Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RECRYSTALLIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] RECRYSTALLIZATION""
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Obtenção, caracterização e fotodegradação de complexos binários e ternários de difosfato de cloroquina / Obtention, characterization and photodegradation of binary and ternary complex of chloroquine diphosphateGranizo, Patricia Elizabeth Rivas 29 October 2007 (has links)
O difosfato de cloroquina é um fármaco antimalárico, de conhecida fotossensibilidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver, caracterizar e avaliar a fotodegradação de complexos binários e ternários de difosfato cloroquina. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia analítica que permitiu identificar e quantificar o fármaco por CLAE com detecção UV, que mostrou seletividade, além de adequada especificidade, sensibilidade, linearidade, precisão exatidão, frente a seus respectivos produtos de degradação e fotodegradação. Os complexos com β-ciclodextrina e HP-β-ciclodextrina obtidos não foram capazes proteger o fármaco da degradação promovida pela luz nos meios água, HCI 0,1N e tampão fosfato pH 6,8. Em HCI 0,1N verificou-se que alguns complexos capazes, inclusive, de acelerar a degradação promovida pela luz. Foram também realizados estudos de recristalização do fármaco em diferentes solventes para avaliar o impacto sobre suas características físico-químicas, os quais resultaram possíveis modificações cristalinas observadas mediante técnica de DSC quando foram utilizados etanol e clorofórmio como solventes para o processo. / The chloroquine diphosphate is an antimalarial drug of know photosensibility. The present work had as objective to development, characterize and evaluate photodegradation of binary and ternary complex of chloroquine diphosphate. For such a way, an analytical methodology was developed that allowed to identify and quantify the drug for CLAE with detection UV, that showed good selectivity, beyond adjusted specificity, sensitivity, linearity, precision and accuracy, front its respective products of degradation and photodegradation. The complexes with β-ciclodextrin and HP-β-ciclodextrin had not been capable to protect the drug of the degradation promoted by the light in solvent water, HCl 0,1N and buffer phosphate pH 6,8. In HCl 0,1N is verified that some complex are capable to speed up the degradation promoted by the light. Also studies of recrystallization of the drug in different solvents were carried trough to evaluate the impact on its physical-chemistry characteristics, which had resulted in possible observed by DSC crystalline modifications technique when ethanol and chloroform had been used as solvent for the process.
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Estudo de titanatos nanoestruturados obtidos por tratamento hidrot?rmico de ?xido de tit?nio em meio alcalino / Studies on nanostructured titanates obtained by alkali hydrothermal treatment of titanium oxideMorgado J?nior, Edisson 24 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-24 / TiTanate NanoTubes (TTNT) were synthesized by hydrothermal alkali treatment of TiO2 anatase followed by repeated washings with distinct degrees of proton exchange. TTNT samples with different sodium contents were characterized, as synthesized and after heattreatment (200-800?C), by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and spectroscopic techniques like FTIR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance. It was demonstrated that TTNTs consist of trititanate structure with general formula NaxH2−xTi3O7?nH2O, retaining interlayer water in its multiwalled structure. The removal of sodium reduces the amount of water and contracts the interlayer space leading, combined with other factors, to increased specific surface area and mesopore volume. TTNTs are mesoporous materials with two main contributions: pores smaller than 10 nm due to the inner volume of nanotubes and larger pores within 5-60 nm attributed to the interparticles space. Chemical composition and crystal structure of TTNTs do not depend on the average crystal size of the precursor TiO2-anatase, but this parameter affects significantly the morphology and textural properties of the nanostructured product. Such dependence has been rationalized using a dissolution-recrystallization mechanism, which takes into account the dissolution rate of the starting anatase and its influence on the relative rates of growth and curving of intermediate nanosheets. The thermal stability of TTNT is defined by the sodium content and in a lower extent by the crystallinity of the starting anatase. It has been demonstrated that after losing interlayer water within the range 100-200?C, TTNT transforms, at least partially, into an intermediate hexatitanate NaxH2−xTi6O13 still retaining the nanotubular morphology. Further thermal transformation of the nanostructured tri- and hexatitanates occurs at higher or lower temperature and follows different routes depending on the sodium content in the structure. At high sodium load (water washed samples) they sinter and grow towards bigger crystals of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 in the form of rods and ribbons. In contrast, protonated TTNTs evolve to nanotubes of TiO2(B), which easily convert to anatase nanorods above 400?C. Besides hydroxyls and Lewis acidity typical of titanium oxides, TTNTs show a small contribution of protonic acidity capable of coordinating with pyridine at 150?C, which is lost after calcination and conversion into anatase. The isoeletric point of TTNTs was measured within the range 2.5-4.0, indicating behavior of a weak acid. Despite displaying semiconductor characteristics exhibiting typical
absorption in the UV-Vis spectrum with estimated bandgap energy slightly higher than that of its TiO2 precursor, TTNTs showed very low performance in the photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes. It was concluded that the basic reason resides in its layered titanate structure, which in comparison with the TiO2 form would be more prone to the so undesired electron-hole pair recombination, thus inhibiting the photooxidation reactions. After calcination of the protonated TTNT into anatase nanorods, the photocatalytic activity improved but not to the same level as that exhibited by its precursor anatase / Titanatos nanoestruturados, particularmente TiTanatos NanoTubulares (TTNT), foram sintetizados por tratamento hidrot?rmico alcalino de TiO2-anat?sio seguido de repetidas lavagens com diversos graus de troca prot?nica. Amostras de TTNT com diferentes teores de s?dio foram caracterizadas na forma de p? seco e ap?s calcina??o (200-800?C) por difra??o de raios-X, microscopia eletr?nica de varredura e transmiss?o, difra??o de el?trons, an?lise t?rmica, adsor??o de nitrog?nio e t?cnicas espectrosc?picas de infravermelho e de reflet?ncia
difusa no UV-Vis?vel. Demonstrou-se que tais materiais de paredes multilamelares s?o trititanatos de f?rmula geral NaxH2−xTi3O7?nH2O, retendo ?gua entre as lamelas. A remo??o de s?dio da estrutura reduz a quantidade de ?gua contraindo o espa?o interlamelar levando, combinado a outros fatores, ao aumento da ?rea e do volume de poros espec?ficos. Os TTNTs s?o materiais mesoporosos com duas contribui??es principais: poros menores que 10 nm devido ao volume interno dos nanotubos e poros entre 5 e 60 nm devido aos espa?os interpart?cula. A composi??o qu?mica e a estrutura cristalina do TTNT n?o dependem do tamanho de cristalito do TiO2-anat?sio precursor, todavia este par?metro afeta significativamente a morfologia e as caracter?sticas texturais do produto nanoestruturado. Tal depend?ncia foi racionalizada atrav?s de um mecanismo de dissolu??o-recristaliza??o que leva em conta a velocidade de dissolu??o do TiO2 de partida e sua influ?ncia sobre a taxa de crescimento de nanofolhas intermedi?rias em rela??o ? taxa de seu curvamento a nanotubos. A estabilidade t?rmica do TTNT ? definida pelo teor de s?dio e em pequena extens?o pelo tipo de anat?sio de partida. Foi demonstrado que o TTNT ap?s perder a ?gua intercalada entre 100 e 200?C se transforma pelo menos parcialmente num hexatitanato NaxH2−xTi6O13 intermedi?rio ainda nanotubular. A transforma??o t?rmica do tri- e hexatitanato nanoestruturados ocorre em maior ou menor temperatura e segue diferentes rotas dependendo do teor de s?dio. No caso de alto s?dio sinterizam e crescem at? grandes cristais de Na2Ti3O7 e Na2Ti6O13 na forma de bast?es e fitas acima de 600?C. No caso da amostra protonizada evoluem para nanotubos de TiO2(B) que facilmente se convertem em nanobast?es de anat?sio acima de 400?C. Al?m de hidroxilas e acidez de Lewis t?picos dos ?xidos de tit?nio, os TTNTs apresentam uma pequena contribui??o de acidez prot?nica capaz de se coordenar com a piridina a 150?C, e que ? perdida ap?s sua calcina??o e transforma??o ? anat?sio. O ponto isoel?trico do TTNT variou dentro da faixa 2,5- 4,0, indicando o comportamento de um ?cido fraco. Apesar de se revelar um semicondutor exibindo banda de absor??o t?pica no espectro de UV-vis?vel com energia de bandgap ligeiramente superior ao do respectivo TiO2-anat?sio precursor, os TTNTs apresentaram baixo desempenho fotocatal?tico na degrada??o de corantes cati?nico e ani?nico. Concluiu-se que a causa fundamental reside em sua estrutura de titanato lamelar que, em rela??o ? forma TiO2, apresentaria maior probabilidade de recombina??o do par el?tron-lacuna (e-/h+), inibindo as rea??es de fotoxida??o. A transforma??o do TTNT prot?nico ? nanobast?es de anat?sio melhorou a atividade fotocatal?tica, por?m ainda sem atingir o mesmo desempenho do TiO2-anat?sio precursor
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Obtenção, caracterização e fotodegradação de complexos binários e ternários de difosfato de cloroquina / Obtention, characterization and photodegradation of binary and ternary complex of chloroquine diphosphatePatricia Elizabeth Rivas Granizo 29 October 2007 (has links)
O difosfato de cloroquina é um fármaco antimalárico, de conhecida fotossensibilidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver, caracterizar e avaliar a fotodegradação de complexos binários e ternários de difosfato cloroquina. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia analítica que permitiu identificar e quantificar o fármaco por CLAE com detecção UV, que mostrou seletividade, além de adequada especificidade, sensibilidade, linearidade, precisão exatidão, frente a seus respectivos produtos de degradação e fotodegradação. Os complexos com β-ciclodextrina e HP-β-ciclodextrina obtidos não foram capazes proteger o fármaco da degradação promovida pela luz nos meios água, HCI 0,1N e tampão fosfato pH 6,8. Em HCI 0,1N verificou-se que alguns complexos capazes, inclusive, de acelerar a degradação promovida pela luz. Foram também realizados estudos de recristalização do fármaco em diferentes solventes para avaliar o impacto sobre suas características físico-químicas, os quais resultaram possíveis modificações cristalinas observadas mediante técnica de DSC quando foram utilizados etanol e clorofórmio como solventes para o processo. / The chloroquine diphosphate is an antimalarial drug of know photosensibility. The present work had as objective to development, characterize and evaluate photodegradation of binary and ternary complex of chloroquine diphosphate. For such a way, an analytical methodology was developed that allowed to identify and quantify the drug for CLAE with detection UV, that showed good selectivity, beyond adjusted specificity, sensitivity, linearity, precision and accuracy, front its respective products of degradation and photodegradation. The complexes with β-ciclodextrin and HP-β-ciclodextrin had not been capable to protect the drug of the degradation promoted by the light in solvent water, HCl 0,1N and buffer phosphate pH 6,8. In HCl 0,1N is verified that some complex are capable to speed up the degradation promoted by the light. Also studies of recrystallization of the drug in different solvents were carried trough to evaluate the impact on its physical-chemistry characteristics, which had resulted in possible observed by DSC crystalline modifications technique when ethanol and chloroform had been used as solvent for the process.
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Recrystallization of L-605 cobalt superalloy during hot-working process / Recristallisation du superalliage base cobalt L-605 pendant la déformation à chaudFavre, Julien 25 September 2012 (has links)
L’alliage L-605 est un superalliage base cobalt combinant une haute résistance et une bonne ductilité, de plus il est biocompatible et présente une bonne résistance a la corrosion. Dû a son inertie chimique dans le corps humain, ce matériau a été utilise avec succès pour fabriquer des valves cardiaques et des stents. Le contrôle de la microstructure peut influencer grandement les propriétés mécaniques : notamment un raffinement des grains est susceptible d’augmenter d’avantage la résistance et serait intéressant pour permettre de fabriquer des stents selon une architecture plus fine. L’ajustement de la distribution de taille de grains à travers le phénomène de recristallisation lors de la déformation à chaud apparait comme une solution pratique pour ajuster les propriétés mécaniques du matériau. Pour contrôler la microstructure et choisir les conditions de procédé optimales, les mécanismes mis en jeu lors de la recristallisation dynamique et l’effet des conditions de déformation sur la taille de grain doivent être compris et prévisibles par des outils théorique. Les propriétés mécaniques du matériau à haute température sont déterminées par des essais de compression à chaud. L’évolution microstructurale du matériau lors de la compression est analysée par microscopie optique et électronique (EBSD, TEM). Le phénomène de recristallisation dynamique continue est mis en évidence, et procède par nucléation de nouveaux grains aux joints de grain. La corrélation entre le comportement mécanique à chaud et l’évolution microstructurale est déterminée expérimentalement. Les conditions optimales de déformation impliquant la recristallisation dynamique sont déterminées, et la microstructure résultante est étudiée en détail. De nouveaux outils théoriques permettant de prévoir les conditions de recristallisation et d’extraire les paramètres physiques du matériau a partir des données expérimentales sont proposés. Enfin, la recristallisation dynamique est modélisée analytiquement, et permet de prédire le comportement mécanique et l’évolution de la taille de grain lors de la déformation. / Co-20Cr-15W-10Ni alloy (L-605) is a cobalt-based superalloy combining high strength with keeping high ductility, biocompatible and corrosion resistant. It has been used successfully for heart valves for its chemical inertia, and this alloy is a good candidate for stent elaboration. Control of grain size distribution can lead to significant improvement of mechanical properties: in one hand grain refinement enhance the material strength, and on the other hand large grains provide the ductility necessary to avoid the rupture in use. Therefore, tailoring the grain size distribution is a promising way to adapt the mechanical properties to the targeted applications. The grain size can be properly controlled by dynamic recrystallization during the forging process. Therefore, the comprehension of the recrystallization mechanism and its dependence on forging parameters is a key point of microstructure design approach. The optimal conditions for the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization are determined, and correlation between microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior is investigated. Compression tests are carried out at high-temperature on Thermec-master Z and Gleeble forging devices, followed by gas or water quench. Mechanical behavior of the material at high temperature is analyzed in detail, and innovative methods are proposed to determine the metallurgical mechanisms at stake during the deformation process. Mechanical properties of the material after hot-working and annealing treatments are investigated. The grain growth kinetics of L-605 alloy is determined, and experimental results are compared with the static recrystallization process. Microstructures after hot deformation are evaluated using SEM-EBSD and TEM. Significant grain refinement occurs by dynamic recrystallization for high temperature and low strain rate (T≥1100 ◦ C, strain rate < 0.1s−1), and at high strain rate (strain rate > 10s−1). Dynamic recrystallization is discontinuous and takes place from the grain boundaries, leading to a necklace structure. The nucleation mechanism is most likely to be bulging from grain boundaries and twin boundaries. A new insight of the modeling of dynamic recrystallization taking as a starting point the experimental data is proposed. By combining the results from the mechanical behavior study and microstructure observation, the recrystallization at steady-state is thoroughly analyzed and provides the mobility of grain boundaries. The nucleation criterion for the bulging from grain boundaries is reformulated to a more general expression suitable for any initial grain size. Nucleation frequency can be deduced from experimental data at steady-state through modeling, and is extrapolated to any deformation condition. From this point, a complete analytical model of the dynamic recrystallization is established, and provides a fair prediction on the mechanical behavior and the microstructure evolution during the hot-working process.
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FAST high-temperature consolidation of Oxide-Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels : Process, microstructure, precipitation, properties / Consolidation rapide à haute température d'aciers renforcés par dispersion d'oxydes (ODS) : Procédé, microstructure, précipitation, propriétés mécaniquesBoulnat, Xavier 18 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail vise à améliorer la compréhension de la microstructure d’aciers ferritiques appelés aciers ODS. Ils sont fabriqués par métallurgie des poudres, ce qui inclut le cobroyage d’une poudre ferritique avec une fine poudre d’oxydes, suivi d'une consolidation à haute température. La consolidation permet de former un matériau dense renforcé par des particules nanométriques qui sont responsables des bonnes propriétés mécaniques à haute température. Cependant, les procédés conventionnels, notamment la Compaction Isostatique à Chaud, provoquent des microstructures hétérogènes qui étaient jusqu’à ce jour mal comprises. Ainsi, la technique rapide de consolidation assistée par courant électrique appelée "Spark Plasma Sintering" (SPS), a été testée afin d’étudier la microstructure. Pour la première fois, on montre que d’excellentes propriétés mécaniques peuvent être obtenues par SPS, comparables à celles des matériaux ODS obtenus classiquement par Compaction Isostatique à Chaud, mais avec un temps de procédé largement réduit. Cependant, la consolidation par SPS échoue quand il s’agit d’obtenir une micro-structure ferritique homogène. En effet, malgré la cinétique rapide de consolidation, on obtient des grains dits ultrafins (D < 500 nm) entourée de grains plus grossiers (D >10 μm). Une caractérisation microstructurale poussée a permis de comprendre l’évolution du matériau durant la consolidation. Un modèle d’évolution microstructurale a été proposé. Le calcul des pressions gouvernant la mobilité des interfaces souligne l’importance de la déformation plastique hétérogène issue du cobroyage des poudres. Par ailleurs, il est montré que la précipitation des particules d’oxydes ancre les joints de grains et stabilise la microstructure hétérogène, même à très haute température. On montre aussi qu’augmenter la teneur en renforts n’empêche pas la croissance anormale mais permet de contrôler la fraction et la taille de grains ultrafins, et donc les propriétés mécaniques des ODS. Parce que les particules jouent un rôle primordial dans la croissance des grains, une caractérisation fine de l’état de précipitation a été réalisée sur les matériaux consolidés par SPS. L’étude par Microscopie Electronique en Transmission, Diffusion des Neutrons et Sonde Atomique révèle une grande densité d’oxydes qui varient en taille et en composition chimique. Un modèle thermodynamique de type germination/croissance/coalescence a été développé pour simuler les cinétiques de précipitation des phases Y2O3 et Y2Ti2O7 durant les étapes de consolidation non isothermes. Tant les résultats expérimentaux que numériques démontrent la précipitation rapide des nano-particules qui sont ensuite extrêmement stables durant les recuits. Ce modèle permet de mieux comprendre la spécificité des microstructures et de la précipitation dans les ODS, de la formation rapide de particules nanométriques à la précipitation grossière d’oxydes de titane aux interfaces. / This work aims to lighten the understanding of the behavior of a class of metallic materials called Oxide-Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels. ODS steels are produced by powder metallurgy with various steps including atomization, mechanical alloying and high-temperature consolidation. The consolidation involves the formation of nanoparticles in the steel and various evolutions of the microstructure of the material that are not fully understood. In this thesis, a novel consolidation technique assisted by electric field called "Spark Plasma Sintering" (SPS) or "Field-Assisted Sintering Technique" (FAST) was assessed. Excellent mechanical properties were obtained by SPS, comparable to those of conventional hot isostatic pressed (HIP) materials but with much shorter processing time. Also, a broad range of microstructures and thus of tensile strength and ductility were obtained by performing SPS on either milled or atomized powder at different temperatures. However, SPS consolidation failed to avoid heterogeneous microstructure composed of ultrafine-grained regions surrounded by micronic grains despite of the rapid consolidation kinetics. A multiscale characterization allowed to understand and model the evolution of this complex microstructure. An analytical evaluation of the contributing mechanisms can explain the appearance of the complex grain structure and its thermal stability during further heat treatments. Inhomogeneous distribution of plastic deformation in the powder is argued to be the major cause of heterogeneous recrystallization and further grain growth during hot consolidation. Even if increasing the solute content of yttrium, titanium and oxygen does not impede abnormal growth, it permits to control the fraction and the size of the retained ultrafine grains, which is a key-factor to tailor the mechanical properties. Since precipitation through grain boundary pinning plays a significant role on grain growth, a careful characterization of the precipitation state was performed on consolidated ODS steels. The experimental data obtained by transmission electron microscopy, small angle neutron scattering and atom-probe tomography evidenced the presence of dense and nanosized particles in SPS ODS steels, similarly to what is observed in conventional ODS steels. This is of great importance since it proves that the precipitation is very rapid and mainly occurs during the heating stage of the consolidation process. Using a thermodynamic model, the precipitation kinetics of Y2O3 and Y2Ti2O7 were successfully reproduced at various consolidation temperatures. Both experimental and numerical findings agree with the rapid precipitation of nanoparticles that are then extremely stable, even at high temperature. Consequently, this model can be an efficient tool to design ODS steelsby the optimization of the precipitation state.
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Intermediate temperature grain boundary embrittlement in nickel-base weld metalsNissley, Nathan Eugene, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 170-176).
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Deformation Behaviour, Microstructure and Texture Evolution of CP Ti Deformed at Elevated TemperaturesZeng, Zhipeng January 2009 (has links)
In the present work, deformation behavior, texture and microstructure evolution of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) are investigated by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) after compression tests at elevated temperatures. By analysing work hardening rate vs. flow stress, the deformation behaviour can be divided into three groups, viz. three-stage work hardening, two-stage work hardening and flow softening. A new deformation condition map is presented, dividing the deformation behavior of CP Ti into three distinct zones which can be separated by two distinct values of the Zener-Hollomon parameter. The deformed microstructures reveal that dynamic recovery is the dominant deformation mechanism for CP Ti during hot working. It is the first time that the Schmid factor and pole figures are used to analyse how the individual slip systems activate and how their activities evolve under various deformation conditions. Two constitutive equations are proposed in this work, one is for single peak dynamic recrystallization (DRX), the other is specially for CP Ti deformed during hot working. After the hot compression tests, some stress-strain curves show a single peak, leading to the motivation of setting up a DRX model. However, the examinations of EBSD maps and metallography evidently show that the deformation mechanism is dynamic recovery rather than DRX. Then, the second model is set up. The influence of the deformation conditions on grain size, texture and deformation twinning is systematically investigated. The results show that {10-12} twinning only occurs at the early stage of deformation. As the strain increases, the {10-12} twinning is suppressed while {10- 11} twinning appears. Three peaks are found in the misorientation frequency-distribution corresponding to basal fiber texture, {10-11} and {10-12} twinning, respectively. A logZ-value of 13 is found to be critical for both the onset of {10-11} compressive twinning and the break point for the subgrain size. The presence of {10-11} twinning is the key factor for effectively reducing the deformed grain size. The percentage of low angle grain boundaries decreases with increasing Z-parameter, falling into a region separated by two parallel lines with a common slope and 10% displacement. After deformation, three texture components can be found, one close to the compression direction, CD, one 10~30° to CD and another 45° to CD. / QC 20100819
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Einfluss der Bekeimung auf die Qualität von schmelztexturierten YBCO-Hochtemperatur-SupraleiternBierlich, Jörg 16 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die für technische Anwendungen attraktivsten Eigenschaften der Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter beruhen auf der Wechselwirkung der Materialien mit einem externen Magnetfeld. Für hochleistungsfähige Supraleiteranwendungen werden großvolumige Funktionselemente mit eindomänigem Magnetisierungsverhalten benötigt. Zur Vergrößerung der magnetischen Domäne schmelztexturierter YBa2Cu3O7-δ-Kompaktsupraleiter wurde anhand der Multi-Seeding-Technik, die Rekristallisation unter Verwendung mehrerer SmBa2Cu3O7-δ-Keimpräparate untersucht.
Als Schlüsseltechnologie zur Herstellung anwendungsorientierter Supraleitererzeugnisse wurde zu Beginn der Arbeit die Keimkristallherstellung optimiert. Gemäß den Zielvorgaben stehen zukünftig quasi-einkristalline Keimkörper definierter Form und Orientierung in hoher Stückzahl zur Verfügung.
Die Supraleiter betreffend ist es gelungen, für den wechselseitigen Abstand und die Ausrichtung der Keimpräparate ein Optimum zu finden sowie tolerierbare Winkel der Verschwenkung angrenzender Kristalle zu ermitteln. Es wurde festgestellt, dass das Auftreten isolierender Korngrenzeneinschlüsse mit den magnetischen Materialeigenschaften korreliert und vom Keimabstand und der Korngrenzenorientierung abhängig ist. Mit Einsatz von bis zu 16 Keimkristallen gelang es, eindomänige Supraleiterhalbzeuge mit Höchstmaßen von (79 x 39 x 20) mm3 und Remanenzflussdichten von bis zu 1,3 T zu erzeugen.
Im Chargenprozess konnten abschließend Multi-Seeding-Funktionselemente mit anwendungskonformen geometrischen und magnetischen Materialeigenschaften zum Aufbau eines hochdynamischen Supraleitermotors reproduzierbar gefertigt werden. In Leistungstests wurde für die Dynamik des Motors mit 200.000 rpm/s ein Rekordwert erzielt – nun können die Motoren in der Anwendung erprobt werden.
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Neuaufbau eines Pelletron-Beschleunigers und Untersuchungen zum Laserhydrieren von Silizium / Rebuild of a pelletron accelerator and investigations on laser hydriding of siliconSchwickert, Marcus 29 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Défauts et diffusion dans le silicium amorpheDiop, Ousseynou 08 1900 (has links)
Nous avons observé une augmentation ‘’transient’’du taux de cristallisation interfacique de l’a-Si lorsqu’on réimplante du Si à proximité de l’interface amorphe/cristal. Après amorphisation et traitement thermique à 650°C pendant 5s de la couche a-Si crée par implantation ionique, une partie a été réimplantée. Les défauts produits par auto-réimplantation à 0.7MeV se trouvent à (302±9) nm de l’interface initiale. Cela nous a permis d’étudier d’avantage la variation initiale de la vitesse SPE (Épitaxie en phase solide). Avec des recuit identiques de 4h à 500°C, nous avons déterminé les positions successives des interfaces et en déduit les taux de cristallisation SPE. La cristallisation débute à l’interface et continue graduellement vers la surface. Après le premier recuit, (252±11) nm s’est recristallisé dans la zone réimplantée soit un avancement SPE de 1.26x10^18at./cm2. Cette valeur est environ 1.50 fois plus importante que celle dans l’état relaxé. Nous suggérons que la présence de défauts à proximité de l’interface a stimulé la vitesse initiale. Avec le nombre de recuit, l’écart entre les vitesses diminue, les deux régions se cristallisent presque à la même vitesse. Les mesures Raman prises avant le SPE et après chaque recuit ont permis de quantifier l’état de relaxation de l’a-Si et le transfert de l’état dé-relaxé à relaxé. / We observed a ‘’transient’’ increase of planar crystallization rate of a-Si when one reimplanted Si near the interface amorphous / crystal. After amorphization and heat treatment at 650°C for 5s, one part has been re-implanted. The defects produced at 0.7 MeV by self-re-implantation are located at (302±9) nm of the initial interface. This allows us to better study the initial variation of SPE speed (solid phase epitaxy). With recrystallisation anneals at 500±4°C for 4h, we have determined the successive positions of the interfaces and have deduced the SPE recrystallization rate. Crystallization began at the interface and continues gradually to the surface. After the first annealing, (252±11)nm was recrystallized in the re-implanted state. That means 1.26x10^18at./cm2 SPE enhancement. This value is approximately 1.50 times greater than that in the relaxed state. We suggest that the presence of defects near the interface stimulate the speed. Raman measurements taken after each annealing allowed us to know the transfer of the un-relaxed state to the relaxed state. After the number of anneals treatments, both areas progress almost at the same speed / Dans ce travail nous avons étudié le phénomène de diffusion du cuivre et de l’argent dans a-Si en présence de l’hydrogène à la température de la pièce et de recuit. Une couche amorphe de 0.9μm d’épaisseur a été produite par implantation de 28Si+ à 500 keV sur le c-Si (100). Après celle-ci, on procède à l’implantation du Cu et de l’Ag. Un traitement thermique a produit une distribution uniforme des impuretés dans la couche amorphe et la relaxation de défauts substantiels. Certains défauts dans a-Si sont de type lacune peuvent agir comme des pièges pour la mobilité du Cu et de l’Ag. L’hydrogène implanté après traitement thermique sert à dé-piéger les impuretés métalliques dans certaines conditions. Nous n’avons détecté aucune diffusion à la température de la pièce au bout d’un an, par contre un an après à la température de recuit (1h à 450°C) on observe la diffusion de ces métaux. Ce qui impliquerait qu’à la température de la pièce, même si l’hydrogène a dé-piégé les métaux mais ces derniers n’ont pas pu franchir une barrière d’énergie nécessaire pour migrer dans le réseau. / In this work we studied the diffusion phenomenon of copper and silver in a-Si in the presence of hydrogen at room temperature and annealing temperature. The 0.9 μm -thick a-Si layers were formed by ion implantation 28Si + at 500 keV on c-Si (100). After this Cu ions and Ag ions were implanted at 90keV.The heat treatment produces a uniform distribution of impurities in the amorphous layer and the relaxation of substantial defects. Vacancies defects in a-Si can act as traps for the mobility of Cu and Ag. Hydrogen implanted is used to de-trap metal impurities such as Cu and Ag. However we did not detect any diffusion at room temperature during 1 year, but after one year at the annealing temperature (450°C for 1h) we observe the distribution of these metals. Implying that the room at temperature, although the hydrogen de-trapping metals but they could not crossed an energy barrier required to migrate in the network.
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