Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PUBLIC DEBT"" "subject:"[enn] PUBLIC DEBT""
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Staatsverschuldung und Inflation : eine empirische Analyse für DeutschlandMehnert, Alexander, Nastansky, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll der Zusammenhang zwischen Staatsverschuldung
und Inflation untersucht werden. Es werden theoretische Übertragungswege von
der Staatsverschuldung über die Geldmenge und die langfristigen Zinsen hin zur
Inflation gezeigt. Aufbauend auf diesen theoretischen Überlegungen werden die
Variablen Staatsverschuldung, Verbraucherpreisindex, Geldmenge M3 und langfristige Zinsen im Rahmen eines Vektor-Fehlerkorrekturmodells untersucht. In der empirischen Analyse werden die Variablen für Deutschland in dem Zeitraum vom 1. Quartal 1991 bis zum 4. Quartal 2010 betrachtet. In ein Vektor-Fehlerkorrekturmodell fließen alle Variablen als potentiell endogen in das Modell ein. Die Ermittlung der Kointegrationsbeziehungen und die Schätzung des Vektor-Fehlerkorrekturmodells erfolgen mithilfe des Johansen-Verfahrens. / In the following study the relation between the public debt and the inflation will be analysed. The transmission from the public debt to the inflation through the money supply and long term interest rate will be shown. Based on these theoretical thoughts the variables public debt, consumer price index, money supply m3 and the long term interest rate will be analysed within a vector error correction model. In the empirical part of this paper we will evaluate the timeperiod from the first quarter in 1991 until the fourth quarter in 2010 for Germany. In a vector error correction model every variable can be taken as endogenous. The variables in the model will be tested for cointegrated relationships and estimated with the Johansen-Approach.
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Política fiscal e endividamento público em um contexto de estado subnacional : uma perspectiva pós-keynesiana para o Rio Grande do Sul no período 1995-2014Picolotto, Volnei da Conceição January 2016 (has links)
Partindo da Teoria Pós-Keynesiana, o objetivo desta Tese, composta de três Ensaios, é analisar a política fiscal do estado subnacional Rio Grande do Sul de 1995 a 2014 e o desempenho da dívida renegociada com a União. O primeiro Ensaio aborda a política fiscal de administração dos gastos públicos do Estado, identificando se os investimentos públicos foram usados como política anticíclica, de acordo com as contribuições de Keynes (1980) sobre orçamentos segregados em corrente e de capital e de Minsky (1986) sobre o Big Government. Os números analisados mostram que as receitas correntes arrecadadas e as despesas correntes executadas aumentaram respectivamente 3,2% e 4,2% ao ano no período, o que sinaliza para a formação de um desequilíbrio estrutural corrente. A diferença entre as perdas de ICMS das exportações (Lei Kandir) e a compensação do Estado aumentou e a participação do Estado nas receitas da União cresceu em média 0,8% ao ano no período. Neste último caso, ocorreu uma reversão, elevando-se a cota-parte do RS no FPE e diminuindo a cota-parte do IPI exportações. Os dados indicam que a média anual de investimentos públicos oscilou. Eles caíram no início e aumentaram no final dos mandatos de cada um dos governadores do período, o que caracteriza ciclos políticos. Os acréscimos mais significativos de investimentos públicos ocorreram apenas quando o Estado contou com fontes extraordinárias de receitas, como privatizações, aumento de impostos, venda de ações ou operações de crédito. Para comprovar se a política fiscal foi anticíclica, desenvolveu-se o Índice Minskyano de Governo (iMG), que mede a relação entre a variação do déficit e dos investimentos públicos. No período, o iMG aponta que apenas em 2003 e 2008, com as taxas do PIB do RS em desaceleração, e 2005 e 2009, com as taxas do PIB negativas, o Estado executou uma política anticíclica de investimentos públicos. Porém, ela foi tímida, denominada de Small Government. O segundo Ensaio verifica se as propostas de política tributária do Estado de 1995 a 2014 coincidem com as apontadas por Keynes (1964), quais sejam: melhorar a capacidade de gastos do governo; reduzir impostos sobre consumo e investimentos para aumentar a demanda agregada; e elevar os tributos sobre a renda e a herança para diminuir a desigualdade. Pela política tributária realizada no período, percebe-se que apenas a primeira foi confirmada. Não há informações suficientes que comprovem a segunda. E sobre a terceira, houve até um retrocesso, com a diminuição do número de alíquotas do imposto sobre herança. Partindo da hipótese da fragilidade financeira de Minsky (1975, 1986, 1992), o terceiro Ensaio faz uma análise do fluxo de caixa da dívida pública do RS com a União, que foi renegociada em 1998 num cenário de avanço das políticas neoliberais no Brasil. Para isso foi proposto o Índice de fragilidade financeira da dívida pública (IFFDP). Com frequência mensal, o IFFDP aponta que a dívida pública do RS teve uma estrutura Ponzi de novembro de 1998 a fevereiro de 1999 e de abril de 2000 a agosto de 2003, períodos em que o indexador da dívida, o IGP-Di, sofreu fortes elevações, sobretudo pela volatilidade da taxa de câmbio. De março de 1999 a março de 2000 e de setembro de 2003 a maio de 2013, o Índice caracterizou-se como especulativo. Apenas a partir de junho de 2013, o IFFDP passou a ser considerado hedge, ou seja, o fluxo de caixa tem certa margem de segurança. / Based on the Post-Keynesian theory, the aim of this Theses, composed by three Essays, is to analyze the fiscal policy of the subnational state of Rio Grande do Sul from 1995 to 2014 as well as the development of the negotiated debit with the union. The First Essay approaches the fiscal policy of the public expenditure administration of the state, identifying if the public investments were used as anticyclical policies, according to Keynes’ contributions (1980) about budgets segregated into current and capital and according to Minsky’s contributions (1986) about the Big Government. The analyzed numbers show that the collected current revenues and the executed current expenses increase respectively 3,2% and 4,2% a year in the period, which signalizes a current structural unbalance formation. The differences among the losses of ICMS on exportations (Lei Kandir) and the State compensation increased and the State participation in the Union revenues increased on average 0.8% a year in the period. In the latter case, a reversion has occurred, increasing the quota-part of RS at FPE and decreasing the quota-part of exportations IPI. The data indicate that the annual average of public investments has oscillated. They fell at the beginning and increased at the end of each governor’s mandate in the period, which characterizes political cycles. The most significant increases of public investments occurred only when the State counted on extraordinary revenues sources, such as privatizations, taxes increases, stocks selling or credit operations. In order to prove if the fiscal policy was anticyclical, the Government Minskano Index (iMG) was developed, which measures the relation between the deficit variation and the public investments. However, it was timid, denominated Small Government, based on the Minsky’s contributions. The Second Essay verifies if the tax policy propositions of the State from 1998 to 2014 coincide with the ones pointed by Keynes (1964), as follows: to improve the government capacity of expenses; to decrease taxes on consume and investments in order to increase the aggregated demand; and to elevate the tributes over the income and the inheritance in order to decrease the inequality. Through the tax policy realized in the period, it is possible to perceive that only the first one was confirmed. There is no enough information which proves the second one. And about the third one, there was even a retreat, with the decreasing of the number of tax on inheritance aliquots. Assuming the financial instability hypothesis proposed by Minsky (1975, 1986, 1992), the Third Essay examines the cash flow of RS’s public debt with the Union, which was renegotiated in 1998 in an advance scenario of neoliberal policies in Brazil. For this reason, the Financial Fragility of the Public Debt Index (IFFDP) was purposed. With a monthly frequency, the IFIPD points out that the RS’s public debt had a Ponzi structure from November 1998 to February 1999 and from April 2000 to August 2003, periods in which the debt indexer, the IGP-Di, suffered severe elevations, especially by the volatility of the exchange rate. From March 1999 to March 2000 and from September 2003 to May 2013, the index was characterized as speculative. Only since June 2013 the IFFDP has been considered hedge, i.e., the cash flow has certain margin of safety.
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The missing link : fiscal sustainability analysis in South AfricaGanyaupfu, Elvis Munyaradzi 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined whether South African government reacted to its debt positions in a sustainable manner during the period 1999 quarter 1 to 2016 quarter 2. Estimation of the fiscal reaction function was conducted by integrating the exogenous short-run impact of monetary policy stance on both primary balance and public debt positions. The VEC model approach was applied to estimate the fiscal reaction function. Results indicate that fiscal policy in South Africa was sustainable during the respective sample period while monetary policy stance had statistically significant impacts on both primary balance and public debt positions. The significant impacts of monetary policy stance on primary balance and public debt show that monetary policy contributes to ensuring fiscal sustainability in South Africa, hence government needs to harmonize monetary efforts in managing public debt. The estimated impact of the business cycle on primary balance positions indicate that fiscal policy was countercyclical in nature. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)
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Le système de la dette publique : pour une approche organique d'un phénomène social / The system of public debtBonneville, François 07 December 2017 (has links)
L'analogie laissant penser que la dette publique serait une forme particulière de dette privée tend non seulement à mettre de côté d'importants problèmes théoriques tels que celui des éléments constitutifs des définitions, mais conduit aussi à ignorer que dans le système actuel la dette publique paraît connaître ni débiteur, ni créancier, pas plus que de patrimoine servant de gage ou de régime juridique cohérent. Ce qui pourrait apparaître comme un manque semble au contraire signifier que la dette publique fonctionne selon une logique propre. Cette thèse se propose de défendre une approche organique de la dette publique en mettant au cœur de la recherche ce que peut signifier la position de débiteur public, de créancier, de nation-débitrice et en mettant en lumière la concurrence entre les ordres juridiques, économiques et politiques au cœur du système. La dette publique emporte d'importantes conséquences en termes de distribution ou de redistribution des richesses de la Nation, le « choix de la dette » est donc éminemment politique. Ce sujet témoigne également des évolutions de la place du droit dans nos sociétés en s'inscrivant doublement dans la perspective de globalisation des phénomènes sociaux et en voyant aussi l'État abandonner certains des éléments constitutifs de sa puissance face aux Marchés pour se positionner comme un régulateur du système financier. / The analogy suggesting that public debt is a particular form of private debt not only tends to set aside important theoretical issues such as the constituent elements of definitions, but also leads to ignoring the fact that in the present system the public debt does not seem to have either a debtor or a creditor, any more than a patrimony as a security or a coherent legal system. What appears to be a lack seems, on the contrary, to mean that the public debt operates according to its own logic. This thesis proposes to defend an organic approach to public debt by putting at the heart of research what the positions of public debtor and creditor can mean, and by highlighting the competition between the law, the economic rules and the political principles in the system. The public debt also carries important consequences in terms of distribution or redistribution of the nation's wealth, so the "choice of the debt" is eminently political. This subject also testifies to the evolutions of the place of law in our societies, by being doubly in line with the perspective of the globalization of social phenomena, and seeing the State abandoning some of the elements of its power against the Markets, to position itself as a regulator of the financial system.
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[pt] Nesse trabalho abordamos a importância do gerenciamento na
sustentabilidade da dívida. Em um primeiro instante,
definimos períodos de
insustentabilidade da dívida pública de forma alternativa
à literatura corrente.
Através de modelos probabilísticos com variável dependente
sendo binária, encontramos evidências empíricas de que a
composição e a
duração da dívida influenciam a probabilidade de
ocorrência de períodos de
insustentabilidade, para o período compreendido entre
janeiro de 1996 e
setembro de 2005. Em um segundo momento, utilizamos a
abordagem de
gerenciamento de risco para analisar a sustentabilidade da
dívida. Agregamos a
essa abordagem o fato de decompormos a dívida pública por
indexador. Através
de simulações de Bootstrap em bloco e Monte Carlo, obtemos
explosivas da dívida pública, embora na ausência de risco,
haja sustentabilidade.
Além do mais, estimamos estatísticas de risco para a
dívida e encontramos
razoável correlação entre essas e o risco-país. Por fim,
observamos que títulos
indexados à taxa de juros selic e a moeda estrangeira
aumentam a probabilidade
de haver insustentabilidade. / [en] We discuss the importance of the debt management in its
sustainability. At
first, we define unsustainability periods of the public
debt in an alternative way,
if compared to the current literature. Using probabilistic
models with
unsustainability dependent dummy variable, we find empiric
evidences that
composition and duration of the debt influence the
probability that
unsustainability periods might occur, for the period
between January 1996 and
September 2005. In a second step, we use the risk
management approach to
analyze the debt sustainability. We include in this
approach an analysis of the
decomposition of the public debt. Applying Bootstrap and
Monte Carlo
simulations, we obtain some explosive trajectories of the
public debt, although in
the lack of risk, there is sustainability. In addition, we
estimate risk statistics of
the debt and we find reasonable correlation between these
and the country risk.
Finally, we observe that Selic interest rate and foreign
currency indexed bonds
raise the probability of unsustainability.
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Zadlužení územních samosprávných celků / Local Government IndebtednessBLAŽKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the situation and development of the indebtedness of self-governing units with regard to the sustainability of individual budgets and also with regard to sustainability of consolidated public budgets in the Czech Republic, and therefore assess the conception of fiscal regulations for self-governing units in the Czech Republic. Based on the aim of the thesis a research question needed to be proposed: Are budgets of self-governing units one of the factors leading to the deterioration or improvement of sustainability of public finance? At first there are defined terms related to the indebtedness and debt regulation of local governments. Part of thesis is to analyze the indebtedness of all municipal and regions. The calculations of this work were divided into two parts: macro and micro point of view. On the basic of calculations it is possible to summarize that in 2014 the debt of municipalities was developing favorably in comparison to the debt of regions. The most problematic categories are municipalities with a population of 200 and cities with more than 100 001 people. The debt of self-governing units makes just under 7 % of the public debt. Based on the thesis, it is possible to reach the conclusion and answer the research question that budgets of the self-governing units are really one of the factors leading to the improvement of sustainability of public finance. Generally speaking, the public finance in the Czech Republic is considered as sustainable. The ratio of public debt to GDP is decreasing and is way under 60 %. The only possible problem is the debt of the regions. Their debt is constantly rising, however in comparison to the total public debt, it is still insignificant.
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A composição da dívida pública mobiliária federal interna e os fundos de investimento no Brasil: análise dos fatores de influênciaRodrigues, Manoel Aparecido January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Manoel-Aparecido.pdf: 289442 bytes, checksum: a43d4ad1ad996fa4cb5202a13a3475c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / This work intends to study the relationship between Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds. In the theoretical framework, the discussion about liquidity preference theories implies considering risk averse investors. Portfolio selection is also discussed, particularly Markowitz efficient frontier. Historical data from November of 1999 to December of 2004 of Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are analyzed. Official goals concerning Public Debt's mix and its actual composition are presented, as well as Mutual Fund preferences as buyers of public debt securities. Time series of three securities (LFT, LTN and NTN-C) in Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are compared and a similar behavior is identified. Relevant facts of the macroeconomic context which may have affected Public Debt or Mutual Funds are discussed. Some indications of a possible influence of Mutual Funds upon Public Debt Mix are obtained and hypothesis to be tested in future studies are proposed. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo estudar a relação entre a composição da Dívida Pública Mobiliária Federal interna - DPMFi e os Fundos de Investimento, que se caracterizam como os principais demandantes de títulos públicos. Discutem-se, no referencial teórico, abordagens teóricas à preferência pela liquidez - que levam a postular o investidor como avesso ao risco - assim como a composição de portfólio, particularmente, a fronteira eficiente de Markowitz. Foram analisados dados históricos da composição da DPMFi do patrimônio de Fundos de Investimento no período de novembro de 1999 a dezembro de 2004. Os objetivos do governo acerca do mix de títulos da dívida pública e os resultados alcançados são delineados, assim como as preferências dos fundos em relação a tais títulos. As séries do montante de três papéis (LFT, LTN e NTN-C) na DPMFi e em poder dos Fundos de Investimento são comparados e comportamentos semelhantes são identificados. Discutem-se fatos relevantes do contexto macroeconômico no período em termos de sua influência sobre o mix da Dívida Pública e dos Fundos de Investimento. Encontram-se indícios de uma possível influência dos Fundos de Investimento sobre o perfil da DPMFi e propõe-se hipóteses para estudos futuros.
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Dinâmica da dívida pública do Brasil: uma aplicação do modelo VAR estruturalBisognini, Kátia Vieira 10 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Katia Vieira Bisognini (kabisognini@uol.com.br) on 2016-09-06T21:15:17Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
01-DISSERTAÇÃO-KBISOGNINI-20160906.pdf: 750949 bytes, checksum: 09e79d9a2b3a21e0163ceff728c005b2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-09-08T16:35:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
01-DISSERTAÇÃO-KBISOGNINI-20160906.pdf: 750949 bytes, checksum: 09e79d9a2b3a21e0163ceff728c005b2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T16:52:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
01-DISSERTAÇÃO-KBISOGNINI-20160906.pdf: 750949 bytes, checksum: 09e79d9a2b3a21e0163ceff728c005b2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-10 / The public debt sustainability is essential for the development and growth of a country. Countries that seek economic expansion in the short/medium term without maintaining a sustainable fiscal policy can incur to the problem of explosive trajectory of public debt, compromising their development and growth in the long term. This work aims to analyze the dynamics of Brazilian public debt through the structural vector autoregressive approach (SVAR) during the period of 2003 to 2015. For that, the model proposed by Apergis and Cooray (2015) to analyze the Greek public debt will be used as reference. However, adaptations were necessary to adequate the model to the Brazilian reality. Even if the adequacy of the model, the results obtained did not have adherence compatible with the economic theory, possibly due to the shocks that occurred in Brazil during this period. It is suggested the development of future studies to improve the model in order to get consistent results, like the reference model results. / A sustentabilidade da dívida pública de um país é essencial para seu desenvolvimento e crescimento econômico. Países que buscam uma expansão econômica no curto/médio prazo sem manter uma política fiscal sustentável podem incorrer ao problema de trajetória explosiva da dívida pública, comprometendo seu desenvolvimento e crescimento no longo prazo. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a dinâmica da dívida pública do Brasil através da ótica do modelo de vetor autorregressivo estrutural (SVAR) durante o período de 2003 a 2015. Para isto será utilizado como referência o modelo proposto por Apergis e Cooray (2015) para analisar a dinâmica da dívida pública grega. No entanto, adaptações foram necessárias para adequar o modelo a realidade do Brasil. Mesmo com a adaptação do modelo, os resultados obtidos não tiveram uma aderência compatível com a teoria econômica, possivelmente devido aos choques que ocorreram no Brasil durante este período. Sugere-se o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros para o aperfeiçoamento do modelo, a fim de se obter um resultado consistente e mais próximo aos resultados do modelo de referência.
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Essays on fiscal policy and public debtDiniz, André Sander 28 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Andre Sander Diniz (sdiniz.andre@gmail.com) on 2017-12-04T23:21:55Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE_AndreDiniz.pdf: 1446746 bytes, checksum: a43fc82c153a68b1435f83aa1fccac05 (MD5) / Rejected by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br), reason: Bom dia André,
Por gentileza, verifique modelos de teses na biblioteca digital, sua submissão não segue os padrões.
Todas as primeiras páginas.
Aguardo nova submissão.
Suzi 3799-7876 on 2017-12-06T12:55:29Z (GMT) / Submitted by Andre Sander Diniz (sdiniz.andre@gmail.com) on 2017-12-07T01:44:52Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE_AndreDiniz (2).pdf: 1425640 bytes, checksum: e977ba1359fa366483745166952c3ebf (MD5) / Rejected by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br), reason: Bom dia André,
Por gentileza, tire o acento da palavra Getulio.
on 2017-12-07T12:46:04Z (GMT) / Submitted by Andre Sander Diniz (sdiniz.andre@gmail.com) on 2017-12-08T01:42:52Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE (1).pdf: 1424821 bytes, checksum: 579e86e94e00e7fef70de1763ac50458 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2017-12-08T20:56:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE (1).pdf: 1424821 bytes, checksum: 579e86e94e00e7fef70de1763ac50458 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-11T11:55:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE (1).pdf: 1424821 bytes, checksum: 579e86e94e00e7fef70de1763ac50458 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-11-28 / This thesis is composed of three essays related to fiscal policy and public debt. The first chapter analyses quantitatively the relevance of different fiscal policy responses to a debt restructuring episode, taking into account endogenous default costs associated to the financial accelerator mechanism. The second chapter presents an empirical exercise on the effects of fiscal consolidations for Latin American countries, with the study of the impact on output and some aggregate demand components, as well as an investigation of the relative importance of revenue or expenditure-based adjustments and possible non-linearities in the economy's response. The third chapter suggests a simple political economy model to rationalize the presence of political budget cycles for external debt and tests the empirical implications of the model in a panel of developed and emerging economies. / Essa tese é composta por três ensaios relacionados aos temas de política fiscal e dívida pública. O primeiro capítulo faz uma análise quantitativa da importância dos diferentes tipos de resposta da política fiscal a um episódio de reestruturação de dívida, levando em consideração custos endógenos de default associados ao mecanismo do acelerador financeiro. O segundo capítulo apresenta um exercício empírico sobre os efeitos de ajustes fiscais em países da América Latina, estudando o impacto sobre produto e alguns componentes da demanda agregrada, bem como investigando a importância de ajustes baseados em receitas ou despesas e possíveis não-linearidades na resposta da economia. O terceiro capítulo sugere um modelo simples de economia política para racionalizar a presença de ciclos eleitorais de dívida externa, e em seguida testa implicações empíricas do modelo em um painel de economias desenvolvidas e emergentes.
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Política fiscal e endividamento público em um contexto de estado subnacional : uma perspectiva pós-keynesiana para o Rio Grande do Sul no período 1995-2014Picolotto, Volnei da Conceição January 2016 (has links)
Partindo da Teoria Pós-Keynesiana, o objetivo desta Tese, composta de três Ensaios, é analisar a política fiscal do estado subnacional Rio Grande do Sul de 1995 a 2014 e o desempenho da dívida renegociada com a União. O primeiro Ensaio aborda a política fiscal de administração dos gastos públicos do Estado, identificando se os investimentos públicos foram usados como política anticíclica, de acordo com as contribuições de Keynes (1980) sobre orçamentos segregados em corrente e de capital e de Minsky (1986) sobre o Big Government. Os números analisados mostram que as receitas correntes arrecadadas e as despesas correntes executadas aumentaram respectivamente 3,2% e 4,2% ao ano no período, o que sinaliza para a formação de um desequilíbrio estrutural corrente. A diferença entre as perdas de ICMS das exportações (Lei Kandir) e a compensação do Estado aumentou e a participação do Estado nas receitas da União cresceu em média 0,8% ao ano no período. Neste último caso, ocorreu uma reversão, elevando-se a cota-parte do RS no FPE e diminuindo a cota-parte do IPI exportações. Os dados indicam que a média anual de investimentos públicos oscilou. Eles caíram no início e aumentaram no final dos mandatos de cada um dos governadores do período, o que caracteriza ciclos políticos. Os acréscimos mais significativos de investimentos públicos ocorreram apenas quando o Estado contou com fontes extraordinárias de receitas, como privatizações, aumento de impostos, venda de ações ou operações de crédito. Para comprovar se a política fiscal foi anticíclica, desenvolveu-se o Índice Minskyano de Governo (iMG), que mede a relação entre a variação do déficit e dos investimentos públicos. No período, o iMG aponta que apenas em 2003 e 2008, com as taxas do PIB do RS em desaceleração, e 2005 e 2009, com as taxas do PIB negativas, o Estado executou uma política anticíclica de investimentos públicos. Porém, ela foi tímida, denominada de Small Government. O segundo Ensaio verifica se as propostas de política tributária do Estado de 1995 a 2014 coincidem com as apontadas por Keynes (1964), quais sejam: melhorar a capacidade de gastos do governo; reduzir impostos sobre consumo e investimentos para aumentar a demanda agregada; e elevar os tributos sobre a renda e a herança para diminuir a desigualdade. Pela política tributária realizada no período, percebe-se que apenas a primeira foi confirmada. Não há informações suficientes que comprovem a segunda. E sobre a terceira, houve até um retrocesso, com a diminuição do número de alíquotas do imposto sobre herança. Partindo da hipótese da fragilidade financeira de Minsky (1975, 1986, 1992), o terceiro Ensaio faz uma análise do fluxo de caixa da dívida pública do RS com a União, que foi renegociada em 1998 num cenário de avanço das políticas neoliberais no Brasil. Para isso foi proposto o Índice de fragilidade financeira da dívida pública (IFFDP). Com frequência mensal, o IFFDP aponta que a dívida pública do RS teve uma estrutura Ponzi de novembro de 1998 a fevereiro de 1999 e de abril de 2000 a agosto de 2003, períodos em que o indexador da dívida, o IGP-Di, sofreu fortes elevações, sobretudo pela volatilidade da taxa de câmbio. De março de 1999 a março de 2000 e de setembro de 2003 a maio de 2013, o Índice caracterizou-se como especulativo. Apenas a partir de junho de 2013, o IFFDP passou a ser considerado hedge, ou seja, o fluxo de caixa tem certa margem de segurança. / Based on the Post-Keynesian theory, the aim of this Theses, composed by three Essays, is to analyze the fiscal policy of the subnational state of Rio Grande do Sul from 1995 to 2014 as well as the development of the negotiated debit with the union. The First Essay approaches the fiscal policy of the public expenditure administration of the state, identifying if the public investments were used as anticyclical policies, according to Keynes’ contributions (1980) about budgets segregated into current and capital and according to Minsky’s contributions (1986) about the Big Government. The analyzed numbers show that the collected current revenues and the executed current expenses increase respectively 3,2% and 4,2% a year in the period, which signalizes a current structural unbalance formation. The differences among the losses of ICMS on exportations (Lei Kandir) and the State compensation increased and the State participation in the Union revenues increased on average 0.8% a year in the period. In the latter case, a reversion has occurred, increasing the quota-part of RS at FPE and decreasing the quota-part of exportations IPI. The data indicate that the annual average of public investments has oscillated. They fell at the beginning and increased at the end of each governor’s mandate in the period, which characterizes political cycles. The most significant increases of public investments occurred only when the State counted on extraordinary revenues sources, such as privatizations, taxes increases, stocks selling or credit operations. In order to prove if the fiscal policy was anticyclical, the Government Minskano Index (iMG) was developed, which measures the relation between the deficit variation and the public investments. However, it was timid, denominated Small Government, based on the Minsky’s contributions. The Second Essay verifies if the tax policy propositions of the State from 1998 to 2014 coincide with the ones pointed by Keynes (1964), as follows: to improve the government capacity of expenses; to decrease taxes on consume and investments in order to increase the aggregated demand; and to elevate the tributes over the income and the inheritance in order to decrease the inequality. Through the tax policy realized in the period, it is possible to perceive that only the first one was confirmed. There is no enough information which proves the second one. And about the third one, there was even a retreat, with the decreasing of the number of tax on inheritance aliquots. Assuming the financial instability hypothesis proposed by Minsky (1975, 1986, 1992), the Third Essay examines the cash flow of RS’s public debt with the Union, which was renegotiated in 1998 in an advance scenario of neoliberal policies in Brazil. For this reason, the Financial Fragility of the Public Debt Index (IFFDP) was purposed. With a monthly frequency, the IFIPD points out that the RS’s public debt had a Ponzi structure from November 1998 to February 1999 and from April 2000 to August 2003, periods in which the debt indexer, the IGP-Di, suffered severe elevations, especially by the volatility of the exchange rate. From March 1999 to March 2000 and from September 2003 to May 2013, the index was characterized as speculative. Only since June 2013 the IFFDP has been considered hedge, i.e., the cash flow has certain margin of safety.
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