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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de um modelo de simulação baseado em lógica Fuzzy e no SCOR para predizer o desempenho da empresa-foco em cadeias de suprimentos / Proposal of a fuzzy logic simulation model to predict performance of focus company in supply chains

Ganga, Gilberto Miller Devós 13 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta e discute uma proposta baseada na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy para predizer o desempenho da empresa-foco em cadeia de suprimentos modelada de acordo com os relacionamentos causais entre medidas de desempenho propostas pelo SCOR (versão 8.0). O uso de sistemas de medição de desempenho para gerenciar o desempenho de cadeias de suprimentos apresenta algumas limitações tais como a dificuldade de interpretação de resultados de natureza qualitativa, assim como a complexidade de um sistema tradicional de medição de desempenho lidar adequadamente com os relacionamentos de causas e efeito entre métricas de desempenho de diferentes processos de negócios ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos. Por outro lado, a lógica fuzzy, uma técnica apropriada para lidar com situações de incerteza e subjetividade, configura-se como uma alternativa interessante. Utilizando uma abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa descritiva, assumiu-se a hipótese de que um modelo de simulação quantitativo poderia ser construído para explicar o comportamento de processos operacionais. Os resultados da simulação mostraram-se bastante consistentes à metodologia SCORmark, proposta pelo Supply Chain Council. Análises estatísticas dos resultados da simulação, baseados no Método de Superfície de Resposta, também confirmaram a relevância dos relacionamentos causais incorporados no modelo. Em geral, os resultados reforçam que a proposição da adoção de um modelo de simulação baseado em lógica fuzzy e nas métricas do SCOR parece ser uma abordagem possível para auxiliar os gerentes no processo de tomada de decisão do gerenciamento do desempenho em cadeias de suprimentos. / This paper presents and discusses a proposal based on the theory of fuzzy sets to predict performance of focus company in a supply chain modeled according to causal relationships among performance metrics proposed by SCOR (version 8.0). The use of performance measurement systems to manage performance of supply chains presents some limitations such as difficulty of interpretation of results of qualitative nature as well as the complexity of having a conventional performance measuring system that can adequately handle cause-and-effect relationships of metrics of performance of different business processes of a supply chain. On the other hand, fuzzy logic, a technique suitable for dealing with uncertainty and subjectivity, becomes an interesting alternative approach. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, the research was based on the assumption that a quantitative simulation model can be built that explain (at least in part) the behavior of operational processes. Results of simulation were very much in line with those of the SCORmark methodology (SCC). Statistical analysis of the simulation results based on surface response method also confirmed the relevance of the causal relationships embedded in the model. In general, the findings reinforces the proposition that adoption of a simulation model based on fuzzy-logic and on metrics of the SCOR model seems to be a feasible approach to help managers in the decision making process of managing performance of supply chains.

Proposta de um modelo de simulação baseado em lógica Fuzzy e no SCOR para predizer o desempenho da empresa-foco em cadeias de suprimentos / Proposal of a fuzzy logic simulation model to predict performance of focus company in supply chains

Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga 13 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta e discute uma proposta baseada na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy para predizer o desempenho da empresa-foco em cadeia de suprimentos modelada de acordo com os relacionamentos causais entre medidas de desempenho propostas pelo SCOR (versão 8.0). O uso de sistemas de medição de desempenho para gerenciar o desempenho de cadeias de suprimentos apresenta algumas limitações tais como a dificuldade de interpretação de resultados de natureza qualitativa, assim como a complexidade de um sistema tradicional de medição de desempenho lidar adequadamente com os relacionamentos de causas e efeito entre métricas de desempenho de diferentes processos de negócios ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos. Por outro lado, a lógica fuzzy, uma técnica apropriada para lidar com situações de incerteza e subjetividade, configura-se como uma alternativa interessante. Utilizando uma abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa descritiva, assumiu-se a hipótese de que um modelo de simulação quantitativo poderia ser construído para explicar o comportamento de processos operacionais. Os resultados da simulação mostraram-se bastante consistentes à metodologia SCORmark, proposta pelo Supply Chain Council. Análises estatísticas dos resultados da simulação, baseados no Método de Superfície de Resposta, também confirmaram a relevância dos relacionamentos causais incorporados no modelo. Em geral, os resultados reforçam que a proposição da adoção de um modelo de simulação baseado em lógica fuzzy e nas métricas do SCOR parece ser uma abordagem possível para auxiliar os gerentes no processo de tomada de decisão do gerenciamento do desempenho em cadeias de suprimentos. / This paper presents and discusses a proposal based on the theory of fuzzy sets to predict performance of focus company in a supply chain modeled according to causal relationships among performance metrics proposed by SCOR (version 8.0). The use of performance measurement systems to manage performance of supply chains presents some limitations such as difficulty of interpretation of results of qualitative nature as well as the complexity of having a conventional performance measuring system that can adequately handle cause-and-effect relationships of metrics of performance of different business processes of a supply chain. On the other hand, fuzzy logic, a technique suitable for dealing with uncertainty and subjectivity, becomes an interesting alternative approach. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, the research was based on the assumption that a quantitative simulation model can be built that explain (at least in part) the behavior of operational processes. Results of simulation were very much in line with those of the SCORmark methodology (SCC). Statistical analysis of the simulation results based on surface response method also confirmed the relevance of the causal relationships embedded in the model. In general, the findings reinforces the proposition that adoption of a simulation model based on fuzzy-logic and on metrics of the SCOR model seems to be a feasible approach to help managers in the decision making process of managing performance of supply chains.

Digital Maturity & Operational Performance : A case study in the supply-chain of the Scandinavian FMCG industry / Digital Mognadsgrad & Operationell Prestation : En case studie av supply-chain i den skandinaviska konsumentprodukts industrin

Johansson, Gustav, Wilhelmsson, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Manufacturing companies are currently experiencing a digital transformation pressure as focus on concepts such as Industry 4.0 are growing. Industry 4.0 a concept inheriting, among other technologies, IoT, Cloud manufacturing and advanced analytics. The digital transformation and digitalisation of manufacturing may provide performance improvements. For example, in Supply chain functions, due to increased information sharing and possible performance improvements in forecast accuracy and deliverer accuracy. However, many companies are uncertain regarding how digital transformation best could be approached. An increasingly digital supply chain will increase the complexity of the organisation and the first step of any such transformation is to understand current capabilities. In this study we applied and, propose, the usage of a digital maturity framework, including a questionnaire, which is academically robust, has high level of transparency regarding the questionnaire, and are measuring all corporate functions. The digital maturity model is built on 3 dimensions, Strategy & organisation, Smart business processes and Smart product & services, 3 sub-dimensions and 13 associated fields. The framework thereby assesses all necessary enablers for digital transformation and provide guidelines for companies regarding what dimensions that are lagging and potentially are hindering a digital transformation. The framework was adapted and applied in the Scandinavian FMCG industry. By assessing 3 companies within the same corporate group which enabled triangulation with interviews to ensure validity provided a deeper understanding of the challenges in digitalisation and level of digital maturity in the Scandinavian FMCG industry were obtained. The results indicate that the major factor causing the low level of digital maturity within the Scandinavian FMCG industry were due to insufficient Strategy & Organisation mostly caused by a lack of strategic partners. The study concludes that competence and knowledge regarding how to approach digital transformation are the major challenge. In order to avoid develop all capabilities internally it is therefore important to source strategic partners. In addition, this study explored certain KPI’s that, according to the SCOR-model, are of great importance for operational performance. The SCOR-model were used since it is an established framework. The KPI’s for each of the participating factories were presented in relation to the digital maturity score within the associated field of production, procurement & logistics. Although no claims regarding causal relationships between digital maturity are made, the study proves the importance of connecting digital maturity to KPI’s in order to provide tangible benefits. / I och med framväxten av nya digitala teknologier upplever tillverkande företag ett ökat fokus på att digitalisera sin produktion. Digitaliseringen av industrin har kommit olika långt i olika delar men försök till att definiera vad som menar har genererat koncept som exempelvis Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 är ett koncept som innefattar bland annat teknik som möjliggör att genom avancerad dataanalys och informationsdelning i realtid få helt nya insikter och möjlighet att styra och optimera produktionsprocesser. Dessa digitala hjälpmedel och tekniker tros även leda till mer kostnadseffektiva och flexibla värdekedjor. Exempelvis försöker många företag att förbättra sin prognos och leveranssäkerhet genom att få tillgång till försäljningsdata i realtid. Många företag är emellertid osäkra om hur de ska ta implementera och välja mellan vilka tekniker de bör fokusera på, samt om de har en organisation som är redo för att dra nytta av ny teknologi. En alltmer digital värdekedja som agerar i realtid ökar komplexitet och ställer även ökade krav på olika funktioner inom organisationen att samarbeta. Ett första steg i att förändras till ett digitalt företag att avgöra var de står idag och vad som kan förhindra en sådan förändring. I den här studien justerades och applicerades en modell som mäter digital mognadsgrad på ett företag inom den Skandinaviska FMCG industrin. Modellen som används är framtagen av akademiker och erbjuder transparens då frågeformuläret och hur bedömningen görs framgår, till skillnad från andra modeller. Modellen bedömer en organisations digital mognadsgrad enligt 3 dimensioner, Strategi och organisation, Smarta affärsprocesser och Smarta produkt och tjänster. I tillägg är dessa dimensioner uppbyggda av 3 under-dimensioner och 13 relaterade områden. Modellen bedömer därigenom alla nödvändiga faktorer för digital transformation och ger riktlinjer för företag om vilka dimensioner som anses digitalt omogna och potentiellt hindrar en digital transformation. Resultaten valideras genom att även genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer få ytterligare insikter i företagets processer, attityder, ledarskap och strategiska utmaningar. Resultaten visade att den avgörande faktorn som orsakade den relativt sett låga digitala mognadsgraden var avsaknaden av en tydlig strategi, att företagen är organiserade i funktionella silos, brist på kompetens och även strategiska partnerskap. I tillägg, utforskades vilka KPI’er som eventuellt kan förbättras genom en ökad digital mognadsgrad. Dessa KPI’er togs fram enligt SCOR-modellen då den är erbjuder ett akademisk etablerat ramverk. KPI’er för var och en av de deltagande fabrikerna presenterades i förhållande till digital mognadsgrad, men enbart inom det området produktion, upphandling och logistik. Även om det i studien inte görs några anspråk på att förklara samband mellan digital mognadsgrad, visar studien vikten av att koppla digital mognadsnivå till KPI’er för att kunna ge erbjuda konkreta fördelar med digitalisering och föreslår att det här tillvägagångsättet utvecklas i framtida arbete.

Huvudentreprenörens övertagande av underentreprenörers materialansvar : Effekter och förutsättningar / The change of material responsibility from subcontractor to main contractor : Effects and prerequisites

Säfström, Olivia, Söderbaum, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Det finns stora förbättringsmöjligheter inom logistiken i byggbranschen då den idag är väldigt kostsam och innebär många störningar i produktionen. Den logistik som sköts av underentreprenörerna i ett byggprojekt är ofta ej synkroniserad med huvudentreprenörens logistik vilket innebär ytterligare svårigheter. Dålig kommunikationen mellan aktörerna och en relation som karaktäriseras av misstro försvårar en mer integrerad logistik. Denna studie syftar därmed till att undersöka en alternativ lösning där huvudentreprenören övertar underentreprenörens materialansvar. En sådan lösning innebär att huvudentreprenören är ansvarig för all logistik och att underentreprenören utför monteringen. Genom intervjuer med en huvudentreprenör samt flera underentreprenörer och leverantörer har denna studie försökt besvara både hur bygglogistiken och relationen mellan huvudentreprenör och underentreprenör påverkas. I och med ett övertagande av materialansvaret får huvudentreprenören ökad kontroll över logistiken vilket innebär ett större ansvar men även möjligheter att förbättra leveranssäkerheten och att huvudtidplanen följs. Då de hanterar all logistik kan de i högre grad nyttja resurser som t.ex. samlastning via mellanlager och en intern tredjepartlogistiker. Huvudentreprenören kan även ha en tidigare och tydligare kommunikation med leverantören. Underentreprenören får ett minskat ansvar i och med övertagandet och även en minskad kontroll över logistiken vilket leder till att de blir mer beroende av huvudentreprenören. Detta innebär ett ökat samarbete mellan aktörerna och därmed krävs en förbättrad kommunikation. Ett övertagande innebär vidare att huvudentreprenören blir mindre beroende av underentreprenören vilket ökar risken för att underentreprenören ersätts. Den främsta fördelen med ett förändrat materialansvar är enligt studien att byggplatslogistiken förbättras. Svårigheter i övertagandet ligger dels i kulturella normer då det innebär en förändring av underentreprenörens roll i bygglogistiken men även i huvudentreprenörens brist på kunskap om underentreprenörens material. Vidare visar studien att det finns en oro bland aktörerna kring vem som är ansvarig vid problem med materialet och att omorganiseringen kräver en utredningsprocess som avgör om byggnationsfel orsakats av materialfel eller monteringsfel. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det finns en stor potential i att huvudentreprenören övertar underentreprenörens materialansvar men för att en sådan omorganisering ska bli lyckad så bör underentreprenören vara involverad i utformandet. Vidare krävs en tydlig ansvarsfördelning, en förbättrad kommunikation och en förståelse för andra aktörers perspektiv. Lyckas aktörerna med detta kan omorganiseringen innebära en effektivare produktion. / In the area of building logistics there are great possibilities for improvement since it is today very costly and entails many disruptions in the production. The logistics handled by the subcontractors are often not synchronized with the logistics of the main contractor which leads to more difficulties. Bad communication between the actors and a relationship characterized by mistrust hinders more integrated logistics. The purpose of this study is to examine an alternative solution where the material responsibility is changed from the subcontractor to the main contractor. Such a solution entails that the main contractor is responsible for all the logistics and that the subcontractor will perform the assembly. Through interviews with a main contractor and several subcontractors and suppliers this study aims to answer both how the building logistics and the relationship between main contractor and subcontractor will be affected. As an effect of the change of material responsibility the main contractor will get a higher level of control over the logistics which results in a bigger responsibility but also the possibility to improve deliverance certainty and that the main time schedule is followed. As a consequence of them handling all the logistics they can to a greater extent utilize resources such as joint loading via storage facilities or an internal third-party logistics provider. The main contractor can have an earlier and more direct communication with the supplier. The subcontractor will have less responsibility as a result of the change but also a lowered control over the logistics which leads to a stronger dependence on the main contractor. This implies an increased cooperation between the actors and thus a demand for an improved communication. The main contractor will become less dependent on the subcontractor and therefore the risk for the subcontractor to be replaced will increase. The main benefit with the change of material responsibility is according to the study that the on-site logistics will improve. Difficulties with the reorganization are partly in cultural norms as it will change the subcontractor’s role in the construction logistics and partly in the main contractor’s lack of knowledge about the subcontractor’s material. The study also shows that there is a worry among the actors about who is responsible when a material problem occurs and the change demands an investigation process to determine whether a construction error is caused by a material or assembly error.  To conclude; this study shows a big potential in the material responsibility changing from the subcontractor to the main contractor but for such a reorganization to be successful the subcontractor should be included in the process of developing the reorganization. Furthermore, this demand a clear division of responsibilities, an improved communication and an understanding for the other actors’ perspective. If the actors succeed with this change of material responsibility it can lead to a more effective production.

Analys av lagerlayout för effektiviserad inleverans- och plockningsprocess

Bagheri, Masood, Medina, Rafael, Olsson, Axel January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Inleveransprocessen och plockprocessen på ett företags centrallager har kartlagts, då problem med långa ledtider och bristfällig information upplevdes. Syftet med rapporten var att visa på hur kartläggningar kan användas vid förbättringsarbete och felsökning i processer. När processen kartlades användes SCOR-modellen där processen delades upp i dess beståndsdelar. Problem som observerades på företaget inkluderade onödigt mycket manuellt arbete, bristande lagerlayout och osorterade varor. De föreslagna lösningarna inkluderar Auto- ID, en ny lagerlayout och orderplockningsmetoder. De viktigaste slutsatserna som kunde dras i studien var följande: - Auto-ID kan minimera den manuella inmatningen av data, vilket dels är tidsbesparande, men även minskar riskerna för att den inmatade datan är felaktig. Auto-ID kan även användas för att visa på saldon på olika lagerplatser, vilket kan effektivisera plocklistorna, och därmed operatörernas plockrutter. - - En effektivisering av lagerlayouten minskar färdavstånden, och framkomligheten ökar. Med en ökad framkomlighet underlättas användandet av redskap som gaffeltruckar. Slutligen utförs sökandet efter produkter utförs snabbare, vilket i sin tur även kortar ner ledtiderna, då sökandet står för 20% av arbetarnas totala ledtid. Ett införande av standardiserade orderplockningsmetoder minskar färdavstånden, då det kan bestämmas i vilken ordning varorna skall plockas. Rutterna kan planeras så att trafiken minskar så att två eller fler operatörer inte plockar varor i samma korridor samtidigt. Slutligen medför ett införande av orderplocksmetoder att operatörerna blir mer specialiserade på ett visst område i varuhuset, och därmed förbrukar mindre tid till att leta efter varor.

Estudo das afecções abdominais e anorretais em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris. Análise da casuística, fatores de risco para mortalidade e proposta de escore de gravidade / Study of abdominal and anorectal conditions in febrile neutropenic haematological patients. Case analysis, relative risk factors for mortality and proposal of severity score

Perazzoli, Camila 26 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução. Pacientes neutropênicos febris, particularmente os portadores de doenças hematológicas, podem ter como causa de sua descompensação clínica afecções abdominais e anorretais. O acompanhamento do quadro infeccioso é motivo de angústia para o cirurgião coloretal, pois a literatura sobre o tema é restrita e quadros oligosintomáticos eventualmente evoluem para óbito em curto espaço de tempo. Objetivos. Descrever, estratificar e comparar com a literatura a casuística de pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris com foco abdominal ou anorretal identificado. Estudar o risco absoluto e relativo de mortalidade de algumas variáveis associadas com a condição. Propor um escore de gravidade das afecções abdominais e anorretais em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris. Materiais e Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo a partir da análise retrospectiva de 897 prontuários médicos de pacientes internados para as equipes de Hematologia e Transplante Células Tronco Hematopoéticas, no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto-SP, entre os anos de 2008-2013. Foram elegíveis para o estudo 74 episódios de neutropenia febril com foco infeccioso abdominal ou anorretal, ocorridos em 69 pacientes. Após coletadas as características a respeito da amostra, foram estratificados os dados, comparados com a literatura sobre o tema, realizados os cálculos de medidas de efeito e análise estatística. Por fim, considerando os resultados obtidos, a experiência clínica dos autores e critérios de plausibilidade biológica comum, foram selecionados cinco aspectos como sendo os principais preditores de mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris, com afecção abdominal ou anorretal. Resultados. O escore proposto demonstrou possuir mortalidade crescente conforme o quadro se agrava e a pontuação se eleva (teste exato de Fischer: 0,001). Ao considerar o modelo logístico de probabilidade de óbito por nível do escore, o valor encontrado AUC foi de 0,82 (0,72-0,925) e o valor de Estatística de Hosmer-Lemeshow de 2,3, com p=0,806. Discussao. Os escores contribuem na prática clínica diária para a tomada objetiva de decisões. De forma semelhante ao escore APACHE e seus refinamentos, o sistema prognóstico proposto possui variáveis de fácil acesso e traduz de maneira satisfatória o comportamento e a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos, através da AUC>0,8 e estatística de Hosmer-Lemeshow com p> 0,05. Conclusão. O sistema de escore proposto permite predizer a chance de óbito durante a internação em pacientes neutropênicos febris com afeccção abdominal ou anorretal. Novos estudos sobre o tema são necessários e o escore proposto necessita e deve ser validado em uma amostra maior e distinta de pacientes. / Introduction. Febrile neutropenic patients, particularly those with haematological diseases, may have abdominal and anorectal conditions as a cause of their clinical decompensation. The follow-up of the infectious condition is a cause of distress for the colorectal surgeon, because the literature on the subject is restricted and oligosymptomatic conditions can lead to death within a short period of time.Goals. To describe, stratify and compare with the literature the casuistry of febrile neutropenic haematological patients with abdominal or anorectal focus identified. To study the absolute and relative risk of mortality of some variables associated with the condition. To propose a severity score of abdominal and anorectal conditions in neutropenic hematologic febrile patients. Materials and Methods. This is a study based on the analysis of 897 medical records of inpatients for hematology and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) teams at the Hospital de Clínicas of the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto-SP, between the years of 2008-2013. A total of 74 episodes of febrile neutropenia with infectious abdominal or anorectal conditions occurred in 69 patients. After collecting the characteristics regarding the sample, the data were stratified, compared to the literature on the subject, the calculations of effect measures and statistical analysis were performed. Finally, considering the results obtained, the author\'s clinical experience and criteria of common biological plausibility, five aspects were selected as the main predictors of hospital mortality in febrile neutropenic haematological patients with abdominal or anorectal disease. Results. The proposed score showed an increasing mortality rate as the condition worsens and the score rises (Fischer\'s exact test: 0.001). When considering the logistic model of death probability by level of the score, the AUC value found was 0.82 (0.72-0.925) and the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic value was 2.3, with p = 0.806. Discussion. The scores contribute to daily clinical practice for objective decision making. Similar to the APACHE score and its refinements, the proposed prognostic system has easily accessible variables and satisfactorily translates the behavior and reliability of the results obtained through AUC> 0.8 and Hormer-Lemeshow statistics with p> 0,05. Conclusion. The proposed score system allows predicting the chance of death during hospitalization in febrile neutropenic patients with abdominal or anorectal disease. New studies on the subject are necessary and the proposed score needs and must be validated in a larger and different sample of patients.

Estudo das afecções abdominais e anorretais em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris. Análise da casuística, fatores de risco para mortalidade e proposta de escore de gravidade / Study of abdominal and anorectal conditions in febrile neutropenic haematological patients. Case analysis, relative risk factors for mortality and proposal of severity score

Camila Perazzoli 26 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução. Pacientes neutropênicos febris, particularmente os portadores de doenças hematológicas, podem ter como causa de sua descompensação clínica afecções abdominais e anorretais. O acompanhamento do quadro infeccioso é motivo de angústia para o cirurgião coloretal, pois a literatura sobre o tema é restrita e quadros oligosintomáticos eventualmente evoluem para óbito em curto espaço de tempo. Objetivos. Descrever, estratificar e comparar com a literatura a casuística de pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris com foco abdominal ou anorretal identificado. Estudar o risco absoluto e relativo de mortalidade de algumas variáveis associadas com a condição. Propor um escore de gravidade das afecções abdominais e anorretais em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris. Materiais e Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo a partir da análise retrospectiva de 897 prontuários médicos de pacientes internados para as equipes de Hematologia e Transplante Células Tronco Hematopoéticas, no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto-SP, entre os anos de 2008-2013. Foram elegíveis para o estudo 74 episódios de neutropenia febril com foco infeccioso abdominal ou anorretal, ocorridos em 69 pacientes. Após coletadas as características a respeito da amostra, foram estratificados os dados, comparados com a literatura sobre o tema, realizados os cálculos de medidas de efeito e análise estatística. Por fim, considerando os resultados obtidos, a experiência clínica dos autores e critérios de plausibilidade biológica comum, foram selecionados cinco aspectos como sendo os principais preditores de mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes hematológicos neutropênicos febris, com afecção abdominal ou anorretal. Resultados. O escore proposto demonstrou possuir mortalidade crescente conforme o quadro se agrava e a pontuação se eleva (teste exato de Fischer: 0,001). Ao considerar o modelo logístico de probabilidade de óbito por nível do escore, o valor encontrado AUC foi de 0,82 (0,72-0,925) e o valor de Estatística de Hosmer-Lemeshow de 2,3, com p=0,806. Discussao. Os escores contribuem na prática clínica diária para a tomada objetiva de decisões. De forma semelhante ao escore APACHE e seus refinamentos, o sistema prognóstico proposto possui variáveis de fácil acesso e traduz de maneira satisfatória o comportamento e a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos, através da AUC>0,8 e estatística de Hosmer-Lemeshow com p> 0,05. Conclusão. O sistema de escore proposto permite predizer a chance de óbito durante a internação em pacientes neutropênicos febris com afeccção abdominal ou anorretal. Novos estudos sobre o tema são necessários e o escore proposto necessita e deve ser validado em uma amostra maior e distinta de pacientes. / Introduction. Febrile neutropenic patients, particularly those with haematological diseases, may have abdominal and anorectal conditions as a cause of their clinical decompensation. The follow-up of the infectious condition is a cause of distress for the colorectal surgeon, because the literature on the subject is restricted and oligosymptomatic conditions can lead to death within a short period of time.Goals. To describe, stratify and compare with the literature the casuistry of febrile neutropenic haematological patients with abdominal or anorectal focus identified. To study the absolute and relative risk of mortality of some variables associated with the condition. To propose a severity score of abdominal and anorectal conditions in neutropenic hematologic febrile patients. Materials and Methods. This is a study based on the analysis of 897 medical records of inpatients for hematology and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) teams at the Hospital de Clínicas of the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto-SP, between the years of 2008-2013. A total of 74 episodes of febrile neutropenia with infectious abdominal or anorectal conditions occurred in 69 patients. After collecting the characteristics regarding the sample, the data were stratified, compared to the literature on the subject, the calculations of effect measures and statistical analysis were performed. Finally, considering the results obtained, the author\'s clinical experience and criteria of common biological plausibility, five aspects were selected as the main predictors of hospital mortality in febrile neutropenic haematological patients with abdominal or anorectal disease. Results. The proposed score showed an increasing mortality rate as the condition worsens and the score rises (Fischer\'s exact test: 0.001). When considering the logistic model of death probability by level of the score, the AUC value found was 0.82 (0.72-0.925) and the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic value was 2.3, with p = 0.806. Discussion. The scores contribute to daily clinical practice for objective decision making. Similar to the APACHE score and its refinements, the proposed prognostic system has easily accessible variables and satisfactorily translates the behavior and reliability of the results obtained through AUC> 0.8 and Hormer-Lemeshow statistics with p> 0,05. Conclusion. The proposed score system allows predicting the chance of death during hospitalization in febrile neutropenic patients with abdominal or anorectal disease. New studies on the subject are necessary and the proposed score needs and must be validated in a larger and different sample of patients.

Modelo para mensuração de desempenho de uma cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva

Bittencourt, Sandro Augusto Martins 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-03-17T12:29:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandro Augusto Martins Bittencourt_.pdf: 2499816 bytes, checksum: 0956055e2fde2467515deaf1ac232b30 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-17T12:29:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandro Augusto Martins Bittencourt_.pdf: 2499816 bytes, checksum: 0956055e2fde2467515deaf1ac232b30 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Nenhuma / O objetivo desta tese foi construir um modelo de mensuração de desempenho aplicável a cadeias de suprimentos da indústria automotiva. A concepção do modelo foi baseada nos cinco processos SCOR: planejar, fornecer, produzir, distribuir e retornar, sob o enfoque das principais dimensões competitivas em estratégias de produção: custo, flexibilidade, entrega, qualidade e serviços. O método de pesquisa foi a modelagem. O modelo proposto foi aplicado em três semestres consecutivos da operação de uma cadeia de suprimentos composta por uma empresa focal, três fornecedores e três distribuidores. Pela realização de grupos focais com os gestores da cadeia, foram identificados os processos SCOR e as dimensões competitivas prioritárias, com o auxílio do método multicriterial Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Com a elaboração do quadro de indicadores foi possível capturar os desempenhos obtidos pelos elos da cadeia nos três períodos analisados. Para as comparações e totalização dos resultados, os índices obtidos foram relativizados em função dos objetivos de desempenho atribuídos às empresas da cadeia. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um comparativo temporal com os desempenhos globais, onde foram discutidos os comportamentos e lacunas de cada processo SCOR e de cada dimensão competitiva. Os resultados finais proporcionaram a estruturação de um modelo conceitual de mensuração de desempenho, que aplicado em uma cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva apontou os seguintes resultados: no segundo semestre de 2014 o desempenho da cadeia foi 65,49 %, com uma lacuna de 35,41 pp., neste período, os melhores desempenhos foram verificados no processo planejar e na dimensão competitiva qualidade; no primeiro semestre de 2015 o desempenho da cadeia foi 68,79 %, com uma lacuna de 31,21 pp., onde os melhores desempenhos foram verificados no processo planejar e na dimensão competitiva custo; no segundo semestre de 2015 o desempenho da cadeia foi 73,37 %, com uma lacuna de 23,63 pp., e os melhores desempenhos foram verificados no processo planejar e na dimensão competitiva custo. / The objective of this thesis was to construct a model of performance measurement applicable to supply chains of the automotive industry. The design of the model was based on the five SCOR processes: planning, supplying, producing, distributing and returning, on the focus of the main competitive dimensions in production strategies: cost, flexibility, delivery, quality and services. The research method was modeling. The proposed model was applied in three consecutive semesters of the supply chain operation composed of a focal company, three suppliers and three distributors. The achievement of focus group discussions with chain managers identified the SCOR processes and the priority competitive dimensions, with the help of the multicriteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). With the elaboration of the indicator tables, it was possible to capture the performances obtained by the chain links in the three periods analyzed. For the comparisons and totalisation of the results, the indices obtained were relativized in function of the performance objectives attributed to the chain companies. Finally, a temporal comparison with the global performances was developed, where the behaviors and gaps of each SCOR process and of each competitive dimension were discussed. The final results provided the structuring of a conceptual model of performance measurement, which applied in an automotive supply chain pointed the following results: in the second semester of 2014 the performance of the chain was 65.49%, with a gap of 35.41 pp., During this period, the best performances were verified in the process planning and in the competitive dimension quality; the first semester of 2015 chain performance was 68.79%, with a gap of 31.21 pp., wh the best performances were verified in the process planning and at the competitive dimension cost; in the second semester of 2015 chain performance was 73.37% with a gap of 23.63 pp., and the best performances were verified in the planning process planning and the competitive dimension cost.

Análise de linguagens de modelagem de processos de um modelo de referência na cadeia de suprimentos /

Torres, Marco Antonio. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Renato de Campos / Banca: Wilson Massashiro Yonezawa / Banca: José Alcides Gobbo Junior / Resumo: O entendimento dos processos de Modelo de Referência de Operações da Cadeia de Suprimentos (ou Supply Chain Reference - SCOR model) pode ser facilitado pelo uso de uma metodologia de modelagem de processos. O emprego de uma notação com semântica adequada para representar esses modelos de processos, associadas a ferramentas de modelagem e gestão, podem contribuir para a melhor compreensão e o gerenciamento de uma cadeia de suprimentos. Existem várias notações propostas na literatura, como por exemplo, a Notação para Modelagem de Processos de Negócios (ou Bussiness Process Modeling Notation - BPMN), a Cadeia de Processos Dirigida por Eventos (ou Event-Driven Process Chain - EPC) e a Linguagem de Modelagem Unificada (ou Unified Modeling Language - UML). Também podem ser identificadas algumas ferramentas de suporte computacional para a modelagem dos processos, como por exemplo, o Bonita Studio, o ARIS Express e o Intalio Designer. Este trabalho analisou e comparou algumas notações e ferramentas de suporte computacional para melhor representar os modelos de processos SCOR. Definidos as notações, ferramentas e critérios de comparação, as análises indicaram a notação BPMN e a ferramenta Intalio como sendo as mais adequadas. Como resultado final, a notação e a ferramenta foram utilizadas para a geração de uma biblioteca de modelos a partir de processos padrão de terceiro nível do modelo SCOR. Exemplos de desenvolvimento de modelos são apresentados, visando demonstrar a adequação da notação e ferramenta, e exemplificar como a biblioteca de modelos pode ser usada visando o desenvolvimento de modelos de quarto nível, a partir da biblioteca de modelos, por possível usuários. Como trabalho futuro, propõe-se a geração de modelos de referência de software com base nos modelos SCOR / Abstract: The understanding of the process of Supply Chain Operation Reference - SCOR model can be facilitated by use of a methodology for process modeling. The use of a notation with semantics appropriate for representing these types of processes associated with the modeling and management tools, can contribute to better understanding and management of a supply chain. There are several notations proposed in the literature, for exemple, the notation for Business Modeling Notation - BPMN, the Event-Driven Process Chain - EPC and Unified Modeling Language - UML). Can also be identified some tools for computational modeling of processes, such as the Bonita Studio, ARIS Express and Intalio Designer. This study analyzed and compared some notations and support tools to best represent the computational process models SCOR. Defined notations, tools and benchmarks, the analysis indicated the Intalio BPMN notation and the most appropriate. As a final result, the notation and the tool was used to generate a library of models from standard processes of the third level of the SCOR model. Examples of model development are presented to demonstrate the adequacy of the notation and tool, ans illustrate how the model library can be used for the develpment of models of the fourth level, from the library of models for potential users. As future work, we propose the generation of role models for developing software systems based on the SCOR model / Mestre

SCOR Model for a Dual-Channel Supply Chain using Drop Shipping to Reduce Overstock in Small- and Medium-Sized Retail Enterprises

Francia-Arias, G., Marín-Vílchez, J., Macassi-Jauregui, I., Raymundo-Ibañez, C., Dominguez, F. 06 April 2020 (has links)
Sales are central to retail companies. One of the main problems for these companies is when products are sold later than expected, causing overstock due to lower inventory turnover, which increases inventory levels. Therefore, for many retailers, it is important to solve this problem. This is mostly applicable to companies engaged in sales; however, if we take into account the main supplier and the way they act within the supply chain, we must also consider an additional approach. Since online sales are a major innovation brought about by the new digital era, it is standard for sales strategies to focus on this new requirement of customers. In this way, the main supplier takes a leap forward on Internet sales, creating another sales channel. This is when companies under the supply chain start losing sales. According to the above, a dual supply chain model was suggested using the SCOR model and drop shipping. After the improvement proposal was implemented, the company reported a reduction of approximately S/13,000 when comparing the first quarter of 2018 to that of 2019.

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