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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas sexuais na adolescência / Sexual practices in adolescence

Arruda, Emanoela Priscila Toledo 10 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A adolescência é caracterizada por marcantes mudanças biológicas e psíquicas. Nesta fase, o aumento da produção dos androgênios resulta na ativação do comportamento sexual o que pode contribuir para uma iniciação sexual precoce. Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar a idade média da primeira relação sexual dos adolescentes matriculados em escolas estaduais do município de Ribeirão Preto/SP, bem como verificar o número médio de parceiros dos alunos e a frequência do uso de métodos anticoncepcionais e uso de preservativos nesta população. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal para o qual foram incluídos os adolescentes do ensino médio. As informações sobre idade da primeira relação sexual, o número de parceiros dos alunos, uso de métodos anticoncepcionais e uso de preservativos foram obtidas por meio de um questionário semiestruturado. As variáveis quantitativas foram expressas em média e desvio padrão e as qualitativas em frequências absolutas e relativas. O teste qui-quadrado para variáveis qualitativas e o teste t-student para variáveis contínuas foram empregados para comparar as médias de idade e idade da primeira relação sexual de acordo com o gênero dos alunos. Todas as análises estatísticas foram realizadas com o auxílio do programa SAS, versão 9.4. Resultados: Foram avaliados 202 alunos que responderam ao questionário, sendo 69 (34.16 %) homens e 133 (65,84%) mulheres. A idade da sexarca para homens variou de 7 a 18 anos e para mulheres de 7 a 17 anos, onde 48 (36.01%) das meninas e 21 (30,43%) dos meninos cursavam o primeiro ano do ensino médio, 63,37% dos adolescentes revelaram já ter tido relação sexual que 56,25 % usaram preservativo na primeira relação sexual, mas 36,72% disseram que fazem sexo seguro na maioria das vezes e 83,59% confirmaram que tiveram a primeira relação sexual por estarem \"a fim\". Conclusão: Mais da metade dos estudantes de escolas pública tiveram iniciação sexual precoce, na qual, a maioria não usou preservativo nem um método anticoncepcional efetivo; gostariam de receber informações sobre a temática através dos pais e professores e as principais motivações para iniciação sexual foram estarem a fim e experimentação / Introduction: Adolescence is characterized by significant biological and psychic changes. At this stage, increased production of androgens results in the activation of sexual behavior which may contribute to early sexual initiation. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to verify the average age of the first sexual intercourse of adolescents enrolled in state schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto / SP, and to verify the average number of students\' partners and the frequency of contraceptive use and condom use in this school. population. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study to which high school adolescents were included. Information on the age of first sexual intercourse, the number of partners of the students, use of contraceptive methods and use of condoms were obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean and standard deviation and qualitative variables were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. The chi-square test for qualitative variables and the t-student test for continuous variables were used to compare the means of age and age of the first sexual relation according to the gender of the students. All statistical analyzes were developed with the help of the SAS program, version 9.4. Results: We evaluated 202 students who answered the questionnaire, being 69 (36.36%) men and 133 (63.64%) women. The sex age for men ranged from 7 to 18 years and for women aged 7 to 17 years, with 48 (36.01%) of the girls and 21 (30.43%) of the boys attended the first year of high school, 66,94% of adolescents reported sexual intercourse with 56.25% used a condom at the first sexual intercourse, but 36.72% said they had safe sex most part of the time and 83.59% confirmed that they had their first sexual intercourse happened because they \"have a crush on\". Conclusion: More than half of public school students had early sexual initiation, in which most did not use condom or effective contraceptive method; would like to receive information on the subject through parents and teachers and the main motivations for sexual initiation were personal choice and curiosity

Rompendo a mordaça: representações de professores e professoras do ensino médio sobre homossexualidade / Breaking the silence: representations of high school teachers on homosexuality

Silva Junior, Jonas Alves da 16 December 2010 (has links)
A complexidade da sexualidade humana, bem como a admissão da existência de uma diversidade sexual foram (e ainda são) rechaçadas na escola, ocasionando não raro a discriminação e a exclusão de alunos/as que não se enquadram nos padrões heterossexistas prestigiados socialmente. Por essa razão, nesta pesquisa, investigam-se as representações que professores/as do Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas paulistanas têm sobre homossexualidade e diversidade sexual no cotidiano escolar, buscando-se um maior aprofundamento teórico e interpretativo. Para chegar ao objetivo proposto, a pesquisa de campo foi realizada com base em um questionário semiestruturado, com questões abertas e fechadas. Como referencial teórico, utilizaram-se autores da área dos Estudos Culturais (teoria queer) e dos teóricos da Representação Social. Os dados quantitativos da pesquisa foram apresentados em forma de gráfico comparativo (entre as duas escolas), e os dados qualitativos foram divididos em três blocos de interpretação (representações, formação de professores e diversidade sexual na escola) e analisados em três categorias de análise, com base nas falas dos/as professores/as: 1) representações da homossexualidade sob viés de preconceito evidente; 2) representações da homossexualidade sob viés de preconceito latente; 3) representações da homossexualidade na perspectiva democrática e inclusiva. Os resultados obtidos são de grande relevância para a Educação Sexual, bem como para a cultura do respeito à diversidade, pois permitem detectar as diferentes formas com que o preconceito a cidadãos não heterossexuais instalam-se na escola. Além disso, os resultados evidenciam que a conexão entre discriminação e homossexualidade funda-se em uma questão cultural, enraizada em dogmas, crenças e representações construídas socialmente para conservar a hegemonia da heterossexualidade e, por conseguinte, subalternizar e inferiorizar as orientações sexuais consideradas não-padrão. / The complexity of human sexuality, as well as the admission of the existence of sexual diversity were (and still are) rejected by the school, often leading to discrimination and exclusion of students that do not fit in socially prestigious heterosexist standards. Therefore, in this research are investigated the representations that teachers of two public paulistana\'s high schools have about homosexuality and sexual diversity in school life, seeking a deeper theoretical and interpretive approach. To reach the objective, the field research was conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. The theoretical authors used were from Cultural Studies field (queer theory) and the theory of Social Representation. Quantitative data from the survey were presented in a comparative graph form (between the two schools), and qualitative data were divided into three blocks of interpretation (representation, teachers formation and sexual diversity in school) and analyzed in three categories of analysis, based on the speech of the teacher: 1) representations of homosexuality under the bias of evident prejudice, 2) representations of homosexuality under latent prejudice bias, 3) representations of homosexuality in a democratic and inclusive perspective. The results are of great relevance to sexual education and to the culture of respect for diversity, it can detect the different ways that prejudice against non-heterosexual citizens is established in school. Furthermore, the results show that the connection between discrimination and homosexuality is based on a cultural issue, rooted in dogmas, beliefs and representations socially constructed to preserve the hegemony of heterosexuality and consequently to undervalue and to degrade sexual orientations considered nonstandard.

Sexual Consent in Emerging Adulthood: Implications for sex education and families

Dorman, Katherine M, Barnett, Rosemary V, Fogarty, Kate, Ostebo, Marit, Forthun, Larry 09 March 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs and behaviors of Emerging Adults relating to sexual consent, and how these ideas relate to an individual’s well-being. Specifically, this study used a survey that combined multiple questionnaires that were developed by the research team as well as an existing measure of consent: Sexual Consent Scale- Revised (Humphreys, T., & Brousseau, M. 2010). These questionnaires were used to answer the two questions that are the focus of this presentation and are of importance to schools, parents and family life educators: “How does an individual’s sexual behavior, beliefs or attitudes relate to individual wellbeing?” and “How does an individual’s sexual behavior relate to sexual consent?" This study was a preliminary look into sexual consent in emerging adulthood with a focus on wellbeing. The study included a total of 74 females (77.1%) and 21 males (21.9%); One (1%) participant identified as Other. The range of ages was 18-28, with a mean age of 20.14 years (SD 2.091). A total of 37 different majors were included (Undergraduate and Graduate). Most students indicated they were single (n=51, 56.6%) and 39 individuals indicated they were in a relationship (n=39, 43.3%). The two most important findings for this presentation are: There is an “Idealized” idea of sexual consent, disconnected from behavior, highlighted by the cognitive dissonance shown in responses to two items— 93% of individuals strongly agreed to the item: “I feel that sexual consent should always be obtained before the start of any sexual activity,” yet only 11% strongly agreed to the statement “I always verbally ask for consent before I initiate a sexual encounter” and the second important finding relates to the hypothesis— “As lack of perceived behavioral control increases, scores of assuming consent will also increase”. The data showed there is a significant, strong, positive relationship between behavioral control and assuming consent (r=.570, p=.000), indicating an important connection. This research is especially important in the current political/cultural climate—promoting sexual knowledge is becoming increasingly imperative for the overall wellbeing of individuals. The baseball model of getting to “bases” and “scoring” dominates US culture and may lead to ideas of competition versus ideas of mutual pleasure and enthusiastic consent. Educating families as well as youth is an important step to changing culture. Social Learning Theory provides a unique perspective in that both behavioral skills/practice and cognition need to be addressed in sex education in order to reinforce positive sexual consent behaviors. There is evidence that the time period from adolescence into emerging adulthood shows an increase in sexual risk taking, and the theory of Emerging Adulthood marks this time period as one of transitions and exploration (Arnett 2000, 2007). Educating youth before this time period may be key to promoting healthy behaviors. This study is an initial investigation into a complex topic that can be used to facilitate a discussion on sexual consent as well as the current implications for families and parents that need to educate their children about these topics.

Theism, Sexual Politics, and Sex Education in Public Schools: The Case of the American States

Baker, Joseph O., Kelli, Smith 08 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Truth or Consequence?: Navigating Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health Resources for Sexual Minority Women

Chavez, Isabel 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the United States and abroad, the LGBTQ+ population has both historically and currently, suffered from a higher likelihood of poorer health outcomes than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts due to stigma and discrimination (Alencar Albuquerque et al., 2016). While these health disparities have been well studied for the United States LGBTQ+ community as a whole, there is less understanding of what subgroups within this population may be disproportionately more susceptible to poorer health outcomes and risky behaviors, as well as, less understanding for the reasons behind such health outcomes and behaviors. One such subgroup is that of sexual minority women (SMW), or women who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to other women or who identify outside of heterosexual norms (Youatt, Harris, Harper, Janz, & Bauermeister, 2017). Preliminary studies have found that SMW are less likely than their sexual minority male and heterosexual female peers to have regular access to healthcare providers and are more likely to have negative experiences in healthcare settings, specifically in regards to sexual and reproductive healthcare (Riskind, Tornello, Younger, & Patterson, 2014). For these reasons, coupled with discrimination and risky sexual and health behaviors, SMW are a vulnerable population in need of social, political, and medical attention. This thesis aims to understand the causes and barriers SMW face when accessing sexual and reproductive health resources, as well as, provide direction for navigating such barriers on a multifactorial level. This research analyzes how hegemonic heteronormativity and sexism take root in (a) economic and political barriers in obtaining health insurance and health knowledge for SMW, (b) SMW patient ignorance of health risks and needs, (c) minimal to no medical provider training and understanding for SMW health risks, behaviors, and needs. Each barrier is addressed holistically; a novel approach necessary for the initial alleviation of such barriers to sexual and reproductive care and knowledge for SMW.

Kinesiska universitetsstudenters uppfattningar om sexualundervisning för ungdomar i Kina

Ahl, Therese January 2010 (has links)
Sexualitet och reproduktion utgör två centrala delar i människors liv och är integrerade i vår personlighet. Det är därför viktigt att från tidig ålder skapa en god grund för sexuell hälsa och välbefinnande. Att se ungdomar som handlingskraftiga aktörer och göra dessa delaktiga i diskussioner i en öppen dialog bidrar till ökade möjligheter för skapande och vidmakthållande av en hälsosam livsstil. Skolan utgör därför en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande och preventivt arbete då de flesta ungdomar kan nås där. I Kina infördes en obligatorisk nioårig skolgång för Kinas samtliga ungdomar år 1986 och år 2002 infördes även obligatorisk skolbaserad sexualundervisning.   Studien syftade till att undersöka hur kinesiska universitetsstudenters upplever sexualundervisning för ungdomar (10-19 år) i Kina samt behov av förändringar och pågående utvecklingstendenser. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tre kinesiska universitetsstudenter och kontakt togs med en nyckelperson i Kina vilken översatte material enbart till denna studie.   Resultatet visade på att den skolbaserade sexualundervisningens utformning varierade inom Kina samt att dess implementering och utformning behöver stöttas mer.  Vidare framkom utvecklingsbehov av delaktighet och inflytande i sexualundervisningen. Även arbete för förbättrad kommunikation mellan lärare och elever behövs och ett salutogent synsätt behöver utvecklas.   Genom samarbete med andra länder, exempelvis med Sverige, kan dagens öppensinnade förändringsprocess ytterligare nyanseras. / Sexuality and reproduction are two central parts of human life and they are integrated into our personalities. It is therefore important to create a good foundation for sexual health and wellbeing from an early age. To see adolescents as “ready to act-individuals” and to make them more involved in open dialog discussions contributes to extended possibilities for creating and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. The school is therefore considered as an important arena for health promoting and preventive actions where most adolescents can be reached. An obligated nine years school based education was implemented in China 1986, and school based Sex education became obligated in 2002.   The study aimed to examine Chinese university student’s perceptions of Sexeducation for adolescents (10-19 years) in China and needs for changes and ongoing tendencies of development. Qualitative studies were conducted with three Chinese university students and contact was taken with a key person in China whom translated material for this study alone.   The result showed various constructions of school based Sexeducation in China and that its implementation and construction needs more support. It also showed a need for the development of influence and participation in the school based Sexeducation. A need for creating an improved communication between teachers and students was also expressed and a more salutogenic approach needs to be developed.   Through collaboration with other countries, for example Sweden, can today’s open-minded process of change benefit even more.

Skolhälsovårdens hälsofrämjande åtgärder för att förhindra sexuellt riskbeteende hos ungdomar / Health promotion methods in school health services to avoid sexual risk behavior among adolescents

Lindén Magnusson, Ann-Catrin January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige har förekomsten av klamydia ökat hos ungdomarna sedan 1997 och fortsatt stiga under 2000-talet. Den sexuella aktiviteten har förändrats till att ha fler tillfälliga partners och att skydda sig med kondom är inte alltid så självklart för de unga. Det kognitiva- och socioemotionella ssteme i hjärnan är inte färdigutvecklat hos tonåringarna vilket kan leda till spontana beslut och riskfyllt beteende. Syftet för denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva skolhälsovårdens hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder för att påverka ungdomars sexuella risktagande. Event History Calendars, en metod för det individuella hälsosamtalet visade efter en månads postintervention en minskning av det sexuella riskbeteendet. Undervisning på gruppnivå är effektivt för att påverka ungdomars sexuella riskbeteende och för att höja åldern för den sexuella debuten. Men för yngre sexuellt aktiva tonåringar har dessa undervisningsmetoder ingen effekt. Metoder som stärker kommunikationen mellan de yngre tonåringarna och deras föräldrar har en skyddande effekt för utvecklingen av riskbeteenden. Familjeinterventionerna behöver undersökas närmare under svenska förhållanden. Metoder användbara i hälsosamtalen i skolhälsovården behöver också utvecklas i de svenska skolorna. Detta för att upptäcka de barn och ungdomar med behov av stöd. / The incidence of chlamydia in Swedish adolescents has increased in recent years. Sexual activity habits have changed and today´s teens have more partners and more casual contacts. Using condoms for protecting is not not always an obvious choice for the young. The cognitive ans socio-emotionell functions of the brain are not fully developed in young teens, and poor decision-making can and does lead to impulsive and risky beahaviors. The aim for this study of literature was to describe schhol health promotion nursing interventions to influence young peoples sexual risk-taking. Event History Calendars, a method used in individual health interviews, showed a reducation of risk behaviors after one month of post intervention. Teaching in groups is another effective method for influencing teens to reduce their risky behaviors and also leads to the additional positive outcome of raising the ages of sexual debut. Unfortunately these teaching methods have no positive effect on younger sexually active teens. A more productive methods for very young teens is to steengthen the communication between them and their parents. We need to examine closer the role of family interventions in Swedish schools as well as develope the methods shown to bee effective in health interviews in order to identify and assist children and young youth need of support.

Undervisning i sex och samlevnad på högstadiet : Har lärarens arbetserfarenhet någon betydelse? / Sex education in high school : importance of teacher working experience

Eriksson, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Idag ska ungdomarna i högstadieskolan både hitta sig själva som individer och en sexualitet de känner sig trygga med, i ett samhälle där många och ofta motsägelsefulla bilder om sexualitet flödar. I dagens skola finns begrepp som kan kopplas till sex och samlevnad inskrivna i flera ämnes- och kursplaner och dessa ska finnas med under hela grundskolan. Flera studier visar att många elever upplever att sex och samlevnadsundervisningen är dålig, trots att skolan har en viktig roll som informatör. Syftet med min studie var att se om det finns några skillnader mellan lärare som arbetat olika länge som lärare med avseende på hur de upplever sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen. Frågeställningarna i studien var hur sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen planeras och genomförs, när den sker och hur styrdokumenten tolkas som är kopplade till skolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning? Fyra kvinnliga pedagoger som är utbildade och undervisar i biologi har intervjuats. Två av dem har arbetat i mindre än tre år och två har arbetat i mer än fem år. Resultatet visar att det inte finns någon erfarenhetsbaserad skillnad på hur pedagogerna planerar undervisningen, innehållet i undervisningen eller när det kommer till tolkningar av läroplanen. När det gäller läroplanen finns istället en individbaserad skillnad där den pedagog som arbetat längst, har störst insikt i vad som står i läroplanen. Den största skillnaden mellan grupperna i studien visas när det kommer till pedagogernas egen utbildning i sex och samlevnad samt pedagogernas upplevelser av att utvecklaa. De pedagoger som arbetat kortast tid upplever att de fått väldigt lite utbildning inom området tillskillnad från de mer erfarna pedagogerna som upplever att de fått mer utbildning inom området. Samtidigt vill de mer erfarna pedagogerna utveckla sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen genom bättre materiel medan de mindre erfarna vill utveckla den genom att området bör synas mer under lärarutbildningen. / Today´s young people in upper elementary school today are supposed to both find themselves as individuals and find a sexuality they feel safe with, in a society where there are many and often contradictory images of sexuality. In today's school there are concepts linked to sex and relationships which are found in the curricula of several subjects and which should be discussed throughout elementary school. Several studies show that many students feel that sex education is poor, despite the fact that the school has an important role in communicating knowledge. The purpose of my study was to see if there are any differences between teachers with different levels of working experience with respect to how they experience teaching sex education. . The research questions in my study were how teaching of sex education is planned and implemented, when this teaching occurs and how the school´s policy documents related to sex education are interpreted? Four female teachers who are certified teachers and who teach biology, were interviewed. Two of them had worked less than three years as teachers and two had been working more than five years. The results show that there was no difference in how teachers plan teaching, teaching content and when it comes to interpretations of the curriculum related to the teachers´ working experience. In terms of curriculum, however, one individual-based distinction was detected, i.e. the teacher with the longest working experience as a teacher had the greatest knowledge of what is in the curriculum. The main difference between the two groups with different amounts of work experience had to do with the teachers 'own education in sex education and they felt about their own experiences in developing teaching. The educators who worked the shortest time felt that they had very little education in the field as opposed to the more experienced teachers who felt that they had more education in the area. At the same time, the more experienced teachers wanted to develop sex education through the use of better teachers’ materials while the less experienced teachers thought they needed a better education at the university.

Ett bidrag till heterosexualitetens historia : kön, sexualitet och njutningsnormer i sexhandböcker 1800-1920 /

Laskar, Pia, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2005.

Teachers' attitude towards sex and aids education in public high schools in Bangkok /

Sato, Mari, Som-arch Wongkhomthong, January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.P.H.M. (Primary Health Care Management))--Mahidol University, 1999.

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