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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JOSE MAURICIO DE AZEVEDO CARDOSO 28 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] Objetivos: Propor um modelo de avaliação da qualidade de gestão, com base nos critérios de excelência utilizados no Prêmio Nacional de Qualidade (PNQ), em organizações não governamentais (ONG), ditas do Terceiro Setor, que atuam no âmbito da assistência social e que tenham abrangência municipal. Contextualização: A presente pesquisa de mestrado se desenvolve no marco de resultados de estudos do impacto das ações empreendidas por organizações não governamentais, que apontam para a ineficiência dessa ação. A pesquisa visa, suprir essa vulnerabilidade e, por conseguinte, melhorar a qualidade da intervenção social empreendida pelas ONGs no Brasil. Metodologia: (i) análise e pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os métodos de avaliação de gestão aplicáveis às organizações do Terceiro Setor; (ii) estudo do PNQ, particularmente seus critérios de excelência, os quais no âmbito da pesquisa foram subdivididos em itens para os quais são avaliados os níveis de práticas de cada aspecto de gestão; (iii) construção de proposta de métrica e metodologia para avaliação da qualidade de organizações não governamentais, incorporando critérios adaptados do PNQ e critérios desenvolvidos a partir de análise de literatura e (iv) realização de teste para validação do modelo em uma ONG. Conclusões: Fazendo uso de métricas e validando-as segundo preceitos metrológicos, o estudo contribui para a mensuração da qualidade em organizações não governamentais, colaborando assim para a melhoraria de seu desempenho através da superação dos pontos frágeis detectados nos processos de avaliação internos de sua gestão. / [en] Objective: Propose an evaluation model of management quality of nongovernmental organizations (NGO), the so-called Third Sector, in the area social work and with municipal scope, based on the criteria of excellence utilized by the National Quality Prize (NQP). Context: The development of this masters` research takes place in the framework of the results of studies on the impact of non- governmental organizations activities which point out their evasiveness and inefficiency. The research aims to fill in this vulnerability and, therefore, improve the quality of the social intervention carried out by the NGOs in Brazil. Methodology: (i) Bibliographic research and analysis of management evaluation methods applicable to Third Sector organizations; (ii) study of the NQP, particularly its excellence criteria, which in the scope of the research were subdivided in items and for each an evaluation was made of levels of practice regarding management; (iii) construction of a proposal of a metric and a methodology for quality evaluation in non-governmental organizations incorporating criteria adapted from NQP and criteria coming out of the literature analysis and (iv) test in a NGO to validate the model. Conclusions: By employing metrics and validating them in accordance with metrological precepts, the study contributes to the measurement of quality in non-governmental organizations, thus collaborating to improvements in their performance through the overcoming of those fragile points identified in the processes of internal evaluation of their management.

Revelações do SINAES : (des)caminhos da avaliação da qualidade nos Cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil

Ferreira, Jeferson Saccol January 2017 (has links)
A finalidade deste estudo é compreender como se apresenta a avaliação da qualidade da Educação Superior em Cursos de Licenciatura em Pedagogia no Brasil, em 2014, decorridos dez anos de implementação do Sinaes – Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior. Focaliza os Cursos de Licenciatura em Pedagogia no Brasil, analisando mais pormenorizadamente o Enade 2014, Relatório de Área, Instrumentos de Avaliação de Curso e Institucional do Inep, em contexto das Diretrizes e Políticas Nacionais e de uma problematização dos indicadores de qualidade, como o CPC – Conceito Preliminar de Curso e CC - Conceito de Curso, bem como do Censo da Educação Superior. Os objetivos consistem em conhecer e estudar a qualidade dos Cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil de modo a compreender se a qualidade está moldada à supremacia do mercado, orientada pela face normativa da avaliação, ou à qualidade emancipatória, presente nos documentos oficiais e instituintes do Sinaes. A fundamentação teórica inspirase Lee Harvey (1993), Daiana Green (1993), Barnett (1992) para conhecer as classificações de qualidade em educação superior nos anos noventa. Inspira-se em Morosini (2014, 2015, 2016), Ristoff (2013), Dias Sobrinho (2013), Cury (2010), Bertolin (2009), Harvey (2006), Leite (2005) e Watty (2005) para se tentar compreender o termo qualidade em educação superior a partir dos anos dois mil e, especialmente, para se compreender a polissemia e ambiguidade inerente a este conceito que influenciam as políticas educacionais em curso. A metodologia de pesquisa, nos três primeiros capítulos, é de cunho bibliográfico Nestes capítulos estudou-se a Educação Superior de qualidade como bem público, direito e dever do Estado; termos contemporâneos de qualidade, com destaque à equidade; os sentidos da internacionalização da Educação Superior; as concepções de sistema educativo e a evolução da Educação Superior no Brasil; os desafios e avanços da formação inicial de professores no Brasil e a recente política educacional em curso. O capítulo quatro seguiu metodologia específica, em que são identificadas 06 (seis) categorias e 39 (trinta e nove) Indicadores de Qualidade, ancorados, sobretudo, na recente proposta de Indicadores de Qualidade para a Educação Superior formulada por Morosini, Fernandes, Leite, Dal Pai Franco, Cunha e Isaia (2016). Nessas análises, procurou-se caracterizar o Curso de Pedagogia no Sinaes (2014), levantar dados e informações e estudá-las em cotejo às Categorias (Qualidade do Currículo, Qualidade das Práticas Pedagógicas, Qualidade da Avaliação, Qualidade da Instituição, Qualidade do Corpo Docente e Qualidade do Corpo Discente) e Indicadores propostos a fim de evidenciar a(s) qualidade(s) presente(s) nesse Curso. As constatações do estudo revelam que, no período estudado, a qualidade da formação dos estudantes dos Cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil é baixa e implica na inabilidade/incapacidade desses em relacionar a teoria à prática; posicionar-se adequadamente em relação à profissão do Licenciado em Pedagogia; problematizar temas relacionados à educação, como o relacionado aos Direitos Humanos; ensaiar o ato de criticar e refletir; posicionar-se em defesa de princípios constitucionais - como a democracia e a tolerância; ancorar-se em percepções mediadas pelo conhecimento científico; perceber a cidadania e suas formas de conquista e perceber os preceitos mais básicos da escola Este estudo revela também que os estudantes apresentam inúmeras deficiências em relação ao perfil do egresso proposto pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, a qualidade dos textos discursivos produzidas é baixa; os Cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil desenvolvem atividades práticas, mas a qualidade destas atividades e do processo de relação teoria-prática não é eficiente; menos de três por cento dos estudantes do sexo masculino e menos de três por cento dos estudantes do sexo feminino receberam bolsas de Iniciação à Pesquisa; a maior parte dos estudantes concluintes do Curso de Pedagogia no Brasil não é jovem, ao contrário, tem entre 30 a 35 anos; a maioria dos concluintes são mulheres; quase um terço dos estudantes tem renda familiar mensal de até 1,5 salários mínimos mensais e mais de um terço entre 1,5 a três salários mínimos; mais de um terço dos estudantes contribuem para o sustento da família e mais de vinte por cento têm renda, mas precisam de ajuda da família; a redução de horas do estágio, prevista na legislação, contribuiu para a abreviação de atividades importantes do percurso formativo dos estudantes o TCC obrigatório torna-se um obstáculo à obtenção do diploma, mas os estudantes encontram um modo de concluí-lo; há precário domínio dos aspectos teóricometodológicos envolvidos nas fases do planejamento da ação pedagógica; os Instrumentos de Avaliação in loco precisam evoluir no sentido de promover condições e critérios mais claros de avaliar as atividades práticas e sua vinculação ao trabalho intelectual desenvolvido nos Cursos de Pedagogia. Com isso, percebe-se que há um conceito de qualidade que está posto nos documentos oficiais (Diretrizes), mas há outro(s) que está(ão) acontecendo. Enfim, este estudo revela que o Sinaes, como se apresenta, está modelado às necessidades e exigências da iniciativa privada, da cultura de competitividade das/nas empresas, evidenciando uma enorme capacidade e fôlego do mercado em continuar crescendo, inclusive pela via da Educação a Distância, dentro e fora do território brasileiro e, nessa perspectiva, a construção da equidade, da emancipação e da cidadania é fortemente prejudicada. / This study aims to understand how the evaluation of the quality of Higher Education in Pedagogy Degree Courses in Brazil is presented in 2014, after ten years of implementation of Sinaes - National System of Evaluation of Higher Education. Focusing on Degree Courses in Pedagogy in Brazil, analyzing, in more detail, the Enade 2014, Area Report, Inep Course and Institutional Evaluation Instruments, in the context of the Guidelines and National Policies and a questioning of the quality indicators, such as the CPC - Preliminary Course Concept and CC - Course Concept, as well as the Higher Education Census. The objectives are to know and study the quality of Pedagogy Courses in Brazil to understand whether quality is molded by the market supremacy, guided by the normative face of the evaluation, or the emancipatory quality, present in the official and instituting documents of Sinaes. The theoretical foundation is inspired by Lee Harvey (1993), Daiana Green (1993), Barnett (1992) to know the quality classifications in higher education in the nineties. It is inspired by Morosini (2014, 2015, 2016), Ristoff (2013), Dias Sobrinho (2013), Cury (2010), Bertolin (2009), Harvey (2006), Leite (2005) e Watty (2005) to try to understand the term quality in higher education from the years two thousand and, especially, to understand the meanings and ambiguity inherent in this concept that influence educational policies in progress. The research methodology, in the first three chapters, is bibliographic. In these chapters the Higher Education of quality was studied as public good, right and duty of the State; Contemporary terms of quality, with emphasis on equity; The meanings of the internationalization of Higher Education; The conceptions of the educational system and the evolution of Higher Education in Brazil; The challenges and advances of initial teacher education in Brazil and the recent educational policy in progress. The chapter four followed a specific methodology in which 06 (six) categories and 39 (thirty nine) Quality Indicators were identified, anchored, above all, in the recent proposal of Quality Indicators for Higher Education formulated by Morosini, Fernandes, Leite, Dal Pai Franco, Cunha and Isaia (2016). In these analyzes, it was tried to characterize the Course of Pedagogy in the Sinaes (2014), to collect data and information and to study them in relation to Categories (Quality of Curriculum, Quality of Pedagogical Practices, Quality of Assessment, Quality of Institution, Quality of professors and Quality of Students) and Indicators proposed in order to evidence the qualities present in this Course. The findings of the study reveal that, in the period studied, the quality of the academic formation in Pedagogy Courses in Brazil is low, and implies their inability to relate theory to practice; Position itself adequately in relation to the profession of the Licentiate in Pedagogy; discuss issues related to education, such as related to human rights; Rehearse the act of criticizing and reflecting; Position itself in defense of constitutional principles - such as democracy and tolerance; Anchoring itself in perceptions mediated by scientific knowledge; realize citizenship and ways of achievement and realize the most basic precepts of school This study also reveals that the students present numerous deficiencies in relation to the egress profile proposed by the National Curricular Guidelines, the quality of the discursive texts produced is low; the Pedagogy Courses in Brazil develop practical activities, but the quality of these activities and the process of theory-practice relationship is not efficient; less than three percent of men and less than three percent of female students received Initiation scholarships Research; most of the students who complete the Pedagogy Course in Brazil is not young, by contrast, has between 30 to 35 years; The majority of the graduates are women; almost a third of the students have monthly family income of up to 1.5 monthly minimum wages and more than one third of 1.5 to three minimum wages; more than one third of the students contribute to the family income and more than twenty percent have income but need family help the reduction of hours of training provided for in legislation, contributed to the decline of important activities of the training course for students; the work of Course conclusion becomes another obstacle, but the students find a way to complete it; there is precarious theoretical-methodological aspects involved in the planning stages of pedagogical action; the Assessment Instruments need to evolve in order to promote clearer conditions and criteria for evaluating practical activities and their relation to the intellectual work developed in the Pedagogy Courses. Thus, it is clear that there is a concept of quality that is put in the official documents (Guidelines), but there are others that are going on. Finally, this study reveals that the Sinaes is modeled to the needs and requirements of the private sector, competitive culture of / in companies. There is also evidence of an enormous capacity of the market to continue growing, including via distance education, inside and outside Brazilian territory and, from this perspective the construction of equity, emancipation and citizenship is strongly impaired.

Educação e Tecnologia De Gestão: um estudo de caso sobre a Gestão da Qualidade em Instituição de Ensino Superior Privada no Estado do Amazonas

Grifoni, Antonio Luca 05 October 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:10:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Grifoni.pdf: 813672 bytes, checksum: faafe75c6457422eae755f33383df65f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-10-05 / The present work searchs to approach the main activities carried through in the technology of Management, as well as its process of implementation and planning applied to a Private Institution of Superior Education, evidencing the intensification of the search of the quality in its services. The current market this in constant change, run over for the technological globalization and innovations that quickly present new forms of taking of decisions. Institutions to try them to remain themselves competitive, with the new applications of existing evaluations in the educational area, them have mainly, reacted to prepare the students one with more efficiency for the execution of the evaluations as they program and to the ingression in the work market. Such changes indicate an ample process of organizacional transformation objectifying to become more agile and efficient reorganizing all its academic structure. However, exactly the successful institutions can have difficulties to keep its position in the competitiveness of the market and to carry through this reorganization, from there that the development appears of this document, being the accomplishment of an inquiry in a IES of the located private sector in the city of Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas that in this work was called here of Manauara university. The information collected in the implementation of the new management had served of subsidies for the presentation of serve as apprentice it of evolution of current maturity where if it finds the together institution with the position of improvements of the activities determining a level of time for its maximum reach in the excellency degree / O presente trabalho busca abordar as principais atividades realizadas na tecnologia de Gestão, bem como o seu processo de implementação e planejamento aplicado a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Privada, evidenciando a intensificação da busca da qualidade em seus serviços. O mercado atual está em constante mudança, atropelado pela globalização e as inovações tecnológicas que rapidamente apresentam novas formas de tomada de decisões. Para as instituições tentarem se manter competitivas, com as novas aplicações de avaliações existentes na área educacional, elas tem principalmente, reagido a preparar o alunado com mais eficiência para a execução das avaliações como o provão e ao ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Tais mudanças indicam um amplo processo de transformação organizacional objetivando tornar-se mais ágil e eficiente reorganizando toda sua estrutura acadêmica. Todavia, mesmo as instituições bem sucedidas podem ter dificuldades para manter sua posição na competitividade do mercado e realizar esta reestruturação, daí que surge o desenvolvimento deste documento, sendo a realização de uma investigação em uma IES do setor privado localizado na cidade de Manaus, capital do estado do Amazonas que aqui neste trabalho foi denominada de Faculdade Manauara. As informações coletadas na implementação da nova gestão serviram de subsídios para a apresentação do estagio de evolução de maturidade atual em que se encontra a instituição junto com a posição de melhorias das atividades determinando um nível de tempo para seu alcance máximo no grau de excelência


RODRIGO DA SILVA FERREIRA 20 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto relativo da utilização de atributos de forma na segmentação de imagens de diferentes características e classes de objeto distintas. Para tanto, uma extensão do método de Segmentação Multiresolução (Baatz00) foi proposta e implementada, permitindo que vários atributos de forma possam ser considerados no processo de crescimento de regiões. Para se selecionar a métrica usada na avaliação da qualidade da segmentação, oito métricas disponíveis na literatura foram consideradas. O desempenho relativo das oito métricas foi verificado experimentalmente e avaliada a correlação entre este desempenho e a percepção humana da qualidade da segmentação. Na sequência, dez atributos de forma foram selecionados. A qualidade das segmentações realizadas considerando um atributo de forma de cada vez foi então comparada com a qualidade de segmentações baseadas somente na cor. Depois disso o impacto da utilização de pares de atributos de forma no processo de segmentação foi avaliado. Os experimentos foram realizados para quinze classes de objetos distintas presentes em doze imagens representativas de áreas de aplicação diferentes – sensoriamento remoto, microscopia e imagens médicas. Os resultados confirmam a importância dos atributos de forma na qualidade da segmentação e suscitam uma discussão sobre trabalhos futuros. / [en] This work’s general goal is to evaluate the relative impact of using different morphological attributes on the segmentation of different images and object classes. Therefore, this work proposes an extension to the Multiresolution Segmentation method (Baatz00), in a way that several morphological attributes can be considered in the region growing process. In order to select a segmentation quality assessment metric to be used in the evaluation of the proposed segmentation algorithm, a study on eight metrics available in the literature was conducted. This study aimed at assessing the relative performance of the quality metrics and to verify which of them presented the higher correlation with the human perception of segmentation quality. Eight shape attributes were then chosen to compose the heterogeneity criterion and the quality of segmentations using one shape attribute at a time was compared with the color only based segmentation. After that, the impact of using pairs of morphological attributes was also evaluated. The experiments were performed over fifteen classes of interest present in twelve different images, representing application areas such as remote sensing, microscopy and medical images. The results confirm the importance of including morphological attributes in the segmentation process and promote an interesting discussion about future works.

Visual Quality Assessment For Stereoscopic Video Sequences

Sarikan, Selim Sefa 01 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to understand the effect of different depth levels on the overall 3D quality and develop an objective video quality metric for stereoscopic video sequences. Proposed method is designed to be used in video coding stages to improve overall 3D video quality. This study includes both objective and subjective evaluation. Test sequences with different coding schemes are used. Computer simulation results show that overall quality has a strong correlation with the quality of the background, where disparity is smaller relative to the foreground. This correlation indicates that background layer is more prone to coding errors. The results also showed that content type is an important factor in determining the visual quality.

Evaluation of drinking water quality in Lake Mzingazi in Richards Bay.

Mathenjwa, Cleopas Mzondeni. January 2009 (has links)
Introduction Lake Mzingazi is the only suitable source of domestic water supply for the Richards Bay community. Rapid industrialisation in the city of uMhlathuze, accompanied by an influx of people, has resulted in informal settlement occurring around the lake. The uncontrolled activities of this development threaten to pollute the water source. Previous studies in1979 conducted by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research indicated that Lake Mzingazi water was still within acceptable limits in terms of the Department of Water Affairs & Forestry guidelines. The lake water quality was that of a Class I water resource, which is excellent for domestic use. Pollution of the lake can result from diffuse sources of pollution due to settlement of communities around it. Water purification costs could escalate thus forcing an increase in water tariffs. If pollution resulted in the lake being unable to be utilized, the Richards Bay community will be seriously affected, as it would necessitate the importing of water from distant regions. Either way, the expense of acquiring water would increase. All living organisms rely on adequate water for their survival. Worse still are human beings for their water should not only be adequate but should be of good quality to prevent health risks and even death. It is in view of these possibilities that the study was undertaken. Aim The aim of the study is to assess the extent of physical, chemical and biological pollution in Lake Mzingazi due to non-point sources and to recommend necessary protection measures that need to be implemented to prevent any negative health impact on surrounding communities. At present there are no restrictions and no protection of the lake from pollution except that no recreation is allowed into the lake at present. Methods Several objectives were set in order to focus on specific issues. One of the objectives was to inform the communities around the lake about the study. Sampling of the lake water was conducted monthly from June to November 2006 (using a boat). Pictures of areas around the lake were also taken for further analysis. At each sampling run, 36 samples were taken and delivered to a laboratory accredited by the South African National Accreditation Standards for analyses. Six sampling runs were completed. Secondary data for the period of 1998 to 2005 were obtained from uMhlathuze Municipality in order to establish pollution trends and for comparison purposes with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry guidelines. Results The findings of the study revealed that the quality of the lake water is still within acceptable limits when compared with the Department of Water Affairs & Forestry guidelines; however, informal settlement threatens the future of the lake by encroaching into the lake banks. Discussion There is definitely a risk of pollution to Lake Mzingazi as long as there are no pollution prevention plans in place. Recommendations All data should be stored in a centralized information system to avoid losing valuable information. The Water Services Authority must develop and maintain a water quality-monitoring programme that will capture all changes occurring in the lake. / Thesis (MMed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.

Medikų nuomonė apie sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas Vilniaus mieste / Opinion of medical community on health care services in vilnius city

Žukauskaitė, Simona 09 July 2011 (has links)
Pagrindimas: Lietuvoje vykstant sveikatos priežiūros reformai, didelio visuomenės ir mokslininkų dėmesio sulaukia įvairūs sveikatos priežiūros organizavimo, paslaugų kokybės aspektai, kurie dažniausiai vertinami vykdant pacientų apklausas, tačiau svarbus yra ir medicinos personalo nuomonės tyrimas šiais klausimais dėl realaus požiūrio į tam tikras sistemos funkcionavimo galimybes. Darbo tikslas: Išsiaiškinti kaip Vilniaus miesto medikai vertina dabartinę sveikatos priežiūrą ir paslaugas, analizuojant tam tikrus sveikatos priežiūros organizacinius aspektus, atsižvelgiant į medikų specializaciją, darbovietę ir darbo stažą. Metodika: Anoniminės anketinės apklausos būdu apklausti 297 respondentai (gydytojai ir slaugytojai) dirbantys pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centruose, stacionaruose ir privačiose įstaigose. Tyrimo tikslui ir uždaviniams pasiekti naudotas kiekybinis momentinis sociologinis tyrimas. Anketa sudaryta remiantis viešosios nuomonės ir rinkos tyrimų bendrovės ,,Spinter tyrimai“ 2004 m. atlikto tyrimo, kurio metu siekta išsiaiškinti, kaip medikai vetina sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų restruktūrizaciją ir kt. problemas, klausimynu. Duomenų apdorojimas ir analizė atlikta naudojantis statistiniu paketu SPSS. Skirtumai tarp atitinkamų rodiklių laikomi patikimais, kai klaidos tikimybė p ≤ 0,05. Šią reikšmę programa ieškant ryšio tarp kintamųjų, suskaičiuoja automatiškai. χ2 statistinis kriterijus taikomas tikrinant kokybinių požymių ryšio hipotezes. Taip pat... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background: While the Lithuanian health service reform is being implemented, major attention of the public and of the scienctists is drawn to different health service organization, service quality aspects, which often are being evaluated by implementing polls of the patients. However also is important poll of the medical personnel about these questions regarding the real opinion of particular functional abilities of the system. Purpose of the work: to find out how medics of the Vilnius city treat current health supervision and the services by analyzing particular organizational aspect of the health service, considering specialization, workplace and probation of the medics. Methodology: in the way of the anonymous questionnaire 297 respondents have been questioned (medic doctors and caregivers), working at primary health service centres, stationeries and private institutions. For reaching the purpose and the goal of this survey quantitative instantaneous sociological survey was used. The questionnaire was compounded using questionnaire of public opinion and market survey company ,,Spinter tyrimai“ of year 2004 intended to find out how the medics treat restructurizing of the health service institutions and other problems. Processing of data and analysis was completed using statistical packet SPSS. Differences between appropriate rates are treated as reliable when likelihood of mistake is p ≤ 0,05. The programme figures this value automatically when finds connection... [to full text]

Predicting Task-­specific Performance for Iterative Reconstruction in Computed Tomography

Chen, Baiyu January 2014 (has links)
<p>The cross-sectional images of computed tomography (CT) are calculated from a series of projections using reconstruction methods. Recently introduced on clinical CT scanners, iterative reconstruction (IR) method enables potential patient dose reduction with significantly reduced image noise, but is limited by its "waxy" texture and nonlinear nature. To balance the advantages and disadvantages of IR, evaluations are needed with diagnostic accuracy as the endpoint. Moreover, evaluations need to take into consideration the type of the imaging task (detection and quantification), the properties of the task (lesion size, contrast, edge profile, etc.), and other acquisition and reconstruction parameters. </p><p>To evaluate detection tasks, the more acceptable method is observer studies, which involve image preparation, graphical user interface setup, manual detection and scoring, and statistical analyses. Because such evaluation can be time consuming, mathematical models have been proposed to efficiently predict observer performance in terms of a detectability index (d'). However, certain assumptions such as system linearity may need to be made, thus limiting the application of the models to potentially nonlinear IR. For evaluating quantification tasks, conventional method can also be time consuming as it usually involves experiments with anthropomorphic phantoms. A mathematical model similar to d' was therefore proposed for the prediction of volume quantification performance, named the estimability index (e'). However, this prior model was limited in its modeling of the task, modeling of the volume segmentation process, and assumption of system linearity.</p><p>To expand prior d' and e' models to the evaluations of IR performance, the first part of this dissertation developed an experimental methodology to characterize image noise and resolution in a manner that was relevant to nonlinear IR. Results showed that this method was efficient and meaningful in characterizing the system performance accounting for the non-linearity of IR at multiple contrast and noise levels. It was also shown that when certain criteria were met, the measurement error could be controlled to be less than 10% to allow challenging measuring conditions with low object contrast and high image noise.</p><p>The second part of this dissertation incorporated the noise and resolution characterizations developed in the first part into the d' calculations, and evaluated the performance of IR and conventional filtered backprojection (FBP) for detection tasks. Results showed that compared to FBP, IR required less dose to achieve a threshold performance accuracy level, therefore potentially reducing the required dose. The dose saving potential of IR was not constant, but dependent on the task properties, with subtle tasks (small size and low contrast) enabling more dose saving than conspicuous tasks. Results also showed that at a fixed dose level, IR allowed more subtle tasks to exceed a threshold performance level, demonstrating the overall superior performance of IR for detection tasks.</p><p>The third part of this dissertation evaluated IR performance in volume quantification tasks with conventional experimental method. The volume quantification performance of IR was measured using an anthropomorphic chest phantom and compared to FBP in terms of accuracy and precision. Results showed that across a wide range of dose and slice thickness, IR led to accuracy significantly different from that of FBP, highlighting the importance of calibrating or expanding current segmentation software to incorporate the image characteristics of IR. Results also showed that despite IR's great noise reduction in uniform regions, IR in general had quantification precision similar to that of FBP, possibly due to IR's diminished noise reduction at edges (such as nodule boundaries) and IR's loss of resolution at low dose levels. </p><p>The last part of this dissertation mathematically predicted IR performance in volume quantification tasks with an e' model that was extended in three respects, including the task modeling, the segmentation software modeling, and the characterizations of noise and resolution properties. Results showed that the extended e' model correlated with experimental precision across a range of image acquisition protocols, nodule sizes, and segmentation software. In addition, compared to experimental assessments of quantification performance, e' was significantly reduced in computational time, such that it can be easily employed in clinical studies to verify quantitative compliance and to optimize clinical protocols for CT volumetry.</p><p>The research in this dissertation has two important clinical implications. First, because d' values reflect the percent of detection accuracy and e' values reflect the quantification precision, this work provides a framework for evaluating IR with diagnostic accuracy as the endpoint. Second, because the calculations of d' and e' models are much more efficient compared to conventional observer studies, the clinical protocols with IR can be optimized in a timely fashion, and the compliance of clinical performance can be examined routinely.</p> / Dissertation

Teikiamų sporto paslaugų kokybės vertinimas Plungės rajono centre / The assessment of the provided sports service quality in Plunge's district center

Gedminas, Karolis 27 January 2014 (has links)
Dаrbo аktuаlumаs. Pаslаugų kokybė yrа esminis konkurencinis prаnаšumаs pаslаugų orgаnizаcijoms. Esminiu jį gаlimа lаikyti dėl to, kаd pаslаugа – tаi visų pirmа yrа sаntykiаi, susitаrimаs ir bendrаdаrbiаvimаs tаrp pаslаugаs teikiаnčios orgаnizаcijos ir vаrtotojo. Ir nors pаslаugos kokybę vertinа vаrtotojаs iš sаvos perspektyvos, tаčiаu teikėjаs privаlo suvokti ir įgyvendinti gаvėjo poreikius, norint išlаikyti vаrtotoją ir kurti įmonės pridėtinę vertę. Dаrbo objektаs. Sporto pаslаugų kokybės vertinimаs. Tiriаmoji problemа. аr sporto pаslаugаs teikiаnčios orgаnizаcijos pаslаugų kokybei keliа įgyvendinаmus reikаlаvimus, ir kаip kokybė аtitinkа lаukiаmus vаrtotojų lūkesčius? Dаrbo tikslаs – Nustаtyti teikiаmų sporto pаslаugų kokybę Plungės rаjono centre. Uždаviniаi: 1.Аpibūdinti pаslаugų kokybės sаmprаtą ir svаrbą. 2.Išаnаlizuoti tаikomus pаslаugų kokybės vertinimų modelius. 3.Ištirti esminius kriterijus vаrtotojui renkаntis sporto pаslаugаs. 4.Įvertinti vаrtotojų lаukiаmos ir pаtirtos pаslаugos kokybę, tаikаnt SERVQUАL pаslаugų kokybės vertinimo modelį. Išvаdos: 1. Pаslаugų kokybė yrа viso personаlo iniciаtyvus sąžiningаs dаrbаs ir kokybės siekis, kur veiksmų reglаmentаvimаs pаdedа išlаikyti pаsiektą kokybę ir pаteikiа аtspirties pаgrindą pаslаugų kokybei gerinti. Pаslаugų kokybė – tаi kompleksinis procesаs, skirtаs vаrtotojo poreikiаms tenkinti ir įmonės įvаizdžiui kurti. Šis procesаs аpimа visus vаdybos elementus ir turi būti nuolаt... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevаnce of the topic. The quаlity of the service is а key competitive аdvаntаge for the orgаnizаtions. It cаn be considered аs essentiаl, becаuse the service- this is primаrily а relаtionship, аgreement аnd co-operаtion between the orgаnizаtions thаt provide services аnd the user. Аnd while the quаlity of service of the site from their own perspective, however the provider is required to understаnd аnd implement the recipient’s needs in order to keep the customer аnd to creаte аdded vаlue of the compаny. The object of the reseаrch. The quаlity evаluаtion of sports service in Plunge’s region center. The problem of the study. The quаlity of the service, for the modern humаn, must not only correspond the required stаndаrds, but аlso to exceed expectаtions. In order to аchieve these goаls, it is necessаry to choose аn аppropriаte quаlity аssessment model, аnd to be аble to properly аssess the current situаtion. The аim of the reseаrch. – to estаblish the quаlity of the offering sports services in Plunge’s district center. Tаsks of the pаper: 1. To describe the concept аnd the importаnce of the service quаlity; 2. To аnаlyze the quаlity evаluаtion of the аpplicаble theoreticаl models; 3. To investigаte the essentiаl consumers of Plunge’s region needs when choosing sports services; 4. To аssess whаt quаlity userd аre expecting аnd whаt they get by using SERVQUАL the service quаlity evаluаtion model. Conclusions: 1. The quаlity of the service in аn honest work аnd pursuit... [to full text]

Avaliação da qualidade das medições fotogramétricas da versão integrada do software livre E-FOTO. / Evaluation of the quality of photogrametric measurements of the integrated version of the e-photo free software.

Marcelo Sales Moffati 10 October 2012 (has links)
Na década de 90 com o aumento da capacidade de processamento e memória dos computadores, surgiu a fotogrametria digital, que tem como objetivo principal o mapeamento automático das feições naturais e artificiais do terreno, utilizando a imagem fotogramétrica digital como fonte primária de dados. As soluções fotogramétricas se tornaram mais compactas e versáteis. A estação fotogramétrica digital educacional E-FOTO é um projeto multidisciplinar, em desenvolvimento no laboratório de Fotogrametria Digital da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que se baseia em dois pilares: autoaprendizado e gratuidade. Este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de avaliar a qualidade das medições fotogramétricas utilizando a versão integrada 1.0&#946; do E-FOTO. Para isso foram utilizados dois blocos de fotografias de regiões distintas do planeta: um bloco de fotografias (2005) do município de Seropédica-RJ e um bloco de fotografias antigas (1953) da região de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha. Os resultados obtidos com o E-FOTO foram comparados com os resultados do software comercial de fotogrametria digital Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS 2010) e com as coordenadas no espaço-objeto de pontos medidos com posicionamento global por satélite (verdade de campo). Sendo possível avaliar as metodologias dos softwares na obtenção dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e na determinação da exatidão das coordenadas no espaço-objeto dos pontos de verificação obtidas no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO. Os resultados obtidos com a versão integrada 1.0&#946; do E-FOTO na determinação dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e no cálculo das coordenadas dos pontos de verificação, sem a inclusão dos parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração são compatíveis com o processamento realizado com o software LPS. As diferenças dos parâmetros X0 e Y0 obtidos na orientação exterior com o E-FOTO, quando comparados com os obtidos com o LPS, incluindo os parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração da câmara fotogramétrica, não são significativas. Em função da qualidade dos resultados obtidos e de acordo com o Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica, seria possível obter um documento cartográfico Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe B em relação à altimetria na escala 1/10.000, com o projeto Rural e Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe C em relação à altimetria na escala 1/25.000, com o Projeto Santiago de Compostela. As coordenadas tridimensionais (E, N e H) dos pontos de verificação obtidas fotogrametricamente no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO, podem ser consideradas equivalentes as medidas com tecnologia de posicionamento por satélites. / The acronym E-FOTO stands for an Educational Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. This is a multidisciplinary research project developed in The Rio de Janeiro State University. The E-FOTO project has two pillars: self-learning and gratuity. This dissertation evaluates the quality of the photogrammetric measurements performed by the 1.0&#946; integrated version of the E-FOTO software. Two photogrammetric blocks of airborne imagery taken in different geographic areas were used accordingly: the former photogrammetric dataset is assembled from 12 photograms of the city of Seropédica-RJ, flown in 2005; the second photogrammetric block is a set formed from 6 very old photograms taken in 1953 over the region of Compostela, in Spain. The photogrammetric measurements taken in the E-FOTO were compared with those taken using the Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS 2010) commercial software. The ground truth is a set of 30 ground testing points (GCP) measured with a geodetic, dual frequency receiver of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS/GPS) system. A digital photogrammetric mapping procedure was used to evaluate the E-FOTO software. For doing so, both interior and exterior orientation parameters of every image were computed. The photogrammetric computation of object-space coordinates of testing points was performed in the 1.64 version of the stereo plotter module of the E-FOTO. The comparisons of the results of the E-FOTO measurements with those taken from the LPS software can be considered identical, at the confidence level of 95%. The photogrammetric measurements performed in the 1.64 version of the E-FOTO stereoplotter module also match the tridimensional UTM coordinates (E, N and H) of the ground testing points at the same confidence level of 95%.

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