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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Villkor för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter : En studie om hur kommunerna går tillväga i praktiken / Conditions to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments : A study on how municipalities proceed in reality

Jonassen, Victoria, Brycke, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Sveriges kommuner är enligt lag ansvariga för att skapa goda boendemöjligheter till kommuninvånarna. I dagsläget råder det stor efterfrågan på bostäder, främst i Sveriges storstadsregioner. I kommuner med höga markpriser och växande invånarantal råder stor efterfrågan på hyresrätter. Det är därför av intresse för kommunerna att säkerställa byggnation av hyresrätter samt att ändamålet kvarstår, detta för att förhindra ombildning i spekulations- och vinstsyfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kommunerna kan säkerställa att det byggs och förblir hyresrätter vid försäljning av kommunal mark, med fokus på hur regleringen sker i praktiken. För att ge studien ett bredare perspektiv har även köpare kontaktats i syfte att ta reda på hur de ställer sig till kommunernas krav. I studien har en kvalitativ avtalsgranskning genomförts med kompletterande intervjuer för att undersöka hur kommunerna säkerställer byggnation av hyresrätter i praktiken. En förfrågan om avtal, som reglerar försäljning eller upplåtelse av kommunal mark, skickades ut till Sveriges 20 största kommuner till befolkningen räknat. Av dessa bidrog 16 kommuner med avtal. Val av intervjupersoner gjordes utifrån de inkomna avtalen för att representera samtliga metoder som används för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter. Resultatet visar att kommunerna tillämpar tomträtt, tilläggsköpeskilling, vite och förfogandeförbud för att styra upplåtelseform. Vissa av kommunerna väljer att inte styra upplåtelseform i avtal, utan förlitar sig på ett förtroende mellan kommun och byggherre. I dagsläget finns inget verktyg i PBL för att styra upplåtelseform och det finns inte heller någon given lösning att i avtal säkerställa hyresbyggnation och dess bevarande. Avtalsgranskningen visar att det finns skillnader i praktiken gällande hur kommunerna tillämpar de olika metoderna. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att det finns ett stort intresse från kommunernas sida att utforma en hållbar och fungerande metod. Att bygga och bevara hyresrätter är en svårhanterlig fråga i dagsläget. Det visar sig genom att det råder viss bristande kunskap i en del kommuner gällande avtalens laglighet. Mot bakgrund av detta vore ett tydligare tillvägagångssätt att föredra både för kommun och byggherre. / Sweden's municipalities are legally responsible for creating good housing opportunities for the inhabitants. In the current situation there is a great demand for housing, mainly in Sweden's big-city regions. Municipalities with rather expensive prices on land and growing population create high pressure on the rental apartments. Therefore, it is of interest to local authorities to ensure the construction of rental apartments and that the apartments remain as rental apartments and are not converted to other forms of tenure, in order to prevent conversion of contemplate and profit. The purpose of the study is to examine how local authorities can ensure building strategies and keep tenancy rights to the sale of municipal land, with a focus on how regulation is done in practice. To give the study a broader perspective also the building companies were contacted in order to find out their attitude to the municipalities requirements. The study is conducted through a qualitative contract review procedure with additional interviews to examine how municipality authorities will ensure the construction of rental apartments in practice. A request for an agreement was sent to Sweden's 20 largest municipalities, counted in population size. 16 of the 20 municipalities contributed with agreements. Selection of interviewees was based on the in-originated agreements to represent all methods to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments. The result shows that the municipalities apply leasehold, additional consideration, payment and prohibition against conversion to direct tenure. Some municipalities choose not to control tenure in the contract, instead they rely on trust between the municipality and the developer. In the current situation there is no tool in the PBL for controlling tenure and there is neither no obvious solution to contractually guarantee the rental building and its preservation. Con-examination shows that in practice there are differences regarding how local authorities applied different methods. In conclusion, there is a great interest of local authorities to design a sustainable and operational approach. To build and maintain rental apartments is a difficult question in the cur-rent situation. It is manifested by the municipality, that there is some lack of knowledge regarding the legality of contracts. In this perspective it would clearly be preferable for both municipal and builder if the procedure was more explicit.

The History of Alcoholism Treatment in the United States

Brent, Suzanne S. (Suzanne Stokes) 12 1900 (has links)
The treatment of alcoholism has had a unique historical development in the United States. This study provides a chronology of how the problem of alcoholism was defined and handled during various time periods in United States history. The process that evolved resulted in an abstinence based, comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of alcoholism as a primary disease based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. This treatment modality, that developed outside of established medicine, is currently used by the majority of treatment providers. Seven individuals who have been actively involved in alcoholism treatment were interviewed. In addition to archival research, biographies and autobiographies were examined to gain a broad perspective. Because alcoholism is both a collective and an individual problem an effort was made to include a microsociological frame of reference within a broad sociological view. Alcoholism, or inebriety, was first perceived as a legal and moral problem. By the end of the 19th century, inebriety was recognized as an illness differing from mental illness, and separate asylums were established for its treatment. Alcoholism is currently accepted and treated as a primary disease by the majority of social institutions, but the legal and moral implications remain. National Prohibition in the early part of the 20th century targeted alcohol instead of the alcoholic delaying any progress toward treatment which was made in the 19th century. The advent of Alcoholics Anonymous brought the first widely accepted hope for alcoholics. The treatment process that developed utilized the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous in a setting of shared recovery which has been difficult to quantify. In 1970 the allocation of federal funds for treatment and research brought the involvement of new disciplines creating both conflicts and possibilities. Alcoholism recovery has elucidated the connection of mind, body, and spirit.

"Building a 'Temple of Temperance': The Repeal of Prohibition in Virginia and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act"

Silva, Alexandra T. 01 January 2015 (has links)
"BUILDING A ‘TEMPLE OF TEMPERANCE’: THE REPEAL OF PROHIBITION IN VIRGINIA AND THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ACT” By Alexandra T. Silva, Bachelor of Arts, 2011 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2015 Major Director: Dr. John T. Kneebone, Chair, Virginia Commonwealth University Department of History This project examines the process by which the Commonwealth of Virginia repealed its statewide prohibition laws and the Eighteenth Amendment in 1933 and created a public monopoly system of alcohol control in 1934. It provides an overview of the enactment of prohibition in Virginia in 1916 by a 1914 statewide referendum, and the problems of enforcement and control over the liquor traffic during the dry years. It carefully details the repeal process in 1933, during which Virginia rapidly reversed its near twenty-year prohibition and restructured its alcohol control policy. It also explains the origins of the state monopoly system which replaced prohibition with the passage of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 1934, establishing an ABC Board to control the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of hard liquor, along with licensing of private retailers of light beverages.

Rovné zacházení a zákaz diskriminace zaměstnanců / The Equal Treatment and the Prohibition of Discrimination of Employees

Černá, Edita January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I concentrate on the topic of the equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination. The reason why I have chosen this subject matter is for its topicality and constantly increasing significance. The equal treatment, as well as the prohibition of discrimination, has to be respected in labour relations to create respectable conditions for employees and equal opportunities for job applicants. In practice, these principles support also better productivity in a workplace, because the work environment, where the law is maintained, is the healthy and prosperous one. However, the reality is different and these principles are not always enforced. That is the reason why discrimination or unequal treatment still exist today and it is not phenomenon, which would be typical only for relations between employers and employees or job applicants. Therefore, the international, European and interstate legislation is evolving constantly in this area and it is changing in an effort to reach more efficient application in practice. The aim of this thesis is to analyse applicable legislation of the equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination and its influence on labour relations. The whole thesis is divided into introduction, four separate chapters, which are subdivided into particular...

Legální výjimky z kartelového zákazu s přihlédnutím ke krizovým kartelům / The Legal Exceptions from the Cartel Prohibition with Regard to Crisis Cartels

Kolářová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The Legal Exceptions from the Cartel Prohibition with Regard to Crisis Cartels English summary The purpose of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive perspective on the issue of the legal exceptions from the cartel prohibition, carry out a detailed analysis of Czech and European material regulation contained in the Article 3 paragraph 4 of the Act No. 143/2001 Coll. on Protection of Competition, as amended and in the Article 101 paragraph 3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, focus on the application of the legal exceptions to the crisis cartels from the practical point of view, particularly on their usage by undertakings and on the approach to the crisis cartels by national competition authorities, European Commission and competition authorities from other selected countries outside Europe. The thesis is composed of four parts. The first part deals with the basic characteristics of the cartel, describes the concept of cartel, European and Czech legislation regarding cartels and competition in general and divides the cartels according to their form and relationship of participants. The second part focuses on the prohibition of anticompetitive conduct in the form of cartels, examines the merits of the cartel and highlights the consequences of breaching the prohibition. It is necessary to...

Zneužití práva v daňovém právu / Abuse of the law in tax law

Plevová, Magdaléna January 2013 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to characterize and analyze the doctrine of abuse of rights in relation to the tax law. The second objective of this thesis is to make a conclusion if the current legal regulation of this doctrine is sufficient in the Czech legal system. The thesis is devided into six chapters in accordance with the topics. The first chapter proposes notions of "tax" and "tax law" and then describes interpretation of tax law. The second chapter deals with issue, what kind of right is abused. Following chapter is important because it differentiates among the notions of real content of legal acts, circumvention of the law, and tax optimization in relation to abuse of law. The crucial part of this thesis is chapter four called "Abuse of Law" which concerns the detailed introduction to the abuse of law doctrine. This chapter contains five subchapters, when the second one deals with the general principle of prohibition of abuse of rights of European law and following subchapters compare Czech and French legal regulation of the abuse of tax law. The last subchapter describes procedure of Czech tax administrator to combat abuses of tax law. The fifth chapter contains deeper analysis of cases of abuse of tax law. There are analysed two cases of the European Court of Justice and some cases...

Praxe tzv. diplomatických záruk v současném mezinárodním právu / The practice of so-called diplomatic guarantees in recent international law

Kaštyl, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The practice of so-called diplomatic guarantees in recent international law The aim of this thesis is to analyze the practice of so-called diplomatic assurances (guarantees) in contemporary international law and its possible impact on existing obligations of States related to the protection of human rights, especially in relation to the ban on torture. Diplomatic assurances enable a transfer of an individual from one State to another. They include an undertaking of the State receiving an individual that he or she will be treated in accordance with the conditions set by the sending State, i.e. generally in accordance with the human rights obligations. However, it has recently received a great deal of public attention due to a number of suspicious returns of alleged terror suspects into the countries with poor human rights record including a record of torture. Consequently, the opinion criticizing the reliance on diplomatic assurances evolved describing diplomatic assurances as a tool how to circumvent current obligations of States under international human rights law. First part of this thesis provides a general overview of diplomatic assurances, their history, what are the advantages and disadvantages of diplomatic assurances and whether diplomatic assurances could be considered as treaties under...

Vliv metanolové kauzy na vzorce užívání alkoholu v ČR: internetový průzkum / Effect of methanol affair on patterns of alcohol use in the Czech Republic: online survey

Přibylová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
In the fall of 2012 took place in the Czech Republic, the methanol case - were poisoned and subsequently to the death of many people. According Zakharov (2013, oral communication) is currently the actual number of victims as 58, with the death of the last of methanol poisoning occurred in early December 2013. Methanol was poisoned dozens of people, from those who survived methanol poisoning has many of them probably lifelong consequences - especially disturbances and disorders of the central nervous system. The main objective of this thesis is to describe what has or has Methanol cause effects on patterns of alcohol and behavior related to alcohol use among target groups and to compare any differences in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, the awareness about the issue of methanol and patterns of use (including use of a harmful dependence). For the realization of this investigation was chosen quantitative research. The theoretical part focuses on alcohol (pharmacodynamics, kinetics, effects of alcohol on the human body or patterns of use). I mention the alcohol addiction and treatment options. I also deal with methanol (kinetics, metabolism, toxicity and poisoning), and finally to the specific aspects of mass poisoning with methanol in the Czech Republic. Data were collected from 25 May to...

Dopady částečné alkoholové prohibice v České republice na koncový trh s alkoholem / Impact of partial alcohol prohibition in the Czech Republic on the retail market with alcoholic beverages

Bóbiková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
September 2012 had become known as a synonym for the methanol scandal in the Czech Republic during which over a hundred of individuals were hospitalized and several dozens of the patients died. This all occurred due to the ingestion of the adulterated alcohol. Whereas partial and time-limited prohibition which restricted the sales of alcoholic beverages with the alcohol content of 20 per cent and higher, was enforced in the Czech Republic from 14th to 27th September 2012. Due to further emerging poisonings in recent years is the topic of the methanol poisonings still relevant. The aim of the diploma paper is to depict the harm reduction strategies targeted on reducing the risks of the methanol poisonings used by the vulnerable target group of the alcoholic beverages consumers. Further are being outlined the risk behavior patterns and strategies in the targeted group of participants. According to the above mentioned aims is relevant to investigate the process of compliance of the emergency measures focused on the end market with the alcohol. Data gathered in the interviews with the retailers will help to obtain the general overview of the situation and supply the information about the possible plunges of the prohibition implementation and the strategies of the demand reduction implementation. The...

The Germans of Roberts Cove, Louisiana: German Rice Cultivation and the Making of a German-American Community in Acadia Parish, 1881-1917

Soileau, Lydia 17 December 2010 (has links)
The Germans of Geilenkirchen-Hengesburg region of Germany were convinced by relative and friend, Father Peter Leonard Thevis, of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, to emigrate to the United States for a number of reasons: political, religious, and economic. After establishing themselves on land previously used for grazing cattle, the Germans soon discovered rice could easily be cultivated in large amounts. Along with their success as rice farmers in Roberts Cove, Louisiana, these Germans soon involved themselves in politics and engaged one another and the surrounding community in numerous court cases. These court cases, overlooked by previous historians, demonstrate that the Germans of Roberts Cove had begun to assimilate, prior to World War I and the passage of anti-German legislation.

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