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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental and modelling evaluation of an ammonia-fuelled microchannel reactor for hydrogen generation / Steven Chiuta

Chiuta, Steven January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, ammonia (NH3) decomposition was assessed as a fuel processing technology for producing on-demand hydrogen (H2) for portable and distributed fuel cell applications. This study was motivated by the present lack of infrastructure to generate H2 for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. An overview of past and recent worldwide research activities in the development of reactor technologies for portable and distributed hydrogen generation via NH3 decomposition was presented in Chapter 2. The objective was to uncover the principal challenges relating to the state-of-the-art in reactor technology and obtain a basis for future improvements. Several important aspects such as reactor design, operability, power generation capacity and efficiency (conversion and energy) were appraised for innovative reactor technologies vis-à-vis microreactors, monolithic reactors, membrane reactors, and electrochemical reactors (electrolyzers). It was observed that substantial research effort is required to progress the innovative reactors to commercialization on a wide basis. The use of integrated experimental-mathematical modelling approach (useful in attaining accurately optimized designs) was notably non-existent for all reactors throughout the surveyed openliterature. Microchannel reactors were however identified as a transformative reactor technology for producing on-demand H2 for PEM cell applications. Against this background, miniaturized H2 production in a stand-alone ammonia-fuelled microchannel reactor (reformer) washcoated with a commercial Ni-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst (ActiSorb® O6) was demonstrated successfully in Chapter 3. The reformer performance was evaluated by investigating the effect of reaction temperature (450–700 °C) and gas-hourly-space-velocity (6 520–32 600 Nml gcat -1 h-1) on key performance parameters including NH3 conversion, residual NH3 concentration, H2 production rate, and pressure drop. Particular attention was devoted to defining operating conditions that minimised residual NH3 in reformate gas, while producing H2 at a satisfactory rate. The reformer operated in a daily start-up and shut-down (DSS)-like mode for a total 750 h comprising of 125 cycles, all to mimic frequent intermittent operation envisaged for fuel cell systems. The reformer exhibited remarkable operation demonstrating 98.7% NH3 conversion at 32 600 Nml gcat -1 h-1 and 700 °C to generate an estimated fuel cell power output of 5.7 We and power density of 16 kWe L-1 (based on effective reactor volume). At the same time, reformer operation yielded low pressure drop (<10 Pa mm-1) for all conditions considered. Overall, the microchannel reformer performed sufficiently exceptional to warrant serious consideration in supplying H2 to low-power fuel cell systems. In Chapter 4, hydrogen production from the Ni-Pt-washcoated ammonia-fuelled microchannel reactor was mathematically simulated in a three-dimensional (3D) CFD model implemented via Comsol Multiphysics™. The objective was to obtain an understanding of reaction-coupled transport phenomena as well as a fundamental explanation of the observed microchannel reactor performance. The transport processes and reactor performance were elucidated in terms of velocity, temperature, and species concentration distributions, as well as local reaction rate and NH3 conversion profiles. The baseline case was first investigated to comprehend the behavior of the microchannel reactor, then microstructural design and operating parameters were methodically altered around the baseline conditions to explore the optimum values (case-study optimization). The modelling results revealed that an optimum NH3 space velocity (GHSV) of 65.2 Nl gcat -1 h-1 yields 99.1% NH3 conversion and a power density of 32 kWe L-1 at the highest operating temperature of 973 K. It was also shown that a 40-μm-thick porous washcoat was most desirable at these conditions. Finally, a low channel hydraulic diameter (225 μm) was observed to contribute to high NH3 conversion. Most importantly, mass transport limitations in the porouswashcoat and gas-phase were found to be negligible as depicted by the Damköhler and Fourier numbers, respectively. The experimental microchannel reactor produced 98.2% NH3 conversion and a power density of 30.8 kWe L-1 when tested at the optimum operating conditions established by the model. Good agreement with experimental data was observed, so the integrated experimental-modeling approach used here may well provide an incisive step toward the efficient design of ammonia-fuelled microchannel reformers. In Chapter 5, the prospect of producing H2 via ammonia (NH3) decomposition was evaluated in an experimental stand-alone microchannel reactor wash-coated with a commercial Cs-promoted Ru/Al2O3 catalyst (ACTA Hypermec 10010). The reactor performance was investigated under atmospheric pressure as a function of reaction temperature (723–873 K) and gas-hourly-space-velocity (65.2–326.1 Nl gcat -1 h-1). Ammonia conversion of 99.8% was demonstrated at 326.1 Nl gcat -1 h-1 and 873 K. The H2 produced at this operating condition was sufficient to yield an estimated fuel cell power output of 60 We and power density of 164 kWe L-1. Overall, the Ru-based microchannel reactor outperformed other NH3 microstructured reformers reported in literature including the Ni-based system used in Chapter 3. Furthermore, the microchannel reactor showed a superior performance against a fixed-bed tubular microreactor with the same Ru-based catalyst. Overall, the high H2 throughput exhibited may promote widespread use of the Ru-based micro-reaction system in high-power applications. Four peer-reviewed journal publications and six conference publications resulted from this work. / PhD (Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Exploring the value of business intelligence using a second generation balanced scorecard approach

Eybers, Susanna S. A. 02 1900 (has links)
As with many new technology implementations before, Business Intelligence (BI) implementations have come under scrutiny in terms of the value added to organisations. The latest academic research uses various different ‘traditional financial methods’ such as the Return on Investment (ROI) calculations to determine the value of investments. In some instances customized measurement tools are proposed as a result of empirical studies conducted. The main objective of this study is to perform qualitative investigation on the theoretical value of BI implementations in organisations. If it is assumed that BI does add value to organisations, the primary research question aims to investigate how this value is added. A balanced scorecard second generation approach is used as theoretical framework in order to address the question. This approach is also known as strategy mapping. The research process starts with an extensive literature review on the topic of BI value evaluations and BI related balanced scorecards and strategy maps. As a result, various theoretical and practical research contributions are produced. One of the theoretical contributions includes an inventory of previous academic literature on the topic of BI value evaluations. This inventory is also presented diagrammatically. A preliminary version of the BI balanced scorecard is developed and used as foundation for a semi-structured interview template to investigate the value of BI in organisations.\ The semi-structured interview template was used as primary data generation instrument to gather data for this multiple-case study project. Four organisations participated in the study. The data obtained from the study was analysed and presented using an updated version of the theoretical framework of the study and was labelled as the intermediate version of the scorecard. The intermediate version of the BI balanced scorecard provided valuable input towards investigating how value was achieved as a result of BI implementations. These results were verified as part of a final verification process through a consultation process with the same study participants. A final version of the BI balanced scorecard is presented and included in a complete BI value solution. This version of the balanced scorecard is also a valuable practical contribution of the study. The verified results of the investigation indicated the following:- (1) BI adds value to organisations in all four perspectives of the organisation, namely the business value perspective, user orientation perspective, operational excellence perspective as well as the future orientation perspective. (2) Furthermore, the study confirmed that BI adds value to organisations through a number of benefits including an increase in sales and compliance to regulatory requirements (to name a few). (3) However, the study also indicated that value-related studies must adopt a holistic approach in an attempt to cater for the many facets of the topic. (4) Despite the challenge of implementing BI in organisations, the perceived value of BI implementations amongst senior management remained positive. This was supported by the continuous implementation of new BI projects in organisations. (5) There was a definite relationship between BI implementations and organisational performance. This is evident through the positive impact on sales figures, risk and compliance management and operational management. The study contributes to the broader field of Information Systems (IS) in numerous ways. Firstly the research discovers gaps in existing research, then proposes a method to investigate the research question as a result of the gaps identified, and -iiiuses this method as a tool to investigate the problem. The main contribution of the study is to contribute to the body of knowledge by investigating the value of business intelligence to organisations. / College of Engineering, Science & Technology / D. Litt et. Phil. (Information Systems)

The evaluation of Omega as an effective tool for portfolio evaluation in the South African context

De Wet, Ronel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Omega function is a relatively newly developed performance measure, falling within the class of downside risk measures. This measure does not make any assumptions regarding the return distributions evaluated, but incorporates the actual return distribution in its calculation. The sensitivity of this measure to simulated changes within the class of stable distributions was tested, within the range of parameters that was evident in the South African investment environment. The Omega and Sharpe ratios that were calculated for these distributions were ranked and compared. Even though the rankings were similar, discrepancies did occur. On investigation it was found that these discrepancies were caused by the inability of the Sharpe measure to differentiate between increased volatility caused by higher probability weighted gains (or positive skewness) and losses, as the Sharpe ratio penalises funds for volatility. The simulated tests were extended to various distributions, which have different risk profiles and distribution shapes, and ranked. A higher incidence of ranking differences occurred due to the inability of the Sharpe ratio to differentiate between gains and losses, correctly account for the risk of positively skewed distributions and lastly due to negative Sharpe ratios, caused by the average realised returns being exceeded by the threshold (target) rate, resulting in incorrect rankings. Comparison of rankings based on the Sharpe and Omega measures was performed on the class of general equity unit trusts over a five-year period, which resulted in statistically similar rankings. In extending the evaluation over shorter periods, the ran kings were still statistically similar, even though some differences were noteworthy. As the returns became more variable, the Omega measure captured this variation and risk whilst the Sharpe ratio was unable to, as its formulation is limited to two statistics, thus losing all this additional information. Normally performance evaluation is not initiated with a detailed analysis of the return distributions in order to determine which performance measure is more appropriate. The Omega measure incorporates the distribution into the calculation, which is not the case with the Sharpe measure. Therefore, even if the distributions are normal, the Omega measure gives exacty the same result as the Sharpe measure. However, where return distributions diverge from normality, we can be certain that the Omega measure will correctly incorporate the divergence, whilst it has been shown that in certain instances the Sharpe measure does not. The Omega measure adds another dimension to risk-adjusted performance evaluation and should be incorporated in the evaluation process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Omega-funksie, wat as 'n afwaartse risikomaatstaf geklassifiseer word, is 'n relatiewe nuut-ontwikkelde prestasiemaatstaf. Hierdie maatstaf maak nie enige aannames ten opsigte van die opbrengsverdelings wat ge-evalueer word nie, maar inkorporeer die werklike opbrengsverdeling in die berekening. Die sensitiwiteit van hierdie maatstaf tot gesimuleerde veranderinge in die klas van stabiele verdelings is getoets, binne die parameters van toepassing in die Suid Afrikaanse beleggingsomgewing. Die Omega- en Sharpe-maatstawe is bereken, georden en vergelyk. Alhoewel die rangordes meestal dieselfde was, het verskille in sommige gevalle voorgekom. Hierdie verskille is veroorsaak deur die onvermoe van die Sharpe-maatstaf om te onderskei tussen verhoogde volatiliteit veroorsaak deur 'n hoer waarskynlikheidsgeweegde wins, of positiewe skeefheid en verliese. Die Sharpe-maatstaf penaliseer alle volatiliteit. Die gesimuleerde toetse is uitgebrei na alternatiewe verdelings wat verskillende risikoprofiele het en is weereens georden. Weereens was die rangordes meestal dieselfde. Die verskille wat plaasgevind het, is veroorsaak deur die onvermoe van die Sharpe-maatstaf om tussen winste en verliese te onderskei, positiewe skeefheid korrek te verdiskonteer en laastens om negatiewe Sharpe-verhoudings in die korrekte rangorde te plaas. 'n Vergelyking van die rangordes van die Sharpe- en Omega-maatstawe is gedoen op die algemene effektetrusts oor 'n tydperk van vyf jaar. Die rangordes in geheel was statisties dieselfde. Hierdie toetse is vervolgens uitgebrei om korter tydperke in te sluit, wat weereens in geheel statisties dieselfde korrelasie getoon het, maar 'n paar individuele portefeuljes se rangordes het heelwat verskil. Soos die opbrengste gevarieer het, kon die Omega-maatstaf hierdie variasies en risiko verdiskonteer terwyl die Sharpe-maatstaf nie in staat was om hierdie risiko te verdiskonteer nie, aangesien sy formulering beperk is tot twee statistieke wat 'n verlies van inligting tot gevolg het. Normaalweg word prestasie-beoordeling nie begin met 'n gedetailleerde analise van die opbrengsverdelings om te bepaal watter prestasie-maatstaf meer toepaslik is nie. Die Omega-maatstaf inkorporeer die verdeling in die berekening, wat nie die geval is met die Sharpe-maatstaf nie. AI is die opbrengsverdelings normaal, gee die Omega-maatstaf dieselfde resultate as die Sharpe-maatstaf. Waar die verdelings egter afwyk van normaal, weet ons dat die Omega-maatstaf die afwykings korrek verdiskonteer, terwyl dit bewys is dat die Sharpe-maatstaf in sekere omstandighede nie die afwykings korrek verdiskonteer nie. Die Omega-maatstaf voeg 'n verdere dimensie by risiko-aangepaste prestasiemeting en behoort dus ingesluit te word in die evauleringsproses.

Συστημική προσέγγιση της αξιολόγησης επίδοσης ενός οργανισμού σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας

Σγουρού, Εύα 06 December 2013 (has links)
Η τακτική ανασκόπηση και αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης ενός οργανισμού σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας αποτελεί απαραίτητη διεργασία για την αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των θεμάτων αυτών. Η αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης είναι στενά συνδεδεμένη με την παρακολούθηση, που στην περίπτωση της εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας γίνεται μέσω δεικτών, αποτελεσμάτων και προληπτικών. Και οι δύο διεργασίες έχουν ως στόχο την παροχή πληροφοριών για την τρέχουσα επίδοση και την υποστήριξη αποφάσεων για τη βελτίωσή της. Ωστόσο, η βασική διαφορά τους έγκειται στο ότι η παρακολούθηση αποτελεί μία «περιγραφική» διεργασία, που κυρίως επικεντρώνεται σε διαδικασίες και αποτελέσματα, ενώ η αξιολόγηση αποτελεί μία «ερμηνευτική» διεργασία, που εξετάζει σε βάθος τις αλληλεπιδράσεις παραγόντων και προσπαθεί να ανακαλύψει τα αίτια που οδηγούν σε συγκεκριμένες ενέργειες ή αποτελέσματα. Η παρούσα διατριβή αφορά τη συστημική προσέγγιση που απαιτείται για την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή μιας διεργασίας αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση, η διατριβή εξετάζει αρχικά τις θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις πάνω στο αντικείμενο της αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα ασφάλειας, και τις επαναπροσδιορίζει μέσα από το πρίσμα της ολιστικής προσέγγισης στα θέματα διαχείρισης της ασφάλειας. Η διατριβή στοχεύει κυρίως στη διαμόρφωση ενός θεωρητικού πλαισίου με βασικές θέσεις για τη συστημική προσέγγιση επιμέρους θεμάτων που σχετίζονται με την αξιολόγηση, όπως είναι το επίπεδο της ανάλυσης, οι αλληλεπιδράσεις παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν ή σχετίζονται με τη διαχείριση της ασφάλειας, η καθιέρωση κριτηρίων αξιολόγησης που να προκύπτουν μέσα από μια συμμετοχική διεργασία και να αντανακλούν τον συμβιβασμό μεταξύ διαφορετικών απόψεων και αντιλήψεων. Για την επικύρωση του θεωρητικού πλαισίου, προτείνεται η εφαρμογή της Μεθόδου Μαλακών Συστημάτων (Soft Systems Methodology), η οποία χρησιμοποιείται για την ανάπτυξη και την εφαρμογή μίας διεργασίας αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας σε έναν συγκεκριμένο δημόσιο οργανισμό. / Regular review and evaluation of an organisation’s occupational health and safety performance are essential processes for the effective safety management. Performance evaluation is closely related to monitoring, which, in the case of occupational health and safety is done through reactive and proactive indicators. Both processes, monitoring and evaluation, aim at providing information on the current performance, and at supporting decisions on safety improvement actions. However, their basic difference is based on the fact that monitoring is a “descriptive” process, which is mainly focused on procedures and results, while evaluation is an “interpretivistic” process, which explores the inter-relations of safety related factors and seeks to identify the causes of particular actions or results. The present thesis discusses the systemic approach required for the development and implementation of an occupational health and safety evaluation process. Towards this purpose, the various theoretical positions on the subject of safety performance evaluation are initially examined and redefined through the lens of a holistic safety management approach. This thesis aims mainly at formulating a theoretical framework consisted of basic positions on the systemic approach of specific issues related with safety performance evaluation, such as: level of analysis, inter-relations of safety related factors, evaluation criteria selected through a participatory process, thus reflecting the compromise between different views and beliefs. For the validation of this theoretical framework, Soft Systems Methodology is proposed and implemented for the development and implementation of an occupational health and safety performance evaluation process in a particular organization of the public sector.

Using link layer information to enhance mobile IP handover mechanism : an investigation into the design, analysis and performance evaluation of the enhanced mobile IP handover mechanism using link layer information schemes in the IP environment

Alnas, Mohamed Jimaa Ramadan January 2010 (has links)
Mobile computing is becoming increasingly important, due to the rise in the number of portable computers and the desire to have continuous network connectivity to the Internet, irrespective of the physical location of the node. We have also seen a steady growth of the market for wireless communication devices. Such devices can only have the effect of increasing the options for making connections to the global Internet. The Internet infrastructure is built on top of a collection of protocols called the TCP/IP protocol suite. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are the core protocols in this suite. There are currently two standards: one to support the current IPv4 and one for the upcoming IPv6 [1]. IP requires the location of any node connected to the Internet to be uniquely identified by an assigned IP address. This raises one of the most important issues in mobility because, when a node moves to another physical location, it has to change its IP address. However, the higher-level protocols require the IP address of a node to be fixed for identifying connections. The Mobile Internet Protocol (Mobile IP) is an extension to the Internet Protocol proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that addresses this issue. It enables mobile devices to stay connected to the Internet regardless of their locations, without changing their IP addresses and, therefore, an ongoing IP session will not be interrupted [2, 3, 4]. More precisely, Mobile IP is a standard protocol that builds on the Internet Protocol by making mobility transparent to applications and higher-level protocols like TCP. However, before Mobile IP can be broadly deployed, there are still several technical barriers, such as long handover periods and packet loss that have to be overcome, in addition to other technical obstacles, including handover performance, security issues and routing efficiency [7]. This study presents an investigation into developing new handover mechanisms based on link layer information in Mobile IP and fast handover in Mobile IPv6 environments. The main goal of the developed mechanisms is to improve the overall IP mobility performance by reducing packet loss, minimizing signalling overheads and reducing the handover processing time. These models include the development of a cross-layer handover scheme using link layer information and Mobile Node (MN) location information to improve the performance of the communication system by reducing transmission delay, packet loss and registration signalling overheads. Finally, the new schemes are developed, tested and validated through a set of experiments to demonstrate the relative merits and capabilities of these schemes.

Satellite multiple access protocols for land mobile terminals : a study of the multiple access environment for land mobile satellite terminals, including the design analysis and simulation of a suitable protocol and the evaluation of its performance in a U.K. system

Fenech, Hector Tony January 1987 (has links)
This thesis is a study of multiple access schemes for satellite land mobile systems that provide a domestic or regional service to a large number of small terminals. Three orbit options are studied, namely the geostationary, elliptical (Molniya) and inclined circular orbits. These are investigated for various mobile applications and the choice of the Molniya orbit is justified for a U. K. system. Frequency, Time and Code Division Multiple Access (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA) are studied and their relative merits in the mobile environment are highlighted. A hybrid TDMA/FDMA structure is suggested for a large system. Reservation ALOHA schemes are appraised in a TDMA environment and an adaptive reservation multiple access protocol is proposed and analysed for a wide range of mobile communication traffic profiles. The system can cope with short and long data messages as well as voice calls. Various protocol options are presented and a target system having 100,000 users is considered. Analyses are presented for the steady state of protocols employing pure and slotted ALOHA and for the stabilty of the slotted variant, while simulation techniques were employed to validate the steady state analysis of the slotted ALOHA protocol and to analyse the stability problem of the pure ALOHA version. An innovative technique is put forward to integrate the reservation and the acquisition processes. It employs the geographical spread of the users to form part of the random delay in P-ALOHA. Finally an economic feasibility study is performed for the spacesegment. For costs of capital (r) less than 23 % the discounted payback period is less than the project's lifetime (10 years). At r- 8% the payback period is about 5.6 years, while the internal-rate-of-return is 22.2 %. The net present value at the end of the projects lifetime is £M 70 at r-8%.

中華郵政股份有限公司績效評估之研究-兼論民營化之可行性分析 / A Study on the Efficiency Evaluation and Privatization Feasibility of Chung Hwa Post Co.,Ltd.

陳秀珍, Chen, Hsiu-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
面對世界的全球化、多角化、多樣少量的客製化企業經營趨勢與衝擊,中華郵政雖採取改制轉型的策略,希望再造百年績業。但自郵政公司成立後,目前定位不僅是行政官署,依然肩負政策性的任務外,更強調顧客導向之經營理念及企業化的永續經營,並以追求合理利潤,發展事業為目標,故為兼俱服務、營運及支援國家財政需求之事業體。如何透過範疇經濟與資源共享,將人力充分利用,據點遍及全國城鄉離島各地,保持服務之無遠弗屆,以強化普及服務的政策性任務,也是改制後努力的願景與方向。又國營事業如何兼顧營利與服務並行不悖,充分表現其自我特色?是本研究關注之焦點,故「績效評估」絕非僅於營利財物面評估,更需擴大為組織學習、顧客服務、內部流程、普及服務等多面向才能建構完整的永續經營模式。 本研究以中華郵政經營業務為個案研究對象,採文獻探討與深度訪談法,先釐清公司之願景與目標,考量外在環境,探討公司化之經營現況,面臨的挑戰與困境,確認公司本身內部所具備的資源與競爭優勢,然後採質化的資料彙整分析,將郵遞、儲匯以及壽險各構面同步進行差異探討。研究資料以92年元旦為兩大期間的時間區隔點,比較中華郵政“公司化”前後,基於環境的丕變,事業經營態勢的困窘,故擬採平衡計分卡之觀點,以有別往昔只侷限於財務面之考量,於中華郵政營運業務範圍中,在經營管理企業化、業務經營多角化、資金運用效益化、服務項目多元化及人力運用合理化等五大策略目標之落實情形,檢視並評估比較改制前後績效,期以檢討政策之執行,回饋至公司願景,進一步探討民營化可行與否的問題,做較深較廣面向之探討。 為達研究需求,斟酌不同屬性之關係人制定訪談題綱,並依據題綱所設計之顧客面、組織學習面、內部流程面、財務面、願景面、民營化與偏遠地區普及服務等問題,分別對主管機關、郵政決策層、郵政執行層、相關業者及顧客等對象進行訪談,透過完整而詳實之訪談結果將資料整理分析,以作為是否民營化之論據。 評估是鑑往知來的控制與考核機制,績效評估指標之良窳,對組織之評估結果影響深遠,故本研究試以平衡計分卡為重要工具,為中華郵政量身訂做一份以顧客面為重心的顧客關係管理的策略地圖,希望能提供高層長官與主管機關評估機制之參考。本文將透過研究結果作成建議,以作為未來郵政營運或進一步改革之參考。 / With the trend and impact of globalization, diversification, and various customizations in low quantity, Chung Hwa Post (CHP) has adjusted its management strategies to make shift in the hope that it can keep on sustainable business. Since CHP was established, it not only has positioned itself as a government agency responsible for completing policy assignments but also has run its business with the principle of customer orientation and the perception of sustainable management. And its overall goals are to pursue reasonable profits and to expand prosperous business. Therefore, it is a corporation combining service, commerce and supporter of nation’s finance. After CHP makes reforms, it aims to make the best use of manpower to intensify nationwide policy services extending to the outlying islands for making sure of service popularity through the ways of economies of scope and resource sharing. Now, CHP is making efforts to complete this vision. Besides, the study also concerns how to make state-owned-firm have distinguishing features with gaining profits and offering services under the pressure of competitive market. Consequently, a performance evaluation not only reviews profits, but also assets organization learning, customer service etc. To establish a completed managerial module of sustainable development, all the above factors should be taken into consideration when making evaluations. With the methods of document research and deep interview, this study focuses on the business operation by CHP. It starts with setting a vision and goals for CHP, considering the exterior conditions, investigating the present management condition, checking the challenges and difficulties, confirming all the resources inside and outside the company and its competitive advantages. Then, it further adapts the approach of quality systematization and analysis, and finally makes a simultaneous comparison of difference among postal delivery, savings, and insurance services etc. As to the time period researched in this study, the writer compares the differences of the management conditions between pre-corporatization and post-corporationization stages from New Year’s Day in 1993. Due to the ever-changing markets and increasing difficulties in running businesses, CHP adapts the balanced scorecard instead of the former management style focusing on the financial direction. Hence, the implementation results of five new strategies such as enterprise-style management, business diversification, capital-operation effectiveness, diversified services, and reasonable manpower distribution will be examined and discussed. Meanwhile the comparison between the two stages can help CHP develop more prosperous vision. Furthermore, the possibility of privatization-of state-owned-firm is evaluated from deeper and broader aspects. As requested, all the interview outlines, including different fields such as customers, organization learning, interior business processes, finance, vision, privatization, remote districts service, are designed in terms of different class of people ranging from government, the Post decision-making, the Post business performance, relevant institution, and customer level. Through complete and exact organization and analysis for all the data from the interviewees, the writer will offer useful evidence to help determine whether or not privatization is effective for use in CHP. Evaluation is a useful and effective measurement to know the past and the future. Whether the performance evaluation index is valid relation to the influence over a corporation. This study uses the tools of balanced scorecard to make strategy maps focusing on the relation to customers, which can be for the authorities and top director’s references. Finally, the research results will offer some suggestions to further postal reforms.


顏志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討智慧資本衡量指標如何運用於績效評估上,透過文獻探討以及專家學者之意見,建立適當之智慧資本衡量指標,以作為本研究之績效評估指標,並以在科學園區內設廠之廠商為問卷發放對象,探討園區內廠商對於科學園區管理局所提供服務之評估。本文將科學園區提供之服務依照智慧資本構成要素分類為知識資本、組織資本與顧客資本深入探討,期望能瞭解廠商對於科學園區管理局提供服務之重要性、期望程度以及達成水準之看法。最後探討不同特性之廠商(產業別、所在園區、經營績效、規模、未來展望、依賴程度、是否在園區外另行設廠),是否影響其對於科學園區提供服務之重要性、期望程度與達成水準之看法。   研究結論發現,目前我國科學園區內的廠商普遍依然認為與組織資本相關之服務最為重要,例如園區能提供穩定的能源,其次為知識資本相關之服務,最後為顧客資本相關之服務。另外,本研究亦發現不同特性的廠商會影響其對於園區提供服務之重要性、期望程度與達成水準之看法。故,政府應深入探討不同特性廠商之需要,以提供一個良好的高科技產業發展之環境。 / The purpose of this research was to explore how to use the measurement indicators of intellectual capital to assess performance provided to firms by Science Park Administration. In addition, explored how the different characteristics of firms (industries, location, operation performance, size, future prospects and dependence) influenced the performance provided by Science Park Administration. Performance measurement indicators divided into three catergories including knowledge capital, organizational capital and customer capital. And the performance was assessed by three evaluation criteria: importance, expectations and achievement. Conclusion of the research found that firms considered the the most important services provided by Science Park Administration was organizational capital-related sevices, followed by the knowledge capital-related services, and the last important is customer capital-related services. In addition, the research also found that different characteristics of firms will affect their views on sevices provided by Science Park Administration. Therefore, in order to provide a good high-tech industry development environment, the government should thoroughly investigate different firms’ needs with different characteristics.

我國訴願機關績效評估指標之研究-以內政部為例 / The Research of Performance Evaluation Indicators of Administrative Appeals Commission-A case Study of The Department of Interior

林美利 Unknown Date (has links)
「沒有衡量,就無法進步」,績效管理已成為政府改革最核心的工作之一,績效經由客觀評量後,可以良性刺激更多的努力,以追求績效,規劃完善的績效管理制度,可以引爆組織潛藏的動力,落實組織的策略目標與遠景,但是設計不良的績效管理制度,亦可能成為組織的致命傷,把組織導向錯誤的策略方向。政府為達成一定之行政目的,設有不同性質之行政組織以推動政務,績效管理與績效評估亦應配合組織之特性而有所調整,依訴願法規定,各機關辦理訴願事件,應設訴願審議委員會,其具有準司法機關之特質,性質與一般行政機關不同,訴願機關的績效衡量指標應如何訂定,值得探討。 本研究以內政部為例,採用質性研究,藉由個案檢視與深度訪談,探討研究訴願機關績效評估的實施情形及評估指標的選定,並對訴願制度及訴願機關績效指標之設計提出建議,以期對內政部訂定訴願績效指標有所貢獻。 / 「Without measurement, there won’t be any possibilty of progress.」 Thus Performance Management has become a very core part of government reforms. By way of the subjective measurement, the performance can properly stimulate more efforts to look for a better performance. A well-planned Performance Management System can explode the potential power within the organization and accomplish its strategic target and vision. However, a Performance Measurement System with poor design can be fatal to the organization. It may lead the organization to a wrong strategic direction. In order to reach an administrative purpose, a government usually sets an official organization with various qualities to achieve its goals. Therefore, both Performance Management and Performance Evaluation should be adjusted to cope with the characteristics of different organizations. According to the law of appeals, every official department should set the Administrative Appeals Commission when it deals with any appeals case. Since the Administrative Appeals Commission has the feature as the Department of Justice, its quality differs from any other general administration. Thus it’s worthy to survey how to set the Performance Indicators and the Performance Measurement. With Qualitative Research Method, this research takes the Department of Home Affairs as an example. By using the methods of individual case examining and deeply interviewing, this research surveys how Administrative Appeals Commission carries out the Performance Evaluation and how it chooses its Evaluation Indicators. Moreover, besides providing some suggestions to the appeals system, this study proposes how to design the Performance Indicators for an appeals department. The research also hopes to have some dedication for the Department of Home Affairs to set its Appeals Performance Indicators.

具有多重流量控管網路之離開過程 / Departure Processes of Multi-Traffic Networks with Input Control

余文政, Yu,Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
參考Yue等論文,我們延續探討在通訊網路中對於非及時Available Bit Rate(ABR)資料與及時Variable Bit Rate(VBR)資料共同使用一條傳輸的等候模型。假設及時VBR資料傳輸較非及時ABR資料傳輸有優先權,我們建立與分析資料在離開過程之模型。本論文研究在非強制性優先權策略下之一般等候模型,藉由ABR資料的等候區域設立檢查點來控制流入量,在離開過程中推導VBR資料與ABR資料的離去時間的數學關係式,以及調查他們的數值模擬的表現。在此數學推導中需要藉MMBP關係,從ABR資料的等候區域觀點製造Markov矩陣算出穩定狀態下的機率分量、生成函數以及閒置時間的函數。結果發現檢查點影響兩者的離去時間並不顯著,但是VBR資料流入的速度卻會造成影響。 / Following the work by Yue et al., this thesis considers the departure of a multi-traffic network system for a popular communication network where a transmission link is shared by an Available Bit Rate (ABR) application for non-real time traffic and a Variable Bit Rate (VBR) application for real time traffic. It is assumed that the VBR traffic has a higher transmission priority than the ABR traffic. In this thesis, we establish a tractable analytical model of departure processes for such a system. The departure process is characterized by a general queueing model with a non-preemption policy for which the inter-departure times of VBR and ABR are derived, respectively. Since the VBR traffic is only affected when ABR is in service, the analysis is given to describe the departures of ABR, and VBR traffics. Numerical results are conducted to illustrate the system performance with input control of ABR traffic.

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