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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie norem řízení ISO pro výrobní organizaci / The Study of Management Standards ISO in Manufacturing Organization

Bendová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on the design of measures in quality management system for Honeywell, spol. s.r.o. Master´r thesis includes a differential analysis of the ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2008 and the new standard ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2015 for the Aerospace Division. There are also analyzed audit reports for 2015, in order to identify problem areas. Based on the analyzes are designed suggestions for improvement.

Choosing and Implementing a Quality Management System at Statistics Sweden

Lisai, Dan January 2008 (has links)
In today’s society we are surrounded by large amounts of information, quick decisions and high expectations to perform successfully in everything we do. As a statistical agency, Statistics Sweden is responsible for producing some of the information that is used for decision-making in society and is therefore under constant internal and external pressure to perform well. The responsibility to produce high-quality statistics to all customers and users is not simple. What is the quality of the statistics produced? How do we assure and control the quality of the statistics? Do we use our resources efficiently? These are important questions, which need to be addressed. One way of addressing these and other issues is to work with quality in a systematic fashion. Thus there is a need for a Quality Management System, i.e., a systematic way to handle quality issues of all kinds in all parts of the organization, and to continue the journey towards the vision of being a “world class statistical agency”. This Masters thesis is a description and discussion of the efforts to find a suitable Quality Management System. The thesis starts with a discussion about the vague quality concept, continues with a description of numerous frameworks, methods and systems related to quality management as well as their pros and cons and ends with a recommendation for Statistics Sweden. The recommendation is to use the EFQM Excellence Model as a quality framework, Six Sigma as a tool-box for improvement projects and modern internal auditing methods for evaluation and follow-up. Finally, issues related to the implementation of the system are discussed.

Preparing to overcome the barriers of implementing a quality management system : A case study of EDB Card Services AS

Sandström, David, Svanberg, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how an organization can prepare themselves to overcome the barriers when implementing a quality management system. When introducing a new management system regardless of its intentions, there are several obstacles, or rather barriers, which an organization will face and ultimately have to deal with in order to assure a successful implementation of a QMS. Not knowing beforehand what problems may arise from adopting a new management system may halter the process of introducing the new management system and add costs, resources, and time to the introduction phase. Although there are general barriers and problems with implementing a quality management system, there are also specific barriers for each and every organization. It is of significant importance that organizations become aware of those areas of which they need to pay the most attention to when implementing a QMS. There will be forces for and against the change process of a QMS and the latter needs to be anticipated and dealt with for a successful implementation of a QMS. By using a case organization and the managers within, we were able to assess the pre-conditions at the organization and identify which barriers that were specific for them. As managers are the ones implementing the new system as well as controlling, maintaining and continuously improving it, it was necessary for us to acquire their opinions and ideas. A qualitative research approach was taken and semi-structured interviews were held at the case organization EDB Card Services AS in Mo i Rana, Norway, which included 6 managers ranging from administrative level to operations level. We found that the biggest barrier for the case organization was the fact that departments were not as inter-dependent, but rather independent from each other which is not compatible with a quality management system. It was evident that the departments could learn from each other and that spreading knowledge and proper documentation had to be improved. At the case organization one of their specific barriers were the sharing and handling of documents, this barrier could be eliminated by educating staff and managers of how to make proper documents with a clear purpose, and distribute documents to the right person at the right time. The managers were motivated and willing to spend time assuring that the quality requirements of the QMS is maintained however stressed the fact that more resources would be needed in order to achieve this. Our findings lead us to believe that general guidelines for how to implement a QMS are insufficient to successfully handle the inherent problems and barriers when changing from“what is”, to “what could be”. The specific barriers which arise when organization take a look at themselves and identify these are probably more likely to affect the implementation process more than those that are general. We came to the conclusion that EDB Card Services AS needs to deal with the barriers that we identified as forces against a QMS, namely: departmental barriers, documentation of processes and procedures, leadership, resources, and information sharing and documentation. To effectively prepare the organization for the implementation of a QMS these barriers needs to be dealt with. Furthermore, we recommend that the organization educate and train those responsible for the introduction of a QMS and that an independent steering group/committee is established.

Quality management system for native shipyard to build warships

Chen, Chih-Chang 01 July 2004 (has links)
A building project of new generation warship is required for national security, after long-term purchase plan and thoughtful evaluation. Based on the national policy, of ¡§Naval vessel built in native shipyard¡¨ to effectively build warships in native shipyard with limited manpower, under a planned quality management system, is the objective of this thesis. This thesis will start with the project management of shipyard for building warships in native shipyards. By collecting the quality management pattern of native shipyards, which had been involved in building projects of warships, personal investigation in the past experience, and information from interviewing experts, establish the key success hierarchy structure of quality management system for native shipyards to build warships. In addition, employ Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the results of questionnaires of experts¡¦ interview to conduct the study of priority weighing. The objective of this thesis is to find important reference information for native shipyards and navy project managing authorities for warship building. Seven kernel items in shipyard quality management including the management of manpower resource, the management of design, the management of purchase, the management of production, the management of quality and quality document, the management of vendors, and the management of industrial safety and sanitation are explored. It is expected to achieve the most effective arrangement, planning, and execution under limited human resources, and to stabilize the quality of warship building by executing practice and the priority of those kernel items for future warship building projects.

Choosing and Implementing a Quality Management System at Statistics Sweden

Lisai, Dan January 2008 (has links)
<p>In today’s society we are surrounded by large amounts of information, quick decisions and high expectations to perform successfully in everything we do. As a statistical agency, Statistics Sweden is responsible for producing some of the information that is used for decision-making in society and is therefore under constant internal and external pressure to perform well. The responsibility to produce high-quality statistics to all customers and users is not simple. What is the quality of the statistics produced? How do we assure and control the quality of the statistics? Do we use our resources efficiently? These are important questions, which need to be addressed.</p><p>One way of addressing these and other issues is to work with quality in a systematic fashion. Thus there is a need for a Quality Management System, i.e., a systematic way to handle quality issues of all kinds in all parts of the organization, and to continue the journey towards the vision of being a “world class statistical agency”.</p><p>This Masters thesis is a description and discussion of the efforts to find a suitable Quality Management System. The thesis starts with a discussion about the vague quality concept, continues with a description of numerous frameworks, methods and systems related to quality management as well as their pros and cons and ends with a recommendation for Statistics Sweden. The recommendation is to use the EFQM Excellence Model as a quality framework, Six Sigma as a tool-box for improvement projects and modern internal auditing methods for evaluation and follow-up. Finally, issues related to the implementation of the system are discussed.</p>

Kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas Lietuvos ligoninėse / Implementation of quality management system in Lithuanian

Treigytė, Loreta 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate the implementation status of the quality management system (QMS) in the Lithuanian general hospitals. Objectives: 1. To survey the attitudes of the hospital managers and the managers of the local medical audit group towards QMS. 2. To establish the key problems arising in QMS implementation process. 3. To establish the benefits brought by QMS to the hospital. 4. To survey the attitudes of the respondents towards the adverse event management. Results: QMS have been implemented in 63.9 per cent of the Lithuanian general hospitals. This system is currently under implementation in 22.2 per cent of the hospitals mentioned, and no QMS have been implemented so far in 13.9 per cent of the Lithuanian general hospitals. More than one third of institutions have implemented the ISO standard. Institutions wich have alredy implemented the QMS enjoy higer patient satisfaction (accordingly 5,36 (1,05) and 4,18 (2,14)), improved quality of the services provided (accordingly 6,09 (0,32) ir (4,83 (1,64)). The functioning QMS improves motivation of the employees (4,60) and the patient safety (5,83). Hospitals with the well-functioning QMS more actively record (accordingly 4,78 (2,19) and 2,73 (1,62)) and analyse adverse events (accordingly 5,41 (2,01) and 3,09 (1,97)). Recording of adverse events helps to identify problems (6,41), improve the quality of the services provided (6,13). Conclusions: 1. QMS have been implemented in more than a half of the Lithuanian... [to full text]

Kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimas mokslo centre / The implementation of quality management systems in science centre

Stankevičiūtė, Veslava 27 June 2005 (has links)
Development of science and science institutions, science situation in Lithuania is reviewed in this work. Also analysis of statistical data of science researches is shown, the possibility of innovation in Western Europe and in Lithuania. The conception of science center was described. The management structure of the science center was studying in this work. In assistance of these definitions was created the model of the quality management systems implementation in science center. Quality management system is created by ISO 9001:2000 requirements. To perfect the activity of science center is implementing quality management systems. However, it is not enough the benefit of the quality management system for organizations but they needs the useful application of these systems in standard for its activity and business. Questionnaire of Lithuanian science officers was organized to evaluate the factors influenced for quality of science center activity. Data was analyzing and the model of quality of science center activity perfection was created, which main variables are time, information bases, financial resources, personnel qualification, and technological (laboratory) equipment.

Klinikinės diagnostikos laboratorijos klaidos ir jų valdymas / Errors of clinical diagnostics laboratory and their management

Keliuotienė, Rasma 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti klinikinės diagnostikos laboratorijos klaidas ir jų valdymo galimybes. Tyrimo metodika. Atlikta X ligoninės klinikinės diagnostikos laboratorijos klaidų registro 2007 – 2009 metų duomenų analizė ir susisteminti duomenys. Jais remiantis, identifikuotos klaidos, jų priežastys ir pasiskirstymas. Atlikta ligoninės skyrių, tiesiogiai susijusių su laboratoriniais tyrimais, darbuotojų (gydytojų ir slaugytojų) anketinė apklausa. Išdalinta 260, grąžinta 241 anketų (atsakas 92,7 proc.). Požymių ryšio reikšmingumui skaičiuotas χ2 kriterijus, dviejų proporcijų lyginimui - z kriterijus. Rezultatai. Iš visų klaidų (N=669) didžiausia dalis (80 proc.) identifikuota ikianaliziniame tarpsnyje. Dažniausios ikianalizinio tarpsnio klaidos - tyrimo užsakymo (22 proc.), ėminių ėmimo (23 proc.), užsakymo formos pildymo (21 proc.), įvykusios hemolizės (11 proc.). Kituose tarpsniuose klaidų pasiskirstymo dažnis ženkliai mažesnis: analiziniame. ir poanaliziniame po 10 proc. Analiziniame tarpsnyje didžiausią dalį užima klaidos, identifikuotos matavimo metu dėl ikianalizinių veiksnių poveikio (31 proc.), poanaliziniame - žmogiškojo faktoriaus ir elektroninių programų nesusidirbimo klaidos (41 proc.). Nustatyta, kad darbuotojų informuotumas apie laboratorijos klaidas ir jų valdymą yra nepakankamas. 55,9 proc. darbuotojų mano, kad apie galimas klaidas, lemiančias laboratorinių tyrimų patikimumą, bei jų išvengimo galimybes, žino tik iš dalies. Informacijos apie laboratorinio tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: Evaluate clinical diagnostics laboratory errors and their management possibilities. Study methodology: Laboratory X error registry study performed (2007 – 2009 year). Survey among hospital staff related to laboratory test ordering conducted. Total responses: 241 (92.7% from 260 invitations). Criterions calculated: indication relation significance - χ2, couple proportions comparison - z. Results: Error distribution (total 669) by phase: 80% pre-analytical, 10% analytical, 10% post-analytical. Top errors in pre-analytical phase: specimen collection (23%), test ordering (22%), order form input (21%), hemolyzed sample (11%). Analytical phase most errors are influenced by pre-analytical variables (31%). Post-analytical phase most errors are caused by human factor and software malfunction (41%). Found, that hospital staff awareness about laboratory errors and their handling is insufficient. 55.9% staff responded they have only partial knowledge about errors influencing testing reliability and how to avoid errors. 51.3% staff has knowledge about test process organization. 33.3% staff knows about error classification by phase. 71.4% doctors and 42.6% nurses consider such information important and would like to learn more. 52% doctors and 33.8% nurses familiar with full set of available tests. More knowledge about available laboratory tests have staff of age >54y (58.1%), also, having employment history >24y (48.6%). Most of staff (expectation of 81.9% respondents... [to full text]

Application of the IUMSS methodology in an R&D-oriented nanotechnology setting

Law, Norman M Unknown Date
No description available.

Application of the IUMSS methodology in an R&D-oriented nanotechnology setting

Law, Norman M 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study the applicability of management system standards (MSSs) in a research and development (R&D)-oriented nanotechnology setting. Since multiple quality and R&D-specific standards were found to be relevant in such environments, a methodology for the integration of MSS requirements into an organizations management system (MS), found in the recently published Integrated Use of Management System Standards (IUMSS) Handbook, was also tested in the study. The steps within the IUMSS methodology were applied to integrate the requirements of two R&D MSSs (UNE 166002:2006 and EARTO:2000) into the existing ISO 9001-based quality management system (QMS) within a Case Study Organization (CSO). Recommendations for achieving full compliance with the standards were also provided to the CSO. This research provides significant contributions for any organization using or intending to use the IUMSS methodology for building and integrating standardized management systems in an R&D-oriented setting such as nanotechnology. / Engineering Management

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