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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revisiting and re-evaluating same-sex sexual acts in Christian ethics – four evaluations and a suggestion

Hedlund, Simon January 2016 (has links)
This paper investigates three questions; how an exegetically sound basis for a biblical ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts might be construed, what role the Bible, and other sources of ethical insight, should play in construing Christian ethics, and what a Christian ethic founded on the answers to those questions would say concerning same-sex sexual acts today. To perform these investigations, the hermeneutical issue regarding biblical texts, as well as the relation between revelatory and non-revelatory ethical sources within Christian ethics, is discussed, and the construed Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts and sexuality of Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays, and Peter Coleman are evaluated before a suggestion is presented. That suggestion states that a sound exegetical basis demands a historical-critical reading that aims at understanding the language agreement between first recipients and author(s). It also claims that it is the perspective of the text that should be in focus in forming biblical ethics. Further, it is suggested that the Bible should be considered as having a unique role in Christian ethics by means of supplying a unique perspective on other sources for ethics, as well as on the insights of Scripture itself. This perspective is based on revelation, and should be formed from the central Scriptural notion of imitatio Dei/Christi. The Bible should also be recognized as a unique source of Christian ethical insight. However, an awareness of the impossibility of perfect understanding of Scripture opens the need for a dialog with other sources of ethical insight, such as experience, tradition, and secular reason, through which they are able to play a role in construing Christian ethics. Finally, the Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts holds such acts to be in need of a discriminating division between good and bad; those that are performed within a loving and caring relationship and those that are not. The former are tentatively commended based on an understanding of the clearly encouraged homosocial love they might result of, as well as positive human experience, while the latter are vehemently condemned because of their damaging nature to one or both of the people involved. / Uppsatsen undersöker tre frågor; hur en god exegetisk grund för en biblisk etik angående samkönade sexuella handlingar kan utformas, vilken roll Bibeln och andra källor till etisk insikt ska ha i utformandet av kristen etik, och hur en kristen etik baserad på svaren på dessa två frågor skulle se på samkönade sexuella handlingar idag. För att undersöka dessa frågor kommer hermeneutiska frågor angående bibeltexter likväl som relationen mellan uppenbarelsebaserade och icke-uppenbarelsebaserade källor till etisk insikt inom kristen etik att diskuteras. De konstruktioner av kristen etik angående samkönad sexualitet som gjorts av Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays och Peter Coleman utvärderas också innan ett eget förslag presenteras. Det förslag som sedan presenteras menar att en god exegetisk grund kräver en historisk-kritisk läsning som söker förstå den språkliga överenskommelse som fanns mellan ursprunglig(a) mottagare och författare. Förslaget menat också att det är textens perspektiv som ska vara i fokus i utformandet av en biblisk etik. Vidare föreslås det att Bibeln ska anses ha en unik roll i utformandet av kristen etik genom att den erbjuder ett unikt perspektiv på andra etiska källor och på Skriten själv. Detta perspektiv är baserat på uppenbarelse, och bör utformas utifrån den i Skriften centrala idén om imitatio Dei/Christi. Bibeln bör också erkännas som en unik källa till kristen etisk insikt. En medvetenhet om det omöjliga i att nå perfekt förståelse av Skriften öppnar dock upp för behovet av en dialog med andra källor till etisk insikt, källor såsom erfarenhet, tradition, och sekulärt förnuft, genom vilken dessa källor kan spela en roll i konstruktionen av kristen etik.Den kristna etiken angående samkönade sexuella handlingar menar slutligen att det måste göras en skarp skillnad mellan bra och dåliga handlingar av det slaget; de som utförs inom en kärleksfull relation, och de som inte utförs inom en sådan. De förstnämnda är försiktigt lovordade i egenskap av att resultera från en klart uppmuntrad homosocial kärlek, liksom till följd av positiva mänskliga erfarenheter, medan de senare är kraftfullt fördömda på grund av deras skadliga natur i relation till en av de, eller båda, inblandade

The dramatising of theology : humanity’s participation in God’s drama with particular reference to the theologies of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Barth

Farlow, Matthew S. January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this project is to investigate the proper response of theology to the Christian God who, as revealed through revelation, is Being-in-act. This project takes seriously the idea posited by Shakespeare, that totus mundus agit histrionem, and upon this stage ‘all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.’ If, then, God’s Being is in act, and as so many have deduced, life and death are enveloped within the drama of everyday, then, might it be possible that our theological endeavours would prosper through a dramatic rendering? In light of this, the project seeks to illumine that it is beneficial for both the Church and society, to realise how drama can be, and is, fruitful for our theological endeavours. God is Being-in-act, and through His revelation, He invites humanity to enter into and participate in His action. In light of the aforementioned, then, theology must contend with the implications for its practices, which, as is being argued, are benefited most through a full embrace of the dramatising of theology. The thesis is situated in the recent movement of our theological endeavours that recognise the profundity of the dramatic and its ability to illuminate God’s action and call to action from theology, the Church and society. Moving forward from the seminal work of Hans Urs von Balthasar, and set forth in the context of the theologies of Balthasar and Karl Barth, this project argues that it is through the dramatising of theology that theology is best equipped to illumine God’s desire for humanity’s participation in His Theo-drama. The dramatising of theology is a natural response to God’s Being-in-act; it is the natural movement of theology’s response to God’s action which calls for an active response on our part. Current examples of today’s theological movement towards the dramatic can be seen in such authors as Max Harris, Trevor Hart, Stanley Hauerwas, Michael Horton, Todd Johnson and Dale Savidge, Ben Quash, Kevin Vanhoozer, Samuel Wells and N.T. Wright. This project hopes to contribute to the movement towards the dramatising of theology.

Early Jewish textual culture and the New Testament : the reuse of Zechariah 1-8 in the book of Revelation

Allen, Garrick V. January 2015 (has links)
The text of the book of Revelation preserves examples of scriptural reuse that cohere with similar patterns of borrowing in other ancient Jewish works. This thesis describes the processes of reuse employed by Revelation's notional author (John), and places them into conversation with modes of reuse employed in other ancient Jewish texts, using Zechariah 1-8 as a test case. The design of the study has been crafted to explore these examples in a manner consistent with ancient textual composition. In the first chapter, I examine a dominant aspect of Jewish and early Christian textual culture: pluriformity. I argue that a pluriform scriptural tradition (in both Hebrew and Greek) was a controlling force that shaped the processes of scriptural reuse and, in turn, composition in this period. This analysis also delimits the possible forms of Zechariah available to ancient readers. With textual pluriformity in mind, the next chapter examines the text of Zech 1-8 preserved in John's scriptural references (Rev 5.6; 6.1-8, 9-11; 7.1; 11.4; 19.11-16). While this analysis is complicated by the author's presentation of reused material in Revelation, the evidence strongly suggests that John was familiar with a Hebrew form of Zechariah. Once John's preferred form of Zechariah is identified, the third chapter describes his techniques of reuse. This portion of the thesis consists of a catalogue and discussion of the differences in graphic representation between segments of Zech 1-8 and their instantiation in Revelation. This examination builds a set of textual data that accesses John's processes and strategies of reading. The fourth section of the thesis explores John's habits of reading as witnessed in his techniques of reuse. This section identifies features of Zech 1-8 that motivated John to engage with and alter the wording of antecedent material. Not every textual difference can be accounted for in this way, but it is evident that John is cognisant of the features of a particular form of Zech 1-8. Many of the differences between source and reuse can be explained as John's attempt to comprehend ambiguities in Zechariah. The final section of the thesis is a comparative analysis. The results of the preceding examinations of Revelation are compared to instances of the reuse of Zechariah in early Jewish literature, including works in the Hebrew Bible, the ancient versions of Zechariah, Dead Sea Scrolls, and works commonly classified as “deutero-canonical.” This analysis grounds previous observations about John's reuse in their native textual culture and acts as an historical control. The evidence suggests that John's modes of reading, reformulation, and reuse are similar to those found in other early Jewish works. The thesis concludes that scriptural reuse in the book of Revelation cannot be understood apart from the realities of textual pluriformity and the practices of scriptural reuse in Jewish antiquity. This approach suggests that John is a “scribal” expert—a careful reader of his scriptural tradition—and that his modes of reuse are conditioned by the textual culture of this period.

George MacDonald's Christian fiction : parables, imagination and dreams

Kreglinger, Gisela Hildegard January 2008 (has links)
The relationship between the Bible and literature is long-standing and has received increasing attention in recent years. This project investigates the interface between the Bible and literature by focusing on the genre of “parable”. The influence of the Bible on Western literature is considerable, and yet in the case of George MacDonald’s writing it is often overlooked. The “parabolic” is a helpful way to focus our discussion as it is an important genre both in Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God and more subtly in MacDonald’s fantasy and fairytale writing. It is remarkable that approximately a third of Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God comes in the form of parabolic speech. Rather than serving as a nice illustrative story to a theological point made elsewhere, the actual form of parabolic speech is crucial for the message it seeks to convey. Form and content work together in Jesus’ parables in a unique way to break open the reality depicted in parable. This thesis attempts to investigate a specifically biblical view of “parable” for understanding certain aspects of MacDonald’s fantasy literature. MacDonald developed a decidedly theological understanding of story as having the capacity to refresh the revelatory nature of Scripture. It is by the imagination that a poet is able to find new forms to recast and recover old and forgotten truths. By designating the poet as a finder rather than a maker, MacDonald resists Coleridge’s idealist inclinations to elevate the poet to a creator. His employment of story and more particularly the “parabolic” is then not only an aesthetic but also a theological choice. MacDonald’s last fantasy romance, Lilith, will serve as our test case to demonstrate this. Considering the “parabolic” in Lilith sheds significant light on the meaning of Lilith and offers up a decisive answer to the important question of whether MacDonald moves in his fantasy and fairytales from a decidedly Christian perspective to a more polyvalent view of reality. This argument shall be further substantiated by bringing to the light the important influence of Novalis on Lilith.

Die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief

Terblanche, Sarel Stefanus. 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English And Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / The biography focused on the life and work of Evert Philippus Groenewald in church historical perspective within the context of the twentieth century. It endeavoured to make a contribution to a period in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) against the background of strife in matters related to the church, politics and other areas. Groenewald taught New Testament subjects as professor at the Faculty of Theology (Section 8 - DRC) at the University of Pretoria for 33 years. As one of the first four professors of the new Faculty of Theology he helped to lay a sound foundation. He served as dean of the Faculty for 21 years (1948 - 1969). As administrator and lecturer he played an important role in the establishment, recognition and development of the Faculty. He was a born exegete, the Nestor of New Testament science in SA. He is regarded as a great theologian and the doyen of New Testament research and exegesis in SA. As writer of Afrikaans theological literature Groenewald undeniably fulfilled the role of a pioneer. This was recognised by the award of the Stals-prize for Theology to him, the first time in history. Apart from this he received four honourary doctorates and various other important awards. He made an important contribution to Bible translation and translatory science. As church and cultural leader he strove to find solutions for the problems of his church and people. He made a significant contribution in the ecumenical field. Apartheid was given its biblical foundation by Groenewald during the forties. His intention was to stimulate thought in the search for a solution to the serious racial problem. Further facets of Groenewald's work await research in order to paint a representative theological portrait of him. / Die studie fokus op die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief binne die konteks van die twintigste eeu. Die klem het op die periode tussen die dertiger- en tagtigerjare geval. Daar is gepoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n tydperk in die geskiedenis van die NGK teen die agtergrond van die stryd wat op vele gebiede gevoer is. Die invloed van vroom ouers, 'n aantal ingrypende gebeurtenisse in sy lewe en die eise van die tyd het hom ge·inspireer. Hy was kind en teoloog van sy tyd, egter ook van sy kerk. Wat hy verwoord het was deel van die NGK se Calvinistiese en gereformeerde historiese erfenis en die NGK se beleid. Hy het sy eie teologiese stempel egter ongetwyfeld daarop afgedruk. Hy onderrig vir 33 jaar (1938 tot 1970) Nuwe Testamentiese vakke as professor aan die Teofogiese Fakulteit (Afd 8) van UP. As een van die eerste vier professore help hy om 'n stewige grondslag te le. Hy was vir 21 jaar (1948-1969) dekaan van die Fakulteit. In 1970 het hy geemeriteer. Hy het nie die akademie as sy enigste roeping beskou nie. Hy het sy kerk, volk en die gemeenskap gedien. Na sy aftrede lewer hy sy belangrikste bydraes tot Bybelvertaling, die NAV (gepubliseer in 1983), en die vertaalwetenskap. Hy het wat sy lewenstaak betref sy belangrikste bydrae as dosent gelewer. As administrateur het hy die Fakulteit help vestig en uitbou. Hy was 'n gebore eksegeet, die Nestor van die Nuwe Testamentiese wetenskap in SA. Hy word beskou as 'n belangrike teoloog, die doyen van die Nuwe Testamentiese navorsing en eksegese in SA. Die tradisie van die N T eksegese wat hy in die beoefening van die teologie gevestig het, kan as sy heel belangrikste bydrae beskou word. Hy word ook as volksteoloog getipeer. As skrywer het Groenewald 'n pioniersrol vervul vanwee sy groot bydrae tot die ontluikende Afrikaanse teologiese literatuur. Hy het die prestasie behaal dat die Stals-prys vir Teologie, die eerste keer in die geskiedenis, aan horn toegeken is. Hy is met vier eredoktorsgrade en verskeie ander belangrike toekennings vereer. As kerk- en kultuurleier het Groenewald se bekwaamhede sterk na vore gekom. Hy het die behoeftes van sy kerk en volk raakgesien en horn beywer om oplossings vir die ingewikkelde vraagstukke te vind. Die NGK, UP, vele instansies en die Staat het gebruik gemaak van sy talente. Apartheid is in die veertigerjare deur hom Bybels fundeer. Sy bedoeling was om teologiese denke te stimuleer in die soeke na 'n oplossing vir die ernstige rassevraagstuk. Hy het apartheid as teologies-praktiese oplossing aangebied. Hy het na 'n eerlike oplossing binne die destydse konteks gesoek wat regverdig teenoor die nieblanke sou wees en van die blanke groot offers sou vra. Die wyse waarop apartheid algaande toegepas is, het meegebring dat daar afgewyk is van wat Groenewald in 1947 beoog het. Dit het in 'n ideologiese monster ontaard wat groot pyn en lyding veroorsaak het. Groenewald was een van 'n klein aantal kerkfigure wat met hul dade in die twintigste eeu van stryd en worsteling die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis verryk het. Sy bydrae is deur hierdie proefskrif slegs ten dele ontgin en verdere fasette van sy werk wag om nagevors te word ten einde uiteindelik 'n omvattende teologiese portret van hom te skilder. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. D. (Church History)

Seventh-Day Adventism and the abuse of women

Finucane, Colin. 06 1900 (has links)
Women have been abused from the beginning of time and it would appear that a patriarchal system has facilitated this abuse. Churches, in general, and Seventh-Day Adventists, in particular, have been silent on the issue of Abuse. It is my thesis that a predominantly confessional Seventh-Day Adventist's view and use of Scripture are foundational to this silence on human rights issues. Adventist eschatology is predominantly apocalyptic in nature, focussing on end-time events, thus, the present is viewed secondary. Human rights issues are marginalised with the focus on evangelism. Thus, relationships are secondary and abused women have not been accommodated within the Seventh-Day Adventist framework of worship and caring. / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

L'enseignement du français dans le Sud de l'Algérie. Du jeu théâtral à la production écrite dans une classe de 2e année de lycée à partir de Caligula d'Albert Camus / Teaching French in the southern Algeria. Of theatrical play to the production written in 2nd year of high school from Caligula of Albert Camus

Oubah, Narimane 10 March 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse envisage la production écrite en classe de français comme une pratique scolaire novatrice lorsqu’elle est accomplie au sein d’un espace-atelier et réalisée par l’entremise du jeu, de la mise en scène et du montage d’un spectacle. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en œuvre une pièce de théâtre, Caligula d’Albert Camus, comme moyen d’enseignement-apprentissage, en l’accompagnant d’une gamme d’outils –dispositif ou unité didactique, vidéo de la pièce, carnet de bord, etc., – favorisant en parallèle une recherche-action sur terrain. Notre travail questionne en outre la possibilité d’une telle expérience menée dans un lieu peu commun, le Sud de l’Algérie, dans l’oasis de Bou-Saâda, et auprès d’un groupe d’apprenants d’une classe de 2e année Langues Étrangères au lycée. Nos objectifs sont de cultiver la compétence écrite chez l’apprenant oasien via l’écriture théâtrale, de lui donner goût à l’apprentissage de la langue et de conférer une certaine dynamique à cet apprentissage en lui permettant de créer et de voir représenté ce qu’il écrit sur le plateau. Au-delà d’une simple acquisition de compétences rédactionnelles, nous avons pu constater des mutations dans les représentations scolaires et sociales de la langue française chez le groupe-apprenant, issu d’une société sudiste conservatrice, chez qui la langue-cible a un statut différent de celui dont elle bénéficie au Nord, ce qui renvoie, par là même, à l’histoire, à la géographie et au plurilinguisme du pays. / Our thesis considers the written production, in a French class, as an innovative school practice when it is accomplished in a workshop space, and realized through the play, staging, and editing of a show. In order to do this, we have implemented a play, Caligula by Albert Camus, as a way of teaching and learning, accompanied by a range of tools - a teaching device or unit, a video of the play, Logbook, etc., - promoting, at the same time, an action research on the ground. Our work also questions the possibility of such an experiment conducted in an unusual place, the South of Algeria, in the oasis of Bou-Saâda, and with a group of learners 2nd Year, Foreign Languages in high school. Our aims are to improve the written skills of the oasis learner through theatrical scripture, to give him a taste to learn the language; and to give a certain dynamic to this learning by allowing him to create and see represented what 'He writes on the set’. Beyond a simple acquisition of editorial skills, we have seen changes in the academic and social representations of the French language in the learner group, from a conservative Southern society, in which the target language has a different status has the respect to the North, evoking the history, geography and multi-linguals of the country.

Podstata a význam klinické pastorační péče v perinatologických centrech (se zaměřením na rodinu) a možnosti následné pastorační péče / The nature and importance of clinical pastoral care in perinatal centres (with an emphasis on family support) and the possibility of subsequent pastoral care

HRACHOVCOVÁ, Hana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the essence and importance of clinical pastoral care in perinatal centers (focusing on the family) and the possibilities of subsequent pastoral care. This problematics opens up brief descriptions of the family and the treatise on the pregnancy and the child. The following is an introduction by field of perinatology and outline of care in the perinatal centers (with a preferential view of the risk department and pathological pregnancy, the obstetrical hall, neonatological JIRP and the puerperology department). The selected are risk and pathological conditions in the perinatology are mentioned , as well as the specific conflicting situations in perinatology . The following outline is problematics at the beginning of an individual human life, which goes into another very controversial question, touching the human right to a (healthy) child and a look at ethical reproduction problems. Furthermore, the work is already focused on the definition of the essence and importance of clinical pastoral care in the perinatal centers and in the area of possibilities of subsequent pastoral care. The chapter on human freedom and its responsibility for decisions is closed by the topic.

Marie : une lecture comparée de "Redemptoris Mater" (Jean-Paul II) et du "Commentaire du Magnificat" (Luther) à la lumière des dialogues œcuméniques / Mary : a comparative study of "Redemptoris Mater" (John-Paul Il) and the "Commentary on the Magnificat" (Luther) in the light of ecumenical dialogues

Graber, Anne-Cathy 19 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de vérifier, à partir du thème Marie (souvent compris comme un des obstacles au rapprochement des Églises), la cohérence du mouvement œcuménique contemporain et la consonance des résultats de ces dialogues avec les enseignements officiels des Églises. Le point de départ de la réflexion est une lecture comparée de Redemptoris Mater de Jean-Paul II et du Commentaire du Magnificat de Luther. Cette comparaison est vérifiée ensuite par des dialogues œcuméniques (luthéro-catholiques, mais aussi pentecôtistes-baptistes, catholiques…) dans une perspective d'interpellations réciproques à propos de la compréhension de Marie dans le mystère de l'Église et du salut. La théologie mariale s’avère être un lieu de vérification œcuménique fécond : elle met en exergue les consensus et clarifie les questions encore ouvertes de la recherche œcuménique, en particulier celle de l’instrumentalité de l’Église. / The role of Mary is often understood as an obstacle to reconciliation between Churches. Using this theme, the dissertation has as its objective the verification of the coherence of the contemporary ecumenical movement aswell as to how the results of the various dialogues correspond to the official teaching of the Churches. The starting point is a comparative study of John-Paul II’s Redemptoris Mater and Luther’s Commentary on theMagnificat. This comparison is then examined in the light of results from various ecumenical dialogues (between Lutherans and Catholics as well as Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Catholics…). Out of the dialogues come reciprocal questions concerning how Mary is understood in the mystery of the Church and of salvation. Marian theology shows itself to be a very fertile method of ecumenical verification, revealing both new consensuses and clarifying issues that remain open for ecumenical research, especially in relation to the instrumentality of the Church.

Tomáš z Irska: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, komentář a překlad / Thomas of Ireland: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, commentary and translation

Tříska, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the master thesis Thomas of Ireland: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, commentary and translation is to study the treatise De tribus sensibus sacrae scipturae. This hitherto unpublished text is part of a trilogy which also includes the treatises De tribus punctis christianae religionis and De tribus hierarchiis all written by Thomas of Ireland, an author active at the University of Paris around 1300. The latter is known chiefly for his collection of authorities called Manipulus florum, which was one of the biggest bestsellers of the time. The De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae contains a theoretical section which briefly exposes the principles and rules of the literal and mystical exegesis of the Bible. But most of the treatise consists of an exemplary exegesis of verse Wisdom 9, 1 with long excursuses on subjects such as astronomy or translatio studii. The present work includes the critical edition of the treatise from the five known manuscripts with the ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16397 as the base manuscript. The edition of the text is accompanied by a study of the manuscript tradition and a description of the manuscripts which the author has been able to access. In addition, the text is set in the context of the works of Thomas of...

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