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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atitudes de estudantes universitários de nutrição em relação aos indivíduos obesos e à obesidade / Attitudes towards obesity and obese people among dietetic undergraduate students

Obara, Angelica Almeida 11 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução - Dentre as consequências da obesidade, estão questões psicológicas e sociais como o preconceito e a discriminação social, que trazem implicações negativas para a saúde do indivíduo obeso. As atitudes de profissionais da saúde em relação à obesidade podem ser influenciadas por visões negativas sobre os indivíduos obesos e as causas que o levaram a obesidade e podem influenciar a conduta profissional. Objetivo - Avaliar a existência de atitudes negativas em relação aos indivíduos obesos entre estudantes universitários de nutrição. Métodos - Estudo transversal descritivo, no qual estudantes de nutrição responderam instrumentos on-line no site do projeto Estudo de Saúde de Nutricionistas (NutriHS): a) avaliação sociodemográfica e do estado nutricional; b) escala de silhuetas brasileiras para avaliação de satisfação e percepção corporal; c) fatores de desenvolvimento da obesidade; d) Antifat Attitudes Test (AFAT) - adaptado transculturalmente para este estudo; e) avaliação da conduta terapêutica em relação ao paciente obeso. A frequência de resposta para os fatores de desenvolvimento da obesidade foi analisada, e seu escore comparado com a pontuação na AFAT total e subescalas, percepção e insatisfação corporal e Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Escores na AFAT (total e subescalas) foram comparados entre os sexos, e associações entre os mesmos foram avaliadas com relação às variáveis sociodemográficas e de caracterização da amostra. Análises de regressão linear simples e múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliar a relação entre as características da amostra e as atitudes dos estudantes de nutrição. A comparação das respostas dos estudantes com relação à conduta terapêutica em relação ao paciente obeso foi conduzida por meio do Teste de Kruskal Wallis, seguido de Teste de Comparações Múltiplas das Médias 3 das Ordens. Resultados Participaram do estudo 335 alunos de nutrição (idade média 23 anos) de universidade/faculdades diversas, principalmente do 1º ano de graduação (40 por cento ), sexo feminino (94 por cento ), solteiros (87 por cento ), e com renda familiar entre 1 e 5 salários mínimos (62 por cento ). Houve elevado índice de insatisfação corporal - 54 por cento das mulheres 58 por cento dos homens - e percepção corporal alterada especialmente entre as mulheres (71 por cento ). Os principais fatores determinantes da obesidade listados foram: 1) Inatividade física; 2) Comer uma quantidade maior do que a necessária; 3) Alterações metabólico-hormonais; 4) Vício/dependência em comida; 5) Comer alimentos inadequados. A pontuação na AFAT total foi associada positivamente a idade e ao sexo masculino e negativamente ao IMC e o ano de graduação. As condutas terapêuticas dos estudantes foram influenciadas pelo peso do paciente hipotético e revelaram a presença de preconceito. Conclusões A respostas aos determinantes da obesidade demonstraram que os estudantes possuem crenças em fatores estigmatizadores do indivíduo obeso. As atitudes mais negativas em relação à obesidade foram encontradas para os homens e os estudantes mais velhos. E pode-se confirmar que o peso de um paciente hipotético influencia a conduta terapêutica sugerida pelo estudante, com atitudes negativas para com o indivíduo obeso. Os resultados indicam, portanto, que estes estudantes de nutrição atribuem causas comportamentais para a obesidade, pautam possível conduta terapêutica pelo peso do indivíduo (mesmo que a questão de saúde colocada não tenha relação direta com estado nutricional) e apresentam atitudes negativas e preconceito em relação aos indivíduos obesos. / Introduction - Among the consequences of obesity, there are psychological and social issues as prejudice and social discrimination, which have negative implications for the health of obese person. The health professional attitudes towards obesity can be influenced by negative views of obese people and the causes that led to obesity can influence the professional conduct. Aim To evaluate the existence of negative attitudes toward obese people among dietetic undergraduate students. Methods - Descriptive cross-sectional study in which nutrition students answered online tools on the project site \'Health Study Nutritionists \"(NutriHS): a) sociodemographic evaluation and nutritional status; b) scale of Brazilian silhouettes to evaluate patients satisfaction and body awareness; c) the obesity development factors; d) Antifat Attitudes Test (AFAT) - culturally adapted for this study; e) evaluation of the therapeutic approach toward obese patient. The frequency of responses to the obesity development factors was analysed, and its score compared to the overall score and subscales AFAT, perception and body dissatisfaction and body mass index (BMI) using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Scores in AFAT (total and subscales) were compared between the genres, and associations between them were evaluated toward sociodemographic variables and characteristics of the sample. Analysis of simple linear and multiple regression were used to evaluate the relationship between the sample characteristics and attitudes of nutrition students. The comparison of students\' responses regarding the therapeutic approach toward obese person was conducted using Kruskal Wallis test, followed Test of Multiple Comparisons of Order Averages. Results 335 students from several nutrition university courses (mean age 23 years) participated during this research, mainly the 1st graduation year students (40 per cent ), being women 5 (94 per cent ), single (87 per cent ), and family income between 1 and 5 minimum wages (62 per cent ). There was high body dissatisfaction index - 54 per cent women 58 per cent men - and altered body perception especially among women (71 per cent ). The main determinants of obesity were: 1) Physical inactivity; 2) Eating an amount greater than needed; 3) Metabolic and hormonal changes; 4) Addiction / dependence on food; 5) Eating inadequate food. The score in the total AFAT was positively associated with age and male and negatively with BMI and the year of graduation. The therapeutic procedures of the students were influenced by hypothetical patient\'s weight and they revealed the presence of prejudice. Conclusions The answers to obesity determinants have shown that students have stigmatizing factors beliefs about obese person. The most negative attitudes toward obesity were found among men and older students. It is possible to confirm that the weight of a hypothetical patient influences the therapeutic approach suggested by the student, who has negative attitudes towards obese person. Therefore, the results indicate that these nutrition students attribute behavioural causes to obesity. They also use possible therapeutic approach guided by the individual\'s weight (even if the health question has not connected to nutritional status) and have negative attitudes and prejudice against obese people.

Haitianos em São Paulo: Uma etnografia urbana e institucional da ajuda / Haitians in São Paulo: an urban and institutional ethnography of help

Lopez, Diego dos Santos Ferrari 07 December 2018 (has links)
Essa dissertação é fruto de uma etnografia realizada por pouco mais de três anos na unidade da Missão Paz, uma instituição do terceiro setor vinculada à Igreja Nossa Senhora da Paz, no Glicério, centro de São Paulo, onde trabalhei como professor voluntário de português para imigrantes, além de auxiliar em outros serviços. Meu estudo enfoca as diversas relações de sociabilidade, permeadas pela noção de ajuda, dos imigrantes haitianos em São Paulo em confronto com diversos tipos de preconceito social, entre os quais aqueles marcados pela raça, pela classe, pela etnia, pala nacionalidade e pelo gênero. Trata-se de uma etnografia que analisa a formação de grupos imigrantes na cidade; os enquadramentos, os estereótipos e as categorias brasileiras sobre os haitianos; o contexto da marginalização social de imigrantes no espaço urbano; as sociabilidades haitianas citadinas; as aulas de português para estrangeiros; e as relações de ajuda e preconceito a nível público, institucional e social em São Paulo. / This M.A. thesis is the result of an ethnography carried out for more than three years at the Peace Mission unit of Nossa Senhora da Paz Church, a third sector institution, at the neighborhood of Glicério, central São Paulo, where I worked as a volunteer teacher of Portuguese for immigrants, as well as assisting in other services. My study focuses on the various social relations permeated by the notion of help, in which Haitian immigrants in Sao Paulo confronted various types of social prejudice, including those marked by race, class, ethnicity, nationality and gender. This ethnography analyzes the formation of immigrant groups in the city of São Paulo; the frames, stereotypes and categories about Haitians mobilized by local Brazilians; the context of social marginalization of immigrants in the urban space; the Haitian sociability; the Portuguese classes for foreigners; and the relations of help and prejudice at the public, the institutional and the social levels.

Homossexualidade, preconceito e intolerância: análise semiótica de depoimentos / Homosexuality, prejudice and intolerance: semiotic analysis of statements

Modesto, Edith 20 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese é sobre o preconceito e intolerância contra a homossexualidade, a partir da análise semiótica de depoimentos de mães heterossexuais e de filhos homossexuais, brasileiros. O trabalho divide-se em introdução, quatro capítulos principais, conclusão, bibliografia e anexos. Na introdução, delineou-se o contexto externo em que se desenvolve a dificuldade de aceitação das mães heterossexuais a seus filhos homossexuais e um apanhado geral do trabalho. O contexto interno foi considerado como o resultado do cruzamento comparativo de centenas de depoimentos analisados, de mães e filhos. Utilizou-se, como embasamento teórico, a semiótica de tradição francesa e seu instrumental de análise e a tese divide-se como segue: O primeiro capítulo traz a metodologia que foi utilizada e os objetivos do trabalho. O principal objetivo foi analisar como são construídos os discursos de rejeição e/ou os discursos de aceitação da homossexualidade de filhos por suas mães, heterossexuais. Em contrapartida, foram analisados os discursos dos filhos. O segundo capítulo tratou do preconceito, de mães e dos filhos, anterior à descoberta da homossexualidade. No terceiro e quarto capítulos da tese, relacionou-se o percurso discursivo passional de rejeição/aceitação das mães à sua influência no percurso passional de autoaceitação dos filhos e levantou-se os principais tipos de paixões e ações apaixonadas que esses discursos manifestam. Examinou-se também a organização discursivo-passional e da enunciação de milhares de depoimentos, relacionando texto e contexto via enunciação. A partir disso, foi feito o levantamento de semelhanças e diferenças qualitativas, entre os percursos de aceitação das mães a seus filhos homossexuais, na última década (2001 a 2010). / This dissertation deals with prejudice and intolerance against homosexuality, based on the semiotic analysis of statements of Brazilian heterosexual mothers of homosexual sons and daughters. The study is divided in an introduction, four main chapters, conclusion, bibliographic references and addenda. The introduction discusses the external context in which mothers develop a difficulty in accepting the homosexuality of their sons, and an outline of the whole dissertation. The internal context of the problem, on the other hand, is taken to be the outcome of the comparison of hundreds of statements, by mothers and sons. French semiotic theory was used as the theoretical background for the analysis and the dissertation is divided as follows: The first chapter lays out the methodology used and the objectives of this study. The main objective was to analyze how rejection and/or acceptance discourses are constructed with respect to the homosexuality of their sons by their heterosexual mothers. In tandem, the discourses of homosexual sons and daughters were analyzed. The second chapter deals with prejudice, from the perspective of mothers and sons, preceding the unveiling of homosexuality. The third and forth chapter explain the relation between the rejection/acceptance passional discoursive trajectory of the mothers and the autoacceptance passional trajectory of the sons. There, the main kinds of passions and passionate actions that are manifested in the discourses are listed and discussed. Other objects of inquiry are the discoursive-passional organization and the enunciation of thousands of statements, relating text and context through the enunciation. Based on that, the study maps the qualitative similarities and differences between the trajectories of acceptance by mothers of their homosexual sons in the first decade of the XXI century.

Haitianos em São Paulo: Uma etnografia urbana e institucional da ajuda / Haitians in São Paulo: an urban and institutional ethnography of help

Diego dos Santos Ferrari Lopez 07 December 2018 (has links)
Essa dissertação é fruto de uma etnografia realizada por pouco mais de três anos na unidade da Missão Paz, uma instituição do terceiro setor vinculada à Igreja Nossa Senhora da Paz, no Glicério, centro de São Paulo, onde trabalhei como professor voluntário de português para imigrantes, além de auxiliar em outros serviços. Meu estudo enfoca as diversas relações de sociabilidade, permeadas pela noção de ajuda, dos imigrantes haitianos em São Paulo em confronto com diversos tipos de preconceito social, entre os quais aqueles marcados pela raça, pela classe, pela etnia, pala nacionalidade e pelo gênero. Trata-se de uma etnografia que analisa a formação de grupos imigrantes na cidade; os enquadramentos, os estereótipos e as categorias brasileiras sobre os haitianos; o contexto da marginalização social de imigrantes no espaço urbano; as sociabilidades haitianas citadinas; as aulas de português para estrangeiros; e as relações de ajuda e preconceito a nível público, institucional e social em São Paulo. / This M.A. thesis is the result of an ethnography carried out for more than three years at the Peace Mission unit of Nossa Senhora da Paz Church, a third sector institution, at the neighborhood of Glicério, central São Paulo, where I worked as a volunteer teacher of Portuguese for immigrants, as well as assisting in other services. My study focuses on the various social relations permeated by the notion of help, in which Haitian immigrants in Sao Paulo confronted various types of social prejudice, including those marked by race, class, ethnicity, nationality and gender. This ethnography analyzes the formation of immigrant groups in the city of São Paulo; the frames, stereotypes and categories about Haitians mobilized by local Brazilians; the context of social marginalization of immigrants in the urban space; the Haitian sociability; the Portuguese classes for foreigners; and the relations of help and prejudice at the public, the institutional and the social levels.

Psychosocial Implications of Prejudice and Racism in African Students of the Universidade da IntegraÃÃo Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira. / ImplicaÃÃes Psicossociais do Preconceito e do Racismo em Estudantes Africanos da Universidade da IntegraÃÃo Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira

Francisco Weslay Oliveira MendonÃa 08 May 2017 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / The immigration process of Africans to Brazil and Cearà for the purpose of studying has been straightening in the last decades, especially since 2012, after the first selection processes for the Universidade da IntegraÃÃo Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-brasileira (UNILAB). These young people have suffered the daily experience of prejudice and racism, related to their condition of belonging to a social minority, being the psychosocial implication the research problem of this dissertation. The general objective, then, was to analyze the psychosocial implications of the prejudice and racism in the UNILAB Africans students; and the specific objectives are to identify the demonstrations of prejudice and racism from the reports about the experience of immigration for the purpose of studying, to analyze the psychosocial implications - such as thoughts, actions and feelings from these demonstrations and to describe strategies developed by African students at UNILAB in order to face prejudice and racism. This investigation has a qualitative approach, being fourteen the interviewed students, belonging to different African nationalities of Portuguese as official language (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, SÃo Tomà and PrÃncipe). All of them are students at UNILAB, living in Cearà as beneficiaries of social programs for student assistance. The data were run through Content Analysis with software Atlas Ti. Our main results describe different exclusion practices, as much as individual, institutional and cultural manifestations of racism, predominantly understood as cordial racism. These practices are related to processes of social categorization and stigmatization, which, by its turn, result in the assignment of social stereotypes, as well as processes of social discrimination and social suffering (shame, humiliation, fear, rejection). As a way to face this reality, we observe the importance of assertion policies for black and african identity by these young people, as much as support offered by established social networks and collective organization in search of acknowledgment and respect. We conclude that racism suffered by these young people in Brazil is enhanced by processes of distinction between Brazilian and African groups, which have a strong impact upon the psychosocial experience of migration for educational purposes. / O processo imigratÃrio ao Brasil e ao Cearà de jovens africanos para fins estudantis vem se fortalecendo nas Ãltimas dÃcadas, contexto que ganha forÃa maior a partir de 2012, apÃs os primeiros processos seletivos da Universidade da IntegraÃÃo Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-brasileira (UNILAB). Estes jovens sofrem a cotidiana experiÃncia do preconceito e do racismo, relacionados à sua condiÃÃo de pertencentes a uma minoria social, sendo nosso problema de pesquisa as suas implicaÃÃes psicossociais. Nosso objetivo geral, assim, foi analisar as implicaÃÃes psicossociais do preconceito e do racismo nos estudantes africanos da UNILAB; e nossos objetivos especÃficos: identificar as manifestaÃÃes de preconceito e racismo a partir dos relatos sobre a experiÃncia de imigraÃÃo para fins estudantis; analisar as implicaÃÃes psicossociais â pensamentos, aÃÃes e sentimentos provenientes destas manifestaÃÃes; descrever estratÃgias desenvolvidas pelos estudantes africanos da UNILAB para o enfrentamento do preconceito e do racismo. Esta investigaÃÃo possuiu carÃter qualitativo, onde foram entrevistados quatorze estudantes de diferentes nacionalidades africanas de lÃngua oficial portuguesa (Angola, Cabo-verde, GuinÃ-Bissau, MoÃambique, SÃo Tomà e PrÃncipe). Todos os participantes sÃo estudantes da UNILAB no Cearà e beneficiÃrios de programa de assistÃncia estudantil. Os dados foram trabalhados atravÃs de AnÃlise de ConteÃdo, com auxÃlio do software Atlas Ti. Nossos resultados principais descrevem diferentes prÃticas de exclusÃo, alÃm de manifestaÃÃes individuais, institucionais e culturais de racismo, predominantemente compreendidas a partir do racismo cordial. Estas prÃticas relacionam-se aos processos de categorizaÃÃo social e estigmatizaÃÃo, que, por sua vez, resultam na atribuiÃÃo de estereÃtipos sociais, em processos de discriminaÃÃo social e em sofrimentos sociais (vergonha, humilhaÃÃo, medo, rejeiÃÃo). Como forma de lidar com esta realidade, observamos a importÃncia de estratÃgias de afirmaÃÃo da identidade negra e africana por parte destes jovens, assim como o apoio prestado pelas redes sociais estabelecidas e a organizaÃÃo coletiva em busca de reconhecimento e respeito. ConcluÃmos que o racismo sofrido por estes jovens no Brasil à potencializado pelos processos de distinÃÃo entre os grupos âos/as brasileirosâ e âos/as africanosâ, impactando sobremaneira na experiÃncia psicossocial de imigraÃÃo para fins estudantis.

Homossexualidade, preconceito e intolerância: análise semiótica de depoimentos / Homosexuality, prejudice and intolerance: semiotic analysis of statements

Edith Modesto 20 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese é sobre o preconceito e intolerância contra a homossexualidade, a partir da análise semiótica de depoimentos de mães heterossexuais e de filhos homossexuais, brasileiros. O trabalho divide-se em introdução, quatro capítulos principais, conclusão, bibliografia e anexos. Na introdução, delineou-se o contexto externo em que se desenvolve a dificuldade de aceitação das mães heterossexuais a seus filhos homossexuais e um apanhado geral do trabalho. O contexto interno foi considerado como o resultado do cruzamento comparativo de centenas de depoimentos analisados, de mães e filhos. Utilizou-se, como embasamento teórico, a semiótica de tradição francesa e seu instrumental de análise e a tese divide-se como segue: O primeiro capítulo traz a metodologia que foi utilizada e os objetivos do trabalho. O principal objetivo foi analisar como são construídos os discursos de rejeição e/ou os discursos de aceitação da homossexualidade de filhos por suas mães, heterossexuais. Em contrapartida, foram analisados os discursos dos filhos. O segundo capítulo tratou do preconceito, de mães e dos filhos, anterior à descoberta da homossexualidade. No terceiro e quarto capítulos da tese, relacionou-se o percurso discursivo passional de rejeição/aceitação das mães à sua influência no percurso passional de autoaceitação dos filhos e levantou-se os principais tipos de paixões e ações apaixonadas que esses discursos manifestam. Examinou-se também a organização discursivo-passional e da enunciação de milhares de depoimentos, relacionando texto e contexto via enunciação. A partir disso, foi feito o levantamento de semelhanças e diferenças qualitativas, entre os percursos de aceitação das mães a seus filhos homossexuais, na última década (2001 a 2010). / This dissertation deals with prejudice and intolerance against homosexuality, based on the semiotic analysis of statements of Brazilian heterosexual mothers of homosexual sons and daughters. The study is divided in an introduction, four main chapters, conclusion, bibliographic references and addenda. The introduction discusses the external context in which mothers develop a difficulty in accepting the homosexuality of their sons, and an outline of the whole dissertation. The internal context of the problem, on the other hand, is taken to be the outcome of the comparison of hundreds of statements, by mothers and sons. French semiotic theory was used as the theoretical background for the analysis and the dissertation is divided as follows: The first chapter lays out the methodology used and the objectives of this study. The main objective was to analyze how rejection and/or acceptance discourses are constructed with respect to the homosexuality of their sons by their heterosexual mothers. In tandem, the discourses of homosexual sons and daughters were analyzed. The second chapter deals with prejudice, from the perspective of mothers and sons, preceding the unveiling of homosexuality. The third and forth chapter explain the relation between the rejection/acceptance passional discoursive trajectory of the mothers and the autoacceptance passional trajectory of the sons. There, the main kinds of passions and passionate actions that are manifested in the discourses are listed and discussed. Other objects of inquiry are the discoursive-passional organization and the enunciation of thousands of statements, relating text and context through the enunciation. Based on that, the study maps the qualitative similarities and differences between the trajectories of acceptance by mothers of their homosexual sons in the first decade of the XXI century.

Effects of a culturally relevant music education intervention on choir members’ attitudes toward Mexican populations

De Avila, Nathaniel A. Y. 01 December 2015 (has links)
Psychologists have documented contact experiences as avenues for changing attitudes toward outgroups (Stephan, Diaz-Loving, &Duran, 2000), and music educators have attempted to create authentic musical experiences of outgroup cultures (e.g., Abril, 2013; Campbell, 1992; Gay, 2002), but few studies have measured the assumed relationship between singing songs from an outgroup culture and change in attitudes toward that outgroup (Edwards, 1994; Peacock, 1992). Participants (N=38) took part in a researcher-designed protocol specifically tailored to the community choir setting and responsive to the singers' cultures of reference as informed by the literature. Participants completed pretest self-report measures, a series of six weekly rehearsals where they were introduced to songs traditional to Mexican populations, and completed the same self-report measures following a public performance for approximately 120 guests. The current study examined the relationships between pretest and posttest attitude measures toward Mexican populations reported by singers in a community choir with the aforementioned pedagogy. The participants provided responses to Social Dominance Orientation (Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, &Malle, 1994), Attitudes Towards Mexicans, and Allophilia scales (Pittinsky, Rosenthal, &Montoya, 2010). These scales aim to measure group-based discrimination, prejudice, and positive feelings toward outgroups respectively. Results of the pre-post attitude measures indicated statistically significant positive shifts in three of five categories in the Allophilia Scale (Affection, Comfort, and Enthusiasm). Participants who did not sing at the concert and therefore did not complete a posttest had significantly higher Social Dominance Orientation scores than those who completed the entire experience.

How Prototypicality Influences Inferences and Discrimination Towards Gay Men

Beam, Adam 01 September 2019 (has links)
I assessed the influence prototypicality has on judgements individuals make about gay men. It has been demonstrated that individuals make inferences regarding a person’s traits and group membership based upon a person’s perceived prototypicality (Ambady, Hallahan, & Conner, 1999; Stephan & Stephan, 1989; Wilkins, Kaiser, and Rieck, 2010). I hypothesized that highly prototypical gay men would be perceived to be more identified with the gay community, possess more negative stereotypes of gay men, engage in more activities associated with the gay community, receive less positive feelings from others, and experience more discrimination. Additionally, perceived group identification and negative stereotyping were expected to mediate serially the relationship between prototypicality, perceived engagement in gay activities, positive attitudes from others, and discrimination from others. Participants (N=360) viewed an image of a gay man either low or high in prototypicality. Participants evaluated the gay man’s perceived group identification, perceived stereotypical traits, engagement in activities associated with the gay community, as well as their own feelings and behavioral intentions toward the gay men. Highly prototypical gay men were perceived to (1) identify more with the gay community, (2) possess more negative stereotypes associated with gay men, and (3) engage in more immoral activities associated with the gay community, than low prototypical gay men. Moreover, perceived group identification and negative stereotyping serially mediated the relationship between prototypicality, and perceived engagement in gay activities, attitudes towards the target, and discrimination from others.


Mendez, Christopher 01 December 2019 (has links)
To my knowledge, few studies have investigated the effects of ingroup prejudice. Study 1 assessed the relationship between experienced ingroup prejudice and wellbeing. Results indicated that experiencing racism from the LGBT community was related to poor wellbeing amongst Black men (N=99). Partial correlations indicated that while controlling for other sources of prejudice, racism from the ingroup (i.e., LGBT community) continued to relate to the wellbeing of gay Black men (GBM); however, the relationship between racism from the outgroup (i.e., Whites) and wellbeing was lost. Thus, ingroup and outgroup racism may affect GBM’s wellbeing differently. For Study 2, (N=264) I once again, evaluated the relationship between ingroup prejudice and wellbeing amongst gay Black men. Findings demonstrated that effects of prejudice on wellbeing of GBM were not dependent upon ingroup and outgroup prejudice. However, racism from the LGBT community was more impactful than any other condition. GBM reported lower self-esteem when racism stemmed from the LGBT community versus sexuality prejudice from the Black community. This may be due to GBM finding bias from the LGBT community as more unexpected compared to all other sources of bias. When bias stemmed from the LGBT community compared to all groups, GBM reported lower self-esteem and lower perceived control. Mediation analyses demonstrated that bias expectations mediated the relationship between the difference of racism from the LGBT community from all other groups and wellbeing. Moreover, GBM identified less with their ingroups when they read about ingroup prejudice.

Can Perspective Taking Lead to Prejudice and Discrimination?

Hodge, James Joseph 01 January 2019 (has links)
Research on perspective taking generally points to positive outcomes, but a small and growing body of literature highlights conditions where perspective taking can instead lead to undesirable outcomes. The goal of this dissertation study is to test a model of how taking the perspective of someone who struggles to control food consumption may negatively influence prejudice and discrimination toward heavy people. My model predicts that taking the perspective of someone who is effortfully trying not to eat, which requires the use of self-regulatory processes, vicariously depletes the perspective-taker’s own self-regulatory capacity. Whether that depletion leads to greater expressions of prejudice and discrimination toward heavy people depends on whether the person has high or low levels of implicit prejudice toward heavy people, and how internally or externally motivated the person is to control weight prejudice. Study participants were randomly assigned to read one of three first-person diary entries about a person in a social context where food was present. The degree to which the food described in the diary entry was appetizing, and whether the person was hungry and tempted to eat the food was manipulated. Half of the participants were instructed before reading the diary entry to take the perspective of the person in the story, while the other half were instructed to simply read the diary entry. Self-regulatory capacity was measured and tested as a mediator between perspective taking and both prejudice and discrimination. Effort and individual differences in implicit attitudes about weight and motivation to control weight prejudice were measured and tested as moderators in the model. Results did not support the primary study model hypotheses.

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