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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise qualitativa e quantitativa de compostos de borracha destinados à fabricação de revestimentos de embreagem / Qualitative and quantitative analysis of rubber compounds destined for clutch facings manufacture

Misawa, Carina Kiomi Oushima 27 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para análise qualitativa e quantitativa de compostos de borracha destinados à fabricação de revestimentos de embreagem. Estes compostos são formados por um grande número de componentes, dentre os quais utilizam, além da base elastomérica, uma resina como agente de processo, agentes de vulcanização e diversas cargas, cada qual com uma função específica. Os sistemas elastoméricos são caracterizados por propriedades que podem ser afetadas pela adição ou remoção de algum ingrediente e também pelas variações em suas concentrações. Os compostos de borracha são confeccionados por uma empresa terceira; portanto, o desenvolvimento de uma variedade de ferramentas analíticas para monitoramento desses sistemas se torna essencial, uma vez que esses compostos são a base da formulação de um revestimento de embreagem. Para o desenvolvimento desta metodologia foram utilizadas as técnicas TG/DTG, FTIR, GC e EDXRF. Como primeira etapa do trabalho foi realizado um estudo exploratório e um estudo de pré-formulação para a caracterização qualitativa de cada matéria-prima no composto de borracha. Na segunda etapa do trabalho foram preparadas diversas amostras com concentrações conhecidas do componente a ser quantificado. Para a quantificação das cargas grafite e negro de fumo utilizou-se diretamente a técnica de TG/DTG. Para a quantificação dos demais componentes foram elaboradas curvas analíticas de resposta (FTIR, GC e EDXRF) vs. variação da concentração. Observou-se a existência de uma correlação forte/perfeita e positiva entre as variáveis e as equações obtidas apresentaram boa adequação ao modelo de regressão linear. As curvas analíticas possibilitaram determinar as concentrações dos componentes de teores desconhecidos. / In this work it was developed a methodology for qualifying and quantifying rubber compounds destined for facings manufacture. These compounds are formed by a large number of components which use, beyond the elastomeric base, a resin that is used as a process agent, vulcanization agents and different fillers, each one with a specific function. The elastomeric systems are characterized by properties that could be affected by the addition or removal of some ingredient and also by variations in its concentration. The rubber compounds are produced by an outsourced company, so the development of a variety of analytical tools for monitoring these systems is essential, since these compounds are the basis of a facing formulation. For developing this methodology, TG/DTG, FTIR, GC and EDXRF were used as techniques. The first step was an exploratory and a pre-formulation study for a qualitative characterization of each raw material in rubber compound. In the second stage, several samples with known concentrations of the quantifying component were prepared. The quantification of graphite and carbon black was made directly by means of TG/DTG technique. For quantifying the other components, analytical curves of response (FTIR, GC and EDXRF) vs. variation of concentration were elaborated. A strong/perfect and positive correlation between the variables was observed and the equations presented good fit with the linear regression model. By means of the analytical curves it was possible to determine the amounts of unknown concentration rubber compounds.

Analyse des instruments des politiques de la biodiversité : le cas de Natura 2000 en milieu littoral et marin / An analysis of the instruments of biodiversity policies : the case of Natura 2000 on coastal and marine areas

Duhalde, Michel 05 February 2016 (has links)
Avec pour cas d’étude les sites Natura 2000 du littoral français, cette thèse cherche à améliorer la compréhension des pratiques en matière de mesures locales de conservation de la biodiversité, analysées au travers du concept d’instruments d’action publique : quels sont les instruments choisis, à la fois dans la phase de planification et de mise en oeuvre ? Quels sont les facteurs influençant ces choix ? Une première analyse, quantitative, permet de décrire les mesures prévues dans 113 documents de gestion (Docob) de sites Natura 2000 littoraux. Une méthode de sélection et de moyenne de modèles logistiques binomiaux permet d’identifier les facteurs de contexte orientant les choix des instruments d’action. Une seconde analyse, qualitative, recentrée sur les sites Natura 2000 du littoral breton, permet d’appréhender les modalités de mise en oeuvre des différents instruments disponibles dans la gestion des sites. Nos résultats tendent à montrer que le choix des instruments d’action sur chaque site fait partie des ajustements permettant l’intégration de la politique au sein d’un contexte institutionnel local, formel et informel. En particulier, l’instrument réglementaire semble garder une place non négligeable dans la mise en oeuvre de cette politique, mais cette place est sensible au contexte local, notamment politique. Les instruments propres à certains grands types de milieux sont mis en avant. Nos résultats viennent questionner le caractère autonome de la politique Natura 2000 en mer. Ils permettent également d’éclairer les forces et les faiblesses des différents instruments d’actions dans la phase de mise en oeuvre, notamment au regard des coûts de transaction qu’ils génèrent. Face aux difficultés identifiées, l’importance de la complémentarité opérationnelle des instruments d’essences volontaire et obligatoire, de l’implication des collectivités territoriales et de la mobilisation des animateurs Natura 2000 présents sur chaque site, est soulignée. / Taking the Natura 2000 sites on the French coastal area as a case study, this work aims at strengthening the understanding of the practices in terms of local biodiversity conservation measures, analysed through the concept of public policy instruments : what are the instruments that are chosen, during both the planning and implementation phases? What are the factors influencing these choices? Our work combines two approaches. First, a quantitative analysis allows us to describe the measures that are provided in 113 management documents (Docobs) of coastal Natura 2000 sites. Through a method to select and average binomial logistic models, we identify contextual factors that influence the choice of instruments of action. Second, a qualitative analysis focuses on the coastal Natura 2000 sites in Brittany and paves the way to a better understanding of the implementation of the different instruments available for the management of the sites. Our results tend to show that the choices of instruments of action on each site are parts of the adjustments allowing the integration of the policy into a formal and informal institutional local context. In particular, the regulatory instrument seems to play a significant role in the implementation of this policy, but this role is sensitive to the local context of the site, especially the political context. We emphasize the association of some instruments to different types of ecosystems. Our results lead to question the autonomous nature of the Natura 2000 policy for the marine area. Our results also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the different instruments of action in the implementation phase, especially with regards to the associated transaction costs. In the face of the constraints that we identify, we stress the importance of the operational complementarity of voluntary and regulatory instruments, of the commitment of local authorities and of the leading role of the Natura 2000 site managers.

Estudo do conversor D : an?lises qualitativa e quantitativa, crit?rios de dimensionamento e modelagem em espa?o de estados

Dutra, S?lvio Cesar Antunes 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Engenharia El?trica (engenharia.pg.eletrica@pucrs.br) on 2018-10-31T13:57:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SILVIO CESAR ANTUNES DUTRA_DIS.pdf: 2550584 bytes, checksum: 3dae5cef4ef20b66d5c7a4db79ae5cad (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-11-01T11:50:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SILVIO CESAR ANTUNES DUTRA_DIS.pdf: 2550584 bytes, checksum: 3dae5cef4ef20b66d5c7a4db79ae5cad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-01T12:00:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SILVIO CESAR ANTUNES DUTRA_DIS.pdf: 2550584 bytes, checksum: 3dae5cef4ef20b66d5c7a4db79ae5cad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / Power converters are widely used in the context of power electronics. In the same way that transformers have a fundamental role in applications involving AC circuits, power converters modify voltage magnitudes in DC circuits. These devices can either present an output voltage higher than the input voltage, acting as a Boost converter, or lower, acting, in this case, as a Buck converter. The input and output signals can also present either a voltage source or a current source behavior, depending on the topology. This work presents a systematic study of the D converter operating in the continuous conduction mode, in permanent regime, including the qualitative and quantitative analyzes, resulting in a methodology of dimensioning of the converter, as well as its modeling in space of states, which makes feasible studies of control strategies for it. Although this is not a new topology, this converter has recently been reintroduced due to its ability to increase efficiency in the energy conversion process, especially in photovoltaic systems. However, this research is fully justified given the lack of similar work for the D converter topology. This study was validated from tests performed in the PSIM simulation software, in addition to MATLAB / SIMULINK. A laboratory prototype was specially constructed for validation purposes in a rapid prototyping platform, as well as the consequent implementation in a PCI, for use in future works. / Os conversores est?ticos s?o amplamente utilizados no contexto da eletr?nica de pot?ncia. Da mesma forma que os transformadores t?m papel fundamental nas aplica??es que envolvem circuitos alimentados em corrente alternada, os conversores est?ticos realizam a transforma??o de magnitudes de tens?o em circuitos de corrente cont?nua. Tais dispositivos podem tanto apresentar em sua sa?da um valor de tens?o superior em rela??o ao sinal de entrada, atuando como elevadores, quanto inferior, atuando, neste caso, como redutores. Estes tamb?m podem apresentar suas sa?das ou entradas com um comportamento de fonte de tens?o ou corrente, dependendo da topologia utilizada. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sistematizado do conversor D operando no modo de condu??o cont?nua, em regime permanente, incluindo as an?lises qualitativa e quantitativa, resultando em uma metodologia de dimensionamento do conversor, bem como a sua modelagem em espa?o de estados, o que viabiliza estudos de estrat?gias de controle para o mesmo. Apesar de n?o se tratar de uma nova topologia, recentemente este conversor foi reintroduzido, devido a sua capacidade de aumentar a efici?ncia no processo de convers?o de energia, especialmente em sistemas fotovoltaicos. Esta pesquisa encontra justificativa dada a inexist?ncia de trabalhos semelhantes especificamente para a topologia do conversor D. Este estudo foi validado a partir de ensaios realizados no software de simula??o PSIM, al?m do MATLAB/SIMULINK. Um prot?tipo de laborat?rio foi especialmente constru?do para fins de valida??o em uma plataforma de prototipagem r?pida, bem como a consequente implementa??o do mesmo em uma PCI, para utiliza??o em trabalhos futuros.

Vulnerabilidade costeira em praias do norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia / Coastal vulnerability in Northern Espírito Santo and Southern Bahia, Brazil

Ribeiro, Juliana dos Santos 28 March 2014 (has links)
A erosão costeira é um processo de grande poder destrutivo e que afeta pelo menos 70% da zona costeira no mundo. Entender as causas e os processos que levam à erosão, bem como as regiões mais ou menos sensíveis a ela, é essencial para o correto manejo costeiro. O presente trabalho visa identificar as áreas vulneráveis à erosão através da aplicação de um Índice de Vulnerabilidade Costeira em praias do norte do Espírito Santo (Pontal do Ipiranga, Conceição da Barra) e sul da Bahia (Mucuri, Nova Viçosa, Caravelas, Prado, Cumuruxatiba, Corumbau, Arraial d\'Ajuda, Porto Seguro). O cálculo do índice se deu pela análise de treze indicadores ambientais: número de frentes frias, regime de tempestade, força de ondas, ângulo de incidência das ondas, estimativa de deriva potencial, morfologia da praia, exposição às ondas, presença de rios e/ou desembocaduras, elevação do terreno, vegetação, taxa de ocupação, obras de engenharia costeira e evidências de erosão. Os resultados mostraram que os indicadores \"morfologia da praia\" e \"exposição às ondas\" parecem ser os principais contribuintes para a erosão costeira nos municípios em que foram observados grandes prejuízos na infraestrutura urbana e perigo iminente à população local. Já nos demais municípios que também apresentaram focos de erosão, a combinação entre os indicadores \"estimativa de deriva potencial\" e \"regimes de tempestade\" parece ser a principal influência ao processo erosivo. Com exceção de Pontal do Ipiranga (que obteve um resultado de baixa vulnerabilidade), todas as praias apresentaram um IVC correspondente à vulnerabilidade moderada à erosão. O estudo se mostra eficiente para a determinação do nível de vulnerabilidade relativo entre as praias estudadas. / Coastal erosion is a process with great destructive power and affects more than 70% of worldwide coastlines. In order to achieve an effective coastal management, it is important to find and understand not only the causes and process that leads to erosion, but also areas that are more or less vulnerable to it. This study aims to identify erosion vulnerable areas through application of a Coastal Vulnerability Index in Brazilian beaches in north Espírito Santo (Pontal do Ipiranga, Conceição da Barra) and south Bahia (Mucuri, Nova Viçosa, Caravelas, Prado, Cumuruxatiba, Corumbau, Arraial d\'Ajuda, Porto Seguro). The index was calculated using 13 indicators: number of cold fronts, storm impact scale, wave power, angle of wave approach, longshore drift estimation, beach morphology, wave exposure, presence of inlets or river mouths, terrain elevation, vegetation, occupation rate, coastal engineering structures and erosion evidences. In places where great urban infrastructure destruction and imminent danger to local community were observed, both \"beach morphology\" and \"wave exposure\" seem to be the main contributors to coastal erosion. In other locations where erosion evidences were also observed, the combination between the indicators \"longshore drift estimation\" and \"storm impact scale\" seems to be the main influence to erosive process. IVC results showed that all the beaches are in a moderate vulnerability context, except in Pontal do Ipiranga, where the result was for low vulnerability. The study has proven to be effective in defining the relative vulnerability of the studied beaches.

Análise quantitativa por ressonância magnética da epilepsia parcial sintomática de difícil controle com imagem qualitativa negativa para lesão epileptogênica / Multimodal quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance in refractory symptomatic partial epilepsy with negative qualitative MR image for epileptogenic lesion

Abud, Lucas Giansante 29 September 2017 (has links)
A RM convencional de rotina pode ser inconclusiva a cerca de um terço dos pacientes com epilepsia parcial (focal) refratária. Esses pacientes com RM negativa, quando indicados para cirurgia, representam um grande desafio, visto que a identificação de uma lesão estrutural epileptogênica por esse método pode ser considerada o melhor fator prognóstico para eliminação das crises no período pósoperatório. O objetivo foi avaliar o rendimento e a utilidade da RM quantitativa por meio de pós-processamentos individualizados nesse grupo de pacientes. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo de uma coorte de 46 pacientes com epilepsia focal farmacorresistente com RM-3 Teslas não lesional e potenciais candidatos a cirurgia. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a um novo protocolo de RM, incluindo 3D T1 e técnicas avançadas, e, posteriormente, avaliados por pós-processamentos individualizados de cinco medidas quantitativas extraídas dessas sequências. Essas medidas consistiram em espessura cortical (EC) e do sinal de junção entre as substâncias branca e cinzenta (JBC), ambas extraídas da sequência 3D T1, assim como da relaxometria T2 (RT2), taxa de transferência de magnetização (TTM) e difusibilidade média (DM). Os dados extraídos de todo o cérebro foram individualmente comparados com um grupo de controle saudáveis, utilizando-se das técnicas de análise baseada em superfície para a EC e de análises baseadas em voxel para as demais medidas. Utilizou-se do videoencefalograma de superfície e semiologia das crises para determinar a possível zona epileptogênica (ZE), sendo que 31 pacientes foram considerados como foco localizatório suspeito (FLS). As medidas quantitativas detectaram individualmente mudanças de sinal em alguma região do cérebro de 32,6% a 56,4% dos pacientes. No subgrupo classificado como FLS, os pós-processamentos detectaram individualmente alterações na região de origem eletroclínica das crises em 9,7% (3/31) a 31,0% (9/29) dos pacientes. Esse rendimento foi mais alto com a DM (31,0% ou 9/29) e RT2 (25,0% ou 7/28) e mais baixo com a EC e JBC (9,7% ou 3/31). Alterações observadas fora da região presumida da ZE foram sempre superiores, variando de 25,8% (8/31) a 51,7% (15/29). Em cinco pacientes (5/46 ou 10,9%) foi possível identificar alteração estrutural após a avaliação visual com direcionamento localizatório pelos pósprocessamentos. Embora a análise quantitativa da RM individualizada possa sugerir lesões ocultas no protocolo convencional, é preciso ter cautela devido à aparente baixa especificidade dos achados. Nesse grupo de pacientes, essas alterações devem refletir não só as alterações na região da ZE, mas também anormalidades microestruturais secundárias às crises ou, menos provavelmente, malformações cerebrais extensas não visíveis nos protocolos de rotina. Uma potencial utilidade prática desses métodos é auxiliar na colocação de eletrodos intracranianos em casos selecionados. Por outro lado, o estudo mostrou capacidade de detectar lesões potencialmente epileptogênicas que passaram despercebidas na inspeção visual convencional da RM após reavaliações dirigidas pelos pós-processamentos, notadamente pela medida da EC. Isso sugere que essas técnicas podem ser usadas como uma ferramenta de triagem para evitar que qualquer lesão visível seja ignorada ou a fim de guiar uma nova inspeção visual dirigida para uma região suspeita. / Conventional MRI may be inconclusive in about one-third of patients with refractory partial epilepsy. These patients with negative MRI when indicated for surgery represent a great challenge since the identification of an epileptogenic structural lesion by this method can be considered the best prognostic factor for the elimination of the crises in the postoperative period. Our objective was to evaluate the yield and utility of quantitative MRI through individualized post-processing in this group of patients. The present thesis is a prospective study of a cohort of forty-six patients with drug-resistant partial epilepsy, with non-lesional 3-Teslas MRI and potential surgical candidates. All patients underwent a new MRI protocol, including 3D T1 and advanced techniques, and were subsequently evaluated through individualized post-processing of five quantitative measures extracted from these sequences. These measurements consisted of the cortical thickness (CT) and the signal between the white and gray matters junction (WGJ), both extracted from the 3D T1 sequence, as well as the T2 relaxometry (RT2), magnetization transfer rate (MTR) and mean diffusibility (MD). Data extracted from the whole brain were individually compared to a healthy control group using surface-based analysis (SBM) techniques for CT and voxel-based analyzes (VBA) for the other measures. Surface VEEG and seizure semiology were used to determine the possible epileptogenic zone (EZ). Consequently 31 patients were considered to have a suspect location for the Focus (SLF). Quantitative measurements individually detected abnormalities in some regions of the brain from 32.6% to 56.4% of patients. In the subgroup classified as FLS post-processing individually detected abnormalities inside the region of electroclinical origin of seizures in 9.7% (3/31) to 31.0% (9/29) of the patients. This yield was higher with MD (31.0% or 9/29) and RT2 (25.0% or 7/28) and lower with CT and WGJ (9.7% or 3/31). Abnormalities observed outside the presumed EZ region were always higher, ranging from 25.8% (8/31) to 51.7% (15/29). In five patients (5/46 or 10.9%) it was possible to identify some structural abnormality after the MRI visual inspection with orientation of the location by post-processing. Although the MRI quantitative analysis through individualized post-processing may suggest hidden structural lesions in the conventional protocol, caution should be exercised because of the apparent low specificity of theses findings for the EZ. In this group of patients these abnormalities should reflect not only the alterations in the EZ region, but also the microstructural abnormalities secondary to the seizures or less likely extensive cerebral malformations not visible in the routine protocols. A practical potential utility of these methods is to assist in the placement of intracranial electrodes in selected cases. On the other hand, the study showed a certain capacity to detect potentially epileptogenic lesions that became unnoticed in the MRI conventional visual analysis after re-evaluations directed by post-processing, notably by CT measurement. This suggests that these methods should be used either as a screening tool to prevent any visible lesions from being ignored or to guide a new visual inspection directed to a suspect region.

Facilitating Conceptual Learning in Quantitative Chemistry

Johnson, Sarah R 01 May 2016 (has links)
Traditional chemistry laboratory courses have a manual consisting of “step-by-step” experiments; instructions are given to complete experiments, requiring minimal information/concepts processing to be successful. This experience leaves students unprepared for the real-world, where critical thinking skills are needed to conduct research. This study focused on building analytical techniques, conceptual knowledge, and critical thinking skills used to solve research problems. A new quantitative chemistry laboratory manual was developed to transition students from traditional to inquiry-based experiments, requiring analytical method development. Data showed students having less difficulty using the new manual (0.8281 average difficulty) on method development exam questions and experiments, compared to the traditional manual (0.600 average difficulty). T-test showed significant difference between item difficulty, p = 0.029. Using null hypotheses, the new laboratory manual led to an increase in students’ conceptual knowledge and research skills. They were able to use their knowledge and skills to successfully solve real-world related problems.

Separation of Pharmaceuticals by Capillary Electrophoresis using Partial Filling and Multiple-injections

Lodén, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
Different multiple-injection methodologies and the partial filling technique (PFT) have been utilized for separation of pharmaceuticals by capillary elec-trophoresis. In multiple-injection capillary zone electrophoresis (MICZE), the samples and all standards, used for construction of the calibration curve, are analyzed within a single run. Four different modes of MICZE have been described by means of equations, which were experimentally verified. The developed equations facilitate the transfer from conventional single-injection CZE to one or more of these MICZE-modes, depending on the selectivity between the analyte and the injection marker. The applicability of two of these modes was then demonstrated by quantification of buserelin and salbutamol, re-spectively in commercially available pharmaceutical products. The content of buserelin in an injection solution was determined to 0.94 mg/ml, which only deviated slightly from the declared concentration (1 mg/ml). An alter-native mode of MICZE, offering a higher number of sequential sample injec-tions, was then utilized for single-run determination of salbutamol in 15 tab-lets, with a labelled content of 8 mg. The average content of the tablets was determined to 7.8 mg, with an intra-tablet variation of 3 % or less. Moreover, UV- and mass-spectrometric detection of enantiomeric amines, resolved by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE), was demon-strated. Separation of enantiomeric amines was achieved using the chiral selector (-)-2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-2-keto-L-gulonic acid, (-)-DIKGA. Introduction of the non-volatile (-)-DIKGA into the mass-spectrometer was avoided by using the PFT, where the capillary is only partially filled with electrolyte containing the chiral selector.

Quantitative modeling and analysis of service-oriented real-time systems using interval probabilistic timed automata

Krause, Christian, Giese, Holger January 2012 (has links)
One of the key challenges in service-oriented systems engineering is the prediction and assurance of non-functional properties, such as the reliability and the availability of composite interorganizational services. Such systems are often characterized by a variety of inherent uncertainties, which must be addressed in the modeling and the analysis approach. The different relevant types of uncertainties can be categorized into (1) epistemic uncertainties due to incomplete knowledge and (2) randomization as explicitly used in protocols or as a result of physical processes. In this report, we study a probabilistic timed model which allows us to quantitatively reason about nonfunctional properties for a restricted class of service-oriented real-time systems using formal methods. To properly motivate the choice for the used approach, we devise a requirements catalogue for the modeling and the analysis of probabilistic real-time systems with uncertainties and provide evidence that the uncertainties of type (1) and (2) in the targeted systems have a major impact on the used models and require distinguished analysis approaches. The formal model we use in this report are Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata (IPTA). Based on the outlined requirements, we give evidence that this model provides both enough expressiveness for a realistic and modular specifiation of the targeted class of systems, and suitable formal methods for analyzing properties, such as safety and reliability properties in a quantitative manner. As technical means for the quantitative analysis, we build on probabilistic model checking, specifically on probabilistic time-bounded reachability analysis and computation of expected reachability rewards and costs. To carry out the quantitative analysis using probabilistic model checking, we developed an extension of the Prism tool for modeling and analyzing IPTA. Our extension of Prism introduces a means for modeling probabilistic uncertainty in the form of probability intervals, as required for IPTA. For analyzing IPTA, our Prism extension moreover adds support for probabilistic reachability checking and computation of expected rewards and costs. We discuss the performance of our extended version of Prism and compare the interval-based IPTA approach to models with fixed probabilities. / Eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen in der Entwicklung von Service-orientierten Systemen ist die Vorhersage und die Zusicherung von nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften, wie Ausfallsicherheit und Verfügbarkeit von zusammengesetzten, interorganisationellen Diensten. Diese Systeme sind oft charakterisiert durch eine Vielzahl von inhärenten Unsicherheiten, welche sowohl in der Modellierung als auch in der Analyse eine Rolle spielen. Die verschiedenen relevanten Arten von Unsicherheiten können eingeteilt werden in (1) epistemische Unsicherheiten aufgrund von unvollständigem Wissen und (2) Zufall als Mittel in Protokollen oder als Resultat von physikalischen Prozessen. In diesem Bericht wird ein probabilistisches, Zeit-behaftetes Modell untersucht, welches es ermöglicht quantitative Aussagen über nicht-funktionale Eigenschaften von einer eingeschränkten Klasse von Service-orientierten Echtzeitsystemen mittels formaler Methoden zu treffen. Zur Motivation und Einordnung wird ein Anforderungskatalog für probabilistische Echtzeitsysteme mit Unsicherheiten erstellt und gezeigt, dass die Unsicherheiten vom Typ (1) und (2) in den untersuchten Systemen einen Ein uss auf die Wahl der Modellierungs- und der Analysemethode haben. Als formales Modell werden Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata (IPTA) benutzt. Basierend auf den erarbeiteten Anforderungen wird gezeigt, dass dieses Modell sowohl ausreichende Ausdrucksstärke für eine realistische und modulare Spezifikation als auch geeignete formale Methoden zur Bestimmung von quantitativen Sicherheits- und Zuverlässlichkeitseigenschaften bietet. Als technisches Mittel für die quantitative Analyse wird probabilistisches Model Checking, speziell probabilistische Zeit-beschränkte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse und Bestimmung von Erwartungswerten für Kosten und Vergütungen eingesetzt. Um die quantitative Analyse mittels probabilistischem Model Checking durchzuführen, wird eine Erweiterung des Prism-Werkzeugs zur Modellierung und Analyse von IPTA eingeführt. Die präsentierte Erweiterung von Prism ermöglicht die Modellierung von probabilistischen Unsicherheiten mittelsWahrscheinlichkeitsintervallen, wie sie für IPTA benötigt werden. Zur Verifikation wird probabilistische Erreichbarkeitsanalyse und die Berechnung von Erwartungswerten durch das Werkzeug unterstützt. Es wird die Performanz der Prism-Erweiterung untersucht und der Intervall-basierte IPTA-Ansatz mit Modellen mit festen Wahrscheinlichkeitswerten verglichen.

Cross-cultural study on decision making of German and Indian university students

Tipandjan, Arun 04 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation consists of an introduction and three empirical articles. The introduction gives the theoretical background, integrates the three articles, and elaborates on future research questions. The first article investigates the important decision in the lives of German and Indian university students to identify the important areas of decision making. The second article examines the structure of real life decision making and reveals the underlying factors of five major decision areas. The third article investigates the similarities and differences on decision making between German and Indian students using prior qualitative findings in a large quantitative survey.

Unicellular Parasite Motility: A Quantitative Perspective / Einzelligen Parasiten Motilität: Quantitativer Sicht

Uppaluri, Sravanti 27 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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