corps between FY 1980 and 1999. After controlling for selection, estimating fixed effects and using panel data in order to capture timely-varying effects, this study finds that there is a marriage premium for all performance measures. The thesis rejects the explanation that such premiums are due to supervisor favoritism. Moreover, married male officers obtain higher fitness report scores, higher promotion probabilities, and higher retention probabilities than single officers. Each additional year spent in marriage increases fitness report scores and retention probabilities. Having additional non-spousal dependents increase fitness report scores and retention probabilities. On the other hand, being a currently single but "to-be-married" officer yields higher premium, as married officers, for all productivity and performance indicators. This supports selectivity into marriage as a partial explanation of the source of the marriage premium. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy / First Lieutenant, Turkish Army

Optimisation de la politique de lotissement et de séquencement pour une ligne de production soumise aux aléas / Optimization of a lot-sizing and sequencing problem for an imperfect production line

Schemeleva, Kseniya 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse concernent un problème delotissement et de séquencement pour une ligne de production imparfaite. Deux types d'aléas sont prisen compte : le rendement aléatoire (à cause des rebuts) et le temps d'exécution aléatoire (à cause despannes machines). Les temps de changement de série dépendant de la séquence des produits sontégalement pris en compte.Le problème est issu de d'une fabrication automatisée (usine-automate) des circuits impriméset il a été posé lors de la conception du système de gestion de production de l'atelier fabriquant lespartons conducteurs de plusieurs types. Étant donné que l'usine était complètement automatisée,l'atelier (comme le reste de l'usine) travaillait la plupart de la journée sans personnel autre que celui demaintenance, alors il fallait construire un planning de production pour les 24 heures suivantes. Ceplanning devait être répété chaque jour. Le problème consistait à définir les quantités optimales deproduits à traiter (tailles de lots) et l'ordre de passage des lots dans une ligne de production afind'optimiser un critère.Le problème traité appartient à trois domaines de recherche: 1) lotissement optimale pour lessystèmes de production imparfaits (ou lotissement sous incertitudes); 2) ordonnancement etlotissement déterministe; 3) ordonnancement avec des temps ou (et) coût de changement de série (setup).Dans la littérature scientifique nous trouvons beaucoup d’exemples de problèmes appartenant auun ou à l’intersection de deux de ces domaines. Par contre, nous n’avons pas trouvé les travaux quitraites de problèmes identiques au notre.Etant donné que le problème est trop compliqué tel qu’il est, nous avons cherché des façonsde son modélisation qui nous permettrons le résoudre. Nous avons trouvé trois cas où le problèmeinitial peut être décomposé en plusieurs parties, chacune entre lesquelles peut être transformé dans unproblème connu de la Recherche Opérationnelle. Ensuite nous avons travaillé que sur la partielotissement du problème décomposé tout en montrant comment les autres partis peuvent être résolus.Les problèmes de ce type sont très importants pour l’optimisation d’une chaine logistique.Ces résolutions aident d’organiser la production à la manière efficace, que permet aux entreprises defaire des gains financiers importants. / This thesis contains the research study of a multi-product lot-sizing and sequencing problemfor an imperfect production line. Two types of uncertainties were taken into account: the random yield(because of defective items) and random lead time (due to machine breakdowns). The sequencedependent set-up time between different products was also taken into account.This problem came from the electronics industry, more precisely from the automatedmanufacturing of several types of Printed Circuit Board. Since the plant was completely automated,the considered production line (like the rest of the plant) worked most of the day without any otherstaff but maintenance one, so it was necessary to consider a production schedule for the next 24 hours.This schedule was repeated every day. The problem was to define the optimal quantities of productsto be manufactured (lot sizes) and the sequence of these lots to optimize a given factor. The problemaddressed belongs to three research domains: 1) optimal lot-sizing for the imperfect productionsystems (or lot-sizing under uncertainty), 2) deterministic lot-sizing and scheduling, 3) schedulingwith set-up times or (and) costs. In the literature we can find many examples of problems belonging toone or the intersection of two of these areas. But we did not find any work that deals with similarproblem to ours.Since the problem is too complicated as it is, we looked for ways of modeling it, which wouldhave allowed us to solve it. We found three cases where the original problem could be decomposedinto several parts, each of which could be converted to a known problem of Operations Research.Then we worked on the lot-sizing part of the decomposed problem. Meanwhile, we showed how otherparties could be resolved.These kinds of problems are very important for a supply chain optimizing. Their solutionshelp to organize an efficient production, which in turn allows to make significant financial gains tocompany.

Estimation, Decision and Applications to Target Tracking

Liu, Yu 20 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation mainly consists of three parts. The first part proposes generalized linear minimum mean-square error (GLMMSE) estimation for nonlinear point estimation. The second part proposes a recursive joint decision and estimation (RJDE) algorithm for joint decision and estimation (JDE). The third part analyzes the performance of sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) when the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) are independent but not identically distributed. The linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) estimation plays an important role in nonlinear estimation. It searches for the best estimator in the set of all estimators that are linear in the measurement. A GLMMSE estimation framework is proposed in this disser- tation. It employs a vector-valued measurement transform function (MTF) and finds the best estimator among all estimators that are linear in MTF. Several design guidelines for the MTF based on a numerical example were provided. A RJDE algorithm based on a generalized Bayes risk is proposed in this dissertation for dynamic JDE problems. It is computationally efficient for dynamic problems where data are made available sequentially. Further, since existing performance measures for estimation or decision are effective to evaluate JDE algorithms, a joint performance measure is proposed for JDE algorithms for dynamic problems. The RJDE algorithm is demonstrated by applications to joint tracking and classification as well as joint tracking and detection in target tracking. The characteristics and performance of SPRT are characterized by two important functions—operating characteristic (OC) and average sample number (ASN). These two functions have been studied extensively under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) LLR, which is too stringent for many applications. This dissertation relaxes the requirement of identical distribution. Two inductive equations governing the OC and ASN are developed. Unfortunately, they have non-unique solutions in the general case. They do have unique solutions in two special cases: (a) the LLR sequence converges in distributions and (b) the LLR sequence has periodic distributions. Further, the analysis can be readily extended to evaluate the performance of the truncated SPRT and the cumulative sum test.

Modèles d’évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques / Models for assessing economic, environmental and social performances in supply chains

Baumann, Emilie 10 May 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente un cadre d’évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques. Nous avons proposé un modèle de caractérisation de la performance « globale », intégrant les trois performances liées au développement durable (économique, environnementale et sociale) dans les chaînes logistiques. Ce modèle nous a permis d’analyser les impacts des pratiques de gestion des chaînes logistiques sur un ensemble d’enjeux durables, matérialisés par la Matrice de Performance Globale des Chaînes Logistiques (MPGCL). Un modèle analytique permet ensuite d’évaluer ces impacts sous une forme agrégée par un triplet : . Trois instanciations de la MPGCL ont été réalisées : académique (basée sur l’analyse de la littérature), industrielle (basé sur des référentiels industriels) et empirique (suite à une enquête de terrain). Une approche multicritère d’aide à la décision pour le choix des pratiques à mettre en œuvre (CAMPLID) a été proposée. Son application sur les instances de MPGCL permet un classement de bonnes pratiques des chaînes logistiques basé sur l’amélioration simultanée, et selon différentes stratégies, des trois performances économique, environnementale et sociale. Une étude plus spécifique selon une approche par simulation de l’impact des pratiques d’approvisionnement (approvisionnement individuel / mutualisé, différentes règles de réapprovisionnement) sur des enjeux durables complète ce travail. / This thesis presents a framework for assessing economic, environmental and social performances in supply chains. We propose a characterization model for "global" performance, integrating the three performances related to sustainable development (economic, environmental and social) in supply chains. This model allows us to analyze the impacts of management practices in supply chains on a set of sustainability fields, materialized by the Global Performance Matrix of Supply Chain (MPGCL). An analytical model is used to evaluate these impacts in aggregate form by a triplet. Three instantiations of MPGCL are carried out: academic, industrial and empirical. A multicriteria decision-making approach for selecting practices to implement (CAMPLID) is proposed. Its application to MPGCL instances allows a ranking of supply chains best practices, based on the simultaneous improvement of the economic, environmental and social performances. A more specific study in a simulation of the supply practices (individual/shared supply, different rules replenishment) impacts on sustainability fields complete this work.

Quel dispositif d'évaluation de la performance pour les universités vietnamiennes ? / What evaluation device the performance of universities in Vietnam?

Dao, Thi Hong 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet l'étude de la problématique de la mise en œuvre d'une démarche d'évaluer la performance dans le contexte des établissements d'enseignement supérieur au Vietnam. La performance est le fer de lance de la stratégie de développement de l'éducation nationale contribuant au développement économique et social du pays d'une part, à la compétitivité de l'enseignement supérieur vietnamien plus spécifiquement d'autre part. En fait, la performance des universités est un sujet complexe et d’actualité. Elle se situe au centre des débats de l’heure au Vietnam, mais aussi ailleurs. Cette complexité résulte, d’une part, de la nature systémique des établissements universitaires et, d’autre part, de l’absence d’un consensus sur une définition précise de leur performance : l’évaluation de la performance de ces institutions s’avère ainsi difficile à réaliser. Il est important d’identifier comment examiner l’évaluation des performances des universités et les moyens d’améliorer. Le problème le plus difficile dans l’élaboration d’un modèle d’évaluation de la performance généralisable qui reflètent une évaluation pondérée de toutes les différentes dimensions. Le modèle d’évaluation que nous formulons permettre de clarifier des dimensions de la performance globale d’une université et la prise en compte des attentes des parties prenantes. Nous avons fourni aussi des dispositifs pour l’évaluation de la performance des universités vietnamiennes pour que les établissements d’enseignement supérieur puissent contrôler et gérer facilement un processus d’évaluation de la performance la plus complexe et d’évaluer des établissements d’enseignement supérieur / The aim of this research is to study the issue of the implementation of a performance evaluation approach in the context of higher education institutions in Vietnam. Performance is the spearhead of the development strategy of national education contributing to the economic and social development of the country on the one hand and the competitiveness of Vietnamese higher education more specifically on the other hand. In fact, the performance of universities is a challenging and timely theme. It is at the center of the debates of the hour in Vietnam, but also elsewhere. This complexity results, on the one hand, from the systemic nature of the academic institutions and, on the other, from the lack of consensus on a precise definition of their performance: It is difficult to assess the performance of these institutions. It is important to identify how to review the performance evaluation of universities and how to improve. The most difficult problem in developing a generalizable performance assessment model that reflects a weighted assessment of all the different dimensions. The evaluation model that we formulate can clarify the dimensions of a university's overall performance and take into account the expectations of stakeholders on each of the decoupled dimensions. We have also provided mechanisms for evaluating the performance of Vietnamese universities so that higher education institutions can easily monitor and manage a more complex performance appraisal process and evaluate institutions of higher learning in all aspects

Dimensões estratégicas de recursos humanos e gestão de desempenho em uma empresa pública de pesquisa e desenvolvimento / Strategic dimensions of human resources and performance management in a public company for research and development

Sentanin, Odemilson Fernando 29 May 2012 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo investigar como as dimensões estratégicas da gestão de recursos humanos - trabalho em equipe, aprendizagem organizacional e cultura organizacional - contribuem para o processo de gestão de desempenho na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa, com propostas de ações que auxiliem as organizações que realizam processos de inovação e gestão do conhecimento, a avançarem em práticas organizacionais que possibilitem a utilização da gestão de desempenho como uma ferramenta eficaz na consecução de sua estratégia. A partir de uma fundamentação teórica, objetivando a consolidação dos principais conceitos utilizados na pesquisa, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo constituindo-se de uma fase qualitativa e outra quantitativa. As variáveis definidas em função da fundamentação teórica foram utilizadas para análise dos resultados obtidos com a aplicação de uma survey junto aos funcionários da Embrapa Instrumentação e aos Setores de Gestão de Pessoas - SGP das unidades de pesquisa da Embrapa. A fase qualitativa constituiu-se de um estudo de caso na própria Embrapa com a participação do Departamento de Gestão de Pessoas da empresa. Os resultados possibilitam constatar a importância da contribuição das dimensões estratégicas de recursos humanos para a efetividade do processo de avaliação de desempenho como ferramenta que auxilia na consecução da estratégia organizacional. / This thesis aims to investigate how the strategic dimensions of human resource management teamwork, organizational learning and organizational culture - contribute to the process of performance management at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa, with proposals for action that help organizations that carry out processes of innovation and knowledge management, to move forward in organizational practices that allow the use of performance management as an effective tool in achieving its strategy. From a theoretical basis, aiming at the consolidation of key concepts used in the research, it was conducted a field survey composed by a qualitative and a quantitative phase. The variables derived from theoretical foundation were applied to analyze the results obtained with the application of a survey among the employees from Embrapa Instrumentation and People Management Sectors from Embrapa´s units. The qualitative phase consisted of a case study of Embrapa itself with the participation of the People Management Department. The results allow to establish the importance of the contribution of the strategic dimensions of human resources for effectiveness of the process of performance evaluation as a tool that assists in the achievement of organizational strategy.

Qualidade ambiental interna e satisfação dos usuários de agências bancárias certifcadas verdes e similares convencionais em São Paulo / Indoor environmental quality and user satisfaction of green buildings and similar conventional building banks in Sao Paulo

Sant\'Anna, Daniele Ornaghi 23 April 2015 (has links)
Esta tese consiste em um estudo comparativo sobre qualidade ambiental interna e satisfação dos usuários de greenbuildings e similares convencionais. A amostra de greenbuildings (edifícios certificados verdes) foi estratificada para agências bancárias paulistas, localizadas na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, certificadas pelo selo verde LEED NC - e agências similares convencionais - cujo período de funcionamento fosse superior a um ano - intervalo mínimo requerido pelo método de avaliação pós-ocupação, adotado neste trabalho.Foram realizados levantamentos nos edifícios escolhidos, bem como aplicados questionários fechados e semifechados com perguntas direcionadas à satisfação e ao conforto dos usuários - funcionários e clientes - bem como medições de conforto ambiental inloco (temperatura, umidade, iluminância e nível de ruído). Foi efetuada análise estatística nos dados obtidos posteriormente a aplicação dos questionários e dos estudos de conforto ambiental, sendo estas medições comparadas também às normas e recomendações vigentes. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que os funcionários dos edifícios certificados verdes se sentem mais satisfeitos com a empresa e consideram a qualidade ambiental interna superior aos seus edifícios similares convencionais; e que os clientes não percebem diferenças entre as edificações. Em relação à avaliação física, foram constatados elevados níveis de ruído em todos os edifícios estudados, indistintamente, acima das normas vigentes. Quanto ao conforto térmico, o sistema de condicionamento de ar manteve maior homogeneidade de temperatura nos edifícios certificados verdes, contudo os edifícios convencionais também se mantiveram na zona de conforto térmico. E no que se refere ao conforto luminoso, embora os valores de iluminância nos edifícios certificados verdes tenham se mostrado mais expressivo, ambas as tipologias se adequaram as normas vigentes. / This thesis is a comparative study on indoor environmental quality and user satisfaction in green buildings and conventional counterparts.The green buildings´ sample (green certified buildings) was stratified to São Paulo bank branches located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, certified by green certification LEED NC - conventional and similar agencies - whose operating period was more than a year - minimum interval required by post-occupancy evaluation method adopted in this work.Surveys were conducted in selected buildings and applied closed semi-enclosed and questionnaires with questions directed to the satisfaction and comfort of users - employees and customers - as well as environmental comfort measurements in loco (temperature, humidity, illuminance and noise level). Statistical analysis was performed on the data obtained by the questionnaires and environmental comfort studies - measurements also compared to standards and recommendations. Based on the results, thefounds indicates that green certified buildings employees are more satisfied with the company and consider the indoor environmental quality superior to their conventional counterparts\' buildings; and that customers do not perceive differences between the buildings.Regarding physical evaluation, high noise levels observed in all buildings, without distinction, was above the current standards. As for the thermal comfort air conditioning system kept higher temperature homogeneity in the green certificates buildings, but also conventional buildings have remained in the thermal comfort zone. In addition, when it comes to lighting comfort, although the illuminance values in green certified buildings have been more expressive, both types are suited to local regulations.

Avaliação de desempenho para seleção de abordagens visando à composição automática de web services em arquiteturas orientadas a serviços e com QoS / Performance evaluation for selection of approaches aimed at automatic composition of web services in service-oriented architectures and with QoS

Kuehne, Bruno Tardiole 23 February 2015 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado tem como objetivo principal, a proposta de um sistema onde é possível avaliar abordagens diferentes para composição automática de Web services, baseando-se em parâmetros de QoS que dependem da execução para serem medidos. O objetivo foi atingido por meio da implementação de um sistema denominado AWSCS (Automatic Web Service Composition System). O AWSCS é um sistema onde é possível implementar abordagens diferentes para composição automática de Web services e também executar os fluxos resultantes dessas abordagens. Com o objetivo de demonstrar os resultados desta tese de doutorado, foram elaborados cenários, onde fluxos empíricos foram construídos para fazer a demonstração do funcionamento do AWSCS, uma vez que algoritmos para composição automática não foram encontrados para download na literatura. Com os resultados foi possível fazer um estudo do comportamento da execução de fluxos de Web services compostos, quando fluxos com mesma funcionalidade, mas estratégias de solução do problema diferentes foram comparados. Além disso, foi possível observar a influência das cargas aplicadas no sistema em execução, uma vez que o tipo de carga submetida ao sistema é um fator importante para se definir qual abordagem para composição de Web services pode levar ao melhor desempenho, de acordo com o ambiente e tipos de cargas que ele vai receber, quando em produção. / This PhD thesis has as main goal the propose of a system where it is possible to evaluate different approaches for automatic composition ofWeb services, based on QoS parameters that depend on the execution to be measured. The goal was reached by means of the implementation of a system named AWSCS (Automatic Web Service Composition System). The AWSCS is a system where it is possible to implement different approaches for automatic composition of Web services and also to execute the resulting flows from these approaches. Aiming at demonstrating the results of this PhD thesis different scenarios were developed, where empirical flows were built to demonstrate the operation of AWSCS, once algorithms for automatic composition were not found to download in the literature,. With the results it was possible to study the behavior of running composite Web services, when flows with the same functionality but different problem-solving strategies were compared. Furthermore it was possible to observe the influence of the load applied on the running system once the type of load submitted to the system is an important factor to define which approach for the Web service composition can take to the best performance according to the environment and types of load it will receive when in production.

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