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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fortifying Leisure: A Qualitative Investigation of Family Leisure in Uganda

McGovern, Rachel Adams 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine leisure patterns and meanings of leisure among families in the developing East African nation of Uganda, in response to recent calls for more non-Western leisure studies (Chick, 1998; Iwasaki, Nishino, Onda & Bowling, 2007). The three focus questions answered in this study were: (a) what do Ugandans from the Mukono District think leisure is? (b) how is family leisure, in their terms, happening? and (c) in what ways do they think family leisure is important? This study utilized a grounded theory methodology (Glaser & Strauss, 1978) with qualitative data analysis methods. Sixty-eight secondary students and five family units were interviewed. The data were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding. Results indicate Ugandan definitions of leisure are similar to Western definitions. Additionally, Ugandan families participate in activities similar to Western families. Students mentioned five primary family leisure outcomes (enjoyment/fun, personal development, family development, health, and relaxation) that point toward a core theme. Fortifying describes the importance Ugandan students and family members place upon family leisure outcomes that strengthen the individual to overcome inevitable challenges they will face throughout their lives and enable them to succeed. Additionally, participants frequently mentioned the role of family socializing activities, such as discussion and story-telling, in contributing to important family leisure outcomes.

Management, valuation and evaluation of urban greenspace and trees in relation to resilience; : The importance of ecosystem services in the built environment and how they are maintained and cared for. / Skötsel, värdering och uppföljning av stadsgrönska och träd ur ett resiliensperspektiv; : Ekosystemtjänsters betydelse i bebyggd miljö, hur de uppmärksammas och underhålls.Degree project course: Strategies for sustainable development, Second CycleAL250X, 30 creditsAuthor: Pia IsakssonSupervisor: Sara BorgströmExaminer: Mattias HöjerDepartment of

isaksson, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Abstract: Managing worldwide urbanization and housing shortage in cities through a resilient development isan immense issue of today. This study states the risk with urban densification, at the expense ofgreenspace, which is crucial to maintain vital ecosystem services. The nonlinear response todisturbance in ecosystems, need to be emphasized both in planning and practice, to avoiddegradation and collapse. Despite general promotion of densification as a tool to decrease negativeurban impact on surrounding landscape, as to mitigate climate change, current strategies ofcompacting cities are argued to endanger future resilience. In this work, it is stressed that valuationof greenery in urban areas should include the recognition of uncertainty, safeguarding the availabilityof all forms of ecosystem services in a changing future. Applying a framework of social-ecologicalresilience, a case-study of Stockholm regarding valuation of greenery and ecosystem services inplanning and exploitation, as in continuous management, has been carried out. A wide range ofactors within the fields of green management, planning and exploitation have been interviewed.When compared with expressed visions in comprehensive plans and policies, results from interviewsshow severe gaps between planning and practice. Foresight planning in relation to adaptivegovernance, to enhance social-ecologic interactions, is suggested a tool to improve implementationand acknowledgement of ecosystem services in urban development and design. Further, enhancedcross-learning and knowledge exchange in the social-ecological system, should be improved throughinteraction and recognition of the variety of stakeholders and multi-functional green areas tostrengthen social-ecological resilience in the urban context. / Sammanfattning: Dagens intensiva urbanisering och bostadsbrist, betonar behovet av resilient stadsutveckling. Dennastudie understryker faran med förtätning på bekostnad av grönstrukturer, vilka är avgörande förupprätthållandet av livsnödvändiga ekosystemtjänster. Ekosystems icke lineära respons påstörningar, bör uppmärksamma i både planering och praktik, för att undvika utarmning eller kollaps.Tillskillnad från ofta framhållna fördelar med förtätning, som minskad inverkan på kringliggandegrönstrukturer och motverkande av klimatförändringar, vill den här studien framhålla hurförtätningsprocesser riskerar att försämra städers resiliens. För att säkra en framtida motståndskraftoch anpassningsförmåga till förändrade omständigheter, bör värdering av grönstrukturer i stadsmiljötydliggöra framtida osäkerhetsfaktorer i relation till ekosystemens förmåga att tillhandahålla olikatjänster. Utifrån ett social-ekologiskt ramverk har en fallstudie av hur grönstrukturer värderas iplanering- och exploateringsprocesser, samt inom allmänt underhåll, genomförts i Stockholm. Enbredd av aktörer inom planering, exploatering och grönskötsel intervjuades. I jämförelse meduttryckta visioner i olika översiktsplaner och policydokument, visar resultaten från intervjuerna påflera luckor mellan planering och utförande. En långsiktig planering i samband med ett socialekologisktresilient styrelseskick, som syftar på en större förståelse och interaktion mellan socialaoch ekologiska faktorer, föreslås förbättra såväl implementering som uppmärksammande avekosystemtjänster inom stadsutformning och utveckling. Vidare kan ett utökat lärande ochkunskapsutväxling mellan och inom social-ekologiska system, öka förståelsen för- och förstärkastäders social-ekologiska resiliens.

Evaluating resilience in the governing process of the food strategy for StockholmCounty : Resilience from theory to practice in a qualitativestudy / En resiliensutvärdering av styrningen i processen att ta fram Stockholms länslivsmedelsstrategi

Lundgren, Elin January 2019 (has links)
To meet global challenges in food provision and to counteract environmental issues derivingfrom the food system, improved governance is necessary. Resilience is presented as a tool formanaging ecosystem services and for understanding what is required to achieve food security.In Sweden there is a national food strategy describing the continued development needed formeeting challenges in the food system. Several regional food strategies have been producedand an additional food strategy for Stockholm County is in the process of being developed byStockholm County Administrative Board. This food strategy could be of especial interest toevaluate due to Stockholm County being highly populated while having a low degree ofprimary food production. Assessing the governance system for the food strategy was ofinterests due to the large groups of stakeholders to consider in the process. The aim of thestudy was to add further knowledge on how resilience can be applied in practice by exploringthe extent of which the governance system for developing the food strategy promotesresilience. The research questions were formulated to investigate the governance system bymapping what stakeholders were involved in the process, what their responsibilities were andwhat relations existed between them. An additional research question was to test how thegovernance system promoted resilience by applying a set of principles for doing so. For collecting data, several stakeholders involved in developing the food strategy at the timeof the data collection were interviewed. Complementary data was also collected from journalarticles, books, documents provided by Stockholm County Administrative Board, websites,governmental publications and different kinds of reports. Quotes were selected to explain thefindings from the interviews, and a social network analysis was constructed to illustrate thestructure of the governance system. Another tool in the data analysis, which was also thepoint of the departure for constructing the research questions, was the resilience frameworkconsisting of a set of principles. Among these principles, five where applied for evaluating thegovernance system of the food strategy. The results were divided in two parts. The first section presents the results from performinginterviews by describing the governance system; identified stakeholders, their functions aswell as their relations. Two other themes identified from the interviews that were concludedto be important for the resulting governance system and also for the resilience evaluation were“collaboration” and “context”. Several stakeholders were identified, a few were concluded tobe more key than others as they belong to either the management group or the draftingcommittee. The stakeholders had national, regional and local responsibilities and were bothgovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The functions of the stakeholders werefor example to represent a certain part of the food system or contributing with national,regional or local knowledge about the food system. The relations among stakeholders in thegovernance system occurred between stakeholders working within the same geographicalscales and also between national, regional and local scales. In the center of the governancestructure were the management group that are to jointly decide on goals for the final strategydocument. The second part of the results constitutes the resilience evaluation, which was accomplishedby testing the results regarding the governance system (from part I) against the framework forresilience using the selected principles. These principles included maintain diversity andredundancy, manage connectivity, encourage learning, broaden participation and promotepolycentric governance. It was concluded that the governance system did follow all of theseprinciples in several aspects, but critical points were also identified. Among the positive  aspect were the positive attitude for learning among stakeholders in the governance system,the involvement of heterogenous groups interacting with one another and also themanagement group as a strong centre for decision-making. One of the main critical pointsidentified from performing the resilience evaluation suggests a few stakeholders to be lackingin the present governance system. The governance system for the food strategy had a large group of stakeholders, representingdifferent parts of the food system, including national/regional/local and governmental/nongovernmentalorganizations, interacting both within and across geographical scales. Theseaspects are important for promoting resilience according to the principles selected in thisstudy. By adding the suggested stakeholders, for example a few representatives from differentparts of the food system that was not involved in the process at the time of data collection, thegovernance system could promote resilience even more. / För att bemöta de globala problemen inom matförsörjning och miljöförstörelse som vi idagstår inför behövs styrningssystem som lämpar sig för detta. Resiliens är ett koncept som ärnära besläktat med hantering av ekosystemtjänster och som även kan bidra till ökad förståelseför vad som krävs för att uppnå en säker matförsörjning. I Sverige finns en nationelllivsmedelsstrategi som pekar ut en generell riktning för att hantera problemen inomlivsmedelssystemet. Det har även tagits fram flera regionala strategier i Sverige, ytterligare enstrategi tas nu fram av Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm. Denna strategi kommer att omfattaStockholms län och kan vara av särskild betydelse att granska då detta tätbefolkade län har enlåg försörjningsgrad av livsmedel. Styrningssystemet för strategin är relevant att granska i ochmed den stora gruppen aktörer som berörs av livsmedelsstrategin. Syftet med studien var attbidra med ytterligare kunskap om hur resiliensbegreppet kan användas i praktiken genom atttillämpa detta i livsmedelsstrategin för Stockholms län för att undersöka hur välstyrningssystemet bidrar till resiliens. Frågeställningen formulerades således för att undersökastrukturen av styrningssystemet genom att besvara vilka aktörer som ingick i styrningen, vilkaderas ansvarsområden var och vilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Den sista delfrågan ifrågeställning handlade om att testa livsmedelsstrategins styrningssystem mot olika principersom föreslås gynna resiliens. För att samla in data genomfördes flera intervjuer med aktörer som var inblandade iframtagandet av livsmedelsstrategin under den tid då datainsamlingen ägde rum. Denna datahar även kompletterats med annat material så som vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker, dokumentsom Länsstyrelsen Stockholm bistått med, hemsidor, publiceringar från myndigheter ocholika slags rapporter. Citat användes för att understödja resultaten och en nätverksanalysgjordes för att illustrera styrningssystemets struktur. En ytterligare metod som användes föratt analysera data var ett ramverk för resiliens bestående av flera principer som bistår iutformningen av styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens. Resultaten i denna rapport har delats upp i två avsnitt. Det första avsnittet presenterarresultaten från intervjuerna och visar uppbyggnaden av styrningssystemet förlivsmedelsstrategin: vilka aktörer som var inblandade, vilka ansvarsområden de hade ochvilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Ytterligare två teman framkom från intervjuerna,dessa ansågs relevanta för att beskriva styrningssystemet och även för resiliensanalysen.Dessa teman kategoriserades som ”samarbetet” och ”kontexten”. Flera aktörer ingick istyrningssystemet, av dessa ansågs några ha mer påverkan på styrningen genom sinmedverkan antingen i styrningsgruppen eller beredningsgruppen. I styrningssystemet fannsbåde nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, från myndigheter såväl som från andraorganisationstyper. Aktörernas ansvarområdens grundade sig huvudsakligen i vilken del avlivsmedelssystemet de representerade och om de bistod med nationella, regionala eller lokalakompetenser. Relationerna mellan de olika aktörerna skedde både mellan aktörer som verkadeinom samma geografiska skala, men även mellan nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer. Icentrum av styrningssystemet fanns styrningsgruppen som tillsammans ska besluta om måleni strategidokumentet. Den andra delen av resultaten består av en resiliensutvärdering som testar det resulterandestyrningssystemet (del I) mot ett ramverk för resiliens genom att tillämpa några utvaldaprinciper. Dessa principer var ”bibehåll diversitet och överskott”, ”hanterasammankopplingar”, ”uppmuntra lärande”, ”bredda deltagande” och ”uppmuntrapolycentriska styrningssystem”. Styrningssystemet följde dessa principer i flera avseenden,  men det fanns också utrymme för förbättring. Bland aktörerna som ingick i styrningssystemetfanns en inställning som uppmuntrade lärande i enlighet med principerna. Gruppen aktörerbestod av olika slags organisationer som interagerade med varandra, vilket också uppmuntrasav resiliensprinciperna. Utöver detta var också kärnan av styrningssystemet, bestående avstyrningsgruppen med beslutanderätt, en annan egenskap hos styrningssystemet som gynnarresiliens. Det framgick också av resiliens-utvärderingen att ytterligare inblandning av ett antalaktörer kan vara önskvärt. Detta är en av de viktigare slutsatserna om vad som kan ändras föratt förbättra resiliensen i den nuvarande styrningen. Styrningssystemet av livsmedelsstrategin består av en stor grupp aktörer som representerarolika delar av livsmedelssystemet. Dessa är nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, bådemyndigheter och andra slags organisationer. Relationer finns också mellan aktörer som verkarbåde inom samma geografiska område likväl som över sådana gränser. Dessa egenskaper ärviktiga för ett styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens enligt de principer som har använts i denhär studien. Genom att involvera ytterligare några aktörer, exempelvis från några delar avlivsmedelssystemet som inte fanns representerade i strategin vid datainsamlingen, kanstyrningssystemet till en ännu högre grad bidra till att stödja resiliens.

Where-Else : Creating a dialogue tool to enhance green space allocation for the mitigation of noise and water runoff in urban settings. / Where-Else : Skapandet av ett dialogverktyg för lokalisering av grönområden för att minska buller och vattenavrinning i städer.

Juffer, Elsemieke Jolien January 2018 (has links)
Cities around the world encounter global challenges, of which climate change is one. Urbanisation is resulting in inflexible land uses that are hard to reverse and cause fragmentation of green areas, which therefore decline in quality and contribute to the cities’ vulnerability to climate change. In recent years the concept of ecosystem services has gained recognition and is used more often in urban planning. However, focus in these discussions has not always been on urban green spaces. There is a lack of tools that in an operative way link green space allocation to provision of ecosystem services in early discussions about urban development. Tools exist that place the focus on the amount of green in urban planning. It is the establishment of a dialogue on how to identify the need for green in an urban area, identifying how the distribution of greenery can be operationalised on different city scales, and how it contributes to mitigating specific problems that are missing. This thesis contributes to the knowledge on the conceptual understanding of the potential and importance of urban green spaces to mitigate water and noise challenges, and contributes to starting semi-large scale discussions on climate change challenges and solutions in urban developments. By visualising the mitigation potentials, with the goal to create better informed decision making and urban planning processes, it contributes to the development of urban planning for sustainable development. Factors that contribute to the identification on where, what and how greenery can be implemented to mitigate the effects of urban sound and water challenges are identified and merged in a discussion tool, Where-Else, that is tested for its applicability. This thesis uses a mixed method approach based on grounded theory, and consists of two phases. Phase one is data collection and analysis in order to develop two discussion tools, applying a literature overview. Two questions are answered: how does greenery contribute to mitigating effects of sound and water challenges, and secondly, what are the most important factors to recognise? Both the effects of noise and water can be mitigated using greenery. Identified and noticeable important mitigation factors by greenery are: size, location and design for noise mitigation; and retention time, infiltration, evaporation and transpiration for water. In the second phase “Where-Else” is tested for its applicability and practical value, using interviews with urban ecosystem services experts, resulting in suggestions for improvements and the acknowledgement that there is a practical value for the developed tool. / Städer runt om i världen stöter på globala utmaningar, varav klimatförändringen är en av dem Urbanisering resulterar i oflexibla markanvändningar som är svåra att vända och orsakar fragmentering av grönområden, vilket därför sänker kvaliteten och bidrar till städernas sårbarhet mot klimatförändringar. Under de senaste åren har begreppet ekosystemtjänster fått erkännande och används oftare i stadsplanering. Fokus i dessa diskussioner har dock inte alltid varit på gröna stadsområden. Det saknas verktyg som på ett operativt sätt kopplar samman grön arealfördelning till tillhandahållande av ekosystemtjänster i tidiga diskussioner om stadsutveckling. Det finns verktyg som lägger fokus på mängden gröna områden i stadsplaneringen. Det är upprättandet av en dialog om hur man identifierar behovet av grön i en del av en stad och identifierar hur distributionen av grönområden kan hanteras skötas på olika stadskalor och hur det bidrar till att mildra specifika problem som saknas. Arbete bidrar till kunskapen om den konceptuella förståelsen av de gröna stadsområdenas potential och betydelse för att mildra vatten och bullerutmaningar, samt bidrar till att påbörja diskussioner om klimatförändringar och lösningar inom stadsutveckling. Genom att visualisera mitigationspotentialen, med målet att skapa bättre informerade beslutsfattande- och stadsplaneringsprocesser, bidrar det till att utveckla stadsplanering för en hållbar utveckling. Faktorer som bidrar till identifieringen av var, vad och hur grönområden kan genomföras för att mildra effekterna av urbana ljud- och vattenutmaningar identifieras och slås samman i ett diskussionsverktyg, Where-Else, som testas för dess tillämplighet. Denna arbete använder en blandad metod som baseras på grundad teori och består av två faser. Fas ett är datainsamling och analys för att utveckla två diskussionsverktyg, vilket genomförs med en litteraturundersökning. Två frågor besvaras: Hur bidrar grönska till att mildra effekterna av ljud och vattenutmaningar, och vilka är de viktigaste faktorerna att känna igen? Effekter från både buller och vatten kan mildras med hjälp av grönska. Identifierade och märkbara viktiga begränsningsfaktorer av grönska är: storlek, plats och design för bullerreducering. och retentionstid, infiltrering, avdunstning och transpiration av vatten. I andra fasen testas "Where-Else" för användbarhet och praktiskt värde med intervjuer med experter från stadsekosystemtjänster, vilket resulterar i förslag till förbättringar och bekräftelse på att det finns ett praktiskt värde för det utvecklade verktyget.

Exploring Resilience and Individual Differences

Thorne, Robin 01 May 2015 (has links)
Few studies have investigated the relationships among resilience, optimism, and personality traits with U.S. college students; although some work has been done with Chinese university students. The current study explores the relationship between resilience, optimism and the Big Five personality traits. A sample of 251 undergraduate students completed the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the 9-item version of the Personal Optimism & Self-Efficacy Optimism Scale (POSE-E), and the NEO- Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Results indicate a significant positive relationship between resilience and optimism. The results also indicate positive significant relationships between resilience and extraversion, as well as resilience and conscientiousness. A significant negative significant relationship between resilience and neuroticism was found. The results of this study helpful identify characteristics of students who are at-risk following life stressors and traumas.

Effects of a High School Yoga Program on Student-Reported Stress, Resilience, and Academic Outcomes

Vance, Stephanie Martha 04 August 2022 (has links)
High school yoga programs are gaining popularity throughout the United States. The many perceived benefits of such programs among adolescent groups have shown promising outcomes. This mixed-method evaluation of a high school yoga program aims to evaluate the effects of the program on student-reported stress, resilience, and academic outcomes. Program participants include high school students in yoga classes (n = 61) and comparison classes (n = 37), who completed pre- and post-measure surveys along with social validity measures. Overall findings showed a decrease in stress levels among yoga students compared to comparison students, which approached statistical significance, no significant differences between groups on the resilience and academic measures, and high social validity among teachers and students in yoga classes. Future research should include larger sample sizes, interrater reliability for fidelity ratings of yoga practice, and compare yoga to other forms of students' physical activity.

“We Are Just Magic”: A Qualitative Examination of Self-Love Among Black Same-Gender Loving Men

Brooks, Byron D., Kaniuka, Andréa R., Motley, Darnell N., Job, Sarah A., Williams, Stacey L. 01 January 2022 (has links)
Objectives: Black same-gender loving men (BSGLM) represent a population with understudied lived experiences as both racial and sexual minority individuals. Most existing research among BSGLM focuses on sexual health outcomes in the context of minority stress, without consideration of the full experiences of BSGLM or strengths-based approaches. The present study aimed to address this gap in the literature by examining self-love among BSGLM using a phenomenological qualitative approach. Method: Adult BSGLM in the U.S. (n = 19; Mage = 31.79 years [SD = 8.88]) were recruited online and completed interviews via phone and video conferencing. Data were coded independently by two trained coders via an iterative approach that included in vivo coding and line-by-line comparative coding. Codes were grouped thematically, guided by sexual minority identity and positive psychology literature. Results: Three major themes related to self-love among BSGLM emerged: (a) Freedom of identity, meaning participants’ ability to construct an identity outside of societal expectations; (b) Community connection and pride, or participants’ connection to and pride derived from the BSGLM community; and (c) Adversarial growth and resilience, or ways that adversity related to BSGLM identity generated personal growth. Conclusions: Current findings may have clinical implications. Using narrative therapy approach, facilitating connectedness to the BSGLM community, and implementing gratitude interventions in therapeutic settings may enhance self-love and positive self-regard among BSGLM. Future research should continue to give voice to the full lived experience of BSGLM.

Cross-sector And Inter-organizational Collaborative Capacity In Community Disaster Resilience And Sustainability: Evidence From Central Florida Counties

Demiroz, Fatih 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study examines the relationships between interorganizational network development and sustainability, organizational capacity for emergency management, technology utilization, and community disaster resiliency. It is proposed that cross sector and interorganizational collaboration (i.e., network development and sustainability), information communication technology (ICT) utilization, and organizational capacity have a positive impact on disaster resiliency. Disaster resiliency is measured with a three dimensional metric which includes effectiveness of disaster response, effectiveness of disaster recovery, and adaptive capacities. A questionnaire was sent to organizations that are part of the emergency management system in 11 counties in Central Florida. These organizations were identified by each county's comprehensive emergency management plans. County emergency managers served as the liaison people to reach organizations. They distributed the questionnaire and sent reminders to participants. The study aimed to reach an entire population of 855 emergency management affiliated organizations. The survey had a 25.28% response rate. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the impact of interorganizational network development, interorganizational network sustainability, information communication technology utilization, and organizational capacity on community disaster resiliency. The results of the study show that one third of the total variation in disaster resiliency was explained with the exogenous variables in the structural equation model (R2=.31). There was no statistically significant relationship between network development and disaster resiliency. Also, a correlation was hypothesized between organizational capacity and ICT utilization, according to the study findings no correlation was found between these two variables. Network development, organizational capacity, and ICT utilization were found to be positively associated with disaster resiliency. Among all the variables, organizational capacity had the highest impact on disaster resiliency (β=.36). ICT utilization and network development had almost equal regression weights (β=.25, β=.26 respectively). A correlation was also found between network development and ICT utilization with β=.23. The results suggest that organizations that are part of emergency management systems in Central Florida counties could enhance disaster resiliency of their communities by focusing on interorganizational and cross-sector network development, information communication technology utilization, and organizational capacity. Managerial craft has a critical role in developing relationship as most of the interorganizational ties are established with informal connections and mutual trust. Building relationship, installing technological systems, and carrying out joint trainings often exceeds financial capacities of organizations. Enabling more funding for these initiatives is another key point to which policy makers may pay attention.

An Investigation To Determine The Perceptions Of Resilience In Educational And Business Leadership Personnel In Central Florida

Domeck, Craig 01 January 2008 (has links)
Leadership is a challenging task. Vibrant enduring leadership over time is a greater challenge. Cultivating "leaders that lasts" is the desire of this study. The purpose of this research was to determine the resiliency of leaders in Central Florida. Additionally, this study examined the resilience of educational leaders in Central Florida along with leaders from the business community. The analysis and comparison of the results revealed beneficial information regarding the factors that are substantial in resilient leaders and how these factors might be further cultivated. Educational leaders were randomly selected from school administrators in the Central Florida region, as well as department leaders at two primary local universities. Participants from business were selected from a list of business leaders from the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business MBA Alumni, as well as participants in the Palm Beach Atlantic University Executive Leadership series. The study utilized the Resilience Factor Inventory (RFI) from Adaptive Learning Systems. The RFI is a valid 60-question on-line questionnaire that evaluates the four resilience factors identified in the Review of Literature: (a) realistic optimism, (b) emotional intelligence, (c) relational abilities, and (d) problem-solving abilities. Participants were invited to complete the RFI through a series of four emails explaining the study and the Resilience Factor Inventory with a sufficient response rate (83 leaders). Analysis of the data revealed the following findings: (a) all three of the sampled leader populations were significantly above the national norm in resilience, with those in education the highest; (b) educational leaders, both Pre K - 12 and university leaders, were statistically higher in several resilience components, with emotional intelligence being a strong component in both educational groups; (c) leaders from the business realm were significantly higher in several resilience factors with their distinguish component being problem-solving; (d) while education leaders were strong in emotional intelligence, this population could develop their problem-solving capabilities; (e) in direct contrast, the business were strong in problem-solving, but could enhance their emotional competence; and (f) an examination of leaders who have served the longest have a statistically significantly higher relational abilities and realistic optimism suggesting that these two resilience factors would be important for longevity.

Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Within Educational Communities Using Longitudinal Analysis

Steidl, Alexa 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
At California State University, Los Angeles and California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, a longitudinal survey was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for students within their respective engineering departments. A combination of nonparametric and longitudinal analysis is performed to evaluate the impacts of the transition to a virtual educational environment and the stressors brought on by the global pandemic. Additional qualitative evaluation is performed to gain insight and make program recommendations to enhance the resilience of individuals in the academic systems. Results demonstrate a large shift in circumstances immediately at the start of the pandemic, with a variety of significant trends across the survey cycles and topics. A comparison of the two institutions both qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate how different institutional responses and student bodies impacted the overall student experience.

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